community organisations tell it their own way


community organisations tell it their own way
The power of access partnerships with Radio Adelaide. See story page 4.
photo: Michele Johnson
The Wide Open Road series, a collaboration
between Radio Adelaide and local independent
producers @production, is a new approach to
radio and performance.
The show’s unique format weaves the works of
three writers into a narrative of prose, poetry
and journalism, interspersed with songs that
complement the theme. It creates some wonderful
literary and radio moments.
“We’re very lucky to have such great and
generous writers in Adelaide,” says Director
Carmel Young. “To be able to edit their work into
one larger narrative is a real thrill and the great
musicians then layer and play into that narrative.
It creates a dynamic performance both for live
and radio audiences.”
The series features diverse and entertaining
topics: an homage to Bob Dylan, the underbelly
of our city, life and art, what it is to be a citizen,
travelling and a long hot summer on the beach.
“We’ve had listeners call us after the show to say
how moved they were and the feedback from
the live audience is always about the immersive
experience and how the writers reflect their own
lives,” Carmel says.
The series brings together some of Adelaide’s
best poets and creative writers including Rosslyn
Prosser, Tony Collins, Cath Kenneally, Ian
Bell, Mandy Treagus, Ken Bolton, Faye Rosas
Blanch, Juan Garrido-Salgardo and Stephanie
Radock. Talented Adelaide musicians who have
contributed include Alison Coppe, Aaron Nash,
David Mazzarelli, Alana Jagt and Ellen Mitchell.
Join us on the road for Adelaide’s only Literary
Cabaret – The Wide Open Road. Details here:
The Wide Open Road is supported by Arts SA, SA Writers
Centre, The University of Adelaide and the Community
Broadcasting Foundation.
Congratulations to Amir Soroush
of The Persian Program, finalist in
this years Governor's Multicultural
Awards, in the media category. He's
pictured here at the Awards event at
Government House, with His Excellency
the Honourable Mr Hieu Van Le AO,
Governor of South Australia.
Two new programs premiering in April make
the connection between research, ideas and the
challenges and issues we face in the real world.
The Sound of Science traverses the sciences with
special focus on environmental and agricultural
science challenges as explored within the
University of Adelaide’s broad-ranging Faculty of
The Conversations About
Recognition team visited
Port Augusta in February,
meeting and interviewing
a range of local people.
This radio, video and online
project asks 'What kind
of recognition would be
meaningful for Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people?' It
takes a step back from discussions
about constitutional change to ask this
question more directly and aims to
help non-Aboriginal people understand
the views, feelings and experiences of
Aboriginal people, so they can help
create real change and social justice.
Each edition of Searchlight
profiles a University of Adelaide
researcher, the knowledge
they are discovering and how
it addresses issues of critical
public concern.
The Sound of Science
Wednesdays, 3-4pm
Mondays, 2-3pm
Port Augusta
is really the
crossroads of
the country
and a
melting pot of
so we're
forward to
some new
and diverse views; from Elder Auntie
Alma Allen to the city's 29-year old
Mayor, Sam Johnson.
You can hear the Port Augusta interviews
on the program over the next few months
and online at
local current affairs and arts BREAKFAST ON RADIO ADELAIDE
Monday to Friday 6.30 – 9am
Radio Adelaide is for curious
people. Tune in for a distinctive
take on current affairs, culture
from the street to the spectacle,
ideas and music for both
connoisseurs and explorers.
Each year, Womadelaide brings some of the
world’s most interesting musicians to Adelaide,
and we love to bring that to you. Our hardworking recordings team, including Don
Balaz, Ian Newton (above) and Phil Van Hout
volunteer their time to capture high quality
recordings of four concerts this year and we
look forward to playing them throughout 2015.
A highlight this year was Brazilian artist Flavia
Coelho. Her music mixes samba, bossa nova
and ragamuffin, with strong African influences.
We captured her Stage One set and our
rhythm-lovin' presenter Michelle Smith took
the opportunity to chat with Flavia backstage.
Hear the live performance and interview in a
special edition of Rhythm Stick.
Flavia Coelho at Womadelaide 2015
Saturday 25 April, 8 – 9pm
Support Radio Adelaide by subscribing in April
and you’ll go in the draw for $500 to spend
with South Australia’s favourite publishing house
Wakefield Press!
Wakefield Press has brought our state’s stories
to the world for over 25 years. They love good
stories and publish beautiful books. Current
releases include Kate Llewellyn’s selected letters
in First Things First, Alex Frayne’s beautiful book
of photographs Adelaide Noir, and Margaret
Merrilees’ hilarious and
delightful Fables Queer
and Familiar.
To support Radio Adelaide
and put your name in the
hat, call 8313 5000 or
It’s Charlotte Bedford! Charlotte brings to Radio
Adelaide more than 20 years’ experience in
designing, delivering and managing broadcast
journalism and media production training.
