vbs clinic 2016 - Stanly Baptist Association
vbs clinic 2016 - Stanly Baptist Association
Pastor Rick and Debbie arrived in the United States on Monday, March 21. Pastor Rick will begin his new ministry as Missionary for Stanly/Montgomery Associations on April 1, 2016. Welcome HOME! (Dr. Hal Bilbo will continue serving both Associations as Lead Missionary.) STD Mail Non-Profit US POSTAGE PAID Albemarle NC 28001 Permit #7 Stanly Baptist Association 27212 Hedge Road Albemarle, NC 28001 WELCOME DR. RICK MILLER & DEBBIE BAPTIST CHILDREN’S HOMES FOOD ROUND-UP Please help us bring a smile to the children at our Baptist Children’s Homes. We will be collecting canned goods, cleaning supplies, paper products, etc. at the office beginning Mon., April 18th through Mon., May 2. The office is open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Please Note: The office is closed on Friday. VBS CLINIC 2016 Motto: Jesus sees. Jesus knows. Jesus saves. SATURDAY, APRIL 16 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 BIG LICK BAPTIST CHURCH 626- Big Lick Road, Oakboro 28129 If you have questions, please give Rev. Richard Alexander, Associational VBS Director, a call at 704.438.1096. Thank you! Please Note: We would appreciate your placing your VBS order with the Association. We will receive a 15% commission from each order from LifeWay and you will not have to pay a shipping charge. Please bring your order by the office, e-mail or fax to Libby at office@stanlybaptist.org or 704.983.3211. Deadline is April 21. To those of you who placed an earlier order,we say “Thank You!” Mr. Jonathan White 330 Presnell Townhouse #25 Asheboro, NC 27203 Barbee’s Grove (24819 Barbees Grove Rd., Oakboro) BIRTHDAYS 01-Ruth Hopkins, wife of pastor of Silver Road 04-Womack Keck, retired Director of Missions 04-Renee Laws, wife of pastor of South Albemarle 05-Neng Yang, pastor of First Hmong 14-Wayne Richardson, pastor of Oak Grove 18-Betty McDonald, wife of retired pastor 23-Mark Mabry, pastor of Canton 24-Melissa Madaris, wife of pastor of Highland 25-Jeremy Blake, pastor of Union Grove 29-Janice Keck, wife of retired Director of Missions ACTIVITIES FOR APRIL 1-2 – Disaster Relief TrainingProspect Baptist 1-4-The Compassion Experience-Hopewell 07-7:00 p.m. – Associational Prayer Time 12-10:00 a.m. – Minister’s Fellowship 10:30 a.m. – Minister’s Conference 16-9:00 a.m. – VBS Clinic-Big Lick Baptist 18-Food Round-Up Begins 21-3:00 p.m. – NC Baptist Foundation Church Loan Conference 25-5:45 p.m. – Spring Session Dinner at South Stanly Baptist Church 6:45 p.m. – Spring SessionGuest-Steve Corts 25-26-27- Senior Adult Spring Revival 10:30 a.m. Bethel Baptist, Mt. Gilead Lunch will be served daily 27-Administrative Professionals Day invites you to their revival services scheduled for April 17-21, 7:00 p.m. nightly. Speakers: Sunday, Rev. Christian Herring, Monday, Dr. Mike Madaris, Tuesday, Rev. Adam Hatley, Wednesday, Rev. Brian Franklin. There will be special music nightly. Bethel is seeking a part-time Christian Music/Worship Leader. For more info., please call the Church Office at 704.888.5040. First Baptist, Locust is seeking a full-time Minister to Children and Youth. Please call 704.888.2431 for more information. Kinza Memorial (4311 Love Mill Road Stanfield) 17th will be 11am having “Spring Revival Services," Sun. April & Mon.-Wed. April 18th- 20th at 7pm. Rev. Curtis Williams, pastor of Brown Creek Baptist Church of Wadesboro, will be the guest speaker. There will be special music each evening. Guests are welcome & expected! For more info., please call Dr. Darrell Nance, pastor, at (704) 888-0807. Paul’s Crossing (40461 Paul’s Crossing Road, Richfield) will hold revival services April 25-27 with Rev. Chris Justice, pastor of Lee Park Baptist Church, Monroe. For more info., please call Pastor Medlin at 704.985.6526. Porter Baptist (16562A US 52 HWY S, Norwood) will have revival services beginning April 17-21. Pastor Mike Madaris will be the guest speaker. For more info., please call the church office at 704.982.2811. Prospect Baptist will hold their Piedmont Baptist Conference May 1st-May 4th. Special Musical