Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church


Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Sunday, February 8, 2015
“To move closer to God in all that we do”
Welcome to
St. Francis Xavier
Catholic Church
Monday - Friday
6:30 am & 8:15 am
8:15 am
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 pm
8:00 am, 9:30 am,
10:15 am (Gym)
11:30 am
Every Saturday after
the 8:15am Mass
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus cured many who were sick
with various diseases.
Page 232
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Today we begin the process for the Annual Catholic Appeal. This year, the theme of the Appeal is
“Entrusted with Responsibility.” God provides each of
us with many gifts. We have a responsibility not only
to recognize these gifts but also to share with others
the gifts we have received. We nurture our gifts and put them to
good use which, by participating in this Campaign, offers us the
opportunity to share in the larger work of the Archdiocese. This
Campaign supports, for example, grants for schools in disadvantaged areas, support for religious education of children, youth and
adults in disadvantaged areas, the work of Catholic Relief Services
and the Office for Respect Life among other ministries. Please familiarize yourself with the work supported by this Appeal with the brochures in the pews.
The Annual Appeal that supports the work of the Archdiocese is
not just another special collection. Rather, it is the one time during
the year that all Catholics are asked to make a significant pledge,
payable in installments, to our Archdiocese so that it can meet the
spiritual, educational and temporal needs of parishes, schools and
the people throughout our Archdiocese.
Each parish is assigned a financial goal based on the previous
year’s Offertory Income. Our target goal for St. Francis Xavier Parish is $86,953.80. Any money collected over the target goal is returned to the parish.
This weekend we will hear a recorded message from Archbishop
Cupich. I ask you to be open to the message of the Archbishop and
to my remarks. I ask you then to reflect on how might participate in
this Campaign. Prayerfully reflect on the amount of your pledge. It
should represent a gift given in gratitude for what God has given
and continues to give to you. You been generous to this Campaign
in the past, I ask for your continued generosity.
Across two days, Friday noon, February 27 to Saturday, February
28, the Church in Chicago will offer special opportunities for the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and for prayers of healing.
The Catholic faithful, especially those who have been away from the
sacraments, are urgently invited to come and share in God’s mercy
by celebrating the Sacrament of Penance.
At St, Francis, we will hear Confessions after the 8:15 morning
Mass (as usual) on February 28 and from 4:00 to 5:00 on February
28, before the 5:00 evening Mass. You can always call the Parish
Office to make an appointment for Confession. There will be many
opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance in the parishes throughout the Archdiocese. On Ash Wednesday, Archbishop Cupich will
offer a public invitation on the radio for people in need of healing
and forgiveness to take part in this Festival of Forgiveness.
As was indicated last week, parishioners and
families of Vicariate II (our vicariate) are invited
to a special welcome Mass and reception for
the Archbishop on Thursday, February 12, at
7:00 pm at St. John Brebeuf Church, 8307 N.
Harlem Ave., Niles. All are invited. I have special tickets that will insure you reserved seating, let me know if you would like some tickets.
But know everyone is welcome to attend with
or without a ticket.
My best to you, Fr. Sheridan
February 9-14
Tues. 6:30AM
Wed . 6:30AM
Patricia O’Connor
Martin Kelly
Purgatorial Society
Souls in Purgatory
Wanda & Anthony
Frank Spalding
Chris Chrome
Fran Byrne
Joan Lawrence
Doris Ausbrook
Rick Smith
Mary Grace Buckingham
Tom & Calista Gorman
Maggie Bevenour
February 15
8:00AM L
9:30AM +
10:15AM +
11:30AM +
+ Deceased
L Living
Mary Colleen Burns
Raymond Andrews
Michael Guthrie III
People of the Parish
Margaret McKeowa
Earl Beck
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
TO: The 'Anonymous Donor' to St Vincent De Paul Poor Box:
Your thoughtful gift was noted, and appreciated, and your wishes
were indeed honored via a payment to the Organization that you
requested. Thank You from St Vincent De Paul for your
extreme generosity.
S.V.D.P. has a Poor Box located on the left, East, side exiting our
Church. Our S.V.D.P Conference wishes to once again commend,
and thank, our Parishioners for entering in Cash Donations, of ALL
sizes. It is indeed remarkable of this constant unselfish response by
our Parishioners and we assure you that this generosity is used to
good work to help the needy in these trying times.
