September Calling
September Calling
NEBRASKA Calling Vol.27 No. 7, September 2014 Where Strangers Become Friends and Friends Become Family Founded as the National Campers and Hikers Association State Directors’ Message Inside this issue: State Directors’ Message 1 Calendar of Events National Election 2 2 Regional Director Article 3 Fall Workshop 5 NEBRASKAland Tenters 5 Photographer’s Snapshot 5 The Chaplin's Words 6 Recipe Corner 7 Adopt-A-Pet 8 Scholarship Report 9 Featured Campground 10 Regional Pictures 11-15 Chapter Reports 13-19 Directors 20 Did you know ???? ? Antelope and Buffalo are the only counties in Nebraska named after animals. The origin of Nebraska’s name came from the Oto Indian word for flat water. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle. It takes approximately 1 million flowers for a bee to make 1 pound of honey As State Directors we are so proud of the Nebraska members for their participation in hosting Regional Campout in August. You did an outstanding job of entertaining and engaging with members of Family Campers of Region 3. A big thank you to Joleen and Rob Baker and Marcia and Steve Witmer for chairing the event. You did a great job of organizing and handling matters as they arose during the weekend. As camping season is winding down it is time to think about officers and campouts for your chapters for 2015. Please be sure when you have accomplished these tasks that you send your reports to us and your officers and schedules to the editor to be included in the Calling. With a new year comes planning and organizing on the State level. Remember that Workshop will be held October 4 at the Kilgore Library in York, Nebraska, commencing at 10:00. Pulled pork sandwiches will be served at noon. We are asking for donations for the lunch with the proceeds going to our Nebraska Teen Queen. There are lots of items to be discussed at Fall Workshop including the Memorandum of Understanding, which was discussed at State Campout. We have had suggestions on changing State and District campouts. Changes are inevitable especially with our membership dropping. Please come with an open mind and open heart as we address issues for the future. If you were at Regional you may have heard Gerry Pfirsch, Regional Director, speak about his "Each one reach one" concept. Let's all try to find that one (or more) family that you know of that camps and that would enjoy camping with a group. We would like each Program Director to be prepared to share their program with the members present. Sandy and Ken Kendall Nebraska State Directors "Come Camp With Us" Page 2 Calendar Of Events Chapter Activities Sept. 12-14 Sept. 12-14 Sept. 12–14 Sept. 19–21 Sept. 19–21 Sept. 19-21 Sept. 19-21 County Lake Sept. 26–28 Sept. 26-28 Explorers, Two Rivers Heartland Runabouts, Albion City Park Courageous Ramblers, Wilber Rollin’ Turtles, Pawnee SRA Triple F, Waubonsie in Iowa River City Wanderers, Prairie Rose, Iowa Republican Valley Sodbusters, Methodist Cove, Harlan Western NE Wheelers, Fort Kearny, Kearney Fun Finders, Stamford Pork Days at Orleans City Park; or Fort Kearny Fall Festival State/National Activities October 4 Fall Workshop, Kilgore Library, York, Nebraska National Election I am privileged to be serving on the Nominating Committee for the National Election in 2015. The positions that will appear on the ballot are Vice President of Operations, Comptroller and Vice President of Planning and Development. Having served on the Trustees for ten years I can attest to the valuable information I received, the travels I experienced and most importantly the number of friends that I made over the years. Please consider having your name placed on the ballot or if you know of someone that might be interested please submit their name. If you wish further information on the job description please don’t hesitate to contact me. Our organization can only continue with leadership in place. Sandy Kendall, Nominating Committee for Trustee Election Editor’s Notes… Send chapter news items, articles, special member recognition, photos, comments, and tions to the Calling editor, Issues will be posted monthly March through October. One issue will cover the winter months Nov. – Feb. Deadlines will be the 20th of the month before each issue, and Oct. 20 for the winter issue. Page 3 FROM THE HEARTLAND Regional Director: Gerry Pfirsch I would like to say Thank You to Nebraska and tell each of you that worked on the Regional Campvention. You did a great job. I also would like to tell each of you thank You for making this a great time as it was my first Campvention as your Regional Director. I