Guest: Greater Vision and the Prospect Music Ministry will sing nightly. Conference Speakers: Dr. Stephen Rummage, Dr. Ron Lynch, Dr. H. B. Charles, Dr. David Allen, Dr. Herb Reavis, Dr. H.B. Charles and Dr. Mike Stone. For more info., please visit www.prospectbaptist.com or call the office at 704.982.6167 Red Cross Baptist calls Jesse Herring to be their Youth and Children’s Pastor. May the Lord bless the Student Minister as Pastor Jesse serves in this capacity. The N.C. Pastors Network Presents April 14, 2016 – Southern Evangelical Seminar 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. www.uturnconference.org ASSOCIATIONAL PRAYER TIME THURSDAY, April 7, 7:00 p.m. Stanly Baptist Associational Office Rev. Sid Martin 704.474.5273 April 19-21 RIDGECREST, NORTH CAROLINA $214/Person (based on double occupancy) The fellowship, worship, entertainment and beautiful mountain backdrop make for the perfect spring getaway. Come join hundreds of other senior adults at the Southern Gospel Spring Fest. Come hear The Talley’s, The Tribute Quartet, The Perry’s and The Kingsmen in concert. To make reservations for this great event please call 1.800.588.7222. The last full week of April is Administrative Professionals Week, of which every Wednesday of that week is Administrative Professional Day (April 27) recognizing the important contributions that administrative professionals make each year to our economy. “Thank You” Church Clerks and Secretaries! Blessings! Libby North Carolina Singing Americans of Stanly County The N. C. Singing Americans of Stanly County will begin rehearsals for the 2016 Patriotic concert season on April 5, 5:30 p.m. at First Street Methodist Church in Albemarle.The Singing Americans is a unique organization composed of singers who sincerely love their God and country. The group has been active in Stanly County since 1976. The members are dedicated to their theme and determined to the mission of presenting quality programs. If you are interested in joining the Singing Americans, have questions, or need more information, please check out their face book page at www.singingamericans.org or contact Claudette Burris, publicity chairman, at cburris2@yahoo.com. Thank you! The Singing Americans of Stanly County are supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS for FEBRUARY 2016 Church Albemarle, First Anderson Grove Antioch Aquadale Badin Barbee’s Grove Berea Bethel Bethlehem Big Lick Calvary Canton Centerview Clear Water Community Cottonville Dunn’s Grove Fairview Fellowship First Hmong Freedom Grace Harmony Highland Hill Side Immanuel Kendalls Kinza Memorial Lakeview Lao New Hope Locust, First Memorial Mineral Springs MONTH February 166.67 0 25.00 0 274.08 375.00 0 125.00 360.00 551.00 0 0 125.00 0 50.00 0 0 185.52 0 346.23 0 92.77 100.00 1,116.46 0 440.28 290.00 1,600.30 145.55 60.00 425.00 0 244.72 JanuaryFebruary 333.34 442.69 75.00 453.63 533.32 375.00 0 250.00 720.00 1,052.00 0 1,000.00 250.00 84.00 150.00 1,086.84 0 330.39 0 346.23 0 165.39 100.00 2,254.08 0 440.28 580.00 1,600.30 482.44 91.00 850.00 0 489.44 Church Mission Mission @ Stanfield Mountain View Mt. Calvary New London, First North Albemarle Norwood, First Oakboro, First Oak Grove Paul’s Crossing Philadelphia Pleasant Grove Plyler Poplin Grove Porter Propel Prospect Red Cross Richfield Silver Road Silver Springs South Albemarle South Stanly Stanfield, First Union Grove Uwharrie Community Vine Life Vortex Welcome West Albemarle West Oakboro West Stanly TOTAL MONTH February 0 0 0 0 840.00 535.