June 2016 Calling


June 2016 Calling
Vol.29 No. 4
June , 2016
Where Strangers Become Friends and Friends Become Family
Founded as the National Campers and Hikers Association
Inside this issue:
State Directors’ Message
Calendar of Events
Chaplain’s Words
Scholarship Report
State Campout schedule
June Bug Schedule
Chapter Meeting Reports
Retiree Rally
Regional Registration Form
National Registration Form
State Directors’ Message
We hope you have been able to camp this year. We have been out three
times and it has been wonderful.
Spring Fling was a great success. A special thank you to all of those
that helped to make it a fun weekend. Thank you also to those that
took the time to include this District Campout on your camping schedule.
State will be June 10-12 in Broken Bow. Lynna has been working diligently on plans. Thank you to all of those that have contacted her and
offered their help. I am sure she truly appreciates the efforts of our
dedicated members.
June Bug will be June 24-26 at Windmill SRA. Republican Valley Sodbusters are hosting the weekend and we know a good time will be had by
Please see the information received regarding the extension of preregistration for Campvention to be held July 25-29 in Shawnee Oklahoma. You still have time to get in your registration to ensure that you
will have full hookups. Regional Campout will be right after Campvention
in Hutchinson, Kansas. We hope you will be able to attend these campouts. Campvention in 2017 will be Ohio.
The Nebraska Retiree Rally will be held August 21 - 25. We always
hear about the campout and hope you will consider joining the Retirees
and invite a guest.
Happy Camping!
Sandy and Ken Kendall,
Nebraska State Directors
Page 2
Calendar of Events
Explorers, Mahoney State Park
Heartland Runabouts, State Campout, Broken Bow
Western Nebraska Wheelers, State Campout, Broken Bow
Courageous Ramblers, Seward
Republican Valley Sodbuster, State Campout, Broken Bow
Triple F, State Campout, Broken Bow
Rollin’ Turtles, Rock Creek Station SRA, Fairbury, Ne.
Western Nebraska Wheelers, Tanking or Johnson Lake
Triple F, Pawnee
Heartland Runabouts, June Bug, Windmill SRA
Western Nebraska Wheelers, June Bug, Windmill SRA
Republican Valley Sodbuster, June Bug, Windmill SRA
Fun Finder, June Bug, Windmill SRA
Triple F, June Bug, Windmill SRA
June 10-12
June 24-26
July 25-30
July 30–Aug 2
State, Broken Bow
June Bug, Windmill
Campvention, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Regional, Hutchinson, KS
Editor’s Notes…
Send chapter news items, articles, special member recognition,
photos, comments, and corrections to the Calling editor, at gary.editor.fcrv@gmail.com.
Issues will be posted monthly March through October. One issue will cover the winter months
Nov. – Feb. Deadlines will be the 20th of the month before each issue, and Oct. 20 for the
winter issue.
I, Gary Sander certify that all material contained within this newsletter is used by permission
and is acknowledged.
Page 3
The Chaplain’s Words
We had a garage sale last Saturday, and a customer who was buying a book opened the book and
found a black and white picture of a classroom of third graders. Way in the back of the room
standing next to the teacher and wearing a plaid shirt is a somewhat small and a little overweight
kid with glasses and that looks somewhat like me. I do have vague memories of those days gone
by but as I grow older, more and more of those memories fade away. How easy it is to forget
things which at the time seemed to be very important.
