Smoke Bits - Florida BBQ Association


Smoke Bits - Florida BBQ Association
Florida Bar-b-que Association
Smoke Bits
Progress Through Smoke 3/1/2016 1:2
Dana Hillis of Big Papa’s Country Kitchen
SONYICREAPFTIf you want to have a successful contest
the first thing you can do is give away
$68000 and you will get some serious
attention. Have a great name like Sonny’s
BBQ sponsoring your event and you will
catch the attention of all people that like BBQ. Add some
top national music acts for
entertainment, a donut eating
contest, a rib eating contest,
classic food demonstrations
and a chance to be around a
BBQ icon like Mr. Mike
Mills. Mike is a true gentleman and fun to talk to and
tells some great BBQ stories.
Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia, Georgia,
Florida and Iowa. There were even several teams from Florida! Some teams flew
in and borrowed equipment. It is always
amazing how much help our FBA BBQ
ring and it was loaded with good mojo.
Tom is a surveyor and works hard at
many contests laying out sites and doing
the grunt work behind the scenes and deserves a big thanks for all he does. He
shows the true spirit and
class of what we all enjoy
being a part of.
Mother Nature is invited to
every contest we do and she
showed up in all her glory in
Sanford. The zoo property is
absolutely beautiful and the
work put into making this
place perfect was hidden
under 6 inches of rain! If you
showed up Thursday you
Tony Wolfe and Angela
wondered if they were going
Iverson worked hard at makto get everyone into their
ing this contest come tospots. But with some serious
gether and with Sonny’s
family will give to other people whatever
work by a guy that was really good on a
franchise, Barbara Latimer, Montana
it may be that they need. I had the pleastractor and patience from everyone inColeman and an incredible group of volure of meeting a lot of teams and cooked
unteers and workers they put together an
volved everyone was moved in and the
next to some Texas boys that were truly
incredible contest. Teams were appointed
spirit and smoke made for a perfect conthe nicest and coolest guys you could ever
an ambassador to check in on them and
meet. Their style of cooking chicken was
this was a classy touch to make teams feel
I was honored to be asked to sit down
spectacular and I told them it was as good
as I ever tasted. They got a call in chicken on stage with a great group of people
53 teams signed up to chase the big
and it made them glad they made the trip! called Meet The Masters including Mike
purse and all teams that showed up had
Mills of Apple City BBQ, Darren Warth
Tom Snow the ambassador to all Texas
won a grand championship or reserve
of Iowa Smokey Ds, Danielle Bennett aka
teams made these folks feel at home. Tom
grand championship, previously, to qualDiva Q, Brandon Manley COO and Pitis a true ambassador to our sport and I am
ify for a spot in the competition. $25000
master of Sonny’s BBQ, Mark Lambert of
proud to call him a good friend and part
grand and $7500 for reserve and a $2000
Sweet Swine of Mine and me (Florida’s
of our BBQ family. You want to feel
check for 1st place in a category made
own Big Papa’s Country Kitchen).
good and put a smile on your face visit
this contest well worth the trip. Teams
with Tom and his Parrothead Porkers
came from California, Texas, Minnesota,
Sonny’s continued page 3...
BBQ team. Tom gave me a good luck pig
Louisiana, Mossouri, Kansas, Tennessee,
Ramblings from the president
Florida Bar-B-Que Association
Board of Directors
Steve Brumm
Vice President
Jim Elser
Robin Yelverton
Connie Washam
Lori Frazee
I get a lot of emails and phone calls from members during the course of a week. Most of them are simply requests for information or comments on things the
Board of Directors is considering. I highly encourage
members to become engaged and continue to offer your
comments or to come straight to the horse’s mouth (so
to speak) to get true information about the rumors you
are hearing. Any member of the Board will be happy to
reply to your questions or comments. If you have an idea the Board should
consider, let us know. We will get it on the agenda. This month, I want to
share with you some interesting things from our members.
