La Prensa
La Prensa
TOLEDO SALES: 419-242-7744 CLEVELAND • LORAIN Since 1989. FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m Margaret W. Wong & Associates TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS Attorneys at Law Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email Feb./febrero 28, 2014 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 54, No. 26 FESTIVITIES AT THE LIBRARIES, page 12 Tending to all your immigration needs, Margaret W Wong & Assoc. has 60 years of combined experience in immigration law. We assist clients with all types of work visas, green cards, J-1 waivers, I-601A, labor certifications, deportation cases, asylum, motion to reopen, circuit court appeals, and many others. Our firm has offices in Cleveland, OH; Columbus, OH; New York, NY; Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA; and Nashville, TN. We have assisted clients within the state of Ohio, throughout the rest of the USA, and internationally. Contact us today to get our experience and compassion on your side. Se Habla Español (216) 566-9908 Cleveland Office: 3150 ChesterAve, Cleveland, OH 44114 Phone: (216) 566-9908 Fax: (216) 566-1125 Columbus Office: By Appointment Only 470 Olde Worthington Rd., Suite 200 Phone: (614) 221-8892 Fax: (614) 410-6899 Charmaine Rozario Join us for a one-of-a-kind workshop that combines innovative thinking on: Workplace Diversity, Inclusion, and Immigration Reform strategies. Workplace inclusion & immigration sponsorship have largely been separate conversations. The facilitators, Richard Herman, Todd Q. Adams, and Charmaine Rozario, challenge the participants to think holistically and integrate the issues of talent attraction, diversity, and immigration sponsorship into ONE strategy and ONE goal. Building the Smartest Company on the Planet! The world is changing. Fast! Make your reservation now! Workshop is free! Monday, March 3, 2014, 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm @ Embassy Suites Cleveland Rockside Hotel 5800 Rockside Woods Blvd. Independence, Ohio 44131 Preguntas/Questions? Call the Herman Legal Group, at (216) 696-6170. Workshop presented by Visibility Marketing, Inc. & Herman Legal Group, LLC. For details, go to EVENTBRITE via: http:// Happy Hour after the workshop (cash bar). About Margaret W Wong: • Author The Immigrant’s Way • U.S. News and World Report Best Law Firm • Law Professor of Case Western Reserve University • Ohio Leading Lawyer • 2012 Ohio Asian Legend Atlanta Office: 5425 Peachtree Parkway Norcross, GA 30092 Phone: (678) 906-4061 Chicago Office: 2002 S. Wentworth Ave., Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60616 Phone: (312) 463-1899 New York Office: 139 Centre Street, PH112, NewYork, NY10013 Phone: (212) 226-7011 Fax: (212) 226-7807 Nashville Office: By Appointment Only 301 S. Perimeter Park Dr., Suite 100, Nashville, TN 37211 Phone: (615) 833-2206 ADVERTISE IN LA PRENSA Call Today! (419) 870-6565 ABOGADO X Lesionado por Trabajo y Construcción X Lesiones Serias y fatales X Social Security Disability/SSI X Accidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión X Negligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia La consulta es GRATIS! Hablamos Español! (800) 309-7404 Visit us on Facebook at: La Prensa Página 2 Arizona: Aprueban ley que perjudicaría a gays Por BOB CHRISTIE, Associated Press PHOENIX, Arizona, 20 religiosa, no discriminar. de feb. de 2014 (AP): La Durante los debates citaron legislatura de Arizona frecuentemente el caso de aprobó el jueves una ley un fotógrafo de Nuevo que permite a los dueños México que fue demandado de negocios argumentar por negarse a tomar fotos de boda entre sus creencias religiosas una para negar servicio a gays homosexuales, y dijeron y otras personas, lo que que Arizona necesita leyes generó una reacción para proteger a los residentes airada de los demócratas del estado de acciones de que consideraron la mano dura de las cortes y las propuesta como agencias del orden. La propuesta motivó un “discriminación aprobada por el estado” y acalorado debate en la Cámara de Representantes, una vergüenza. La votación de 33-27 en la que se tocaron temas envía la medida ahora como la libertad religiosa, la a la gobernadora protección constitucional y republicana Jan Brewer y los derechos cívicos. Los opositores coloca de nuevo a Arizona a la vanguardia de mencionaron situaciones una legislación contro- hipotéticas en las que gays versial cuatro años en Arizona podrían sufrir después que el estado negativa de servicio en un promulgó una ley de con- restaurante o de tratamiento trol de la inmigración que médico si un dueño de causó furor en todo el negocio tiene objeciones religiosas hacia la país. Un Propuestas similares homosexualidad. de protección en base a legislador mostró un cartel las creencias religiosas que decía “No se permiten han sido presentadas en gays”, lo que le causó una Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, reprimenda por violar las Dakota del Sur, Tennes- reglas de la cámara baja. La propuesta tiene el see y Oklahoma, pero el plan de Arizona ha sido respaldo del Centro para Políticas de Arizona, un el único aprobado. Los republicanos grupo conservador que se dijeron que el objetivo opone al aborto y a los de la propuesta es matrimonios gay. El grupo proteger la libertad dijo que la medida es necesaria para proteger contra tribunales federales cada vez más activistas y que simplemente clarifica leyes estatales existentes. “Vemos una creciente hostilidad hacia la religión”, Josh Kredit, asesor jurídico del grupo. Todos los republicanos de la cámara baja, a excepción de tres, respaldaron la propuesta. El Senado la aprobó la víspera por 17 sufragios a favor y 13 en contra, de acuerdo con las líneas partidistas. Brewer no comenta sobre legislación pendiente, pero el año pasado vetó una propuesta similar. Ese paso, no obstante, se produjo durante un enfrentamiento político no relacionado, y no estaba claro si va a apoyar o rechazar este nuevo plan. Los votantes de Arizona aprobaron una prohibición de los matrimonios homosexuales como enmienda constitucional estatal en el 2008. Es uno de 29 estados con prohibiciones similares. Jueces federales han anulado recientemente esas prohibiciones en Utah, Oklahoma y Virginia, pero esas decisiones están bajo apelación. February 28, 2014 Religious freedom bill riles gay rights supporters By BOB CHRISTIE, Associated Press PHOENIX, Feb. 20, 2014 ity toward religion,” said Josh (AP): The Arizona Legisla- Kredit, legal counsel for the ture gave final approval Thurs- group. All but three Republicans day to legislation that allows business owners asserting in the House backed the bill their religious beliefs to refuse Thursday evening. The Senservice to gays and others, ate passed the bill a day earlier drawing backlash from Demo- on a straight party-line vote of crats who called the proposal 17-13. Brewer doesn’t comment “state-sanctioned discrimination” and an embarrassment. on pending legislation, but The 33-27 vote by the she vetoed a similar measure House sends the legislation to last year. That action, howRepublican Gov. Jan Brewer ever, came during an unreand puts Arizona back at the lated political standoff, and forefront of a polarizing piece it’s not clear whether she would of legislation four years after support or reject this plan. The legislation comes also the state enacted an immigration crackdown that caused a as an increasing number of conservative states grapple national furor. Similar religious protec- with ways to counter the intion legislation has been in- creasing legality of gay martroduced in Ohio, Mississippi, riage. Arizona’s voters approved Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Oklahoma, but a ban on same-sex marriage as Arizona’s plan is the only one a state constitutional amendment in 2008. It’s one of 29 that has passed. Republicans stressed states with such prohibitions, that the bill is about protect- according to the National ing religious freedom and Conference of State Legislanot discrimination. They tures. Federal judges have refrequently cited the case of cently struck down bans in a New Mexico photographer Utah, Oklahoma and Virginia, who was sued after refusing but those decisions are under to take wedding pictures of appeal. Republican Sen. Steve a gay couple and said Arizona needs a law to protect Yarbrough called his proposal people in the state from a First Amendment issue durheavy-handed actions by ing the Senate debate. “This bill is not about alcourts and law enforcement. The legislation prompted lowing discrimination,” a heated debate on the floor of Yarbrough said. “This bill is the House, touching on issues about preventing discriminasuch as the religious freedom, tion against people who are constitutional protections and clearly living out their faith.” Democrats say it is an outcivil rights. Opponents raised sce- right attack on the rights of narios in which gay people in gays and lesbians. “The heart of this bill would Arizona could be denied service at a restaurant or refused allow for discrimination vermedical treatment if a busi- sus gays and lesbians,” said ness owner thought homo- Sen. Steve Gallardo, D-Phoesexuality was not in accor- nix. “You