Marist College Enews


Marist College Enews
Marist College Enews
Dear Marist Family,
Important Dates
Monday 9 February
Year 12 Tertiary Information
Evening, Senior Gymnasium
Monday 9 February Tuesday 10 February
Year 7 Induction Program
Tuesday 10 February
Junior School Parent Welcome
Drinks, 5.30pm, Junior School
Junior School Information Evening,
6.45pm, Junior School Hall
Junior Hockey Try Day
Wednesday 11 February
House Picnics, 6.00pm:
Crispin, Senior Pavilion and
Pavilion BBQ
Haydon, Forum
Mark, Junior Pavilion BBQ
Year 11 Study Program
Thursday 12 February
House Picnics, 6.00pm:
Conway, Junior Pavilion BBQ
Darlinghurst, Senior Pavilion and
Pavilion BBQ
Patrick, Resource Undercroft
Friday 13 February
House Picnics, 6.00pm:
McMahon, Senior Pavilion
Othmar, Junior Pavilion BBQ
Winter Sports Registration
Saturday 14 February Friday 20 February
Asuwa Japanese School Visit
Monday 16 February
House Council Training
Year 12 Non-Tertiary Information
Evening, 5.30pm, Pavilion
A new school year is underway and I’m pleased to say it has been a
good start by the boys. Many thanks to parents and carers for ensuring
the boys have started with the correct uniform. It is important the
correct tone is set from the very beginning of the year and then
maintained throughout. Pride in College uniform reflects pride in self
and pride in College. Some boys have returned with questionable
haircuts. These boys will be asked to have their haircuts corrected so
that College regulations are followed.
As I stated in my recent letter to you, I welcome everyone to the new year at Marist especially our
new boys and their families. The Marist family is a strong and supportive one and I’m sure our new
boys and their families will further enhance all that is good about our College.
In the days preceding the start of school, staff spent time preparing for school and focussing on a
variety of topics aimed at extending us as authentic Marist teachers. Visiting speakers from Marist
Schools Australia led us in a reflection on the College theme for 2015 “justLOVE: hearts without
borders”. Teaching staff began their Quality Marist Teacher Process journey and a whole day was
spent on Google Education and providing preparation for our BYOD efforts this year. As well,
teachers spent time in departments and individually readying themselves for their classes. All in
all, I sensed a high level of enthusiasm and energy amongst the staff and I am confident the year
will be a good one for boys and staff alike.
As well as new boys and new families there are also a number of staff new to the College this
year. I welcome them on your behalf and trust they will settle quickly into Marist. Details of new
staff are featured later in this Enews. In particular I want to welcome Mr Ryan Greer who is Head
of Senior School/Deputy Headmaster and assure him of the support of the College family as he
assumes this highly important leadership role.
Year 12 parents and boys are strongly urged to attend the Year 12 Tertiary Information Evening
next Monday, 9 February. Information about the meeting has already been sent to families.
Also next week we have a number of social events. On Tuesday evening, 10 February, Junior
School parents are invited to attend the Welcome Drinks at the Junior School from 5.30pm
preceding the Junior School Information Evening at 6.45pm. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
evenings next week, House Picnics will be held for Senior School families. I strongly encourage all
families, new and continuing, to attend the picnic for the House they belong to.
In Week 3 on Thursday 19 February at 5.30pm, the College Commencement Mass will be held in
Marcellin Hall. Please make an effort to attend this Mass and join as a College family to ask God to
be with us in the year ahead.
Finally, best wishes to you all for the year ahead. On behalf of the
Brothers community and the staff, I want to thank you in advance for
your support of the College and for doing what you can to work with
us to make sure 2015 is a wonderful year for your sons, our boys and for
Marist College.
May St Marcellin continue to watch over our boys and their families.
Yours sincerely
Mr Richard Sidorko
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Web: www
New Staff 2015 - Term One
Ryan Greer - Head of Senior School/ Deputy Headmaster
I come to Marist after five years as Deputy Principal at Trinity Catholic College Goulburn. My position
of Head of Senior School is a new role this year and is an overarching position, which will see me
working with staff and students across most facets of the College. I’m looking forward to getting to
know the students and parents of this wonderful, welcoming community in the coming weeks and
months and am excited about the opportunities the year will bring at Marist.