would like to tell each of you that did not make it you have no idea what you missed. Yes you can look at the photos and listen to the ones that came to York, Ne. but you missed out on a wonderful experience. As your New Regional Director the highlight for me was visiting with each of you and renewing the friendships. We as a Region will see changes as we move forward this is only to be expected. If you missed York here are some of the things you missed! Glenda receiving her Award for her 19 years of service to FCRV on the Executive Board. JeAnne Selby accepting the Award for First place in the News Letter contest from National for the DAKOTA CAMPER. Along with a wonderful weekend with members from across the Region. We announced some Special plans for Campvention in Gillette, WY for our Regional 2015. This your will need to get from your State Director and Field Directors. Understand that these plans are progressing with more details at a later date. You missed out on the interdiction of EACH ONE REACH ONE a new Membership Program. See or ask your State Director for more details! You may also contact me for more information at any time. I would like to see us focus on membership growth and retention and living up to being: THE FRIENDLIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. I see this as something that we need to believe in and live up to if we plan to see the organization grow. We as a body of people with different backgrounds, beliefs, and life experiences need to be accepting and kind to all and one another that we interact with each day. I received word after Regional Campvention that South Dakota was awarded the membership award for a small state at National Campvention for the 3rd year running. Congrats to North and South Dakota for your work in membership again. I would also like to say Thank You to all of the State Directors for the work that they do for FCRV. Keep up the good work. A Thank You goes out to each of you that have stepped up and hold an office from Field Director to Chapter office keep up the good work. There are more beetles than any other kind of creature in the world. Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. Chocolate can kill dogs, it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system. Mr. Rodgers was am ordained mnister. Page 4 2014 HEARTLAND REGIONAL CAMPOUT AUGUST 7-10 YORK, NEBRASKA Well another Regional Campout is in the books. We had a great response in registrations with the final numbers as follows: 56 Families; 54 Units; 103 adults; 5 Teens and 8 Youth. AMAZING!!! During the day the weather held out for us, the evenings we did get much needed rain. We made great use of the 4H Building for our meals and programs and other activities. However due to the number of registrations and number of attendees some of the activities were moved to the Small Animal Barn. Which all in all was a welcome change for most. It was great to be outdoors and able to sit in our comfortable chairs. Special thanks to all of the committees that used their resources to ensure a successful event. The parking, entertainment, crafts, CAMP, Youth, Wildlife, Conservation, Meals Preparers, Games, Program Organizers, and countless others whom I have forgotten, please forgive me. Statewide all the Chapters gave this project their all and it is much appreciated. The crafts seemed to be a big hit as well as the site sales. Conservation and Wildlife came off without a hitch as well. The No-Kill tour was very informative and I am not sure but I think I was not the only participate who about walked out of that place without a dog. Did ya’ll happen to see the Bassett Hound!! He was almost mine until Rob reminded me that we already have two dogs. They seemed very happy with our donations and I thank you all for your participation in the tour and the raffle ticket sales as the proceeds from the raffle were delivered to the shelter. We had several performances from our teen candidates. As always, they did an outstanding job performing and entertaining the crowd. The Duck Dynasty Contest was hilarious and it looked like everyone including the contestants had a great time. All in all – 2014 Heartland Regional was a hit with those that attended. We had fun planning, putting it together and finally making it all happen. We appreciate the help we received from our Committees, Chapters and Individuals. Thank you all. Without you, it would not have been as easy. Steve and Marcia Witmer Rob and Joleen Baker Heartland Regional Region 3 CROSSROADS to Regional August 7-10, 2014 York County Fairgrounds Page 5 Fall Workshop Fall Workshop will be held