Pharmacy cialis - First United Methodist Church of Madisonville
Pharmacy cialis - First United Methodist Church of Madisonville
First United Methodist Church P O Box 157 143 College St Madisonville, TN 37354 The Flame May 2013 OPEN HEARTS, OPEN MINDS, OPEN DOORS Website: Phone: 423-442-2471 Our Worship Times Worship for May 2013 May 5 – 6th Sunday of Easter, Holy Communion New Testament Lesson – Acts 16:9-15 Message – Called to Proclaim Good News Special Music – Ms. Nicole Hoover and Mr. Abel Carrico, students at Hiwassee, will be bringing special music as part of our service of worship. The apostle Paul is on the move. In a vision, he received a call to proclaim the gospel in Macedonia. Come this Sunday as we hear how this message was received and how the community responded in faith to the good news. We will also be sharing in the Lord’s Supper. May 12 – Ascension Sunday, Mother’s Day New Testament Lesson – Acts 1:1-11 Gospel Lesson – Luke 24:44-53 Message – Can I Get a Witness? Forty days after the Resurrection, after many people encountered the risen Christ, Jesus ascended into heaven. The final verses of the Gospel of Luke and the opening verses of Acts mark the transition from reports by those who knew Jesus when he walked on earth to the spread of the good news to those who heard the story from the eye-witnesses. How are we today witnessing to what we believe? May 19 – Pentecost Sunday, Heritage Sunday New Testament Lesson – Acts 2:1-21 Gospel Lesson – John 14:8-17, 25-27 Message – Water-Washed and Spirit-Filled Pentecost marks the end of the great 50 days of Easter and the birthday of the Christian Church. The passage from Acts 2 describes what happened when the followers of Jesus were gathered together after Jesus ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit appeared as a mighty wind and as fire, empowering the disciples to speak so that all who heard might understand in their native language. The verses from John’s gospel include Jesus’ promise of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit to be with us and teach us everything we need to know. Everyone is invited to wear red to celebrate. May 26 – Trinity Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend Guest speaker Sunday School 10AM Worship 11 AM Youth Fellowship Wednesdays at 6 PM Praying the ScripturesThursdays at 6 PM *************** Pastor: Rev. Carole Martin Administrative Assistant: Reba Hall Choir/Program Director: Sue Hamilton Youth Leaders Jerry & Vanessa Barr Pianist: Bev Taylor Organist: Mary Alice Huff Nursery Worker: Samantha Kadau Custodian: Valerie Carmley Council on Ministries Sunday, May 5th After Worship Everyone invited! Lunch provided! We Support Our Church By: Our Gifts For April: General Operating Fund Sunday School: $ 102.59 Worship: $ 14,711.12 Designated: $ 875.00 Other: $ 1,144.08 Month Total: $ 16,832.79 Pete & Lucille Baker, Hugh Hickey, Sue Denton, Jimmy Leamon and family, Daniel Ragan, Kathleen Barker, Bill Huddleston, Helen West, Lawrence & Martha Johnson, Clifford & Patsy Lynch, Geraldine Patterson, Carol Leamon, Carolyn Hunt, Mary Margaret Mason, Jan & Duane Dopkins, Ken Kauffman, Alice Boyes, Prayer Requests Received During April: Bob Wendt, Homer & Mary Ann Johnson, Luke Harris, Samantha & Tyler Kadau, C.A. Clark, Reba Hall, Jim & Nancy Hudson, Mark & Liu Min Ahart, storm victims, Christine Giles, Glenn Rapking, Kathy Seiders & family, Breanna Summey, Betty Hicks, Rev. Steve Sallee, Virginia Jacobs, Doris Shepherd and family, Jay Schaefer, Amos Culberson (Stephanie Vinyard’s grandfather ) The Families of Curly Roberts, Rev. Mike Watson, Grady Graham, Vivian Haun and Rev. Robert (Bob) Irwin. Our Active Military Personnel and their families: Nathan Greenwood— US Navy Josh Hall—US Navy David Hargett—US Army Tyler Kadau—US Marines Adam Thornton—US Coast Guard Those in Nursing Homes or Assisted Living: Edna Bonifacius—Asbury Place Alice Boyes— East TN Healthcare Kathryn Greenwood—East TN Healthcare Joyce Hamilton— Wood Village, Room 14A Bob & Allene Scott—Wood Village Assisted Living, Room 15 Barbara Stamey—Wood Village Lewis Thompson—Wood Village Assisted Living, Room 19 Estelle Woodby—Wood Village Please continue to remember all of these listed above in your prayers, with cards, visits and phone calls. You