Adel Adviser
Adel Adviser
VOL. 8 ISSUE 103 october 19, 2012 f r i d a y FREE! Adel Adviser Brought to you every Tuesday and Friday by Horizon Printing Co. We buy your kid’s gently used items & maternity wear for cash! 515 - 987 - 5705 at 264 West Hickman Waukee NOW OPEN IN ADEL 250 SEAT BANQUET FACILITY (formerly “The Little Theatre”) Book your parties today! Mike’s ADEL POWER EQUIPMENT 27836 Fairground Road Adel • 515-993-4831 KOREY’S TIRE & AUTO FREE alignment with purchase of 4 tires REBATES FROM $50–$100 LIFETIME BALANCE & ROTATIONS “Little Quilt Shop on the Prairie” 909 Prairie Street, Adel • 515-993-1170 Mon-Sat 9-5, Thurs to 7 p.m. grace lutheran opens education center Grace Lutheran Church will dedicate and open its new education center on Sunday, October 21 at 9 a.m. with tours and refreshments from 10 a.m.-noon, and Wednesday, October 24 at 6 p.m., with tours and an Oktoberfest celebration at 7 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church is located on the south side of Adel at the corner of Highway 169 and Meadow Road. The public is invited. Gold Medal Travel Kick-Off Party You’re invited to our Gold Medal Travel Kick-off party hosted By Frank & Janet Pasco on Thursday, October 25 at the Raccoon Valley Bank Community House located at 11th and Main in Adel. You will enjoy a chili supper at 6:30 p.m. followed by a Travel Preview Show presented by Cathy Greteman, president and owner of Star Destinations at 7 p.m. She will showcase available trips for the next year. RSVP to us at 993-3946 (our home number) or e-mail us at so we can plan accordingly. You are most welcome to invite your friends or relatives. Gold Medal Travel is not affiliated with the bank. christian music group to perform in waukee Spirit Midwest presents the multiple Grammy and Dove Award winner group "Classic Petra" on Tuesday, October 23 at 7 p.m. at Point of Grace Church, 305 N.E. Dartmoor Road in Waukee. Tickets are $15 at the door and available at Wellspring Christian Bookstore or haunted vineyard returns to penoach winery Be sure to plan on coming to the second annual "Haunted Vineyard," back by popular demand at Penoach Winery on Friday, October 26 from 7-9:30 p.m. Admission cost is a food/cash donation to the local food pantry. Volunteer Opportunities in Science Do you have an interest in young people, their learning or skill building? Do you have an interest in science, technology or robotics? Hands-on science activities for youth at the elementary and middle school level can encourage a love for exploration and discovery in science. Adult volunteers, including high school youth, are needed to help other Iowa youth learn about 4-H science opportunities. This volunteer opportunity is part of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4-H science program. A 4-H robotics volunteer training will be held Saturday, November 3 at Maple Grove Elementary in Waukee. It will focus on understanding and building robots using the LEGO Mindstorms kits. More information and registration forms are available at or by contacting Cindy Watson Pottebaum at the Dallas County Extension office 993-4281 or Specialized Care is Close to Home 610 10th Street Perry, Ia 50220 (515) 465-3547 Dallas County Hospital offers Oncology & Hematology Services Dr. Brian Freeman specializes in the treatment of cancer & blood disorders. Please call 247.3970 to make your appointment today. You have a choice for your healthcare and we hope you choose Dallas County Hospital NEW TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR NAMED HomeCare Services, Inc. of Dallas County in Adel is pleased to announce Randy Majava as their new Transportation Coordinator. Randy comes to this position with a background in transportation, management and finance. He and his wife live in Grimes and have five children. Randy looks forward to meeting many new people including HomeCare’s staff, funding sources and associates as well as members of the communities which HomeCare serves in Dallas County. Randy can be reached at 993-4531, ext. 4. HomeCare Services serves all of Dallas County with public transportation services, home-delivered meals, meals at various congregate meal sites and personal care/homemaker care services in homes. For more information about all services call 993-4531 and listen for the appropriate extension or press 5 for the operator. 3 Forecast Day sunday High 72 Low 56 Partly cloudy saturday monday High 64 Low 48 Partly cloudy high 72 Low 55 Rain NOW OPEN Accepting New Clients Laura Juffer • Owner/Groomer 504 S. 11th Street, Adel • 515.371.8459 Adel Public Library B o o k o f t he w e e k The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom In Mitch Albom’s inventive new novel, Father Time, the inventor of the first clock, has been kept prisoner for eons because he dared to measure the immeasurable. Now he is set free, and on a mission to save humanity by teaching his two unlikely partners how to truly appreciate the meaning of time. OCTOBER CALENDAR S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ADM Schedules Oct 19 9/V football at Harlan: 4:45/7:30 p.m. Oct 24 EARLY DISMISSAL: 1 p.m. FULLER'S JCT HWY 6 & 169 993-4001 Adel Adviser october 19, 2012 Horizon PRINTING CO. • 412 Greene STREET, ADEL Gregory Aubert memorial Gregory Aubert 10-35-1961 to 10-01-2012. A memorial of life celebration is being held on Thursday, October 25 at 10 