August 23, 2015 - St. Andrew the Apostle


August 23, 2015 - St. Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle
Sunday, August 23, 2015
● Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: John 6:60 - 69
The Joy of the Gospel: St. Andrew’s Parish Has 8 Seminarians this fall!
Father Vincent M. Rogers
Phone: (816) 453–2089 ext. 3
Father Joshua E. Barlett
Associate Pastor
Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 7
Rebecca Sachen
Phone: (816) 454—7377 ext. 318
Shelley Palmarine
Business Manager
Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 4
Mass Times Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 7:30 am
8:45 am & 6:00 pm
First Saturday
8:00 am
4:30 pm
8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm
8:30 am (School Confessions)
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
9:30 am
First Friday
8:00 am
3:15 pm—4:15 pm
Adoration & Benediction
9:30 am—6:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:45 pm
First Thurs. Overnight Adoration 6:30pm Thurs. — 7am Fri.
For Sacraments, Youth Programs, & Ministries - See pg. 2
Bulletin Submissions & Prayer list
(816) 453—2089, ext. 5
Please submit by Monday at 5pm.
BAPTISM: Desire to have your child bap zed? Registra on info ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Are you seriously ill or having major
& forms can be downloaded at: h p://
bap sm. The forms & one- me class need to be completed
before se ng a bap sm date through the Pastoral Associate
Ka e Overstreet. Bap sm class is usually held on 4th Tuesdays.
surgery soon? Please contact Shelley Palmarine or Ka e Overstreet
in the Parish Office, & a priest will be no fied.
becoming a priest, nun, or religious? Please make an appointFIRST COMMUNION (2nd Gr) & CONFIRMATION (9th Gr): ment with Fr. Rogers to discern your calling & voca on in life.
Please contact Youth Directors Donna Geisinger (2nd Gr) & Carolyn MARRIAGE: Congratula ons on your engagement! Spiritual
Anch (9th Gr) for more info. Classes begin in early September.
prepara on for a lifelong commitment is vital for its frui ulness.
RCIC (Youth Converts): If you are between 3rd - 12th grade &
s ll need to receive Bap sm and/or First Communion, please contact Ka e Overstreet. Classes begin in early September.
RCIA (Adult Converts): If you are an adult who would like to
receive Bap sm, First Communion, and/or Confirma on, please
contact Ka e Overstreet. Classes begin Wed. September 2nd.
Parish Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone
Office……………………….....(816) 453-2089
Hours…………..M thru F 8:30 am—4:30 pm
Facebook….St. Andrew the Apostle Parish & School
Couples need to be registered here as parishioners first before
marriage prep can begin & must contact Fr. Rogers at least 9
months prior to the proposed wedding date. VALIDATIONS: If
you are a Catholic who was married outside the Church, please
contact the priest to have your marriage blessed/validated in
order to receive Holy Communion. ANNULMENTS: Divorced &
desiring remarriage inside the Catholic Church? Please contact
Fr. Rogers or Ka e Overstreet for more info on this process.