CAN make a difference in their lives and in the lives of their care-givers. Addresses are available in the office. Building Fund: $ 6,588.17 Memorial Garden Fund: $ .00 Buy-a-Brick Fund: $ .00 Memorial Fund: $ 160.00 Our Presence Average for April Sunday School— 52 Worship— 111 UMYF— 12 Our Commitments For May Ushers: May 5, 12 May 19, 26 Gabi & Mike Tallent and Howard Harvey Bill West, Gene Bourlard and Judy Christopher Greeters: Lay Reader: May 5, 19 May 12, 26 Linda Clements Steve Cornett Flowers are Placed on the Altar to the Glory of God. May 5 May 12 May 19 Communion Betty Hicks Kevin Collins in honor of Mary Kefauver Freida Naylor in memory Of Walt Naylor May 26 Acolytes May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 Nursery Volunteers: May May May May Merritt Sherrer Cole Strickland Grant Hamilton Emma Vinyard Cooper Strickland Alexis Kagley Kayana Donegan Greyson Strickland 5 12 19 26 UMYF May 1 Supper Hosts M ay 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 Family Night Supper Our Prayers On-going Prayer Concerns: Kylie Gr ace Over ton, 2 The Pastor’s Corner . . We live between remembering and imagination. We Imagination and Remembering We are still in the Great 50 Days of Easter! What a month we’ve had – cantatas, special services with great music, each raising the rafters with songs of our faith. And, we’ve had other events that have lifted the roof – the storm that went through a few weeks ago did major damage to some old and beautiful trees. Tall, majestic trees were toppled from their roots, and in some cases, came crashing into homes. Some in our church family were impacted by the storm. The clean up and rebuilding continues. Many thanks to all who pitched in to clear debris from the parsonage yard. The house itself sustained only minor damage, for which we are thankful. stand on the shoulders of the saints who have gone before us as we look to a future they could only begin to imagine. We have a faith that calls us to remember the night in which our Lord was betrayed, and he willingly suffered and died for our sakes, and for the sake of the whole world. And we have a faith that calls us to look into the future with hope, to declare with confidence, that while we have a storied past, our best days are yet to come. From Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don’t see.” After spending time with my granddaughter, I remember what she was like when she was fresh to this world, and I am newly aware of who she is today. I can begin to imagine who she will be as she grows in life and in faith. After the cleanup and repair, the landscape around parts of Madisonville will be different, but will be beautiful in ways that could not be imagined before the storms hit. It now appears likely that the day is not far off when we will be able to look I missed that storm because I was winging my way to back and say, remember when malaria killed thouAnchorage, Alaska when it hit. My daughter’s family sands of people every day? And how we helped was there for the weekend for a job fair. Rather on the through the Imagine No Malaria effort to eliminate it? spur of the moment, I headed that way to spend time with them when they were in a less-remote area, and In faith, even when things are difficult and dark, we to care for my granddaughter while they interviewed are to keep looking ahead. Is your imagination as for new teaching positions. It was a rough job, but good as your remembering? someone had to do it! Right? I spent most of 3 days with my grand-girl, Virginia, and treasured every minute of it. Most of the pictures I took while there were Grace and peace, not of the beautiful Alaska scenery, but of the baby. The last time I saw her, she was 6 weeks old as Cara Pastor Carole flew home to Alaska with her after spending the summer with us. Virginia is now a healthy 8-month old girl, curious about the world around her, and interacting with everything in reach. Cara and Jim made good contacts at the fair and are in the process of sealing the deal at a new Alaska school system for the fall. The Imagine No Malaria effort is in overdrive. The United Methodist Church has taken on a major role in working to eradicate malaria, which is a preventable disease, in the near future. Holston Conference has set