Settle College Matters Feb 2015
Settle College Matters Feb 2015
Settle College Matters BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE Newsletter February 2015 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Although this half-term is a short one we still have lots to report! As I write this the students are doing their final rehearsal for Grease and we are all looking forward to another excellent school production. The dedication of the students and staff involved is amazing. They have worked tirelessly since September. Students from Year 9 to Year 13 are busy preparing for their final examinations which are now only ten school weeks away! There are lots of revision sessions going on to support the students to ensure they achieve the very best grades in their summer examinations. We wish the students every success and will continue to support them in any way we can. I would like to congratulate last year's Year 11 students, current Year 12s, for achieving excellent GCSE results in the summer. The League Tables, which were released on Thursday, 29th January, put us in second place in North Craven and 6th out of 77 secondary schools in the whole of North Yorkshire based on Value Added measures. As I reported in my last letter to parents this puts us in the top 8% of schools nationally. This is down to the hard work and dedication of our students who are ably supported by their teachers and their families. We are never complacent and we strive to improve every year. I am absolutely delighted that we now have a defibrillator in school (see article on page 11) . As you will know Kate Beresford, one of our Year 13 students, has been working extremely hard to fundraise for four defibrillators for the Settle area. I can't thank her enough for the dedication she has shown to raising funds for such an important cause. Just a reminder, it is mock exam week straight after the half-term holidays, therefore students should be using next week as an opportunity to do some revision and preparation. They should also ensure they have all the correct equipment so there is no delay to the start of their exams. Have a lovely half term. With all best wishes. Ms M Costello Principal 2 SENIOR PRIZE GIVING Senior Prizegiving takes place every year and the main focus is the success of the students at AS and A2, along with presentation of A Level and GCSE certificates. It is held at St Alkelda’s Church in Giggleswick and is a great evening celebrating the success of our students. This year’s Senior Prizegiving was a great success and included our fantastic guest speaker Rhiannon Padley. Rhiannon, a former Settle College student, went on to study at the University of Northumbria, where she studied History and Politics. She now works in the Houses of Parliament as Parliamentary Assistant to Priti Patel MP, who is Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury. Rhiannon talked about her journey and how working hard and getting the most out of every experience is very important. Rhiannon Padley Our Principal, Ms Costello, and Chair of Governors, Mrs Rees, gave speeches to the audience packed with parents, students and staff. The audience were also entertained by Thomas Oxley, Jamie Lewis, Jessica Bailey, Courtney Townley and James Ryan who performed their wonderful musical talents. Students were awarded certificates and prizes for their hard work and achievement at A Level and students from last year’s Year 11 were awarded GCSE certificates. Previous students who have just started University returned to St Alkelda’s Church to receive their awards and the evening was a great success. Jess Edwards receiving her awards and certificates from Rhiannon Padley Anna Marshall Head Girl Thomas Oxley sharing his musical talents 3 LANDROVER 4X4 SCHOOLS’ TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGE We are very privileged to have Ribblesdale Land Rover supporting Settle College in their quest to compete in the Land Rover 4x4 Schools’ Technology Challenge, against other regional teams. Mr Scott’s STEM team have to work together to manufacture their own vehicle body, the vehicle electrics (light and tilt sensor) and have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the vehicle’s suspension, drive train, chassis and wheels. Each Team member will compete against other teams and guide the remote control vehicle across tracks, which emulate terrain in real life, in the same way that a full scale 4x4 vehicle would. The STEM Team with Mr Scott and Mr Airey The Team will visit Ribblesdale Land Rover to gain an insight into the real workings of a 4x4 vehicle and its components. Ribblesdale’s Service Manager, Brian Airey, said “It’s great to see students enthusiastically taking up this challenge and my team and I are happy to support them along the way”. Mr G Scott Director of Technology Specialism … with the designs and model The model in operation! 