can’t argue the fact dance with his religion. One that bill will invite discrimilawmaker held up a sign that read“NOGAYSALLOWED” in arguing what could happen if the law took effect, drawing a rebuke for violating House rules. The bill is backed by the Center for Arizona Policy, a social conservative group that opposes abortion and gay marriage. The group says the proposal is needed to protect against increasingly activist federal courts and simply clarifies existing state law. “We see a growing hostil- SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS MICHIGAN SCIENCE CENTER xäÓäÊ Ê,Ê-ÌÀiiÌÊUÊiÌÀÌ]ÊÊ{nÓäÓ ",/" \ÊΣΰxÇÇ°n{ää ÜÜÜ°-V°À} 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 nation. That’s the point of this bill. It is.” The bill is similar to a proposal last year brought by Yarbrough but vetoed by Brewer. That legislation also would have allowed people or religious groups to sue if they believed they might be subject to a government regulation that infringed on their religious rights. Yarbrough stripped a provision from the bill in hopes Brewer will embrace the new version. Civil liberties and secular groups countered that Yarbrough and the Center for Arizona Policy had sought to minimize concerns that last year’s bill had far-reaching and hidden implications. During the Senate debate Wednesday, Democrats said the bill could allow people to break nearly any law and cite religious freedom as a defense. Yarbrough called those worries “unrealistic and unsupported hypotheticals” and said criminal laws will continue to be prosecuted by the courts. Rep. Chad Campbell of Phoenix, the Democratic minority leader, said during debate that gays and lesbians across the country would get the message that they’re not welcome in Arizona. “We’re telling them, ‘We don’t like you. We don’t want you here. We’re not going to protect you,” he said. Senate President Andy Biggs, R-Gilbert, said the Democrats’ rhetoric was misplaced. “Sometimes people’s rhetoric tends to inflame instead of explain,” Biggs said. “And I would suggest if there is going to be a backlash because of 1062 ... it will because of the intemperate and inaccurate rhetoric.” LA PRENSA SALES: COLUMBUS 614-571-2051 • TOLEDO 419-870-6565 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 Febrero 28, 2014 La Prensa Page 3 Oposición de Venezuela denuncia brutal represión Inmigrantes combaten deportación con éxito Por BEN FOX y JOSHUA GOODMAN, Associated Press CARACAS,Venezuela,20de “Si eso no es un sistema feb. de 2014 (AP): Líderes de la totalitario, entonces que nos oposición venezolana expliquen qué pasa en el país”, condenaron al gobierno el jueves dijo Smolansky. “¿De qué vale por su intento de reprimir al tener elecciones si aquí no se movimiento de protesta usando garantizan los derechos humanos, mano dura al ordenar operativos no hay separación de los poderes nocturnos que han convertido a públicos. La democracia no se muchos lugares del país en zonas limita a elecciones, eso es un peligrosas. concepto muy cobarde, Nicolás La policía, soldados de la Maduro”. Guardia Nacional y miembros de El presidente Nicolás Maduro los llamados colectivos y sus seguidores, por su parte, pululaban por las calles de la dicen que las crecientes protestas capital y de otras ciudades donde en contra su gobierno socialista disparaban indiscriminadamente en este rico país petrolero que salvas, en espasmos de violencia afronta serias dificultades que se han repetido en las noches económicas, hacen parte de un de los últimos días. intento de golpe de estado Henrique Capriles, dos veces patrocinado por la derecha y los candidato a la presidencia por opositores “fascistas” que viven parte de una coalición opositora, en el país y el extranjero. En dijo que el gobierno ha reprimido particular ha culpado a Estados brutalmente las protestas al ir tras Unidos. estudiantes y otros manifestantes Maduro además se ha y, en algunos casos, irrumpir en comprometido a tomar medidas los apartamentos de ellos para enérgicas en contra las protestas, arrestarlos y acusarlos de sobre todo en el Táchira, estado participar en un intento de golpe fronterizo con Colombia al de estado. occidente del país, donde los “¿Quieren una guerra civil en disturbios ha sido particularmente nuestro país? ¿Cuántos muertos fuertes. o heridos más quieren? ¿Es que El Ministerio del Interior dijo acaso el gobierno puede obviar el jueves que enviará un batallón que en el país hay colas para de paracaidistas para restaurar el comprar comida y no se orden. consiguen las medicinas?”, se El anuncio se produjo horas preguntó Capriles en una rueda después de que un juez de prensa. dictaminara que hay suficiente David Smolansky, alcalde de evidencia para mantener preso al un distrito en Caracas y miembro líder opositor López, quien se del partido Voluntad Popular, entregó el martes a las autoridades, dijo que el arresto de su líder, en una escena con algo de Leopoldo López, y la agresiva espectacularidad, ante miles de persecución a la que han sido simpatizantes que lo vitoreaban, objeto otros dos miembros de la luego de ser acusado de provocar agrupación política por una de incendios e incitar a la violencia las olas más duras de la represión en una masiva marcha celebrada política en décadas en el país. el 12 de febrero, en momentos en Por ALICIA A. CALDWELL, Associated Press WASHINGTON, DC, 14 los jueces de inmigración han de feb. de 2014 (AP): fallado a favor de los Inmigrantes que esperan ser inmigrantes en cerca de la mitad deportados han tenido éxito de los 42.816 casos que han creciente en cortes de revisado, informó el organismo. inmigración de acuerdo con En 2013 el gobierno ganó el 52% de los casos. datos de la corte. Los inmigrantes han tenido Casi la mitad de los inmigrantes que esperan ser más éxitos en California, Nueva deportados ganó sus casos el y Oregon, mientras los jueces de año pasado de acuerdo con la Georgia, Luisiana y Utah han oficina de compensación de dado la razón al gobierno con registros de la Universidad más frecuencia, indica el análisis. “Las estrategias de aplicación Syracuse, que recopila y estudia registros de de la ley y las políticas están diseñadas para destinar la acusaciones federales. El gobierno pierde cada mayoría de sus recursos a la vez más casos de deportación seguridad pública, la seguridad nacional y las amenazas de desde 2009. El análisis dado a conocer seguridad en las fronteras”, dijo el jueves no indica cuántos la vocera de Inmigración y casos fueron apelados por los Aduanas Gillian Christensen. Los simpatizantes de la abogados de la Policía de Inmigración y Aduanas _que inmigración acusan al gobierno representan al gobierno en las de Barack Obama de deportar a cortes de inmigración_ y muchas personas aunque los obtuvieron éxito. El gobierno republicanos dicen que el puede apelar las decisiones presidente es muy indulgente con de la corte de inmigración ante las personas que viven en Estados la Junta de Apelaciones en la Unidos sin residencia legal. Casi materia, que depende del 2 millones de inmigrantes han sido expulsados por la agencia Departamento de Justicia. Desde que en octubre dedicada a esa materia desde que comenzó el año fiscal 2014 Obama tomó el poder. que la violencia estalló en buena parte del país. Los fiscales decidieron no formularles acusaciones más graves como homicidio y terrorismo en una audiencia a la que compareció López ante un juez en una base militar ubicada en las afueras de Caracas. López, de 42 años, podría enfrentar una pena de al menos diez años de prisión. La esposa del líder opositor, Lilian Tintori, envió un mensaje en la cuenta de Twitter de López, que tiene más de dos millones de seguidores, diciendo que tras una audiencia judicial fue “ratificada medida privativa d libertad. El cambio está en cada uno d (sic) nosotros. No se rindan. Yo no lo haré”. La afirmación de Tintori fue confirmada por un juzgado. En un discurso transmitido en cadena nacional, Maduro había sugerido que López permanecería en la cárcel y que iba a enfrentar cargos penales. “A gente como ésta, como Leopoldo López, que lamentablemente toma el camino de la violencia, del atajo... Va a responder” ante la justicia. “Yo dije ‘va a una cárcel (López)’ y así fue, y así lo haré con todos los fascistas”. “No acepto que se rete al pueblo de Venezuela, a la Constitución, al Estado y el que lo rete, tiene que ir allí, a la justicia”, agregó. Durante la noche del miércoles, los manifestantes en Caracas y otras ciudades del país incendiaron basura en las calles y lanzaron piedras a soldados de la Guardia Nacional, que a su vez les dispararon gases lacrimógenos, chorros de agua y balas de goma. Varios disparos se escucharon en el centro de Caracas mientras que Maduro hablaba en televisión y en momentos en que vídeos y fotos circulaban en redes sociales y mostraban a varias personas con heridas de gravedad y en estado de inconsciencia. Los detalles y condiciones que rodearon estas circunstancias no pudieron ser verificada independientemente. En la noche, el traqueteo de disparos se mezclaba con el rugido de enjambres de motocicletas, montadas por una mezcla de policías y tropas de la Guardia Nacional, así como de agrupaciones paramilitares progubernamentales conocidas como “colectivos”. En