Something New! Beginning February 6, 2015
First Fridays with Saint Francis de Sales
9 3
To become a part of
our Parish family,
please pick up a
Kelly Green Packet in
the back of church or
at the Parish Office.
You can also contact
us through our website at
Or if you regularly
worship at St. Francis, and have not registered as a parishioner, we ask that
you fill out a packet in
order to be kept up to
date with mailings,
email blasts etc.
We thank you for
joining us!
When: 9 AM on the First Friday of each month
Where: the Upper Room at the Parish
What: we will do a brief focus on a particular problem common in our lives (anger, anxiety, grief,
stress) and show how Saint Francis de Sales (the
Doctor of the Love of God) gives practical, gentle
and psychologically sound spiritual advice to help us
to overcome that problem.
How: Thirty minutes of reading and sharing. You
are free to leave at 9:30. There’s no need to commit
to every session.
Why: To share concrete ways to live your Christian
call to holiness. To jumpstart your prayer life.
Who: Open to all. Facilitated by Josephine Harrison and Nancy Lou
Kelly Daughters of Saint Francis de Sales. Contact josephineharrison@gmail.com with questions.
Why not? Thirty minutes once a month. Give it a try!
Have you moved?
Married? Changed
your phone number
or email address?
Help us keep our
Census up to date.
with your new information.
Thank you!
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Walking the Road Through Lent
7:00-8:30 P.M.
Lenten Retreat in Daily Life
Be still and know that I am God.
Ash Wednesday,
February 18th
Receive ashes on your forehead at one of our Masses
6:15a, 8:15a and 6p.
Fast & Abstinence Requirements
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory
days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of
For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the
norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until
age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat
one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards.
Retreat in daily life is an opportunity to slow
down and spend some time nourishing your inner
Prayer, silence, reflection are offered in a
supportive space, giving us a chance to refuel our
hearts and souls in the midst of busy, complicated
Two sessions of spiritual direction are offered
between the group session dates at times mutually
arranged between retreatant and spiritual
$50 donation towards expenses of retreat.
Registration by Monday, Feb. 24 is essential.
Retreat in daily life is sponsored by the SFX
parish adult education and women’s spirituality
sfxkieran@comcast.net or 847-256-4250
“Seek and you shall find,
knock and the door will be opened”.
Mt 7:7
If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued
until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the
"paschal fast" to honor the suffering and death of
the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share
more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection.
During Lent, follow the Way of the Cross pictured on
the walls of the church using the booklets provided
above the Stations.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Walking the Road Through Lent
What is Lent?
Lent is an observance lasting 40 days starting on Ash
Wednesday and ending just before Easter Sunday. The
purpose of Lent is to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross
and the miracle of His Resurrection. During the Lenten season many people make a personal commitment to fasting
or giving up certain things in their lives as an act of penitence.
Basic facts about Lent:
Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday,” is the Tuesday before Lent begins.
The official start of the Lenten Season is Ash
• Why 40 days? The number is significant throughout Scripture; Noah was on the Ark for 40 days, Moses
fasted 40 days before receiving the Ten Commandments and Jesus spent 40 days fasting in preparation
for His work on earth.
• The liturgical color for Lent is purple, the color of
repentance and sorrow for sin.
• The celebration of Lent is not a commandment but
an opportunity to renew our faith and edify our spirit.
Parish Reconciliation Service
March 23rd, 7:30 pm /Church
Forgiveness, reconciliation, turning
our faces toward Jesus is all a part of
the Lenten tradition. Join us as we
come together as the community of
SFX to express our sorrow and celebrate the mercy of God. We will pray,
sing, reconcile ourselves to God, our
community and ourselves, and ask for
peace in our hearts and in the world.
The presence of many makes it powerful.
Father Simon Braganza, Associate Pastor, Queen of All Saints Basilica will preach at all the masses the
weekend before the mission and be with us Monday and Tuesday evening in church at 7:30. Father Simon
is a doctoral candidate in Old Testament and communicates well his love and passion for scripture. Mark
your calendars now to join us in this Lenten opportunity!