October 4, 2014, commencing at 10:00 a.m. at the Kilgore Memorial Library, 520 Nebraska Avenue, York, Nebraska. Luncheon will be served. An agenda will be printed in future issues of the Calling. If you have something you would like included in the agenda please contact the State Director. A laptop and projector will be available for any presentations you may wish to make. Sandy and Ken Kendall Nebraska State Directors "Come Camp With Us" NEBRASKALAND TENTERS It has been several years since Tenters has met and there is an interest in reorganizing the chapter. The chapter consists of members from all over the state that just wish to come and have fun. If you have been or would like to be a member of Tenters and would like to see the chapter reborn now is your chance. In the past they have camped one or two times per year but this is something that can be determined by those interested. You do not need to have a tent. The only requirement is come and have a good time. If you answered yes to any of the above send us an email or give us a call. Sandy and Ken Kendall Nebraska State Directors "Come Camp With Us" Photographer’s Snapshot I enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new friends at my first Regional Campout. I have posted all my photos taken at Regional on a website; check out the attached link. No password is required. You may download photos to your computer or order photos from Shutterfly. You can even add photos of your own to the website. No purchase is required if you want to just take a look back at a great campout!! Janene Nebraska State Photographer Page 6 The Chaplain’s Words Mert God has indeed blessed us in so many ways. It is easy to overlook many of the things He has done for us in our lives. When we take a moment to set down and look at all of the living things surrounding us, we can be overwhelmed at the beauty of the world that God has given us to live in. Looking at pictures in magazines or watching movies or TV does give us a pretty good idea of what nature has to offer but we really cannot sense its’ real beauty without actually being there. As most of you know, Janene and I just returned from a trip to Alaska and I guess that is probably why I feel the way I do. There are many parts of the world that I probably will never see or enjoy, but so far, every part of it I have seen has been spectacular. I suppose that is why I enjoy camping as I do. One of the places we visited was Denali National Park, the home of Mount McKinley and many different animal species. The one animal I found most intriguing were the brown bears that are found there. One of the lessons we have learned from nature is that the less we interfere with it, the more it flourishes. A good example is making sure that the bears in the park do not rely upon man for food. No food or drink is allowed off the tour buses. During the eight hour tour, we were provided with a box of snack foods. All waste from food is carefully disposed of by placing it in bear proof containers as we exited the park. As a result, the bears in the park are content with eating what nature has provided them. Since creation, man has become so spoiled by the many gifts provided to us by God that we have found many ways to sin. It’s a shame that we don’t have a container that we could put the temptations of sin into so we would not fall away from Him and remain within the realm of His graces. The Good News is that He has given us a pathway back to Him, even though we may be deep in sin. Jesus, God’s only Son, was sent to provide this path by forever taking on the burden of all the sin of mankind. All we have to do is accept Him as our savior and ask for the forgiveness of our transgressions against him. O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good: For His loving kindness is everlasting 1 Chronicles 16:34 Mert Recipe Corner Page 7 This page, The Recipe Corner, will be a regular feature of the Calling. It is a known fact that Campers love to eat, and many great cooks belong to FCRV. So, look to this page to find and try recipes and better yet, submit your favorite recipes to the Calling Editor. We plan to share your recipes with everyone who reads the Calling. COCONUT CREAM CHEESE SHEET CAKE gredients for cake: 1 c. butter, softened (2 sticks) 6 oz. cream cheese, softened 6 eggs 2 c. sugar In 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1/2 t vanilla + 1/2 t coconut 2 1/4 cup cake or all purpose flour 1/4 cup coconut milk (optional) Ingredients for frosting: ¼ c. butter, softened 4 oz. cream cheese, softened ½ c. coconut 1/2 t. vanilla 1 1/2 confectioners sugar Preheat oven