All Saints Day - St. Lucy Parish
All Saints Day - St. Lucy Parish
November 1, 2015 All Saints Day PASTORAL TEAM Weddings: Please contact a parish priest to set a wedding date. Allow at least 6 months for preparation. Baptisms: Baptism of infants and young children is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd weekends of the month. Parents are asked to attend a Baptism preparation session/class prior to the ceremony. Please call the rectory to register for the preparation and set a SUPPORT STAFF baptismal date. Mrs. Amanda Pomareda, Office Manager / Adm. Ass’t. RCIA Mrs. Fannie Cooper, School Secretary The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a Mr. Michael Cypser, Maintenance sacramental process, celebrated in the midst of this Faith CONTACTING THE PARISH Community. This process assists adults, as well as children Rectory 38 N. Austin Blvd.; Oak Park, IL 60302 over the age of 7, in learning about the Catholic Faith. Through Telephone: 708-386-8077 its witness, worship, service, and teaching our Faith Email: Community offers the invitation and support necessary for Web: initiation into the Catholic Church. Hours: 8:30 AM-8:00 PM—Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays Ministry to the Sick, Hospitalized and Shut Ins: Wednesday & Fridays: 8:30 AM—4:30 PM Please notify the Parish Office so that we can visit and minister Saturday 9:00 AM—4:30 PM; Sunday 8:30 AM—12:00 PM to your confined loved-ones. School - 27 Washington Blvd.; Oak Park, IL 60302 Newcomers: Telephone: 708-386-5286 Please fill out a registration form after Mass, or come by the Sacrament of Reconciliation Rectory Office during the week. Saturday at 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM; or by appointment. Rev. George Omwando, Pastor Rev. John J. Carolan, Pastor Emeritus Mr. James Hargadon, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Shelby Boblick, Pastoral Associate Ms. Gail Rohmann, Music Director Sr. Marion Cypser, RSM, School Co-Principal & Mrs. Sharon Leamy, School Co-Principal Page 2 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT WE THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA-ST. LUCY PARISH, SEEK TO DEEPEN OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOD AND TO CELEBRATE GOD’S PRESENCE IN WORD AND SACRAMENT. BY ACCEPTING ALL INTO OUR FAMILY WE SEEK UNITY IN CHRIST AND SEEK TO PROCLAIM HIS GOOD NEWS IN THE DISCIPLESHIP OF OUR LIVES. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS: Parish Pastoral Council Madonna Sloan and Joyce Wade, Co-Chairs Parish Finance Council John McGuire Spiritual Life Commission Faith & Fellowship: Connie Rakitan Liturgy Committee: Cantors: Gail Rohmann Celebration Choir: Gail Rohmann Praise Choir: Julius White Greeters & Ushers: Jim Lewis November 1, 2015 Ministers of the Eucharist: Jeanne Visteen Ministers of the Word: Jeanne Visteen Servers: James Hargadon Ministers of Care: James Hargadon Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): James Hargadon Women’s Ministry: Shelby Boblick Human Concerns Commission Peace & Justice Committee: Mary Sim & Martin Senica Transportation Committee: Tom Farwell Education Commission Baptism Committee: James Hargadon Bible Study: Russ McCaughey Religious Education of Children: Christine Wedekind St. Catherine/St. Lucy School: Principal: Sr. Marion Cypser School Board Chair: Gloria Baxter Parish Development & Services Commission Collection Counters: Carol Kallok Facilities Committee: Fr. George Omwando, Amanda Pomareda Fundraising Committee: Pat Nelson / Cynthia Weaver WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday - 8:30am Saturday - 9:00am Weekend Masses: Saturday Evening - 5:00pm Sunday Morning - 8:30 & 10:30am BEQUESTS PLEASE consider remembering our parish in your will or trust. We have been blessed in the past by the generosity of so many parishioners and I am hopeful this will continue into the future. -Father George Thoughts From the Pastor (temporarily lent to Shelby) Dear Friends, As I treasure memories of Saturday, Oct. 17 with Sr. Helen Prejean and Karen