June 21 - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
June 21 - St. Julie Billiart Roman Catholic Parish
St. Julie Billiart Parish A home for every heart ~ formed by faith, acting in hope, serving with love June 21 7399 West 159th Street Tinley Park IL 60477 708-429-6767 www.stjulie.org Affiliated with Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School Page 2 FR. LOU’S LINE . . . Inside this Issue FATHER’S DAY… 2 Fr. Lou’s Line 3 Parish Happenings & Highlights 4 Parish Calendar Sacrificial Giving 5 Ministers’ Schedule Mass Intentions 6 Our Loved Ones 7 Reflection Readings for the Week 8 Liturgy & Music 9 Human Concerns 10 Formation Religious Education 11 Community Life 12 Youth & Young Adults 13 CJBS 14 Bulletin Board Parish Contacts Letters from St. Julie ~ Would to God we had as much love for the good God as we have for ourselves! Today we celebrate Father’s Day. We acknowledge and honor all those who live out the vocation of fatherhood. There are many men who serve as father figures to us: grandfathers, uncles, brothers, God-fathers and even priests! And while most men often portray a certain modicum of stoicism, we give them all a heartfelt hug today. Dad’s are important people: they are often seen as providers, disciplinarians, fix-it men, teachers and supporters. Like mothers, they encompass many roles in our lives. I am blessed to have a terrific dad who has given so much to my sisters and I. More so, I am blessed that my dad is really my friend. There was a time, as with most kids, when I thought it not “cool” to be associated with my dad. Now, I couldn’t be happier than when someone says “you’re just like your father!” And so, on this day let us honor all fathers and father figures. We offer our sincerest appreciation as we say Happy Father’s Day! FR. MIKE FAREWELL… This Sunday, Fr. Mike concludes his assignment as our Associate Pastor. Fr. Mike has served St. Julie’s for the last three years. He came to St. Julie’s as a newly ordained priest. He is now assigned to St. Damian Parish in Oak Forest as a seasoned veteran. Second assignment parishes tend to have a greater influence on how it is we are to shepherd a community. It is for this reason that Fr. Mike has chosen to move on to his second assignment. Fr. Mike is a man of faith. He is passionate about teaching the faith. He is skilled at being present to people. And he has done a remarkable job in learning names of people - a task of which I am envious! He has been an asset to the parish and especially to Cardinal Bernardin School. May God Bless Fr. Mike as he begins his new ministry at St. Damian. Please join us today after the 12:00 Noon Mass in the Parish Hall for a reception to bid Fr. Mike farewell. MISSION TRIP… We send off a group of young people and their chaperones for this year’s Mission Trip! They are headed to Ohio this week so we wish them a safe journey. We hope that their work this week will not only build shelter for those in need, but also build character in themselves along with building a deeper life with the Lord! LORD STANLEY… Our beloved Hawks have done it again! We welcome Lord Stanley’s Cup back home to Chicago! What an exciting time to be a Blackhawks’ Fan! Was there ever any doubt? Lessons to appreciate: 1. One Goal! 2. Stay calm and don’t quit! 3. It’s not over until the final horn sounds, and the cup is in our hands! Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks and their legions of Fans! Que Chelsea Dagger! In many ways, a priest’s first parish helps to shape him in his ministry as priest. For years, you study in the seminary and dream about how priestly ministry will look. Then you enter into your assignment and discover that for all the study and dreaming, the reality of living as an ordained priest is far different and challenging. The first assignment helps to orientate a priest to the Peace & Prayers, realities of how life will look. ~Julie, L418 A second assignment really begins to direct a priest’s thoughts about pastoring. PARISH HAPPENINGS & HIGHLIGHTS Monday Night Medley Page 3 WEDDINGS/ ANNIVERSARIES Beloved, let us love one another. 1 John 4:7 June 18, 2015 65 h Wedding Anniversary Chuck & Mildred Faron Summer Faith Wishing all of our Dads a relaxing and fun day. We appreciate you and are very grateful for your wisdom, strength and love. Formation Series One Lord, one faith, one baptism. Details on page 10 June 13, 2015 June 27 Shoppers Needed ATTENTION ONLINE GIVERS: E-Giving Cut Off Date is June 30. The transition period from E-Giving ends June 30. E-Giving accounts will be disabled. To access Give Central type in the direct link to St. Julie at: https:// www.givecentral.org/ location/365 NEWLY BAPTIZED in Devine Center from 7:00-8:45 p.m. St. Julie Front Parking Lot Time: 7:30am—Noon For more information please see Community Life page 11. Ephesians 4:5 Dylan Olivia Daughter of Brittany Buchanan and Jason Gricar Ella Jo Daughter of Kristina and Bryan Kluever Isabella Marie Daughter of Kristina Kopka and Adrian Kotuk Alexander David Son of Kathryn and Antonio Mata Molly Susan Daughter of Catherine and Frank Muchna TNT: July 5 thru 10 Breakaway to Lacon, IL For ages 8th Grade thru Senior in high school. For more information see Youth page 12. Molly Marie Daughter of Jamie and Michael Smith _______ June 14, 2015 Kelly Reese Daughter of Kathryn and Thomas Insley Page 4 PARISH CALENDAR June 15 - June 21 Devine Center except where noted. Subject to change without notice. Monday, June 22 Tuesday, June 23 Wednesday, June 24 Thursday, June 25 Friday, June 26 Saturday, June 27 Sunday, June 28 Summer Intensive Religious Education Autumn Leaves Rosary - Away Protecting God’s Children St. Julie Golf Outing Meeting - Great Room St. Peregrine Novena - Chapel SVDP Meeting - Staff Conference Room Monday Night Medley AA Mission Trip - Away 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. E-Giving Cut Off 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. In completing the transition to GiveCentral, E-Giving will close out on June 30. Summer Intensive Religious Education RCIA - Conference Room Mission Trip - Away 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Summer Intensive Religious Education Yah Trip Committee Meeting - Staff Conference Room Mission Trip - Away 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Direct link to St. Julie on Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Chapel Summer Intensive Religious Education CJBS Golf Committee Meeting Mission Trip - Away Summer Intensive Religious Education Joyful Again Set-up Ciciora & Gonzalez Wedding - Church Mission Trip - Away Parish Office Closes at Noon Note for the week: GiveCentral is https:// www.givecentral.org/ 8:30 a.m. location/365 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. SJB Garage Sale - Front Parking Lot Joyful Again! Hutnik & Carrero Wedding - Church AA 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Joyful Again! Baptism Prep - Great Room TNT Senior Dinner - Away 7:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sacrificial Giving for July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 June 14 Year to Date Needed $20,200.00 $1,010,000.00 Collected $14,538.24 $ 959,915.87 Under Budget ($ 5,661.76) Children Envelopes Children Giving ($ 50,084.13) 21 $17.01 Summer Office Hours: This change is on Fridays only. Now thru August 28, the Parish Office will close at Noon. (All other posted times remain the same.) Except for Friday, July 3, the office will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July Holiday. Page 5 Liturgical Ministers Saturday 4:30 p.m. June 27 / 28 (subject to change without notice) Sunday 7:30 a.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday 12:00 noon Sunday 6:00 p.m. Fr. Ed Upton Fr. Roberto Mercado Fr. Lou Tylka Fr. Lou Tylka Fr. Lou Tylka Fr. Frank Kurucz J. Hohner D. Wydra S. Rheinheimer J. DeVivo C. Hohner B. Theis M. Roth C. Scallon J. Van Klaveren B. Pantoja E. Eubank N. Gorman W. Fish C. Nied K. Supple F. De La Vega J. Benz C. Evans SERVERS A. Flanagan K. Flanagan T. Ryan M. Burns A. Geigner K. Rost E. Conneely R. Hill B. Spinella L. Moreno N. Plys T. Porcaro F. Duncan T. Siebenaler Z. Siebenaler A. Anchinges C. Duffy D. Schissler EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS R. Bracken B. Broz P. Daly S. Edelen J. Haines A. Hayes E. Helmold P. Helmold M. Hernaez B. Kmak J. Lisiecki M. Lisiecki J. McErlean M. Modjeski J. Neven M. Ryan C. Scallon B. Weglarz D. Gallagher M. Geary G. Gestaut M. Johnson P. Kmak P. Marrs J. McMillian S. McMillian M. Norris L. Palmer N. Rosian K./J. Rost J. Rost S. Rost G. Rost J. Van Klaveren C. Alexander W. Busby J. Cavanaugh E. Collins M. Cronin R. Espinos M. Estandarte M. Fortner B. Kokaska C. Kokaska E. Kuta M. Kuta M. McCarthy M. Melgar T. Melgar J. Tuzik P. Wyrick R. Wyrick J. Burda * E. Day N. Dudek P. Fashingbauer P. Flynn M. Gastala T. Keifer K. Moreno N. Noga M. Plys T. Rohan M. Rubino G. Scheve M. Scheve J. Taylor J. Van Zeyl C. Ward S. Wasinski S. Biel D. Dobrzynski L. Freundt L. Ignacio D. Jozwiak J. Kilanowski P. Laspesa T. Lavan L. Maurer P. Moskal P. Siebenaler Not Filled Not Filled Not Filled Not Filled Not Filled S. Becvar J. Benz D. Buckley T. Corcuera K. Duffy P. Duffy C. Evans A. Evans E. Evans K. Kramer J. Lucas J. O'Donnell M. O'Donnell T. O'Donnell J. Rickey PRESIDERS DEACONS CANTORS LECTORS 1st 2nd (* denotes sub has been requested ) CHILDREN’S LITURGY Leader Assistant Mass Intentions Monday, June 22 Daily Masses Monday - Friday at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 23 Wednesday, June 24 +Joseph, Gina, Andrew +Timothy J. Szwed +Mary, Frank & Vivian & Alberta Fattori +Jesse Lopez Klus +Anthony & Katherine Osacky +Rita Ziccarelli +Amelia & Frank Besowshek Beloved Deceased of Deceased members of the: +Paz Mijares St. Julie Billiart Morrissey & Leonard families +Josephine Dimperio Thursday, June 25 Friday, June 26 +Ann Dent +Mary Lowe +Mary Schulok +Italio, Alice & Geraldine Carlassare +Mary & Lindy Michelsen +Charles Andreas +Rose Contro and family Mass Intentions for the Christian Sabbath, The Lord’s Day Saturday June 27 4:30 p.m. +Fr. Richard M. Jozwiak +Daniel & Lucille Daly +Terry & Richard Sharp +Veronica Vatch +Virginia Buczek +Constance Wysocki +Harriet Moody +Emery Justice +Anne Malak +Bryan Doran +Dolores Nagle +Helena Walkosz Sunday, June 28 7:30 a.m. For All Mothers +Ann Gogolak +Betty Kurasz +John Majewski +Bernice Parzyszek +Joseph Kloptowski 9:00 a.m. For All Fathers +John Spreadbury +Ken Pedersen +Pasquale Giampietro +Michelle Hagan +Mary Baden +Lorraine Ladtkow 40th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Maryann Siniawski 10:30 a.m. St. Julie Parishioners 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. +Mary & Gene Moskal +Matthew J. Cadore, Jr. +Robert E. Bartle +Michelle Hagan +Marie Maraffino +Joseph F. Kurucz +Betty Kurasz +Helen Devoy +Jose Garcia +Cresencia & Reynaldo Tamayo +Rita O’Connell Healing prayers for Clarita Generao Zeny Obile Ignacio Mungcal Individual deceased names preceded by the cross (+) sign . Page 6 REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES OUR BELOVED DEAD Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord. Philippians 1:21 Joseph F. Kurucz (father of Rev. Frank Kurucz) Theresa Bernard (mother