June 20, 2010 - St. Stanislaus
June 20, 2010 - St. Stanislaus
FRANCISCAN FRIARS PARISH AND&SCHOOL STAFF STAFF ORGANIZATIONS Fr. Michael Surufka, Surufka, OFM, OFM, Pastor Pastor Mr. Bogdan (Don) Pieniak, Parish Administrator Fr. Leonard Stunek, OFM, Friary Guardian, Stunek, OFM, Friary Guardian,Parochial ParochialVicar Vicar PARISH AND SCHOOL STAFF Mrs. Deborah Martin, St. Stanislaus School Principal Fr. Placyd Koń, Kon, OFM, OFM, Parochial ParochialVicar Vicar Mr. Mr. Dan Dan Kane Kane Jr., Jr., Business Business Manager Manager Br. Justin Kwietniewski, Kwietniewski, OFM, OFM,Pastoral PastoralMinistry Ministry Mrs. Deborah Martin, St. Stanislaus Schooland Principal Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy Music Mr. Krakowski, Director of Liturgy Music Mrs.David Denise O’Reilly, St. Stanislaus Schooland Secretary DIRECTORY Mrs. Denise O’Reilly, St. Stanislaus School Secretary Mr. Fred Mendat, Maintenance & Social Center Manager DIRECTORY Rectory & Parish Office 216- 341-9091 Mr. ORGANIZATIONS Fred Mendat, Maintenance & Social Center Rectory & Parish Office 216-341-9091 Parish Fax 341-2688 PARISH Parish Fax Elementary School 341-2688 Manager St. Stanislaus 883-3307 Mrs. Susan Halamek, Pastoral Council Chairperson St. Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307 Central Catholic High School 441-4700 PARISH Ms.ORGANIZATIONS Celeste Suchocki, Finance Council Chairperson Central Catholic High School 441-4700 Mr. Zeszut, Pastoral Council Mrs.Ron Sophie Wasielewski, GoldenChairperson Agers President PARISH WEBSITE Pulaski Franciscan CDC 789-9545 Ms. Celeste Suchocki, Chairperson Mr. Charles Janowski, Finance Jr., DadsCouncil Club President www.ststanislaus.org Mrs. Dorota Tomaszewska, Katechizacja po polsku Mr. Rick Krakowski, C.Y.O. Coordinator E-MAIL Mrs. Sophie Wasielewski, Golden AgersSociety President Mr. Matt Zielenski, St. Vincent DePaul PARISH WEBSITE ststans@ameritech.net Mr. Zielenski, St. Vincent DePaul Society Ms. Matt Jane Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis www.ststanislaus.org PHOTO ALBUM Ms. Bobula, Good Shepherd Catechesis E www.picturetrail.com/ M A I L Mr. Jane Rob Jagelewski, Parish Historical Committee Mr. Jagelewski, Parish History ststans@ameritech.net Mrs.Rob Nancy Mack, MANNA Coordinator saintstans Mrs. Mack, MANNA Coordinator PHOTO ALBUM Mrs. Nancy Grace Hryniewicz, Shrine Shoppe Manager TO CONTACT ORGANIZATIONS: Mrs. www.picturetrail.com/saintstans Mrs. Sharon Sharon Kozak, Kozak, Alumni Alumni and and Development Development Send an e-mail to the parish, Mrs. Mrs. Denise Denise Siemborski, Siemborski, Fr. Fr. William William Scholarship Scholarship with the person you wish to Ms. Marilyn Mosinski, Polish Mr. John Heyink, Building andFestival Grounds Committee contact in the subject line. The artist’s sketch on the right Mr. John Heyink, and Grounds Sister Mary Alice Building Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship Committee depicts the original building Sister Mary Alice Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF, Stewardship Ms. Marianna Romaniuk, PORADA Director with the spires. Corner Stone Mrs. Alice Klafczynski, Hospitality Thelaid artist’s sketch on the right Luis Ramirez, Lil Bros President in 1886, and church depicts the original Mr. Ralph Trepal, Evangelization dedicated in 1891.building with the spires. Corner Stone laid in Luis Ramirez, Lil Bros President SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASS SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SCHEDULE Daily Masses: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM (no 7:00 on Sat.) 1886, church dedicated in 1891. MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 PM Daily Masses: 7:00 AM &8:30 8:30AM AM&(no 7:00AM on Sat.) Sunday English Masses: 11:30 Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday Polish Mass: 10:00 AM Sunday Masses: AM & 11:30 AM Holy DayEnglish English: Refer 8:30 to Schedule Sunday