With the world in such a turmoil all of the time, we as Christians sometimes forget the promises
made to us by our heavenly father and begin to fall away from Him. It is so easy to be caught up
in this restless world and begin to question why He allows such things to happen to His children. But we must remember that all things are under His control and the only thing we really
have control over is our own attitude. We are God’s children and must remember the reason why
we are here. We are Disciples of Christ and we have been given a job to do here on this earth and
that is to reach out to those in need of Him. We can do this in a variety of ways but perhaps one
of the major means of reaching out is by our attitude we have toward the world and the people
around us. How refreshing it is to talk to an individual with a positive outlook on life due to their
belief in Christ. Their joyful outlook is primarily due to them never allowing the world to make
them forget the love our Father has for us and the promises he has made. Each of us has many
good things happen in our lives due to His love and we must never allow the world to erase the
memories we have of those blessings. Some of us go through some pretty tough times in our lives
but as long as we hang on to those memories of God and His love and pass those on to others
around us, our attitude will always bring us back to Him. I will leave you this month with this
thought which is found in:
Revelations 2:7
“To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life
which is in the Paradise of God”
Page 4
Bryant School
Can you find Mert ?
Page 5
Scholarship Report
The Scholarship Committee is please to report that we have an applicant for a scholarship this
fall. We are excited to assist a person improving their life with education.
We have one big fund raiser for this year in the form of $50.00 VISA gift cards The drawing
for these cards will take place at the State Campvention in Broken Bow. You should be able to
purchase tickets from your Field Directors or any scholarship committee member. Two separate gift cards will be raffled.
Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Be sure to put your name & phone on the back of the
We will also have a silent auction, root beer floats and a Scholarship auction at State Campout.
Have fun and support our scholarship students.
Have fun camping this year and we hope to see you soon.
The Scholarship Committee would like to thank Lynna and Leonard McKenney for a gift in the
amount of $20.00 in memory of Harold Douglas. Your gift is appreciated.
Your Scholarship Committee
Page 6
Gift Card Raffle For Nebraska
Scholarship Fund
Win A
$50.00 VISA Gift Card
Two gift cards will be available,
winner of first card will be excluded
in the drawing for the second card.
Tickets are $1.00 each or
6 Tickets for $5.00
Drawing for Gift Cards will be held at The State
Campvention in June 2016
You do not need to be present to win.
Page 7
State Campvention - Broken Bow
June 10 - 12
State Campvention Schedule
June 10, 11, 12
Custer County Fairgrounds
Theme: Birthday Party
Friday: June 10
1:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Registration begins
Hobo parking - come early and stay late
The 4-H building will be open for fellowship, cards & a puzzle
will be available.
Cards & games ( Fellowship time)
Central District Hospitality ( bring your own cup)
Saturday: June 11
8:00 a.m.
8:30 - 9:15 am.
Flag raising
Breakfast by the turtles
( after Breakfast - sign up for C.A. M. P. )
10:00 am.–3:15pm. Scholarship Silent Auction
10:00 am.
Wildlife birdseed treat
12:00 pm.
Teen lunch
1:00 pm.
D.A.T. - Electrical Safety, Home Hazards
2:00 pm.
Conservation pot - something green to grow
3:00 pm.
Scholarship root beer floats - $1.00 donation
3:00—5:00 pm.
Teen activity
3:30 pm.
Choir practice
4:00 pm.
Scholarship meeting
6:00 pm.
Banquet - Bring your own table service
7:00 pm.
Opening service - entertainment by: Nebraska's own : “Marty Robbins”
8:30 pm.
Sunday: June 12
8:00 am.
8:15 am.
8:30 am.
Roll's & coffee and juice
Memorial Service
Church Service - Mr. & Mrs. Shoemaker
Have a safe trip home.
Page 8
Page 9
By Heartland Runabouts
Page 10
Chapter Meeting Reports
Courageous Ramblers
We held our May meeting at the club house at 2951 N 5th Lincoln Nebr. We were able to
roast our hot dogs and had good dinner. we had salads, chips and dessert.
We were to camp at Crete but the rain that week made it impossible.
We welcomed back Mahlon and Judy Dickey back from Texas.
We discussed the fact because no electricity at Memphis we need to think where we want to
camp in July.
We are hoping to meet at our park to make bird houses to sent to Nationals for Wildlife.
We hope this weather lets us camp next month as we are all ready to spend time outdoors.
By the campfire.
Happy camping to all.
