May 1, 2016 - St. Christopher Catholic Church


May 1, 2016 - St. Christopher Catholic Church
1576 Curtner Avenue,
San Jose, CA. 95125
Mon-Fri: 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
Sundays: 6:30, 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m.,
12:30 & 6 p.m.
1st Friday of the Month: Ador ation & Noon Mass
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Parish Office Msgr . Allen Center
2278 Booksin Ave., San Jose, CA. 95125
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 8:30am—noon, 1:00-4:00pm
Fridays 8:30am to Noon
Main Office: 408-269-2226, (fax) 408-269-2784
Pastor: Rev. Chr istopher Bennett Ext. 135
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Anthony Uytingco Ext. 130
And Rev. Chady Segovia Ext. 143
Deacon Bruce Zorio, Ext. 137
Parish Secretaries:
Adrienne DiVittorio & Sharon Tavolara
Business & Facility Manager
Elaine Blocher, Ext. 136
Safe Environment:
Nancy Jolliff Ext. 133
Confessions: Satur days 9:30-10:30am & by appt.
To become Catholic: 269-2226 Ext. 137
Parish Records:
Gayle Blackford Ext. 124
Pastoral Ministry:
Loretta Pfaff, 408-264-5114 Ext. 131
Youth/Young Adult Ministry:
Chris Miller - 408-395-7949
Catechetical Ministry: 264-8764
Director: Sr. Felicia Gross, O.S.F. Ext. 128
Rel. Ed. Assistant: Diane Forst Ext. 127
Elementary Sacrament Coordinator: Gina Park Ext. 126
Outreach Office: 269-2226 Ext. 132
Nancy Melander
Pantry Hours: 4:00-5:30pm Tuesday & Wednesday
Call for Saturday Hours
Principal: Mrs. Corrine Buich
Vice Principals: Sr. Kieran O’Connor, P.B.V.M; Mrs. Jutta Brassill and Mrs. Kathy Carter
Business Manager: Mrs. Stephanie Houlihan
Finance Manager: Divina Orogo
Development Director: Teresa Behan
Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016
Congratulations to Fr. Chris
Please join us in recognizing Fr. Chris as he celebrated his 26th Anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood on April 21st. We would like to
congratulate him on the wonderful journey he has taken this far, and
thank God for him and for all he has done for us here at St. Christopher’s.
Please acknowledge and bless him on this special occasion.
12 noon MASS
and Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
This week is First Friday of the Month
Devotion. In addition to our Sacred
Heart devotion, we have a Eucharistic
devotion. After the 8 a.m. Mass, the Eucharist will
be exposed for Adoration until 11:45 a.m. Followed by benediction then Mass at 12:00 noon to
conclude the Eucharistic devotion. We invite you
come and participate in this monthly devotion.
Check us out on our new and
improved website at
Mother’s Day is coming, get your
Spiritual Bouquet Mother’s Day
Cards in the vestibule and at the
entrance doors to the Church.
Please drop the donation envelope in
the collection basket or send it to the
Msgr. Allen Center.
Catholic Home Mission Appeal
Thank you for your generous support of last week’s
Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Your contribuƟons
will help strengthen the Church at home and will
help ensure that the Gospel is spread across the
United States. To learn more about home missions
funding and who the appeal helps, please visit
You will be able to look up
Mass Times, Holiday Schedules, questions about Baptism, Marriages,
and Church events, etc. Past
bulletins are also available on
our web site to look up past
Change in Parish Office Hours
Please Note: The parish office will
close at Noon on Fridays.
Attention Please Note:
Sacrament of Confession hours have
changed to Saturdays 9:30 to 10:30am
or by Appointment.
Scholarship Award
Knights Of Columbus Bishop O’Dowd Council 3474
is now accepting scholarship applications. Applicants must be high school seniors and be a member
of one of the six parishes that the council serves.
This (1) $500.00 Award is presented to an outstanding individual selected from the applications received. The criteria for the selection is based on financial need, Grade Point Average, and extra curricular activities including those with church and community. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS
IS JUNE 1, 2016. Contact Chris Strathmeyer
< >for more information and applications.