From the UK, she produced her first community
radio program at the age of 15 and was a
DiY punk fanzine publisher, music promoter
and performer, and spent 20 years with
media charities developing education projects
with diverse and disadvantaged groups. She
remains active in alternative media practice and
research in Australia.
On moving to Adelaide in 2008 Charlotte
quickly found Radio Adelaide, joined our
training team and contributed to a range of
training projects, including teaching University
of Adelaide media students. To top that off
she has recently completed a PhD thesis on
the history of radio stations in prisons. So Ms
Bedford for now, but get ready for Dr Bedford!
Charlotte starts in the role on April 17, and
we're looking forward to her playing a key role
in the next era of Radio Adelaide Training.
This season we bid farewell to a longstanding program and say thanks to
it’s tireless co-ordinator. Since 2001,
Greg Fisher has presented six hours of
jazz music from around the world every
Sunday night overnight on Jazz ‘til
Dawn. Yes, that’s right, six hours!
Now Greg is hanging up the headphones
on that particular jazz program, but you
can still hear Greg and plenty of jazz
on Radio Adelaide. Jazz on the Terrace
continues each weekday morning, as
well as Primetime Jazz on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday nights.
war widows talk
Mondays 3 – 4pm
We are a community radio
station owned and operated
by The University of Adelaide
and powered by community
support. We're not for profit and
rely on the active support and
involvement of our listeners.
228 North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5000
08 8313 5000
Subscription = listener support
We need our listener supporters!
Annual subscription: $75, $40
concession, $150 passionate
10-year $600, Lifetime $750.
subscribe online here:
contact Chris Leese, Sophie Byrne
Sponsorship/On Air Promotions
each week: 88,000 attentive, active
and curious radio listeners, 8000
unique online visitors, 9000 social
media followers; also window display,
& magazine packages.
contact Chris Leese, Deborah Welch
Radio Adelaide Training
We are an RTO providing nationally
accredited training and specialise in
tailoring training for community.
contact Charlotte Bedford
Media Production Services
We can produce your audio and video
in a wide range of formats. See us for
diverse voice talent, online audio and
video, and much more.
contact Don Balaz, Darren van Schaik
Editors: Lucy Kingston, Deborah Welch
Cover Photo: Deborah Welch
Writing & Photography: Radio Adelaide people
Design & layout: Deborah Welch, Shadia Design
Advertising: Chris Leese
Printing: Finsbury Green
What's the difference between community
media and other media? One answer to that
question comes as soon as you listen in. On
radio, and online, you’ll hear the real voices of
ordinary people, genuine and passionate.
DIY Media
Behind that voice is a special opportunity to
hear the world directly from many viewpoints
and life experiences. Mainstream media often
tells stories about people, but in community
media, people tell their own stories.
This is why the South Australian Council of
Social Services, SACOSS, started their access
radio program Small Change in 2013. Ross
Womersley, Executive Director of SACOSS and
a part of the Small Change team explains:
“When the mainstream media talk about
vulnerable and disadvantaged peoples' issues,
there’s just limited space for different voices
to be heard. Often the issues are complex. It’s
got to be so quick, there’s no time to get into
the details, the debates, the people behind the
headlines or even some of the steps we might
take to remedy the issues.”
“To be able to share these voices with an
interested audience, talking directly with both
the people experiencing disadvantage and the
services there to assist them,is just so important
and valuable.”
Small Change features a mix of interviews with
people whose lives are impacted by social
policy and services, community sector workers
and social policy makers.
Recently Small Change spoke to Sue, who
explained how she 'fell out of the system' and
found herself on welfare at 50.
“After being a parent for a long time, I thought
all that life experience and all the projects I
was involved in as a volunteer would add up to
someone looking at me and saying 'wow you’d
be great in a professional workplace', but that
just hasn’t happened.”
She offered an insight into life on welfare.
“On welfare you come under surveillance all
the time, because we’re always being asked
questions – are you living with anyone are you
earning any money, who lives in your house?
All those questions make you think that there’s
nothing private in your own life.”
Sue is just one voice among many who have
been heard through Radio Adelaide's radio
and online platforms. SACOSS Communication
Officer and Small Change Producer Marnie
Round explains:
Cover: Marnie Round, foreground, with Ross Womersley and
St Johns Youth Services staff at their Youth 110 accommodation
service in central Adelaide, and at left, on the streets.
right: Joyleen Thomas
look closer at science SUBATOMIC Mondays 6 – 7pm
ACH Group also featured in a video Radio
Adelaide produced for SACOSS in 2014,
focussing on healthy workers and workplaces.
Find it here:
“We are closely connected to people who use social services.
Many have been through harrowing times, injustice and
setbacks, and end up in a bad way, needing help.”
Does your community organisation need video?
Radio Adelaide offers cost effective, professional
video and audio production services, and we
have a unique understanding of community
organisations, because we are one!
“Because they’ll speak to us, we’re in a position to share
these rarely-heard stories. These stories are right outside the
door; it just takes this different approach to media to tell
them.” says Marnie
Portrayal of the community services sector is also a strong
feature of Small Change. It’s a large sector, but often
“Community services employ more people than any other
sector in South Australia,” says Marnie.