Any organization, if it is to survive, must grow its young membership. I
have two incidents recently where FBA members are doing an excellent job
of this.
I have permission to quote the following email, written by a new judge,
which speaks far more eloquently than I could. I did delete the actual table
“FBA, Steve,
I am writing to say thank you for the great time I had judging the Old Fl
Outdoor Festival. As a new judge I was slated to sit at a backyard table but
due to a typo Wendy was kind enough to have me join a group judging Pro.
Our Table xx group acted on the suggestion to talk about our scores after
cards were turned back in. Seated between two FBA Reps, Ed and Rick,
who were kind enough to point out teams to possibly cook with gave me
people to contact. Having Robert, an experienced judge and cook point out
where cuts of meat came from and difficulty in cooking them helped me
appreciate the quality I was enjoying. And Joe our table captain was good
enough share that our table's scores were all within a half a point of each
Kevin French
I met new people, left full of great barbecue having more confidence for
competitions to come.
Pat Brannen
I think this is a sterling example of what the FBA is really about.
Thanks again to the FBA for a great day!”
Smoke Well, Steve
Board Notes
*The Board has received notification that both the Brooksville and Live Oak contests have been cancelled for 2016. We
hope to get them back for 2017.
*The Board is presently in negotiations with Restaurant Depot for a contract allowing the entire membership to shop at this
Discount food outlet. Only one more detail needs to be worked out and that should be done soon. This is an outlet which
many teams use to purchase their competition meat.
some contest. Killer V Cooking team
proved that Texas teams can cook with the
This was a lot of fun with some great
best winning Reserve Grand honors at the
questions and answers from this awesome
Sonny’s 68 contest. Sweet Smoke Q is
group of BBQ stars. I was even asked to
back on his winning ways and took 3rd,
sign some autographs when we were
Shiggin’ & Grinnin’ took 4th and even
done. WOW!
without Pops in the smoky
shadows, the Wooley Bully
BBQ Mafia took home the 5th
place spot. Damon is always
entertaining to be around and
watching him sling mud and do
his best Harry Gant road course
driving display bringing his
truck and trailer into his spot
was a classic.
Sweet Smoke Q won first place
chicken, Shiggin’
&Grinnin’ won 1st
place ribs, Budmeister’s
won 1st place pork with
The competition for the big money was
a perfect score 200 - I swear that
fierce. I heard there was some concerns
must be 20 perfect scores in pork!
from some teams that they did not want to Iowa Smokey Ds had a near percome to Florida to cook because they did fect brisket score with a
not think they could cook a Florida style
199.283332 and that helped him
of cooking to get good enough scores to
ice the grand.
beat the Florida teams. This contest
Aporkalypse Now won the
proved that good teams score well down
blacktip shark category which was
here- these judges look for good food and
a lot of fun. Most teams are like us when
Iowa Smokey Ds proved they can win
it comes to specialty contests, just another
wherever they go. Congratulations to a
chance to win some extra cash, trophies or
classy guy on winning Grand at this awe-
Grand Champion Iowa Smokey Ds
bragging rights, and this one had it all
including a 1st place prize of $3,500!
Everyone enjoyed this 1st class contest.
Great entertainment including national
acts Logan Mize, Craig Campbell, Chris
Janson and the local band Hayfire. Great
teams from all over - it was a true pleasure
to cook next to the Inhognito team- I will
be to Texas to cook with you guys- a big
thanks to Sonny’s for all your class, and a
big shout to the reps and judges for your
awesome work. Angela Iversen, your efforts were relentless and Tony Wolfe
thanks for doing what you do. Good
luck to everyone and we will see you at
Sonny’s next year cause this one will get
bigger fast.
See ya’ll at a contest soon and keep on
Sonny’s Smokin’ Showdown rib eating contest.
Winter Haven’s, Smoke on the Water-For the Kids, is an FBA Must Do Competition
Doug Francis of Hogs Gone Wild
Yes, Smoke on the Water in Winter Haven, FL has come and
gone for 2016. This legendary FBA competition has reached to
grand age of 11, and had some of it's biggest obstacles to date.