Polish Mass: Holy Day Polish: 5:3010:00 PM AM Holy DayHolidays: English: Refer to Schedule National 9:00 AM Holy Day Polish: 5:30 PM DEVOTIONS National Holidays: 9:00 AM Daily Morning Prayer: 8:00 AM (exc. Sunday) DEVOTIONS Saint Anthony Novena Tuesdays after Mass Daily Morning 8:00 (exc. after Sunday) Rosary for LifePrayer Tuesdays andAM Fridays Mass Saint Anthony Novena Tuesdays after Mass of the month Avilas prayer for vocations, second Monday Rosary for Life Tuesdays and Fridays after Mass OFFICE HOURS Avilas prayer for vocations, Mondaythrough of the month The parish office is open second from Monday Friday, OFFICE HOURS 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The parish office is open from Monday through Friday, SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or by appointment. Ordinarily on Sundays at 1:00 PM. Alternate times must SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM be arrangedonwith a parish priest. instructions Ordinarily Sundays at 1:00 PM. Pre-Baptism Alternate times must are necessary in advance. be arranged with a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE are necessary in advance. All arrangements must be made with one of the SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE priests of the parish six be months advance. All arrangements must madeinwith one of the priests of GODPARENT AND SPONSOR CERTIFICATES the parish six months in advance. Those who wish to be sponsors for Baptism or GODPARENT AND SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Confirmation must be sponsors registeredforand practicing Those who wish to be Baptism or members of the Catholic Church. If you attend St. Stanislaus but you Confirmation must be registered and practicing members are notCatholic registered, please contact theSt.parish officebut so that of the Church. If you attend Stanislaus you cannot be listed as a parishioner here. you are registered, please contact the parish office so FUNERALS that you can be listed as a parishioner here. Arrangements are made through the funeral home. FUNERALS INQUIRY CLASSES are made through the funeral home. Arrangements (R.C.I.A.): Contact any member of the Pastoral Team. INQUIRY CLASSES CHURCH HOURSContact any member of the Pastoral Team. (R.C.I.A.): Church is open daily 30 minutes before and after all CHURCH HOURS Masses. tours or30 private prayer please Church isFor open daily minutes before and call afterthe allrectory. Masses. For tours or private prayer call the rectory. MASS INTENTIONS MASS INTENTIONS TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 20 (Czerwca), 2010 Sat 5:00 PM + Lottie & Frank Zackowski Sun 8:30 AM + Sp. Int. Parishioners 10:00 AM + Stanisław Malysa 11:30 AM + James & Mary Sprungle 11:30 AM Baptism, Willow Jean Seaman 1:00 Baptism, Anna Gloria Brobst Mon June 21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga 7:00 AM +Veronica Matlock 8:30 AM +Vincent Fortunato Tue June 22 Weekday 7:00 AM +John & Sally Kowalski 8:30 AM +Frances T. Kaszubski Wed June 23 Weekday 7:00 AM +Joseph F. Golubski 8:30 AM +Don Bogus Thu June 24 Nativity of St. John the Baptist 7:00 AM +Joseph Światek 8:30 AM +Janina & Piotr Małkawicz Fri June 25 Weekday 7:00AM +George & Wilhemina Ischay 8:30 AM +Janusz Małkiewicz Sat June 26 Weekday 8:30 AM Sp. Int. Ron & Joanne Grams Happy 45th Wedding Anniversary Ron & Joanne! 2:00 PM Marriage of Zane Bogosian & Melissa Suhar THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 27 (Czerwca), 2010 Sat 5:00 PM +Stanisław Małysa Sun 8:30 AM Sp. Int. Parishioners 10:00 AM Sp. Int. Stanisław & Wiktoria Kawecki Happy 53rd Wedding Anniversary Stanisław & Wiktoria! 11:30 AM +The Selvaggio Family Shrine Church of ST. STANISLAUS † We pray for the souls of Sophia Malak, Edna Puszac, Janina Gajdowska And Raymond Zeleny Eternal Rest Grant unto them, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon them. JUNE 20 CZERWCA 2010 † Bread and Wine Offering In Thanksgiving for 40 years of Marriage, Marian and Teresa Cyranek SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Sun 9:30 AM Dads Club Breakfast Wed 8:00 PM A.A. & Al-Anon in Social Center. