June 12, 2016 Bulletin - Rocky Hock Baptist Church
June 12, 2016 Bulletin - Rocky Hock Baptist Church
Children’s Choirs Program To be presented tonight, June 12 at 6 PM in the SANCTUARY Children should be in Choir Room by 5:45 PM. RHBC’s Audio-Visual Team is in need of volunteers to help with the Visual Presentation on Sunday mornings. Please see Pastor Tyler if you can help! Help Our Students AND Our Local Animal Shelter Rocky Hock Baptist Church Vacation Bible School Children: Mon - Fri, June 20 - 24, 8:30 AM - 12 Noon Commencement - Friday, June 24 at 11:30 AM Youth: Mon & Tue, June 20 - 21 @ 7 PM and Wed, June 22 from 1 - 11 PM (Beach & Concert in Manteo) What to wear: Jeans or dark pants / leggings, T-shirts (can have Christian logos on them), sneakers, sandals - no flip flops For props: children need to bring their discipleship training bags and Bibles Will, R. C., and Ethan: please wear a solid black or dark gray T-shirt, cap, and sunglasses Kids, let’s go on an adventure like no other, deep within the mysterious sea! As we submerge ourselves in God’s Word, we will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on the outside of people, He looked deep down on the inside. So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find truth below the surface! If you had your picture taken for the 2016 Church Pictorial Directory but did not order any pictures, please pick up your free 8 x 10 in the Copy & Work Room (Old Church Office) during regular business hours (8 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday). Operation Christmas Child The Baptist Men’s Breakfast is canceled for next Sunday, June 19. Enjoy Father’s Day with your family! Our next Breakfast will be as usual, on the third Sunday of the month, July 17th. Gentlemen, join us then at 7:30 AM in the Special Function Room. Due to a couple of errors in last week’s bulletin, there are several copies of the corrected bulletin at the Information Desk in the Vestibule for anyone who would like one. The corrected bulletins are printed on yellow paper. “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” ~ Psalm 139: 23-24 (HCSB) Register online at www.rhbce.org under ‘Special events & ministries.’ TEACHER NEEDED for 2 Year Old Class! See Frances Tynch to volunteer! The Summer Santa Bus will be at VBS on Tuesday, June 21 for kids to pick out a free book. GLORY BOUND In June, the church will collect washcloths and VBS will collect soap The Senior Adult Choir (also known as The Veterans of Spiritual Warfare Choir) will present a patriotic-themed program on July 3rd at 7 PM in the Sanctuary. Join us for an inspirational evening of songs! 8th Annual Children’s Summer Series “Bike Day” June 14th 9 AM 12 Noon Meet at the Church Rocky Hock Baptist Church Golf Tournament Saturday, August 6, 2016 @ Albemarle Plantation Shotgun start at 9 AM Four Man Superball Entry Fee: $200 per team All proceeds benefit The North Carolina Baptist Children’s Home Chelsea and Dylan White are collecting donations of much needed supplies, food, and money to benefit the Tri-County Animal Shelter & Adoption Center to count towards their senior project to graduate. Please consider donating to help this worthy cause. You can drop off your donations in the collection boxes located in the connecting corridor or call us to arrange for pickup of your items. We also have information on adopting a pet or having your pet spayed/neutered. Please contact us @ 312-8328 or 312-8327 for more information or if you have questions. Below is a wish list of items needed at the center. Dog/Cat Treats, Dog/Cat Toys (washable w/ bleach), Paper Bags and Baskets (cats love to play in them), "Kong" Toys, Crates (all sizes), Purina Puppy and/or Dog Chow (dry and/or wet), Purina Kitten and/or Cat Chow (dry and/or wet), Friskies Canned Shredded Cat Food, Bleach, Paper Towels, Laundry Detergent, Original Blue Dawn Dishwashing Detergent, Heavy-Duty Water Hoses, Sponges, Scrub Brushes, Non-Scoopable or Clumping Cat Litter, Blankets, Throws, Wash Cloths, Towels, Slip Leashes, Martingale Collars, Plastic Tote (for newspapers), Monetary Donations (checks made payable to Tri-County Animal Shelter & Adoption Center) Thank you! Welcome We are excited that you have come to worship with us at Rocky Hock Baptist Church. Our prayer is that you would experience the love of Jesus Christ from the moment you arrive until you drive off our campus. We want you to connect with us through Worship and Sunday School, grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and get involved as we serve Rocky Hock. Today, as we worship together, we hope you feel like you belong. If we can assist you, please let us know. How Do I Join? At the close of each Worship Service, the Pastor will extend an “invitation” for anyone who would like to trust Christ for salvation, become part of the