Sponsored by the SFX Adult Education Program
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Walking the Road Through Lent
Forgiveness: The Path to Healing
3p.m. Sunday afternoon,
March 15 in church
In 1993 when her children were 4, 2,
and 4 months old, Andrea Hug’s husband Chris was hit by an intoxicated
driver while riding his bicycle. Chris died shortly after
the collision; the driver of the car was not injured. For
Andrea, forgiveness was the only way through the grief
and trauma. Fifteen years later when her daughter
asked to meet the person who killed her daddy, Andrea needed more than the word ‘forgiveness’ to help
her children understand. She turned to the process of
Restorative Justice to help her family live with this reality. Andrea will share that story with us focusing on a 4
step process which led her family to healing and restoration.
Andrea Hug, LCPC, is Director of the Ministry of Care
here at SFX and has a Master’s degree in Pastoral
Counseling and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies
from Loyola University.
Lenten Book Discussion: A
Fresh Look at the Sacrament of
A Fresh Look at the Sacrament
of Reconciliation is a beautiful
little book that invites us to focus on our relationship with Jesus as a loving and a friendship
always being renewed. The
writing is helpful and clear.
The message is that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is not
about our sinfulness, but about
God’s abundant goodness and love. It is great Lenten
reading and lends itself to meaningful discussion.
Join us in the Providence Room Tuesday, March 10th
at 1:00 in the afternoon or 7:30 in the evening for conversation and questions relating to the book. Copies
of the book are available in the parish office for $5.
Join us or choose to read the book on your own! Stop
by the parish office and check it out.
Wednesday, April 1
7:00pm in Church
The word ‘tenebrae’ is Latin for shadows. The
purpose of the Tenebrae service is to recreate the
emotional aspects of the passion story, so this is
not supposed to be a happy service, because the
occasion is not happy. If your expectation of
Christian worship is that it should always be happy and exhilarating, you won’t appreciate this service until the second time you attend it.
The service was originally designed for Good Friday, but it can be used for Maundy Thursday as
well. Both services have long scripture narratives,
which for this service are divided into seven,
eight, or nine parts, each one assigned to a different reader.
The service may include other parts, such as solemn hymns, a sermon, and Communion, but the
core of the Tenebrae service works like this: It
starts out with the church in candlelight. There are
as many candles as there are readings, plus a
white Christ candle. The readers go up one at a
time, read their assigned selections, and extinguish one of the candles, until only the Christ candle remains. Then someone reads the first part of
Psalm 22, which Jesus quoted on the cross. Then
the Christ candle is put out, leaving the congregation in near total darkness—and near total devastation. At this point, the service ends. There is no
benediction and the people leave in silence. (The
lights are turned up but remain dim so that people
can see their way out.)
The purpose of the service is to recreate the betrayal, abandonment, and agony of the events,
and it is left unfinished, because the story isn’t
over until Easter Day.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
PREP 8th Graders Faye Blackburn,
Kathleen Noren and Kate Simons braved
the snow to collect food donations for St.
Thank you to everyone who supported the
PREP program's Soup-er Bowl Sunday
food drive! Due to your generosity, we were
able to send over 300 pounds of
much-needed food to the St. Thomas Food
Congratulations to our RCIA Candidates! Despite the
stormy winter weather last Sunday, all three of our RCIA
candidates, their sponsors, families and friends were at
the 11:30 Mass to celebrate the Rite of Acceptance. Judy Ostrem, James Johnson and Margie Bennett have
been involved in the RCIA process since September.
The Rite of Acceptance is the part of the journey that
publicly welcomes these folks to the community and offers support, prayers and acknowledgement. They are
witnesses to the power of conversion and the Holy
Spirit’s action in our lives. They help us renew our own
faith. And for the first time they publicly come forward
and let all of us know of their decision to move ahead
with their initial discernment.
On March 22nd our candidates will be welcomed at Holy
Name Cathedral by Archbishop Cupich with hundreds of
others from our Archdiocese who are also seeking initiation and full communion with the Catholic Church. At the
Easter Vigil they will profess their faith in the Catholic
Church and receive the sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist. Let us pray for them and allow them to be examples to us of the grace of God. Wind nor rain nor
snow diminishes the wonder and awe of God!
Kieran Lyons
Renew Your Heart:
Lenten Conversations
with Women of the Gospel
Join the Benedictine Sisters of
Chicago at St. Scholastica Monastery for this special Lenten series.
