Stanly Baptist Associational Emphasis Week May 15 –22
Stanly Baptist Associational Emphasis Week May 15 –22
Organized 1885 27212 Hedge Road Albemarle, NC 28001 Phone: 704.982.1033 Fax: 704.982.3211 E-mail: Hal Bilbo, D.Min., Lead Missionary Rick Miller, Missionary Libby Hartsell, Administrative Assistant Dr. Darrell Nance, Moderator Rev. Bounyong Vongsa, Lao Missionary Stanly Baptist Associational Emphasis Week May 15 –22 Organized 1885 Grass and trees that appeared lifeless just weeks earlier has come to life with new growth. For many Christians and churches, it is difficult for them to emerge from a dormant season. It has been long since there was new growth. Starting new things breaks the season of dormancy and activates a fresh faith. Christians and churches that simply repeat the same pattern week after week, year after year slowly loose what life they have. Starting something new requires redirecting energy and resources but it yields hope and vitality with the new growth. Your association is looking to help churches to try something new that will evangelize the lost, make disciples or develop leaders. Your associational mission team or church strengthening team is available to assist your church leadership to assess possibilities and to establish steps and processes to prompt new growth. In order to resource these teams, the association has established the Fred Hopkins Church Assistance Fund. These funds are used to provide help for churches working with these teams to start something new. With its success, it will likely choose to replenish that fund to assist other churches. As a part of the May Associational Emphasis, we are asking churches to consider designating a gift toward building this fund. Of course, this fund is open to receiving gifts at any time from churches or individuals. What a great way to memorialize Preacher Fred and then churches! streng CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS for MARCH 2016 Church Albemarle, First Anderson Grove Antioch Aquadale Badin Barbee’s Grove Berea Bethel Bethlehem Big Lick Calvary Canton Centerview Clear Water Community Cottonville Dunn’s Grove Fairview Fellowship First Hmong Freedom Grace Harmony Highland Hill Side Immanuel Kendalls Kinza Memorial Lakeview Lao New Hope Locust, First Memorial Mineral Springs MONTH March 166.67 0 0 0 216.64 0 0 125.00 180.00 527.00 0 0 125.00 0 0 0 0 154.50 0 0 559.00 76.18 100.00 1,172.50 0 435.25 290.00 0 156.54 0 425.00 0 244.72 JanuaryMarch 500.01 442.69 75.00 453.63 749.96 375.00 0 375.00 900.00 1,579.00 0 1,000.00 375.00 84.00 150.00 1,086.84 0 484.89 0 346.23 559.00 241.57 200.00 3,426.58 0 875.53 870.00 1,600.30 638.98 91.00 1,275.00 0 734.16 Church Mission Mission @ Stanfield Mountain View Mt. Calvary New London, First North Albemarle Norwood, First Oakboro, First Oak Grove Paul’s Crossing Philadelphia Pleasant Grove Plyler Poplin Grove Porter Propel Prospect Red Cross Richfield Silver Road Silver Springs South Albemarle South Stanly Stanfield, First Union Grove Uwharrie Community Vine Life Vortex Welcome West Albemarle West Oakboro West Stanly TOTAL MONTH March 500.00 0 0 250.00 0 1,100.00 118.94 0 0 0 108.33 0 200.00 2,200.00 0 30.00 300.00 0 1,526.51 0 465.46 JanuaryMarch 536.00 134.00 500.00 0 840.00 1,941.96 275.00 625.00 0 1,825.00 1,246.25 500.00 1,645.50 330.00 750.00 75.00 3,300.00 504.62 0 0 250.00 324.99 0 300.00 2,200.00 360.00 45.00 500.00 0 5,205.83 0 708.78 13,585.07 44,412.30 0 0 500.00 0 0 706.83 0 625.00 0 0 In addition to Church Contributions received, we also received monies from other sources totaling $259.00 which gives a grand total for the month of March of $13,844.07. SEARCHING FOR A PASTOR Anderson Grove Aquadale Red Cross, Rev. John Green* Richfield, Rev. Chris Ehrlich* Interim* Next Statewide Mission Outreach - April 30/May 7, 2016 Operation Inasmuch-North Carolina (OIAM-NC) is a one-day missions blitz in your community. Imagine your whole church active in missions to your community. Each North Carolina community is unique, and OIAM will help North Carolina churches to consider the needs of their communities and work to meet those needs. Possible projects include Backyard Bible Clubs, sewing projects, home repairs, wheelchair ramp construction, homebound visitation, yard work for elderly, blood pressure checks, affirmation of public servants, prayerwalks, block