“People in the sector do amazing work, but they don’t get
paid a lot, or receive much recognition. The radio show
and podcasts are important ways to highlight some of the
wonderful work that is being done.”
Recently Small Change spoke to aged care worker Joyleen
Thomas from ACH Group and the Better Health Practice
Project, which advises community services on successfully
enabling older people to find the good life.
“I started working in aged care 30 years ago and I thought
I was god’s gift to older people by doing, fetching and
carrying for them, until somebody reminded me that that
wasn’t the way to go,“ Joyleen told the program.
“So I had to stop and think about that. We’re more a bridge
to people having rich and full lives, where they’re making
the decisions, not us. How we go about that makes all the
From this perspective, Better Health Practice produces
resources for social services working with older people.
“We start from imagining a better life for older people. It’s
not just 'not doing harm', it’s not just about an ordinary life.
We think about possibilities, like the woman who was 95
graduating from university. She thought that was possible, but
many people didn’t.”
Small Change also brings discussion about social issues and
policy to its listeners. Rather than talking about policy papers,
Marnie and Ross look to the human side of the changes.
Check online or call and ask for our Media
Production Team.
“If we start with the policy, we always move to the actual
impact on people, and to hearing what these people
themselves think about it,” explains Marnie.
An example is a recent interview with Ralph Bonig, co-chair
of the South Australian Justice Reinvestment Working Group.
Ralph explained this approach to crime and punishment.
“We have about 55,000 full time prisoners, we’re at about
99% of capacity of our prisons and the prison population has
grown by 10% in the last year. So our option now is to build
more prisons, or to do something about what is causing that
offending rate, to stop people going to prison.”
“Justice re-investment is all about taking that money we’re
spending on prisons and trying to do some targeted socioeconomic programs to deal with some of the issues that
deal with offending. If it works, we’re talking about safer
Small Change is just one example of a community
organisation making the most of community media. Radio
Adelaide partners with many organisations, providing a
different way of approaching the very complex task of
communication. Current examples include The Legacy Hour,
operated by the Legacy Club of Adelaide, Your Rights at
Night from SA Unions and Nganampa Wangka from the
Indigenous Mobile Language Team.
General Manager Deb Welch says: “An access partnership
with Radio Adelaide is a great way for community
organisations to be pro-active in their communications.”
“Nearly all large organisations now have a substantial
media-production team, and community organisations
wanting to provide an alternative view can find themselves at
a huge disadvantage. Issuing a media release and waiting
for attention no longer works, if it ever did.”
Listen to Sue, Joyleen and Ralph's interviews on Small Change:
Radio Adelaide's access partnerships make it cost-effective
and realistic for community organisations to be their own
media producers.
“We can assist with training and personnel and we have
the FM, digital radio, online streaming, podcast and
video platforms established and ready to use”, says Deb.
“Community media is about explanding the variety of
voices and viewpoints we can all hear and understand, and
community organisations are an essential part of that mix.”
what does it mean to be recognised?
Thursdays 2 – 3pm
A P R I L T O J U LY 2 0 1 5
The Wire independent current affairs repeat from last night
Stick Together
Breakfast on Radio Adelaide
local current affairs, culture and a new world of musicwith local, national and BBC World News Bulletins on the hour
Classical Connection
classical music with its past, present and future connections
including Adelaide Concert Hour Monday at 10am
Jazz on The Terrace
a smorgasbord of the jazz you love
Radio for the Third Age presents music, information & guests of special interest to older listeners
The Anangu Lands
Paper Tracker
Writers Radio
Aboriginal Message
The Legacy Hour
media news & analysis
war widows’ views
and reminiscences
Access All
about Recognition
youth & disability
The Sound of Science
science, agriculture,
our languag
Un Air de France
Global Gen
French singer songwriters
today’s world b
The Range
new music, interviews, local and national news on the hour and live to air performances on The Friday Sessions
Cassie Egan &
Julian Kusabs
Jenny Nguyen &
Anthony Nocera
Galen Cuthbertson &
Ellie Parnell
Matt Vecchio
Sophie McKa
Chris Komo
Your Rights At Night
Sports Ta
The Wire national current affairs
Small Change
social justice and voices
for change
look closer at science
Nunga Wangga
The Plan
architecture & design
Local Noise
community-based aboriginal
news, views & music
local music & live bands
The Borrowers
musical inspiration
all about sp
Primetime Jazz jazz for all tastes
swing & big band
local singer songwriters
SA Unions
taste explorations
bebop & beyond
what’s new
swahili program
metal punk & ha
Reel Time
movies, music, reviews
Pride & Prejudice
queer views
The 11th
The Beefcake
Fun and
The MEK!
