a note of gratitude - Stanly Baptist Association
a note of gratitude - Stanly Baptist Association
Organized 1885 27212 Hedge Road Albemarle, NC 28001 Phone: 704.982.1033 Fax: 704.982.3211 E-mail: office@stanlybaptist.org www.stanlybaptist.org Hal Bilbo, D.Min., Missionary Libby Hartsell, Administrative Assistant Dr. Darrell Nance, Moderator Rev. Bounyong Vongsa, Lao Missionary A NOTE OF GRATITUDE NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2015 FROM HAL’S HEART But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. -1 Corinthians 15:57 You have been blessed by God and by people. Regardless of your history, you have a blessed life. Therefore, be grateful, especially for the smaller of blessings that pass through the hands of others. Gratitude is the recognition and appreciation of the blessings that have come your way. With gratitude, faith, generosity and godly contentment grow. Gratitude makes you into a more pleasant and positive person. Please allow me a moment to thank Pastor Brian Franklin for two years of friendship while serving as our moderator. It was not without its challenges and he stepped up and lead well in each case. Thanks to Dr. Darrell Nance and Dr. Miichael Madaris who served with Brian and 3 Montgomery pastors on the Joint Leadership Team to pray through a stack of candidates and arrive at our new Associate Missionary. Thanks to God for what He placed in the hearts of Rick and Deb Miller for the sense of completion overseas and the longing for home. A special thanks to Anderson Grove Baptist Church and Big Lick Baptist Church for hosting our special missionary edition of this year’s annual meetings. Thanks to Katie Houser, the Lao New Hope Church and our Baptist Men (especially Jerry Barbee and Robert Mabry) for preparing the food for hungry Baptists. Thanks also to Dreamworks Custom Cabinets for designing, constructing and donating our flag stands. Also, thanks to Retha Ross and Chris Johnson for preparing our beautiful hospitality baskets for our missionaries. What a week to remember! I give thanks to God for your churches, for giving yourselves and your treasures in making Jesus known in word and deed. Without serious cooperation, this network that we call the association would fall apart and the support our churches need would soon vanish. I give thanks for your willingness to invest in the next generation of Christian leaders, to prepare God’s church in our county for the rise of opposition in the coming days. We must form a greater bond as a family of churches to stand together and serve one another. Above all, I am thankful for God’s gift of eternal life in our Lord, Jesus Christ, for watching over His Holy Word, that we might know Him and make Him known, and for the gift of His Holy Spirit who reveals truth, guides us in prayer and living, and seals our souls for salvation. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift. 2 Corinthians 9:15 HAPPY THANKSGIVING THURSDAY, NOV. 26 BIRTHDAY PRAYER ACTIVITIES FOR CALENDAR For NOVEMBER 15-22-Baptist Children’s Home Annual Offering/Week of Prayer 26-Thanksgiving (Office will be Closed) 18-Adam Hatley, pastor of West Albemarle 18-Teresa Pope, wife of Associate Pastor of West Albemarle 19-Carine Yang, wife of pastor of First Hmong 24-Melissa Benfield, wife of pastor of Prospect 24-Brian Franklin, pastor of Plyler 26-Stoney Benfield, pastor of Prospect 27-Aaron Brooks 29-Shirley Hoffman DECEMBER 01-Mark Little, pastor of Silver Springs 03-Andy Jung, pastor of First Baptist, Albemarle 17-Carla McSwain, wife of pastor of Norwood, First Baptist 19-Gloria Hunsucker, wife of pastor of Vine Life 26-“Chuck” Hensley, pastor of South Stanly 27-Darlene Burris, wife of pastor of Grace 27-Wally Gilmer, pastor of Freedom 27-Tommy Ross, pastor of First Baptist,Locust 29-Charlotte Hartsell 30-Edna Bolin 30-Mindy Franklin, wife of pastor of Plyler 30-Michael Madaris, pastor of Highland ASSOCIATIONAL PRAYER TIME Thursday, Dec. 3, 7:00 p.m. Stanly Baptist Associational office Rev. Sid Martin 704.474.5273 Devote yourselves to PRAYER. Colossians 4:2 DECEMBER Nov. 29-Dec. 6 - Week of Prayer & Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 02-Research & Development 03-7:00 p.m. – Associational Prayer Time 08- 6:00 p.m. - Minister/Wife Christmas Fellowship-Blue Bay 24-Christmas Eve (Office Closed) 25-Christmas 28-Office Closed 31-Office Closed SEARCHING FOR A PASTOR Anderson Grove, Rev. John Morgan, Interim Hillside Red Cross, Rev. John Green, Interim Richfield, Rev. Chris Ehrlich, Interim West Stanly, Rev. Wayne Willis, Interim UWHARRIE WINTER CLASSES January 25-February 29 Mondays-6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Old Testament(Part 1) Genesis-Deuteronomy March 7-April 18 - Mondays – 6:30 p.m.