Adelaide Bulletin - Cochlear Awareness Network
Adelaide Bulletin - Cochlear Awareness Network
Adelaide Bulletin OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF BETTER HEARING AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE INC COMMITTEE: PRESIDENT c/SACOSS Marjorie Black House, 47 King William Road, UNLEY 5061 SEPTEMBER 2014 Derik Ward Ph:/fax 08 8431 1397 Email: VICE PRESDENT/ TUTOR Shona Fennell Ph: 08 8268 4189 Email: TREASURER Graham Day MESSAGE FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Hello BHA Adelaide members. This has been a very busy few months since our last issue of the Adelaide Bulletin and many exciting events are planned as we approach the end of 2014. Our mid-year luncheon for members and partners at the Elephant and Castle Hotel proved a great success and I thank Stan Gray for organizing the occasion. We contributed to the conviviality by providing bottles of Better Hearing wine and also paying for desserts and coffee. Our monthly Coffee Mornings with occasional speakers and a visit to the Botanic Gardens have also been well attended and we plan to continue the program. Most recently was our Clear Speech Awards held during Hearing Awareness Week (HAW). Judges Shona Fennell, Barbara Munn and I declared a “tie” for the Top Clear Speaker Newsreader and plaques were presented to both Jane Doyle (Channel 7) and Jessica Harmsen (ABC). Marjorie Wellby Special Print Media Awards were also presented to: Callie Ph: 08 8339 8144 Watson (Sunday Mail) for Email: marjorie.wellby1 her article Breaking the Sound Barrier and to John Stokes (Messenger Stan Gray Community News for his Ph: 08 8277 2228 article “Listening with Email: hearing loss”. (John was unable to attend because Lyn Gill he was getting married!) Ph: 0414627232 The presentations were Email: held in the meeting room Jane Doyle Callie Watson Jessica Harmsen at SACOSS with the Barbara Munn winners entertaining us with brief acceptance speeches. I thank our members who contributed to a really outstanding morning tea that was enjoyed by members and guests. Ph: 8276 4786 Email:barbaramunn@ It was a very enjoyable morning. TUTOR Outreach Representative Don Wood Ph: 410399273 Email: That evening a number of BHA Adelaide members attended a captioned screening of the movie The Hundred Foot Journey at Hoyts Norwood, that was arranged by the HAW Committee in SA. It was a great success and enjoyed by a large audience of some 350 Hearing Impaired and Deaf people. Derik Ward National AGM in Adelaide October 4 On Saturday October 4, BHA Adelaide will host the National Annual General Meeting of Better Hearing Australia with the National Board and delegates/observers from branches around Australia attending. It is not a conference, but important issues about Better Hearing Australia will be raised and discussed. The AGM will be held in Marjorie Black House meeting room at SACOSS. Adelaide members are welcome to attend as Observers during the meeting and also urged to join the Board and delegates for drinks and nibbles and a catered dinner ($30 per person) commencing at 6pm. PROGRAM 10 – 11am coffee and tea served at Marjorie Black House 11am Welcome by National President Julie Edmonds Followed by Branch issues/reports 12.30pm Lunch hosted by BHA Adelaide 1.30 – 3.30pm National AGM 3.30pm: Presentation of Awards & 2015 Conference presentation 4pm Close meeting/Coffee and Tea served *opportunity for networkng or short break prior to dinner at 6pm ADELAIDE AGM Saturday October 18, 2014 Our Annual General Meeting and election of officers will take place at the home of our President Derik and Gill Ward, 23 Grandview Grove, Toorak Gardens, commencing at 11am. A free luncheon will be served and members who attend must renew their subscriptions for 2014/15 to be able to vote. The Agenda, Nomination forms and Renewal Membership forms will be emailed or posted to members within the next week with this bulletin. For catering purposes, please contact Derik or Shona if you intend to be present. Contact details are on page one of this bulletin. Thank you. W I N T E R L U N C H BOTANIC GARDENS WALK DERIK LEAD THE WALK AND BOB WILLSHIRE TOOK THE PHOTOS Communication Workshop with Yr 6 Medical students. This is our third year of presentation and we have been invited to attend again next year. Ten H. I. volunteers visit the Adelaide Uni and we have six one hour sessions with the students to explain the difficulties hearing impaired people encounter when having appointments with doctors and specialists. We try to give them some strategies for effective communication. We find the program very worthwhile and the students are delightful. Thank you to all who volunteer. Diary Dates: September 24th—Coffee Morning—to be advised October 4th—National AGM hosted by BHAA. October 18th—Adelaide BHA AGM Note: AGM details and BHAA renewal membership forms for 2014/2015 will be emailed /posted with the bulletin. Clear Speech Awards Presentation 2014 Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who attended and made the morning such a pleasant event. Thank you to member and photographer Chris Gill! And thank you to our members who provided the food and camellias.
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