parties, garden projects, child care and nursing home ministry. OIAM hopes to have projects in all of North Carolina's 100 counties. Think of people in your community who need Christians to touch their lives in the name of Jesus Christ. On these two days, hundreds of churches and thousands of volunteers will share the love of Jesus with those who have never heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. MORE INFORMATION Gaylon Moss 1.800.395.5102 ext. 5605 Henry Funderburk 704.622.3802 MEN'S OUTDOOR WEEKEND Friday, May 20, 2016, 08:00 PM To: Saturday, May 21, 2016, 07:00 PM Caraway Mt. Road, Sophia, NC Come join us for an inspiring weekend of outdoor fun and fellowship for men! We’ll begin Friday night with a men’s worship rally, followed by fellowship around the campfire. Saturday morning will feature a session on how to incorporate outdoor ministry in your church, followed by demonstrations throughout the camp on archery, skeet shooting, pistol shooting, hatchet throw, and more. Saturday afternoon provides opportunity for participation in target shooting, fishing, archery, skeet shooting, hatchet and knife throw, and zip line. Check-in will be from 6:00 - 7:45 pm Friday evening. The program starts with a Men's Worship Rally at 8:00 pm Friday. (Be sure to eat supper before you arrive at camp!) The weekend will conclude after supper on Saturday night. Cost is $76 per person. Cost includes Friday Night Lodging, three meals on Saturday, and program costs. Registrations will be taken until all spots are filled, but space is limited to 130 participants, so don't wait! For more info., please contact Mark Abernathy (919) 459-5607 or Mary Landis (919) 459-5596. Thank you! BIRTHDAYS 02-Otis Goins, pastor of First Baptist, New London 02-Mechelle Springer, wife of pastor of Big Lick 04-Vanessa Medlin, wife of pastor of Mineral Springs 07-Danny Laws, pastor of South Albemarle 08-Rachel Crusenberry, wife of pastor of Mt. View 10-Sid Martin, Badin Baptist 13-Merle Brooks, wife of retired pastor 13-Trent Drye, Associate Pleasant Grove 14-Barbara Linker 17-Janice Watts, wife of pastor of First Bap., Oakboro 21-Darrell Nance, pastor of Kinza Memorial 22-Marie Wallace, wife of pastor of Porter 27-Bruce League, pastor of First Baptist, Stanfield 27-Shirley Richardson, wife of pastor of Oak Grove NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER The Uwharrie Missional Center is a Center for equipping God’s people whether they are lay ministers or vocational ministers regardless of denomination. The Center offers three levels of participation and is currently offering two certificates. For more information, please visit the website(UWHARRIEMISSIONAL.NET) or give Christian Herring, Director a call at 704.918.9469 or Dr. Hal Bilbo, registrar at 704.982.1033. The next class, Christian Counseling, led by Mrs. Karen Bilbo, will begin on Monday evening, May 4, 6:30 -8:30 p.m. at the Stanly Baptist Associational Office. The 65th annual National Day of Prayer, May 5, 2016, will have profound significance for our country. It is an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord’s healing and renewing power made manifest as we call on citizens to humbly come before His throne. The theme for 2016 is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to return to the God of Fathers in reverence for His Holy Name. To further highlight our theme, we’ve chosen Isaiah 58:1a as our Scripture for this year: “Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.” Thursday, May 5-7:00 p.m. – Join Pastor Sid Martin and others from the association for a time of prayer – praying for our association and other prayer requests! 704.474-5273 Blessings! WOMEN’S MISSIONS Before you know it, summer will be here along with Vacation Bible School which is getting all geared up. Oh, the warm lazy days of summer are beckoning to me. REMINDER: Our Spring Session will be held in the fellowship hall of Centerview Baptist Church, 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. Debbie Miller, the wife of Pastor Rick, Missionary to Montgomery/Stanly Association, is going to be our speaker. She and Pastor Rick served in Japan as missionaries for at total of 18 years. This will be a great opportunity to welcome her back to our area. Some of our WMU friends from Montgomery will be coming, so we definitely want to welcome them. We will be collecting