of Frank) Patricia Lenzen (wife of Ronald) Julia Rokosz NEEDING GOOD HEALTH Jack Ryan Primo LaCasas Sue Weidenhofer Harry Mistro Patrick Moody Michael Rodrigues Bill Dempsey Geraldine Majewski Jackson Bowen Kathleen O’Grady Rich & Carol Stankus Matthew Eckert Mary V. Rao Gloria Presto Louise Data Eve Cole Anthony LaCassa Ray Schuster Louise Data Eve Kole Frank Lenti Wanda Smuda Mary Murphy SERVING OUR COUNTRY * Thomas Ryan, USMC Major Jim Hannigan, US Army 1st Lt. Brian Sutor, USAF Lt. Col. Tom Vogel, US Army Lt. Col. Dan Vogel, US Army Paul Evans SSG, US Army Joseph Lyon PFC Alex Bubis PFC, US Army Raul Torres, US Army Sgt. Jason L. O’Brien, US Army Timothy J. Avolio, US Navy Master Sgt. Michael LaGiglia 1st Lt. Mario LaGiglia Sr. Airman Dominic LaGiglia Sr. Airman Brandon LaGiglia Private Geno LaGiglia Sgt. John Thomas LaGiglia Captain Kelly Pajak Johnson Captain Matthew Johnson US Army National Guard Private Salvatore Chavez, US Army Lt. Katherine Maglia, USAF Staff Sgt. Steve Martin, USAF Michael J. Yucuis, Jr., USAF Lt. Col. Kimberly (Nyderek) Schmidt, USAF Nick Merda, U.S. Marines Lt. Charles S. Novak, US Coast Guard John T. Hannigan PFC John Riordan, US Army Tanya Ayon, USAF Private Juan Carlos Chavez, US Army AFC Tanya Rhude, USAF Capt. Michael J. VanWyk, USMC Lt. Cmdr. Michael P. Schnolis, US Navy Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Whitney Airman Richard P. Scherl Matt West, US Army 2nd Lt. David Pierce, US Army Staff Sgt. Carmen Consolino, USMC Sgt. Timothy Gena, USMC Airman Michael R. Sarniak, Jr., US Coast Guard Kimberly Rodriguez, US Marines Matt Brophy, US Army Sgt. David Bergunder, US Army Capt. Michael Wieland, US Marines Capt. John S. Dabrowski, US Army Capt. Brian Dommer, US Army Sgt. Robert Sterling, US Army Timothy Driscoll, US Army Cpl. Joseph G. Kowalczyk, USMC Bryan Holubik, US Navy PVT Matthew Ryan, US Army Lt. Cmdr. Michael W. Meno, Jr., US Navy 2nd Lt. Andrew Reno 1 Lt John H. Weiss John Scope, US Army AFC Alex Barrett, USAF PFC Daniel Patrick Ryan, US Army PFC Joe Louis Siebenaler, US Army PFC Daniel Wiatrowski, US Army Tyler Novak, US Army PV2 Eric Holubik, US Army PVI/PFC Abel Santillan, US Marines Capt. Brandon Schmidt, USAF Tom Ortega, USArmy * To add your military family member who is currently serving our country to the prayer list, please call the office. When he/she is released from their service, please let us know so we can keep this list current. Thank you ~ God Bless America and all those who serve. Page 7 Sund ay Jesus is Lord Over the Wind and Sea, Over All Creation, and Over Us as Well by Mary K. Deeley My brother, sister, and I learned to sail when we were young. Of all the lessons we had, the one I remember nearly verbatim was “Signs of an Approaching Storm.” I can reel off the list as though it were yesterday: dark, low, fast-moving clouds; a sudden shift in wind direction and velocity; a sudden change in temperature. To this day, when I experience any of these things, I close windows and make sure everything is inside. I think the apostles who were seasoned fishermen must have had similar training, and I have often wondered why they just didn’t make for shore when they noticed the signs. But then I remember that some storms move in very quickly and, if you are in the middle of the sea, you can’t make it to shore easily. The apostles may have decided to ride it out and then realized they could not. It must have struck the apostles as odd that Jesus was peacefully asleep while they battled rising water and fierce wind. They were afraid of losing their lives. When they woke Jesus up, Scripture says that he “rebuked” the wind and the sea. The same word is used when Jesus casts out demons. The result is peace—at least on the sea or in the person who is possessed. But for the disciples and for us, the act inspires awe and not a little anxiety: “Who then is this?” The answer unfolds for us throughout the Gospels. Jesus is Lord over the wind and sea, over all creation, and over us as well. In storm or calm, he brings his peace and shows us God’s glory. † A Word From Pope Francis Children are the most beautiful gift and blessing that the Creator has given to man and woman. …Today sadly we must speak about the “passions” which many of them endure. From the first moments of their lives, many children are rejected, abandoned, and robbed of their childhood and future. There are those who dare to say, as if to justify themselves, that it was a mistake to bring these children into the world. This is shameful! Let’s not unload our faults onto the children, please! Children are never a “mistake.” Their hunger is not a mistake, nor is their poverty, their vulnerability, their abandonment—so many children abandoned on the streets—and neither is their ignorance or their helplessness...so many children don’t even know what a school is. If anything, these should be reasons to love them all the more, with greater generosity. How can we make such solemn declarations on human rights and the rights of children, if we then punish children for the errors of adults? General audience, April 8, 2015 Copyright © 2015, Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057. 1-800-325-9521. Liguori.org Editor: Julia A. DiSalvo; Designer: Mark Bernard. Scripture quotations in this publication are from the New American Bible, revised edition, © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. For licensing information, call 1-800-488-0488. All rights reserved. Distribution rights granted only to license holders. BHW001 Job 38:1, 8–11 Here shall your proud waves be stilled. 