4 SETTLE COLLEGE WINTER SHOW What a success! We held our Winter Show on Tuesday, 16th December and were amazed with the response. The number of entries was far bigger than we expected and the quality of entries was absolutely fantastic, similar to the bigger shows at Malham and Kilnsey! The whole morning was amazing; we each had different categories to judge and spent time looking through the entries and deciding who to award the prizes to. It was very difficult so we were pleased that Mrs Holgate, one of our school Governors, was on hand to offer her expert advice! The show team! Matthew Fawcett took a great deal of time in cracking the eggs to examine the yolks in the “cracking eggs” category, but Marcus Gait had one of the best jobs judging the spectacular and delicious cake section. Tom Panter and I had a really hard job deciding on the best cattle photographs, there were some fine photos out there! Many staff also entered and won prizes and I heard the SEN team were particularly competitive! The form with the most winning categories was Mr Wiggan’s Year 7 form well done to them! For our CoPE group, the Winter Show was about working together and improving our organisational skills. We can confidently say that we successfully managed to do that. The whole point of the show was to get everybody involved in an enjoyable whole school event and many students rose to the challenge. We have many talented students at Settle College and I bet you will see their names at the local agricultural shows in years to come. We all had fun and would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who entered. You were all stars and we only wish we could have given everybody a prize. Mya Priestley Year 11 Top - Mrs Holgate and Will Simpson Middle - The judge’s decision is final! Above - The fantastic array of cakes 5 SETTLE COLLEGE WINTER SHOW RESULTS Thank you to everyone involved in the Settle Winter show on Tuesday, 16th December, and especially to the entrants. The standard was unbelievable and the judges had an extremely hard job in making their final decisions. Every single entry deserved a prize but after consultation with Chief Judge Mrs “Revel Horwood” Holgate, the final winners were: Best Kept Pet 1-Matthew Fawcett 11M 2-Emily Carpenter 8K 3-Freddie Howarth 9K Best Pie 1-Paddy Capstick 9K Tallest Weed 1-Mrs Lodge SEN Team 2-Mrs Parker SEN Team Edible Necklace 1-Jeanneil Modar 11K 2-Mrs Lodge SEN Team 3-Abbie Richards 7W Photograph of a Sheep 1-Kean Patrick 7W 2-Emily Panter 11K 3-Joe Wills 10M Photograph of a Tractor 1-Charlie Metcalfe 7K 2-Eddie Holgate 11M 3-Chloe Handley 8W Photograph of Dairy Cattle 1-Eddie Holgate 11M 2-Emily Panter 11K 3-Miss L McNamara SEN Team Whole Cake Standards were so high we had to award some joint places. 1-Gemma Darwin 9R 2-Rosie Pettifer 7M /Jess Piper 10K 3-Leonie Dale 8K/Catherine Sawyer 9K Flapjack 1-Abi Fawcett 9M 2-Jack Garnett 9K 3-Ben Allan 7W special award for gluten/wheat free!! Special mention to Mrs Pursglove’s daughter who made the most exciting chocolate flapjacks, judges thought hers were definitely worthy of a prize despite not being a member of the College and only 10 years old! Brownies 1-Laura Murfin 9M 2-Isobel Clements 10W 3-Rebecca Chamberlain 11R Decorated Welly 1-Catherine Sawyer 9W Special prize for most spectacular/ tallest cake and “how the on earth did she get it into school” award- Millie Brennan 8W Photograph of Beef Cattle 1-Mrs Nash SEN Team 2-James Beresford 8M 3-Gemma Darwin 9R Drawing/Picture or Painting 1-Melanie Hallam 10W 2-Derek Palmer 11K 3-Rhys Watmough 7W Matchbox Competition 1-Miss K Buckley SEN Team 2-Morgan Gilmore 7W 3-Freddie Howarth 9K Arrangement of Flowers 1-Josh Capstick 9K Decorated Buns 1-Chloe Handley 8W 2-Leonie Dale 8K 3-Jade Knights 11K Butterfly Buns 1-Lauren Soames 7M 2-Claire Scaife 9K 3-Robert Johnson 9K 6 Decorated Egg 1-Miss Parker SEN Team 2-Ben Allan 7W 3-Anna Ward 8W Laid Egg Competition 1-Abbie Richards 7W 2-Jack Pinder 9K 3-Luke Harrison 8K Cracking Egg Competition 1-Luke Harrison 8K VISITING SPEAKERS JULIAN BURKINSHAW ROLLS ROYCE Sixth Form students had the opportunity to listen to a fellow student on Friday, 16th January. Julian Burkinshaw came back for the morning to deliver an assembly and later lead a lesson on his current studies. Julian left Settle College in 2007 and went