January 2015 Bulletin - Master Builders Association Malaysia
January 2015 Bulletin - Master Builders Association Malaysia
CONTENT Dialogue Between MBAM and Persatuan Ampunya Jentera Pembinaan Berat Malaysia (PAJPBM) PAGE BULLETIN JANUARY 2015 2 We have just entered the new year nevertheless MBAM has no plans on slowing down with our activities and events. January have proven to be yet another busy month for the Association filled with meetings, seminar, study visit and dialogues with various parties from the industry. In February, MBAM will be welcoming a number of international guests from the ASEAN Constructors Federation (ACF) and International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors' Associations (IFAWPCA) in conjunction with the 39�� ACF Council Meeting and 38�� IFAWPCA Mid Term Executive Board meeting to be hosted by MBAM at J.W. Marriot, Kuala Lumpur. 2-3 MBAM Fellowship No. 1/2015 Sponsored by Sudut Swasta and Ply Tec’s Group of Companies 3 Meeting with the Representatives from the City & Guilds 3-4 Study Visit to PPCSB’s Arcadia Project at Desapark City, Kepong On “5-S” Practice 4 6 Sessions of Practical Construction Contract Administration / Management 5 MBAM join CIDB in the Corporate Social Responsibility Work in Kampung Aur Gading 5-6 GST Implications on Procurement Matters in Construction Industry Other Key Events Attended by MBAM Representatives in January 2015 NO. 01/15 1-2 Courtesy Visit to See Datuk Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, Secretary- General, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia Building Industry Presidents’ Council (BIPC) Meeting 31ST JANUARY 2015 FOR MEMBERS ONLY 6 7-8 MBAM Site Safety Supervisor (SSS) Course Training Calendar 2015 8 Published by : MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA PERSATUAN KONTRAKTOR BINAAN MALAYSIA No. 2, Jln 2/109E, Desa Business Park 58100 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Tel : 03 - 7984 8636 Fax : 03 - 7982 6811 E-mail : ed@mbam.org.my On another note, MBAM have been actively collecting donation from our members as a part of our corporate social responsibility to help the East Coast states that were severely hit by the flood. Hundred thousands of victims were evacuated from their home in the majorly hit states such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Perak and Pahang. MBAM as a caring NGO immediately took the initiatives to help the flood victims by setting up the MBAM Flood Relief Donation Drive. Representing the construction fraternity of Malaysia, MBAM has managed to gather an overwhelming amount of money due to the support from more than 40 companies and individuals. We have collected an astounding amount of RM124, 400.00 in terms of contribution and pledges. A sum of RM20, 000.00 have been handed over to the Majlis Keselamatan Negara as a contribution. While the remaining sum will be divided accordingly to the needy schools that MBAM has identified. In this opportunity, we would like to express our appreciation to all the donors for your generosity in supporting the MBAM Flood Relief Donation Drive. Your assistance means so much to MBAM but even more to the flood victims of the East Coast states of Malaysia. MBAM shall keep you updated from time to time on the donation status. MBAM would like to once again record our appreciation to all of you who have donated to our cause. May your good deeds be returned accordingly! DIALOGUE BETWEEN MBAM AND PERSATUAN AMPUNYA JENTERA PEMBINAAN BERAT MALAYSIA (PAJPBM) The dialogue between MBAM and PAJPBM was held on 6th January 2015 at MBAM Conference room. MBAM was represented by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee, MBAM Machinery Resources Chairman, Mr Mohd Razin Ghazali, MBAM Executive Director, Ms Loh Mei Ling, MBAM Senior Manager, Mr Lenny Lim and MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong. During the discussion While Persatuan Ampunya Jentera Pembinaan Berat Malaysia (Malaysia Heavy Construction Equipment Owners Association) were represented by: 1) Mr Verdon Tan - General Secretary (Director of Asia Ton Machineries Sdn Bhd) 2) Mr Lam Kok Wai - Committee and Commercial Affair Officer (Director of Power Ram Sdn Bhd) 3) Mr Too Hing Yeap - PAJPBM Liaison Officer. MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 1 Issues discussed include: n High import duties of heavy construction machineries n Issues faced by Malaysia Heavy Construction Equipment Owners Association n Training of Machinery Operators n Impact of Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act and Good and Services Tax (GST) n Opportunities for potential collaboration between both organisations n Competition Act 2010 As a token of appreciation MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee MBAM President presenting a token of appreciation to the representative of PAJPBM gave