Sacramental Preparation
Parish Ministries (Continued)
Baptism Registration, K. Overstreet…..ext. 5
Baptism Class, Ronnie Hall……….701-6104
First Communion, Donna Geisinger..ext. 107
Confirmation, Carolyn Anch……....305-1903
RCIA & RCIC (Adult & Youth Converts)…...ext. 5
Marriage Prep, Fr. Rogers….……….…ext. 3
Parish Staff
Pastor, Fr. Vincent Rogers…………….ext. 3 Parish Council
Fr. Rogers Tammy Liberto Jeff Gorman
Associate Pastor, Fr. Barlett…...……..ext. 7
Kent Pesek Gary Herman
Shelley Palmarine
Business Manager, Shelley Palmarine..ext.4
Pastoral Associate, Katie Overstreet.......ext. 5
Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades K-5)
Donna Geisinger………………………...ext. 107
Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades 6-12)
Carolyn Anch…………………………..305-1903
Edge Youth Director, Julia Winkler...876-0633
Administrative Assistant, Fred Hack..ext. 107
Social Outreach, Geri Townsend…….....ext. 2
Prayer & Worship, Ginny Trischler…453-7377
Music Director, Susan Campagna….454-1489
Morning Star Gift Shop………..550-8310
Open on Thursdays & by appointment
Becky Sachen Grace Hickey
Jeremy Strohmeyer
School Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone
Office………………………..(816) 454-7377
Fax…………………………..(816) 453-6393
School Hours………….8:10 am — 3:20 pm
Preschool Full Day……8:10 am — 3:20 pm
Preschool Half Day….8:10 am — 11:45 am
Extended Care, Before School,7:00am—8:00am
Adult Formation, R. Hernandez…....454-6655
Altar & Rosary Society, Fern Vogel..455-0503
Altar Servers, Fr. Rogers………...….…..ext. 3
Annulment Advocate, K. Overstreet…....ext. 5
Benedictine Brothers (HS boys)…...305-1903
Circle of Friends (Singles), T. Tobin….804-9145
Coming Home Committee, Overstreet....ext. 5
Cookie Ladies, Geri Townsend…….…...ext. 2
Cursillo (Men), Henry Parente……...507-1699
Cursillo (Women), Mary Giordano....215-2677
Endow (Women), Laurie Filley……..377-9655
Funeral Dinners, Rene Daniels…….468-4355
Greeters, Karen Castrianni…...…....455-3305
Homebound Ministry, Sylvia Torres..452-3231
Hospital Ministers, JoAnne England.437-8881
Knights of Columbus, Doug Harr…...792-0697
Lectors & Ushers, Trischlers………..453-7377
Legion of Mary, Rhoda Nicola…......454-8633
After School……………...….3:30 pm — 5:30 pm
Prayer Hotline, Sylvia Torres…….…454-3231
Summer Enrichment Program…………………..
Pro-Life, Edie Ferrara……….…...….468-9292
School Staff
Sacristans, Dan Grelinger……...…..455-6164
Principal, Rebecca Sachen……….ext. 318
School Secretary, LuCinda Buckner..ext. 321
Sanctimonia (HS ladies)………….…305-1903
Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (20-30’s)
Silver Stars, Hester Duisik……..…..454-0225
Fr. Johnson………
Small Faith Groups, Hope Lopez.....453-6599
Parish Ministries
Adoration (Weekly), Tina Gorman....734-4685
Adoration (Monthly Overnight),Overstreet..ext. 5
Serra Club, Janet Carroll…………....807-6702
St. Benedict’s Food Pantry….……...415-2728
That Man Is You! Greg Lebold……..454-0447
Vocations, Sandy Sutton……...…....413-0762
Seminarian News & Parish Updates
St. Andrew’s Parish * 2015-2016 Seminarians
We have been blessed with 8 young men from our parish who are studying for the priesthood this fall!
Front Row, L to R: Marcus Furnari, Pius Nsoh-Awasom, Dylan McNair. Back Row, L to R: Fr. Vince Rogers, Wes McKellar,
Nick Sis , Owen Shields, Charles Mwaura, & Fr. Joshua Barle . (Novice Loren Tran is not pictured.)
Seminary Loca ons: Marcus is a ending Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, CT. Pius, Dylan, Wes, Owen, & Charles are all
a ending St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, NE. Nick Sis is a ending Concep on Seminary in Concep on, MO. Loren
Tran, who is not pictured, is in Dominican forma on in St. Louis, MO.
Novice Loren
Tran, from St.
Andrew’s Parish,
made his first
profession of
vows to the Dominicans’ religious order in
Denver, CO, on Sunday, August 9, 2015. He
has now moved to the Dominican house in St.
Louis, MO, to begin his next stage in forma on.
** Thank you to the most dearest parishioners ever! We have enjoyed our 14
years of being a part of the St. Andrew's
family. As we move to Tennessee, you will
be in our prayers for con nued blessings,
because St. Andrew The Apostle rocks!
Pax Tecum Always, John & Celine Michlitsch
** The en re 2016 year for altar bread dona ons is booked.
Thank you to all the donors who purchased altar bread for
St. Andrew’s Church!
** Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for dona ng
$2,000 towards the parking lot construc on!