a goal of saving 100,000 lives by raising $1,000,000 by the time Annual Conference rolls around in June. As a Conference, we are more than half-way there! Rev. Charles Maynard, district superintendent of the Maryville District has spent the past week walking 100 miles across the district to raise awareness of the disease and the campaign to eliminate it. We at First UMC Madisonville have saved 60 lives. Can we do more? 3 Sue’s News * * * * * Reservations are now being accepted. Can you believe it? Summer is almost here! School will be out in less than a month. Vacations are being A New Partnership . . . . planned. Dates and events are being put on calendars. The United Methodist Church General Council on Finance and As you begin to plan your summer events, remember Administration has partnered with Staples in an effort to put things that will be happening at First UMC to help us save money. Our church and the United Madisonville on your calendar. Look over this news- Methodist Committee on Relief will each receive reletter and see all the things that are taking place in bates at the end of the year. If you need to purchase May. There is something going on almost every day supplies for the church, please check with the office or night at the church. to see if it would be cost effective for you to order through this program. Make plans to attend the family night supper on May 8th at Kefauver Park at 6 PM. Our youth will host and Fix-It Friars provide hot dogs, buns and drinks. Bring side dishes and desserts to go along with the dogs. If you have a Saturday, May 18th, from 9 AM to noon will be our set of horse shoes or yard games, bring them with second workshop. At this time we will give instrucyou. This will be a fun night when we can eat and fel- tions on basic plumbing repairs: faucets, drains and lowship together. We won’t have choir practice that toilets. We will also repeat some basic electrical renight so everyone can stay a while and have a good pairs if someone brings something in time. or has questions. Everyone is invited. Sequoyah High School graduation is Friday May 17th at 7 PM. We have three SQHS graduates to recognize—Valedictorian Kevin Collins, Matthew Harrell and Devin Cross (who went with us to Resurrection 2013). We are so proud of these three fine young men. Over the next few weeks we will also recognize others who are graduating from various places. Let Carolynn Greenwood know ASAP if you have a graduate. THANKS We want to thank the McNeece/ Collins family for the landscaping/ flower garden work around our flagpole. This was Kevin’s Eagle Scout project a while ago, and we appreciate them replanting the flower garden again this I want to offer my congratulations to our nursery worker Samantha Kadau and her new husband Tyler who were married on April 13th. I have had the privilege to watch Samantha grow up to be a fine young woman. Tyler is in training with the Marines. Sa- year. mantha will be staying here for a while longer. A church wedding shower will take place for Samantha in the near future. We appreciate all that Samantha does for the younger children in our church. See you in church. Sue Use of the Building Reminder CAMPING NEWS Go to the website to see camps that be available this summer. It is too early to choose you camp. Please be sure that you call the office to check the calendar before scheduling any activities to be held at the church. We do not want to overbook! will not 4 UPCOMING EVENTS tar. July 21, Sept. 8 and 15, and Oct. 13 and 27. The chart for signing up will be in the Gathering Room on Sunday mornings or in the office during the week. If you will provide flowers for one of these dates, call Joan Holland at 442-9466 or Reba at the office, 442-2471. There are many reasons to provide flowers—in memory, in honor, a birthday, anniversary, you have beautiful flowers in your garden, or just because. Mark Your Calendar!! ReFocus Team Thur sday, May 2nd, 7:00 PM Council on Ministries Sunday, May 5th after wor ship Everyone is invited. Lunch will be provided. Children and Youth Sunday, May 5, after Council on Ministries Staff-Parish Relations Committee Tuesday, May 7, 6:30 PM Family Night Supper Wednesday, May 8, 6:00 PM at Kefauver Park. The UMYF will host. Trustees Monday, May 13, 6:30 PM