January 31, 2013 - St. Josaphat Parish
January 31, 2013 - St. Josaphat Parish
February 3, 2013 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time When the people in the synagogue heard this, they were all filled with fury. They rose up, drove him out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town had been built, to hurl him down headlong. But Jesus passed through the midst of them and went away. - Luke 4:28-30 Sweet Home Chicago Saturday, February 9! Ash Wednesday February 13 St. Josaphat Parish A church to come home to since 1883 2311 N. Southport Ave. Chic ago, IL 60614 www.stjosaphatparish.org • phone 773.327.8955 • fax 773.327.2047 2 Calendar Notes Parish Information Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Cheryl LeeVan Mon. 2/4 6:30 pm- School Board Meeting 7:00 pm- Cantor Rehearsal Parish School Board Tue. 2/5 6:00 pm- SPRED 6:30 pm- RCIA Parish Finance Council Wed. 2/6 7:30 pm- Adult Choir Practice Parish Development Council Thu. 2/7 7:30 pm- Sweet Home Chicago Meeting Sat. 2/9 Sweet Home Chicago Sun. 2/10 8:30 am- Religious Education Classes Welcome We warmly welcome new parishioners: Jeff & Noelle Riney, Regina Wollin, and Phil Pizzurro. If you are new to the neighborhood and have not yet registered, the easiest way to register is through our website at www. stjosaphatparish.org. You may also fill out the form on the left and place it in the collection basket. If you are moving soon, you may also provide a change of address. President: Bridget Dougherty-Corum President: Joseph Keller Chairperson: Kelly Abeles Dowling Infant Baptism Directory Parish Office and Rectory 2311 N. Southport • Chicago, IL 60614 Phone.................................................773.327.8955 Fax......................................................773.327.2047 E-Mail........................mail@stjosaphatparish.org Website........................www.stjosaphatparish.org Parish School 2245 N. Southport • Chicago, IL 60614 Phone.................................................773.549.0909 Fax......................................................773.549.3127 E-Mail............................ccannon@stjosaphat.net Website................................... www.stjosaphat.net Parish Staff Pastor..........................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast Resident Priest................Rev. Michael A. Gabriel School Principal.................. Ms. Colleen Cannon Pastoral Associate / Dir. Religious Ed...............Ms. Mary Jane Shields Deacon ..........................................Mr. Dave Keene Music Director ....................Mr. Joseph Labozetta Children’s Music Director..........Mr. William Spakowski Development Coord........Mr. Justin Prevost-Schultz Business Manager........................... Mrs. Fran Klus Parish Office Manager............... Ms. Maria Tubay Maintenance.................................. Mr. Willie Shaw Parishioner Registration Form Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm, the 3rd Saturday at 11 am and the 4th Sunday at one of the weekend masses. Baptismal Preparation Class is the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the rectory. Please RSVP to the office. Marriage Please contact the rectory at least six months in advance of your wedding to set a date. Parish Marriage Guidelines available at: www.stjosaphatparish.org Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:15-4:45 pm or by appointment. Pastoral Counseling Services are available from Miriam Wolfe, M.A., L.P.C. at 773.517.3182, and Theresa A. Nollette, LSCW, M.Div., 312.540.0320 or e-mail theresa_nollette@sbcglobal.net. Home/Hospital Visitation & Communion Calls If you would like someone to visit, please contact the parish office. Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners warmly. To join, please fill out a registration card which can be found in the back of church or at the rectory, or find the form online at www.stjosaphatparish.org. Career Transition Center of Chicago Name ________________________________________________________ If you would like more information contact 312.906.9908 or visit their website www. ctcchicago.org. Address _______________________________________________________ Bulletin Deadline o New Parishioner o Change of Address o Moving Away Telephone(s) ___________________________________________________ Wednesday, 9:00 am. Address articles to bulletin@stjosaphatparish.org. E-Mail ________________________________________________________ I prefer to make my donations via: o on-line giving o weekly envelopes Emergencies St. Josaphat Parish Call anytime (773.327.8955). g Celebratin 1. Go to biddingforgood.com/ sweethomechicago or bforg.com/ sweethomechicago on your mobile 2. Click Register to Bid next to the Sign In button 2013 3. Fill out your information click Submit 4. You are ready to bid! The Online Auction ends Sunday, February 10, at 10 pm - so get your bids in now! arish at P It’s Easy: of St . J o ph Register NOW for Sweet Home Chicago’s exciting Online Auction. he ity Un sa Sweet Home Chicago will be held on This Saturday, February 9th, 2013. Tickets are available for purchase and they are going fast! Please visit www.stjosaphatparish.org and click on Sweet Home Chicago to buy your tickets. t Sweet Home Chicago 3 13 0 2 , 9 ruary Feb , y a d r Satu Check out these Silent Auction