Wan an
1am – 6am
BBC World Service
Student Radio
where music meets
Suzi Hutchings
Best Regards
underground independent
Student Radio
Crossing Tracks
punk + video g
Country Café
Fred Payne
Tammy Wellman
Country Brekky
Wally Sparrow
digital radio
Within Theosophia
ideas & education
Public Domain at 10am
Ewart Shaw
adelaide arts coverage
The Scrutineers
Behind the Screens
looking at local film
ay &
Arts Breakfast
A Peace of the Action
peace and justice
Bluegrass Unlimited
local arts, music and opinion
classic and contemporary
Bill Lawson
Writers Radio
climate and change
Cath Kenneally
music from 1910s-40s
by today’s
Out of this World
a musical detour
Steve Sokvari
Persian Program
Always on Sunday
The Folk Show
anglo-celtic & australian
The Folk Co-op
Saturday Blues
longest running blues
show in oz
Rhythm Stick
spotlight on percussion
Michelle Smith
polish program
Yuba Sansar
bhutanese youth world
Voice of Shangri La
nepali bhutanese
Radio Serbia
& Montenegro
Afro World
culture, news & beats
Call of the Beloved
baha’i farsi program
world music in
all directions
Up Down-Under
every good tune
deserves airing
12am All the Best
12.30am Beyond Zero
1am Democracy Now
2am Public Domain (rpt)
3am Adelaide Concert Hour
4am Global Village
5am Off The Record
all flavours of
australian music
New program
New time
Languages other than English
228 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000
phone 08 8313 5000 email
APRIL 2015 TO JULY 2015
A Peace of the Action
Sunday 11.30am - noon
Peace, justice and community action
Stephen Darley, Sue Gilbey, Des Lawrence,
Ruth Russell, Clayton Werner
Access Program: Australian Peace
Committee Inc
Aboriginal Message
Tuesdays 2.30 - 3pm
Native Title news
Kaliah Alice, Don Balaz
Access Program: South Australian Native
Title Services Ltd
Access All Areas
Wednesdays 2 - 3pm
Youth, culture and disability
Tyson Cluse, Jae Jaensch, Nikki Marcel,
Michael Olbrich, Nathan Van Roy, Alex
Adelaide Concert Hour
Monday 10 - 11am, repeat Sunday 3am
Live recordings of SA classical concerts
Rosemary Beal, Gavin Pearce, Stuart
Robison, Peter Trevaskis
Afro World
Saturday 9 - 10pm
Beats, culture and news for the African
Jaison Midzi, Seraphin Nyirenda
All The Best
Sunday midnight - 12.30am
Radio features and stories
From FBI Radio via the Community Radio Network
Always On Sunday
Sunday 4.30 - 5.30pm
Polish Program presented in Polish
Cezary Pawlisz, Tad Swietlik
Access Program: Polish Radio Programs
Sunday 2 - 3pm
Latin-American community and culture
Zaida Antezana, Ricardo Ahumada,
Laura Rodriguez
Access Program: Amistad Radio Inc
Arts Breakfast
Saturday 9 - 11am
Up to the minute Adelaide arts coverage
Cath Kenneally, Ewart Shaw, Alicia
Moraw, Nikki Marcel, Bethany Clark
Sunday 1 - 2pm
Creating a climate for change
Ian Newton, Des Lawrence, Sue Reece,
Barry Mitchell
BBC World Service
Monday - Friday 1 - 6am
Sunday midnight - 6am
Bringing you the world overnight
Behind the Screens
Saturday 11am - 12.30pm
Looking at local film
Rebecca Elliott, Jordan Archer,
Dianne Janes, Chrissy Kavanagh,
Sophie McKay, Finley McNeilage
Best Regards
Tuesday 10 -11pm
Independent, underground, new music
Alex Gordon-Smith, Angela Schilling
Beyond Zero
Sunday 12.30 -1am
Climate change
From 3CR via the Community Radio Network
Bluegrass Unlimited
Sunday noon - 1pm
Covering the bluegrass spectrum
Bill Lawson
Breakfast on Radio Adelaide
Weekdays 6.30 - 9.10am
Adelaide’s alternative for local current
affairs, culture and a new world of music
Angus Randall, Jennie Lenman, Ian
Newton, Ellie Cooper, Martin Goodman,
Sean McDermott, Robbie Stape, Kahlia
Hartwig, Jeremy Rochow, Christian
Classical Connection
Weekdays 9.10 - 11am
Your connection with classical music,
Rosemary Beal, Valerie Carras, Graham
Dudley, Malcolm Elliott, Keith Hempton,
Robyn Lidgett, Jeff Oates, Gavin Pearce,
Graham Smith, Peter Trevaskis, Francis
Conversations about Recognition
Thursday 2 - 3pm
What does it mean to be recognised?