UMW Circle II Monday, May 13, 7:00 PM UMW HOPE Circle Tuesday, May 14, 10:30 PM Fix-It Friars Satur day, May 18, 9 AM to noon. See more information on page 4. Methodist Men/Graduation Breakfast Sunday, May 19, 8:00 AM Worship Team Wednesday, May 22, 6:00 PM Office Closed Monday, May 27 Finance Committee Tuesday, May 28, 6:00 PM Pastor’s Advisory Team Tuesday, May 28, 7:00 PM **************************************** Weekly Group Meetings Council on Ministries Coordinators Please be sure to call the office when you schedule your Team meetings. We can list your meetings in the bulletins and newsletters so that everyone will be informed and others may choose to join your group. THANK YOU Thank you so much for allowing us to use your wonderful fellowship hall for our annual spaghetti dinner/ auction. We want to offer a special thanks to Valerie Carmley for assisting us in our clean up efforts. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the children and youth of Monroe County. Thanks again. Kiwanis Club of Madisonville Jesus in the Gospels Bible Study Sundays at 4:00 PM and Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. Last session on Sunday, May 19th. UMYF Wednesdays at 6:00 PM Choir Practice Wednesdays at 7:00 PM Praying the Scriptures Thur sdays at 6:00 PM MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS First United Methodist Church A donation was made to the Building Fund in memory of Grady Graham by: John Summitt and Joan Holland Delmus & Betty Ledford Volunteer Federal Mary Gordy John W Graham Alfred & Carolynn Greenwood Barbara Pennington QR Code Scan this code to visit for more information about our church, church activities, or to give online. Flowers for the Altar There are still five Sundays to sign up to provide flowers for the AlVACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “Everywhere Fun Fair” Save the dates—July 14th thru the 19th. More details will be out soon. We are joining forces with Madisonville Presbyterian and Buckner Memorial UMC. 5 What’s happening at Youth On a Mission: Cherokee, North Carolina Peter Alliman was the head cook and John Houvenagle was the assistant cook. Breakfast started at 8:10. Dan Wednesday nights are full of energy at Martin gave the blessing. We had our Youth meetings. The Youth dive into 14 attendees. The food was good. the lessons and have a great conversaWe even had something healthy (although no one was tion, asking even better questions. You can see them sure what it was). thinking about the topics and the Bible verses we read. And the enthusiastic participation in the activities makes Bruce Christopher gave the devotion. Bruce shared info the lessons come to life. on the Easter Egg Hunt. Everything went well except We are preparing for our mission trip to Cherokee, we had too much food. We actually served about 180 We spent N.C., July 7-13. We’ll be sending permission forms lunches. This will be noted for next year. about $170 on the project. He then shared his current home with the Youth. Please be sure to read through them and if you have any questions, let us know. To re- prayer list with everyone. Our treasurer, Alfred Greenserve their spot, we’re asking the Youth to contribute wood, announced that we still had about $1300 in the $35 to the reservation fee. However, we will provide treasury. We will be making a $200 donation to the St. assistance to anyone who needs it because we want all Andrews Fund in honor of Glen Rapking. those who want to go on the mission trip to be able to We voted to reimburse the church $100 for postage on go. post cards. Next month we will try a phone chain inWe ask for the congregation’s continued prayers as we stead of post cards. Next month's meeting will be postprepare for the mission trip. If you feel called to help poned until the 3rd Sunday so we don't conflict with with the mission trip or be with us as a chaperone, Mother's Day. The cooks will be David Rapking and please let us know. Dan Martin. We also hope you will join us for Family Night Supper on May 8. The Youth will be hosting the supper at Meeting was adjourned at 9:10. Kefauver Park. Come out and get to know the amazing young people who make up our Youth group. GRADUATION BREAKFAST Thank you for all the support we receive from our church family. We