Margot Baker - Religious Education
I am a RE, Music and English teacher recently
arrived in the ACT from a year spent living
and working on Christmas Island. My last job
was Head of Secondary Music at a K-12 coeducational school in Alphington, Melbourne.
I play the piano, follow AFL and am looking
forward to working here at Marist College.
Edward Cartwright - Facilities
I am an Old Boy of the College, finishing in 2010.
I love working outdoors and am enjoying being a
part of the Marist Facilities team.
Chris De Britt - Head of Mathematics
After teaching abroad for a decade, deciding
to return to Canberra has been very exciting.
I am passionate about education, love
mathematics and have an interest in the
sciences. I hope to inspire a love of learning
and an appreciation of the power and beauty
of mathematics.
Bethwyn Holloway - Science Assistant
I love working in Science with kids and have done
so on a volunteer level for the past few years. I have
been a scientist in Medical Biology for over 10 years
and stopped to travel and raise my three children. I
am looking forward to meeting you along the way.
Alan Keogh - Junior School
I am teaching Year 6 in the Junior School this
year. I previously worked at Merici College
and also taught for several years in the UK. I
was lucky enough to attend a Marist school in
Sydney (St Joseph’s) and I am very excited to
be back in the Marist community this year.
Melanie Kerr - Junior School ELS
I am excited to be working in the Enrichment
and Learning Department this year. I come from
a varied background and have worked and
volunteered in schools in learning support. I have a
real passion about ELS and look forward to working
with the students and being part of the wonderful
Marist community.
Andrew Luck - Maths/ Religious
I am a Mathematics teacher and Canberra
native who has previously taught at
Daramalan College and St John Paul II College.
I am excited to be a member of the Marist
Dale Martin - Uniform Shop
Having two boys in the College, and previously
volunteering in the Uniform Shop has prepared me
well for working in the Shop this year. I am looking
forward to getting more involved in the school
Clementine O’Sullivan - French
I’m excited to be working at Marist. Two
babies, a move to Canberra and having just
completed my Master of Applied Linguistics
have kept me very busy and I can’t wait to
share my skills and enthusiasm with the
school community.
Samantha Pollard - Maths
I am a new graduate, teaching mathematics and
I am also very passionate about science. I have
recently moved to Canberra and look forward to
becoming a part of the Marist community.
Peter Taylor - ICT
I’m an IT Support Technician originally
from the north-east of England. I moved to
Canberra three years ago with my wife and we
welcomed our first child into the world last
year. I enjoy playing soccer as well as cycling,
running and cricket.
Naomi Whitehead - Science
I am a Physics/Maths teacher who has taught for
seven years at St Angela’s Ursuline School in East
London and for three years at Casimir Catholic
College in Sydney’s inner west. I really love teaching
and am looking forward to getting to know you all.
Richard Wroe - Caretaker
I have been an electrical contractor for the
last 35 years, and a heavy haulage truck dump
operator. I have an 18 year old who is my pride
and joy.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Staffing Update
As the new school year commences, we extend a warm welcome to
the new staff listed on the previous page, as well as to Br Tony Shears
who has joined the Brothers Community. We also extend our best
wishes to staff assuming new positions of responsibilities in 2015.
Welcome back to returning staff:
• Lorraine Gannon - Assistant Head of SOSE
• Kathleen Garvie - Liturgy Coordinator
Staff in new positions of responsibility:
• Ryan Greer – Head of Senior School/ Deputy Headmaster
• Glenn Slater – Assistant Head of School – Staff
• Denise Hodge – Dean of Students
Chris De Britt – Head of Mathematics
Carmel Luck – Head of Special Projects
Loretta McNaught – Head of Co-Curricular
Paul Mead – Head of Sport
Tony Sullivan – Year 7 and 8 Coordinator
Heather Lloyd – General Coordinator
Jarrod Schindler – Footsteps and Camp Coordinator
Jason Duff – Assistant Head of English
Megan Finnigan – Assistant Head of Mathematics
Simon Rugula – Assistant Head of HAPE and Sport
Joanna Vanderzee – Indigenous Support
Alan Keogh - Junior School Sports Coordinator
Glenn Slater - Assistant Head of School - Staff
Anticipated student absence during Term Time
Requests for Senior School students to be absent during term time are to be addressed to the Headmaster and should be received in
adequate time for consideration. Requests for such approval should include reasonable explanation for the request and should only be
made after careful consideration of the impact on your son(s) progress at school. In particular family holidays, as far as possible, should be
taken in the advertised school holiday periods.