– 8:30 p.m. Old Testament (Part 2) Joshua-Malachi Rev. Christian Herring will teach both sessions. If you have questions, please give Dr. Bilbo a call at 704.985.3463 WOMEN’S MISSIONS There’s a definite nip in the air! We had a wonderful time of fellowship and sharing at our fall session which was held on Tuesday, September 29. Doris Hatley shared how and why she and her brother started the Bridge to Recovery program. The information was very useful in that it showed us how we can help those who are striving to recover from alcoholism. As we all know it is a disease and those who have it fight it every day. This is a wonderful local ministry that we can support as they receive no government funding. Thank you so much for participating in our “Red Box” Ministry. We collected over 1,000 bars of soap. We sent 550 to Camp Mundo Vista for the women’s prison. The remaining was divided up and shared with several of our local ministries. Thank you to each church who participated and a special “Thank you” to Claudette and the other ladies for sorting, counting and delivering the soap. God bless each of you! Our next meal at the Community Inn will be Thursday, January 14, 2016. It’s hard to believe it is only a few months away. Mission Extravaganza will be held at LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center on April 1-3, 2016. If you or your team are interested in attending, you can register on line or call the WMU Office at 1. 866.210.8602. We are looking at sponsoring a 1-2 day/night weekend get away for 2 to either the beach or mountains. We will do a raffle in the spring. The proceeds will go toward our Scholarship Fund. Don’t forget to pay your dues by the end of December. They are $2.00/member. $ .50 goes to the Scholarship Fund. The weather is cooling down and we’ve a nip in the air, fall is just around the corner and Christmas is approaching quickly. May God bless each activity and project you do in the mission field. We know that He is behind us every step of the way… Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to ALL…. Barbara…704.982.9508 Ministers' Wives Retreat July 11-13, 2016 Caraway Conference Center, Asheboro, NC If you have any questions, contact Margaret Harding at mharding@wmunc.org or Betsy McSwain at rwmcswain@centurylink.net A Training Conference to Equip and Rejuvenate your Youth Ministry Team Relevant Training Powerful Worship Valuable Resources Honest Conversation Merrie Johnson 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5568 mjohnson@ncbaptist.org Vocational Evangelist Retreat January 14-15, 2016 Caraway Conference Center Sophia, NC The Vocational Evangelism Retreat is a time for those whose ministry vocation is primary focused on evangelism and sharing the Gospel through preaching, teaching, or in creative ways — illusions, comedy, music, drama or art. Registration cost includes lodging, meals and conference fee. Deadline for registration is December 22, 2015. For more information, please contact Betsy Roland 1.800. 395.5102 ext. 5513 broland@ncbaptist.org Lead Like Jesus with Jay Vineyard January 14-15, 2016 North Carolina Baptist State Convention Chapel 205 Convention Drive Cary, NC Do you want to have more significant influence in your home, workplace, church or community? Join us for a one-day Leadership Encounter where you will learn how to lead like the greatest Leader of all time, Jesus. ($50-meal and materials) MORE INFORMATION Ken Tan ktan@ncbaptist.org 1 (800) 395-5102 ext. 5641 Share your life. Speak the gospel. February 29, 2016 Lawndale Baptist Church Greensboro, NC Disciple-making is both gospel-centered and people-focused. Sharing the gospel also means sharing something else — our very lives. As we share the gospel through our relationships, we let others know we care about them, we’re concerned for them and we’re committed to them. Join us for a day of training and equipping in how to invest your life in the lives of others for the sake of the gospel. Registration is required, but the conference is free to attend. The cost for lunch is $7 per meal and requires registration. More Information: Patti Cardwell 1.800. 395.5102 ext. 5635 pcardwell@ncbaptist.org Bethel Baptist is looking for a Christian Music/Worship Leader (Part-time) to lead their worship services, oversee the Children’s Music Ministries, oversee the Music Committee and practice with the Sanctuary Choir on Wednesday nights. This person will also coordinate and work with the Praise Team and work with the Pastor and staff in the planning of worship services. For more info., you may call the Church Office at 704.888.5040. Dunn’s Grove (33803 Ridge Street, Albemarle) Fall Revival-November 29-Dec. 2. Sunday evening service will begin at 6:00 p.m.