certainly appreciate it. Our annual graduation breakfast/reception for those Let us know if you have any questions about our Youth. who have graduated since this time last year will be Sunday May 19th at 8:00 AM in conjunction with the Jerry and Vanessa Barr Methodist Men’s breakfast. All graduates and their 423-420-0068 or ********************************************* families are invited. For more information get in touch with Carolynn Greenwood at 253-5264 Thank You Dear Pastor and Church, We give five Bibles as a tribute to you and the church for its faithfulness to a family of believers in worshiping God as a witness of Jesus Christ. We were blessed by your wonderful spirit and fellowship. Thank you Church for your generous gift to the Gideon Ministry. As a result of your gift 251 persons somewhere in the world will have their very own copy of the precious Word of God. May God continue to find favor with you. In Christ Name, John & Sandra Acuff Men's Club Meeting Minutes April 14, 2013 6 Congratulations to our Sequoyah High School graduates: Kevin Collins, Valedictorian Matthew Harrell Devin Cross (Other graduates will be recognized at a later date.) The Library Corner—Book Reveiw by: Barbara Baiz Come Thirsty by Max Lucado is an inspirational book exploring the path from the troubled soul to finding God's Grace. His writing communicates the elements of the Gospel clearly. The mystery is... our good works can't buy salvation; but having Christ's love shine through us results in good works that spread the Gospel. The analogy of the Word as Living Water to quench and refresh the soul is well written. COMMUNITY MEAL Our next time to provide the community meal will be on Tuesday night May 14th at 5 PM at Madisonville Presbyterian Church. Kay and Joe Grubb will be coordinating this outreach effort. We will use the same menu we provided last time—chicken casserole, green beans, corn, bread, tea, lemonade, and dessert. Please let Kay know at 442-4608 what you will bring. If you can’t get in touch with Kay, let Sue know at or call the office at 442-2471. Food needs to be at the Presbyterian Church by 4:30 on that day. Bingo 2nd and 4th Thursdays as well as Friday on the 1st Friday 3 Friday and 4th Friday of each month Pool Table Games for the men and women. 1 pool table already refurbished and another in the process. Don’t be left behind an eight (8) ball. Come out and enjoy the fun. Meals pr ovided each day for $3 per person. Call 4425834 by 10:00 AM to schedule your meal. Gospel Choir Singing ever y Wednesday morning from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM Need volunteers to assist senior s by pr oviding transporation as follows: to bring seniors to the Center ; taking them to doctor’s appointments/dentist appointments and to stores for shopping needs. Volunteers to be trained by a UT Extension Employee and be certified and covered with liability insurance that will NOT cost that volunteer. Contact Joyce Fridley 423-351-0028 for more information. Support Groups Meetings - Car egiver s, diabetes, grief and Alzheimer's - call 442-3022 for more information. SENIOR CITIZENS HOME ASSISTANCE SERVICE (SCHAS) OF MONROE COUNTY will pr esent the 8th Annual Chocolate Fest at the Vonore Baptist It is again time to participate in the Holston Conference Church Family Life Center. Tickets are $7 per person. mission project which this year is food buckets for Libe- Samplings start at 1 p.m. and the auction starts at 2 p.m. ria. Bruce Christopher has picked up 25 empty buckets at Info 423-420-0032. the Maryville District office and they are now in the gathering area for you to pick up and fill. Bruce said the cost ANNUAL WOMEN"S EXPO Satur day May 4 hosted at Walmart to fill a bucket right now is $21.00. The items by Monroe Co. Chamber of Commerce.9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Sequoyah High School - tickets $20 per person - Fashfor the bucket are— ion show by Belk of Athens, plus more! 4 or 5 lb. bag of sugar (Aisle 18) DIRECTORIES 9 oz. box of powdered milk (Aisle 18) 2 lb. bag of rice (Aisle 10) The new directories are here! If you had your picture tak 18 oz. box of oatmeal (Aisle 20) en by the directory photographer, we have a book for you. 2 lb. bag of dried beans (Aisle 10) You may come by the