One of the hardest things for a
competition to
survive is, a
change in organizers, that
was one of the
obstacles facing
SOTW in 2016.
Beloved organizer Frank Csomos was not the organizer for 2016, and his absents was greatly
felt by teams and all participants. We will all keep our fingers
crossed that Frank may be able to return in future events, but till
then, we all remember why were are competing in SOTW, “it's
for the kids!!!”. This annual event is put on to benefit the Boys
and Girls Club of Winter Haven, Lake Wales and Haines City.
100% of funds raised at SOTW goes to the clubs. The three clubs
currently serve approximately 700 children; all overseen by a
staff of employees and volunteers. So, competing in SOTW, is
always a win for everyone involved, no matter where you may
have placed.
This year 49 pro and 15 backyard teams punched their tickets at
SOTW 2016, and the competition was as tough a field as years
past. SOTW was not only a Jack qualifier, but also for the Royal,
Sonny's Invitational and the World Food Championships, so
teams were looking
to put out their best
Winter Haven is in
the heart of the IPC
(Imperial Polk
County) and I have
heard there are a few
good teams in that
area of Florida….
Many of the home town teams vend their BBQ at this event to
their local fans, and to help the Boys and Girls clubs, but you
have to know they all wanted that GC in their home town. Pulling double duty, vending and competing, is a tough chore for any
team, but to do all that, and win GC is an HUGE accomplishment, but that is exactly what brothers Jim & Jeff Elser of Sweet
Smoke Q pulled off at the 2016 SOTW. This year was Jim's 7th
year competing at SOTW, and he said it was his “lucky 7”, and it
looks like he was right, he sold out on vending, and pull out a
huge score of 779 to just edge out Good Buddies BBQ, who got
the RGC with a 778 overall score. Congratulations Jim, Holly &
Jeff. Good Buddies BBQ is definitely on a run in the FBA
2015/16 season, they have competed in 3 FBA comps., and RGC
in all three, WTG
Joel Vann & Bobby
The other 3 teams in
the top 5 were, (3)
Hot Wachulas, Matt
Barber actually got a
top 10 in all 4
categories, great job
Matt. (4) Bub-Ba-Q
they have competed at SOTW for many years, and normally do
very well here, nice job!!! (5) Team Unknown BBQ, they have
been a bit quite the past years or so, but they are showing they
still have what it takes to be one of the top teams in the FBA,
WTG to the entire Unknown BBQ team.
This was a tough field, and all that got calls deserve recognition,
but I have only so much room, so here are the top 5 per category.
CHICKEN: (1) Sweet Smoke Q; (2) Bub-Ba-Q; (3) Hot Wachulas; (4) Uncle Kenny's BBQ (5) Hogs Gone Wild BBQ (yep, I
snuck one in...).
RIBS: (1) Good Buddies BBQ, they love Good Buddies ribs at
SOTW, this was their 2nd first place ribs in 3 years. (2) Pullin'
My Pork BBQ; (3) Hot Wachulas; (4) Sweet Smoke Q; (5) Team
Unknown BBQ.
PORK: (1) Accutech BBQ, John & Brad Fries are having a great
year!!! (2) Backyard Bro's, I heard Tim Maloy also received a
special RV diving award before this event got underway, nicely
done Tim. (3) Good Buddies BBQ; (4)Bub-Ba-Q; (5) Hot Wachulas.
BRISKET: (1) Uncle Toad's, some of us may remember them as
team Extra Mile, great folks from Ohio. (2) Team Unknown
BBQ; (2) Whiskey Bent BBQ, not a typo these top brisket teams
tied for second place, great job to all!!! (4) Accutech BBQ (5)
Sweet Smoke Q.
Great job everyone, hope to see y'all back again next year.