4:30 Yvonne Pine, Lorraine Igoe, Roberta Enright,
Charles & Ilena Ward, Frank & Louise Maro,
Burnie Russell
6:30 Yvonne Pine, Helen Boshell, Stella McGrath,
Kathleen Folan
8:00 Yvonne Pine, Michael Giammona,
Maureen Morgan, Bud & Carlee Arioto,
Rosemary DeGregorio
Carl & Anna Borrelli (50th Wedding Anniv..)
9:30 Yvonne Pine, Fadi Zikoor, Elvira Macri,
Angela “Gigi” Gemma Taft (sp int)
11:00 Yvonne Pine, Sandi Modeson, Carol Scholz,
Art Volkman
12:30 Yvonne Pine, Martha Eugenia Gonzalez,
James Tramel, Josslyn Tramel (sp int)
6:00 Yvonne Pine
Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents
The St. Christopher’s Over50’s Club established a
Scholarship Fund this year to benefit a graduating
8th Grade Girl and Boy. Based on donations by our
members, this year each scholarship will be
$500.00. The requirements are you must attend St.
Christopher’s School and be accepted into a
Catholic/Christian school. School personnel will
determine application qualifications. The application process is simple. It involves writing a three
paragraph essay that address three questions and
submitting the essay by May 2, 2016. The Over
50’s Scholarship Committee will read and evaluate
each essay and select the two recipients. We would
like to encourage all graduating 8th grade students of
St. Christopher’s School to apply. Your homeroom
teachers have the applications.
Inquiring About Becoming Catholic
The RCIA, Rite of Christian Intimation for Adults,
is beginning its period of Inquiry. During this time
Non–Catholic adults are invited look at their own
faith journey and how the Catholic Church can help
meet their spiritual needs. If you are interested in
looking at the Catholic Faith and how the RCIA process can assist you in this endeavor please contact
Deacon Bruce Zorio at or
call the parish office at Ext. 137
(408) 264-8764
Religious Education Office Hours:
Office hours- Mon.–Thurs.
9-a.m.-Noon and 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
REL. ED. JUNIOR HIGH: Meets this Sunday,
May 1st from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. in Walsh Hall; this
will be our final meeting for this year.
All children currently enrolled in Sunday, Tuesday,
and the 7th grade Jr. Hi. Program received reregistration packets this past week. There are limited
spaces for both Sunday and Tuesday classes, so
please return the completed re-registration forms
ASAP to retain a place for your child for our Fall
2016-2017 session.
registrations for children not currently enrolled in
any Religious Education program will begin on
Tuesday, May 17th from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in
the Msgr. Allen Center, 2nd floor. We are open Monday-Thursday and closed from Noon-1:00 p.m. You
must be currently registered at St. Christopher
Church or another church in the Diocese of San Jose. A copy of your child’s baptismal certificate is
also required unless they were baptized at St. Christopher. Payment is due at the time of registration.
There are limited spaces in grades 1st-6th for Sunday
and Tuesday. For more information, please call the
above phone number.
This program is available during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass for all parish children in grades Kindergarten through 4th, no registration is necessary. Liturgy of the Word will end on May 15th and will resume in September.
Welcome to join our Sharing reflections on the Book
of Isaiah. Thursdays 7-9pm in Msgr Allen Center.
Facilitators: Sr. Sharon SND and Diane Simon.
Attention Online Giving Donors:
If you have donations posted to your credit card and
you have been issued a new credit card by your
bank for what ever reason, please be sure and log on
to your Online Giving Profile and update your account information. You can access the Online Giving Site by using the link on our Parish Website, If you have any questions
Thank you for your continued support of our Parish.
Social Justice
Young Adults
In the 1st and 2nd readings from the Acts of the
Apostles, we are told of the linkage of the
Church with the Jewish tradition: 12 tribes, 12
apostles; the issue of circumcision evolving; no
temple in the new city of Jerusalem. Then, in
the Gospel, the need for transition is emphasized by Jesus as He tells his disciples of the
importance in being receptive to the Holy Spirit
in facilitating their ability to remain focused on
what He had told them.