Over four days this Lent, we will
turn to the women of the Gospel.
We’ll hear their stories and share
our own. These biblical women—
like those of us today—faced hardship, joy, sorrow, and surprise.
They also knew Jesus and you
can, too. Join us for one or all the
events: Saturday, February 21, (13pm), Tuesday, March 3 (7:159pm), Saturday, March 14 (13pm), Tuesday, March 24 (7:159pm). St. Joseph Chapel at St.
Scholastica Monastery, 7430 N.
Ridge Blvd, Chicago. For details,
visit osbchicago.org/programs.htm
or call 773.764.2413 x230.
Call Jim Daly, Head Usher, 847-251-3837
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
If your loved one is no longer in
the service, please let the parish
office know so that we can update our list of military personnel.
Jason Harlan - Grandson of Joe Ficek
Rev. John Barkemeyer - Son of Hank & Germaine
Brian Walsh-Nephew of Peg McIntyre
Jesse Goutier-Cousin of Chris, Michael & Laura Farina
Shane Lawson-Cousin of Kari Clarke
Brian Krupp-Cousin of Jim Krupp
Scott Horst-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Koop
Tracy Hanson-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Krupp
Stephen Thale-Grandson of Jim & Frances Thale
K Anniston-Grand-Nephew of Nancy Graham
Lt. Cmndr. Andrew A. Nelson (USN/USMC)-Son of
David Nelson
Conor Proteau-son of Deidre & Greg Proteau
David Lore Mayo-Friend of Carpenter Family
John Smeeton-Son of Andrea & Jack Sweeten
Richard Linehan-Son of Richard & Elaine Linehan
Jonathan O’Dell-Great-grandson of Marion & Mike
John Wesley Hobbs-nephew of the Weschler’s
Jeff Groom-nephew of Louise Sanborn
PFC Joseph Devroy-grandson of Marlene Devroy
Jake Kreigbaum-friend of Millers
Sgt. Daniel Koch-brother of Laura Koch
Family & Friends of Bob & Jean Quinn
James Harrison—great grandson of Thea & Vito Vitale
Luke Stensberg—friend of the Revords
Lt. Peter Finley Adams USMC—grandson of Diana
Art Knurenko—friend of Watson Family
Brandon Galgay-friend of the Matt Revord family
Tom Smith—nephew of John & Mary Smith
John Robbins—nephew of John & Mary Smith
Spc. James Kerls—son of Bob & Karen Kerls
Lt. Michael Scott (USN)-nephew of the Scott family
Will McCarthy USMC-son of Kathy & Mike McCarthy
James Earp USN-family of Anita O’Neill
Romario Meza, USA,-grandson of Mike & Kathy Bliss
Do you have a family member or friend in the Military (stateside or overseas)? Call the Parish Office
and we will put their name on our prayer list .
When your Armed Services member returns to civilian life, please let us know so that we can remove his or her name from our list.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Speaking of Liturgy
In today’s gospel Jesus moved away
from the personal adulation He was receiving from the
crowds and went to preach in places that He had not
been able to talk yet. Popularity is a subtle distraction.
He may call followers, but He does not court fans.
Spiritual teaching in Jack Shea’s book,
Eating with the Bridegroom, points out that while cures
aim at returning our bodies to what they were in the past,
healing uses what is present to move us more deeply to
“soul awareness”. For Simon’s mother-in-law, the indication is that both cure and healing occurred. Fever laid
her low, and when Jesus took her hand, His touch became a transfusion; His life flowing into hers. In loving
the person at the hidden center of the sickness, Jesus
lifts her up. The fever leaves and service begins. God’s
service to her becomes her service to others. Service is
not menial, it is the hallmark of the new humanity that
Jesus is preaching.
Looking for Mother of Sorrows Catholic High School,
Blue Island, Illinois, class of 1965 graduates for the
50th class reunion, to be held on October 10, 2015.
