Adel Newsletter Volume 284 May 2016 ADEL CITY HALL Administration Public Works Compliance Officer Parks & Recreation 301 S. 10th St., PO Box 248 Phone: 993-4525 M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. www.adeliowa.org PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG. Police & Fire Depts. Yard Waste Collection Is Changed To Tuesdays Waste Management has changed the yard waste collection day from Mondays to Tuesdays to better coordinate their drivers in Adel and in other metro cities. 102 S. 10th St., PO Box 127 Phone: 993-6723 M-F 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. EMERGENCY—DIAL 911 LIBRARY 303 S. 10th St. Phone: 993-3512 M & F 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. T-Th 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sat 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. www.adelpl.org OTHER PHONE #’s Honor The Call To Serve Serving on a City Board or Commission is a great way to become involved in shaping the direction of your community. Applications and more information are available at Adel City Hall and online at www.adeliowa.org. (Below are the upcoming openings effective July 1, 2016) Aquatic Center Waste Mgmt. 993-5246 265-5267 S. Dallas Co. Landfill 993-3148 ADM will have three new foreign exchange students coming in August to attend ADM High School for the upcoming school year. Applications are being accepted to host the new students for a 10-month commitment, a short term placement (60-90 days), or as a back up family. If you are interested to learn more about hosting these students, please contact Karen Book at 515-491-1551 or Karen.book@mchsi.com. Trivia Question Library Board — Park and Recreation Three openings Board — Four openings Term ends June 30, 2022 Term ends June 30, 2019 Planning & Zoning Commission — Two openings (Gender balance rules will apply to female applicants first) Term ends June 30, 2021 Board of Adjustment — One opening (Gender balance rules will apply to female applicants first) Term ends June 30, 2021 Provided by the Historic Preservation Commission The answer to last month’s trivia question: In light of the current basketball “March Madness”, when was the last time an ADM (girls and boys) basketball team played in the state tournament? The last time ADM girls played in the state tournament Historic Preservation was in 1995 under Jerry Slater. For the ADM boys it was Commission — Two in 2012 under Aaron Mager. Economic Development openings Commission — Two Term ends June 30, 2019 This month’s trivia question: openings In the 70’s, where in Adel could you purchase a double, triple green river? Term ends June 30, 2019 April 12, 2016 Council Meeting Notes Council approved the following: Res. No. 16-11, Plans and Specs for Adel Historical Museum Addition Res. No. 16-12, Dangerous Building Nuisance - 502 Greene Street Res. No. 16-13, Title VI Coordinator Res. No. 16-14, ADA & Section 504 Coordinator Res. No. 16-15, 2015-16 Budget Transfers Ordinance No. 307 - Water Usage Rates Ordinance No. 308 - Sewer Usage Rates Awarded Garbage & Recycling RFP to Ankeny Sanitation Garbage Services Public Hearing Set for Budget Amendments (Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.) Public Hearing Set for 1215 Greene Street Rezoning Request (Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.) Special Event - Sweet Corn Festival - August 12-13, 2016 Adel Elementary Tigers in Training One-Mile Route - September 16, 2016 Final Plat for Timberview 3 Agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 234 NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Adel City Hall ADEL CITY COUNCIL Mayor James F. Peters 993-4436 Mayor Pro Tem Jon McAvoy 993-3977 Mike Haynes 745-9112 Shirley McAdon 993-4862 Rebecca Hillmer (712) 830-3638 Bob Ockerman 238-9835 Reminders The 2016 City of Adel Pet Licenses were due April 30, 2016. An additional $1.00 will be added to the original cost of $5.00 for a spayed/ neutered pet and $15.00 if the pet is not fixed. Please contact Adel City Hall for more details or any questions. Social Media Have you liked the City on Facebook yet? Do you follow us on Twitter? Please follow the City on social media to stay up-to -date on the latest news and information. You can find a link to our pages on www.adeliowa.org Volume 284 May 2016 Adult Leagues Memorial Day Adult Coed Summer Sand Volleyball Games are played on Tuesday nights at Evans Park, beginning June 7 Season: Guaranteed 8 games Fee: $160.00 per team Online Registration Deadline: Friday, May 27 Adult Slow Pitch Summer Softball Games are played on Thursday nights at Kinnick-Feller Park, beginning June 11 Season: 8 games Fee: $180.00 per team Online Registration Deadline: Friday, May 17 Free Friday Entertainment Series Please join the Adel Chamber on Friday, May 27 for the 1st Free Friday Entertainment Series event. Randy Burk and the Prisoners will be performing at the Adel Stage and Pavilion from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. This