items: A Two Night, Three Day Stay at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort. Located in the heart of the Walt Disney World Resort, the award-winning Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin is a deluxe Disney hotel OR V.I.P Pews and ParkingReserved pew (seats 6-8) for the 2013 Christmas Concert-includes reserved parking in the church lot. This year available at Sweet Home Chicago, see what your child has to say. “I believe that God….” Purchase a sweet keepsake- there is one for every St Josaphat School and Religious Education child. Black and White mounted originals are $30 and additional digital copies are $10. To purchase tickets, sponsorships or volunteer please visit stjosaphatparish.org and click on Sweet Home Chicago or return the RSVP in your invite with a check to maximize your donation. We look forward to an exciting event and hope you will join us! February 3, 2012 4 Scripture Reflection The 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time This week’s second reading is one that you have probably heard many times at weddings. But this beautiful reading from the first Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians should never be taken for granted just because it is so frequently chosen. Read it with a fresh eye and an open heart each time. It can renew our spirit and reminds us to embrace a mature spirituality grounded in love. It is all the more striking when paired with today’s Gospel from Luke, in which Jesus says that “no man is a prophet in his own land." It is hard to believe that Jesus’s message of love was met with such opposition in his own time and his own land. What is it about the simple message of love that we are so resistant to? Why do we sometimes not hear it from those closest to us? Maybe it is a greater challenge to choose love than we would think. What would you do for love? Would you humble yourself after a heated argument with someone you care about? Would you give more of your surplus income to a worthy charity to help more people in need? Would you destroy your guns and lobby for others to do the same if it meant saving more lives? Would you give up something you hold dear for the greater good? What sacrifice would you make to ensure love prevails? Both readings end with a message of hope. In Corinthians, we hear that “Love never fails” and is the “greatest” of the three divine virtues. In Luke’s Gospel, we are assured of God’s mercy. We know what Jesus did. What will you do? — Erin Shields Please Pray for Our Sick Parishioners & Friends Daniel Allen, Sister Amata, C.S.F.N., Susan Baker, Josephine Benedix, Barbara Blake, Kurt Braun, Melissa Delia, Mary Lou DiNovo, Barb Duffy, Terry Frye, Joanne Gross, Glen Guinsatao, Patrick Hanrahan, Eddie Hussey, Mike Jeuk, Emily Johans, William Johnson, Matthew Jones, Jr., Isabelle Kause, Gloria Kennedy, Dennis Laspesa, Brian Lapinski, Jack Lauth, Vernon LeSage, Tanner Martini, Michael Morse, Jane Minifie, Ann Minifie, Ronald Peterman, Loretta Porebski, Florence Rios, Shirley Schrage, Chester Smietana, Neil Vander Horn, Bertin Villagomez. Get Well Soon! We keep names on our sick list for three weeks. To place or keep a name on our sick list, please call the rectory every three weeks to let us know that you, a loved one or friend are still in need of prayers. Please call the rectory to request a visit from one of our Ministers of Care. St. Josaphat Parish Parish News 5 Lent 2013 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults RCIA Ash Wednesday Tuesday, February 5th, 6:30 pm In the Rectory Meeting Room February 13, 2013 Masses at 8:15 am 12:00 pm 6:30 pm Prayer Service at 4:00 pm Ashes will be blessed and distributed at all masses and during the prayer service. Stewardship Offering Update Weekly Giving for January 27 In-pew collection:................ $3,903.00 Electronic giving:................. $5,222.00 Subtotal:................................. $9,125.00 Weekly Budget...................... $9,314.00 Difference:....................... $-189.00 Homeless Outreach In the month of January, we served 818 sandwiches, soups, snacks, and hats, gloves, and scarves to the needy who came to our door. If you would like to help feed the needy who come to our rectory door Monday- Friday, please contact: Wendy Koller McGill at wkollermcgill@sbcglobal.net Come to learn what Catholics believe in an open and welcoming environment. Our sessions serve as an opportunity for you to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the Church. To sign up or for more information please call Mary Jane Shields at 773-327-8955 or drop me an email at maryjane@stjosaphatparish.org This weekend, you might notice something different about the music at mass. The Saturday 5pm mass will get a special visit from the Adult Choir, which typically sings at the 10 am mass. The 8 am mass on Sunday will get a special visit from the Noon Ensemble, the music ministers that usually lead the music at the Sunday 12 pm mass. The music at the Sunday 10 am mass will be led by the newly formed Youth Choir. If you have any questions about the music ministry, or are interested in becoming involved, please contact Joe Labozetta, Music Director. St. Josaphat Women’s Spirituality Group Presents 7th Annual Lenten Retreat How the Lenten Journey Sets Us Free All women are invited to join