Norma Hetrick
The first two weeks of May have been very busy for Triple F. The weekend of the 7th-8th we
were at Wilbur for Spring Fling where we all got out of our chairs and got moving. On Saturday morning we did a color walk and that afternoon everyone took off on the Great Race, instigated by Ken and Sandy Kendall. I’d like to describe the Great Race, but there aren’t really
words for it except that it was really innovative and fun. We did more than walk on Saturday
though; there was plenty of good food to off-set all that exercise. In the evening we had a
series of “Minute-To-Win-It” contests that really showed who thought fast and had a steady
May 13th through 15th found us at Prairie Rose in Iowa for our usual campout. It was cool and
very windy with a little rain too at times. We were finally able to have a fire the last night before we went home, even though we sat as close around it as possible with our coats and gloves
on. It is weekends like this that remind us that we campers are tough enough, or crazy enough,
to put up with anything in order to camp.
Next month Triple F will be at Pawnee Lake near Lincoln the weekend of the 17th.
Mary Brashaw, Secretary
Page 11
Chapter Meeting Reports
Heartland Runabouts
May Meeting
Superior Lincoln Park
Four families camped at Superior Lincoln Park with one drive in family
Conservation projects this year is to adopt a park. At the Superior Park we painted both
men’s and women’s bathroom and poles on one of the shelters.
Saturday night supper each family had meet to grill and brought a side dish to share. The
kid enjoy fishing Then on Sunday morning some of the adult and kid did frizzes bee golf.
It was wonderful weather and good fellowship.
Spring Fling was attended by Kendalls and Witmer it was a good time.
State will be in Broken Bow June 10-11-12, theme is Birthday Party.
Schedule for 2016
July 8-10
Hebron - Kendall
Aug. 12-14
Albion – Tanking (no host)
Sept. 9-11
Sutton - Young
Oct. 14-16
Aurora - Sander
Nov. 12
York Library - Marcia
Submitted by:
Debby Hoagland
Page 12
Chapter Meeting Reports
Republican Valley Sodbusters
The Republican Valley Sodbusters held their May, 2016 campout and meeting at Crystal Lake
with hosts Harry and Phoebe Sprague and Bob and Vesta Dorn. There were 5 rigs camping and
4 members driving in for the pot luck dinner and meeting on Saturday evening for a total of 10
members enjoying the meal.
We found the campground very well kept and a large number of campers enjoying it for the
weekend. It was nice to see so many enjoying the campground. The weather was a little cool,
we could have used some sun and a little less wind, but still enjoyed sitting out and visiting. We
did forego the usual card games due to the wind.
There will be no June Sodbuster campout since both State Campout and June Bug will both occur in June. The July meeting will be at the Concordia, KS campground with hosts Don and
Carol Haresnape and Thaine and Donna Tomlinson. We haven’t camped at Concordia so all are
anxious to see the campground and enjoy visiting points of interest in Concordia.
Several members are planning to go to Broken Bow for the State campout and looking forward
to seeing what is planned for us. We hear that much is planned and are sure it will be another
enjoyable weekend.
Since the Sodbusters are hosting June Bug it will be a busy time for those members who are
able to attend. A busy and fun weekend is planned around the theme of “Going Fishing”.
We hope to see many friends at both events.
Submitted by:
Shirley Rippe
The Rollin’ Turtles
The Rollin’ Turtles Camping Club met at Two Rivers State Park for their May campout. There
were 25 members present. With such a large group, some of our campers had to go to another
part of the State Park to find spots. Those that were there on Thursday night joined together for a pot luck. Friday night the group went to El Bees in Waterloo for dinner and Saturday evening was our cookout. Mel King and Joe Schneider brought some of their wood carvings to show the group. A good time was had by all!
Submitted by :
Willa Lanik
Page 13
AUGUST 21-25, 2016
Registration fee $4.00 per person. The parking fee is by donation and will be decided by all at decided at our general meeting.