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250.00 0 1,100.00 199.31 0 0 250.00 108.33 0 0 0 0 15.00 150.00 0 1,531.46 0 243.32 12,321.97 JanuaryFebruary 536.00 134.00 0 0 840.00 1,235.13 275.00 0 0 1,825.00 1,246.25 0 1,645.50 330.00 500.00 75.00 2,200.00 385.68 0 0 250.00 216.66 0 100.00 0 360.00 15.00 200.00 0 3,679.32 0 243.32 16,291.86 30,827.23 In addition to Church Contributions received, we also received monies from other sources totaling $3,585.00 which gives a grand total for the month of February of $15,906.97. SEARCHING FOR A PASTOR Anderson Grove Red Cross, Rev. John Green* Richfield, Rev. Chris Ehrlich* West Stanly, Rev. Wayne Willis* Interim* MINISTER’S CONFERENCE Tuesday, April 12 10:00 a.m. –A time of fellowship 10:30 a.m. – Conference “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock that the Holy Spirit has appointed you to as overseers, to shepherd the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood.” Acts 20:28 Dear Leader, Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Corinthians 15:57) Did you notice all the new Panther fans while they made their Super Bowl run? Flags, t-shirts, jerseys were all over town. People love a winner and love being a part of a winning team. This not only applies to sports teams. A leader helps others identify “wins” and engage in ways to win. Church leaders often struggle to develop a winning spirit and to create momentum. Without a recent win, a church naturally adjusts its mindset to simply avoid losses, resulting in contentment with mediocrity, a formula for failure. Leadership is about getting people to move toward a better future. A leader may start with a small win. If it has been a while, find an easy, quick win. This gets people moving together and gives an occasion to celebrate. Winning starts with a change of momentum. The most effective leaders move people with information and ideas, giving encouragement and permission. What is your most recent win? What could be your next win? Hal Associational Emphasis Week is May 15-22 This year, we are asking churches to take a special offering to start a Church Assistance Fund. This fund is not so much to bail out a struggling church, but to help a church "turn the corner" and reverse a pattern of decline. As the church is renewed, it will want to reinvest these funds for other churches. What a great idea! We recently had the donation of a car to help fuel that fund. Think about this initiative in two ways. First, what would you like to invest in assisting churches? Second, is your church in need of a turn around and if so, would you consider studying the options for your church to make its greatest impact in your county? REGION 6 CHURCH LOAN CONFERENCES Need a Church Loan? New Construction, Renovations Property Purchase, Refinancing Is your NC Baptist church considering applying for a loan for one of many purposes? If so, plan to attend one of the one-hour regional presentations by North Carolina Baptist Financial Services, a ministry of the North Carolina Baptist Foundation. A short presentation of the loan program available to NC Baptist churches will be followed by a time for questions. If you have questions, please call the North Carolina Baptist Foundation at 1-800-521-7334. Greensboro Monday, April 18 3:00 p.m. Piedmont Association Office 2009 Sharpe Road Greensboro Asheboro Tuesday, April 19 3:00 p.m. Randolph Association Office 1206 Old Farmer Road Asheboro Matthews Wed., April 20 11:00 a.m. First Baptist Church Matthews 185 S. Trade Street Matthews Carthage Thursday, April 21 10:00 a.m. Sandhills Association Office 5254 US Hwy 15/501 Carthage Albemarle Thursday, April 21 3:00 p.m. Stanly Association Office 27212 Hedge Road Albemarle DISASTER RELIEF TRAINING Friday, April 1 – Saturday, April 2 PROSPECT BAPTIST CHURCH Basic, Cross-Training, Re-Certification, Advanced For more information, you may visit the Baptist on Mission website or if you have questions, please give Chris Simpson a call at 704.695.4592. You may also contact Mary Mountz mmountz@ ncbaptist.org or (919) 459-5606. THE COMPASSION EXPERIENCE April 1-4 Hopewell Baptist Church Victory Campus 8900 Concord HWY – Monroe, NC 28110 What is the Compassion experience? This free event features an interactivejourney through the true stories of children living in developing countries like the Philippines, Kenya, Uganda and the Dominican Republic. In over 2,000 square feet of interactive exhibit space, visitors will step inside homes, markets and schools - without getting on a plane.Each child’s story starts in poverty, but ends in HOPE! Reservations are required. Visit www.whatasavior.com to register. For more info or to volunteer contact Amy Capps at 704.753.1084 or amy@whatasavior.com RESCUED and