Welcome How Do I Join? - Rocky Hock Baptist Church
Welcome How Do I Join? - Rocky Hock Baptist Church
The new Children’s Church lessons for the Spring Quarter are ready to be picked up. All sign-up sheets and collection bins are now located in the Connecting Corridor. These items will no longer be placed in the vestibule. ATTENTION! All information for the bulletin should be submitted to the Church Office by 12 Noon on Wednesday of each week. Thank You! Our next Church Conference will be on Wednesday, March 30th. All Committee Chairs or a representative of each Committee should be present. Good Friday Services 12:00 Noon - Ecumenical Service with area churches @ Greater Welch’s Chapel Baptist Church There will be a special called Church Conference on Wednesday, April 6th for the Day Care Presentation. A vote will be taken on Sunday, April 24th at the Morning Worship Service. Please be praying for God’s will. Senior Adult Trip Easter Sunrise Service Sunday, March 27 @ Arrowhead Beach Clubhouse 6 AM - Fellowship Time with coffee & doughnuts 6:30 AM - Service begins Ukraine Fundraiser April 29 - 30, 2016 (2 days, 1 night) $199 /person, double occupancy Total amount due ASAP! For more information, see sign up sheet in Connecting Corridor. K.I.D. Group Leaders Meeting April 3rd @ 5 PM Children’s Church Room Operation Christmas Child 7 PM - Joint Service with Macedonia Baptist Church @ Macedonia Baptist Church to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC Dear Church Family, I am beyond overwhelmed by the love and generosity you have shown me. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for me and made donations for my trip to the Holy Land. I have reached my goal! I could never have done it without your help! I am so thankful to have each of you as my church family. I will think of you as I walk where Jesus walked and I will thank Him always for you. I ask for your continued prayers as the time for my trip draws near. Thank you, again. With All My Love, Cayla Smith April 2, 2016 Supper is from 4:00-7:00 PM Concert is at 7:00 PM @ White Oak School Supper and Concert is $15/ticket. Concert only is $10/ticket. Supper only is $9/ticket. See Sheila Evans for tickets. We will begin preparing for 2016’s Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry by collecting certain items each month. The items needed from now until November are as follows: March - Underwear (boys and girls, sizes 2 - 14) April - Socks (children - adult sizes) May - Children’s T-shirts (S, M, L) June - Congregation provides Washcloths, VBS provides Soap July - Deodorant August - Pens, Pencils, Colored Pencils, Children’s Scissors, Pencil Boxes, Pencil Sharpeners September - Flip-Flops / Shoes October - Toothbrushes / Toothpaste November - Candy Upcoming Events for April April 18 - Connection Point Café @ 6 PM in the Special Function Room April 23 - State Bible Drill @ Berea Baptist Church in Pembroke, NC April 29 - Children’s Prayer & Praise Pajama Party @ 7:30 PM - Multi-Purpose Building April 30 - 4th Annual RHBC Fishing Tournament to benefit NCBAM (NC Baptist Aging Ministry) LOST & FOUND There are many items, such as earrings, cell phones, eyeglasses, and LOTS of jackets, in our ‘Lost & Found’ bin located in the Copy & Work Room (old Church Office) in the Admin. Building. If you are missing something, stop by and check to see if anything belongs to you! The Flower Chart for 2016 is posted on the bulletin board outside the Choir Room. If you would like to sign up to place flowers in the Sanctuary or Vestibule, please put your name beside the date of your choice. Also, please call the Church Office with the information for the bulletin. Youth Summer Camp June 25 - 29 @ Ridgecrest, NC - Go to our church web-site and click on the link under “Ministries,” then “Youth,” then “Latest Events” and scroll down and click on the Parent Info Pack. Cost of Camp for members is $150 and $299 for non-members. Children’s Summer Camp July 25 - 29 @ Gardner-Webb University - Go to our church web-site and click on the link under “Ministries,” then “Children,” then “Latest Children Events” and scroll down for the Parent Info Pack. Cost of Camp for members is $142 & $283 for non-members. Welcome We are excited that you have come to worship with us at Rocky Hock Baptist Church. Our prayer is that you would experience the love of Jesus