2 Corinthians 5:14–17 Whoever is in Christ is a new creation. Mark 4:35–41 The wind ceased and there was great calm. Excerpted from One Hour With Saint Padre Pio, © Liguori Publications Monday Genesis 12:1–9 Matthew 7:1–5 Tuesday Genesis 13:2, 5–18 Matthew 7:6, 12–14 Wednesday Jeremiah 1:4–10 Peter 1:8–12 Luke 1:5–17 Thursday Genesis 16:1–12, 15–16 or 16:6b–12, 15–16 Matthew 7:21–29 Friday Genesis 17:1, 9–10, 15–22 Matthew 8:1–4 Saturday Genesis 18:1–15 Matthew 8:5–17 Page 8 LITURGY & MUSIC Next week’s readings for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reading I : Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 God does not make death. The author of the Book of Wisdom gives some insight into life after death. The idea of resurrection began to emerge in Israel only in the final two centuries before Christ. Today’s reading presents the idea that righteousness cannot die. Therefore, the human relationship with God cannot die. Questions: For Children: What does sharing with others bring happiness to you? For Youth: What are some of the miraculous moments in your own life? Do you ever pray for miracles? For Adults: What is your personal response to St. Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians today? How will this change your personal habits with money and possessions? (708) 429-6906 Gardeners and “Flower People” have a sub yet, until you get a confirmation email that someone has It is that time of year. Flowers are volunteered. If no one has blooming and plants growing. volunteered by Friday, use the MSP Consider caring for the flowers and Call List on the “Roster Tab” to plants inside and outside of church. FIND a replacement. We appreciate It is an easy task that a couple of your help in this matter. people could do in a short amount of time. Please make some time in your busy schedules to help out. Have a Little Time to Share? The Ministry of Funeral Server is one of compassion, respectfulness and prayer. No matter your age, young adults and older, male or female, this is a call for individuals, friends or couples who wish to serve. If you Reading II : 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 can give a little time on some May you abound in your work of charity. mornings to assist at our funeral In the second reading Paul encourages liturgies as a Funeral Server, you are the Corinthian community to be generous in a collection for the poor needed. Training is provided. Three Christians in Jerusalem. This kind of servers are present at each funeral. generosity, especially when it involves Please let the Liturgy office know if sacrifice, reveals the presence of the you are interested. What an honor Holy Spirit. Giving to a community in to be able to assist the priest and be need of financial support is a sign of present to the many parishioners church unity. who bury their loved ones at St. Gospel : Mark 5:21-43 Julie. Is this call for YOU? The family’s astonishment was complete! Jesus’ miracles are a sign that the power of Satan is broken and the kingdom of God has arrived. The miracle in the center of today’s Gospel is sandwiched between the parts of another. This is one of Mark’s favorite techniques. One touch of Jesus’ clothing and the woman with the hemorrhage is healed. The power of Satan is broken, and new life has entered the world. Worship Office Eucharistic Adoration On Thursdays from after 8:00am Mass until 5:00pm, Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Daily Chapel. Bring a friend and spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. We especially need people to be there during the afternoon hours. The Blessed Sacrament may never be left in chapel if no person is there. So, please take 1/2 hour or an hour to pray. Family Ministry … NEW ! Why not have a parent or parents serve with their children as Altar Servers? Wouldn’t this be a great way to be involved in your parish and do something together? When your family comes to Mass each St. Peregrine Novena person in the family can participate. St. Peregrine, the Patron of those Even if there are more than 3 suffering from cancer, continues on members, all family members can Monday evenings at 7:00pm in vest in the Server Albs and assist, as Chapel. The Novena will continue needed. This is an exciting time for through July 6. families to say yes to their baptismal call “to go and serve”. Please call Liturgical Ministry Schedules the Liturgy Office if interested or look for more info in the bulletin or Please remember to keep your in the Narthex. Or how about assigned dates/times for your Family Greeters! ministry this summer. Request a sub ONLINE if you can’t make it. Remember, this does not mean you HUMAN CONCERNS Food Collection Hospital Visitations Many of our neighbors struggle to put food on the table for their families. Don’t forget to pick up some nonperishable food items and bring them when you come to Mass next week. Time spent in the hospital, rehabilitation centers or nursing homes can be difficult. It is during such times that we seek to hold our parishioners in prayer. It is also a time we would like to reach out with a visit to those who would like to see a minister of care. In addition, there is a critical need for paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, fabric softener, diapers, bar soap, shampoo, conditioner and tooth paste. We are grateful for any help you can provide. When a parishioner enters one of our local hospitals, rehab centers or nursing homes and would like a visit, a family member should contact the parish office. Palos Hospital, Christ Advocate Port Lunches and Little Company of Mary do not Since September, children in our always notify us with names of our Religious