Rocky Hock family, or make any other spiritual decisions. Simply walk down the aisle and talk with the Pastor and tell him your desire. The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given in honor of Bill & Carol Shutt’s 64th Wedding Anniversary and in gratitude for all these years together! The flowers in the Vestibule today are given in honor of Molli Riddick for her High School Graduation and in loving memory of Donald Riddick. This Week at RHBC Sunday, June 12 9:45 AM - Bible Study for all ages 10:55 AM - Worship 5:45 PM - Children’s Choirs meet in Choir Room 6 PM - Children’s Choirs Program in the Sanctuary Monday, June 13 2 PM - Ella Mae Perry & Bertha Dale Circles - Conference Room Kathleen Drawdy, Hostess 6:30 PM - Impact Circle - Special Function Room; Circle 31 will meet at church to visit shut-ins 7:30 PM - Annie Leary Circle with Robin Nixon Tuesday, June 14 9 AM - 12 Noon - Children’s Summer Series begins with “Bike Day” 10 AM - Young at Heart Adult Bible Study - Carey Evans SS Room 7 PM - Senior Adult Choir Practice Wednesday, June 15 6:30 - 8:30 PM - Youth Summer Series - Pool Party at the Smith home 7 PM - Adult Bible Study; GROW 8 PM - Sanctuary Choir Practice Saturday, June 18 JOY Group to Virginia Aquarium; Tyler & Chandler’s Wedding Sunday, June 19 - Father’s Day 9:45 AM - Bible Study for all ages 10:55 AM - Worship No Afternoon Activities No Evening Worship Children’s Church materials are ready to be picked up! Deacon Teams of the Week This Week (6/12 - 6/18) Lee Bass, Joey Byrum, Oscar White Next Week (6/19 - 6/25) Donald Bass, Carroll Evans, Chris Turner June Deacon Greeters Sanctuary Main Entrance Fred Smith Senior Adult SS Center Carroll Evans Connecting Corridor Keith Nixon CMF Main Entrance Jack Evans MORNING WORSHIP - 10:55 AM JUNE 12, 2016 Prelude Welcome & Ministry Highlights Praise Songs “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” # 11 “Holy, Holy, Holy” # 3 VBS Prayer Emphasis Prayer Children’s Church Offertory Hymn “Blessed Assurance” # 572 Prayer for the Offering Presenting Our Tithes & Offering Offertory Music “Living By Faith” Jim Durst Anthem “Complete” Sanctuary Choir Message “Church” Dr. Horton Matthew 16: 13 - 19 Invitation Hymn “I Surrender All” # 596 Benediction Postlude EVENING WORSHIP - 6 PM Children’s Choirs Program in the Sanctuary June Ushers Adam Bunch, Wayne Copeland, J.C. Forehand, Allen Nixon, Mike Nixon, Bill (Janet) Smith, Jay White June Counting Committee Butch & Emily Byrum, Jasper Evans, Lee & Ruth Jordan, Keith Rollins Special Needs of the Week Nursing Home: Melvin & Laverne Harrell c/o Edenton Prime Time P.O. Box 987 Edenton, NC 27932 Homebound: Dianne Bass Hospitalized, Recovery, Treatment Joe Asbell Deborah Bland Jeff Boyd Earl & Jo Copeland Hawk & Marina Crummey Jeanette Dowd George & Kathy Farrell Mary Harrell Pat Hartman Lilly Hollowell Ed Hughes Josie McAlduff J. C. & Lois Nixon Walt Parker Betty Lou Riddick Linda Rowe Doris Smith Shane Spruill Perry Waff Louis White Our Nation Kathy Bickford Steve Bohl Frances Byrum Sidney Copeland Kristi Brower Dalby Bailey Edwards Peyton Foster Pat Harrell, Jr. Madison Herring Delores Howell Anne Knox Ashley Miller Bill & Annette Owens Lillian Perry Bobby Riddick Alan Sawyer Phil Smith Kathy Stallings Mark Wallace Melody White Patrick Bass George Boyce Wayland Byrum Pam Cummings Brian Douglas Heath Ellis Laverne Harrell Robert Harrell Alissa Hobach Anna Grace Huey Don & Kay Latham Chenelle Davis Mitchell Marilyn Owens Paula Rackley Barbara Rinehart Bill & Carol Shutt Jackie Spear Kim Vervain Charlie White Our Armed Forces Nursing Home & Homebound Members Last Week’s Stewardship Record Sunday School: 204 Sunday AM Worship: 368 Sunday PM Worship: 94 Wednesday PM Worship: 114 Chowan River Nursing: Nola Bass, Inez Bunch Edenton Prime Time: Mary Elizabeth Bass, Mildred Boyce, Doris Bunch, Maxine (Elton) Bunch, Melvin & Laverne Harrell Homebound: Dianne Bass, Faye Harrell, Carolyn Layton, Grace Ober, Audrey Nixon, Edith Small The Mission of Rocky Hock Baptist Church is to Magnify Christ and Make Disciples of All People. Connect with Us! FACEBOOK /rockyhockbaptistchurch MAIL 113 Rocky Hock Church Rd. Edenton, NC 27932 ONLINE www.rhbce.org PHONE / FAX 252-221-4133 / 252-221-2139 Dr. James Horton, Senior Pastor jhorton@rhbce.org 252-340-4577 (cell) Rev. Mike Denny, Associate Pastor: Youth & Children mdenny@rhbce.org 336-266-9493 (cell) Rev. Tyler Cone, Associate Pastor: Worship & Education tcone@rhbce.org 252-903-2565 (cell) Mrs. Linda B. Bunch, Administrative Assistant lbunch@rhbce.org 252-221-4133 (office) Mr. Allen Peele, Chairman of Deacons 252-221-8814 (home) YOUTH SUMMER CAMP PARENTS MEETING Tonight, Sunday, June 12th at 7 PM in the Sanctuary Bulletin information should be submitted by 12 Noon on Wednesdays.
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