Severn Lite July 13


Severn Lite July 13
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Severn Parish
1110 St. Stephen’s Church Road
Crownsville, Maryland 21032
Phone: 410-721-2881
Fax: 410-721-0043
Office Hours: M-F 8 am to 5 pm
The Severn Lite
Summer Issue
July 2013
Special Note
• Between the longer
issues of the Severn Light
newsletter, we are
keeping in touch with this
abbreviated newsletter.
• It will be emailed to all
who receive the Severn
Light via email.
• For all others, copies will
be available in the
narthex. Please be sure
to take one home.
Inside this issue:
Bishop’s Visit
175th Anniversary 2
Rector: Fr. Steven Hagerman
Senior Warden: Stan Miffleton
Junior Warden: Pete Coakley
Cemetery Administrator: Norm
Secretary: Irene McEntee
Church School Director:
Berney Jaroch-Hagerman
Music Director: Don Chandler
Vacation Bible School 2013
Another year of Vacation Bible
School is complete. Almost 40
students and a myriad of helpers
enjoyed “Everywhere Fun Fair—
where God’s world comes
Besides studying a story from
the Bible everyday, the children
learned different aspects of life
in five different countries
through crafts, stories, and
song—all helping them to
realize that God welcomes
everybody. Play and Snack times
completed the day.
Each day began with prayer time
in church where Father
Hagerman also had the children
practice two songs: “He’s got
the whole world in his hands”
and “Amigos de Cristo.”
Kudos to Berney Jaroch
Hagerman, our Church School
Superintendent, Father
Hagerman, our rector, and the
many teachers and aides for
leading this week of high energy.
They all contributed to its
Baby items were collected for
the local Baby Pantry as an
outreach project.
Celebrating with the Bishop
On June 30, we
are honored to
have the Rt.
Rev. Joe
Burnett visiting
St. Stephen’s
for our 10:00
a.m. service
(the only service that day). We
hope parish members will join
together to celebrate Vacation
Bible School Closing and the
Sacrament of Confirmation
during this Eucharist Service.
VBS participants will share their
musical talents during the
Sequence while their craft
projects decorate the church
and Parish Hall.
And most importantly,
congratulations and blessings go
out to our 2013 Confirmation
candidates: Melissa Bernard,
Carli Hill, Kailyn Knight,
Caroline Lastfogel, Claire
Laughlin, Jack Selby,
Matthew Versis,
Robert Fetzer,
Christopher Olson,
and Antonina
Summer Issue
Page 2
Crofton Christian Caring Council
The work of the Council
continues throughout the
summer and so goes our funds.
Please be aware of two events
that you might not only enjoy
but also definitely will help the
French Boys Choir Concert
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
presents a concert by the
French Boys Choir on July 9 at
7:30 p.m. These 30 boys from
Lille on the French/Belgian
border will sing a program of
sacred and popular music by
Bach, Mozart, and even the
Beatles. Admission is free but
a goodwill offering and CD
sales will help them defray their
costs and 50 % will be a
donation to the Crofton
Christian Caring Council. For
more information please call
Brendan Walls at Seton: 410721-5770, ext. 231.
Ledo’s Pizza Night
Dine in or take out at Ledo’s
on Route 3 Crofton, on July
21st and the CCCC will get a
percentage of the evenings
intake. How easy can this be?
You will need to bring in a flyer
which will be available in the
bulletin and on-line for the
CCCC to get the donation.
Check our Sunday bulletin or
website for updates.
And, of course, we have our
ongoing collection of Food
Pantry items (peanut butter
and jelly for July) and Baby
Pantry items.
Thank you ALL for your
constant support.
Bob the tomato &
Larry the cucumber
Summer Sunday Something
Veggie Tale Hour
each Sunday at 10 a.m.
in the Parish Hall
Pre-K through Grade 5
Sunday morning values
Saturday morning fun!
More Vacation Plans
While Father Hagerman enjoys
four weeks of a well-earned
rest, we will have expert help
for our Sunday services.
On July 7, Kathy Shahinian, a
newly ordained deacon, will
lead us through a Deacon’s
Mass at 8:00 a.m. and at 10:00
a.m. The following week,
Father Thomas Rogers will be
our supply clergy for the
remainder of the month of July.
Father Rogers is a chaplain at
Johns Hopkins Hospital.
The church office will have
reduced days and hours the
first week of July (July 1-5)
while the secretary takes the
time to visit with family in
upstate New York. Joan Fields
will ably fill in on Monday, July 1
from 10 am til 1 pm and on
Friday, July 5 from 11 am til 2
Weekday prayer services
during the month of July are
cancelled and will resume with
Morning Prayer on Monday,
August 5.
Visiting far off places and spaces
this summer? Share your
photo in our next newsletter.
Please email to:
☺ Enjoy!
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church—Severn Parish
175th Anniversary
Honoring our past-Building our future
Sunday, September 8—Church School Open House and Welcome Sunday
Saturday, September 14—Crab Feast
Sunday, September 22—Ministries Fair
Saturday October 12—Monumental Brass Concert at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $10. each.
Sunday, October 13—Homecoming Brunch
The history of the Church is built on stories of faith, hope, and love entwined.
Please continue to share stories, memories, artifacts, etc, throughout the year on our bulletin board
or in our newsletter. Thank you to all who handed in a square for our parish quilt. Melissa is
working on it even as you read this!
New York City
Bus Trip
December 6, 2013
Reserve your seat now!
Call or email Berney:
Crab Feast
St. Stephen’s Parish Hall
Saturday, September 14
3:00-6:30 p.m.
Crabs, Corn on the Cob
Ice Tea & Water
Look for tickets to go on sale in
Adults: $30; Kids 5-12: $15.
Under 5: free