RCIA & Parish News
Interested to become Catholic?
You are invited to a end RCIA classes (for adults) or RCIC
classes (for children & older youth) beginning this September!
A warm welcome to
the 33 newest families who have joined
St. Andrew’s Parish
since mid-June:
RCIA Classes
RCIA stands for “Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults,” and it is
a journey of faith for several groups of people:
Jono Casino
Patrick & Julie Nielsen
Steve & Sally Tyner
Robert & Sheila Roth
Abigail Salazar
Michael & Tonya Andes
August Holly
 For the unbap zed
Bri ain Kovac
Joseph Medina
 For those bap zed in other non-Catholic denomina ons
Brian & Jessica McLain
Frank & Elizabeth Stalone
 For adult Catholics who have not received First Commun-
Jeff Ma hews
Ronald & Mary Frances
Joshua Schukman
ion or Confirma on
 For fully-ini ated Catholics who would just like to learn
more about their faith!
Sebas an Anderson &
Shannon Lukehart
Elizabeth Baker
Classes are held on Wednesday evenings during the school
Charles & Annamarie Cuda
year. The first class will be held Wed. Sept. 2nd, 2015 from
JoAnna Cherrito
7 - 8:30pm at St. Andrew’s Parish Hall. Refreshments will
Carl Molle
be provided, and you are welcome to bring a friend! Please pre
-register by comple ng a registra on form at
Timothy Kraemer
h p:// and return it
to Ka e Overstreet in the Parish Office. For any ques ons,
please e-mail or call (816) 453-2089
ext. 5.
RCIC Classes
Is your son or daughter older than 3rd grade and has missed
receiving a sacrament -- whether Bap sm, First Reconciliaon, First Communion, and/or Confirma on?
If so, please contact Ka e Overstreet in the Parish Office at or call her at (816) 453-2089 ext. 5.
Sacristans are needed for the morning weekday
Masses. Sacristans prepare the church for Mass
and put things away afterwards. If you can help
out one day or more a week, please contact Dan
Grelinger at (816) 455-6164.
Cody Lefebvre
Amy Ross
Jeff & Susan McCoy
Jeff & Becky Lynch
Bre Maje ch
Stephen & Whitney Lindenberg
Dick & Jane McGinley
John Vodopest
Robert & Savina Lee
Kevin & Judith Koster
Janet Boschert
Byron & Theresa Pendleton
Meghan Connelly
All ladies of the parish are invited to a end the
DCCW (Diocesan Council of Catholic Women)
Quarterly Mee ng to be held on September 2,
2015, at St. Monica’s Parish, 1616 Paseo Blvd.,
Kansas City, MO 64108.
Registra on begins at 9:30 am with coffee & goodies followed by a business mee ng, Mass, catered
luncheon, and guest speaker. Please bring new
school supplies of any kind to be given to the Bishop Sullivan Center for distribu on to inner-city children. Luncheon is $11, and reserva ons must be
made no later than Sunday, August 30th by calling
Carolyn Huff at (816) 690-4278 or by email to We look forward to
seeing you!!
Youth Formation
August 26th
8th Grade Parent Mee ng (Required) 6pm @ Parish Hall
August 26th
Back-to-School Night, 7pm @ Parish Hall
Sept. 7th
Labor Day: No School!
Are you looking for a fun learning environment, caring teachers,
and a great community for your young ones to a end school? St.
Andrew the Apostle Preschool Program is the place for your
child! St. Andrew’s Preschool s ll has a limited number of spaces
available in our 3, 4, and PK classrooms. We offer 2, 3, or 5 days
either half or full- me. All children must be fully po y-trained. If
you are interested in a school tour or registering your child,
please feel free to contact the school principal Mrs. Sachen at
(816) 454-7377 ext. 318.
Wish List Items for Grade School Teachers
Gently used or new 8x10 remnant carpet for the Music
2 new or used CD Boom box w/ radio (all working order)
2 new or used DVD players w/ remote (all working order)
1 piano bench (only) OR small coffee table (for Catechesis
2-3 short book shelves for Catechesis Atrium (no more
than 4 . high)
Flu & Pneumonia Shots
Sun. Sept. 20th
A er the 8am & 10:30am Masses
@ St. Andrew’s Hall
Please bring your insurance card.