REDEEMED - NC BAPTIST MISSIONS CONFERENCE APRIL 15-16 HICKORY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH, CHARLOTTE Featured Speakers: Bob Goff, Gary Chapman, Bryan Loritts & Rebekah Lyons Worship Leader: Laura Story For more information, please call 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5596 or visit www.baptistsonmission.org WOMEN’S MISSIONS If the weather and the blooming of plants are a true indication, spring has sprung. It is nice seeing color after a cold wet winter. Don’t forget that April is our food-round up month for the Baptist Children’s Homes. This is a project everyone likes to get involved in as it is for children who need our love and support. Our spring session is scheduled for Tues., May 17, in the fellowship hall of Centerview Church, which is located off HWY 52, on the connector behind Burger King. We will kick off at 7:00 p.m. If you have a high school senior in your church who is planning to attend a Baptist college this fall, please let Joyce Whitley (704).982.0564 or Libby at the associational office know soon. We have $750 Scholarship that we would love to give to a deserving young lady. We fed the Community Inn on Thursday, March 3. We were small in number, but long in love. Our next meal is set for Thursday, June 2. REMINDER: We are collecting all kinds of paper products for the Esther House (the Domestic Violence Shelter). The Esther House also works with women who have been a part of Human Trafficking. Hope to see each and everyone at our spring session. Bring a friend and join us! May you be blessed by this Easter season, remembering Christ’s death and resurrection to save us from our sins. In His Mercy & Love, Barbara – 704.982.9508 Missions Extravaganza April 1-3 LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center Theme: Both Feet In For more information, please call 1.800.588.7222 ALL TOGETHER Young Women’s Event April 22-23, 2016 Life Community Church Greensboro All Together is an event for young women, ages 1835, throughout North Carolina. Erin Davis will be the lead speaker, which will include sessions on studying Scripture to help someone discover their role in ministry and in the church. The registration fee is $60 and includes a light breakfast, lunch and all program materials. All young women are invited. Space is limited, so register early! Registration deadline is April 8, 2016. Registration is non-refundable but may be transferred to another attendee. More Information: Ellen Holder eholder@ncbaptist.org (800) 395-5102 ext. 5507 WMU SCHOLARSHIP This Scholarship is for a young lady who will be graduating high school this year and who will be attending a college/university in North Carolina that is affiliated with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Guidelines and Applications are available at the Associational Office or you may request one by e-mail (office@stanlybaptist.org). Applications must be returned by April 28. Office Hours are Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Lunch from 12:00-12:30 For more information, please call the office at 704.982.1033. Organized 1885 27212 Hedge Road Albemarle, NC 28001 Phone: 704.982.1033 Fax: 704.982.3211 E-mail: office@stanlybaptist.org www.stanlybaptist.org Hal Bilbo, D.Min., Lead Missionary Rick Miller, Missionary Libby Hartsell, Administrative Assistant Dr. Darrell Nance, Moderator Rev. Bounyong Vongsa, Lao Missionary APRIL 2016 SENIOR ADULT SPRING REVIVAL April 25-27 10:30 a.m. (Lunch will be provided daily) Organized 1885 Bethel Baptist Church 590 Hydro Road, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 Guest Speaker: Pastor Eugene Ussery of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Carthage NC “It’s not the years of your life that count, it’s the life in your years!!! In partnership with Stanly and Montgomery Baptist Associations STANLY BAPTIST ASSOCIATIONAL SPRING SESSION MONDAY, APRIL 25 South Stanly Baptist Church Dinner: 5:45 Program: 6:45 Guest: Steve Corts Everyone is invited to attend, but we especially look forward to seeing our pastors and messengers.
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