Contact: Barbara Cheval Gregory Phone: (217) 257
-9158, e-mail: bgcheval@adams.net
Schedule of Events For the Week
Sunday, February 8
9a Confirmation Retreat
Monday, February 9
7:30p Parish Council
Tuesday, February 10
7p MOMS Ministry
7p Faith Alive
Wednesday, February 11
7p Choir Practice
7p MOC
Thursday, February 12
1p Bible Study
Friday, February 13
8:30p Emotions Anonymous
Saturday, February 14
9:00a WORD
9a MOC
Sunday, February 15
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Grief Support Group
Losing someone you love is very painful and there are so many different responses to loss. The emotional suffering feels intense and overwhelming at times; Causes anger, depression or confusion at other
times. For many, the roller coaster of feelings is important to share
with others.
Please join us as we share the grief journey beginning on February 19
and running for 6 consecutive weeks:
February 26
March 5
March 12
March 19
March 26
Reservations are required and meetings will be closed after the first meeting to run a
cohesive and confidential group for the duration of the series.
Grief Support Group meetings are held in the Parish Office
at the corner of Greenleaf and 9th St. 7:00—8:30PM
All are welcome but reservations are required. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information or to register for the support group, please contact:
Julie Berggren at 847.256.0873 or Andrea Hug 847-256-2273
or email at: sfxbereavement@gmail.com
Stewardship Report
Sunday February 1, 2015
Collected at Church
Thank you for supporting your
The Second Collection today will be for
the Annual Catholic Appeal.
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
The St. Francis Book Club
"The Shoemaker's Wife" by Adriana Trigiani
February 17 2015 at 9:30 A.M.
Mallinckrodt Community Center
Geri O'Keefe
Blanca Dabrowski and Nancy McGowan
The majestic and haunting beauty of the Italian Alps is the setting of the first
meeting of Enza, a practical beauty, and Ciro, a strapping mountain boy, who
meet as teenagers, despite growing up in villages just a few miles apart. At the
turn of the last century, when Caro catches the local priest in a scandal, he is
banished from his village and sent to hide in America as an apprentice to a shoemaker in Little Italy. Without explanation, he leaves a bereft Enza behind. Soon,
Enza's family faces disaster and she, too, is forced to go to America with her father to secure their future.
Unbeknownst to one another, they both build fledgling lives in America, Ciro masters shoemaking and Enza
takes a factory job in Hoboken until fate intervenes and reunites them. But it is too late: Ciro has volunteered
to serve in World War I and Enza, determined to forge a life without him, begins her impressive career as a
seamstress at the Metropolitan Opera House that will sweep her into the glamorous salons of Manhattan
and into the life of the international singing sensation, Enrico Caruso.
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Needed at St. Thomas
Warm winter coats, hats, gloves,
adults & children.
Dry Goods
Mac Cheese
Ramen Noodles
Powdered Milk
Diapers Sizes
3, 4 & 5
St. Thomas
Canned Goods
Canned Meats
Green Beans
Peanut Butter
If you don’t have time to shop, we can shop for
you. Make a check out to St. Thomas of Canterbury and put Food Pantry in the memo line.
Thank you!
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Important information regarding communion visits and
pastoral care of the sick for the homebound and hospitalized.
Please read carefully.
Your spiritual needs are very important to the staff at
St. Francis. To insure that you received the desired spiritual care if
you are hospitalized or homebound with illness, please assist us by
providing us with the following.
If you would like anointing prior to a scheduled surgery,
please call the parish office to schedule an anointing with a priest.
You may also receive anointing at the hospital when there is an
When you are admitted to the hospital it is critical that you
or a loved one identifies your religious affiliation, your parish name
and your desire for pastoral care and communion visits.
The patient may also call the Ministry of Care line to
request communion at the hospital. A minister of care will make
sure the hospital is informed of this request.
Trained ministers of Care are available to bring
communion to our parish sick and homebound. Ministers also visit
local assisted living and nursing care homes. To schedule a visit,
please call the Ministry of Care line at: 847 256-2273 press 0 and a
Minister of Care will return your call.
H.O.P.E. Helping Other Parishioners Enthusiastically
H.O.P.E. is an outreach ministry at St. Francis Xavier
Parish with the goal of providing assistance to parishioners in need of support such as:
transportation to and from doctor's appointments,
church, grocery store and parish activities
preparation of meals and delivery of meals due to illness, hospitalization, new birth, death of a family member or any other crisis situation assistance with household tasks that do not require professional help
such as moving boxes or hanging pictures.