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart! Niech będzie uwielbione Najświętsze Serce Jezusowe! Samuel Truini & Kemyt Krane (II) ONE Peering down from the choir loft it seems to me that our church is getting a little more crowded in a nice way. Of course I see the backs of everyone’s heads most often, but I do see the faces as I walk down the aisles to and from the sacristy or the piano. Among the new faces are both guests as well as those who have recently joined our parish because of the closing of their former parishes or simply because they have chosen to make the Shrine Church of St. Stanislaus as their new faith community and place of worship. All who have entered the church may have been individuals, yet, as they worship together they become ‘one.’ The amount of baggage each person brings with them is awesome. There are those who are full of joy, those burdened with sadness. There are those searching for specific answers as well as those simply looking for a few moments to sort out the questions in their minds. There are those who want to help and those who need help. There are those who come to be fed and those whose hunger can only be partially diminished. The whole bunch of us make up one big flock of sheep looking for guidance and love from the one Shepherd. We pray, we sing, we worry and we dream — Americans, Poles and everything in-between. Our baggage might range from a complete set of Louis Vuitton to a crumbled paper bag, but the contents are all human, all fragile, all ready to be dumped on the lap of the Shepherd. He will treat each item as carefully as the other and never charge us a fee if the contents exceed the weight limit. Each piece of luggage is bursting at the seams already, but He doesn’t mind. The Shepherd has seen it all. There’s nothing that will ever surprise Him, nothing that will ever turn His stomach. He’s seen it all and heard all the excuses and apologies and rants and raves, but He never turns a deaf ear to any of us. If one of us gets lost, He’s out there looking for us, welcoming us home with opened arms. He’ got food ready to feed us upon our return. He’s got a whole bunch of friends who are all ‘needy’ and He never runs out of food for them or compassion or forgiveness or just some quiet understanding. He’s got ONE big bunch of kids on His hands for life — and He’s got ONE big heart gushing with love for each one of them, and one recipe for food which nourishes like no other. One bread, one body, one Lord of all, one cup of blessing which we bless, And we, though many throughout the earth, we are one body in this one Lord. David Krakowski SCHEDULE FOR MINISTERS Sat Sun Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 27 (Czerwca), 2010 5:00 PM Lector—Rob Jagelewski Euch. Min.— Connie Aliff & Chris Wiśniewski, Stan Witczak & Andy Flock 8:30 AM Lector – Nancy Mack Euch. Min. — Nicole & Mark Kobylinski, Marcia & Don Stech 10:00 AM Lector— Beata Cyranek Euch. Min. — M. Śladewska & W. Sztalkoper, E. Ejśmont & A. Jankowska 11:30 AM Lector—William Bobowicz Euch Min.—N. Sontowska & Wawrzyniec Wilks, F. Greczanik & Diana Bulanda PARISH SUPPORT Last Sunday’s Collection 5:00 PM (70)...……………… .$ 963.00 8:30AM(104).….………………1,566.00 10:00 AM (90)…………………1,012.50 11:30 AM (73)…………………1,147.00 Mailed in (38) ..…....……… ….882.00 Total ………………...………...5,570.50 Silent Carnival (147)……….