The Old Florida Outdoor Festival Apopka, Florida
By: Bob Youngblood , FBA Rep
If you missed the Apopka, Old Florida Outdoor Festival in
February 12th and 13th, you missed an awesome weekend
highlighting the outdoor lifestyle. This year marked the
fifth anniversary of, The Old Florida Outdoor Festival. The
festival was created to support the efforts of non-profits in
the community and to spark a sense of adventure among its
It’s one of the biggest and most exciting outdoor events in
Central Florida. The event features any and everything related to the outdoor lifestyle here in Florida. There were
booths and venders for a wide range of outdoor activities
including hunting, fishing, shooting and birding just to
mention a few. There were also plenty of games and activities for the children. The festival also features our BBQ
Cook-off and a Chili Cook-off competition. The BBQ Cook
-off competition was sponsored by the Florida BBQ Association and Sonny’s BBQ. There was over $25,000 in prize
money up for grabs by 107 cook teams. In the Pro Division,
taking Grand Champion was, Whiskey Bent BBQ, and Reserve was, Accutech. In the Backyard Division, taking
Grand Champion was, What’s Simon Smok’n BBQ, and
Reserve Grand went to, Blowin’ Smoke & Kickin’ Ash.
to the needs, which were few, of teams, judges and Reps.
He even left the Beer Truck unlocked to the pleasure of
teams and judges alike. The FBA was proud to observe responsible drinking by all who participated. In addition to
free beer, all concert admissions were free to the FBA
membership as well.
The concerts once again brought down the house. Headlining this year’s big weekend of music performances was
North Carolina-based country rockers, Parmalee, along
with Chris Young and Drake White. An awesome time was
had by all. This is a must do event each year and we hope
to see you there next year.
The anchor for the BBQ contest is Chuck Carnesale, organizer extraordinaire! Chuck organizes only the BBQ portion
of the festival and when December rolled around, the venue
reconstruction wasn’t even close to being done. He can
laugh now but, back then he was probably on his last nerve.
Chuck and his staff of volunteers were relentless in seeing
It’s all thumbs up from Chuck Carnesale at the Apopka,
Old Florida Outdoor Festival 2016
Complete results are on the FBA website
Members of the Wackadoo’s Grub and Brew BBQ Team all lined
up and ready to get it done in Apopka, Go Knights!
New Rig, New Banner… Nice Patio...where are the smokers?
The Apopka Old Florida Festival, A Cook’s Perspective
by Matthew Bougher; Shamrock BBQ
On Thursday, February 11th
teams began to load into the biggest
contests on the FBA calendar. There are
many things that make this contest a
must attend; the prize money, the BBQ
family and the concerts. (This year
teams were treated to country music
stars Parmalee on Friday night and
Once the teams were all loaded
in and meat inspections complete, it
was time for the Cooks meeting.
Thankfully, FBA as an organization has
streamlined the CM and it flowed with
great speed. There were all necessary
announcements and nice welcome from
the Mayor of Apopka plus other elected
officials. Following the
cooks meeting, there were
two very welcome events
on a Friday night, 1. a potluck dinner for the teams,
judges and reps and 2. a
free beer tent for the cook
As usual Friday
night festivities rolled into
More expansion has begun with a new lake and
Saturday morning it was a
more sites for the Old Apopka Outdoor Festival
wonderful day and the turn
City of Apopka Photo
ins went without issue and
Chris Young Saturday night after
seemed to go well
awards.) However, the venue might be
considering the contest
the biggest reason. All of the sites are
size. (107 teams) The
hardwired with power and water, in
Awards were at 5:00
addition they are huge. The biggest rigs
pm in the Amphitheafit with ease and still had room for all
ter and participants did
of one’s cookers and tables. Apopka
not have to wait long
prides itself on being one of the team
for the calls to start
friendliest events of the year and this
flowing. Several
year the tradition continued.