Youth Formation
Youth Formation
Mark McKellar is joining Catholic Na onal Evangeliza on Team (NET) ministries this August, so
St. Andrew’s Parish is looking for another guitarist
or pianist to replace him at the 6:30pm Mass on
Sunday nights ASAP.
Because this is the youth Mass, we are looking for
a musician who is between the age of high school
up to his/her 30’s. If interested, please contact
Maya Buckner at (816) 863-0649. Thanks!
Kris n's Kids 18th Annual Christmas Party with the Immaculata
Manor Residents will be held Saturday, December 19,2015,
from Noon - 4pm at St. Andrew’s Parish Hall. Please adopt a
resident for Christmas and celebrate at party by opening gi s,
playing Bingo, and singing Christmas carols with residents. Krisn's Kids is a service organiza on for youth founded in 1997 by
parishioner Bri any Sanders in memory of her friend Kris n
who passed away from cancer. Please contact Mary Sanders for
more info at (816) 809-6436 or email
Thank you very much!
Good Shepherd Catechesis
Is God calling you to be a catechist?
Our children have
great poten al for a
loving rela onship
with God. Your love
of the Catholic faith
and love of children
can lead you to witness and guide this in
a new ministry: Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd.
The Montessori-based faith forma on for children ages 3-12, focuses on Scripture and Liturgy and
is taught in a place specially prepared for conversa on with God. A
14-session course for adult cer fica on is being offered at St.
Therese Educa on and Parish Center, 7277 N.W. Highway 9, Kansas
City, MO.
It will begin Oct. 3 and run through
2017, with classes mee ng on Saturdays approximately once per
month during the school year. Contact Jo Thornley Cox,, or see Cer fica on
Courses under
for more informa on. Registra on
is required. The Good Shepherd
may be calling you to this ministry!
Parish News
K of C is having a pancake breakfast on Sunday, Aug. 23rd a er the 8am Mass un l
a er the 10:30am Mass. They will be serving pancakes, sausage, biscuits and gravy,
coffee, milk and juice. Please bring the
whole family!
Summer is winding down, and soon the SATAPS children will be returning to their desks; their young voices
will again fill the halls. Our students are not the only parish members returning in August. We welcome the "St.
Andrew's Silver Stars" who continue to be active, valued
members of this parish family.
Who is a "Silver Stars?" Silver Stars are
"Chronologically Gifted" and fit into two categories:
"Builders" were born before 1945 and built a great
America economically, morally, and spiritually after
WWII. "Boomers" are the generation born between
1946-1964, numbering over 75 million.
AARP welcomes us at 49 1/2 years young. "Silver
Stars" welcomes you, too. We are a diverse group of
those still employed and those who work to enrich the
lives of our community. Share what gives value to your
life; we want to know you!
Come join us in the Fr. Pilecki Rm on the third Thursday
of every month beginning August 20th.
4 PM
Speaker or activity
5 PM
The dinner bell rings, and we share a
pleasant meal with friends, new and as well as those we
have long known. Dinner will be provided, your favorite "dish" to share is welcome.
6PM Mass or spend time visiting and sharing the gift
of YOU.
6:30 PM
Time to pack up! Safe travels
August 20
"Transitions of Care" a Medicare Program. What are these new changes? A gift for everyone attending.
September 17 TBA
October 15
November 19 Holiday Baking Tips from Pastry
Chef Andrea Duisik. Everyone will make a delectable
treat or at least eat one! Have your baking questions
answered before the holidays.
December 17
Please call to confirm if possible. If not, please come
Hester Duisik
(816) 7182015
Adult Formation
Retreat for the Year
of Consecrated Life
Abbey Guest Center * Conception
Reflec ons on Consecrated Life
Friday-Sunday, August 28-30.
During this Year of Consecrated Life, this
weekend retreat will look at the Gospels
and see how Jesus calls some individuals
precisely to be religious. This weekend
will give you new insights into religious
life either for yourself or to encourage
others. Join Archbishop Jerome Hanus,
O.S.B. for this informa ve weekend.