……735.00 PASTORAL MESSAGE Pastoral Messages BULLDOZERS AND DUST What a noisy neighborhood! Except that this week, the noise is not from a car stereo blasting, or a loud party late at night. We are the ones making the noise, and may it truly be a joyful noise to the glory of God! It is the noise of construction trucks, cement mixers massive cranes; it is the noise of workers chatting, carpenters hammering, saws buzzing. Last week Monday was time to repair a hard winter’s worth of damage to our church roof and cupola (the small greenish steeple in the middle). The heavy winds and harsh snows have taken their toll. Because the damage is stormrelated, our property insurance covers the costs of repair — minus the $1,000 deductible. Although the most recent replacement of the roof was over 30 years ago, it remains in remarkably good shape precisely because of this ongoing repair and preventative maintenance. Two years ago, the diocese evaluated the condition of all church properties in preparation for making clustering decisions. Although our property received a glowing review, there was one major concern, and that was the condition of the school roof. The flat part of the roof had been replaced with a foam roof, a procedure popular in the early 1970s. (That lets you know when the last time was that we did major work on that roof!) This type of roof is failing in most places where they have been installed. We are doing a complete replacement and re-installing the skylights that had once been there. Many older alumni of our grade school remember going to the fourth floor of the school for band practice led by Fr. Protase, and for plays and movies on the stage. That section of the building has not been used for anything but storage since the early 1950s, but now we are remodeling it to create a new library, music room, computer lab, science area, art space, foreign language study group, and area for drama and speech. This is an exciting project, made possible by generous donations from parishioners, donors, and foundations. As Catholic schools in and around the city are closing, we are expanding! Many special thanks to parishioners Fred Geis, Betty Dabrowski, and Frank Scalish; for Spirit Services in Independence; and Fowler Electric for their work in making this dream come true for the next generations of young learners. When the convent was demolished a year and a half ago, plans were approved to create a nice green space in its place. “Nazareth Park” will be dedicated on September 12, 2010, in honor of the 125th jubilee of the American presence of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The concrete walks and curbs have been set this past week, and the brick retaining wall behind the stairs is being readied. The local leadership of the sisters met with us to plan the special events for their jubilee year celebration — and they are so excited about the park being built in their honor! Special thanks to parishioners Tom Zuchowski, Debbie Ziss, and Frank Scalish, as well as Precision Environmental and Kurtz Brothers for their extra efforts and support. As the song says, “Let us build the City of God!” Fr. Michael January 3 Stycznia 2010 June 20 Czerwca 2010 Dzieło stworzenia a Boże miłosierdzie Miłosierdzie Boże przewyższa dzieło stworzenia. Tylko Bóg może stwarzać z niczego. Ani człowiek, ani anioł tego nie potrafi. A mimo to i tak, przebaczając grzechy, czyli okazując miłosierdzie, Pan Bóg czyni jeszcze coś większego. Dlatego żaden umysł, ani ludzki, ani anielski nie zgłębi, czym jest Boże miłosierdzie. Tę różnicę pomiędzy Bożym dziełem stworzenia, a okazywaniem miłosierdzia, wyraża obrazowy język Pisma św. Podziw dla Boga Stworzyciela wyraża Psalmista w Psalmie 8. W wersecie czwartym czytamy, że „niebo jest dziełem Jego palców”. Stwarzając niebo, Pan Bóg potrzebował „tylko” palców. Możemy tu znaleźć jakąś lekkość, z jaką Pan Bóg stwarzał. Natomiast kiedy Maryja w Magnificat wyśpiewuje na cześć Bożego miłosierdzia, napełniona Duchem Świętym woła: „Swoje miłosierdzie na pokolenia i pokolenia zachowuje dla tych, co się Go boją. On przejawia moc ramienia swego, rozprasza ludzi pyszniących się zamysłami serc swoich.” Okazując miłosierdzie, Pan Bóg „przejawia moc ramienia swego”. Stworzeniu odpowiadają palce, dziełu miłosierdzia ramię. Myślę, że ten obrazowy język użyty w