los vídeos que circulan por las redes sociales, se pueden ver a policías y a tropas de la Guardia Nacional que persiguen manifestantes en las calles y les disparan balas de goma. Los disparos competían en la noche con la algarabía de los ciudadanos que proferían insultos y golpeaban cacerolas desde los balcones de sus apartamentos en señal de protesta. No está claro qué ha llevado a los jueces a favorecer a un creciente número de inmigrantes para que permanezcan en Estados Unidos. Las leyes en la materia no han cambiado en los últimos años pero el gobierno sí ha modificado la forma en que las aplica. En 2011 el gobierno revisó cientos de miles de casos pendientes en las cortes de inmigración en un esfuerzo para reducir el rezago de 300.000 juicios que no se habían desahogado. Decenas de miles fueron descartados pero actualmente hay más de 360.000 pendientes. Kathleen Campbell Walker, abogada en la materia residente en El Paso, Texas, dijo que es muy pronto para saber qué significan los datos para la inmigración. “Las verdaderas implicaciones de estas cifras son turbias y la gente no debe llegar a conclusiones apresuradas”, dijo Walker. Alicia A. Caldwell está en Twitter: acaldwellap La oposición está planeando una oleada de marchas en el país el sábado para protestar por el encarcelamiento de López, la creciente delincuencia, la escasez de bienes y servicios básicos y la tasa de inflación de más del 50 por ciento, que ha hecho más difícil la vida para muchos de los casi 30 millones de habitantes que viven en Venezuela. La corresponsal de The Associated Press en Caracas, Fabiola Sánchez y el periodista Andrés Rosati contribuyeron a esta crónica. La Prensa—Michigan Página 4 LISD TECH Center’s Reverse Job Fair gives manufacturers sneak peek at future stars Manufacturers in and around Lenawee County will get a chance to meet future engineers, designers, machinists, welders, and other star future employees at the: LISD TECH Center’s Inaugural Reverse Job Fair Has been RESCHEDULED TO: Friday, March 7, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 1372 North Main Street, Adrian MI. The ‘reverse’ part of the job fair means that LISD TECH Center students will be behind tables with resumes and work samples showcasing their skills and abilities for employers. Anyone who makes hiring decisions at a manufacturing company is invited to move about the room to meet and talk with students about future employment. About 100 students from the LISD TECH Center’s Advanced Manufacturing, Alternative Energy & Robotics, Welding Technology, and Engineering, Design & CAD programs are taking part in the Reverse Job Fair. South Central Michigan Works!, Lenawee Now, the Jackson Area Manufacturing Association, and Siena Heights University have helped organize and promote the event. “We have some of the best and brightest young talent in Lenawee County at the LISD TECH Center, and the Reverse Job Fair will help showcase their potential,” said Principal Shelley Jusick. “Prospective employers will get a chance to develop relationships with students at various stages of readiness for the job market: some will be entering the job market in June, others are looking for after-school, weekend, or summer jobs, and still others will be heading for college after graduation.” Perspective employers, who pre-register on the LISD web site (, will have lunch and tours provided during the morning/afternoon shift change. The Reverse Job Fair is part of the LISD’s recognition of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. For more information, call 517-265-1769. Henry Ford Community College hosts note-taking workshop Feb. 26 Henry Ford Community College (HFCC) hosts a note-taking workshop as part its “Secrets to Academic Success” series on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014, from 5 to 6 p.m. in Rm. 121 of the Student Success Center (formerly called the Learning Resource Center) on the main campus. Dr. Brenda Hildreth, HFCC coordinator of Student Outreach and Support, will facilitate this work- shop. Not only will she cover several different ways to take notes, she will address key problems many students have when taking notes whether during a class lecture or doing research. “Good notes are the key to good grades,” said Hildreth Hildreth has facilitated this workshop for more than 10 years at HFCC. Prior to coming to HFCC, Hildreth was an instructor at the Wayne County Community College District (WC3) in Detroit. She also was a counselor at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield. Both positions allowed her to see how important it is that students master basic learning skills such as notetaking. This workshop is free and open to the public. If you plan to attend or need further information, please contact Hildreth at 313.845.9757. Happy Birthday MARY DIVETO February 28 TAQUER IA A. SALAZAR TAQUERIA La Chiquita MARKET Tienda Mexicana 944 East Beecher Street • Adrian, MI 517-215-2510 - Carry Out Available! Tamales Special Chicken $7.50 Pork $7.50 Beef $8.00 Masa Para TTamales amales *Ready Mix* $1.00 lb. *Plain* 60¢ lb. ¡ Y Má Máss ! Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm; Sunday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Productos mexicanos, carnicería, pan todos los días. Los fines de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria de chivo, tamales y mucho más. 136 E. Beecher St. Adrian, MI 49221 517- 264-5126 ACEPTAMOS CARDS. ENVIOS DE DINERO EN EEUU Y AL EXTRANJERO WE DO WHOLESALE WHOLESALE!! • Motors • Transmissions • Alternators • Starters PARTS GALORE • Radiators • Batteries • Tires • Glass SELF SERVICE Open 7 Days Used Auto & Truck Parts Best Prices OVER 2000 VEHICLES at EACH LOCATION BIG TRUCK SECTION AT OUR TELEGRAPH LOCATION 11360 EAST 8 MILE (313) 245-2944 14533 TELEGRAPH 48134 (313) 361-6764 5970 W. WARREN 48210 (313) 361-6700 ‘U-Pull’em & Save BIG $$$ SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 We make our own corn tortillas but provide all of your Mexican Food Products. Visit us on Facebook at: February 28, 2014 LA PRENSA SALES: COLUMBUS 614-571-2051 • TOLEDO 419-870-6565 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa—Ohio Febrero 28, 2014 Film Producer to speak at Heartbeat Annual Banquet March 26 Award-winning film producer Jason Jones will be the featured speaker at Heartbeat of Toledo’s annual fundraising banquet. The banquet is planned for Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 6 p.m. at Premier Banquet Hall, 4480 Heatherdowns in Toledo. Jones was co-executive producer of Bella, which received the People’s Choice Award at the 2006 Toronto Film Festival. In 2011, Jones co-produced, along with Pattie Mallette, better known as Justin Bieber’s mom, the short-film Crescendo. Crescendo won 11 international film festival honors including best short film. Crescendo tells the story of a young mother, abused, frightened, and in despair, who faces an impossible choice. Released just this past December was a new film, 40. 40 takes on the heated issue of abortion and looks at its impact on our nation over the last 40 years. Jones’ other filmography credits include The Stoning of Soraya M. which won both the NAACP Image Award in 2010 and the LA Film Festival Award in 2009, and Eyes to See in 2010. For reservation information or to make reservations, call Heartbeat at 419-241-9131. Pearson March Lecture Series to highlight local history Friends of Pearson Metropark will celebrate northwest Ohio history in this year’s March Lecture Series. A diverse assortment of experts will explore the heritage of the region each Sunday in March, 2014, at 2 p.m. in Macomber Lodge on Navarre Avenue. Coffee, tea and cookies will be served following the program. Admission is free. SCHEDULE: March 2 Richly Dressed and Handsomely Attired: Daily Life of our Earliest Residents, the American Indians, by Dr. Janet Rozick of Heidelberg University. March 9 Farming Pioneers: Early Settlers on the East Side, by Joanne Crandall, Joehlin Family historian, and Floyd Hagedorn, Oregon historian. March 16 Early Days of the East Side: From Villages to Townships to Cities, by Larry Michaels, local historian and author. Page 5 Jefferson Awards finalists named Fourteen individuals have been named finalists for the Toledo-Area Jefferson Awards, it was announced—They are Linda Bayer, Kristopher Brickman, Tom Dibling, Sally Goligoski, Viola Grzybowski, Cindy Kirk, Daniel LaValley, Marcy McMahon, Jay Mirrow, Toni Moore, Phyllis Morton, Martha Pituch, Stephen Taylor, and Jim Whiteman. “They have each been selected as a finalist for this award due to their outstanding service to the community,” said Joseph Zerbey IV, president and general manager of The Blade. “Their contributions have made our region a better place to live for so many March 23 Pearson And Progress: George Pearson’s Leadership in the Development of the East Side, by Mary Breymaier, author of George W. Pearson, A Modest Hero. Happy Birthday Mark Castillo March 30 Landmark Of Pride: The First Hundred Years of Waite High School, by Robert Clark, former East Side district leader for Toledo Public Schools. people. Now it’s time for us to honor them.” Jefferson Award Judges Florence Buchanan, Thomas Backoff, Judy Seibenick, Ford Weber, Gary Willoughby, and P. Roger Parker, Jr., made the selections from a field of 42 nominees. In 1972, The Jefferson Awards were founded by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Senator Robert Taft Jr., and Sam Beard. Their mission was to establish a nationally recognized award to honor outstanding individuals who are committed to public service. The 14 finalists will be honored at the annual Jefferson Awards Ceremony and Breakfast. At the ceremony, all 14 finalists will be honored, and the top four local winners announced. Happy Birthday Edna Aguilar March 1 The names and nomination packages of the four regional winners will be sent to the national selection committee. The American Institute of Public Service will select one nominee to attend The Jefferson Awards National Celebration of Service in Washington, D.C. The local Jefferson Awards Ceremony and Breakfast will take place Thursday, March 13, 2014 at The Premier Banquet Hall, 4480 Heatherdowns Blvd. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m., and breakfast will be served at 8 a.m. Tickets are available for $15 each, or $125 for a table of ten, and may be purchased online at jeffersonawards, or by calling 419-724-6074. Happy Birthday Malissa Vallestero March 1 Feb. 26 Happy Birthday Rodolfo Sánchez, Jr. Happy Birthday Sebastian (Sob Sob) Guerrero Happy Birthday Susanna Sánchez Feb. 27 Feb. 28 March 2 Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to for cost! 419-241-8284 La Prensa Page 6 Adiós a Simón Díaz empañado por cierre de calles Por JORGE RUEDA, Associated Press CARACAS, Venezuela, 20 en la red social de de feb. de 2014 (AP): Cientos microblogueo. de personas acudieron en los Díaz falleció el miércoles últimos dos días a ver los restos en su casa en Caracas luego de Simón Díaz, el más famoso de un largo padecimiento. y querido de los cantautores Tenía 85 años. venezolanos, que se mantiene El féretro, cubierto con una desde el miércoles en capilla bandera nacional, será retirado ardiente en un cementerio del en la tarde del viernes para este de Caracas. proceder con su sepultura. Pero sus familiares y amigos El cantante Servando estiman que como Primera _ del dúo venezolano consecuencia de las protestas Servando y Florentino_ y cierre de vías en Caracas son también pidió que despejen muchos más los que se han las calles de la capital y recordó visto impedidos de despedir al a opositores y oficialistas que cantautor de melodías como el su padre Alí Primera, un mundialmente conocido cantante, compositor y “Caballo Viejo”, que se ha activista político que militó traducido a 12 idiomas y se ha en el Partido Comunista de grabado en más de 350 Venezuela y luego en el versiones. centro-izquierdista El país actualmente Movimiento al Socialismo, enfrenta una difícil situación mantuvo con Díaz una cercana luego de más de una semana de relación de amistad y respeto protestas callejeras en Caracas pese a sus diferencias y otras ciudades del interior. ideológicas. “Soy afortunada de poder “Hermanos tienen derecho estar aquí porque vivo cerca a protestar, pero Simón Díaz del cementerio, pero mi mamá también ... tiene derecho a ser y dos hermanas que viven en despedido, despejen la vía al Horizonte (una urbanización cementerio del este”, escribió del noreste de Caracas) fueron Servando en Twitter. aterrorizadas toda la noche por “Simón Díaz no era motorizados armados, socialista, Alí Primera sí lo guardias nacionales fue, pero se amaban y disparando y guarimbas respetaban, porque su amor (barricadas) con cauchos patriota era mayor que su amor quemados y tienen miedo de político”, acotó en otro salir de la casa y luego no poder mensaje. regresar”, dijo Angela Ugüeto, “Canción mansa para un un ama de casa de 27 años. pueblo bravo” y “Mujer del Los cierres de vías, incluida Vietnam”, entre otras la principal autopista que canciones de corte enlaza el este y oeste de revolucionario de Alí Primera, Caracas, ha dificultado el se convirtieron en himnos para traslado de muchos a sus los militantes de grupos trabajos, escuelas y hogares. izquierdistas venezolanos y La hija del popular melómanos de distintos cantautor, Bettsimar Díaz, a estratos sociales. El músico través de su cuenta de Twitter, falleció en un accidente de se lamentó que probablemente tránsito en 1985. muchos de sus admiradores no En cuanto a la obra de alcanzarán a ver al Tío Simón, Simón Díaz, sus como le llaman cariñosamente composiciones, que evocaban varias generaciones de la más auténtica comunión venezolanos tras un exitoso entre el hombre y la naturaleza, programa infantil de televisión. fueron difundidas por artistas “En nombre de todos lo que que incluyen a Julio Iglesias, están queriendo llegar al Caetano Veloso, Plácido Cementerio del Este a despedir Domingo, Mercedes Sosa, a Tío Simón, pido abran el Celia Cruz, Rubén Blades y paso. Gracias”, escribió la hija Richard Claydermann. February 28, 2014 OBITUARIES ANTONIO FLORES Su voz por décadas mantuvo vivo el canto a las faenas de ordeño y el arreo de ganado, que parecía condenado a la extinción por el desarrollo tecnológico y la interminable migración del campesino a la ciudad. Su obra profundamente provinciana, se extendió a todo el mundo, a los más variados géneros musicales, a todos los tiempos. Gipsy Kings, un grupo flamenco del sur de Francia, tuvo su mayor éxito con “Caballo Viejo (Bamboleo)”. El tema original de Díaz, de acuerdo a registros de la industria discográfica, ha sido traducido a 12 idiomas y se ha grabado en más de 350 versiones, lo que la coloca entre las 20 canciones más grabadas en la historia de la música. En el 2008, por una iniciativa de sus admiradores, Díaz recibió el premio del Consejo Directivo de la Academia Latina de la Grabación, que otorga el Latin Grammy. Un grupo llamado Venezolanos en Hollywood, conformado en 2007 por cineastas, productores, actores, técnicos, camarógrafos, maquilladores, lanzó una campaña de recolección de firmas a través de Facebook y consiguieron que lo distinguieran en la víspera del Grammy Latino. Nacido el 9 de agosto de 1928 en el poblado agrícola de Barbacoas, a unos 110 kilómetros al sur de Caracas, Díaz compuso más de 200 canciones y grabó 70 álbumes, el primero de ellos en 1963. Varios los hizo con otro inmortal y curiosamente poco conocido músico venezolano, Hugo Blanco, autor de “Moliendo café”. Además de cantante y compositor, fue actor, comediante y productor de radio y televisión. Antonio “Tony” Flores, age 89, passed away at home on Sunday February 17, 2014. He was born to Candelerio Flores and Balbina Peña on April 13, 1924, in Robstown, TX. He was the loving brother of 5 siblings. Tony served with pride as a World War II veteran. After 20 years, he retired from the Ford Stamping plant in Monroe, MI. He was a member of Latins United/Latinos Unidos social club and loved to be with family and friends. Antonio is survived by two brothers, one daughter, 5 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, 8 great-great- grandchildren and many other family and friends. He is preceded in death by his loving wife, Lupe Flores, his parents, and three sisters. JUAN D. GONZÁLEZ Juan D. “Mingo” González, age 63, of Land O’ Lakes, FL, passed away Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Mingo was born in Lares, Puerto Rico and moved to Florida from Lorain, Ohio in 2005. He retired from the City of Lorain. Mingo was a family man who had a strong work ethic. He enjoyed working around the house, gardening, and he took pride in maintaining his home and vehicle. He is survived by his significant other Gladys and his children; Juan Jr. (Iris), Efrain (Santina), Elizabeth (Eric), Step-Children; Hector (Janet), Leticia (Jeffery), and three grandchildren. End of the Line: Final Collingwood Arts Center Residents Show Saturday, Feb. 22, 2014, 7PM-11PM The Collingwood Arts Center’s last residential art show, featuring unique visual artists, live musical performances and spoken word performances. Please help the residents of the Collingwood Arts Center raise funds to facilitate their relocation. As you may have heard, the Collingwood Arts Center has discontinued their residency program due to significant infrastructure issues. This decision has resulted in the 28 resident artists being forced to find new homes in only 30 days. We will have art work for sale and auction, live performers and more in our community’s last art show. For more information, stay tuned and RSVP on Facebook or contact Boyd Hambleton at 567-454-0922, 2413 Collingwood Ave., Toledo. Visit us on Facebook at: La Febrero 28, 2014 Mexicano Vergara vende a Chivas USA NUEVA YORK, 20 de feb. de 2014 (AP): El empresario mexicano Jorge Vergara vendió el equipo Chivas USA a la Major League Soccer (MLS), que el jueves anunció oficialmente la transacción. Vergara fue parte del grupo original de inversionistas que compró un equipo de expansión, el cual comenzó a jugar en 2005, y él junto con su esposa Angélica Fuentes se convirtieron en dueños únicos del club en 2012. Vergara es también el dueño de las Chivas de Guadalajara de la liga de fútbol mexicana. “Agradecemos a Jorge Vergara y Angélica Fuentes por su compromiso con la Major League Soccer”, dijo el Comisionado de la MLS, Don Garber. “Jorge fue