-Monday-Wednesday will be at 7:00 p.m. For more info., please call Pastor Jeremy Holt at 980-581-1813. Thank you! First Baptist, Locust(320 South Central Avenue, Locust) is seeking a full time Minister to Children and Youth to serve their growing church and community. To apply, please submit your resume, statement of faith and cover letter to First Baptist Church of Locust, Minister to Children and Youth, P.O. Box 159, Locust, NC 28097. 704.888.2431 First Hmong, Albemarle (325 Henning Drive, Albemarle NC) –The Women’s Ministry will be hosting an egg roll sale on Sat., Nov. 21. All proceeds will help them learn, build and minister to others who are struggling and are in need of hope. Thank you in advance for your purchase and donations to our youth. Below are the ingredients that we will be using: ground chicken, noodles, cabbage, carrots, onions, salt and black pepper. You may purchase egg rolls at the church or ask for delivery by calling Carine @ 704.207.1411. Thanks! Mission (12444 Mission Church Road, Locust 28097) is seeking someone for the position of Connect Pastor. The position is part-time with the potential of become full-time. The Connect Pastor will be responsible for vision and oversight of 2 campuses. Please send resumes to Jeremy Hyde, Lead Pastor at jeremyh@missionchurch.org West Albemarle (336 Church Street, Albemarle) will serve a FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 26 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. You are invited to be their guest. (No take-outs before 1:00 p.m.) I wanted to take time to thank both the Montgomery and Stanly Baptist Associations for allowing me to serve with you these past few months. I have had the opportunity to meet with many of the pastors and visit several of the churches across both counties. This has given me the opportunity to learn from the experience and gain wisdom from many. This experience of interning for the Baptist Association has been a great time of growth and I have learned a lot. Thank you to everyone for giving me this opportunity. Also, I wanted to share with everyone what I will be doing after this internship comes to a close… Moving forwards, my wife and I will be moving to Washington, D.C. I will be working as an intern for a church plant inside the city. The church is Pillar Church, D.C. If anyone is interested in partnering with me in this, please feel free to contact me. Thank you again, Dewayne Houser (704) 322-2070 dew.houser@gmail.com COMMUNITY COALITION FOR CHRIST Thanksgiving and Christmas Mission 2015 The CCC is in full swing as it prepares for the 2015 Thanskgiving/Christmas mission. Not only will meals be shared with families, but each family will have a personal visit and the the love of Christ will be shared with them. Gifts will be shared with children which will include a Bible for every kid that is served on the list. Approximately 350 kids will be blessed through this ministry. The CCC is in need of many volunteers – pies need to be made, shopping needs to be done, presents need to be wrapped, etc. Also, if you can’t volunteer, perhaps you can make a monetary donation: Make checks payable to Green Memorial UMC with CCC Thanksgiving in the remarks. If you need more information, or would like to volunteer, please contact Brandon King at 704.918.8357 or Hillari Biby at 704.438.4260 CONTRIBUTIONS FOR OCTOBER 2015 Church Albemarle, First Anderson Grove Antioch Aquadale Badin Barbee’s Grove Berea Bethel Bethlehem Big Lick Calvary Canton Centerview Clear Water Community Cottonville Dunn’s Grove Fairview Fellowship First Hmong Freedom Grace Harmony Highland Hill Side Immanuel Kendalls Kinza Memorial Lakeview Lao New Hope Locust, First Memorial Mineral Springs October 0 455.01 25.00 459.68 235.00 500.00 0 125.00 180.00 493.00 265.09 0 125.00 95.00 0 944.56 0 221.10 0 461.93 0 63.82 0 1,260.95 0 0 290.00 0 0 42.00 375.00 0 568.34 JanuaryOctober 1,125.00 1,408.24 225.00 1,883.91 2,357.59 2,000.00 664.00 1,250.00 1,800.00 5,292.00 265.09 4,500.00 1,250.00 279.00 479.14 3,043.65 0 1,713.30 0 2,091.63 1,342.72 722.71 0 14,069.04 0 4,345.65 2,540.00 4,078.60 1,892.61 512.00 3,750.00 4,000.00 2,526.10 Church Mission Mission @ Stanfield Mountain View Mt. Calvary New London, First North Albemarle Norwood, First Oakboro, First Oak Grove Paul’s Crossing Philadelphia Pleasant Grove Plyler Poplin Grove Porter Prospect