Biblii możemy rozumieć w ten sposób, że Pan Bóg stwarzając nie „zmęczył się”, bo stwarzał mocą swego słowa, natomiast dokonując odkupienia, czyli okazując miłosierdzie, Pan Bóg w Jezusie Chrystusie umęczył się śmiertelnie, wylewając przy tym krwawy pot. Dlatego dzieło miłosierdzia jest drugim - nowym stworzeniem, większym niż pierwsze dzieło stwarzania. Po grzechu cudzołóstwa z Batszebą i zamordowaniu jej męża, skruszony król Dawid wyznaje swą winę: „Zgrzeszyłem wobec Pana”. W odpowiedzi słyszy słowa Bożego przebaczenia, którego docierają do niego za pośrednictwem proroka Natana: „Pan odpuszcza ci też twój grzech - nie umrzesz”. Owocem grzechu jest śmierć, ale Pan Bóg okazuje swoje miłosierdzie, i ratuje skruszonego grzesznika od śmierci. W Ewangelii zaś Bożego miłosierdzia dostępuje kobieta, o której Ewangelista pisze, że „prowadziła w mieście życie grzeszne”. Pan Jezus kieruje do niej słowa: „Twoje grzechy są odpuszczone. Twoja wiara cię ocaliła. Idź w pokoju”. Co jest konieczne, aby grzesznik doświadczył Bożego miłosierdzia? 1. Żal za grzechy. Grzesznik musi uznać swój grzech, czyli przyznać, że jest grzesznikiem. Musi brzydzić się grzechem i nie chcieć więcej do niego wracać. Taką postawą widzimy zarówno u kobiety w Ewangelii, jak i u Dawida w pierwszym czytaniu. W Psalmie 51 czytamy jego słowa napisane właśnie po grzechu z Batszebą: „Zmiłuj się nade mną, Boże, w łaskawości swojej. (…) Uznaję bowiem moją nieprawość, a grzech mój jest zawsze przede mną.” 2. Ufność. Grzesznik musi mieć zaufanie, że Boża miłość, Jego gotowość do przebaczenia jest większa niż grzech. Zgodnie ze słowami Pana Jezusa do św. Siostry Faustyny, bardziej niż sam grzech, rani Boga nieufność grzesznika, że grzech może być przebaczony. o. Placyd Shrine Church of ST. STANISLAUS PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS IN MILITARY SERVICE Sgt. First Class Frances M. Conductor, US Army, serving in Iraq. Pvt. Chris Bartram, US Army, awaiting deployment to Afghanistan. Second Lt. Thomas Sklodowski, US Army, stationed at Ft. Knox Kentucky. Master Sgt. Jim Evans, US Air Force, will deploy to Afghanistan at the end of June. If we have omitted anyone in this column, please let us know so that all those serving our country can be listed here and kept in our prayers. SHIP AHOY!! In preparation for his Summer job on the Onassis’ yacht ‘Christina O” Fr. Placyd (aka Captain Koń) rehearsed some maneuvers on Lake Erie this past week. Let us all pray that the Mediterranean is kind to him and allows him to return safely at the end of the season. ORGAN RECITAL Last Saturday evening the Kościuszko Foundation sponsored a organ recital here with guest artist Bogna McGarrigle. Despite the tropical humidity in the church the organ held its own, as did Bogna, giving the audience a wonderful aural treat on the nearly 100 year old instrument. NAZARETH PARK VANDALISM The fresh cement had barely been poured when a picture of this attempted vandalism was captured. The ‘perpetrator’ tried to write “MIKE” in the new sidewalk being installed within the park. He is said to live within the neighborhood, so please keep an eye out for this man. Silent Carnival Winner Week Six: Mrs. Genevieve Fiszer Congratulations! INFANTS/TODDLERS OF SLAVIC VILLAGE The month of June—honor thy father! Remember the words of Jesus: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my children, that you do unto Me.” Honor Jesus, His Father and holy Spirit by donating needed items to the Infants and Toddlers of Slavic village. Your donations will qualify you for a chance to win a $20 gift card to “Mertie’s Strudel Shoppe,’ for your choice of fresh or frozen strudel! Last month Fran Conductor’s donation won her a gift card to “Dana Lauren Salon” - we thank her for her kind and generous donation! If you cannot bring any items to the vestibule to contribute please know that all monetary donations go toward the purchasing of the items needed by the children. June 