us as we journey to the Garden of Gethsemane. Through meditation, prayer and faith sharing, we will connect our life stories to the story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. We will discover how we can become free to be who God is calling us to be. Saturday, February 23, 2013 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Meeting Room of St. Josaphat Rectory (Enter through red door located just west of the parking lot) Please RSVP to Lou Marek at jonlouray@aol.com by Monday, February 18, 2013. Suggested Donation $20 February 3, 2012 6 School News Congratulations to our Spelling Bee winners, Katie Haldes in the lower division and Grace McDermott in the upper division. Grace will represent us at the next level. We are very proud of both of them and of all the outstanding spellers who took part in the Bee (below). Catholic Schools Week was an excellent opportunity for us to celebrate our school and to be grateful for the opportunity to work and study here. We want to thank everyone who has supported us and prayed for us throughout the year. We are proud to be your parish school. St. Josaphat School 2245 N. Southport Ave., Chicago, IL 60614 phone: 773.549.0909 fax: 773.549.3127 www.stjosaphat.net We had a lot of fun this week thinking about what makes our school special. Nowhere was this more evident than on the classroom doors as each classroom competed in the door-decorating contest. The winning doors are pictured here. Clockwise from the center: Mrs. Monley's 4th grade, Ms. Strasser's 4th grade, Mrs. Waldeck's 1st grade, Mrs. Bukvic's PK4, and the 8th grade. St. Josaphat Parish Parish News 7 Meet the St. Josaphat School Board Mark Your Calendars!!! Vacation Bible School Chris DeMent, Finance Committee Tell us about yourself and why you decided to join the school board - (What grade are your children in? How did you come to SJS? What inspired you to become personally involved in the school?) We have children in 3rd grade and Pre-K4 and have been a part of the School community for four years. I was recruited to join the board after our first year at the school by a friend. How long have you been on the school board and what do you enjoy about it? I've been on the board for 3 years now. I enjoy serving on the finance committee, which allows my inner accountant to come out. Can you tell us about your responsibilities? I help establish the school's budget and monitor the school's financial performance. I was also responsible for taking the board's minutes until they found someone with better handwriting. What are you proud of about St. Josaphat School and what do you hope for the future of SJS? I am proud of a number of things: the commitment of our faculty, the education we provide our students, and our sense of community. My hope for the future is for these things to continue and to improve where we can. As a School Board member, what do you envision accomplishing this year? Adopting an effective and appropriate budget for our next school year. Update your parish profile! To ensure that you continue to receive our email blasts, letters, and other mailings, we ask that you provide us with the most relevant contact information. If you've changed your postal address, email address, or phone number, take a moment to update your profile by sending an e-mail with your full name and contact information to maria@stjosaphatparish.org. Thank you! will take place from Monday, June 24th through Friday, June 28th, from 9 am to 11 am. Once again I will need A LOT of help. Please call or email me to volunteer. Mary Jane Shields, Director of Religious Education 773-327-8955 maryjane@stjosaphatparish.org Weekly Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Weekday Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8:15 am in the Church Wednesday, Thursday 6:30 pm in the Lady Chapel Confession Saturday 4:15 - 4:45 pm Holy Days of Obligation Anticipated Mass: 6:30 pm, 8:15 am, 12:00 pm, 6:30 pm Congratulations - Fr. Dominic Grassi Fr. Dominic Grassi will be presented with the Association of Chicago Priests (ACP) Coordinating Board Award at the 46th Annual ACP Mardi Gras Ministry Awards. Since 1973, these Coordinating Board Awards have been presented to individuals and groups within the Archdiocese in recognition and appreciation for their outstanding contributions to the life of the Church of Chicago. The ACP Mardi Gras Ministry Awards will take place on Sunday, February 10, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at St. John Brebeuf Parish in Niles, IL. Friends of Fr. Dominic are welcome to show your support by your presence at this special event. For more information and for banquet tickets, visit www.ACPriests.org or call the Association of Chicago Priests at 708-445-8420. Reservation deadline is February 6. February 3, 2012 8 Community News St. Clement Parish Proudly Presents Professional Development Series: When Business Meets Spirituality We spend much of our adult lives at work building our careers. We work hard and are often promoted. We take on larger responsibilities, and are rewarded with larger paychecks. And yet, we wonder… Is all the time and effort worthwhile? Am I proud of my work? Do I make areal difference? We'll take up these questions and look at what makes people fulfilled in their work. Where ever you are in your career, and