teams showed a new
Chuck Carnesale, the organizer, level of excitement when they were
explained that teams only saw Phase #1 called. Jerrod Carter, of Carter Que,
of a two year plan to permanently setup described their surprise and excitement
the venue for this contest. Many teams to be called to the stage at this contest,
were located on beautiful lakeside sites. “We have never cooked at a contest as
Mr. Carnesale explained that starting
stacked as Apopka this year. For us, as
the day after teams pulled out they
a newer team, to get two calls was out
started to ensure all teams would have of this world. Hearing our name at any
this luxury lake front sites with the con- contest is great for sure but hearing our
struction of a second lake.
name called at this Apopka contest was
As the calls continued, it became clear that this was a two dog fight
for the Grand Championship. The
Apopka Old Florida Festival BBQ contest would come down to Accutech and
Whiskey Bent BBQ. The Reserve
Grand Championship call went to Accutech leaving Whiskey Bent as the
Grand Champion and recipient of the
$10,000.00 prize. Quite a comeback for
Whisky Bent BBQ. All that was left
then was for everyone to return to their
sites and celebrate with the winners.
Saturday night’s party is always a good
time for the teams. Many take the City
of Apopka up on their hospitality and
stay over to Sunday morning. Not only
do teams have the chance to relax and
socialize, there is the main act for the
weekend concert series to enjoy.
For complete results: visit:
Next year’s contest looks to be bigger
and better with the full BBQ venue set
up and once again registration will fill
up quick. Make sure if you want to be
at the biggest events on the FBA calendar you register early.
Judges Committee - Lou Goldman
At last months BOD meeting some of our recommendations
were tabled for further study. We would like 7.5 removed as
the starting point for judging. A lot of judges are not really
sure what average BBQ tastes like but most of us know what
a "WOW" box is and the taste of excellent BBQ. The committee also wanted two items added to the Judges Handbook,
a TC script and also a copy of the Master Judge Program
Cook Team Participation form.
This month the Judges Committee is recommending:
*Scoring Cards. We would like to have the FBA Scoring
System be printed on the scorecards between the
sticker for the judge’s name and the lines for the box
numbers and scores.
*We would like the BOD to instruct or recommend to
the Organizers to have at least one hand washing
station at each contest.
*We would like the BOD to establish a price for a new
nametag in the event one is lost or a judge wants to
change their name to a nickname.
I'm asking all the members of our committee - Kent Harriss,
Jim Frazee, Rick and Gayle Dimaggio, Nick Wunder, Ron
Lerigo, Steve Askew, Varinia Colmere, Steve Carrington.
Tim Giebeig and Cullen Logan - to get with whatever members are at your next contest, have a short meeting and send
me your notes. All judges are invited to listen in and discuss
whatever is important to them. And if you can't make a
meeting and something is on your mind, please let me hear
from you.
*Table Captain. TC is an important task at a contest. On
the application to judge a contest we would like to
see a line asking the judge if they are willing to TC
at the contest. This would call for a complete change
in the Master Judge requirements and may lead to a
short training class, which could be held in conjunction with a contest and at no cost to the judge
*Definition of a Certified FBA Judge. The requirement
now is to be current in your dues. We would like to
see "and have judged at least one contest in the past
12 months" added back to the requirement..
Send your judging suggestions and comments to
Good barbecue comes from experience, and experience, well, that comes from poor barbecue. – Cousin Woodman (parody)
thing of this nature will not be acted on by the Board until
the website is complete. The committee feels, by starting
The Teams Committee is working on a letter to be sent to all
now we can shake the kinks out of it before time to act on it.
organizers, basically pointing out what makes some contest
Our Team welcomes suggestions and I would ask that you
more attractive to Teams than others. It will also include
direct them to me.
suggestions to possibly draw more Teams to their contest. We hope to have it ready by the next Board meeting for
Ben Purvis
Team Committee - Ben Purvis
The committee is also discussing ways to improve scoring
and the methods of transferring from scorecard to computer,
such as "Scantron cards and such". This should eliminate
human error and save our Reps a lot of time. We realize any-
Teams Committee
Experience is simply the name we give our barbecue mistakes. – Oscar Wilde (parody)
We are hearing rumors of BBQ equipment for sale but
no details. If you have BBQ equipment for sale and want
help getting the word out, send an e-mail to Bob
Youngblood ( with the details.