office during the week from 8 AM to 1 PM and we will have them in the gathering area on 48 ox bottle of cooking oil (Aisle 19) the 5th and 12th before worship. If you want a directory 2 12 oz. cans of meat-ham, spam, or tuna (Aisle 13) but did not have your picture taken, they are available for a cost of $12 each. Call the office to place an order. Make sure the expiration date is 2014. We will also have an online directory. Watch the bullePastor Carole will pay for shipping ($5/bucket) if we fill tins and e-mails for information about this service that all 25! Buckets must be filled and returned to the will be up and available soon. church by June 4. Please let Br uce know (884-3965) if you have any questions. BUCKETS FOR LIBERIA SENIOR CORNER CORA VEAL SENIOR CENTER: 7 The Good Shepherd Center Mail to: Ltjg Nathan Greenwood 106 New Hammock Circle St St. Marys, GA 31558 Volunteer your time and help someone in need. They can always use help at the Center. Call Tina at 420-8888 and schedule a time to help. The need at this time is for kid friendly foods in individual size containers. Please bring your donations to the church and we will see that they are delivered to the Good Shepherd Center. As usual, food and hygiene product donations of any kind are graciously accepted. ****************** Don’t forget these mission opportunities that will only take a few minutes of your time: can tabs for Ronald McDonald House Box Tops for Education Campbell soup and food labels for Henderson Settlement used candles and yarn leftovers for Camp Wesley Woods empty prescription bottles for the animal shelter Josh Hall US Navy Ted & Reba Hall’s grandson. Mail to: SR Hall, Joshua A Ship 12, Div 187 Recruit Training Command 3420 Sailor Dr Great Lakes IL 60088-3520 David Hargett is at F ort Story, VA Mail to: David & Jackie Hargett 1616 Milldale Court Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Tyler Kadau US Mar ines (Samantha Sliker Kadau’s husband) We will have an address for him soon. Adam Thornton US Coast Guard Mail to: Adam & Mary Nelle Thornton 200 Buckingham Dr Glenn Burnie, MD 21061 Please remember our men in the military with your prayers, cards and calls. Bring these items to the church and we will see that they get to the proper organization. Also, the Boys & Girls Club needs volunteers. 15 19 27 29 30 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 Paul & Pam Barker Dwaine & Carolyn Peters Blair & Linda Clements Harold & Carolyn Hunt David & Jackie Hargett Shane & Megan Cavett 13 22 25 Men in the Military Nathan Greenwood E-mail: Na- 26 29 30 US Navy 31 8 Elizabeth Benton Nicholson Lee Anne Strickland Jeffrey Houvenagle Bev Taylor Keith Fulan Kelsey Lee Todd Strickland Jill Alliman Dallas Arden Lucille Peery Troy Dearmon Steve Cornett Pat Rapking Angela Tallent Hunter Jozwiak Samantha Sliker Kadau Dan Martin Jo West Allene Scott Samantha Fulan Hannah Harrell Ben Barger Kayana Donegan May 2013 SUN MON TUE Family Night Supper (FNS) W ednesday, M ay 8th, 6 PM at Kefauver Park. Our UMYF will be our hosts and will serve hotdogs and chili. Please come out and join in the fun and fellowship; bring a dish to go with the hotdogs. A donation bucket will be available if anyone would like to help with expenses for the Youth summer mission trip. WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 Bible Study 9:30 AM UMYF 6 PM Choir Practice 7 PM Praying the Scriptures 6 PM ReFocus Team 7 PM 5SS 10 AM 6 7 8Bible Study 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Bible Study 16 17 18 19UMM/ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Worship 11 AM Council on Ministries after wor ship Children & Youth after COM Bible Study 4 PM SS 10 AM Worship 11 AM Bible Study 4 PM Graduation Breakfast 8 AM SS 10 AM Worship 11 AM Bible Study 4 PM SS 10 AM Worship 11 AM SPRC 6:30 PM Trustees UMW HOPE 6:30 PM Circle 10:30 AM UMW Circle II 7 PM Memorial Day Finance 6 PM Pastor’s AdvisoThe office will be ry Team 7 PM closed. 9:30 AM Praying the UMYF 6 PM Scriptures 6 PM FNS 6 PM at Kefauver Park No Choir Practice 9:30 AM UMYF 6 PM Choir Practice 7 PM UMYF 6 PM Worship Team 6 PM Choir Practice 7 PM UMYF 6 PM Choir Practice 7 PM 9 Praying the Scriptures 6 PM Praying the Scriptures 6 PM Praying the Scriptures 6 PM Fix-It Friars 9 AM to noon 10