de los primeros en creer en la liga. Juntos acordamos que es mejor vender el club a nuevos dueños”. No se revelaron los términos económicos del acuerdo. La MLS informó que en los próximos días nombrará a un nuevo presidente para asumir el puesto y confirmó que el entrenador, Wilmer Cabrera, quien se unió al club el 9 de enero, continuará en su posición. Se informó que la MLS planea vender al equipo a un nuevo grupo que se comprometerá a construir un estadio y a mantener al equipo en Los Ángeles, California. El club seguirá usando el mote de Chivas USA en la temporada 2014 y el próximo año será rebautizado por los nuevos dueños. Vergara es dueño de los derechos de marca y uso del nombre Chivas, pero aceptó que la MLS lo siga usando durante la transición. “Exploramos oportunidades de vender a otros grupos, pero creemos que vender la franquicia a la MLS en forma acelerada es de beneficio para todos involucrados, incluyendo los jugadores y la fiel afición del club”, dijo Vergara. “Resultó ser una transacción eficiente y beneficiosa para todos involucrados”. Vergara había sido duramente criticado por el pobre desempeño de Chivas USA, que la temporada pasada tuvo el segundo peor récord de la liga con seis ganados, 20 perdidos y ocho empates, además que tenían la peor asistencia de la MLS con un promedio de 8.366 aficionados por encuentro. Desde que asumieron el control total en 2012, Vergara y Fuentes también fueron acusados de actos discriminatorios. Dos entrenadores de sus filiares, Daniel Calichman y Theothoros Chronopoulos, presentaron demandas por discriminación en mayo pasado en la Corte Superior de Justicia de Los Ángeles, afirmando que fueron despedidos por no ser mexicanos ni de origen hispano. Chivas USA arranca la temporada 2014 de la MLS el 9 de marzo cuando recibe al Chicago Fire. Venezuela presente en Premio Lo Nuestro Por GISELA SALOMON, Associated Press Royce, en tanto, obtuvo MIAMI, 20 de feb. del 2014 (AP): Prince Royce se también los reconocimientos consagró el jueves como a artista masculino tropical y tropical artista Premio Lo Nuestro del artista año y Marc Anthony cosechó contemporáneo del año. Marco Antonio Solís cuatro galardones, entre ellos el de artista tropical. Pero la triunfó como mejor artista pop principal protagonista de la masculino, América Sierra noche fue Venezuela, y una como mejor solista o grupo lluvia de artistas aprovechó revelación y Pitbull como para desearle paz y enviarle mejor artista urbano. Marc Anthony dijo que apoyo al pueblo de esa nación quería aprovechar para suramericana. El dúo venezolano Chino reconocer a sus “hermanos y Nacho triunfó como mejor venezolanos”: “No están sogrupo de música tropical, pero los, fuerza mi gente. Que Dios lejos de festejar pidió “respeto me los bendiga”, dijo el astro a la vida” en su país, poco puertorriqueño. después que los presentadores “El común denominador Chiquinquirá Delgado, es que estamos uniéndonos también venezolana, y Pedro todos los que tenemos el Moreno sacaron la bandera micrófono para apoyar a Ventricolor y dijeron: “Venezuela ezuela”, expresó por su parte no estás sola, estamos el mexicano Solís al recibir su contigo”. estatuilla; mientras que Oscar “Es muy difícil sonreír ... D’León pidió “Felicidad, paz pero es momento de que para mi Venezuela” mientras alcemos la voz por un país cerraba el espectáculo junto a donde se perdió el respeto a la los Gigantes de la Salsa. vida, por un país donde el La ceremonia comenzó con fanatismo a las ideas un número del puertorriqueño dividieron al pueblo”, Victor Manuelle, que estrenó manifestó Chino al recibir el su nuevo tema “Mi salsa alegra la fiesta”, especialmente galardón. “Viva Venezuela libre de creado para Premio Lo Nuestro violencia”, expresó Nacho, a y dedicado a Venezuela, su lado, mientras el público mientras el público lo aplaudía coreaba “Venezuela, Venezu- de pie. Le siguió el español ela”. Además de obtener el Enrique Iglesias, que también premio de artista tropical, Marc presentó por primera vez dos Anthony logró el de disco del sencillos de su próximo disco año, canción del año y artista “Sex+Love”, a la venta el 18 tropical del año, de marzo. En la tarima se le convirtiéndose en el máximo unieron el mexicano Marco Antonio Solís y luego el ganador de la noche. El cantautor mexicano cubano-estadounidense Gerardo Ortiz, la difunta Jenni Pitbull, para interpretar con él Rivera y el príncipe de la “El perdedor” y “Freak”, bachata, Prince Royce, respectivamente. En la sala de prensa, tras su lograron tres premios cada uno. Rivera, quien falleció en actuación, Enrique Iglesias un accidente aéreo en también se refirió a Venezudiciembre del 2012, ganó en ela, donde dijo tener muchos los rubros de artista femenina amigos. “A toda la gente de Venpop, artista femenina regional mexicana y canción pop del ezuela, sobre todo mucha paz. año, por “Detrás de mi Lo que está pasando en Venezuela es catastrófico”, ventana”. “Doy muchas gracias a Dios manifestó el artista español y porque a pesar de que la tiene de inmediato accedió a sujetar allá, ella sigue siendo entre sus manos la bandera de victoriosa en la tierra”, dijo su la nación Caribeña para una madre de Rivera, Rosa foto, a pedido de una Saavedra, al aceptar los periodista. El espectáculo, televisado galardones junto a Chiqui, una de las hijas de la Diva de la en vivo por Univision, tuvo lugar en un escenario estilo art Banda. deco, repleto de luces de neón multicolores y pantallas gigantes, que se transformaba permanentemente para parecer diferente en cada número musical. A los cuatro galardones de Marc Anthony se sumó otro más: el Premio a la Excelencia, en reconocimiento de su notable trayectoria como uno de los artistas más exitosos la música latina y estrella crossover con éxitos en inglés. El salsero neoyorquino de origen puertorriqueño, que ha vendido más de 12 millones de discos a nivel mundial, recibió su primer Premio Lo Nuestro en 1994 y desde entonces ha obtenido 22, incluidos los del jueves. Así, se ha convertido en el solista masculino con más de estos galardones. Antes de recibir el premio especial de manos de Pitbull, Marc Anthony cantó su éxito “Tu amor me hace bien” y dos canciones más recientes, “Cambio de piel” y la galardonada “Vivir mi vida”. En la gala también se celebraron los 25 años de carrera artística de la rockera mexicana Alejandra Guzmán. Después de un video que resumió sus logros, la cantante presentó su éxito “Mi peor error” en un escenario que simulaba ser una sala congelada, cuyas ventanas virtuales mostraban un día gris de invierno en plena nevada. Desde el comienzo, Venezuela estuvo en boca de los artistas. “Quiero que recemos por la paz en Venezuela”, expresó el presentador de la gala, el galán cubano de telenovelas William Levy apenas se presentó en el escenario. Su compañera en la conducción, la cantante y actriz Ninel Conde, asintió: “Queremos mandar mucha fuerza para Venezuela”, dijo antes de presentar al ganador del premio al mejor video: “Propuesta indecente” de Romeo Santos. Acompañado por un grupo de jóvenes con las bocas tapadas con una mordaza que decía “abuso”, Jean Carlos Canela también dedicó su reciente canción “Irreparable” (Continua en la p. 11) Page 7 CREW signs Costa Rican Giancarlo González Feb. 21, 2014: The Columbus Crew today announced that it has signed Costa Rican National Team defender Giancarlo González. The 26-year-old centerback most recently played in Norway’s Tippeligaen for two seasons after playing in Costa Rica’s Primera League from 20082012. González will be added to the roster pending receipt of his International Transfer Certificate (ITC) and P-1 Visa. Per club and MLS policy, additional terms of the signing were not disclosed. “Giancarlo is a very experienced, young and promising centerback,” said Sporting Director and Head Coach Gregg Berhalter. “He has experience in Europe and international experience with the Costa Rican National Team. He’s been a solid starter all through FIFA World Cup Qualifying for Costa Rica and we feel he is going to be a good addition to our team. “He’s dangerous on offensive set pieces and he’s a good passer of the ball,” continued Berhalter. “He’s good in one-v-one tackling and he has leadership qualities. He’s proven that he can win with Alajuelense in Costa Rica and with the Costa Rica National Team, so we like all of those qualities.” González joins the Black & Gold from Norwegian First Division side Vålerenga where he made 27 appearances and scored three goals over one and a half full seasons. In 2013, González made 25 appearances – including 20 starts – and scored three goals in his second season in Norway. Prior to his departure for Norway, González played with Alajuelense of Costa Rica’s Primera Division and made 57 regular-season appearances and scored six goals from 2009-2012 after joining the club for a portion of the club’s 2008-2009 CONCACAF Champions League run. During 2011-2012 CONCACAF Champions League play – González’s second experience in the tournament – he made six appearances, including an August 25, 2011 Group A match in Carson, California against the LA Galaxy (a 2-0 Galaxy win) and starting defender – and now Crew boss – Gregg Berhalter. Internationally, González has earned 31 total caps for Costa Rica dating