If you are seriously looking for BBQ equipment, e-mail
Bob Youngblood ( with the details.
FBA Smokin’ Showdown Final Summary
Montana Smith
Sonny’s Smokin’ Showdown Invitational
is an annual national BBQ competition
hosted by Sonny’s BBQ and sanctioned by
the Florida Barbecue Association. The
inaugural competition,
free to the public, took
place at the Central
Florida Zoo on Jan.
30, 2016 and hosted 48
teams from around the country.
Teams were judged on five different meat
categories: chicken, ribs, pork, brisket and
the mystery meat of black-tipped shark.
The grand champion team received
$25,000, out of $68,000 total in prizes.
all happen.
In addition to the Central Florida Zoo,
other major sponsors of Sonny’s Smokin’
Showdown included: Brighthouse Media,
Clear Channel Outdoor, National Beef,
Tyson, Pilgrim's, Coca-Cola, Sysco, and
Ole Hickory Pits. The Sonny’s Smokin’
Showdown also hosted local vendors, family-fun activities and musical performances
by top country artists Chris Janson, Craig
Campbell and Logan Mize.
The inaugural event included 63 judges, all
of whom were Certified BBQ Judges. Of
those, 55 were Master Judges and eight of
whom had judged over more than 100
Due to the size of Sonny’s Smokin’ Show- competitions. Judges included Roy Griffin
down, we required open space for cooking (who received his Master Judge pin at the
Showdown), and Master Judge Les Price,
an original founder of the Florida BBQ
Volunteers came from surrounding businesses in Sanford and Orlando including
Coca-Cola, Florida Bar B Que Association , Sonny's, and other local businesses.
an ability to quickly mobilize into an area
where disaster disrupts
The annual, invitation-only, competition
and large-scale festival is designed to bring
BBQ enthusiasts from all over the country
to the heart of Florida for a full day of live
music, family fun and delicious BBQ.
Sonny’s BBQ created the Smokin’ Showdown to share its passion and expertise
with the BBQ community, as well as provide a platform for Pitmasters to showcase
their talents alongside some of the best in
the business.
For more information about Sonny’s
Smokin’ Showdown, please visit sonnyssOperation BBQ Relief was also a great
and preparation, as well as plenty of ameni- partner to the event. OBR offers
ties for the general public. Space, accessi- sion, hope and friendship to those whose
For more information about Sonny’s BBQ,
bility and a family friendly environment
lives have been affected by disasters across
were paramount and thankfully a partnerthe U.S.. They leverage their expertise in
ship with the Central Florida Zoo made it
cooking and catering barbecue meals with
Two Recipes From Two Fine Chefs
Cuisses de Grenoullles a la Dijonnaise: Aka Frog Legs pan sauté the garlic for a few seconds and then add the
heavy cream. Reduce this by half, and add the legs back in.
in Mustard Sauce
Chef Jim, “Nopocket” Kamen, Author: Just Plain Yummy When the sauce thickens, add mustard and parsley. Stir and
2 Lbs Frog Legs or chicken
breast. If using chicken slice
into long pieces to look like
frog legs
31/2 Tbsp flour
3 1/3 oz peanut oil or EVOO
with some sesame oil added
2 tsp Dijon mustard
31/2 oz butter
A really simple dish that sounds very exotic, and is sure to
2 Tbsp chopped parsley
1 clove garlic chopped very fine
2 cups heavy cream
Salt & pepper to taste
Sassy Green Beans– Pitmaster Bryan Mrozka
1 Lbs whole green beans
Peanut oil
Deep fry the green beans for 30-45 seconds at 375°.