In discerning what relevance this might have in
our lives in the 21st Century, reflection on a few
issues noted by Pope Benedict XVI in "Caritas
in Veritate": (57) "Faithful dialogue between faith
and reason cannot but render the work of charity more effective within society, and it constitutes the most appropriate framework for promoting fraternal collaboration between believers
and non-believers in their shared commitment to
working for justice of the human family."; in addressing the issue of migrants, (62): "- - foreign
workers, despite any difficulties concerning integration, make a significant contribution to the
economic development of the host country
through their labor, besides that which they
make to their country of origin through money
they send home. - - -Every migrant is a human
person who, as such, possesses fundamental,
inalienable rights that must be respected by
everyone and in every circumstance."; and,
(63), calling upon the writings of Pope John
Paul II reflecting on "decent work": "expresses
essential dignity"; "freely chosen"; effectively
associating workers"; "worker to be respected
and free from any form of discrimination"; "for
families to meet their needs"; "provide schooling
for their children" (who are free of forced labor);
"workers to organized themselves"; "room for
rediscovering one's roots at a personal, familial
and spiritual level"; and, with retirement, "a decent standard of living"
As citizens, as participants in the electoral process, in this election year, we have a right to expect "faithful dialogue" with regard to those issues challenging us as a society in our journey
toward the "common Good".
Young Adults: St. Christopher Young Adults are a
group of parishioners ages 18 to 39, single and married, who are connected by our Catholic faith and
who actively participate in the life of the Church.
Our mission is to “continue lifelong learning in a
Catholic environment through spiritual growth, reflection, and service as we strengthen our relation
with God though each other, our faith, and our community." The group strives to offer the following
programmatic components on a rotating basis: faith
sharing, social events, and service opportunities. Participants are also encouraged to get involved with the
liturgical ministries at the Parish. Please join us on
Sunday, May 15 from 1:30 until 3 pm in Walsh
Hall as we build community, br eak br ead (lunch
will be included), and deepen our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ:. Any questions contact: Chris
Miller at or 408-395-7949
Any comments or input please direct them to:
Doug Harper
Let us pray for all who have died, that
they may rejoice with the Risen Lord,
Nancy Hunt
Youth Group
Youth Group The final session of the year for the St.
Christopher Parish High School Youth Group will be
this Sunday, May 1 at 7 until 8:30 pm in Walsh Hall.
Please join us as we enjoy BBQ food and talk about
how to handle stress.
Congratulations to the following teens who
received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the
12:30 pm Mass on Sunday, May 1:
Julia Bozzo, Hannah Bruckner, Griffin Buerk,
Isabella Cima, VictoriaColeman, Sean Cuddihy,
David DeRuiter, Nicolas DeRuiter, Sarah Durbin,
Claire Edson, Joshua Enar, Sydney Escobar, Chloe
Fehr, Jake Flynn, Gabriel Guerrero, Lauren Hagele,
Tyler Hawkins, Lissette Heering, Emily Kort, Antoni
Kubinski, Annika Lang, William March, Isabelle
McKenzie, Sheila Messavussu, Margaret Middione,
Tara Miller, Marcos Montelongo, Michael
Montelongo, Jeff Morgan, Lily Morgan, Rich
Morgan, Stephen Neary, Daniela Obringer, Alicia
Perez, Stephen Pitek, Tessa Roberson, John Schon,
Max Sharpe, Margaux Sharpe, Matthew Shikada,
Bianca Shaw, Andrew Snow, Steven Teddy,
Dominic Tibbils
Ladies’ Guild and Holy Name
Join us as we welcome in our newly elected
Ladies’ Guild Board and
Celebrate together our year of giving!
Installation Mass & Dinner
Wednesday, May 18th
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Mass followed by a catered dinner.