The weekend begins Friday evening. Arrive in me for vespers prayer with the
monas c community at 5:15pm followed
by supper. First conference at 7:45pm.
Conferences Saturday morning and a ernoon. Social on Saturday evening. Final
conference on Sunday morning. Enjoy the
peaceful se ng of Concep on Abbey.
There will be me for prayer, walks, rest
and par cipa on in the Liturgy of the
Hours, and the Eucharist with the monasc community.
Housing op ons: St. Gabriel Guest House
– private rooms with full bath; rooms
accommodate two people. Cost covers
room, meals, & director. Single room:
$170 per person for weekend. Double:
$150 each per person for weekend. Marian Hall – rooms can accommodate two
people with shared bath and separate
shower room. Single room $140 for
weekend. Double $120 per person for
For addi onal informa on about this
weekend, please call (660) 944-2809
or email: guests@concep
Great Adventure Bible
Timeline Class: Begins
Tues. Sept. 15th. Two separate classes are held at
9am and again at 7pm in
Rm 133. It runs 24 classes un l March 8, 2016. There will
be a two-week break for Christmas.
Biblical Walk with
Mary Class: Starts
Sept. 9th at 7pm in
Rm 133, and runs 8
weeks. Fee: Free!
Workbook: $25. If there is a large registra on number, a
second morning session will be added at 9am.
To register for either, please call Fred Hack at (816) 4532089 ext. 5. Please leave your name & number if he is not
readily available, or e-mail Thank you!
Bible Connec ons: New focus for BHI courses
Bishop Helmsing Ins tute retooled their courses with a new
theme—Connec ons. The Bible Connec ons courses are
about connec ng the Old Testament to Jesus, to the Church,
and to everyday Chris an life. New class format includes Bible
study, me for discussion, and prac cal life applica ons in
every lesson. The first course, Crea on & Covenant, uncovers
how the first five books of the Bible paint a picture of who Jesus is and what he came to do.
Courses begin at St. Andrew the Apostle on Thursday Sep.
10th. Cost is $25/person or $40/couple.
Visit h p:// ons for more informa on
and to register.
Monday, August 24th
7:00 am
7:30 am
8:30 am
12:00 pm
School Confessions
Tuesday, August 25th
7:00 am
7:30 am
7:00 pm
Baptism Prep
Wednesday, August 26th
7:00 am
7:30 am
10:00 am
Small Faith Sharing
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
8th Grade Parent Mtg
7:00 pm
Benedictine Brothers
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Back-to-School Night
Thursday, August 27th
8:45 am
9:30 am
9:30 am - 6pm
Daytime Adoration
11:00 am
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Friday, August 28th
* Spirit Wear Day
7:00 am
7:30 am
5:00 pm
Legion of Mary
Cursillo Altreya
Wedding Rehearsal
Saturday, August 29th
* Hospital Ministers: Gorman & Eugenio
7:00 am
Men’s Cursillo
3:15 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Sunday, August 30th
7:30 am
8:00 am
10:30 am
6:30 pm
Do you want to offer a Mass for a
loved one? St. Andrew’s 2016 Mass
Inten ons Register opens on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 at 8:30am. The
guidelines are the same as last year:
 A family may reserve up to 12
 Of the 12 Masses, 4 of them can
be weekend Masses, and 8 of
them can be weekday Masses.
 The offering is $10/Mass.
 You must pay for the Masses in
person to reserve the dates. You
cannot reserve them over the
phone or by e-mail. Thank you.
Pastoral News
Homebound Voicemail Box
August Altar Bread
If you would like to receive Holy Communion from this ministry during the weekend OR if you currently receive it but need
to make a change to your weekend schedule, please call Silvia
Torres at (816) 452-3231 before Friday and leave a message.
You will be contacted regarding your needs.