what ever your role, you can be fulfilled in your work. February 7: To bless the world with your work Sessions will run from 7-9 pm, including discussion and Q&A. Register for this free event (all four or any individual talk) at www. clement.org or call St. Clement Parish Office (773.281.0371). Space is limited. Location: St. Clement Parish - School Campus Centennial Hall - Fireside Our speaker is Lisa Fortini-Campbell, Professor at Kellogg School of Management. She teaches Integrated Marketing Communications, Consumer Insight Tools and Branding. Professor Fortini-Campbell is a recent Catholic convert and worships at the Sheil Center at Northwestern University. CTC Introductory Information Session (Advance Reservation Required) By: Laura Sterkel, Director Programs & Coaching Wednesday, February 6, 2013 9:30 - 11:00 am 703 W. Monroe Street Great Room OPEN to the PUBLIC- No Fee, reservations are required CTC StrengthFinders Group By: CTC Coach, David Kaiser and Laura Sterkel, CTC Programs & Coaching Director Monday, February 11, 2013 11:00am - 12:30pm 703 W. Monroe Street 2nd Flr Large Conference Room OPEN to the PUBLIC- Reservations, and payment of a fee, are required www.ctcchicago.org St. Josaphat Parish Blessed Are the Peacemakers A Workshop hosted by Catholics for Nonviolence Unleashing the Power of Gospel Nonviolence to Transform Violence and to Create Peace in Our Lives, Our Communities, and Our World Saturday, March 16, 2013, 9:30-4:00 pm Holy Family Church - Damen Hall 1080 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago $10 lunch included Participants in this workshop will • Integrate scriptural and theological reflection and practical tools for nonviolent change • Explore the centrality of Gospel Nonviolence in the life and mission of Jesus & our lives • Envision how our parishes can become Nonviolent Communities rooted in Gospel Nonviolence Facilitated by Catholics for Nonviolence member Ken Butigan, teacher at DePaul University, Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University, and Director of Pace e Bene Nonviolence Services. To Register please email, mail, or fax the registration form by March 8, 2012 to: Maeve Stevenson Office of Assistance Ministry, 737 N. Rush St, Chicago IL60611 mstevenson@archchicago.org Phone: (312) 534-8793 Fax: (312) 751-8307 Spiritual Life 9 Rest in P eace Please pray for the Women’s Spirituality Retreat: repose of the soul of Hellen Hossa, mother of Bev Hossa Eternal rest grant to her O Lord. How the Lenten Journey Sets Us Free Saturday, February 23 8:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. Men’s Spirituality meets next on Saturday, February 16 from 6:30 am – 8:00 am in the Rectory Meeting Room. All men of the parish are welcome! Weekday Masses Mass is celebrated every weekday at St. Josaphat. Morning mass is held at 8:15 am on Monday, Tuesday, & Friday. Baptismal Preparation Class will be held next on Monday, February 11 from 7 pm to 8 pm in the Church. Please call the rectory office (773.327.8955) to RSVP. RCIA Meeting is Tuesday, February 5, 2013 in the Parish Meeting Room (Enter at the Rectory Office's front door). For questions, please call Mary Jane Shields at 773.327.8955. P r e C a na is for couples intending to be married. Pre Cana sessions are held about five times throughout the year at St. Josaphat. Please call the Rectory Office (327.773.8955) to RSVP. The next Pre Cana will be on March 16, 2012 Evening mass takes place at 6:30 pm on Wednesday & Thursday. Know the Mass, One Word at a Time: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Our next ct e r i D Perhaps you never noticed, but the Mass we celebrate together on Sundays is loaded with directions. The priest or deacon or commentator directs the congregation in many ways. “Please stand.” “Let us pray.” “Bow your heads.” “Lift up your hearts.” “As without end we acclaim . . .” “Go forth, the Mass is ended.” In so many words, they direct us to pay attention to God whom we have come to worship or to go and live out our faith. At times, we all need others to direct us and guide us on a right path. They are living reminders of our Photo © John Zich movement on the journey to God. The directions we hear and take at Mass prompt us to pay attention to God who wants to direct and accompany us in the whole of our lives. Year of Sunday Mass July 2012 - June 2013 Question of the week for February 3: Luke 4:21 - 30 If we become what we eat in receiving the Eucharist, how is my life more prophetic because of Sunday Mass? Archdiocese of Chicago + Strategic Pastoral Plan : YEAR OF SUNDAY MASS / YEAR OF FAITH Louis J. Cameli ©2012 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. Visit our website at www.LTP.org February 3, 2012 10 C o m m u n i t y N e w s Career Transition Center of Chicago's 4th Annual Passport to Taste Thursday, May 9, 2013, from 6 to 9pm at The Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton St. Embark on an evening's exploration of the foods and wines of Italy. Tickets are $100 each & must be purchased in advance at www.ctcchicago.org/Passport1. asp or via check sent to CTC. Sponsorships are available at the $1,200 and $600 levels. For information contact ajenke@ctcchicago.org Donations accepted at www.ctcchicago.org/Funds/donor.htm All proceeds benefit the CTC. CTC's mission is to provide