back to his debut against Peru in a friendly on October 9, 2010. In total, González has scored two goals for his country, including a tally in the May 25, 2012 friendly against Guatemela and the game-winning goal to secure Costa Rica’s Copa Centroamericana 1-0 win over Honduras alongside Crew forward and fellow countryman Jairo Arrieta on January 27, 2013. Across his 31 caps, González has seen time in 10 friendlies, three CONCACAF Gold Cup matches, four Copa Centroamerica tilts and 14 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers. He started in both 2013 FIFA World Cup Qualifier matches against the United States in 2013 (March 27 and Septem- ber 7) and most recently started in the 2-1 win for Los Ticos over Mexico on October 16, 2013. González also represented his country on two occasions at the Under20 level. Photo of Giarcarlo González courtesy of Columbus Crew Communications. TRANSACTION: Crew signs Giancarlo González as a Discovery Signing on February 21, 2014. Name: Giancarlo González Pronunciation: JEE-annecarlo González Position: Defender Height: 6’3” Weight: 185 Born: February 8, 1988 in San Jose, Costa Rica Hometown: San Jose, Costa Rica Citizenship: Costa Rica Acquired: Signed as a Discovery Signing on February 21, 2014 Previous Experience: Vålerenga (2012-2013), Alajuelense (2008-2012) TOLEDO, COLUMBUS SALES: 419-944-6430 Página 8 La Prensa February/febrero 28, 2014 RECUPERA TUS MIL MILLONES AMÉRICA SM Cada año, MIL MILLONES DE DÓLARES en reembolsos quedan sin reclamar, porque la gente no prepara sus taxes con profesionales como los de H&R Block. Con mil millones de dólares, llenaríamos todas las canchas y hasta las porterías de los 32 equipos que van al mundial. ¡No te la juegues! ¡Ven a preparar tus taxes a H&R Block! ESTE ES TU DINERO. RECUPÉRALO CON H&R BLOCK. HAZ UNA CITA HOY MISMO. STREET ADDRESS CITY, 1-800-472-5625 ST ZIP 800-472-5625 HRBLOCK.COM/ES Cada situación de taxes es diferente y no todos recibirán un reembolso completo. En un estudio de 2013 de declaraciones preparadas por el propio contribuyente, los profesionales de H&R Block encontraron que alrededor de una de cada cinco personas tenía derecho a un reembolso más grande o debía menos dinero. OBTP# B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc. February/febrero 28, 2014 La Prensa Save the date for MidWest LatinoFest 2014 Saturday, June 7th If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, vendor, volunteer, and/or advertiser contact: Nanette Nieto 419.944.6430 Adrianne 419.870.2797 Página 9 Page 10 La Prensa FebruaryPa13e 28, 2014 12 Believe Center boxing club reaches out to youth at Aurora González Community Center By Kevin Milliken, La Prensa Correspondent 14-year old Christina and his brothers had the benLivingston breathlessly efit of a boxing gym in his worked her way through a backyard growing up. “Boxing’s been my whole series of jumping jacks before pausing for a quick rest. life. As a kid, I wanted to do The Harvard Elementary it so bad,” he explained. “As seventh-grader could have I got older, I wasn’t in the spent this Friday evening physical peak for it. So I’ve hanging out with friends, but turned it toward the kids and she chose to spend it work- still get the same rush from ing out in the Believe Center it.” Urbina works in landscapboxing gym. “To keep me busy, to keep ing by day. But two hours me exercising, to stay in each evening, five days a shape,” she said of her deci- week, he turns his attention sion to hit the gym. “I like the toward kids who are growing sport—a lot of moving up in the Old South End like he did. around.” “Most of them are in beAfter all, she’s working off some nervous energy, as havioral school. Some of she anxiously anticipates her them come here and act competitive debut in the ring tough. But they get to doing March 1, 2014. Her first box- the workout, it ain’t the ing competition will be a same,” he explained with a measuring stick as she pre- grin, knowing that when the pares for more serious bouts kids get in the boxing ring, which will start in Septem- they find out just how tough, ber. Sparring with teammates or not, they really are. “Some of them stay. Some of them will only get her so far. So Christina closed her go. But a lot of them end up eyes and visualized victory. staying.” While Urbina put kids “Me winning and having a fun time doing it” is how she through workout drills on described what she saw. The one side of the Believe Cenyoung Latina has only been ter, volunteers were putting boxing for three months, but away chairs from a funeral she already has her sights set reception held earlier in the on Golden Gloves someday. day. The family had buried a She also has motivated her young man “who had given younger brother to try the a ride to another” to East sport. Both siblings have Toledo, according to center found new energy and en- director Tonya Durán, shot because he had “been in the thusiasm. “I’m not as tired. Normally wrong place.” Urbina knows he may be I’ll go home and be lazy and just go to sleep,” she said. saving some other young “I’ve lost some weight and lives through boxing. “I’m doing it for the kids drink a lot of water. I used to not do sports. Since I’ve done now. I was done years ago,” boxing, I drink a lot of water he said with a laugh. “It’s and I’m healthier. I don’t eat pulling them out of the streets. They don’t have to a lot at home.” But Christina also has follow other people. Bring seen her self-confidence grow them here; show them how to be leaders—instead of folas she learns to box. “I used to be shy. This has lowing people, rather have made me not that shy. I talk them be leaders.” Urbina called it a simple more,” she said. Christina would like to formula that the Believe see more of her teenage Center follows for all of its friends and neighbors come sports programs, whether it’s to the center and try the sport. baseball, basketball, soccer, “It’s a good thing to keep or football. Keep kids busy. “Just structure in their life you from going out on the streets, messing up. It’s good and they get to go places,” he exercise and keeps you busy said. “We don’t just stay in Toledo. We go to different with life,” she explained. At an age when most teen- tournaments. We’ve got a age girls are into makeup, school program, so they clothes, and boys, Christina know they have to keep their is keeping her focus. But grades up at all times if they there’s a time and a place for want to go places. It just gives them more out of life with the rest. “I can still be girlie-girl,” just a little bit of structure— because some of them don’t she said. even have dads.” Urbina also knows boxCoaching—with a ing saved his life as a youth. purpose “I’d probably be in jail or “(I see) a lot of potential. Some of these kids really want something like that or into to do it,” said volunteer coach something I shouldn’t,” he Saúl Urbina, 24. “We get admitted. “Boxing put a little some jokers. I try to run them bit of structure into my life, off, but they won’t go. (That) respecting people and stuff like that. Learning how to makes it even better.” Urbina stated he gets win and lose. You can’t al“much more” out of coach- ways win, you know. I had ing the kids than they do. He four brothers and we all did it—and none of us ended up in jail.” Now Urbina is trying to pass down to a new generation what he learned as a kid—what kept his family together. “I just have a passion for it,” he said. “My brothers did it. My dad had champions before. So I guess it’s just in the bloodlines with us. Even my grandpa did the fighting.” At the Believe Center, the young boxers are forced to focus. Tutors help them with homework. There’s also a rule—cell phones and computers are off limits while completing a two-hour daily workout and training. “A lot of kids just want to be doing games or on the phone all day,” he said. “Around here, they know if they’re doing boxing from 5 to 7, they can’t answer.” “We have a no TV, no Internet zone here, because they can do that at home,” said Ms. Durán, laughing. “When they’re here, they concentrate on the games, their ability, and whatever activity they’re doing here— not phones. They ask me for the wireless code, but I tell them I don’t know it.” To some degree, the boxing program even fights a childhood obesity problem. “A lot of them came here as big kids. Now they see themselves doing pull-ups when they couldn’t before,” he said with a smile. “A couple weeks, three weeks into it, they realize they can do a couple. Just got to keep doing it. Makes them stronger.” While many people may view boxing as an individual sport, Urbina stresses kids are learning a lot of teamwork along the way. “Not when you’re in the gym. When you go out in combat, yes, it’s you and him. But in the gym, they push each other,” he explained. “You spar, work the bag, doing pushups. We do drills, see who’s the best, keep them competitive. We stay on each other in the gym. Even the kids stay on me when I work out in the gym. They try to push me. In the ring, it may be individual—but you still have each other, cheering each other.” The youngest boxer is eight years old. But Urbina is willing to work with kids as young as seven to see if they like the sport. “Their faces