If you need assistance, please contact the Parish Office
at (847) 256-4250. If you would like to volunteer to assist a fellow parishioner, please email the HOPE Committee at sfx.hope@gmail.com.
Ministry of Care Visits Sunday, February 15
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to helping the
poor and others who have come upon difficult times. As Vincentians, we serve those in need through one-on-one counseling, as well as providing financial and other help to those who
have fallen on hard times. If you or someone you know wishes
to meet with us, please contact the parish office at 847-2564250 and ask for extension 44 and leave a short message. We
will respond as soon as possible. All Inquiries will be treated in
the strictest of confidence.
The St. Francis Xavier Parish Peace & Justice Ministry has a new
website! Visit www.sfxpeaceandjustice.org for information regarding
current peace & justice events, resources and links to other organizations.
After 8:00 Mass
After 9:30 Mass
M. Cordell**
P Martin
J. Berggren +
D. Froelich
S. Gordon
J. Avery
M. Buckingham
C. Burgeson
C. Porter +
T. Rosean
A. Waltman
Mather Home
A. Hrabe 10am
Mather Pavillion
B. Weir
Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Schedule — February 15
5:00 pm
Dolores Maatman
Mary Charles
Ron Charles
Christie Vanderbosch
Peggy Elliott
Mike Carroll
Dani Forelich
Dani Froelich
Jenny Schade
8:00 am
Carol DeSmul
Eileen Sulliivan
Jerry Lenz
Marty/Monique Watts
Bill Kelly
Nancy Lou Kelly
Linda McGuire
Bob Kerls
Karen Kerls
Jeanie Egmon
Carol Stutz
Greg Hadley
Kathy Sasso
Marjorie Sasso
Gail Montenegro
Elio Montenegro
Anne Brennan
Lisa Hirschle
11:30 noon
Carmel Cowan
Jerry Sweas
Ted Buenger
Bette Vitale
Bozenna Haszlakiewicz Kay Malm
Abigail Foerstner
Richard Pope
Katherine Buehler
Patty Jane Pelton
Jack Revord
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
CHURCH: 9th Street and Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091
SCHOOL: 808 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091
SCHOOL WEB: sfx-school.org
PARISH OFFICE: 524 9th Street, Wilmette, IL 60091
PARISH WEBSITE: www.sfxparish.org
EMAIL: sfxparish@comcast.net
Parish Offices: 847-256-4250
Parish Fax: 847-256-4254
Parish School: 847-256-0644
Ministry of Care:
Pastoral & Support STAFF
Rev. William J. Sheridan, Pastor
Rev. Edward F. Harne , Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Richard J. Jakubik, Resident
Robert & Karen Kerls, Deacon Couple
Dr. Pa y Jane Pelton, Pastoral Associate
Sr. Mary Ann Casey, OP, Director, PREP Program
Mary Therese Laird, Youth Minister (ACTION)
Andrea Hug, Director, Ministry of Care
Kieran Lyons, Director of Faith Forma on
Colleen Barre , School Principal
Jo Ebert, Director of Music
Judy Krugman, Vito Vitale, Organists
Director of Children’s Choir
Sheldon Moore, Business Manager
Marge Kaup, School Business Office Manager
Marilyn Smith, Parish Secretary
Sara Crome, Secretary
Dani Froelich, Administra ve Assistant PREP Program
Darek Bukowski, Maintenance
Tadeusz Odbierzychleb, Maintenance
Mary Clare Belton, Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council
Ray Gass, Sara Crome, Sharing Parish-Chicago
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Jeff Later, Betsy Later, Sharing Parish-Hai
Immaculee Concep on
Parish Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm
Friday 9:00am-7:30pm
Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm
Sunday- Closed
A er Hours Emergency Assistance:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
For assistance call 847-256-4250 Ex. 44
BAPTISM: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements
and to register for a preparation session.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays after the 8:15 Mass.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Should be arranged at least four months in advance.
Call the Parish for details.
PARISH REGISTRATION: Registration Forms available in vestibule of Church, at the Parish Office or
from our Website.
Church name & address
St. Francis Xavier # 000145
524 9th St.
Wilmette, IL 60091
Contact person: Marilyn Smith
Software: Win 7m MSPub 2003, Adobe Acrobat X
Number of pages transmitted: )(6-8-JL; 2 ad pages)
Day & time of transmission: Wednesday am