a.m. at Olivet Baptist Church, 2743 82nd Pl., Urbandale. pediatric cpr class offered Dallas County Hospital will be offering a Pediatric Heartsaver CPR/First Aid class on Saturday, October 27 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. in the Dallas County Hospital Community Room. This class is intended for new or expectant parents, daycare workers, or anyone that takes care of children. At the end of this class, participants will be able to perform CPR and rescue breathing, remove a foreign body from a child and demonstrate the use of automated external defibrillator. Cost is $65 per person for certification and $50 for renewal. To register, call Sally Swenson at 515-465-7512 or visit us online at Registration deadline is October 22. Call 993-4241 Today! FLOORING - CABINETS FLOORING - CABINETS ELECTRONICS - APPLIANCES - FLOORING - CABINETS - COUNTERTOPS - BLINDS ELECTRONICS - APPLIANCES - FLOORING - CABINETS - COUNTERTOPS - BLINDS SunnyBrook of Adel Long-term and Skilled Care 515-993-4511 Caring Is Our Specialty Arnold Motor Supply Home of the “Parts Smart” people. 602 Greene Street, Adel, IA 50003 800-229-3473 • 993-4228 • Fax: 993-4220 at the adel public library Come to the library on early out days and join the fun! Wednesday, October 24 the movie “Spooky Buddies” will be shown at 2 p.m. The Evening Book Club meets on Thursday, October 25 at 7 p.m. to discuss the classic novel “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier. Satisfy your sweet tooth by stopping by the annual Friends of the Library Bake Sale. All sorts of delicious donated goodies will be available Friday, October 26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and again Saturday, October 27 from 10 a.m.-noon. Please drop off donations for the Bake Sale on Thursday, October 25 anytime during regular library hours. The last Friends of the Library Garage Sale of 2012 will held at the same times. Come search for hidden treasures and support your library with a free will donation. Sale items should be dropped off as close to the dates of the sale as possible. to the community: Garage Sales in Adel unless noted. GAME DAY AT THE RENDEZVOUS: Sat. Oct. 20, Hawkeyes vs. Penn State. $2.50 tall boy special. Happy hour pricing during the game and food specials! lions sandwich supper & bingo: Redfield Legion Hall, Thurs. Oct. 25, 5-6:30p. Free will donation. For Sale: (5) Navajo rugs my mother made and brought up from New Mexico. All with different patterns and sizes. Call after noon 515-468-3862. FOR SALE: 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Silver/Gray, 80k, 1 owner. Call 993-4894 for details. For Sale: King Size Bed, only 2 mo. old and in flawless condition! No pets or smoke. Sleep Number/Select Comfort P5. Purchase price $3,000, asking $2,400. Free set up and delivery. Contact Stacey 503-891-7395 or stacey.hellsten@ indoor storage: Large secure indoor storage near Adel for your car, boat, camper. Year around availability. Call 250-1036. Help us Celebrate: Dallas Bosomworth's retirement from the USPS Sat. Oct. 20 from 4-8p at the Redfield Legion Hall, 116 Thomas St. Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser: Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings at 6925 Mills Civic Pkwy. on Mon., Oct. 22 from 11a-9p and present coupon from FOR SALE: Antique farm style table $150. I paid $200, but willing to negotiate. Call 515-996-2837. snow removal: Adel area. My prices range from $25-$40 dollars per visit, depending on the size of your driveway. Call Ben for more information 515-468-1374. Free: Wood for the cutting. Call 993-4325. hair color/cut: The seasons are changing and so should you! Come see Katie Quinn at Hair Force for a rich new hair color for fall, or a fun new haircut. Call 993-1009 to set up your appointment today! Adel Veterinary Clinic Puzzle of the week: a top hat, AA Toythimble, Store, A Lingerie Store, a Kennedy terrier dog The Family SeeThey answer Friday’s Adviser. allinhave Teddies Dr. Pat Rohret Dr.Dr. Elizabeth Holland Pat Rohret Dr.Dr.Scott Beeman Elizabeth Holland 619 Greene St. Phone: 993-4707 New patients always welcome! Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1120 Greene Street • Adel, Iowa 50003 • (515) 993-4656 Dr. Sue Donahue • Mace Boshart, PA-C Michelle Kurtz, P.A.-C • David Michael, P.A.-C Jerry Ray • Siding Qu ality • Windows • Roofing 515-988-8199 for sale: 2000 VW New Beetle GLS, lime green, 5-speed manual, 139,000 miles, 28 MPG, great condition, new battery, new water pump, newer tires, $3,000. Call 515-865-2273. For Sale: 1999 Chevy Silverado 4x4, regular cab, new tires, in good shape. Asking $4,500/OBO. Call or text Matt 971-8898. wANTED: Wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and crutches. Consider donating these items to a mission group heading to Guatemala. Call or text 669-4184 to arrange pick up. For sale: 2008 GMC pickup. Very Nice. Call Shaun 515371-9500. baking: Don't have time to bake? Let me do the baking for you. Call Kathy 515-249-5033. fsbo: 433 N 10th St., Adel. $63,500. Call for details and appointment 515-669-5118 or 515669-5117. Touch of Heaven Cleaning Service: Residential & office, specialty jobs, deep cleaning available. Call Pamela 515-333-2300. ADEL AREA RESIDENTS! We publish your classified AD free! Drop off or mail to: 412 Greene St., Adel, 50003 or
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