paper products for the Esther House through the month of May. If you would like to bring paper items to the Spring Session, please feel free to do so. The items can be taken to the associational office until Thursday, June 2. We will be feeding the Community Inn on Thursday, June 2. We will meet briefly after the Spring Session/during fellowship time to decide what we would like to serve. Don’t forget to pay your dues by the Spring Session, so we can wrap up the treasury for the year. Our next associational meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 28 at the Associational Office. Hope to see each and everyone of you at our Spring Session. In His Grace and Love, Barbara704.982.9508 Tuesday, May 17 7:00 p.m. Centerview Baptist Church LADIES SPRING LUNCHEON Saturday, May 21 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m Highland Baptist Church 106 Highland Drive, New London Guest: Amy Carroll Proverbs 31 Ministries “Breaking Up With Perfect” Cost: $10.00 Please join Highland for a time of fun, food, fellowship and a reminder of who God created us to be – not perfect – but focused on Him. Sign up on line at then click on “events” or by mail-send a check, to Highland, P.O. Box 176, New London NC 704.463.5212 UPCOMING EVENTS SUICIDE: Let’s Talk About It – with presenter Kevin Hines (The man who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and lived.) Tuesday, May 3, 6:45 – 8:00 p.m. Stanly County Agri Civic Center There is no charge – However, seating is limited - Book signing provided by Stanly County Partners in Health-To register: Please go to Kevin Hines is one of the few who has survived a suicide attempt of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He will discuss how his bipolar disorder led to his attempted suicide and his efforts to reach out and connect to those who are depressed and suicidal. Kevin is a powerful, honest, intimate presenter – his ability to share his art of living well is an inspiration to all. Brian Free & ASSURANCE in CONCERT Friday, May 6 7:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6:00 p.m.) Grace Baptist Church 644 Edgemont Street Albemarle NC 28001 704.982.1304 MINISTER’S CONFERENCE TUESDAY, MAY 10 10:00 – Fellowship 10:30 – Conference Guest: Gary Fike from SEBTS - Gary serves as the assistant to Dr. Jim Shaddix in the EQUIP Network at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The purpose of EQUIP is to serve the local church by empowering theological education and disciplemaking under pastoral leadership in the local church. Over the years, Southeastern has partnered with hundreds of churches throughout the country through the EQUIP Network. In his role, Gary travels the country to meet with pastors and ministry leaders to cast vision to how churches can take ownership of multiplying ministry leaders through the local church. MONDAY, MAY 16 HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH New London NC 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Guest Leader: Keith Dixon Pastors, please encourage your deacons to come out for this time of fellowship and training. If you would please call the office (704-982-1033) or e-mail Libby at to let us know how many to prepare dinner for, that would be most helpful! Thank you! CREATIVE MINISTRIES FESTIVAL FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH AGES 12 & UP Saturday, May 21 Fellowship Baptist Church 2744 Maple Avenue, Burlington NC 27215 FREE Event – Registration Required Classes include: Ballooning, Signing to Song, Clowning, Puppetry, Drama, Magic, Interpretive Movement, Face Painting, VBS on a Dime More information: Sandi King SANDIKING@MTZIONASSOCIATION.COM 1.336.226.0249 Bethel Baptist is seeking a part-time Christian Here is a short bio on Gary Fike from S Gary Fike serves as the assistant to Dr. CONGRATULATIONS to Anna Lynn Carter and Morgan Madaris, members of Highland Baptist Church, WOMEN’S MISSIONS who won the Associational Bible Drill in March. They were also lst place winners in the state competition. Way to go girls! ACTIVITIES FOR 01-Senior Adult Sunday 01-04-Piedmont Bible ConferenceProspect Baptist 01-08-Week of Payer/Mothers Day Offering for Baptist Hospital 02-End Food Drive 03-7:00 p.m. – Legacy Team Meeting 05-National Day of Prayer 7:00 p.m. – Associational Prayer 06-Brian Free & Assurance-Grace 08-Mother’s Day 10-10:00 a.m. – Minister’s Fellowship 10:30 a.m. – Minister’s Conference Noon-Youth Meeting at North Albemarle Baptist 11-10:00 a.m. – Missions Development 15-22 – Associational Emphasis Week 16-6:00 p.m.