Dwayne Coulthard, Marnie Round,
Deborah Welch
produced in partnership with Aboriginal
Legal Rights Movement SA and SACOSS
Country Brekky
Saturday 6 - 9am
A full flavoured feast of country
Wally Sparrow
Country Café
Sunday 6 - 8.30am
New and classic country tunes
Tammy Wellman, Fred Payne
Crossing Tracks
Monday 10pm - midnight
Cool jazz, electronic soul and club beats
Suzi Hutchings
Democracy Now
Sunday 1 - 2am
US Independent current affairs
From US public radio via the Community Radio Network
Wednesday 9 - 10pm
Food, taste and indulgence
John Coveney, Bruce Guerin, Nikki
Marcel, Judith Peppard, Jane Jenkins,
Judyta Slupnicki
Global Generation
Friday 3 - 4pm
Today's world, today's generation
Jessica Martin, John Wilson, Thomas
Jordan, Colby Cringle, Hanna Tomkins,
Jordan Curtis, Megan Yarwood, Thomas
Mann, Sarah Tonkin
Bachelor of Media students, University
of Adelaide
Global Village
Sunday 4 - 5am
World Music
From the Community Radio Network
Jazz on the Terrace
Weekdays 11am - noon
A smorgasbord of the jazz you love
Meg Abbott, Martin Goodman, Greg
Fisher, John Burke, Peter Kuller, Bill
Lawson, Michael McEwen, John Simmons,
Graham Smith, John Watts, Francis Willis
Thursday 9 - 10pm
Swahili community and culture
Kassim Dino, Sembuli Mchawala,
Godfrey Ngalya
Access Program: Tanzanian Community
Association of SA Inc
Saturday 10 - 11pm
World music in all directions
Vic Flierl, Julia Wakefield, Neil Smart, Ian
Local Noise
Tuesday 7 - 9pm
Live music and local bands
Luke Penman, Joe Contin, Phil van Hout,
Ian Newton
Local and National News
Weekdays, 7am, 8am, 9am, 4pm, 5pm
Sarah Alessi, Matthew Balales, Brittany
Blunt, Evelyn Butcher, Michael Davos,
Lucy Ferguson, Ben Hauser, Monica Lam,
Suzanne Yen Leong-Scott, Gen Linden,
Courtney McGuiggan, Taylor Ryan,
Stefan Scragg, Patricia Smith, Daria
Taplin, Robert Tompkins, Yang Wang,
Hugh Williams, Mikayla York-Brown
Bachelor of Media students, University of
Tuesday 3 - 4pm
Media news and analysis
Aimee Manning, Andrew Barber,
Elizabeth Gogler, Erin Piccoli, Georgina
Cunningham, Luke Robins, Mark Onofrio,
Nick Wilton, Seamus Mullins
Bachelor of Media students, University of
Friday 9 - 11pm
The best in metal, punk and hardcore
Jake Clark, Nicholas Quadrio, Tom
Kauschke, Amber Irving-Guthrie
Musicology O'Clock
Monday midnight - 1am
Meet the many worlds of music
Kimberley Adams, Donna Symonds
Nganampa Wangka
Friday 2 - 3pm
Celebrating SA Aboriginal languages
Karina Lester, Clayton Cruse, Don Balaz
Access Program: Mobile Language Team,
Adelaide University
Saturday 2 - 3.30pm
Music from the 1910's - 1940's
Malcolm Benger, Graham Clarke, Errol
Crouch, Eric Ford, Martin Goodman
Nunga Wangga
Monday 7 - 9pm
Deadly community news, issues and music
Christine Brown, Michael Collard, Harry
Dare, Stevie Gadlabarti Goldsmith, Eddie
Off The Record
Saturday 5 - 6am
Roots music from around the world
From 3RRR via the Community Radio Network
Sunday 9 - 11.00am
All around ideas and education
Features Public Domain at 10am
Ewart Shaw, Judith Peppard
Out of this World
Saturday 3.30 - 5pm
A detour off the musical highway
Steve Sokvari
Persian Program
Sunday 3 - 4.30pm
Persian culture and community
Amir Soroush, Ayda Mahdizadeh, Nima
Janghorban, Alireza Sefat
Access Program: Persian Cultural
Association of SA
Pride and Prejudice
Wednesday 10 - 11pm
Queer views
Shaylee Leach, Mark Tripodi, Sally Peck
Primetime Jazz
Wednesday - Friday 7 - 9pm
Jazz aficionados play great music
Wednesday: Swing & Big Band;
Thursday: Bebop and Beyond, with Latin
flirtations; Friday: Whats New
Meg Abbott, Stephen Duff, Greg Fisher,
Peter Kuller, Michael McEwen, Mark
Robinson, Mark Rubeo, John Simmons,
Sister T, John Watts
Public Domain
Sunday 10 - 11am
repeat Saturday 2 - 3am
Adelaide public talks
Jennie Lenman, Darren van Schaik
Radio Serbia & Montenegro
Sunday 7.30 - 9.30pm
Community and culture in the Serbo
Croatian languages
Momir Dacic, Gina Traljic
Access Program: Yugoslav Radio Inc
Sunday 10.30pm - midnight
Every good tune deserves an airing
John Murch
Reel Time
Wednesday 10 - 11pm
Movies, reviews, and soundtracks
Tristan Lintern, Kat McCarthy, Georgina
Rhythm Stick
Saturday 8 - 9pm
Spotlight on percussion
Michelle Smith
Weekdays noon - 2pm
Music, information & guests for older
listeners young in spirit.