Christ from the moment you arrive until you drive off our campus. We want you to connect with us through Worship and Sunday School, grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and get involved as we serve Rocky Hock. Today, as we worship together, we hope you feel like you belong. If we can assist you, please let us know. How Do I Join? At the close of each Worship Service, the Pastor will extend an “invitation” for anyone who would like to trust Christ for salvation, become part of the Rocky Hock family, or make any other spiritual decisions. Simply walk down the aisle and talk with the Pastor and tell him your desire. The flowers today are given in honor of Wayne Harrell by Donna Harrell. This Week at RHBC Sunday, March 20 Prayer Emphasis: Dr. Chris Schofield 7:30 AM - Baptist Men’s Breakfast 9:45 AM - Bible Study for all ages 10:55 AM - Worship - Revival; High Attendance Sunday; Annie Armstrong Walk Offering 4 PM - Children’s Ministry Team Mtg. 5 PM - Bible Drill; Hand Bell Choir No Family Supper Tonight! Evening - Sp. Function Rm. Reserved 7 PM - Revival; Children & Youth Night; Children’s Choirs Singing Monday, March 21 10 AM - Exercise Class - upstairs, CMF 6 PM - Family Supper for Last Names beginning with A - E 7 PM - Revival; Men’s Night; Sanctuary Choir Singing Tuesday, March 22 10 AM - Young at Heart Adult Bible Study - Carey Evans SS Classroom 6 PM - Family Supper for Last Names beginning with F - O 7 PM - Revival; Women’s Night; Senior Adult Choir Singing Wednesday, March 23 10 AM - Exercise Class - upstairs, CMF 6 PM - Family Supper for Last Names beginning with P - Z 7 PM - Revival; Family Night; Youth Trio Singing 8 PM - Sanctuary Choir Practice Thursday, March 24 7 PM - Full Easter Dress Rehearsal Friday, March 25 10 AM - Exercise Class - upstairs, CMF 7 PM - Good Friday Service with Macedonia Baptist Church - Dr. Horton Preaching Saturday, March 26 7 PM - Easter Drama “His Love Ran Red” Sunday, March 27 No Sunday School 10:30 AM - Easter Drama “His Love Ran Red” No Afternoon or Evening Events Stewardship Record for Last Week Sunday School: 211 Sunday AM Worship: 254 Sunday Evening: ? Wednesday Evening: 98 ORDER OF WORSHIP Welcome & Ministry Highlights Call to Worship Prayer Annie Armstrong Walk Offering Children’s Church Offertory Hymn Prayer for the Offering Presenting Our Tithes & Offering Anthem “Prepare Ye the Way” Scripture & Message Invitation Hymn Benediction Dr. Schofield Sermon Notes Joel 2: 1 - 11 “What Is God’s Perspective?” _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Deacon Teams of the Week This Week (3/20 - 3/26) Russell Byrum, Col. Bill Smith, Chris Sykes Next Week (3/27 - 4/2) Wayne Howell, Ted Peele, Bill Smith 113 Rocky Hock Church Road Edenton, NC 27932 Phone: 252-221-4133 Fax: 252-221-2139 Sunday, March 20, 2016 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Spring Revival March 20 - 23 Sunday @ 10:55 AM & 7 PM Monday - Wednesday @ 7 PM Family Meals Monday - Wednesday @ 6 PM Special Music Nightly March Deacon Greeters Sanctuary Main Entrance Phil Smith Senior Adult SS Center Jack Evans Connecting Corridor Scott Noble CMF Main Entrance Bill (Janet) Smith March Ushers Joey Byrum, Billy Elliott, Jasper Evans, Danny Lewis, Nancy Noble, Phil Smith, James Tynch March Counting Committee Kermit Harrell, Ed & Judy Hughes, Willis Ray Peele “HIS LOVE RAN RED” An Easter Drama presented by Rocky Hock Baptist Church Music Ministry Saturday, March 26 @ 7 PM Sunday, March 27 @ 10:30 AM FACEBOOK /rockyhockbaptistchurch ONLINE www.rhbce.org PHONE 252-221-4133 Dr. James Horton, Senior Pastor jhorton@rhbce.org 252-340-4577 (cell) Rev. Mike Denny, Associate Pastor: Youth & Children mdenny@rhbce.org 336-266-9493 (cell) Rev. Tyler Cone, Associate Pastor: Worship & Education tcone@rhbce.org 252-903-2565 (cell) Mrs. Linda B. Bunch, Administrative Assistant lbunch@rhbce.org 252-221-4133 (office) Mr. Allen Peele, Chairman of Deacons 252-221-8814 (home) CREW Thursday, March 31 @ 7 PM Special Function Room Church Directory Photos in the Multi-Purpose Room March 31, April 1, 14 & 15 from 2 - 9 pm April 2 & 16 from 10 am - 5 pm Sign up on-line or in the vestibule!
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The Mission of Rocky Hock Baptist Church is
to Magnify Christ and Make Disciples of All People.
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