5.00 PM Leave for Benedict for evening meal. Devotions when we return.
9:00 Registration begins with Coffee Time, A,B,C,D bring something to share
Sign up at Senior Center for lunch on Tuesday
12:00 Lunch on your own
2:30 Games
5:30 Supper, main dish provided. Please bring salads, veggies, pickles, olives dessert etc. Bring
your own dishes.
7:00 Get acquainted night
8:30 Hospitality
9:00 Coffee Time, H thru S bring something to share (initials of last name)
11:00 Leave for Senior Center for thrift shop and lunch
3:00 Crafts
5:30 Dinner on your own
7:00 Dominos, Cards, Board Games, etc.
8:30 Hospitality
9:00 Pancakes, sausage etc. (bring your own dishes)
12:00 Lunch on your own
2:00 Ice Cream Social, bring toppings to share
4:00 General Meeting
5:30 Pot Luck
7:00 Fun Night, crowning of the New King and Queen
8:30 Hospitality
9:00 Coffee Time, T thru Z bring something to share
Please bring your own cup for hospitality time.
Also bring books for sale or exchange, money to benefit our Retiree group.
Page 14
Heartland Regional Campout (Region 3)
Saturday July 30, 2016 – Tuesday August 2, 2016
KS State Fairgrounds – Hutchinson, KS
Come to Rest, Relax, and Renew after the International Campvention with full
hookups and paved streets
PLANS – musical entertainment, hospitalities, chapel time, games challenging states
vs. states (play or cheer), tours – several choices available, time to relax and visit, etc.
If you have them, wear your state shirt on Sunday and your regional shirt on Monday.
Some meals will be available. Details will be sent with your ee-mail confirmation along with
tour information.
Keep the above portion for your information and the directions on the reverse.

Send by July 1 to: Earl & Ivalee Vanderhoff, P. O. Box 295, Halstead, KS 67056
Make checks payable to: Kansas State Directors
Last Name _____________________ First Name ______________________
Spouse / Guest ___________________
Address _______________________ City _______________________
State / Province ____________ Zip/Postal Code ______________
Phone (cell) ____________________ Chapter ________________________
E-mail _________________________________
# of Adults ______
Teens (13 – 19) ______ PrePre-Teens (9 – 12) ______ Youth (0 – 8) ______
Registration (includes 3 nights camping & activity fee)
2 Family in the unit
Camping prior to and after is paid directly to the fairgrounds
Drive in (no camping)
$10 a day / $20 for all days
Register at gate
There will be room & we’d love to see you
Check for
$ ______
$ ______
$ ______
$ ______
$ ______
Page 15
Directions to Hutchinson, KS
Parkers will be there to help after 12 noon
From Shawnee, OK & other places south
Leave ground and head NW to II-40, head West to II-35 to head north
Continue North into Kansas (turnpike) – exit at South Wichita & pay toll
Take II-235 West around Wichita to HH-96 West to Yoder Road
Go North on Yoder Road crossing HH-50 & becomes Airport Road
At the curve it becomes 17th Street and continue to Plum where you turn right
Head North to 23rd Street & make a left turn beside the grounds
Go West to gate 4 of the Fairgrounds – turn left into campground
From the North
From II-35 take HH-61 (4 lane) to 30th Street – make a right turn
On 30 Street, head West to Plum, turn left onto Plum, go South to 23rd Street
At 23rd Street, turn right & head West to gate 4 & turn left into campground
From the East or West
From the East on HH-50 – turn onto Airport Road & follow instructions above from the South
From the West on HH-50 – take HH-61 north and follow instructions above from the North
Questions: call Ivalee @ 316316-830830-2115 or ee-mail @ evanderhoff@juno.com
Page 16
56th Annual FAMILY CAMPERS & RVERS Campvention
Hosted by Region 2
July 24-29, 2016 - Shawnee, Oklahoma
Heart of Oklahoma Exposition Center, 1700 West Independence St. - Shawnee, OK 74804
6 Nights of Camping Sunday thru Friday 5 Days of Activities
Get Your Kicks on Route 66
Early Bird Days July 21-23 . Fees $30 per night. Pay for Early Days at registration in building. Cash/check only.