our MBAM 60th Anniversary Coffee Table Book to Malaysia Heavy Construction Equipment Owners Association and we hope they will consider joining MBAM as an Affiliate Member so that we can have a stronger voice in the industry. COURTESY VISIT TO SEE DATUK DR REBECCA FATIMA STA MARIA, SECRETARYGENERAL, MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY, MALAYSIA MBAM paid a courtesy visit to see the Secretary-General of Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia, Datuk Dr Rebecca Sta Maria at MITI Office in Jalan Duta on 12th January 2015. The MBAM delegation led by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee, included MBAM Vice President, Tan Sri AK Nathan, MBAM Council Member and Chairman of MBAM Machinery Resources Committee, Mr Mohd Razin Ghazali, MBAM Executive Director, Ms Loh Mei Ling and MBAM Senior Manager, Mr Lenny Lim. The purpose of the meeting was to follow up on the appeal for the reduction of high import duties for heavy construction During the discussion with YBhg Datuk Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria machineries. The meeting was informed that MITI is waiting for the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Malaysia to approve the application for the reduction and will update MBAM in 2 weeks on the status of approval from MOF. In fact, MITI advised the industry to consider using the Free Trade Agreement on exemption of import duties when seeking lower import duties for heavy construction machineries. The meeting agreed to revisit the reduction of import duties for heavy construction machineries before going for the exemption order strategy as it requires more compliance from importers. MBAM Representatives at the discussion BUILDING INDUSTRY PRESIDENTS’ COUNCIL (BIPC) MEETING MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee and MBAM Executive Director, Ms Loh Mei Ling attended the 34th Building Industry Presidents’ Council Meeting held on 15th January 2015 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) hosted by Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia. Some of the issues discussed were as follows:(i) Building Information Modelling (BIM) – some companies have started to insist for submission using BIM. (ii) Issue on shortage of labour and 6P issue – permits have been extended for one year. (iii) GST - Appeal for GST for BIPC members to be considered zero rated instead of exempted. BIPC Members Group Picture MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 2 (iv) Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP) II – CIDB has identified 18 initiatives – 8 main initiatives; 6 supporting initiatives and 4 quick initiatives. (v) Mutual recognition of CPD training programmes. (vi) DBKL issues – proposed a courtesy visit to DBKL (vii) Amendments to the Board of Engineers, Board of Architects and Board of Quantity Surveyors Act – BEM conducting competency exams for those who wish to start consultancy firms. (viii) QLASSIC may be made mandatory. To request CIDB to allow for reinspection second time of the marks obtained is below 50 marks. MBAM FELLOWSHIP NO. 1/2015 SPONSORED BY SUDUT SWASTA AND PLY TEC’S GROUP OF COMPANIES MBAM has successfully organized the Fellowship gathering No. 1/2015 sponsored by Sudut Swasta and Ply Tec’s Group of Companies on 15th January 2015 at the Penthouse Sports Café, Subang. The Fellowship started with a brief introduction on the products that the sponsored company produced. More than 153 people attended the event from various members and non-members companies. Among the Council Members that attended the fellowship were MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee, MBAM Deputy Secretary General 1, Mr Oliver Wee, MBAM Deputy Secretary General 2, Mr Ong Ka Thiam, MBAM Vice President, Mr Thomas Samuel, MBAM Honorary Advisor, Dato’ Ng Kee Leen and I. The crowd during the fellowship Mr Matthew Tee presenting a token of appreciation to the sponsor MBAM Council Members with the representatives from Sudut Swasta and Ply Tec’s Group of Companies MEETING WITH THE REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE CITY & GUILDS A meeting with the representatives from the City & Guilds was held on 16th January 2015 at MBAM Conference Room. City & Guilds is an international organisation that develops programmes of training, learning technology, certification and assessment to support colleges, training providers and government agencies in over 80 countries. The organisation has over 130 years of experience in designing qualifications and providing learners with real-life, practical skills needed to succeed in the modern workplace. It works closely with providers and employers to set the industry standard, developing internationally recognised qualifications and course Discussion in session solutions. City & Guilds’ qualifications are widely accepted by