Red Cross Richfield Silver Road Silver Springs South Albemarle South Stanly Stanfield, First Union Grove Uwharrie Community Vine Life Vortex Welcome West Albemarle West Oakboro West Stanly TOTAL October 0 0 0 0 0 537.26 275.00 0 0 0 1,277.75 0 0 0 250.00 1,100.00 88.34 800.00 0 0 108.33 0 100.00 0 310.00 0 100.00 0 1,452.30 0 167.46 6,566.44 JanuaryOctober 1,500.00 183.00 1,500.00 200.00 0 6,149.10 1,175.00 1,875.00 0 3,600.00 5,111.00 1,506.00 3,375.30 983.64 2,349.98 11,000.00 1,153.59 800.00 500.00 562.50 974.97 0 900.00 2,200.00 2,575.00 120.00 400.00 0 16,027.88 0 2,441.30 69,163.26 13,751.92 140,570.24 In addition to Church Contributions received, we also received monies from other sources totaling $8,475.86 which gives a grand total for the month of October of $22,227.78. For the month of September and October we also received $2,050.00 for our Missions Celebration. Minister/Wife Christmas Fellowship Tuesday, December 8 6:00 p.m. Blue Bay Seafood Restaurant 1901 E Main Street Albemarle, NC 28001 HELPING HANDS November 30-December 2 December 2-4 - December 7-9 Christmas by the Sea retreats are programmed specifically for retired and semi-retired adults and are a great way to kick off the holiday season in a relaxing and entertaining way. For more information, please call 1.910.278.9501. THE HEART OF CHRISTMAS" - A CHRISTMAS VILLAGE Dec. 4, 5, 6 and 11, 12, 13 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Big Lick Festival Park 12743 Hwy 205 in Oakboro Join us in our old fashioned Christmas Christmas Village, which will include snow, caroling and hot chocolate, bon fires, Christmas trail hay rides and a Kids General Store. The highlight of the evening will be the "Living Nativity". Come experience the true reason for the season with a Nativity featuring live animals. And each night children are invited to a special "Birthday Party for Jesus". So make plans now to attend. A joyous celebration awaits you in the Christmas Village! Presented by Mineral Springs Baptist Church. For more information you may contact: public.relations@mineralspringsbaptistchurch.org Making Christmas a little brighter for children of Stanly County. If you would like to make a financial contribution to Helping Hands, please mail to P.O. Box 132, Albemarle, NC 28002 or if you have questions, please give Mrs. Anita a call at 704.985.4515. Thank you! JANUARY 23, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. KAREN PECK & NEW RIVER With BRIAN FREE & ASSURANCE “Peace and joy to you and yours this Christmas season.” Hal & Karen Randy & Libby Stanly County Agri-Civic Center March 18 & 19 2016 Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference Prospect Baptist Church January 25 Stanly Baptist Associational Winter Session – Mission Baptist Church 6:30 – Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Session-Guest: Pastor Stoney Benfield THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING Why should we give? “First and foremost, we give because God deserves the worship of all people. And we-who are redeemed and made new in Christ-are compelled to proclaim the gospel, the only hope for the billions who have never heard of Jesus. We do this in partnership with IMB as we send missionaries from our churches to make disciples and multiply churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. In this partnership, Southern Baptists provide the funding to support these missionaries and their ministries. The more we give, the more missionaries can be sent! 100 percent of your gifts to the offering supports missionaries and their ministries.” Info taken from Lottie Moon Resource Packet PLEASE GIVE! Greetings from all the Baptist Children's Home of North Carolina. Fall is definitely in the air and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Be a child's hope and participate in the annual offering for BCH. Last year the offering ministered to 15,690 boys and girls. The children of the Baptist Children's Home come from all kinds of backgrounds. It touched my heart as I read in the Charity & Children of children going hungry; some days eating and some days not. Other children faced hearing gunshots in their community that was as common as a doorbell. God has blessed most of us with a warm home and plenty of food, so please support the BCH annual offering and remember to pray for the children and staff. There are testimonies of these children telling how much better their lives are now; safe, warm, fed and most of all they have hope. Lives are being changed! Thank you and God bless you all. Judy Hartsell
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