Daniel, I am deeply grateful for you and our faith home at St. Catherine-St. Lucy. At the afternoon student gathering, we hosted 105 students from at least 9 different schools. Watch for media coverage in the Wednesday Journal and the Catholic New World! So many hands made that pm event flawless: Steve Goldberg, Kristin Knake, and Dan Wolman, teachers from Oak Park – River Forest H.S., and John Paulette from Fenwick provided inspired structure. Christine Wedekind and Connie Rakitan coordinated set-up. Kim McGuire provided snacks, and so many parishes and schools brought their students. One adult commented, “I experienced a renewed faith in humanity in seeing teachers and students in the afternoon.” The dedicated persons who worked both afternoon and evening sessions were fed a delicious meal coordinated by Claudia Zinanni and Sara Blair. Even parishioners out of town on Oct. 17 prepared food in advance! The combined choir concert of voices from our 2 choirs, St. Eulalia (Maywood), and St. Martin de Porres (Chicago) lifted us up. We so appreciate Gail Rohmann, Julius White, Steve Janco, and Anna Fabach and their singers. One of the Prison Ministry team from Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago) wrote, “I almost jumped up while the choir sang those songs. What an anointing!” Many are the comments that refer to Sr. Helen as “warm,” “real,” “inspiring,” and “a presence.” In hindsight, I wish I'd asked Karen Daniel to repeat something she shared in the afternoon. Karen converted to Judaism in 1998, and part of what motivated her to join the Center on Wrongful Convictions was the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, i.e., Repair of the World. It means gathering the shards of a broken vessel and putting them back together. Karen Daniel has a beautiful Jewish faith, in addition to an articulate intellect. Sr. Helen and Karen are doing the work of forgiveness and replacing the shards of our broken world. There are too many to thank for the success of the evening event. You helped at registration, sold books, gave ideas on structure, ushered, showed up, cleaned, set up, decorated, invited dignitaries, family and friends, and oversaw parking. This event was a marketing success, and we owe a special thanks to Mary Ziegler. Finally, as I write this “Pastor’s Column,” I am very grateful to our own Pastor George Omwando without whose support and active encouragement, none of this would have happened. On All Saints Day, I share how I feel in the community of faith that is St. Catherine of Siena – St. Lucy. You are marked with “the seal on the forehead as the servants of our God.” I have seen it. —Pastoral Associate Shelby Boblick Page 3 November 1, 2015 Rest in Peace Please remember to PRAY for all of the loved ones in our parish who rest in peace now. These are the names of the people that have died between Nov. 1, 2014 – to October 31, 2015. † Samuel Wilks † Theresa Stankiewicz † Richard Javors † Rose Beesley † Kamile Kalina † Paulette Dutel-Brady † Louis Morgan † Margaret Cragg † Bernice Ivy † Kevin Cooper † Jerome Tyler † Rita Radney † Michael J. O’Brien May they be enjoying the glory of God! Certificates are $25 each and will be included in every weekly drawing through October 16th, 2016. The prize each week is $25 except for three weeks when the prize is $500. If we sell all 500 certificates, there will be a 4th drawing for $500. Purchase forms have been mailed to registered members of the parish and are available in the back of church and at the rectory. This is a fun way to support the parish and it is open to everyone, not just members of our parish community. Pass the word. Thank you!!! ~The Fundraising Committee 500 CLUB WINNER! The New Season of the 500 Club has begun! Congratulations to the owner of Certificate # 112, Mary Rose Nauss She is the winner of the First Week’s prize of $500.00 500 CLUB WINNER $ 25.00 November 1, 2015 Brother Kenney Gorman, # 44 Monday, 11/2 2:30-6:00 PM - Day Care - C 4:00-7:00 PM - Voice Lessons - CH 7:00-8:30PM - TTWCI Mtg. - RD 6:30-9:30PM - F&F