to Salford University to study for a BSc in Geography. He is currently studying for a PHD at Leeds University in the field of Geography looking at sustainable transport and networks. Students thoroughly enjoyed his presentation about his experiences at University and his tips for life as a student. His presentation to the Year 13 Geography group took us global, providing an informative insight into his research, whilst fitting it alongside our unit of study. These sessions proved to be very powerful and our students thoroughly enjoy them. Should you be interested in coming into school to offer any sessions to main school or Sixth Form students, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. On Tuesday, 10th February, we were joined by David Fisher of Rolls-Royce, who held a question and answer session in the library. Twenty-six students from Years 8 to 13 attended the event which highlights again the above average number of students with an interest in both STEM subjects and careers in this field. David Fisher spoke about engineering in general and the process of applying for apprenticeships at the firm, and two current apprentices talked about their experience in the industry. All the students found the session extremely interesting and the feedback from students was excellent. David Fisher speaking to students Mr G Whitaker Director of Sixth Form Two current Rolls Royce apprentices share their experience of working for the company If you have any business or professional experience you would like to share with our students, please contact me at college. ( ) Mrs G Walker 7 CELEBRITY CHEF VISITS SETTLE COLLEGE On Friday, 23rd January GCSE Catering students at Settle College were thrilled to receive a visit from one of Yorkshire’s Leading Chefs, Stephanie Moon. Stephanie is a past student of Settle College and Craven College and she returned to talk to GCSE students who are currently studying the theme of International Cuisine as part of their GCSE Catering assessment work. Some of our Year 11 Catering students with Stephanie Stephanie fascinated students discussing her work and experiences which included: London’s renowned hotel, The Dorchester, St Moritz, Munich and Australia working in some of the finest hotels and restaurants as well as various media appearances including; Street Market Chefs and The Great British Menu. Stephanie attended Buckingham Palace where she won the ‘National Young Achievers Award’ hosted by Her Majesty the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. She has also won Yorkshire Life’s Chef of the Year, Deliciouslyorkshire Champion and won a bronze medal in the National British Culinary Federation Chef of the Year competition. Currently, Stephanie is working as a Consultant Chef at Rudding Park Hotel in Harrogate which has recently won the accolade of Best Hotel outside London. She also works as a Chef Tutor and in her role as Deliciouslyorkshire Champion she continues her work to promote Yorkshire food. Ms Mason, Subject Leader, Catering said ‘Stephanie’s passion and infectious enthusiasm for her work was a great inspiration to students and she provided them with much “food for thought” with regards to their GCSE projects. All students will write up the session as part of their coursework research and we are looking forward to reading their accounts of the fabulous visit’. Ms R Mason Catering Teacher Stephanie demonstrating her skills 8 YOUNG BUTCHER IN THE MAKING… During a Catering lesson a student came to say ‘Paddy’s speech was brilliant last night.’, I was intrigued and asked Paddy Capstick about his public speaking, he promised to bring his notes in and tell us all about it. A couple of days later, during lunch break, Paddy came and told me he had won a Young Farmers’ Junior Public Speaking competition, which put him through to the Northern Area competition. He then read me his prize winning speech, entitled ‘Decision Made’, which is all about why he has chosen to be a butcher for his future career. The speech is full of facts, information, funny quips and is very well written. Paddy Capstick Paddy has a real passion for his chosen career as a butcher and this was obvious throughout his speech. My personal favourite part of the speech read “Food fashions come and go. Successful, independent butchers nowadays must provide much more convenient and prepared dishes and have deli counters to cater for customers’ busy working lifestyles. I can’t image tripe and onions making a really popular comeback! I recently found in an old recipe book a Sheep’s Head dish instructing the cook to quarter the head, boil it then