to 350° Prepare 9x13 pan with non-stick cooking spray. Cream together butter, cream cheese and sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time, vanilla and then mix in flour. Spread batter into prepared pan. Bake 35 – 40 minutes or until wooden pick comes out clean. Cool on cooling rack. Frosting: Beat together butter, cheese, vanilla and add sugar. Mix until well blended. You can now toast coconut in lightly sprayed skillet or toast in oven. Cut cooled cake into 24 squares and top with frosting and coconut. Keep refrigerated. P.S. THIS IS A VERY DENSE CAKE. IF YOU DON’T LIKE DENSE CAKES THIS IS NOT THE CAKE FOR YOU! Submitted by: Sandy Kendall LAUNDRY SOAP ½ bar Fels Naphtha soap, grated 8 c. water Cook until melted – DO NOT BOIL Add: 1 c. Borax ½ c. washing soda Cook for 20 minutes – DO NOT BOIL Add to: 3 gallons of hot water Leave in pot and stir for 24 hours and then put in container. Fels Naphtha is usually found in the bar soap aisle. Borax and washing soda is usually found in the laundry aisle. You can also add essential oil for fragrance if you wish. Submitted by: Sandy Kendall Page 8 York Adopt-a-Pet No Kill Animal Shelter ( This picture and caption was published in the York News-Times newspaper after the Family Campers and RVers Regional Campvention. The Regional Activities included a tour of the York No Kill Adopt-a-Pet Shelter. Family Campers and RVers members on the tour donated many items and supplies for dogs and cats. Later the $225.00 from raffles of the door prize baskets (Center left) Marcia and Steve Witmer from Family Campers and Rver’s present a check for $225 to York Adopt-a-Pet Board Members LaMoine Roth (left) and Deb Heskett (right). The money was raised through the annual basket raffle Family Campers and Rver’s hosts each year. While in town, the group also made many dog and cat supply donations to York Adopt-a-Pet during a tour of the facility Page 9 Scholarship News The Scholarship Committee would like to thank Tom and Caryl Hultquist for their long tenure with the Scholarship Committee and the service as Treasurer. The Scholarship Committee will be meeting at Workshop on October 4th. The Committee will reorganize with new Members and Officers, Stay tuned for more information about the reorganized and revitalized Scholarship Committee. We currently have two students, Paulina Valderrabano and Paige Skillet receiving scholarships and we will make a renewed effort to keep you informed of their progress and accomplishments in the future. The future holds a challenge for the Nebraska Scholarship Program. In the past, the Scholarship program relied on interest rates to produce income that substantially supported the scholarship payments for tuition. Plus fundraising played an important part of the support. Today, the low interest rate on certificates of deposits(1%)due to economic conditions and a decline of the annual gifts and fundraising, the scholarship fund ( nest egg) produces so little income that it is now necessary to cash in the investment documents to provide the monies to make payments to the Scholarship recipients. The Scholarship Program in Nebraska is now faced with the task of finding ways to generate sufficient income to allow the Program to continue long term. We may not be able to help future applicants at the pace we are going. If anyone has any ideas for raising funds please inform any member of the of the scholarship committee. By: Gary Sander, for the Scholarship committee Yogi Berra Quotes You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours." The other teams could make trouble for us if they win." "If the fans don't come out to the ball park, you can't stop them." Featured Campground Page 10 Indian Cave State Park With 3,052 rugged acres bordering the mighty Missouri River, Indian Cave is a pristine area, devoted to camping, hiking and backpacking, picnicking, nature and wilderness activities. Located 10 miles south of Brownville and 5 miles east on S 64E, Indian Cave boasts a variety of hardwood trees, shrubs and other flora. There are 22 miles of hiking trails in the park. Attractions Autumn is particularly spectacular here. Horseback trail rides are also available in season. History buffs will enjoy the restored schoolhouse and general store from the old river town of St. Deroin, where old-time crafts are demonstrated on weekends during the summer. A group picnic shelter may be reserved. A ramp offers river access for boaters or you can put in at nearby Brownville SRA. Overnight Accommodations Campers can make reservations 1 year to three days in advance of arrival for campsite numbers 1-70 by calling the reservation call center at Camping Facilities: (402)471-1414 9 am - 6 pm, Monday-Friday or by us134 camping pads with electrical hookups* ing our online reservations system. 