light up. It’s priceless when they win, because they didn’t think they’d be doing this. Some of them are pretty tough,” he said. Urbina has every confidence he has some future Golden Gloves winners in the gym. “Oh yeah, for sure—we just have to get them moving faster,” he said. “We’ve got a couple of them that are coming around really well.” Still a struggle Ms. Durán stated the boxing program has worked with 85 kids at one time or another—and more than half have become regulars. City recreation officials helped the center secure a boxing ring once programs expanded to additional space that became available. “We’ve been missing this piece in the Old South End,” she said. “Before, kids would have to go to the north end or east for the boxing program. My goal is to keep sports alive and boxing’s the only thing we didn’t do.” The Believe Center now hosts dance classes and a tennis program in addition to its initial sports since it opened nearly two years ago. According to Durán, kids walk through the front doors more than 1,100 times each week for various programs. “People still don’t know who we are. We have no funding for our boxing program,” she lamented. The center continues to run entirely with volunteers. Even the boxing program’s tutoring sessions are run by retired schoolteacher Maria Martinez and a volunteer helper. Somehow, someone always manages to answer a call for help in the neighborhood. “We still need equipment—and money,” said Ms. Durán. “We have the kids. The kids come faithfully. Even in the super, super cold, the kids still came and they like being here. It’s a safe place, yes.” The center also tries to continue to make sure kids who come to its sports programs don’t go home hungry—because outside of school, it may be the only meal they’ll see. “We can’t give them much. Sometimes it’s just crackers and cheese, a bowl of soup, or grilled-cheese,” said Ms. Durán. “Today my sister made turkey sandwiches. Every day we try to give them a little something in their stomach.” Nearly two years later, Ms. Durán still sticks to the core mission of the Believe Center. “We believe we’ve made a difference in every child’s life,” she said. “We do. When they come in, they hold the doors open for other people. They’re really respectful and it’s really nice. Even parents tell us when they get home, they’re so tired they take a shower and go to sleep—the kids don’t act up.” But Ms. Durán also stated the Believe Center helps kids believe in themselves, “to be happy for what they have,” as she put it. “We may not have a lot, but we’re happy with what we have. We teach them that,” she explained. “Respect yourselves. Respect others. Live a happy life.” Anyone interested in donating or signing up their kids for sports programs can contact the Believe Center at 419-244-6097 or La Febrero 28, 2014 Some Ill. schools teaching 2 languages BY MEG DICKINSON, The (Champaign) News-Gazette CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. ‘A leg up’ 14, 2014 (AP): EnglishUrbana parent Pamela speakers say “book.” Span- Williams said she and her ish speakers say “libro.” husband, James Cheers III, Students who go applied for the dual-lanthrough dual-language guage program at Prairie Elclasses will say it both ways, ementary, but only after careas they’ll finish elementary ful discussion. They worried school fluent in English about whether their 5-yearand Spanish. old, Eleanor, would fall beDual-language educa- hind on learning grammar, tion is catching on around reading or spelling in Enthe country, including glish. Champaign-Urbana. Williams sometimes noNext school year, tices that her daughter Champaign’s school dis- doesn’t know how to protrict will offer dual-lan- nounce some vowel sounds guage kindergarten and when reading in English. But first-grade classes. the mother is quick to exUrbana’s dual-language plain that English differs from program is in its second year, Spanish in that way. and the district is looking “It’s not the end of the into starting a second pro- world because there are gramgram—one with Mandarin mar rules that she’s going to Chinese as the second lan- encounter either way,” Willguage. iams said. “That’s difficult The increasingly popu- for any child. I don’t think lar concept combines na- it’s insurmountable. I think tive speakers of two lan- it’s worth it.” guages in the same classWilliams believes the proroom—and teaches them in gram will give Eleanor more both. The goal: that they’ll opportunities as an adult— be able to speak and read in and that alone makes their two languages long before decision worth it. they even reach high “My husband and I felt school. strongly about the fact that “Being bilingual is a (the world is) not so isolated great asset both on a per- anymore,” she said. “The sonal and professional idea of having our child learnlevel,” said María Alanis, ing a second language from Champaign’s director of the start of her education is a English as a Second Lan- good idea. ... We see this as a guage and bilingual educa- leg up in preparing her for tion. “It opens doors for you.” life and her career.” Urbana’s model has stuBig benefits dents learning 90 percent Unit 4’s long-term plan in Spanish, 10 percent in calls for its dual-language English at the start. Those program eventually growing numbers gradually change into a school—the district’s to where students learn 12th—in the former Carrie equally in both by fourth Busey Elementary building at 1605 W. Kirby Ave. grade. That building will also Champaign’s system will have its dual-language house the district’s Internastudents learning half in tional Academy, for students English, half in Spanish who come from other counthroughout their elemen- tries with gaps in their formal education. tary years. That will help provide an But both districts share a mission: young students outlet for record enrollments becoming what Alanis calls throughout Unit 4, said Su“bilingual, biliterate, and san Zola, Champaign’s asbicultural”—and never sistant superintendent. In segregated by the language recent years, the district has added “bubble” classrooms they speak. In Unit 4 alone, Alanis to some elementary schools, said, students speak 74 dif- just to accommodate the ferent languages. More growing number of kinderthan 1,000 of them identify gartners. All 11 of Champaign’s elementary themselves as Latino. schools are now out of space, Zola said. Another benefit of creating one location as the dual-language hub: students’ access to a bilingual social worker, a bilingual school psychologist, a bilingual specialized math teacher and so on. Leal, Prairie programs working Joe Wiemelt, who oversees the Urbana district’s bilingual and multicultural programs, says dual-language students at Leal and Prairie elementary schools have exceeded everyone’s expectations—both academically and socially. That has the district pondering bigger things. “Students are learning across race, class and two languages,” Wiemelt said. “They’re developing as friends, and families are learning and developing and growing together through this program. We are seeing strengths that are different and unique. You don’t see it in any other type of programming.” Urbana’s dual-language students are outperforming their peers on various “benchmark” tests, he said, and there’s no reason to believe adding another language wouldn’t generate similar results. About 80 native Mandarin speakers attend Urbana schools. Thirty go to King Elementary. Wiemelt cited two districts in Chicagoland with Mandarin-English programs. He plans to reach out to administrators at both as he researches the idea. “Also, the ability to communicate with and learn alongside another linguistic group is something you can’t do if you’re monolingual,” he said. “It will be more responsive to the needs of families and staff,” Zola said. Source: The (Champaign) News-Gazette, Information from: The News-Gazette, http:// Las 10 canciones más populares 20 de feb. de 2014 (AP): Las 10 canciones más populares de la semana en algunos países de las Américas y España. ARGENTINA 1.- “You Make Me” - Avicci 2.- “Timber” - Pitbull con Ke$ha Pitbull 3.- “La botella” - Zion y Lennox 4.- “S.O.S.” - Maxi Trusso 5.- “Alive” - Empire of the Sun 6.- “Dare You” - Hardwell 7.- “La nueva y la ex” Daddy Yankee 8.- “Under Control” Calvin Harris 9.- “Project” - Sander Van Doorn 10.- “Impossible” - James Arthur (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) COLOMBIA 1.- “Te encontré” - El Vega y Lil Silvio 2.- “Story of my Life” - One Direction 3.- “Señal de vida”- Neio & Dalmata 4.- “The Monster” - Eminem con Rihanna 5.- “Espina de rosa”- Andy Rivera con Dalmata 6.- “Animals” - Martin Garrix 7.- “Besar el cielo” - Naela 8.- “Besarte la boquita” - Duina del Mar 9.- “6 AM” - J. Balvin 10.- “Stay the Night” - Zedd (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) CHILE 1.- “You Make Me” - Avicii 2.- “Timber” - Pitbull con Ke$ha 3.- “Te pintaron pajaritos” - Yandar & Yostin 4.- “The Monster” - Eminem con Rihanna 5.- “El coco no” - Roberto Junior y su Bandeño 6.- “Come With Me” - Ricky Martin 7.- “Can’t Hold Us” - Macklemore 8.- “Candy” - Plan B 9.- “Animals” - Martin Garrix 10.- “Moviendo caderas” - Yandar & Yostin (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) ESPAÑA 1.