pound the brains!!!” As a teacher, I am grateful this dish is not on the menu for GCSE Catering lessons! Paddy has agreed to be the guest speaker in Year 9 assembly and I am sure the students will find the speech very interesting and inspiring. Well done Paddy and good luck with the next round of the competition. Mrs Lodge Catering Teacher LOOKING TOWARDS HIGHER EDUCATION As the Year 12 students look towards their AS examinations they will also be going through the process of their future and next steps. As part of this we support our students through careers guidance, University applications and life beyond Settle College. We have events in June and July for the Students looking towards higher education, both in school and out at Lancaster and Leeds Universities. We would urge all parents/careers to have discussions with their son/daughter. A really useful starting point is the UCAS website link below which provides practical advice about the University process. We will be writing to all parents/carers later in the year about opportunities to come into school to discuss this further and listen to the Universities talk about the process. Mr G Whitaker Director of Sixth Form and Assistant Principal 9 SIXTH FORM TASTER DAY We held our Sixth Form Taster Day on Thursday, 15th January to enable our current Year 11 students, along with some students from other schools, to come and experience Sixth Form teaching and learning. All subjects were represented and students had the opportunity to sign up to as many sessions as they wanted to experience. The day was a great success and students gave a lot of positive feedback, leading to their application submission on Friday, 23rd January 2015. We look forward to welcoming these students in September along with others coming to our Sixth Form from other schools. Should you require details of Sixth Form options, then please visit our website or contact me directly using the college telephone number, 01729 822451 or via email:, to arrange a meeting. Mr G Whitaker Director of Sixth Form Our core aim as a Sixth Form is to enable all students to fulfil their potential and strive to be the best they can be, this is underpinned by: • Excellent academic provision at A level – 50% A+-B (2014). • Student centred learning. • A supportive and caring environment in which every student is known. • A broad and balanced curriculum with strong academic and vocational provision. • Excellent enrichment and leadership opportunities. • High standards of respect, courtesy and behaviour. 10 SETTLE COLLEGE NOW HAVE A DEFIBRILLATOR! ‘Bringing the heart into Settle’ have fundraised enough money to be able to purchase a Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) for Settle College! Recently, I wrote an article for the December 2014 issue of Settle College Matters about our campaign to fundraise enough money to buy 4 defibrillators. This article was to inform parents, guardians, students and friends of Settle College about the fabulous work we have been doing over the past few months; through cake sales, gaining support from businesses from Settle and Skipton; securing a bag packing event at Booths and so much more. Mrs Hart (School Business Manager) and Kate Beresford with the college defibrillator Since then, the campaign has continued to gain momentum with the generosity of various organisations and the strong support from those who live in the community of Settle and in the surrounding areas. Our bag packing event on Monday, 23rd December 2014 fundraised over £580, and we had a generous donation from the Town Council of Settle too. Furthermore, Ribblesdale Rugby Club has started to We are very proud to announce that we have raised enough money to purchase a defibrillator for Settle College. The defibrillator will soon be placed in the reception of the School for easy access. Initially we were going to place the defibrillator on the outside of the school, however we are currently fundraising money for an external box to put the PAD owned by Settle Swimming Pool outside, therefore we will have one PAD within the proximity of the school. Soon we will be holding CPR evenings at Settle College to teach the students, parents and other members of the community how to administer CPR as well as how to use the defibrillator. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind donations and continued support for our campaign, without you this would not have been possible. We hope that you will continue to support us as our campaign isn’t over yet! Coming up, we have a ‘Wear what you want day’ in school on Friday, 13th February, which should hopefully raise in excess of £500. We also plan to hold more bake sales and co-operate with others to raise further funds for the project. We are still yet to purchase a PAD for the centre of Settle, to be placed on the Town Hall, and an external box for the PAD at Settle Swimming Pool. Booths are currently in the process of buying a PAD and we should see it on the outside of their store soon. Fundraising for this project has been a great opportunity to get to know people within the community and to see the kindness of those who have supported us. I am much looking forward to seeing the instalment of all four PADs and to see that all of our hard work has paid off. Thank you. Kate Beresford Year 13 11 TARGET MENTORING PROGRAMME PARENT, TEACHER ASSOCIATION The target mentoring programme run by Lancaster University offers students in Year 12 the opportunity to work with students from Lancaster University, to understand more about university life and to feel a little more confident about the prospects of going to university. We are working with current students from the University and have already attended one session which ran on Thursday, 22nd January 2015. Our next event will be providing refreshments for the College’s annual drama production, “Grease”. Once again Lower School forms will be producing hampers for the raffle, with a prize being awarded to the form that produces the best hamper. Tickets will be sold on each night of the performance and winners will be drawn on the last night, Thursday 12th February. All winners will be announced in the next edition of Settle College Matters. The session introduced us to more about the finances involved with university, but also helped us to work out the cost of food and living whilst there. We also talked about the jobs that are available through the University itself and found out more about the financial side. Overall, the first session was really interesting and made me feel a little more confident about what will be involved in university life. I am really looking forward to seeing how the programme turns out and feel that it will be a great thing to take part in and will make us feel more prepared for both applying and going to university in the future. Ciara Parkinson – Jones Year 12 We are already busy planning more events and fundraisers for this year. Look out for news on our PTA page or the calendar page of the Settle College website for further details, The PTA is a growing band of parents who meet up once every half term to organise either social or fundraising events (or both!) in College. Our meeting dates are on our page on Settle College’s website and usually take place in either the conference room or the library. All parents are very welcome to attend meetings and offer ideas or their help at events. Either just turn up or contact our Secretary, Vicky Sawyer for more information. Email and mark for the attention of the PTA. Mrs V Sawyer PTA Secretary 12 YEAR 8 COASTAL POEMS During their Geography lessons Year 8 students have been writing poems to describe the coast. There has been some fantastic work completed and here is just a small selection of the poetry for you to enjoy. Life of a Sea Stack Coastal Poem I stand here solitary Braving the forces of the waves Gazing at the iridescent surface Not stirred by what lies beneath I look to either side, at my stony older brothers An army of towering spires The waves crash against the rocks, As the boats rock around in the docks. Seagulls screech very loud, While the cliffs stand tall and proud. Years have passed and I did last through each and every one Some friends stayed and some have gone Lost to the inconsistent tide I wear my battle scars with pride But it hurts me more inside More time has gone by And it is just I Who is still here, holding on But if I was being frank I would rather like my brethren, gone Here it comes, the final assault I collapse and rest my weary soul… The caves created by a crack, As the waves roll around the stack. The waves won’t stop this merciless torture, But if we want the coasts they better ought to The climbers scrabble up the fragile sides, While the sailors in the sea slip and slide. The waves are taking away the precious land, So next time you are at the beach don’t just appreciate the grainy sand. The rock from the poor cliffs fall down, Down into the sea where it will drown. It rolls around under the waves, It gets washed up into the caves. By Emma Dunkley By Cameron Ogilvie Coast Poem Haikus The coast has lots of mysterious power, For example the sea stack, the tall, rock tower. The waves, the waves that lie on the coast, Are the most powerful thing, almost. Most Hawaii coasts have lots of colours, Unlike it’s other vast, coastal brothers. The sea can strike with a powerful whack, Then it goes back in for another attack! Coastline, all is good, Then BOOM, CRASH, POW, BANG, KABOOM! Another chunk gone… Coastal erosion, Can be very dangerous, I hope you survive! Both By Sam Wills 13 The Great Jagged Coasts Coastal Erosion Poem The sea moves closer, Getting stronger, It seems by the day. The great jagged coasts, All along the cliff side, Many homes destroyed, By the highly ferocious waves. The rock resists, But the sea insists, There seems no other way. 