Senior students are reminded of the College’s Policy relating to attendance, completion of assessment and late submissions of work that
is detailed on all course and assessment outlines.
Senior students should also be aware that if attendance falls below 90% of the scheduled classes/activities in any unit then they could be
voided from that unit. This may subsequently affect their ability to gain a Year 12 Certificate and/or Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking
School policy states that staff are not to set special work or reschedule exams for boys who are absent from school.
Mr Richard Sidorko - Headmaster
Marist College Canberra warmly invites
all Junior School parents to the
Confirmation at Corpus Christi Parish
Corpus Christi Parish would like to invite boys in Year 6 from our Parish who
have been baptised as Catholic to prepare and receive the Sacrament of
Confirmations will be celebrated on the 9, 12 and 16 June 2015. Marist staff
will be present at the 7.00pm celebration on Tuesday 16 June. We look
forward to accompanying your child on their faith journey.
Please click here for more information.
Tuesday 10 February, from 5:30pm
on the Junior School Lawns.
(Parents will then be able to join the Junior
School Information Evening commencing at
6:45pm in the Junior School Hall)
Congratulations to...
The Welcome Drinks provide a great
opportunity to meet other new Junior
School parents and to catch up with old
friends in a relaxed social setting.
Angus Murray who has been selected to represent the
ACT in the Under 11 Junior State Championship Oztag
competition to be held in Coffs Harbour in February.
2015 Junior
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Curriculum In Focus
All About Assessment
One of the cornerstones of a Marist education is the strong
partnership between parents and teachers. The College
encourages regular communication between home and school to
support students in their learning and to help them achieve to
the best of their ability. The following reminders highlight recent
initiatives that build on these partnerships and give parents easier
access to information about their sons’ assessment.
Unit & Assessment Outlines on Portal
Each semester, students are given a paper copy of a Unit &
Assessment Outline for each class. This provides important
information about:
• Topics that will be covered
• Formal assessment types and dates
• Teacher’s name
• Learning Management System (LMS) page URL, which can
provide additional learning resources
These will be distributed to boys in Years 7 to 12 in the first
two weeks. Electronic copies will be available to students
and parents after Week 3 when they log in to the MNet Portal.
Note: new parents will be receiving their user name and
password for the Parent Page of the MNet Portal shortly.
If you have difficulty logging on, the Marist IT Help Desk
( can provide some assistance.
Late Submission of Assessment Notice (Years 7-10)
Students are encouraged to begin assessment early, seek help or
feedback from their teachers, and submit their work by the due
date. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. A process was
implemented last year in the Senior School to notify parents when
their son does not submit assessment by the due date. The goal is
to inform parents and to minimise the incidence of late submission
of assessment, which negatively affects student results. In order
to provide quick feedback to parents, an automated email is
sent on behalf of the teacher, and reply emails are directed back
to that teacher. The boy is urged to submit the work as quickly
as possible to minimise any late penalties, and he must sit an
after-school detention if the work is not submitted by the
following Wednesday.
Assessment Alert
The details of assessment for classes in Years 7 to 12 are also
available via Assessment Alert. Assessment Alert is a proprietary
application for smart phones and tablets that allows users to
download the dates for assessment for each student and set
up reminders and alerts when something will be due. Students
may also benefit from this application. It is available at no cost
from iTunes and Google Play. It can be installed on up to five
devices and can be used for any student at a participating school.