Mtg. - LMC 7:00 PM - Baptismal Preparation - RRT Tuesday, 11/3 9:30 AM - Bible Study - RRT 10:00 AM-12:00 PM - Voice Lessons - CH 2:30-6:00 PM - Day Care - C 7:00-9:00 PM - Praise Choir - MMR Wednesday, 11/4 9AM-5PM - Christmas Bazaar Pricing - RD 11:00AM–1 PM - Organ Lesson - CH 2:30-6:00 PM - Day Care - C 6:30-8:30 PM - Religious Ed. Classes - LMC 6:30 PM—Cantor’s Rehearsal - CH 7:00-9:30 PM - Celebration Choir - CH Thursday, 11/5 Fair Trade This Weekend there will be a sale after all Masses. Please help to support the farmers and St. Catherine-St. Lucy by purchasing Fair Trade coffee, teas and chocolates. Thank You & God Bless! Coats for a Cause 9AM-5PM - Christmas Bazaar Pricing - RD 1-3:30PM & 7-9:30PM - F&F - LMC 2:30-6:00 PM - Day Care - C 4:00-7:00 PM - Voice Lessons - CH 6:00-8:00 PM - A.A. Meeting - RD Friday, 11/6 2:30-6:00 PM - Day Care - C Saturday, 11/7 9:30 AM - Rosary Group - CH 10AM-12PM - Catechesis of the Good Sheperd - LMC 1:00 PM - Memorial Liturgy - CH 2:00 PM - Memorial Reception - M COATS & JACKETS Only Collection – Starts This Weekend My name is Griffin Keating. I am a Boy Scout from Oak Park, Troop 28, We are collecting Coats & Jackets ONLY, Adult & Children’s sizes, with an emphasis on Children’s sizes. Coats must have evidence of having been washed or commercially cleaned. The collection will take place following all the Masses for this weekend and the next Nov. 7 and 8. There will be a volunteer and a table or a bin in the gathering space at the back of Church to receive your coat or jacket donation. Thank you in advance for your participation in this manner to help others in need. Save the Date Friday & Saturday November 13-14 Christmas Bazaar at Maguire Hall Sat. Sun. Nov. 28-29 Sat. Sun. Dec. 5-6 Gift Card Sale in Church Sunday, December 6: Breakfast with St. Nick! Maguire Hall Page 4 November 1, 2015 Our Parish Stewardship Mon. 8:30 November 2 Sister Mary Ralph, RSM By: A Friend 7:00 PM Conmemoration of All the Faithful Departed Tue. November 3 8:30 † Michael J. Riley By: Ministry of Care Wed. November 4 8:30 † Thomas Gillies By: Ministry of Care Fri. November 6 8:30 † Katherine Pudelek By: Ministry of Care Sat. November 7 9:00 † Michael Jennings By: The Pineda Family 5:00 † Rose Cheung By: The Yee Family Sun. November 8 8:30 † Deceased Members of The Vincent Family 10:30 † Kevin Gillespie By: Tom and Pat Nelson Readings for the Week Monday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] St. Catherine-St. Lucy Church October 25, 2015 On-Line—Give Central Weekly Budget Amount Under Budget $ 6,194.00 $ 472.00 $ 7,308.00 $ ( 642.00 ) Online donations can be made to St. Catherine-St. Lucy Parish at Thanks for your continued financial support! Today’s Readings First Reading — John’s vision of a vast throng from every nation and people, whose robes had been made white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14). Psalm — Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face (Psalm 24). Second Reading — By God’s love, we may be called God’s children (1 John 3:1-3). Gospel — The Beatitudes: your reward will be great in heaven (Matthew 5:1-12a). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. LITURGICAL MINISTERS NOVEMBER 8, 2015 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Altar Servers Max Stec Mr. Martin Senica Henry and Mr. Michael Stec Ms. Mary Sim Owen Detmer Grace McGuire Ministers of the Word Saints and Special Observances Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) Tuesday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres; Election Day Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday Susan Kumler Wrenetha Julion Christine Wedekind Ginny Jones Patricia Long Kim McGuire Ministers of the Eucharist Jack Kernan Margaret Stec Carol Brown Chemetha Baker Elaine Podraza Renee Smith-Quinn Ginny Jones Fannie Cooper Walter Washington Valerie Jennings Diana Cameron John McGuire Bill Holmes Mary Howard David Geffe Jan Kieckhefer Page 5 November 1, 2015 Our Living Word: For Reflection Take time each week to reflect upon the CURRENT Sunday’s