Marlena Allan, Tony Clifford, Errol
Crouch, Kevin Crowden, Malcolm
Elliott, Julie Francis, Martin Goodman,
Kirk Jones, Winston Kay, Richard Lane,
Pauline Lowe, Jacqueline Marsden, Ann
Mather, Helen Meyer, John Rawes, Pam
Sandhu, Norman Stacey, Maria Stocco,
Mike Stock, Evelene Trosti, John Turner,
Helen Wilson
Access Program: Radio for the Third Age
Saturday Blues
Saturday 6.30 - 8pm
Longest running blues show in Australia
Terry Heazlewood, Sister T, Mike Hotz
Monday 6 - 7pm
Look closer at science
Jack Pointon, Rohan Neagle
Un Air de France
Thursday 3 - 4pm
French singer-songwriters
Guillaume Vétu, Hetty Byrne
Behind the Scenes
Monday 2 - 2.30pm
Research for the real world
Ewart Shaw
The Anangu Lands Paper Tracker
Tuesday 2 - 2.30pm
Tracking promises to APY communities
Rose Lester, Susan Tilley
Access Program: Uniting Communities
Saturday 11pm - midnight
All flavours of Australian music
Antoinette Kennedy, Phil van Hout, Ian
Newton, Joe Contin, Bernhard Sayer,
Lucy Kingston, Sue Reece, Clayton
Werner, Robert Wynne
Robyn Lidgett, Jeff Oates, Michelle
Peake, Gavin Pearce, Clayton Werner,
John Burke, Kirk Jones, Bernhard Sayer,
Helen Meyer, Errol Crouch, Tony Clifford,
Guillaume Vétu
Small Change
Tuesday, 6 - 7pm
Social justice and voices for change
Marnie Round, Ross Womersley, Helen
Access Program: SA Council of Social
Service (SACOSS)
Monday 9 - 10pm
Local singer-songwriters
Adrian Miller, Claire Thackray, Clayton
Sports Talk
Friday 6 - 7pm
All things sport
Tim Jeffrey, Tom Seagrim, Rob Cecere
Stick Together
Monday 6 - 6.30am
Union and workplace justice
From 3CR via the Community Radio Network
Saturday 12.30 - 1.30pm
Local arts and opinion
Tom Angley, Nicholas Pipe, Lisa
Campbell, Sophie Byrne
Student Radio
Directors: Yang Wang, Matthew Bell
Access Program: Adelaide University
The 11th Hour
Tuesday11pm - midnight
It all comes together at the 11th hour
Imogen Seaar, Mathew Bell
Fun and Magic
Tuesday midnight - 1am
Disney, show tunes & movie music galore
Sophie Atkinson, Tsedeye Woldgabreal
Doujin Rumble
Wednesday 11pm - midnight
Let out your inner Otaku
Henry Davis, David King, Bryan Lee,
JunSik Nam
The MEK! Show
Wednesday midnight - 1am
Punk rock for your Wednesday nights
Kahlia Allen, Mathew Brandt, Elly Gosling
The Beefcake Hour
Thursday 11pm - midnight
270lbs of absurdity
Rob Lawry, Liam Phillips
- Adelaide
Wan an
Thursday midnight - 1am
Chinese culture and current affairs
Yang Wang, Cheih Yu Lien, Bingliang Liu,
LuoLuo Wang, Shihang Wu, Jingyi Xu
The Borrowers
Tuesday 9 - 10pm
Musical inspirations across genres
Ian Newton, Phil van Hout
The Folk Show
Saturday 5 - 6.30pm
Anglo-Celtic, Australian and
contemporary folk
David Cavanagh, Julie Cavanagh, Eric
Ford, David Long, Margaret Monks, Jane
The Legacy Hour
Monday 3 - 4pm
War widows' views and reminiscences
Jean Coote, May Shotton, Denise
McCann, Marleen Jarvis, Helen Meyer,
Stephanie Fairey, Kathy Darling-Brooks
Access Program: Legacy Club of Adelaide
The Plan
Wednesday 6 - 7pm
Architecture, design and affect
John Byleveld, Martin Ridge, Jo RussellClarke, Sharon Mackay
Access Program: Australian Institute of
Architects, SA Chapter
The Range
Weekdays 4 - 5.30pm
Adelaide's alternative drivetime
Ian Newton, Phil van Hout, Cassie Egan,
Sophie McKay, Jenny Nguyen, Matthew
Vecchio, Ben Hauser, Julian Kusabs, Chris
Komorek, Anthony Nocera, Ellie Parnell,
Galen Cuthbertson, Sophie Byrne
The Scrutineers
Sunday 11 - 11.30am
Peering into the ballot box
Casey Briggs, Dianne Janes
The Sound of Science
Wednesday 3 - 4pm
Science, agriculture, environment
Sarah Martin, Sarah McDonnell
Access Program: The Faculty of Science,
University of Adelaide
The Wire
Weekdays 5.30 - 6pm,
Repeats Tuesday - Friday 6 - 6:30am
National independent current affairs
produced by community broadcasters
Radio Adelaide, 2ser Sydney, and 4EB