Information on how to use Assessment Alert for a Marist student
is available on the Parent Page of the MNet Portal, just click on
the link. Please note: Marist assessment information may not be
available from this app until Week 4 due to the upload process.
Dr Colleen Spence – Assistant Head of School – Learning and Teaching
Year 11 – Embracing academic commitment, co-curricular life and leadership
The Year 11 boys embraced their new senior roles by assisting the House Deans and Year 12s
with the Year 7s first day, as well as attending a session with the Dean of Studies, Mr Folan. This
session focussed on College expectations for senior students, and how to make the most of
their senior years from an academic point of view and subject management.
The second session of the Year 11s first day was a stimulating presentation by “Elevate” - a
company that provides workshops and seminars
to enhance student engagement and assist in
optimising performance, with study tips and ideas
made directly by young people to other young
people. In this instance, Rob Stanmore, a recent
university graduate, was well received by the boys
who found the session very valuable.
Mr Hawes and Ms McNaught also presented the boys with many ideas and opportunities to
maximise their contributions to College life through Cultural, Enrichment, Faith Formation and
Sport domains - similarly well received for the fresh start and enriching life as a senior student.
Jane Pamenter – Assistant Dean of Studies
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
MYM Formation Day
Members of the Year 12 Marist Youth Ministry (MYM) Team attended the MYM
Formation Day at Greenhills on Wednesday 21 January in preparation for a big
year of ministry at the College. This was a great opportunity for the boys to
meet the other students in the team, prepare themselves for the coming year
of Youth Ministry, deepen their faith, and develop a stronger understanding
and skill base for Youth Ministry.
Thank you to Kathy Haseler, Angela Crompton, Richard Dantas and
Terence Pereira for their contributions on the day and leading the Year 12
students through a wonderful faith formation experience. Besides dramas,
team-building activities, paddling in the river and service projects, the boys
also had the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and
Eucharist thanks to Fr Richard Thompson from Mary Help of Christians Parish.
Marist Youth Festival 2015
On 12 January, four Year 12 students travelled with Mr Croker to Sydney for the 2015 Marist Youth Festival. Over the course of the
next three days, the boys were exposed to a series of keynote speakers, hands-on workshops and charismatic liturgies that aimed
to explore different outlets for expressing their spirituality. It also provided an opportunity for the boys to meet and share their faith
with other young Maristians from across Australia.
The keynote speakers were headlined by Br Emili Turu, the head of Marist Brothers, and Laura John, the UN’s Australian Youth
Representative. Each of these speakers provided their own unique perspective on the Marist spirituality, with a particular focus being
to connect to God through meditation and advocating for the most disadvantaged in our world.
The various hands-on workshops aimed to provide the participants with practical ways of applying these new and redefined elements
of their spirituality to both their everyday lives, as well as overseas opportunities through the ‘Alternative Schoolies’ Immersion
experience and Marist Volunteers Australia.
The days often ended in invigorating liturgies including: Taize, Mass, Prayer and
Worship. These liturgies provided the boys with a unique experience through
a new, youthful and charismatic way of worship, which was highlighted by
singer-songwriter priest Fr Rob Galea.
The Festival provided a space for the boys to connect and discover their
Maristian spirituality and be empowered as representatives of change within
our community.
Special thanks to Mr Ahearne for providing and exposing the boys to this rare
opportunity and Mr Croker for accompanying them throughout the festival.
Jeremy Manuelpillai - College Captain
Service Groups in 2015
Our three core Service Groups will
start again on Tuesday of Week 2:
Marist Justice and Solidarity, Vinnies
and Stewardship.
They are open to students from Years
7-12 and are located in rooms W19,
W21 and W22.
Bring your lunch and drop in to find
out more about how you can get
involved in serving our community.
Vinnies Doorknock in
Contact your Parish if you would like
to help with doorknocking for Vinnies
throughout February.