Scripture. We are fed by the Word so we can live out the Word. NOVEMBER 1, 2015 ALL SAINTS DAY The person(s) in my life who inspire me to “saintly” living have this in common . . . The Beatitude which challenges me the most is . . . because . . . Each week “introductions” to the 1st and 2nd Readings for the Upcoming Sunday are offered. Their sole purpose is to help us all of us “receive” and “hear” the word of God. NOVEMBER 8, 2015 - 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: First Book of Kings 17:10-16 God told Elijah that a widow could care for him. When he sees her, he recognizes God’s chosen instrument. His dialogue is not one on the verge of collapse; his request is polite. He waits till she is turned away to call after her for bread; so lift your voice a bit. The woman immediately confesses her dire situation. She seems resolved, not pathetic; even in her need she is able to care for another. Elijah’s is the compassionate voice of God. We see now why God sent him to her. Elijah and the woman will receive God’s compassionate mercy. Second Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28 Jesus comes at the end of a long and venerable tradition to replace the old sacrifices with his own perfect sacrifice. Every Tuesday at 9:30 am here at St. Catherine of SienaSt. Lucy’s Rectory. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Monday, November 2 Tomorrow we will be having our regular Mass at 8:30 AM with the a endance of the School Children and again at 7:00 PM in Church. Please plan to a end. Praying for the Sick In Our Parish Gregory Alvarez, Winifred Ballew, Gloria Baxter, Lourdes Chuta, Silvana Crapesi, Lillian Czaplicki, Anabelle and Dale Deaton, Johnnie Evans, Marcus Hall, Joe Hargadon, Donna Kanapes, Virginia Keenan, Nickole Macon, Dolores Malkowski, Mabel Nelson Ernest Wade, & Rose Zimbardo. The name of your close relative will remain on this list for four weeks. After that, you will have to call us again to reinstate it into the list. If you wish to include a name of a sick member of your family here, please call Amanda at the rectory during office hours. Thank you. Communion & Anointing of the Sick Please call the Rectory at 708-3868077 to let us know if you or a member of your family is in need of the sacrament of anointing of the sick or would like to have Holy Communion brought to your house or nursing home or both. Limits to Sainthood All saints can do miracles, but few of them can keep a hotel. —Mark Twain 27 W. Washington Blvd. Oak Park, IL 60302 708-386-5286 School News We are very proud of our 8th grade students. Under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Arnette Young, they have embraced the spirit of service to others. Along with their weekly visits to the Mayfield Nursing Home, a group travelled to Our Lady of Sorrows early last Saturday morning to serve breakfast to the homeless. Basketball season has begun. The girls’ first game is Monday, Nov. 2, at Maguire Hall. The boys will start in December. Check our website for the schedules, and come cheer us on. Our teachers will be behind the counter at the McDonald’s in River Forest, 626 N. Harlem on Tuesday, November 10. Come have dinner with us, anytime from 4-7pm. McDonald’s will donate all the sales during that time period – drivethroughs included – to the school. Religious Education Registration is always open. If you have a child/ children who you would like to register, contact the Rectory, leave your name and number and someone will call you. It is never too late. Remember a Loved One We have weekday Masses available in our 2015 Mass Book. Please come to the Rectory for Masses. Remember your loved ones or any other special occasion. “The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death.” -Pope Benedict XV Page 6 November 1, 2015 Legends of Christmas Bazaar Sneak Preview – Friday – Noon to 6 PM Saturday – 10 AM-5 PM – with Luncheon at 1pm Here’s what you can look forward to! Annual Bakery goodies, Toys to Delight, and Pull Tab Surprises Silent Auction (Saturday only) featuring a second handmade quilt, among other treasures Gift Cards are Coming Again—New Rules this Year 1. Pick up your order sheet in the bulletin on November 21-22. 