$25 per person
To purchase on line, go to Ladies Guild website:
Send check payable to Ladies’ Guild, to
Meredith Bray-1966 Creek Drive, SJ 95125
Respond by May 13th
Questions: contact Sandy Douthit (408) 499-1703
Ladies’ Guild Disbursements for 2015-2016
As the Ladies’ Guild fundraising year comes to a close for
2015-2016, we are now preparing to disburse our funds. We
are blessed to have had a year of successful events that will
allow us to assist our St. Christopher Parish, School and Community.
At this Ɵme we welcome your requests and suggesƟons regarding distribuƟon of our funds, keeping in mind: Our mission
is to acƟvely support our parish, school and greater community
by fostering spiritual growth, fundraising acƟviƟes, and helping
those in need.
You may send any requests and suggesƟons directly to me, in
wriƟng or via email, at the address listed below by
Friday, April 29th,2016
Please include as much detail and documentaƟon as possible
to allow us to make an informed decision when disbursing our
funds. Following a review by Father BenneƩ and me, the compiled list of requests and suggesƟons will be presented to, and
voted on, by the Ladies’ Guild Board on May 11th, 2016
Thank you for your support of all our fundraising events this
past year, including our Benefit AucƟon and AnƟque Show. We
could not have succeeded without you! Please share in our joy
as we give back!
Sherry Riordan
Ladies’ Guild President
1486 Husted Ave
San Jose Ca 95125
Over 50’s
The Over 50’s May meeting is the Crowning of the Blessed
Virgin and Installation of Officers. This meeting will be held at
the Three Flames on Meridian Ave and will include a luncheon.
Your choice of entrée is steak, chicken or salmon. The cost is
$26.00 per person and please mail your checks made out to the
Over 50’s to Lore McCoy at 1311 Vierra Court San Jose 95125.
Indicate on your check your meal selection. All checks must be
in Lore’s hands by May 9.
Ever wonder what it takes to get a $1.2 Billion
stadium built & operational? Or how to provide a
secure, safe environment for the highest profile
Super Bowl ever held? Come to the Past
President's Dinner on Thursday, May 5th in Healy
Hall and listen to Jim Mercurio, Vice President of
Stadium Operations & General Manager for the San
Francisco 49ers tell you how it's done and answer all
your questions while having a great tri-tip dinner!
Every year the Holy Name Society and Ladies' Guild work
together to recognize and honor outstanding volunteerism within the Saint Christopher community. We are now seeking nominations for this important recognition and welcome your input.
Here are some guidelines we will use to choose the recipient(s):
1. The volunteer should either be a parishioner for at least 5
years, or have accomplished something extraordinary in the
past year;
2. The person nominating the honoree should submit one or
two paragraphs summarizing and including the following:
a. Longevity of nominee's volunteerism;
b. Activities/committees/events in which the person
c. The reason this person should be recognized.
d. How this person's volunteerism has impacted their own
lives and/or the lives of others
3. The person nominating the volunteer must be able to ensure
the honoree will be at church on the day of recognition and/or
help coordinate with the honoree's family.
The deadline for submissions is May 6, 2015
To submit your nomination or for more information please
contact Vickie Brown at or 408-978-2484
Christian Meditation
As taught by Father John Main O.S.B.
Thursday May 12th at 7pm
You are warmly invited to participate in the ancient tradition
and practice of silent Christian meditation on Thursday, May
12th, in preparation for the Feast of Pentecost. We will be
meeting in Church, at 7pm. Meditation brings us to that place
of inner silence where “we are simply being with God who is in
us in the Holy Spirit whom Jesus has given us” (John Main).
Christian meditation is a prayer of faith. “It is more important to
experience its power in our lives than to try to understand or
explain it” (John Main), so let us deepen our spiritual life by
joining together to meditate as we await the beautiful Feast of
Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
The format for our meetings is very simple and will consist of
gathering together, followed by a prayer and a reading. We will
listen to a recording of John Main for about 10 minutes then a
couple of minutes of gentle music, before meditating together
for 20 minutes. We will conclude with some more gentle music
and candlelight prayers. This invitation is extended with much
love to all who have come to previous meditations for Pentecost, All Saints/All Souls and during the seasons of Advent and
Lent and also to anyone who has never meditated before.