Education program and their parishioners. families have been making lunches for It is important that on the admitting the PORT Ministries twice a month. forms at the hospital, the patient Each time, 300 lunches are made identifies the parish, and indicates that which are then distributed to families they would like to have the parish who need them in the neighborhood notified. Rehabilitation centers and near the Port. nursing homes generally do not All of the Religious Education grades contact the office. Also, there are have participated, but there is still a times when a parishioner is in a need to provide these meals. We hospital for 48 hours or less and by especially need lunch meat, fruit, small the time a minister of care visits, the bags of chips and juice boxes. All parishioner has been released. Please donations can be dropped off in the know that every effort is made to Parish Office. reach out to our parishioners in need but at times communication is not the Retreat/Workshop for best and human errors are made. We Widowed Men and Women apologize for these times and seek Widowed? always to serve the people of St. Julie. Come join us for a weekend especially St. Julie has a wonderful ministry, in designed to help you reflect on and the Ministers of Care who bring recognize new direction for your life while still treasuring memories of Communion to the homebound. After a hospital or rehabilitation stay a your loved one. parishioner may require some Upcoming programs: convalesce at home. The Ministers of June 27 & 28: St. Julie Billiart Parish Care are there to bring the Eucharist July 25 & 26: Holy Family, Inverness to you. St. Julie is a family and it is hoped and prayed that we reach out For more information contact us at as family in the spirit of Christ’s love Joyful Again! Widowed Ministry and concern. Phone: 1-708-354-7211 E-mail : joyfulagain7211@gmail.com Website: www.joyfulagain.org Space is limited. Early registration is encouraged. Page 9 In the Gospel today, Jesus calms the sea and then asks the disciples “Why are you lacking in faith.” In our life’s journey, we also must learn to believe in God’s presence and to trust in his care. This week, please join with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in praying for the healing of all those who are ill and especially those who have no one to pray for them. St. Vincent de Paul The Society of St. Vincent de Paul directly serves the poor and those in need in our own community. The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society visit the homes of families with financial needs to determine how they may be of service. If the situation demands immediate attention, emergency funds can be approved. All cases are reviewed and discussed at a bi-monthly meeting. SVDP depends on the Thanksgiving and Holy Thursday collections, money from the boxes in the narthex, money donated through Gift Central, and funds allocated to them from the Scrip program. They help so many people in our area; please help them. Page 10 Religious Education Office (708) 429-1044 FORMATION Monday Night Medley The Southwest Suburban Cluster of parishes will, once again, sponsor Monday Night Medley, the Summer Faith Formation Series. All sessions are held in the Devine Center from 7:00-8:45 p.m. The schedule of dates, speakers and topics is as follows: CJB Scrip Program can be used for RE Tuition We are partners with Cardinal Bernardin in their Scrip Program. Under this program, credits can even be applied to your RE tuition. There are three ways gift cards can be purchased under the Scrip Program. Date June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 July 20 Speaker Rev. Jay Finno Rev. Gil Ostdiek Dr. Mary Amore Sr. Gael Gensler Rev. Mike Foley Protecting God’s Children We appreciate all of our catechists and office assistants. They give of their time and talent, sharing their faith in our classrooms. They also help our parish stay compliant to the Archdiocesan requirements of the Office of Protecting God’s Children. You can fill out the order form and submit it along with your payment by check or cash. Order forms and payments can be dropped off at the Volunteers who are in the presence Main Parish Office or the Devine of our children are required to take Center. a 3 hour session to be certified in You can go to the St. Elizabeth Virtus Training. Additionally, they Seton campus on Wednesdays have a criminal background check from and 6:00-7:00 p.m. (in the through the eApps Database and school lobby) & Mondays from 9:00 annually complete CANTS forms -10:00 a.m. to procure gift cards as which are submitted to DCFS. a direct cash and carry purchase. Finally, you can receive a log-on and place your order online. Contact any CJB scrip team member for more info. Pull Tabs on Cans Please save your pull tabs off of the tops of beverage cans and bring them to the office. We are saving them for the Ronald McDonald House in Oak Lawn near Advocate Hope Children’s Hospital. The Children Matter Network is a partnership created to protect the dignity of children. It is full of wonderful resources and tips for today's parents! Visit the website, www.childrenmatternetwork.org. Preschool and Kindergarten Information Help your child in Preschool and / or Kindergarten get to know Jesus and themselves better. Help them see themselves as special in God’s eyes! Title Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments of Healing Sacraments of Service Catechetical Dimension Registration Information Registration materials for the 2015-2016 Religious Education classes were mailed back in March and by now, you should have had