Donated in memory of
Joe & Jennie Simone
Donated by Anna Marie Inzenga
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Our parishioners who are sick or suffering:
Madelynn Adkison
Francoise Bayliss
Tim Buso
Rosemary Crouch
Sal Crouch
Larry Catanese
Toan Dao
Mary Gosoroski
Paul Hebert
Mary Lee Hernandez
Gary Krentz
Anthony Mazzeffe
Wes McKellar
Natale Occhipin
Theresa Occhipin
Pam Parker
Jorge Reyno
John Smith
Fran Texeira
Frances Weber
Our family and friends who are sick and suffering: Debi Anzalone, Steve Ballard, Douglas Bayliss, Stephanie Cain, John
Carson, Annice Cheri o, Joan Crowder, Michael Deery, Carolyn DeMarco, Khanh Do, Sophia Estrada, Ma hew Finch, Bill Frentrop, Louise LaMonica, Anna LaPuma, Tom Lichtenauer, Judy McCallan, Bill Miller, Ana Toler, Randy Trollinger, Tom Vonnahme,
& Alan Wood, Beverly Zeller.
Our family and friends who serve in the military.
All those who have passed away recently: Aida Rodriguez.
The most recently added names to the sick list above will appear in bold-faced font each week, and they will appear in the
bulletin for one month. Afterwards, they will be transferred to our Prayer Hotline for continuous prayers. If you wish to
have a name appear for more than 30 days, please contact the parish office.
Mass Intentions & Stewardship
Monday, August 24th
7:30 am
† Dorothy Sinsheimer
Tuesday, August 25th
7:30 am † James & Linda Thornton
Wednesday, August 26th
7:30 am Jeremy, Jessica, & Nathaniel
Friday, August 28th
7:30 am Rhonda Hall
Sacrificial Offerings to God
Saturday, August 29th
4:30 pm St. Andrew’s Parish
* August 22 & 23 *
Parking lot
Sunday, August 30th
8:00 am † John Verlinden
10:30 am † Anthony Brancato
6:30 pm † Earl Sheaffer
Thursday, August 27th
8:45 am † Eleanor Verlinden
6:00 pm † Amy Gurera
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Greeters: Linda Fields
Ann Miller
Lectors: Laura Heinz
Shirleyann Dumolt
Rod Heelan
Vince Liberto
Joe LaBella
Servers: Ryan Pfannenstiel
Diocesan 2 Collec on
Ginny Trischler
Greeters: Phyllis Smotherman Virginia Schembri
Margaret Schroeder
Lectors: Jeremy Strohmeyer
Beth Wood
Steve Wood
Bill Carothers
Ron Miller
Shannon Gordon
Frankie John Cherrito
Servers: Rainaldo Ambriz
Johnny Joe Liberto
Sunday, Aug. 30th * 6:30 pm
Margaret Mancuso
Greeters: Christina Florez
Thomas Ringel
Ben Wormsley
Sunday, Aug. 30th * 8:00 am
Sunday, Aug. 30th * 10:30 am
Rick Kuhl
(† Indicates Mass for deceased person)
Saturday, Aug. 29th * 4:30 pm
Jenna Prather
Lectors: Renae Maus
Joe Monachino
Greeters: Daniel Buttig
Amanda Buttig
Mike Maus
Jerry Townsend
Lectors: Brian Buckner
Hannah Gorman
Jim Upschulte
Greg Ziller
Christopher Motko
Servers: Nicholas Peterson
Joseph Ross
Thomas Ross
Kolly Mars
Gary Gass
Servers: John Chirpich
John Vodopest
Dylan McNair
Diocesan Office of Child & Youth Protection
The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if
you observe or suspect sexual abuse:
1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and
2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and
After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at (816) 812-2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please
contact the Victim Advocate at (816) 392-0011 or for more information.
Church name & address:
St. Andrew the Apostle #028550
6415 NE Antioch Road
Gladstone, MO 64119
Contact person: Katie Overstreet (816) 453-2089, ext 5
Software: Win XP-SP3, MSPub 2007, AA-X
Date of publication:
Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 10 text pages + this page = 12(1 ad page)
Special instructions for Production: Please print 600 bulletins for this weekend.
FedEx shipping address: 6415 NE Antioch Road, Gladstone MO 64119
Special instructions for delivery (if any): Please deliver bulletins to the school
(located behind the church).
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