professional, emotional and spiritual support to those seeking a job, looking for meaningful work, or otherwise undergoing a career transition. CTC is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization providing professional assistance to individuals in employment transition. Call to Remembrance Friday, February 1, 7:30 pm St. Clement Church, 642 W. Deming Pl, Chicago IL Professional choral singers of Chicago will be donating their voices in a benefit concert to aid victim's families and first responders of Newtown, CT. Please come and support the cause! Freewill donations will be accpeted at the door (suggested donation $15). All proceeds will go to the Sandy Hook School Support Fund which aids all those affected by the tragedy. St. Josaphat Parish FORGIVENESS Father Meninger Wednesday February 27 at 7:00 pm at St. Michael in Old Town 1633 N. Cleveland Ave. Free Parking Available Father Meninger comes to us from his home at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, famous for Centering Prayer and the contemplative way. Fr. Meninger has given retreats and workshops worldwide for 50 years with great appreciation. $20 Registration. To register and make payment contact Christine Kordiuk at the Parish Center, 773-642-2498 or at ckordiuk@st-mikes.org. Chicago a cappella presents an inspiring concert about generosity, peace, and joy with music ranging from a Renaissance Mass to shaker tunes and new works! Sunday, February 10, 4 pm Pilgrim Congregational Church 460 Lake St., Oak Park IL Friday, February 15, 8 pm Nichols Concert Hall 1490 Chicago Ave., Evanston IL Sunday, February 17, 4 pm Wentz Concert Hall 171 E. Chicago Ave., Naperville W e e k i n W o r s h i p 11 Mass Intentions Monday........................ February 4 8:15 pm †Purgatorial Society Tuesday........................ February 5 St. Agatha 8:15 am Living & Deceased Mother & Fathers Wednesday................... February 6 St. Paul Miki & Companions 6:30 pm †Henry Thomas Desnoyers Thursday...................... February 7 6:30 pm † Don McKenzie Friday........................... February 8 Sts. Jerome Emiliani & Josephine Bakhita 8:15 am †Matthew Kutsche Saturday...................... February 9 5:00 pm Parishioners of St. Josaphat Sunday........................February 10 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am †Judith Porter 10:00 am †Steven Bialobok 12:00 pm Living & Deceased Mothers & Fathers Liturgical Ministers for February 9 & 10 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, February 9, 5 pm Presider....................................................................................................... Rev. Tom Santa Ministers of the Word........................................................Mike Carin, Gina Hortatsos Ushers..................................................................................................................Tim Quinn Ministers of the Eucharist.................................................Meg Carin, Theresa Montano Cantor...............................................................................................................Ron Dickson Altar Servers.............................................................................................. Jonathon Marek Sunday, February 10, 8 am Presider...................................................................................................... Rev. Tom Santa Ministers of the Word..................................................................................Patrick Koehl Ushers...........................................................................................Ira Bey, Brian Oleszczuk Ministers of the Eucharist...........................Nolan Burke, Lisa Koehl, Pat Pawlowski Cantor................................................................................................................. Aaron Seret Altar Servers.................................................................................................. Joseph Cusick Sunday, February 10, 10 am Presider...................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast Ministers of the Word..................................................... Julie Dreixler, Paul O'Connor Ushers...................................................................................... Scott Dowling, Jeff Lovero Ministers of the Eucharist................................ Jim Eberle, Kathy Jenkins, Judy Lovero, Crystal Riley, Kate York Cantor....................................................................................................William Spakowski Altar Servers..............................................................James Dowling, Sheahen Dowling Sunday, February 10, 12 pm Presider...................................................................................Rev. Richard J. Prendergast Ministers of the Word........................................................................................................... Ushers.................................................................................................................Adam Cody Ministers of the Eucharist................................Mary Flores, Sergio Flores, Mary Gallo Altar Servers.................................................................... Frank Graziano, Ann Kennedy February 3, 2012
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