employers around the world as the benchmark for excellence and help to create a mobile and flexible workforce suitably qualified to succeed. The purpose of the meeting was to explore on how MBAM industry based practical training such as Site Safety Supervisor (SSS) training, Trade Foremen training and Construction Project Management training can be accredited as worldwide recognised training programme to benefit the participants of MBAM training programmes in driving for further skills and career development as well MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 3 as workplace excellence. The meeting also served as part of MBAM’s continuous effort in further developing the human resources quality and productivity of the construction industry. MBAM was represented by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee, MBAM Deputy President, Mr Foo Chek Lee, MBAM Deputy Secretary-General 1, Mr Oliver Wee, MBAM Executive Director,Ms Loh Mei Ling, MBAM S&H Committee members, En Mohd Yusof Kasiron, Maj Kamarulzaman Musa, Mr Michael Yap, Mr Vargis Joseph and I. The representatives from the City & Guilds at the discussion STUDY VISIT TO PPCSB’S ARCADIA PROJECT AT DESAPARK CITY, KEPONG ON “5�S” PRACTICE The participants during the site tour On 21st January 2015, MBAM Environment and Green Technology Committee organized a study visit to Putra Perdana Construction Sdn Bhd (PPCSB). The study visit was originally planned only for 30 participants but instead we received an overwhelming response of 65 participants registered for the visit. At the site visit, Mr Yong Nan Sing, Senior QA Manager, Putra Perdana Construction Sdn Bhd started off with the presentation on 5S- the Japanese acronym known as – Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke. The 5S was put into practice through color coding of safety helmets, vest to indicate the section and level of management grid line are written on the hoarding to inform the section you are in. Furthermore, all cables are hung overhead to avoid tripping. In addition, materials storage areas clearly state type and kind of materials, date of receipt, practice of first in first out. Next, Professor Sam K.M Ho, the SIRIM consultant briefed the participants on the forthcoming training module jointly developed by CIDB, International 5-S Organization and SIRIM. The SIRIM Green 5S Management Model, a combination of Green 5S and Lean 5S is planned for launching by February 2015. The objectives of the module are as follows:u Productivity to improve safety health, productivity and image. u Sustainability to improve quality. u Cost. u Environment and delivery. u Internationalization to improve the best practice from the world. u Quality and professionalization to act as a role model for best practices in construction. u Benchmarking to disseminate of the experiences to others. Mr Lau Yew Mun presenting a token of appreciation to Mr Teh Kian Huat, Chief Operating Officer, Putra Perdana Construction Sdn Bhd Group photo of the participants MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 4 6 SESSIONS OF PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION / MANAGEMENT Session 1/6 sessions of Practical Construction Contract Administration/Management was held on 21st January 2015 at MBAM Training Centre. MBAM Contracts and Practices Committee Chairman, Mr Oliver Wee gave the welcome address. Sr. HT Ong, Director of BK Entrusty was the speaker for the programme. The programme is a collaboration between MBAM and BK Entrustry Asia Pacific in view of the needs for Sr HT Ong giving his insights players and personnel in the on the topic at hand construction industry directly or indirectly to continuously acquire relevant knowledge and experience. This training programme is designed by combining technical knowledge with practical experience and skills through a lecture cum work related discussion approach or action learning approach. There are altogether six (6) comprehensive sessions in this programme, covering the whole spectrum of construction contract administration and management, including Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 (CIPAA) and its implementation. Each session is stand-alone and based on a specific area(s) of construction contract and/or its administration/management which relate to Malaysian standard forms of contract such as PAM, IEM, JKR and CIDB. Each session comprises of seminar and group discussion with work related ad/or practical examples. The first programme attracted 44 participants and was very interesting as it covered the following topics: Instructions and Variations l Instruction l Verbal Instruction VS Written Instruction l The need for variations l Definition of variation under construction contracts l Contract provisions to vary contract works l Scope of variations l Valuation of variations l Variation claims payment