We`re on the web! - Inter Parish Ministry
We`re on the web! - Inter Parish Ministry
Non Profit Org US Postage PAID Cincinnati, OH Permit #4959 Inter Parish Ministry 3509 Debolt Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45244 Phone: 513-561-3932 Fax: 513-272-5704 E-mail: info@interparish.org We’re on the web! Donate now at www.interparish.org Upholding our neighbors with hands of grace. Inter Parish Ministry Board of Trustees Erick Harback, President John Tiffany, Vice President Brandie Smith, Secretary Jon Gelvin, Treasurer Sharon Brummett A.K. Carey Ray Gibson Bob Grigas April Hurak Matthew Kite Diana McGill Sue Porter Kyle Roberts Melinda Whittington Cyndy Wright Giving Opportunities There are many ways to make a difference. *Matching gifts through your company (GE, Duke Energy, Gannet, Humana Health Care for example). If you work for these or another company with a matching gift program, please consider a matching gift to IPM. *Your Planned gift As you focus on the blessings left to us by others and your life experiences, you probably have wondered what legacy you will leave. Consider how you might include IPM in your estate plans and leave a legacy for those seeking help in a time of need. Contact Gail or Lindsey at IPM. Inter Parish Ministry was formed over 49 years ago to assist families and children living in poverty. Today, over 40 churches, plus many individuals, businesses, schools and other community groups support IPM’s mission and bring hope to families in need. We invite you to partner with IPM and share your “time, talent and treasure” to enable us to help more families know the love of Christ and move toward self-reliance. Visit us on facebook Claire’s Farewell I wish to thank the staff, board & all of our wonderful volunteers for all of your support & love during my 3+ years at IPM.It is with a grateful heart for all of the hugs, cards & well wishes that I leave IPM. Thank you for being a blessing in my life. I hope our paths will cross again. Until then, take good care IPM Staff Executive Director: Lindsey Ein Development Director: Gail Koford Program Coordinator: Sarah Cadle Manager, Pantry Operations: Chuck Swanson Volunteer Coordinator: Development Assistant: Roseanne White And 100+ dedicated volunteers! Heart Lines . . . Don’t Miss the Fun! Celebration 2013: Hope Continues Sunday, April 21, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Oasis Golf & Conference Center Sip, Taste, Bid, Celebrate! Surprises of all sizes! Food Chair, A.K. Carey, Co-Auction Chair, Debbie Motz and Event Chair, Kyle Roberts are hard at work with a fabulous committee planning this unique and fun event for you to enjoy! Last year was sold out so don’t delay making your reservations! Bring your friends to the Celebration! Enjoy the fun! Inter Parish Ministry Volume 6, Issue 1 March, 2013 In 2012 You Helped Us Serve 5921 Families and 19,583 Individuals in our Newtown & Batavia Choice Pantries and at 18 Mobile Pantries! Thank You! ****** Key Initiatives for 2013 include Collaboration through Clermont County Safety Net Alliance. www.ccsafetynet.org Congratulations Circle of Hope Winners IPM Volunteers Dave Boyles, Barb Dardy and Kurt Frees will be honored during the Celebration 2013: Hope Continues event! Enjoying treats at last year’s Celebration at the Oasis! Page 2 Heart Lines . . . Celebration 2013: Hope Continues Once again this by-the-bite and sipping soup tasty event will feature favorite restaurants that will donate their “best ever” soups and appetizers for you to enjoy! Chefs from Tano, Lobsta Bakes & more are scheduled to appear. Look forward to sushi, crab cakes and the ever popular National Exemplar Hungarian Mushroom Soup! Other delights will include favorites from Clough Crossings, Keystone Grille, Ferrari’s, Bella Luna and Beth O’Leary Catering. Kroger Premier Chefs will also prepare tasty morsels. Everyone raved about the food at last year’s event and this year’s offerings promise to be as scrumptious with at least 15 area favorites! The event will also feature silent and live auctions, a Hope Basket Raffle and iPad giveaway. Auction items include: WLW Booth Experience with Thom Brenneman; a full Lobster Dinner for 8 from Lobsta Bakes; artwork by John Ruthven; Xavier University Basketball tickets and Ball Boy experience; Wine and Chocolate Baskets; Skeet Shooting Experience at Coldstream Country Club, and so much more! During the event you will hear and experience the message of hope delivered through special presentations by youth who serve Inter Parish Ministry. We will highlight our past through a new “One of a Kind” award, our present through our Circle of Hope Volunteer Awards and the future by honoring several members of the millenial generation whose service to IPM has demonstrated leadership and compassion. Invitations will be sent in March. Your reservation is just $45.00 to include bites, sips, dessert and one complimentary adult beverage. Tables of 10 are available for $430. Call IPM at 561-3932 or visit www.interparish.org for more information and to reserve your place by clicking the yellow “Donate Now” button. Hope Continues—don’t miss the Celebration! Thank You Celebration 2013 Sponsors Platinum Sponsors: Jeff Wyler Automotive Group; Dawn Management Company Gold Sponsors: Park National Bank; Dan Varner Band Silver Sponsors: Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine; Graystone Consulting, a business of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney; C Bank; Kamphaus, Henning, Hood, CPA; Lykins Oil.; Wells Fargo Financial; The Motz Group; Kroger; PNC Bank Volume 6, Issue 1 Page 3 Participate in the Feinstein Challenge in March & April We need your help this spring to get the IPM Choice Food Pantry shelves ready for the lean summer months when demand for food increases and supply decreases. You can help us by: **Holding a Feed the Hungry Food Drive **Donating Critically Needed Food Items **Donating Funds to IPM’s Choice Food Pantry Your springtime efforts will coincide with the 15th Annual Feinstein Food Challenge and give IPM an opportunity to add to whatever you give during March and April. The more we receive from you, the more of the $1 million Mr. Feinstein has set aside for this national challenge we will get. Please help others who experience hunger daily and donate during March and April. Participate in the Alan Shawn Feinstein Foundation’s Million Dollar Give-Away for Hunger! Welcome to the IPM Board Cyndy Wright from Park National Bank. Cyndy has been active on the IPM Development Committee and with the Park Cares effort helping with IPM projects. Her enthusiasm and caring spirit will be appreciated! Most Needed Items Souper Bowl of Caring was Super! More than 1200 food items plus monetary donations were collected by various youth groups that participated in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring on behalf of IPM. Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (photo left), Armstrong Chapel United Methodist Church, St. Thomas Episcopal Church youth groups plus Boy and Girl Scout troops from Terrace Park collected food at church services and/or throughout Terrace Park on Super Bowl Sunday.Others in the community held special food drives at Super Bowl parties to benefit IPM. We are grateful to everyone who helped fill our shelves. It was a great and successful effort. Thanks to all! “Helper” Meals Cereal Pasta Sauce Canned pasta Non-food items Laundry detergent Baby wash, wipes, shampoo, lotion; Diapers sizes 4-6. Always needed: Peanut butter/jelly
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We`re on the web! - Inter Parish Ministry
3509 Debolt Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45244
Phone: 513-561-3932
Fax: 513-272-5704
E-mail: info@interparish.org