'We need to move!' My mother cries, Is she right or is it lies? Many people surf them, Gliding into shore, But the can also be destructive Not many people surf them anymore. Coastal Poem But the landscape is reshaping, Coasts are actually quite unlucky, As our house is shaking, As the sea crashes against them We need to go! mercilessly. The waves never stop, Over the cliff our house is And the boats rock around unhanging, controllably. My tummy turning, My head is banging. Soon we'll be living in the sea, A home for the fish, But not for me! We pack up our stuff, And off we go, To where? I don't know. Our house is destroyed, It's all gone, Like it was never there all along. By Lily Whittle Caves created by a crack, As the waves give them a smack. It is one of nature’s wonders, But the cliffs don’t agree As their precious rock gets washed away. The sea also creates sea-stacks, Which people try to climb. They don’t always fare well, and crash into the jagged sides. So when you next go to the beach, Take a moment to appreciate, The cliffs toils and pleas To stop the crashing sea, From eroding it’s smooth and shiny rock. By Rhianna Cockett 14 The waves are hitting harder, They’re starting to erode, But the cliffs have to put up with weather too, Because acid rain corrodes. Most of your houses are inland, So you’re pretty much saved, But remember you’re never safe, From the crashing tidal waves. By John-Jo Cummins The Cliff that Became a Stack I’m alive and full of peaceful joy, As I watch the sea sail by. A crash, a bang, a shhhh, a thump Part of me is gone! I don’t know why it happened Or what will become of me For now there is a great big hole And I’m a stump, alone at sea As the monster fills the gaping hole I’m hurting deep inside A crash, a bang, a shhhh, a thump Will be me soon, anytime! As I die a lonely death The sun greats me with pride And finally the waves depart And I know I’m still alive I can now see the tropical blue As the beauty of the day The winter storm has blown away Lost in the springtime, summer Haze By Keaver Gilmore STUDENT LED ASSEMBLIES Continuing with our Student Led Assemblies, I am very proud of the interesting and thought provoking assemblies which have taken place this half –term: Many thanks to Form 9R, for their informative assembly on World Aids Day. Thanks also to 10K for their assembly about the works of Martin Luther King. Miss A Vickery Year 9 and 10 Learning Manager 15 “GREASE” The run up to the performance... Rehearsals, which started back in September, for “Grease” are nearing the end and the curtain is about to be raised for the final performance. The show is now being polished off and finalised ready for the audience to see. The performances will be staged in the Settle College Upper School hall on Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th February. We look forward to seeing you there. Harry Garman and Edd Garland Year 12 Perfecting the performance... The Cast: Jan (Alice Taylor), Marty (Molly Summersgill-Smith), Danny (Tom Parkinson), Roger (Andrew Huck), Sandy (Mary Davis), Sonny (Max Orrell), Eugene (Jake Tatham), Kenickie (Tom Hollyhead), Frenchie (Karla Heppenstall) 16 FORENSIC SCIENCE DAY On Tuesday, 20th January, three teams of forensic scientists from Year 13 were brought to a murder scene. Witness statements were taken and the crime scene was processed using various chemical, physical and biological analytical techniques. Analysis of the evidence is still ongoing but the scene of crime officers have a preliminary theory about the crime. It is thought that the victim was shot from behind whilst working overtime. At present there is no clear motive and the police are questioning five suspects in relation to the crime. Once all the evidence has been thoroughly analysed and collated our forensic scientists will write an expert witness statement and present it at court. The students used all the skills they have learnt throughout their Forensics course to analyse