2. The Only two weekends that you can place your order will on November 28-29, and on December 5-6. 3. The Final pick-up weekend will be December 12-13. Fabulous custom jewelry; Swarovski pieces & Dickens Village collectibles Tablescape with Fostoria crystal and Haviland china Vintage pieces and Art to please all, and the ever popular White Elephant Raffle featuring a Lenox Nativity Set, Handmade Quilt, Watch, Tablet, Stained Glass Art Piece “Pick-A-Prize” choices: household, decorative, culinary and more Support of world-wide artisans via Ten Thousand Villages Have you moved? If you have recently changed your address, phone number, or e-mail address, please notify us in order to have our records up-to-date. Call Amanda at 708-3868077 or via e-mail at: Thank you! Something for everyone! Black Catholic History Month November is Black Catholic History Month. In musical observance of that, we will be highlighting one spiritual or gospel hymn at each mass with a brief commentary in the bulletin. Our first selection is the Negro Spiritual Deep River. Negro Spirituals arose out of the deep religious feeling they express. From suffering and degradation come 6,000 independent spirituals we know of handed down from generation to generation. Deep River, like many spirituals, had multiple meanings. Crossing over Jordan meant gaining freedom but also getting to the water so the dogs chasing you would lose your scent. But it also meant crossing over from the miseries and suffering of this world to the joy and bliss of the next. St. Martin de Porres Feast Day Weekend—2015 It will take place the weekend of November 7th and 8th. Feast Day Luncheon - Saturday, November 7th at Noon at the Skylite Banquets, 7117 W. Ogden in Berwyn. Adults $50.00 & Children 17 and under are $25.00. Please call St. Martin de Porres, Parish Office, at 773-287-0206. There will be live entertainment, music from the 70’s, contests, prizes, and lots of fun. Feast Day Unity Mass - Fr. David Jones, Celebrant and Homilist on Sunday, November 8th at 10:00 AM at St. Martin de Porres Church, 5112 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60644. Be sure to join us for Feast Day Weekend. Give Central allows our parish to provide its parishioners a safe and convenient way to make regular, automatic electronic contributions and can also be used be used for special events and other collections. We understand that most transactions today are done electronically. We want to provide you with that same convenient option at church. You can go directly to our website: to be able to find the link to GiveCentral Page 7 November 1, 2015 St. Catherine of Siena – St. Lucy Parish 708-386-8077 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Legends of Christmas Friday, November 13 & Saturday, November 14, 2015 Bazaar Hours: Luncheon: Friday, Noon - 6:00 PM Saturday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday, November 14, 2015 @ 1:00PM SPECTACULAR PARISH RAFFLE PRIZES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: Samsung Galaxy Tablet – Handmade Quilt “Monticello” 2-Tone Man’s Watch Stained Glass Piece – Lenox Nativity Set (15 pc.) Please return the form below, raffle ticket stubs and payment by November 6th. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Seat me with: _____________________________________________________________ _________ Number of Adult Luncheon Tickets @ $16.00 per person _________ Number of Child meals for ages 12 & under @ $10.00 per person Discount for table of 8 or a table of 10: $15/adult and $9.50/child This requires all names & total payment with one reservation form. Enclosed is: $___________________ for Luncheon Reservations $___________________ for Raffle Tickets @ $2.00 each or 6/$10.00 $___________________ for Donation (if you would like to contribute but are unable to attend) $___________________ TOTAL Signature ___________________________________ Phone _______________