It is a great way to raise money for
Vinnies, get fit in the fresh air and make
a difference in the local community.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
2015 Commencement Mass invitation to attend
Senior School Canteen
February Specials:
Monday - Roast beef and gravy roll
Tuesday - Oven-baked risotto
Wednesday -Cannelloni with mince
Thursday - Butter chicken with rice
Friday - Oven-baked fish and chips
The 2015 Commencement Mass will be held on Thursday
19 February at 5.30pm in Marcellin Hall.
Gourmet pizzas and quiche are available every day. Salads and
toasted focaccias are also available on request.
Orders can be made online. Please click here for more information.
Please arrive early due to parking constraints. Overflow
parking will be available on Lindwall Oval.
This is a very important event on our school calendar. All
past and present members of the Marist community are
very welcome to attend.
“Like” Marist College
Canberra on
Facebook and follow
@maristcc on Twitter
for news and updates
throughout the week.
Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T)
Supported by Parentline ACT
Communication skills for peaceful parenting and resilient
children, without the use of punishment or reward. Helps
develop emotional intelligence, and grow confident, considerate
children. Powerful, proven and practical. Yell less, enjoy your
children more. Build relationships that last a lifetime.
The course consists of three-hour sessions, once per week,
for eight weeks. Booking is essential. $290 pp for the course
(includes a workbook and textbook).
Lifeline Bookfair
Course begins: Thursday 12 February 2015
Time: 6.30pm to 9.45pm
Place: Weston, ACT
Enjoy P.E.T. with Larissa, Canberra’s most experienced P.E.T.
0413 451 607
Saturday 14 February is Family Day with fun activities for the
kids and a special appearance by Prime Possum at 10.00am.
Entry is by gold coin donation. Proceeds go towards Lifeline
Canberra’s 13 11 14 telephone crisis support service - saving
lives in our community.
Please visit their website for more information.
Did you know that parking a
vehicle partially or fullly on
the nature strip is illegal under
the Australian Road Rules?
Please click here for more
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
Rugby Club
Basketball Club
Rowing Club
Hockey Club
Cricket Club
Marist Canberra
Football Club
Marist Australian
Football Club
Snowsports Club
The annual College Senior School
swimming carnivals will be held on
Tuesday 17 February. All students
are required to attend, with the
competition based upon age groups.
The cost of the swimming carnival
and transport will be covered as part
of each student’s excursion levy.
The First XI won the annual Marist Cricket Carnival which was held
at Marist College Ashgrove in Brisbane from 9-16 December 2014.
The team was undefeated, with four wins and one draw (a rain
affected match), and defeated the home team Ashgrove in the
final match. This was an outstanding effort considering eight of
the 13 man squad were attending their first Carnival. This is the
fourth win for the College in the Carnival’s 40 year history, with
previous wins in the 2010 (Canberra), 1984 (Melbourne) and 1979
(Adelaide) tournaments.
All students in age groups 12, 13, 14
and 15 are to come to school at the
normal time and report to House
Group rooms at 8.40 am.
The 12 and 13 years (born 2002-03) Carnival will be conducted
at Queanbeyan Pool. Students will travel by bus from the
College and the expected return time will be 2.40pm. The venue
coordinator is Mr Paul Mead.
Nikhil Mathai (115) and Ben Izzard (100 not out in the final match)
both scored centuries during the Carnival. Ben Izzard brought up
his century with a six on the second last ball of the match, while
Thomas Vane-Tempest made five dismissals in an innings (three
catches and two stumpings) in the match against Assumption
The 14 and 15 years (born 2000-2001) Carnival will be held at
Macquarie Pool and Slides; students will be supervised on the
slides at the conclusion of competition. Transport is also by bus
and the expected return time is 2.40pm. The venue coordinator
is Mr Simon Rugala.
The Marist College Canberra team was:
Nikhil Mathai (Captain) Thomas Vane-Tempest (Vice Captain)
Lashan Perera
Jack Freebody
Christopher Rajapakshe Angus Dryburgh
Ben Izzard
Praveen Mathai
Logan Ayers
James Ashleigh
Jordie Misic
Pranesh De Silva
Nikesh Joseph
The 16 years and Seniors (born in or before 1999) Carnival will
be held at Phillip Pool. Students are to make their own way to
and from this venue; roll check will be at 9.15am. This Carnival
will conclude at around 1.30pm. The venue coordinator is Mr
Wayne McAuliffe.