the evidence and draw their conclusions. Miss R Ronchetti Science Teacher 17 AS GEOGRAPHY FIELDTRIP TO BRADFORD On Monday, 2nd February, the Year 12 Geography class went on a fieldtrip to Bradford, as part of our changing population unit, to investigate what effects a changing population has had on a city. When we arrived in Bradford, after having nearly missed our train from Shipley, we began our investigation at the top of Manningham Lane, near the city centre. Here we noted down the types of services that were there on maps of the area, and continued doing this as we made our way down Manningham Lane out of the city, stopping off at the Bradford City ground on the way, causing many conflicts of opinion amongst the football fans in the group! As it was a freezing cold day we tried to make our journey through the city as efficient as possible, stopping at various points to note down the changing nature of the services and facilities as we travelled out of the city, through the City, Manningham and Heaton, the suburbs of the city. Overall, it was a very informative and interesting day which gave us all a better understanding of how changing populations can affect the nature of cities. Aspen and Tala Pattinson Year 12 18 YOUNG SPORTS LEADERS Fifteen of our students from Years 8, 9 and 10 supported the North Craven Primary School Indoor Athletics Championship, which was held in Giggleswick. The students were separated into teams. They then set up and managed different events, from standing long jump to javelin. Some of the students calculated the scores at the end of the event. All of the young sporting leaders supported the primary students and encouraged them to do their best. Excellent coaching was evident from some students, which was greatly appreciated by the primary school staff. This was a fantastic event and our students were excellent role models and great ambassadors for Settle College! Mr G Paisley Assistant Principal 19 OPTIONS EVENINGS PARENTS AS LEARNERS Many thanks to those parents and students who braved uninviting and snowy weather to attend the GCSE Options Evenings held in January. The process is now underway to ascertain demand and feasibility for each subject and to assign Year 10 and 11 subjects to Options blocks in order that we can allocate as many top choices as possible. We will write within the next few weeks with your son/daughter’s allocated subjects. Around thirty parents and some of their children attended a “Parents as Learners” Maths Workshop in the library on Thursday, 5th February, hosted by the Maths team. There was no “escape” from getting involved and parents proved keen to get their hands on various activities. They were beaten to find the solution to the starter, a “catchphrase” puzzle, by a student. After this, all took part in a carousel of activities, starting with a treasure hunt involving plans and elevations, as well as tarsia puzzles on fractions, decimals and percentages. One parent even discovered an error in one of the “domino” matching activities involved. The powerpoints from the evenings are on the Settle College website,,uk. In addition to outlining the Options subjects, they also contain information about recent Government changes to GCSE, in particular the planned move away from GCSE grades to numbers. Most parents took the opportunity to log on to MyMaths and check their child's progress in their profile and they had to be prised off it at the end of a buzzing and very constructive event. The evening clearly illustrated that co-operation between parents and teachers can be very successful and there is a lot of scope to develop this further through similar events. Please do not hesitate to contact your son/ daughter’s Learning Manager should you have any questions or concerns. Miss S Doyle Assistant Principal Mr M Hulzebus Subject Leader for Maths 20 STUDENT OF THE MONTH DECEMBER WINNERS JANUARY WINNERS Year 7 Olivia Robinson Year 7 Henry Brown Year 8 Anna Ward Year 8 Ethan Clarke Year 9 Laura Murfin Year 9 Caitlin Walker Year 10 Liam Johnson Year 10 Jodie Lodge Year 11 Samantha Ledger Year 11 Sophie Marshall Year 12 Alice Syms Year 12 Amy Marshall Year 13 Daniel Middleton Year 13 Charlotte Whitaker Community Award Winner: Community Award Winners: Isabel Schofield Ben Ashcroft and Isobel Fawcett Some of our January Winners (left to right): Sophie Marshall, Jodie Lodge and Caitlin Walker 21 HOT OFF THE PRESS! RIBBLESDALE RACER VICTORY! On Wednesday, 11th February, ‘Ribblesdale Racer’ won the Land Rover 4 by 4 Regional Challenge and qualified for the National Championships. Six students from Year 7 have