a chance to review the information. Both new and returning families need to register for the upcoming school year. Please stop by the Main Parish Office or visit our website at www.stjulie.org for registration forms and information. Tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration. Your other option is to pay half the total due at registration and the other half by January 31st. Credit card payments or direct debit from your checking or savings account are available through the GiveCentral website at www.givecentral.org. Class assignment letters and our calendar will be mailed to you in August. The Religious Education program is for children in Preschool thru 8th Grades who attend the public district Enroll now in St. Julie’s Faith Formation schools. This program is developmental, for Preschool and Kindergarten students. which means that the children are Classes meet every other Sunday expected to attend ALL levels in morning from 8:45 - 10:00am and order to be fully initiated and formed begin after Labor Day. This is the one into the life of the Church. Please call hour in their week where they can the Religious Education Office gather with children their own age to open their minds and hearts to Jesus (429-1044) with any questions. As always, we are grateful for your by simple prayer, crafts, music, and support and collaboration. hands-on activities. Please call the Religious Education Office for more information. COMMUNITY LIFE Bingo Today! Join us in the Devine Center. Doors open at 1:00pm. Early bird games begin at 1:15pm. Pull tabs will also be played. Ten games of bingo begin at 2:30pm. 1st Game $100 and the last game, coverall for $150 and 8 games for $50 prize. (If 100 or more players than 1st game will be for $150 and last game, coverall will be $250. If 125 or more players, other 8 games will be $75 each). The Lucky Number Pot is at $119! All tickets for the book of 9 cards for the 10 games are $15. Hot dogs, sloppy joe, chips, etc. available for purchase. Please, no outside food. Annual St. Julie Still time to reserve your spot? When: Saturday, June 27 – rain or shine Where: St. Julie front parking lot Time: 7:30am-Noon (set-up between 6:00am - 7:30am) Cost: Upcoming Bus Trip: Architectural Boat Tour & Water Tower Place On Wednesday, July 29 departs 8:45am for Navy Pier; from there at 11:30am to Water Tower Place until 2:30pm when we return to St. Julie. Cost: $50 includes bus, boat tour & tip. Lunch is on your own. Tickets on sale in the Parish Office. St. Julie Golf Outing Meeting is set for Monday, June 22 at 7:00pm in the Great Room. St. Julie’s Golf Outing St. Julie The St. Julie Book Club meets the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in the Great Room. July 1 All Girls Filling Station Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg August 5 Blood Work by Michael Connelly Bible Studies: Will resume in the Fall. Enjoy your summer! Event Details: August 28 at Silver Lakes Country Club. This event kicks off with a brunch at 9:00am. Tee times at 10:30am. Great prizes! There are 3 packages. The 2 golf packages include brunch, a drink ticket for the beverage cart + a round of golf, cart and prizes. D eal ! B es t 18 hole package is $68 9 hole package will be $40. A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Brunch and cards only for $10 Thirteen days Sign up as an individual, a twosome January 24 – February 5, 2016 or foursome! Or join us for You are invited to join us on a oncebrunch and an afternoon of cards. in-a-lifetime Pilgrimage to the Holy ♦ ♦ ♦ $20 for each space (16ft x 10ft) Golf Sponsorships are available. If you or your business would like Please complete an application to sponsor a hole for form in the Parish Office. (Spaces our golf outing, Here are assigned by date of completed please Na m e r u o Y application.) No Refunds! Registra- come tion forms available at the office. into the parish office and fill out the form – cost per hole is only $50. Garage Sale Shoppers! Get your shopping feet on this coming Saturday, June 27 from 7:30am until Noon! Get an early start to find the best bargains and treasures! Page 11 This is a great way to advertise your business while showing support for our golf outing! Land. We’ll visit Tiberias, Cana, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Mt. Tabor, Mt. of Beatitudes, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem & more all under the spiritual direction of Rev. Lou Tylka! Only $3,249 from Chicago (ORD), includes airport taxes and tips. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit www.GoCatholicTravel.com/ Gensler. For more information, please contact Sr. Gael Gensler, OSF at (708) 429-6767. Space is limited. Register today! Page 12 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS Happy Father’s Day Pope Francis on Fatherhood - ... to ALL of our Dads, Grandfathers, Godfathers, Uncles, Brothers and Mentors here and in heaven. The impact you have on the lives of all you encounter is immeasurable. Every family needs a father -- a father who shares in his family's joy and pain, hands down wisdom to his children and offers them firm guidance and love, Pope Francis said. BREAKAWAY RETREAT TNT Breakaway Retreat July 5-10 Current 8th Grade thru current Senior in high school are invited to this summer retreat held in Lacon, IL. Forms available now. Friends are welcome! *New * Payment can be made online at GiveCentral.org Need Service Hours? Daybreak is all year round Thank you for your continued donations of breakfast items. It is greatly appreciated. Any donations such as eggs, juice, sausage, etc. can be dropped off at the parish office