20, Czerwca 2010 Polish Festival News It is slowly approaching... The Polish Festival... October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Soon lots of exciting information will be filling this column. We will be offering opportunities for each parishioner to be involved in the festival in some way or another!! This week’s update: Festival Organizational meeting will be on Wednesday, June 30th at 6:30pm in the rectory conference room. Please join us as we organize our different areas. Raffle Ticket mailing: Our ticket mailers will be organizing starting, Wednesday, July 28th at 9:00am to stuff and mail out 2100 envelopes filled with raffle tickets. If you can give a few hours of your time mark your calendar for July 28th at 9:00am! Baskets are always needed. The basket booth is our most creative and profitable booth at the festival. Please start thinking and shopping and creating baskets for this booth. Our guests enjoy buying chances on this booth to walk away with great baskets filled with great prizes! We are starting to collect prizes for our Games of Chance. While you are out and about and see some great sales we can always use prizes for adults and children. You can bring them down to the rectory and we will hang onto them until the weekend of the festival. Information to be coming soon regarding a cooking schedule, so keep a look out on this column for more interesting information. For further information or questions to be answered please give Marilyn Mosinski a call at 216/402-9005 or mmosinski@dscdo.org NEWEST FARMERS’ MARKET EVERY MONDAY “THE FARM IN THE VILLAGE!” Enjoy live music while purchasing farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and cheeses at the inaugural Warszawa Farmers’ Market. The Market is located at Dan Kane Park (the northwest corner of Kenyon and E. 65th) and will run from 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mondays through mid-October beginning June 7th. For more information, visit www.slavicvillage.org/farmersmarket or call Emelio at 216-429-1185, ext. 119. Slavic Village Needs Your Help! Slavic Village Development has applied for a $250,000 grant to create a new park and playground. The funds come out of the Pepsi Refresh Project, a new initiative to support ideas that will have a positive impact on the world. The grant request is a little different than most: grant awards are based solely on votes. That's where you come in! We need YOU to vote every day in the month of June at RefreshEverything.com. The project is titled "Build a Community Park and Playground in Cleveland Ohio" and is in the $250K category. The new park will transform an empty lot into a greenspace and playground for the children and residents of the community. Visit www.SlavicVillage.org/Pepsi for a direct link to vote and to sign-up for weekly reminders. ST. STANS HISTORICAL FACT by Rob Jagelewski. In the early 1820’s the entire state of Ohio was under the care of the Diocese of Cincinnati. Our diocese was not formed until 1847 by Pope Pius IX. The Diocese of Cincinnati was headed by Bishop Edward Fenwick. Bishop Fenwick spent his early years as a missionary in Ohio. He visited settlements in the state with other priests. These priests had to be content with the poorest of accommodations. Sometimes their hosts were not friendly to the Catholic faith. They preached, talked, and administered the sacraments in the open air, in taverns, in private homes, in public buildings, and even in non– Catholic churches, wherever they could gather people together in the various northern Ohio settlements. Many who had not seen a priest for a long time were reconciled with the Church. The picture to your left shows just what can happen at a parish picnic. Here we see Dorothy and Marie after one too many lemonades. All the hot dogs and hamburgery went !!! A good time was had by all. A big thanks to all who helped out!
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