10 non-pad sites with electrical hookups* 130 non-pad sites without electricity All other camping is first-come, first-served, and stays are limited to 14 days in any 30-day period. Group camping is available for organizations such as Scouts, church groups, etc. Indian Cave State Park is located on the banks of the Missouri River. Perhaps the biggest attractions are the majestic hardwood forest and the hills that overlook the wide and winding river. The RV campground can handle 134 units with 30-amp. electrical hookups (22 of which also have 50-amp.). Modern camping is open May 1 - October 31, even longer, if weather permits. Primitive camping is open year-round. The tent camping area extends among the scenic hills. Tenters have their own showers, as well as a water hydrant and electrical hookups. Grills and ground-level fire rings are provided. Armored knights raised their visors to identify themselves when they road past their king. This custom has become the modern military salute. Page 11 2014 HEARTLAND REGIONAL CAMPOUT AUGUST 7-10 YORK, NEBRASKA Welcome to York Regional Sign Up For Activities Let The Games Begin Youth Fun At Regional Friday Night Meal by Nebraska State Directors Nebraska Welcomes Regional Guests Skit Page 12 2014 HEARTLAND REGIONAL CAMPOUT AUGUST 7-10 YORK, NEBRASKA Finding The Best Plates Youth Enjoy Crafts Also A Forever Flower Craft Painting a Concrete Lady Bug Youth Enjoy Crafts Also Page 13 2014 HEARTLAND REGIONAL CAMPOUT AUGUST 7-10 YORK, NEBRASKA Site Sales At 2014 Regional A Word From Jerry Door Prize Basket Winner Conservation Project Door Prize Baskets—Raffle Page 14 2014 HEARTLAND REGIONAL CAMPOUT AUGUST 7-10 YORK, NEBRASKA Melanie Valderrabano - NE Mercedes Tennyson - Kansas The Mellow D’s Tom Hilt Page 15 2014 HEARTLAND REGIONAL CAMPOUT AUGUST 7-10 YORK, NEBRASKA Duck Dynasty Contest Winner Bob DeVriendt Demonstrates Flag Process Duck Dynasty Winner Chief Cooks– Friday Night Friday Night Crew Working on Meal Page 16 Chapter Meeting Reports Heartland Runabouts The Runabouts attended the Regional Campvention at York with 7 units with 14 members and 1 guest. Steve and Marcia Witmer from the Runabouts were Co-Chairs of the Regional along with the Bakers from the Triple F’s. The Runabouts enjoyed the Regional Campvention while working in different areas. The first activity was being in charge of parking. The turnout was larger than expected and it was a challenge to find parking and places for everyone to plug into power. After everyone was safely parked in their campsites, the Runabouts were involved in various areas such as crafts. The Hoagland’s and the Sander’s helped Regional Campers make “Forever Flowers” and “Lady Bug Characters” The Friday evening meal was prepared by the Kendall’s and the Hoagland’s. Other Runabouts joined in to help. The Runabouts would like to especially thank Shirley Rippe for her help in preparing the meal. Shirley was an “expert” at preparing the gravy. She was greatly appreciated by those working in the kitchen while preparing the meal. The Runabouts would like to also able help with the meal. The Runabouts wish to thank eveso much a success and are looking thank Charlie and Sharon Gies for their valuShirley Rippe ryone who made the Heartland Region 2014 forward to seeing them again. A meetings was held during the Regional and plans were discussed for our next campout at the Albion City Park on September 12-14th. The Runabouts also discussed plans for attending the Workshop on October 4th in York. We want to thank all of the Runabouts and the Family Camper and RVer Family for making 2014 such an enjoyable year and look forward to next years activities. Submitted by: Gary & Linda Sander, Presidents Page 17 Chapter Meeting Reports Rollin’ Turtles The Rollin' Turtles held their August campout at Branched Oak on August 15-17. We were honored to have our State Directors, Ken and Sandy Kendall join us for the weekend. Many made it a long weekend by arriving on Wednesday or Thursday. Friday evening we journeyed to Garland for supper returning to the campground for an evening of games and cards. Saturday evening meal was our potato bar meal (it is truly amazing how many goodies one can stack on top of 1 potato) Salads and desserts completed the meal. After the meeting cards, games, campfire or just visiting was the agenda of the evening. Our next campout will be at Pawnee SRA on September 19-21. It seems impossible that summer is