the week prior to the first Sunday of any month. Next date: July 5 Donut Sunday We are always looking for help at Donut Sunday from 8:00 a.m. until Noon. See Mr. Rubino in the Parish Hall and he will put you to work. Next date: July 19 Being a father is not easy since it takes lots of patience and grace, he said. (708) 429-7377 tnt@stjulie.org pray and wait with patience, tenderness, magnanimity and mercy." A parent finds pride not in having the child "be the same as me, who repeats what I say and what I do," but when the child has received the wisdom and values that really matter in life. The father will have formed his children's heart to know on their own what is The most important is being present, right and wrong and to feel, speak and first by being by his wife's side "to share act with wisdom and integrity, the pope everything, joy and pain, hard work said. and hope" and by being there for his He said a wise and mature father will be children as they grow, he said. able to say to his children after they've A father is there for his kids "when they grown: "I taught you things that you play and when they work hard, when didn't know, I corrected errors that you they are playful and when they are disdid not see. I let you feel an affection tressed, when they are communicative that was both deep and discreet that and when they are taciturn, when they perhaps you did not fully recognize are daring and when they are afraid, when you were young and unsure. I when they have strayed and when they gave you witness of rigor and willpower have found their way again," he said. that perhaps you did not understand However, being present "is not the when you just wanted complicity and same as being controlling, you know, protection." because fathers who are too controlling The good father tempers his emotions suffocate their children and don't let and digs deep to find the right words to them grow," the pope said. make himself understood as well as A father knows how to firmly correct accept the burden of those inevitable children's mistakes without demeaning misunderstandings, he said. or demoralizing them, as well as protect The father will say to his grown children them at all costs, the pope said. Guidas they have children of their own, ance does not come from a father who "'When I see that you try to be this way is "weak, yielding and a softie," he said. with your kids and with everyone, I am But a good father also knows how to deeply moved. I am happy to be your forgive sincerely from the heart and be father.'" patient and merciful, like the father in The pope said that without God and his the Gospel account of the prodigal son, grace, "fathers lose their courage and he said. walk off the field. But children need to "How much dignity and how much find a father who is waiting for them tenderness in that father who is waiting when they return from their failures. by the door," waiting for the child who They will do everything not to admit it, has strayed, he said. not to show it, but they need this, and "Yes, fathers must be patient. So many not finding him opens up in them times there's nothing left to do but wait, wounds that are difficult to heal." ~Taken from the National Catholic Reporter OUR PARISH SCHOOL CUSTODIAN POSITIONS AVAILABLE Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School (your parish school) is looking for a full-time and a part-time Custodian who will assist with general cleaning within the school (Monday through Friday). The full-time position (with benefits) is for the evening shift (2p10:30p). The part-time position is 20-25 hours per week. Candidates must be adaptable and flexible and be able to respond to situations and problems as they arise. The ability to handle basic tools for light maintenance and repairs is necessary. Please email resume to: ryanowsky@steseton.com or to miannucilli@cjbschool.org Page 13 Bed, Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Home Scrip News in June Depot, Macy’s, Sears and Walgreen’s Earn Valuable Rebates The following vendors and denominaoff your Tuition all tions have limited quantities available for Summer Long! purchase. Once our inventory is depleted The CJB Scrip program is open for busi- they will no longer be available: Costco $50; ness year round. Use scrip for catering Discover $50; graduation parties, a gift for that special Home Goods $50; Dad, 4th of July picnics, travel expenses, iTunes $10; dining out and back to school shopping. Marathon Gas $50; Scrip is safer to use than credit cards. No Toys R Us $5, $10 and $50; fraud, no data breach, no identity theft. Whole Foods $50 New Vendors Beggar’s Pizza has joined the Scrip program! $10 denominations available with a 5% rebate. Six Flags is back! $46 for a one day pass with a 4.5% rebate. Delta Airlines is available for special order. $250 & $1,000 denominations with a 2% rebate. Discontinued Denominations All other denominations for these vendors will still be available. Please refer to Scrip Manager for the most up to date listing of available vendors and denominations. Vendors Leaving the program Justice, Marriott and Trader Joe’s are leaving the Scrip program. Limited quantities are available for purchase. After our inventory is depleted, we will no longer carry Justice, Marriott or Trader Joe’s Scrip cards. One of our gift card suppliers has moved Scrip Summer Hours at CJB on to other business ventures. As a Monday 9:00-10:00am result the following vendors in $50 only Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm are no longer available for purchase: Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School Preschool Summer