Annie Hastwell, Sarah Martin, with
Judith Peppard, Louise Pascale, Lovette
Williams, Jarred Sferruzi, Bonnie Parker,
Brittany Evins, Ellie Cooper, Parashar
Das, Sam Talbot, Jordan Curtis, Lucy
Robinson, Kayla Dickeson, Katharine
Cox, Teagan Farrell
Voice of Shangri La
Sunday 6.30 - 7.30pm
Nepali and Bhutanese culture and
Bhuwaneshor Sharma, Sanjay Puri,
Khagendra Khatiwada
Access Program: Nepali Cultural
Association of SA Inc
Within Theosophia
Sunday 8.30 - 9am
An exploration of spirituality
Nancy Inkster, Kevin Davey, Stephanie
Papps, Lilly Leaver, Travis James, Carol
Ann Fines, Marie Paul
Access Program: Adelaide Theosophical
Society Inc
Writers Radio
Saturday 1.30 - 2pm
Repeats Monday 2.30 - 3pm
The best of Australian writing - poets,
novelists, playrights, biographers
Cath Kenneally, Martin Goodman, Ruth
Starke, Sue Reece, Gillian Dooley, Ewart
Shaw, Bethany Clark
Your Rights at Night
Thursday 6 - 7pm
Activist media from SA Unions
John Briggs, Yesha Joshi, Dominic
Mugavin, Jarred Sferruzzi, Maxine
Access Program: SA Unions
Yuba Sansar
Sunday 5.30 - 6.30pm
Bhutanese community and culture
Neeru Khapangi, Ganga Adhikari, Indra
Adhikari, Lok Poudel, Unisha Samal, Sita
Dulal, Devi Pokhrel, Bikash Dhamala, Raj
Access Program: Bhutanese Association
of South Australia
Friday 11pm - 1am
Punk meets video games
Sam Fanning, Brendan Whittaker, Tom
Campbell, Steve Parker
Peter Trevaskis, Kirk Jones, Martin
Goodman, Rob Bailey
Max Duncan, Robyn Eadha, Ian Newton,
Sophie McKay, Graham Smith, Phil van
Hout, Rosemary Beal, Matthew Assels, Sean
Advisory Committee
The Hon. Anne Levy, Chair
Chelsea Lewis
Dr Kathryn Bowd
Dr Heather Bray
Mal Chia
Kirk Jones
Lucy Kingston
Deborah Welch
Staff Members
Deborah Welch
Manager, Programming and Content
Lucy Kingston
Breakfast Producer Jennie Lenman
Breakfast Presenter Angus Randall
Arts Producer Cath Kenneally
Producer, The Wire
Annie Hastwell, Sarah Martin
Education Producer Ewart Shaw
Producer, The Sound of Science Sarah
Producer, Conversations About
Dwayne Coulthard, Marnie Round
Broadcast Co-ordinator
Darren van Schaik
Audio Production Co-ordinator
Don Balaz
IT Co-ordinator
Anthony Gibbs
Administration Co-ordinator
Chris Leese
Music Resources Co-ordinator
Luke Penman
Administration Assistant
Sophie Byrne
Training Manager
Charlotte Bedford
Training & New Volunteers Co-ordinator
Casey Briggs
Anna Gillam, Nikki Marcel, Michelle
Smith, Jordan Archer, Sophie McKay, Don
Balaz, Sarah Martin, Nicky Page, Lisa
Friday nights is a lot noisier now our heavy music program
MOSH has moved to 9 o’clock in the evening.
MOSH has long been popular with fans who crave metal,
punk and hardcore music. In fact, an interview recorded
backstage at the Soundwave music festival with the band
HIM was the most downloaded podcast on the Radio
Adelaide website in 2014, with more than 1500 listens.
To program founder Jake Clark, that response was
rewarding, but not completely a surprise.
“This kind of music is really popular, but it’s just hard to
find in other places. Events like Soundwave are huge and
audiences are really hungry for news and talk about their
favourite bands.”
The program reaches out to that community through it's
webpage, very active Facebook page and an annual poll on
the Top 10 South Australian Heavy Music releases. Jake says
supporting local music was central to starting the program in
“The trick for us is that we really know the music of these
artists, and we try to ask them the questions the fans would
like to know. We like to get into the real detail of how they
make music and what it means to them and the audience.”
MOSH plays a diverse range of music under the “heavy”
banner, from post-hardcore Australian band The Amity
Affliction to ska punk band Reel Big Fish, to death metal outfit
Cannibal Corpse.