nearly over. Myrna Stieber. Secretary COURAGEOUS RAMBLERS Some of us went to Regional and had a good time. We enjoyed the crafts, the talk on tornados had a lot of good information. The door prize baskets Covered a lot of great ideas. Pearl Shaw gave us a scare when she fell and hit her head on a table. There were some people with medical training and we were thankful for there help. They wanted Pearl to go get checked out. But she was stubborn and didn't go. This was Saturday and Sunday she was fine. We had a family reunion and she was her usual happy self. August 13 was our club meeting with cake and ice cream being served. Marcy Medley was there for the first time since February. I am happy to report she is getting better every day. Happy Camping, Norma Hetrick, Secretary Page 18 Chapter Meeting Reports The Republican Valley Sodbusters The Republican Valley Sodbusters held their August 15 – 17th campout at one of our favorite places, the Superior City Park. Hosts, John and Elaine Guilkey had a very nice weekend organized for the group. Thirteen members camped for the two nights and 4 more drove in for Saturday afternoon and the supper and meeting. For supper on Friday evening we enjoyed home made ice cream, sandwiches and cake. It was a good weekend for ice cream! We had our usual pot luck supper on Saturday evening with more left-overs than we could clean up Sunday noon. After the business meeting on Saturday evening we enjoyed a game of cards until it got so dark we couldn’t see the cards! Sunday morning Don Haresnape lead the group in a devotional service. The September 19 – 21st campout will be held at Methodist Cove on Harlan County Lake. Reservations are needed at this campground. The club will be camped in the area of sites 84 – 95. This will be a no-host campout. Campers are asked to bring a meat of their choice for a cookout on Friday night. Also bring a side dish to share. Saturday night will be a pot luck supper. Don Haresnape volunteered to make his delicious pancakes for Saturday morning breakfast. We are anxious to get some responses from the family camper posters and hopefully will find some who are interested on joining a camping club. Visitors are always welcome. Remember to call an officer of the club if you are unable to attend the campout. Submitted by: Shirley Rippe Page 19 Chapter Meeting Reports Fun Finders The Fun Finders met July 25-27, at Orleans City Park. Four families were in attendance. Some went into Alma for the farmer's market, lunch, and to visit the Caring Cupboard. We had a BBQ potluck supper Saturday evening. On Sunday Morning, Charley Gies had church service which was followed by a potluck breakfast. Next campout will be at the Hastings fairgrounds, August 22-24, so members can attend the State Fair if they want. Three Fun Finder families camped at the Regional in York and one family visited for the event. It was a great campout with lots to do. Sharon Gies, News Spreader Western Nebraska Wheelers Fall Festival will at fort Kearney on September 26-28th and will be hosted by the Western Nebraska Wheelers. Saturday September 27th 8:00 a.m. Flag Ceremony followed by C.A.M. P. walk 10:00 a.m. Bean Bag baseball 12:00 noon Lunch on your own 2:00 p.m. Table games followed by refreshments 6:00 p.m. Potluck supper followed up fireside worship Sunday September 28th 9:00 a.m. Church Service followed by potluck breakfast. Other things may happen also. “Come camp with us” Page 20 Regional Director – Jerry Pfirsh Nebraska Directors State Directors State Secretary State Treasurers (308)382‐4824 State Chaplain Mert Feikert C.A.M.P.(Campers Actively Moving Program) Kelly Bettelyoun Retiree Directors Youth Director Ken & Sandy Kendall Mary Kay Hackett Earl & Jan Franklin Teen Director Jenell Hicks Conservation Directors Rob and Joleen Baker Mahlon and Judy Dickey Dawn Baker Adult Activities Director Historian Scholarship Chair Lynna McKenney Vacant Arlus DeVriendt Wildlife Directors D.A.S.A.T. Disaster And Photographer 308-870-3951 Al & Joan Stone Janene Feikert Safety Awareness Training Vacant Field Directors Eastern District Central District Explorers Albert & Joan Stone Golden Rockers Ina Hill-Carriker River City Wanderers Rob and Joleen Baker Courageous Ramblers Mahlon and July Dickey Fun Finders Charles & Sharon Gies Heartland Runabouts Ken and Sandy Kendall Triple F Rob and Joleen Baker Rollin’ Turtles Ward and Jan Van Arsdall Republican Valley Sodbusters Jim and Janet Staehr Western District Western Wheelers - Leonard and Lynna McKenney – 308-870-3951 Editor, Calling Gary & Linda Sander
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