Camp Open to all 3 & 4 year olds. Must be potty trained. JULY 13th-17th Safari Sensations Summer Camp meets Monday thru Friday from 9:30-11:30 AM Camps include story time, crafts, and hands-on learning activities. Spaces subject to availability. Minimum of 10 to hold class. Complete the registration form and return asap. For more information call 708-403-6525 ext. 150. AUGUST 3rd-7th Teddy Bear Olympics Preschool Summer Camp Registration Please return this form with your check payable to Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School ASAP. Child’s name___________________ Age ____ Date of Birth __________ Parent’s name ________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City __________________________________ Zip code ______________ Home number __________________Cell number ____________________ Please indicate your camp choices. Select one or both camps for a summer of fun! Each camp is $55 or attend both for $100. _____ July _____ August Attn: Preschool Summer Camp, Cardinal Bernardin School 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, Il, 60487 Page 14 Bulletin Board The Village of Orland Hills Proudly Presents “Party in the Park” Join us for our Party in the Park Celebration on Friday, June 26th, Saturday, June 27th and Sunday June 28th at Kelly Park, 16675 S. Haven Avenue, Orland Hills, IL. We will have Live Entertainment, Car Show, Children’s Activities, Fireworks, Food Vendors, Family Tent and much more. The Celebration will feature the finest in local entertainment including, Heartache Tonight, Mike & Joe, American English, Hillbilly Rockstarz as well as many other local favorites. Admission is Free! For more information please call the Recreation Department at 708-349-7211 or visit our website at ohpartyinthepark.com. May 2015 Booster Winners 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize 5th Prize 6th Prize 7th Prize 8th Prize 9th Prize 10th Prize Pat Tunney Ann Marie Koss Florence Kutinac Flo & Ed Smyth Sharon Veziorski Nick Thies Kathleen Kowalewski Merilee Andreasen Barb Cirillo Art Stout $400.00 $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Parish Pastoral Council Pastoral Staff Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor - frlou@stjulie.org Rev. Michael Grisolano, Associate Pastor - frmike@stjulie.org Edward (& Sheila) Pluchar, Deacon William (& Joan) Lubben, Deacon Nancy Pfieffer, Business Manager - nancy@stjulie.org Sr. Gael Gensler, Pastoral Associate - srgael@stjulie.org Patricia Kmak, Director of Religious Education - path@stjulie.org Deanne M. Tumpich, Director of Liturgy & Music - deanne@stjulie.org Sheila Pluchar, Youth Ministry Coordinator - tnt@stjulie.org Mary Alice Roth, Director of Human Concerns - mroth@stjulie.org Support Staff Marianne Mueller, Sacramental Coordinator Laura Frencl, Administrative Assistant Maryann Siniawski, Administrative Assistant Barb Theis, Liturgy and Technology Assistant Cindy Conachen, Facilities Coordinator Parish Office 708-429-6767*Fax 708-429-6788*http://www.stjulie.org Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (M-Th 12:00-1:00 closed for lunch) Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. / Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Office of Worship & Music - 708-429-6906 Office of Religious Education - 708-429-1044 Youth Office - 708-429-7377 Rev. Louis Tylka, Pastor and the Pastoral Staff Scott Becvar, Chair Ruth Enyart (Liturgy Bd.) Mary McCarthy (Community Life Bd.) Dan Sniegowski (Liturgy Bd.) Mike Rubino (Community Life Bd.) Kathy Reilly (Formation Bd.) Karen Keller (Human Concerns Bd.) Tom Sherry (Formation Bd.) Judi Haines (Human Concerns Bd.) John Benz (Youth Bd.) Cheryl Scallon (Pastor’s Appointee) Merilee Andreasen (Youth Bd.) Barbara Broz (Pastor’s Appointee) Finance Council Bill Hackett, Chair Carl Evans*John Thomas*Patrick Flynn Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. or anytime in the parish office by appointment. Registration: Please call Sr. Gael in the parish office weekdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for information on registration. Baptism: Please call the parish office to make arrangements for your child to be baptized and to attend a preparation class. Marriage: Please call the parish office at least six months in advance to secure a wedding date and to begin the pre-marriage preparations. Masses: Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. / Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon & 6:00 p.m. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School 9250 W. 167th St., Orland Hills * 708-403-6525 * Fax 708-403-8621 * Ms. Mary Iannucilli, Principal Our Soldiers Greatest Need: white, army green or black t-shirts (L or XL), letters to soldiers, Pringle chips snack pack (8 pk), snack packs of raisins, Kraft handi snack packs (6 ea), bags of individual wrapped candy, granola bars, Rice Krispy treats (individually wrapped), crossword puzzle/game books and insect repellent with deet (pump style). Also Need: toilet paper, shaving cream, eye drops, disposable razors (10 pk), AA batteries (8 pk), lotion, white sox, band-aids (one size), heavy duty wet wipes, Tampax Super Plus 46, Always Ultra Thin Pads 28, travel size Kleenex, combs, brushes, hair clips & bands, disposable cameras, beef jerky, powdered lemonade (12 quart), powdered Gatorade (2 gal), magazines, 12 oz. bags of ground coffee, mouthwash, regular size shampoo and conditioner, International phone cards. And we always need money for postage. This bulletin is made possible by the following advertisers. Please patronize them when possible.
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