l Loss and expense arising from variations l Group Discussion/ Q&A Payment Claims, Valuations, Certifications, Final Account and CIPAA l Interim claims, valuation and certification procedures l Employer’s obligation to pay l Fluctuations l Retention money l Final account preparation and settlement l Effect of interim and final certificates l Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act (CIPAA) 2012 MBAM Deputy Secretary General 1, Mr Oliver Wee at the seminar MBAM JOIN CIDB IN THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY WORK IN KAMPUNG AUR GADING On 25th January 2015, MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong and MBAM Assistant Manager, Mr Mohd Farhan joined the CIDB Industrial Build Brigade in which MBAM is a committee member headed by Dato’ Ir Rohaizi Mohd Jusoh together with other NGOs. They visited Kampung Aur Gading, Kuala Lipis to assess the damages caused by the recent flood and to render humanitarian assistance. There were approximately 20 people from various associations such as PAM, ACEM, MySet and others joined the visit. The CIDB Steering Committee on Home Improvement For Flood Victims at Kuala Lipis District Office MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 5 One of the house that was badly damaged In front of one of the villager house GST IMPLICATIONS ON PROCUREMENT MATTERS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY On 29th January 2015, MBAM organized yet another GST related seminar at the MBAM Training Centre. This one-day seminar was designed to assist participants in understanding GST related issues in procurement matters in to the construction, engineering works and property development sector. The main objectives of the seminar were as follows:- - Help to understand the basic mechanisms of GST. Help the participants to be better prepared for the implementation of the GST to minimize risk. Appreciate the concept on how GST will be implemented. Understand the various schemes available for GST. The main highlights of the course were as follows: - GST Model and Mechanism GST Accounting Treatment and Record Keeping Tax Invoices - Types and Requirements Credit Notes and Debit Notes - Types and Requirements - GST on Construction, Engineering Works & Property Development - Conditions to claim Input Tax Credits on purchases - Blocked Input Tax - Conditions for adjustments for Bad Debts - GST on Specific Issues including Transitional Issues and Impact of GST on existing contracts. S The seminar was attended by 63 participants with Mr Ravi Balakrishnan as the speaker. Mr Ravi is a Fellow Member of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), an associate member of the Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (ATII) and a Chartered Accountant (CA) of The Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). The speaker giving his input on GST MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 6 Other Key Events Attended by MBAM Representatives in January 2015 5th January 2015 Perdana University Launch & Review of the Master of International Trade Programme was attended by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee at MITI, Crystal Room, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. 7th January 2015 CIDB Seminar "Planning for A Better Future Through Sustainable Infrastructure" was attended by MBAM Deputy Secretary General 2, Mr Ong Ka Thiam and MBAM Council Member, Mr Lau Yew Mun at Putrajaya Marriot Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya CIDB Technical Committee Meeting Construction Materials No. 1/2015 was attended by MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong at Hotel Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur. Discussion on Research Collaboration between MBAM & ACCCIM SERC on Labour Issues in Malaysia Construction Industry was attended by Dr. Teh Chee Ghee and MBAM Manager, Ms Lee Siew Mei at 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. 13th January 2015 SIRIM 52nd Technical Committee Meeting on Earthquake was attended by MBAM Deputy Secretary General 2, Mr Ong Ka Thiam at GETD Lecture Room, 2nd Floor, IEM. 14th January 2015 I attended the Bengkel Penetap Tajuk R & D CREAM 2015 at The Royale Chulan, Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur. Ministry of Works: Pre -Council Meeting of Foreign Workers Management For Construction Sector was attended by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee, MBAM Vice President, Ir. Chuan Yeong Ming and MBAM Manager, Ms Lee Siew Mei at Meeting Room Azalea, Level 13, Block B, Ministry of Works, Kuala Lumpur. MALAYSIA SME "A Night of Appreciation" Dinner was attended by MBAM Deputy President, Mr Foo Chek Lee and MBAM Vice President, Tan Sri AK Nathan at Beast Restaurant, The Intermark Kuala Lumpur. 