Gates open at Noon on Thursday, July 21st - Gates open all other days at 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. After 8 PM go to overflow lot.
Each family in the same unit must complete a separate Registration Form. The additional family must pay $155.00
for the 6 nights. Please indicate the unit owner’s name: ____________________________________
FAMILIES STAYING OFF GROUNDS. You must purchase a Daily Walk/Drive in pass and complete a registration form. Pre-paid Walk/Drive in pass is $20 per day. At the Gate it’s $25 per day per family.
HANDICAPPED INFORMATION Check yes if requesting a special needs site: YES ___
Only request a special needs site if you need to be close to the main building. There will be no special needs sites
available at the gate. All sites will have full hookups. To guarantee a handicapped site you must pre-register.
All parking will be hobo by State/Province. You will be assigned a site as you arrive. 361 Full hookup sites with both
30 & 50 amps, 236 30amp with E & W. We can guarantee full hookup sites to the first 361 registrations.
Type of unit: Tent ___ Tent Trailer ___ Motorhome ___ 5th Wheel ___ Trailer ___ Truck Camper ___ Van ___
Unit Length _____
Each family registering will receive $10 in VENDOR BUCKS. They can be used towards any purchase from a vendor
in the commercial area. Vendor Bucks must be used at 2016 Campvention. Vendor Bucks have “no surrender or cash
value” …... this means no cash back from vendor. VENDOR BUCKS will be given to you at registration.
Last Name ______________________ First Name ______________ Spouse/Guest First Name
Address _______________________________ City ____________________ St/Prv _____ Zip/P.Code __________
Phone ___________________ E-mail _____________________________ Is this your first Campvention? Yes
Print name of State or Province you want to be parked with, if different than home address: _________________
# of Adults ___ Teens ___ Youth 9-12 ___ Youth 5-8 ___ Youth 0-4 ___ Total # of people in unit ____
Please list names & ages of all teens & youth.
There will always be room for you at Campvention! If you decide to come at the last mi-nute, bring this registration with you.
We Want You To Come!!
We would like to volunteer for the following jobs: ________________________________________________________ ______________
Mail to: Janell O’Neal
3124 Woodsboro Ct.
Norman, Ok. 73072
Have Questions call (405) 826-9126 or E-mail
2016campvention@gmail.com NOTE: If you register and are unable to attend for any reason, we will automatically mail you a refund of any pre-paid
fees minus $25.00
Page 17
Regional Director
Gerry Pfirsch
Nebraska Directors
State Directors
State Secretary
State Treasurers
Ken & Sandy Kendall
Mary Kay Hackett
Earl & Jan Franklin
C.A.M.P.(Campers Actively
Moving Program)
Kelly Bettelyoun
Teen Director
State Chaplain
Mert Feikert
Jenell Hicks
Conservation Directors
Retiree Directors
Rob and Joleen Baker
Mahlon and Judy Dickey
Youth Director
Scholarship Chair
Ward & Jan Van Arsdall
Adult Activities Director
Wildlife Directors
D.A.S.A.T. Disaster And
Joan Stone
Safety Awareness Training
Janene Feikert
Field Directors
Eastern District
Central District
Joan Stone
Golden Rockers
Ina Hill-Carriker
Heartland Runabouts
Ken and Sandy Kendall
River City Wanderers
Rob and Joleen Baker
Courageous Ramblers
Fun Finders
Charles & Sharon Gies
Triple F
Rob and Joleen Baker
Rollin’ Turtles
Ward and Jan Van Arsdall
Republican Valley Sodbusters
Jim and Janet Staehr
Western District
Western Wheelers
Leonard and Lynna McKenney
Editor, Calling
Gary & Linda Sander

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