The team of Jake, Nicholas Quadrio, Amber Irving-Guthrie
and Tom Kauschke are looking forward to sharing more live
local music on Friday nights.
“With the two hour slot, starting earlier on a Friday night,
we’re getting a lot more local bands in, and have a much
bigger local presence in the Adelaide scene in general.”
“We wanted to give local heavy music a voice here in
Adelaide. Ever since we started we’ve had such an interest
from keen fans and the musicians.”
Jake came to the show as a fan of the genre himself, and it’s
still a thrill for him to interview many musicians. The program
has interviewed a long list of bands over its two years on air,
speaking to a “who’s who” of the heavy music scene.
“I just love getting to talk to my idols and heroes who I’ve
been listening to for years. When you speak to them you
can’t believe it, it means so much to a fan like me.“
That passion for heavy music influences drives their approach
to interviews.
Radio Adelaide's Student Radio Directors are elected by
University of Adelaide students and this year we welcome the
40th elected directors in Australia's longest running student radio
service. Meet the 2015w Directors, Yang Wang and Matt Bell
polish news and music ALWAYS ON SUNDAY Sundays 4.30 – 5.30pm
He’s the friendly face behind the warm chuckle. Wally
Sparrow is the presenter of one of our most popular
weekend programs, Country Brekky.
Wally has been braving the early starts – the show runs
from 6 to 9am every Saturday morning – for ten years.
“It seems like ten weeks actually,” Wally laughs “I just love
music that’s why I love the radio. It’s an outlet for me, I
just need to hear it. And loyal listeners love Wally’s style.
“I talk to people not at them. That’s maybe why they drive
me mad on the phone” he jokes. “Usually about 15 people
get through each show, I just can’t answer them all!”
“I mostly play traditional country,” says Wally “I just like
songs that have that drive; good distinctive, memorable
country songs.”
The show isn’t all
about the past. Wally
has always been a champion of upcoming talent and he
plays plenty of new South Australian songs each week.
Wally’s love of music and gift of the gab comes from
a career performing as a musician, compere and
entertainer “I worked full time in the agricultural industry,
but come Friday night I’d head out for a show. When I
was younger, it wasn’t unusual for me to do three or four
shows a week.”
“Because I had the versatility to be a compere and a
comedian as well as a one man band, I got lots of work.
Then when the live music venues started struggling and
brought in the strippers, I just had to work with them too.
It got the kids through university anyway!” he laughs.
Wally has also made a significant contribution to the
country music scene as a judge on many talent shows and
awards. He is recognised in the South Australian Country
Music Hall of Fame and the Tamworth “Hands of Fame”.
Our late night student broadcasters are back with a series of
new programs.
On Tuesday nights The 11th Hour bring you the latest
new music and interviews with local talent, and Fun and
Magic talk movies and musicals and bring you loads of show
tunes and Disney music.
Joy Taylor had some community
radio experience when she
started training with Radio
Adelaide in 2004, but we are
proud to claim her as our own.
Joy is now a big part of a
small community station, 8CCC in Alice Springs. Last
year they won the CBAA “Small Station of the Year”
Ten years ago it seemed the station would disappear,
but Joy worked tirelessly with other volunteers to help
re-establish their studio and transmitter in Tennant
Creek and training to get new volunteers on air.
Joy says that working in community radio “Just gives
you so many opportunities to contribute and learn in
different ways, it’s wonderful.”
Wednesday brings you Doujin Rumble, diving deep into
the world of anime and manga, followed by the heavy
alternative The MEK! Show, covering punk and hardcore.
Joy has also produced some excellent radio pieces of
her own. Her series Centralian Yarns was broadcast
nationally on community radio in 2014 and she's
currently working on a new series profiling women in
remote and outback areas.
The Beefcake Hour subvert expectations on Thursday, with
news, reviews and conversation and finally, the team from
Wǎn ān Adelaide have music and interviews each week,
presented in Mandarin (Wǎn ān means good night!).
These days Joy is Radio Adelaide's Alice Springs
trainer, working with us to train broadcasters at
CAAMA Radio for their media qualifications.
Student Radio is produced by the Adelaide University Union.
In her spare time she loves singing with the over-50s
rock chick band Women with Altitude.
spotlighton percussion
Saturdays 8 – 9pm
Now over 70, Wally is winding back on his voluntary
work in the music industry. But one thing you can count on
for a while yet is that if you turn on Radio Adelaide early
on a Saturday morning, you’ll hear the warm chuckle and
silly jokes of our own country legend, Wally Sparrow.
The country music team at Radio Adelaide share a close bond.
Here's Wally, centre, with Tammy Wellman and Fred Payne.
Iain Grandage
Taryn Fiebig Soprano
Jud Arthur Bass
Elder Conservatorium Chorale
Iain Grandage
Towards First Light
(World Premiere)
First Light
at 100
A new requiem in honour
of the Gallipoli landings.
Wed 22 Apr 7PM
Book at or 131 246
Commissioned by