Please click here for more information.
The College also scooped the Carnival awards night:
• Nikhil Mathai was named the ‘Cricketer of the Marist Carnival’,
scoring 183 runs at an average of 45.75 and taking 6 wickets
• Ben Izzard was the ‘Batsman of the Carnival’, scoring 220 runs
at an average of 110
• Thomas Vane-Tempest received the ‘Fielding Award’ and
‘Marcellin Spirit Award’ with 159 runs, 6 catches and 6
• Four boys were named in the Combined Marist Carnival team
(comprising the most outstanding 12 players of the Carnival):
Nikhil Mathai (Capt.), Ben Izzard, Thomas Vane-Tempest and
Lashan Perera, with Brett Freebody named coach of that side.
A special thanks goes to the support crew: coaches Brett Freebody
and Gary Goodman, manager Steve Misic and the Sports Master
Michael Grealish.
The College looks forward to defending our title when the Carnival
venue returns to Canberra in December this year.
Congratulations to...
Thomas Harveyson
who has been selected
to participate in a
high performance
snowboarding training
camp in the USA in
February - March.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200
William Hayes
who has been selected
in the U13 ACT Oztag
team to participate in
the NSW State Cup to
be held in Coffs Harbour
in February.
Marist Canberra
Football Club
Rugby Club
Basketball Club
Rowing Club
Hockey Club
Marist Australian
Football Club
Snowsports Club
Cricket Club
Winter Sports Registration Day will be held on Friday 13 February. Most
sports will have online registration, so please check club websites for
this information. On Friday 14 in the Junior School and the Senior School
Forum, clubs will have stores open where registered and non registered
players may go and collect club information and apparel (drink bottles
Online registration opens for each of our sporting codes on the following
Australian Rules - Wednesday 4 February
Basketball- Check club website for information
Thursday 5 February
Monday 9 February
Monday 9 February
If a student elects to play one of these sports, it is a clear expectation
and requirement of the College that he does so for Marist. “No student
should play a sport for an outside club or organisation when he could be
playing that sport for his College.”
The College has its own Club in each of the above mentioned sports.
Students who are considering playing for a local Premier League Football
Club need to complete the Exemption form which can be found on the
Marist Club website.
When considering registering there are a couple of points which all
students need to be aware of:
1. Students currently representing the College in cricket, basketball
or rowing: You must continue to honour that training and playing
commitment even if there may be an overlap with the pre-season
training of your chosen winter sport. Your first priority is to your
summer team. In doing this you will not be disadvantaged in your
winter sport selections.
2. When choosing a winter sport, remember that you are expected
to attend all training sessions and all games during the season. In
doing so you are supporting your coach and your team mates.
The team uniform requirements for each code are as follows:
Australian Rules Blue and blue jumper (supplied by the Club)
Australian Rules shorts
Royal blue socks (Senior and Junior)
Basketball Singlets (supplied by the Club)
Basketball shorts
Basketball socks – white sport socks
Football Shirt (supplied as team sets by the Club)
Blue chequered shorts
Royal-blue and sky-blue striped socks (Junior and
Hockey Sky-blue royal-collared polo shirt
PE shorts
Blue and blue hooped socks (Junior and Senior)
Blue and blue rugby jumper
Navy rugby shorts
Blue and blue hooped socks (Junior)
Sky-blue royal bands socks (Senior)
College Tracksuit
The Marist College tracksuit is available through the Uniform Shop, which
is recommended wear for all students during Physical Education lessons.
This tracksuit is the only one to be worn as part of a Marist College team
uniform by any code, junior or senior.
Mr Paul Mead Head of Sport Mr Simon Rugala
Assistant Head of Sport
The Marist rowers showed their dedication to their sport and school in
attending the annual rowing camp in the last two weeks of the school
holidays. The camp included a gruelling program of ‘out of the ordinary’
fitness activities at the Cusack farm last Thursday, followed by a family BBQ.
Please visit for more information.
Enquiries: (02) 6298 7200