is a free, family-friendly event organized by the Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Raccoon Valley Bank. We hope to see you there! At the Adel Public library, we are looking towards summer and anticipating all of our fun summer activities and programs. Join the Rebel Alliance or pledge your support to the Empire at our May the Fourth be With You Star Wars Party early out activity on Wednesday, May 4 at 2:00 p.m. Come dressed as your favorite character and join us as we watch Star Wars, the Force Awakens on the big screen! The American Legion Post 464 will hold Memorial Day services at Oakdale Cemetery near the flagpole on Monday, May 30 at 9:00 a.m. If inclement weather threatens, the event will be held in the Old Middle School Gym. Graves may remain decorated for Memorial Day from Friday, May 27 through Sunday, June 5. Mowing will resume on Monday, June 6. Flowers and items left on graves will be disposed of at this time. Permanent plantings such as trees and bushes must be approved by the City. Annuals and perennials may be planted directly in line with the stone only. No other sod displacement is allowed. For more information, please contact Adel City Hall. Waste Management Waste Management’s final pick up days will be June 27, 28, & 29. Their intent will be to pick up the carts as they empty them on the final normal pick up days. Ankeny Sanitation will be delivering new bins that same week. Linda Powell has been a lifelong butterfly enthusiast and has been involved in a number of monarch and pollinator initiatives and she will be in the library reading garden on Monday, May 16 to present a program called Monarchs and Milkweed: Helping Monarchs Survive at 6:30 p.m. Ms. Powell will explain the monarch life cycle, including their amazing migration to Mexico, share information about research and programs designed to help increase the number of monarchs and butterflies, and discuss some of the varieties of milkweed most desirable for the home garden. The annual meeting of the Friends of the Adel Public Library The TRACES Center for History and Culture will be at the library on Friday, May 20 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to present its newest Foundation which will be on Monday, May 5 at 6:30 p.m. where BUS-eum exhibit “At Home in the Heartland: Forgotten we’ll elect new officers. Stories of How Iowans Got to Be ‘Us’.” “The BUS-eum exhibit examines how the Midwest developed in ways different from other Dallas County Library Association and 4 R Kids ECI are hosting our regions, how Iowa’s settlement distinguished it from its neighbors, third annual Dallas County Toddler Festival on Saturday, May 7 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon in the community buildings at the Dallas and what both blesses and burdens us today.” This program is County Fairgrounds. We’ll have two hours of free activities dedicated sponsored by the Friends of the Adel Public Library Foundation. to toddlers and their caregivers, including visitors from the Blank Our Evening Book Club meets on Thursday, May 26 to discuss the Park Zoo, the Science Center of Iowa, and some of our favorite fairytale princesses and super heroes. Each child will receive a free classic novel Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote at 7:00 p.m. book just for attending the festival! Our On Your Marks, Get Set, Read Summer Reading Program starts soon and the library is excited to host Blank Park Zoo at our Our next Classic Movie Monday on the big screen will be on Monday, May 9 at 2:00 p.m. when we’ll watch “Spencer’s Mountain.” Kick off programs in June. Last year over 600 people participated in our programs and read over 10,000 hours! Ms. Paula, Ms. Michelle, This will be the last Classic Movie Monday until the fall. and Mr. Trever are busily planning all kinds of exciting events and activities for each of the four age groups; babies, kids, teenagers, and The library is pleased have an Author Visit from DeSoto High School graduate and Madison County native Dr. Richard Fleming for adults. Sign-ups for all Summer Reading programs begin on Tuesday, a reading and discussion of his new historical novel WETZEL on May 31! Wednesday, May 11 at 3:00 p.m. Your library will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on The next gathering of the Brown Bag Book Club is at Noon on Monday, May 30. Thursday, May 12 when we’ll be discussing Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver More. Take your lunch break at the As always, more is available on our website at www.adelpl.org or you library and come share your love of books with us. can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Come to the library on Thursday, May 12 for our My Favorite Things Book Swap from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room 2. Dig through your house for paperback books to bring, swap, and share your love of reading with others!
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