-Deacon Conference, Highland Baptist 17-7:00 p.m.- WMU Spring Session, Centerview Baptist 21-11:30 a.m.-Ladies Spring LuncheonHighland Baptist 30 – Memorial Day Music/Worship Leader. For more info., please call the Church Office at 704.888.5040. First Baptist, New London will be having an ordination service for Brandon Dale King on Sunday afternoon, May 1, 3:00 p.m.. Brother Brandon will be serving as Youth Director for the church. You are invited to come and worship with them during this special service. First Baptist, Oakboro: Still celebrating 100 years – Sunday, June 5th Historic Exhibit: “O Perfect Love,” Weddings & Brides – 1916-2016. Guest Speaker: Dr. Mark King Sunday, August 14th –Historic Exhibit: “He Keeps Me Singing” - Music and Worship – 1916-2016. Guest Speaker: Rev. Adam Hatley For more info., please call 704.485.4313. Highland Baptist will celebrate Homecoming on Sunday, May 1, 10:00 a.m. Rev. Herb Hodges will be the guest speaker. Revival services will begin Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. and run through Wed. evening. Rev. Hodges will speak each evening. Monday-Wednesday services will begin at 7:00 p.m. South Stanly Baptist is seeking a pianist for their Sunday Morning Worship Service. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please give Rev. Chuck Hensley a call at 704.219.6992. Thank you! West Stanly Baptist welcomes Pastor Scott Faw as their new pastor. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have two daughters: Ashlyn and Meredith. We, here at West are blessed and honored to have them as a part of our Church Family. Pastor Scott’s first Sunday will be June 7th. Welcome Pastor Scott! STANLY BAPTIST ASSOCIATIONAL YOUTH MEETING Tuesday, May 10 – Noon North Albemarle Baptist Church Lunch will be provided. We will have a time of prayer, building relationships and a little bit of planning for some joint meetings. Please join us! Jesse Herring – 704.984.0688 or BAPTIST CHILDREN’S HOMES NEWS What a beautiful spring we are having. I hope you all are enjoying it. Just wanted to remind you of the NC Baptist Children's Homes Food Roundup drop off deadline at the associational office. That date is May 2nd; office closing at 4:00 PM. The truck from BCH will be coming to pick up the food and this allows us just a few days to get all the food sorted, boxed and ready for pickup. We are anticipating a large amount of food and supplies. Thank you in advance for your generous giving. Since 1924 North Carolina Baptists have given to the Mother's Day Offering to "extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ, especially to the needy". Today your gifts to the Mother's Day Offering continue that work to assist patients in financial need at Wake Forest Baptist Health. Every gift to the Mother’s Day offering helps people in times of suffering and need pay their hospital bills in the name of Jesus Christ and His love. 336.716.3027 A few reminders also of upcoming events that would be a wonderful opportunity to get involved with our BCH's; meet the children and staff. Friends of Children Workdays are: Oak Ranch in Broadway Sept. 24; Mills Home in Thomasville Sept. 10; Camp Duncan in Aberdeen May 14 and Sept. 17; Kennedy Home in Kinston Sept. 10; Cameron Boys Camp Sept. 10 and Odum Home in Pembroke Sept. 17. “Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal.6:2 STD Mail Non-Profit US POSTAGE PAID Albemarle NC 28001 Permit #7 Stanly Baptist Association 27212 Hedge Road Albemarle, NC 28001 WEEK OF PRAYER MAY 1-8 May God richly bless each of you as you continue to serve Him. Judy – 704.982.4891 Conference Speakers: Dr. Stephen Rummage, Dr. Ron Lynch, Dr. H. B. Charles, Dr. David Allen, Dr. Herb Reavis, Dr. H.B. Charles and Dr. Mike Stone Judy Hartsell – 704.982.4891 as youinfo., youmore to serve May God richly bless each of continue visit please For him. or call the office at 704.982.6167 and Sept. 17; Kennedy Home in Kinston Sept. 10; Cameron Prospect Music Ministry will sing nightly. Boys Camp Sept. 10 and Odum Home in Pembroke Sept. 17. Special Musical Guest: Greater Vision and the Stanly Baptist Association 27212
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