been hard at work for the last ten weeks researching, testing and making parts for their remote controlled vehicle. The Regional Finals were held at the Land Rover Plant at Halewood. The students showed some fantastic control, presentation and knowledge to win their class and then qualify for the National Finals. The challenge involved six team members working together to design and build a radio controlled 4-wheel-drive (4x4) vehicle, to set specifications, that can successfully negotiate a specially designed test track that emulates real life demonstrating what a full scale 4x4 vehicle can do. The challenge is an excellent opportunity for young people to work in teams and gain an awareness and understanding of project management using key skills. The Year 7 team are: Charlie Hickson, William Armstrong, Thomas Darwin, Tilly Holt, Isobel Birrell and Caitie Berkett-Bentley. Mr G Scott Subject Leader for Technology 22 PRIMARY SWIMMING GALA On Friday, 6th February, eight Settle College students ran the Primary Schools Swimming Gala held at Settle Pool. The young leaders were responsible for positioning the competitors in the correct lanes, instructing the swimmers on the rules of the competition, timing and recording results and positions. Settle College students ran the competition with confidence and it was a very successful event. Many of the Primary teachers thanked our leaders once the competition ended and said “they are an asset to the school and great role models for the Primary School students taking part in the event.” A massive WELL DONE, you were all brilliant! Mrs R Mercer Teacher Our Team of Young Leaders - outside Settle Pool Left to Right: Emily Carpenter, Harvey Stroh, Amber Healing, Rosa Bryant, India Healing, Hebe Shepherd, Emma Parkinson 23 CROSS COUNTRY FIXTURE A team of students from Years 7 to 10 competed in a Cross Country Competition at Aireville Park, Skipton, on Monday, 2nd February . The students were fantastic, braving the bitterly cold weather and winning numerous medals and trophies. We had some great results with Rhys Watmough being place third in his race, Nathan Jeffs coming second in his and Ryan Watmough coming first. All the students who took part performed well and should be very proud of their efforts. Thomas Darwin Year 7 Rhys Watmough Year 7 Ryan Watmough Year 9 Nathan Jeffs Year 10, 24 CROSS COUNTRY CONTINUED… The Year 10 team won their team event with outstanding effort from all. Mrs L Thompson Subject Leader for PE Pictured left: The Year 10 Team; Nathan Jeffs, Rosie Laycock, Jodie Lodge, Jess Davis RUNNING FOR NORTH YORKSHIRE Our journey began when we travelled to Knaresborough where we both came second in our races and qualified to run for Harrogate and Craven. We then went through to race at Whitby as part the Harrogate and Craven team, where we both came 4th and qualified to represent North Yorkshire. On Saturday, 7th February we ran for North Yorkshire at South Shields, running against all the other Northern counties, including Durham, Northumbria, Cumbria and Cleveland. We were both really pleased to finish first for our county. Over all Ryan came 5th and Rhys 8th in the Northern counties of England, and for a change the sun was shining! Ryan has now qualified to represent North Yorkshire again in March, for English Schools, but unfortunately Rhys was too young this year to qualify. Rhys and Ryan Watmough (Pictured left) Year 7 and Year 9 25 GIRLS AT NORTH RIBBLESDALE RUFC Every Monday at 7:00pm, girls between the ages of 11 and 18 meet at North Ribblesdale RUFC, Settle to train and enhance their rugby skills. Training takes place every Monday evening - and it is free to attend! - with Mark Throupe, one of the club’s Level 3 rugby union coaches, and Bex Mercer, a local PE Teacher. The session begins with drills, skill improvement and a basic warm up, followed by a short burst of fitness and ends with match/ game play and tactics. I like it because I enjoy rugby a lot, and it’s an extra hour of training a week in a competitive, yet friendly environment, with a really nice group of girls. Emma Parkinson says: “I enjoy rugby at North Ribb because: it’s fun, keeps you fit and I’m learning new things each time.” Come down to North Ribblesdale on Monday evening at 7:00pm until 8:00pm for girls training and fitness. It’s great fun, and remember, IT’S FREE!!! Hebe Shepherd Year 10 PE/SPORTS NEWS Next half-term, as the evenings get lighter, we have more fixtures planned so we will have lots of news to share in the next edition. Mrs L Thompson Subject Leader for PE 26
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