All are welcome – no experience required.
Please Pray for us!!!
Pray for the ill in our Parish
Gregoria Poole
Lily Rabanal,
Teri Caparelli
Virginia Dalziel,
Jeanne Randazzo
Carol Whelan,
Alec Giurlani
Valerie Shupp,
Dee Mullen
Michael Scullion,
Pat Lascola
Lenore Luedeman,
Lee Reik
Marcus Espinoza,
Paul Russo
Cornell Wade,
Reggie Jose
Marty Rattay,
Rick Lovoy
Roy LeFevre,
Nina Ratulowski
Martha & Charles
Connie Himmelsbach
Shannon Flynn
Dave Oliverio,
Vera Gutierrez
Margret Gaffaney,
Dorothy Mariles
Al & Jean Trznadel, and
Dave Paul,
Lena Iaconis
Anthony Cardoza,
The Christopher Ministry provides meals to parishioners during times of temporary crisis or hardship.
If you or a fellow parishioner needs the help of the
Christophers’, please contact the Ministry Chairpersons. Also, please consider becoming a Christopher and helping provide this important and comforting service to members within the community.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Caroline Begg
Karen Warford
(408) 267-7820
(408) 266-7441
MARRIED COUPLES: Pope J ohn Paul II said
“I place much of my hope for the future in marriage
encounter”. Aren’t you anxious to know why? The
next Marriage Encounter Weekend is May 20-22,
2016 in Mountain View. For more information visit
our website at: or contact Ken &
Claranne at or 408-782-1413.
1150 North First Street, Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95112
Complaints or allegations of Sexual misconduct
may be reported via:
PHONE: 408-983-0113
FAX: 408-983-0147
We continue to pray for all the men and
women serving our country
in this time of war:
Alex Ngo, Tim McCullough, Joey Bellomo,
Nick Badagliacco, Matthew Ward, Angelo
Totanes, Ciro LoBono, Tyler Hammerness, Branden
Alwine, Greg Cook, Connor McDonald, Christian
Dietz, Connor Quinn, Adam Christopher Madewell,
Richard Stayskal, Larry Chartier, Andrew Morgan,
Derek Carroll, Allen Ellerbee, Obadihah Petteway,
Eric Gentrup, Michael Arnone, David Wells, Ryan
Trapani, Rafi Miranda, Spencer Fishman, Ryan A.
Johnson, David Ryan, Benjamin Owens-Filice,
Christopher Healy, and Christine Doudell
Sisters of the Holy Names
Annual Strawberry Luncheon
The Sisters of the Holy Names invite you to join them at
their annual Strawberry Luncheon on Wednesday, May
25 at 11:30 am. The luncheon is held in Campbell, at the
Orchard City Banquet Hall part of the Campbell Community Center. Tickets are $20 and by advance reservation.
May 1868 saw the arrival of the first Sisters of the Holy
Names to California. May is the month to celebrate this
anniversary and is a time to reflect on the years of ministry: remembering the students taught and lives touched;
and give thanks for so much generosity. The Sisters have
been a part of the fabric of the south bay since the 1950s:
teaching at St. Mary’s in Los Gatos, St. Christopher and
Saint Patrick School in San Jose, and running the Casa
Maria Montessori, to name a few.
Gather your friends and come join the Sisters in celebration. We will have Drawings for Gift Baskets.
Tickets are available by calling 408-395-2868 or emailing by Wednesday, May 18.
Did you know that we have an Online Giving program here at St. Christopher Parish? Our Online
Giving program allows you to donate using your
VISA, Mastercard, or bank account. Donations can
be made for the Sunday Offering as well as most
Second Collections and the Parish Renewal Fund.
Why use the Online Program? Because gifts are
done electronically you will no longer need to worry
about remembering to bring your envelopes to
church. It also allows you to use VISA or Mastercard so you will be able to earn your miles or other
awards on your credit cards.
You can access our secure site by using the link on
our parish website at
Thank you in advance for you support of our parish.