Cover the frog legs with flour. Heat butter and oil in a large After you remove them from the oil coat them with
Montreal Steak Seasoning and Seasoned salt. Serve
frying pan and sauté for about five minutes.
To Make:
Remove the legs and discard the oil in the pan. In the same
Who Knew?
Master Judge, Lani Goldstein, is only 35,
BBQ reaches new heights
The big yellow balloon you may have seen
recently, is promoting the Suncoast BBQ and
Bluegrass Bash in Venice April 14-16.
If you are unable to cook or judge, contact to be a greatly
needed Volunteer.
Welcome to the Florida BBQ Assoc. New FBA
Dave McBee, Bartow, FL
Chad Greer, Winter Haven, FL
Brian Booker, Jacksonville, FL
Brandee Hariss, Deerfield Beach, FL
Ric Sinclair, Jacksonville Beach, FL
Shawon Lee, Naples, FL
Curtis Kelly, Land O Lakes, FL
James Kamen, Tequesta, FL
Richard Forlifer, Okeechobee, FL
Wade Morris, Wimauma, FL
Bruce Rosenblatt, Bonita Springs, FL
Todd Lemaster, Port Charlotte, FL
Graeme Love, Naples, FL
Tim Busby, Holiday, FL
Danny Luera, San Juan, TX
Mark Borneman, Deltona, FL
Mark Baker, Vero Beach, FL
Alex Rahmings, Apollo Beach, FL
Richard Hodge, Vero Beach, FL
Chris Gentry, Orlando, FL
Linda Moskowitz, Orlando, FL
Tim Godfrey, Okeechobee, FL
Theodore Berry, Zephyrhills, FL
Cline Walters, Apopka, FL
William Dehart, Eagle Lake, FL
Sam Christian, Jacksonville Beach
Jeremy Simons, New Port Richey, FL
Thomas Berden, Milan MI
James & Sharon Padgett, Middleburg, FL
Tim & Alison Strachan, Lake City, FL
Michael & Barbara Richter, Pensacola, FL
Kenny & Angela Hall, Concord, GA
has 2 dogs and works for the Institute of
Internal Auditors selling customized training to Corporations. She joined the FBA in
May, 2012 and is a third generation Master
Judge. She’s the daughter of, Karen and
Marty Hyde and Granddaughter of Bert
Snyder. Her parents tried for 8 years to get
her involved with judging and she finally
agreed when a coworker also was interested. She has met some
awesome people and made many very good friends and even
formed a few business relationships as well. Lani is also an
avid “Yelp” reviewer with “Elite” status making her the go to
girl for restaurant reviews.
“The down side to all this is now I’m a BBQ snob and can’t eat
it anywhere outside of contests.” She says “I’ve been spoiled by
all the deliciousness my FBA friends cook up”
Lani sends her love to all!
Smoke Bits Contributors:
Jim McCoin, Jim Elser, Sonny’s, Roy
Griffin, Bob Youngblood, Jim Frazee, G.
Washam, Doug Francis, Dana Hillis,
Montana Smith, City of Apopka
Thanks to all for their generous contributions to the
Smoke Bits
In Memoriam:
The patriarch of
“Beachneck BBQ” and
certified FBA BBQ
judge , Jack Edwards,
lost his battle with bone
cancer on February 4,
2016. He loved life and
everyone who knew him
was a better person for it.
Please keep his family in your prayers.
New Life Members: Ken & Sue Fluker
March 2016
Pig Day
Eagle Lake
BBQ Festival
Eagle Lake, FL
Swamp Boy’s
“Q” School
St. Patrick’s
Swamp Boy’s
“Q” School
Sweet Heat
BBQ Bash
Northport, FL
Valley Rib
Kissimmee, FL
Goof Off Day
8:00 PM
Call in #
Be sure to check with the FBA
website for full details.
All sanctioned contests, with
a minimum of 25 teams, are
qualifiers for the WFC, Jack
Daniel’s Invitational and the
American Royal.