15th January 2015 Meeting of Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Board members was attended by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee at CIDB Board Room, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. Kedah Contractors & Building Material Suppliers Association 43rd Anniversary Dinner was attended by MBAM Vice President, Ir. Chuan Yeong Ming at Chew Loong Restaurant, Alor Setar, Kedah. 20th January 2015 Finance Ministry: Special Message from the Prime Minister on Current Economic Developments and the Country Financial Position was attended by MBAM Senior Manager, Mr Lenny Lim at Hall B1, Putrajaya International Convention Center (PICC), Presint 5, Putrajaya. MBAM BULLETIN CREAM Meeting on Reporting R & D Progress-Research Title“The Sustainable & Affordable House for Middle Income Group in Klang Valley” was attended by MBAM Deputy Secretary General 2, Mr Ong Ka Thiam, MBAM Council Member, Mr Lau Yew Mun, MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong and MBAM Senior Executive Officer, Mr Leon Leong at VIVA HOME Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. CIDB Working Group SOP for Ready Mix Concrete meeting was attended by MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong at CIDB Meeting Room. Standard Malaysia Meeting WG-Anti Bribery Management System Bil 1/2015 was attended by MBAM Senior Manager, Mr Lenny Lim at Standard Meeting Room, Department of Standards Malaysia, Jalan Usahawan, Cyberjaya. 21st January 2015 Briefing Session and Discussion of Promotional Programme 2015, Construction Services and Professional Services was attended by MBAM Deputy Secretary General 2, Mr Ong Ka Thiam at MATRADE. 22nd January 2015 CREAM Dinner Night for Board of Trustee was attended by MBAM Secretary General, Mr Dennis Tan at Hilton Petaling Jaya. 23rd January 2015 CIDB Home Improvement for flood victim Committee meeting was attended by MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong and MBAM Public Relations Executive, Ms Tessa Hamid at Meeting Room Resak, PWTC, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. 26th January 2015 Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) Developing Action Plan for DB2016 and Intergrated IT System for Malaysia was attended by MBAM Senior Manager, Mr Lenny Lim at ICC Room, MPC, Petaling Jaya. CIDB Proposal on Establishment of Centralised Labour Quarters for Construction Foreign Workers meeting was attended by MBAM Council Member, Mr Kenneth Liew, MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong and Ms Lee Siew Mei at Meeting Room Tualan, Level 32, CIDB. 27th January 2015 Nepal Investment Summit 2015 was attended by MBAM Council Member, Mr Goh Ceah Chuang at Hotel Pullman Kuala Lumpur, Bangsar. 28th January 2015 Meeting with Ministry of Works on Foreign Workers Management Issues was attended by MBAM Vice President, Mr Chuan Yeong Ming , MBAM HR Committee Member, Mr Mazlan Haron, MBAM Executive Director, Ms Loh Mei Ling, MBAM Manager, Mr Michael Thong and Ms Lee Siew Mei. 29th January 2015 FIABCI MALAYSIA Members Gathering Dinner was attended by MBAM President, Mr Matthew Tee at Aloft Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. No. 01/15 7 Ministry of Finance –Briefing on Reformation of Stamp Act was attended by MBAM Treasurer General, Mr Eric Lai and MBAM Senior Manager, Mr Lenny Lim at Menara Hasil, Cyberjaya. I attended the Chairman of CIDB with CREAM Board of Trustees Meeting at Board Room, Level 25, CIDB, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. MIGHT Solar PV Roadmap: Meeting with the Building Sector was attended by MBAM Council Member, Mr Kenneth Liew at Board Room, MIGHT Building, Cyberjaya. Yours faithfully, MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA DENNIS TAN MBAM Secretary General MBAM SITE SAFETY SUPERVISOR (SSS) COURSE TRAINING CALENDAR 2015 2015 STATES CLASS JAN KUALA LUMPUR FULL TIME 19 - 26 KUALA LUMPUR WEEKEND PENANG FULL TIME JOHOR WEEKEND 24 Jan - 15 Feb KUANTAN, PAHANG WEEKEND 10 Jan - 1 Feb KOTA KINABALU, SABAH FULL TIME KUCHING, SARAWAK WEEKEND MIRI, SARAWAK FULL TIME BINTULU, SARAWAK FULL TIME Weekend (WE) Classes will be conducted on: Saturday : 8.00 am to 7.00 pm Sunday : 8.00 am to 7.00 pm Please download the Application Form from MBAM website: www.mbam.org.my FEB MAC APR 9 - 16 20 - 27 10 Jan - 8 Feb 7 - 14 4 - 26 28 May 4 Jun 19 - 26 21 - 28 MAY 18 Apr - 17 May 9 - 16 14 Mac - 5 Apr 3 - 10 30 Jan - 6 Feb 8 - 15 Contact Persons: Ms MF. Chai / En Farhan / Ms Ida Fatmawati Tel: 03 - 7984 8636 Fax: 03 - 7982 6811 H/P: 017- 625 3368 E-mail: mbam16@mbam.org.my / mbam14@mbam.org.my / mbam06@mbam.org.my The Chinese New Year 2015 is just around the corner, in this opportunity I would like to wish all our affiliate, members and acquaintances to have an enriching and pleasant Chinese New Year of The Goat. Happy New Year! MBAM BULLETIN No. 01/15 8
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