- “Llegará” - Antonio Orozco 2.- “Hey Brother” - Avicii 3.- “Can’t Remember To Forget You” - Shakira con Rihanna 4.- “Talk Dirty” Jason Derülo 5.- “Royals” - Lorde 6.- “Happy” Pharrell Williams 7.- “Timber” Pitbull con Ke$ha 8.- “Animals” Martin Garrix 9.- “The Monster” Eminem con Rihanna 10.- “Terriblemente Shakira cruel” Leiva (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) ESTADOS UNIDOS 1.- “Odio” - Romeo Santos con Drake 2.- “El perdedor” - Enrique Iglesias con Marco Antonio Solís 3.- “Propuesta indecente” - Romeo Santos 4.- “Darte un beso” - Prince Royce 5.- “Vivir mi vida” - Marc Anthony 6.-”Hermosa experiencia” -Banda Sinaloense de Sergio Lizárraga 7.- “Loco” - Enrique Iglesias con Romeo Santos 8.- “Mujer de piedra” - Gerardo Ortiz 9.- “Cancioncitas de amor” - Romeo Santos 10.- “La nueva y la ex” - Daddy Yankee (Fuente: Revista Billboard) MEXICO 1.- “Bum” - Ellie Gouling 2.- “Dark Horse” - Katy Perry 3.- “Counting Stars” - OneRepublic 4.- “Talk Dirty” - Jason Derulo 5.- Do What You Want” - Lady Gaga 6.- “Timber” - Pitbull con Ke$ha 7.- “Más alto que nosotros sólo el cielo” - Enrique Bunbury 8.- “Can’t Hold Us” - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis 9.- “Let Her Go” - Passenger 10.- “La luz” - Juanes (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) VENEZUELA 1.- “Baila” - Daniel Huen 2.- “Mi chica ideal” - Chino y Nacho 3.- “Tu rompecabezas” - Benavides 4.- “Conquistar a una mujer” - Enghel 5.- “Te pienso sin querer” - Franco de Vita con Gloria Trevi 6.- “El psicólogo” - Sebastián Yatra 7.- “Te doy mi voz” - Ronald Borjas 8.- “Propuesta indecente” - Romeo Santos 9.- “Sobrenatural” - Omar Enrique 10.- “Hasta abajo” - Yandel (Fuente: Record Report) Visit us on Facebook at: Page 11 Venezuela presente en Premio Lo Nuestro (Continuación de p.7) a Venezuela y dijo que su gente “no está sola”. “Venezuela, lucha por tu paz y tu libertad, el mundo está contigo”, manifestó el actor y cantante tras su actuación. Gerardo Ortiz obtuvo los galardones de artista norteño del año y canción regional mexicana con “Solo vine a despedirme” y 3BallMTY ganó el flamante premio al artista tribal del año, que se entregó por primera vez en esta ceremonia. La Banda el Recodo de Cruz Lizárraga, en tanto, ganó en la categoría grupo o dúo regional mexicano del año. A lo largo de la velada varios artistas aprovecharon para presentar éxitos y estrenar nuevas canciones. Luis Fonsi estrenó en televisión “Corazón en la maleta”, Marco Antonio Solís presentó “De mil amores”; Romeo Santos interpretó por primera vez en vivo en Estados Unidos sus éxitos “Odio” y “Propuesta indecente”; y Prince Royce estrenó el sencillo “Te robaré”. Por otra parte, los reggaetoneros Yandel y Daddy Yankee aparecieron juntos por primera vez e interpretaron su éxito “Moviendo caderas”. Yankee también interpretó su hit “La nueva y la ex”, rodeado de sensuales bailarinas. A través de una votación en línea el público eligió a los ganadores del Premio Lo Nuestro, un reconocimiento a la excelencia creado en 1988 que se entrega anualmente en 33 categorías de cuatro géneros musicales: pop, tropical, regional mexicano y urbano. Los galardonados fueron escogidos de una lista de las 500 canciones latinas que más sonaron en la radio entre el 1 de octubre del 2012 y el 30 de septiembre del 2013. El show terminó con una colorida actuación de Los Gigantes de la Salsa— Charlie Zaa, Cheo Feliciano, Ismael Miranda, José Alberto “El Canario”, Nora, Oscar D’León, Sergio George, Tito Nieves y Willy Chirino—, que con tambores, timbales y bongós pusieron a todos a bailar y vitorear mientras interpretaban un popurrí de éxitos. “Felicidad, paz para mi (hash)Venezuela”, gritó D’León mientras le cantaba a su tierra natal durante espectáculo. En Internet: http:// La Prensa Page 12 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT LORAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM’S MAIN LIBRARY THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND YOU: Learn to navigate the new Health Insurance Marketplace at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. A certified broker for individuals and small businesses will be at the library to discuss the Affordable Care Act. How do you shop for health insurance? What are the benefits? What are the penalties if you don’t buy insurance? These questions and many more will be answered at the program. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800-322-READ, ext. 450. The Main Library is located at 351 W. Sixth St., Lorain. TEEN ADVISORY BOARD: Join Lorain Public Library System Main Library’s Teen Advisory Board. Sixth through 12thgraders will help plan fun activities in the library. See what it’s all about at their next meeting on Monday, Feb. 24 at 5:30 p.m. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-2441192 or 1-800-322READ, ext. 449. EXCEL FOR BEGINNERS: Analyze and illustrate your data in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Learn how at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Monday, Feb. 24 at 6 p.m. This course will start with the basics – setting up a spreadsheet workbook, inputting data, composing simple formulas, and choosing layouts and printing in various formats. A limited amount of hands-on practice time will be available. Participants need to be comfortable using a mouse to attend. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800322-READ, ext. 450. FAMILY MOVIE FUN: Put on your ruby slippers, gather your friends and follow the yellow brick road to Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library. Experience a classic family film like never before – with audience participation. Families with children of all ages are welcome on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. for the showing and some popcorn. Preregis- tration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800322-READ, ext. 449. THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD – THE LORAIN COUNTY CONNECTION: In the years before the Civil War, Ohioans, including Lorain County citizens, played a vital part in the struggle against slavery. Learn about the Underground Railroad at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. Over 150 years ago, the OberlinWellington Rescue of a kidnapped runaway slave helped inflame the northern part of our country against slavery. Learn why Nat Brandt called his book about that event “The Town That Started the Civil War.” Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800322-READ, ext. 450. FebruaryPa13e 28, 2014 12 “The Look of Love: An Evening with the Songs of Burt Bacharach” at LCCC’s Stocker Arts Center Tara Hawley Join Tara Hawley and the Matt Skitzki Trio for their second appearance at Lorain County Community College’s Stocker Arts Center as they explore the works of legendary songwriter/pianist/ arranger/producer Burt Bacharach. “The Look of Love: An Evening with the Songs of Burt Bacharach” will be performed at 8 p.m., Friday, February 28, 2014 and Saturday, March 1 in the Studio Theatre at Stocker Arts Center. Vocalist Hawley and the Matt Skitzki Trio, which includes Skitzki, Alan Gleghorn, and Ricky Exton, will perform many well-known songs written by Bacharach. While an amazing performer in his own right, Bacharach has written songs, along with co-writers such as Hal David, that were recorded by some of the most well-known artists of our time, such as Dionne Warwick, The Carpenters, Dusty Springfield, The Beatles, Tom Jones, and Aretha Franklin. Bacharach has written more than 73 US Top 40 hits, and the evening will include some all-time favorites such as: “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head,” “Close to You,” “I Say a Little Prayer,” “The Look of Love,” “That’s What Friends Are For,” and many more. Tickets are $15 for adults; $10 for LCCC students with valid ID and children 12 and under. For more information or to buy tickets, visit FESTIVITIES PLANNED FOR LUNAR NEW YEAR AT CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY Celebrate the Lunar New Year and the Year of the Horse with a fun-filled day on Saturday, March 1, 2014 at the Cleveland Main Library, located at East 6th and Superior Ave. The festivities kick-off at 10:00 a.m. Performances include youth and adults performing classic and celebratory dances, as well as traditional Chinese musical performances by lo- cal academies, and a performance by the Kwan Family Lion Dance Team. This annual celebration at Cleveland Public Library (CPL) has something for everyone in the family to enjoy. Highlights of the festivities include: · Traditional Lunar New Year Program: A spectacular display of traditional, family-friendly Asian music and dance performances. Enjoy traditional Chinese cuisine prepared by Siam Café following the performances. · Year of the Horse Treasure Hunt: Patrons can test their sleuthing skills on a building-wide adventure, visiting thirteen subject departments looking for answers to all the questions. · Origami Demonstrations: Watch as ordinary pieces of paper are transformed into magnificent works of art. · Lunar New Year Crafts & Storytime: A fun way to learn about The Year of the Horse through crafts and stories for children. · Musical Performance by Kelly Lin: A dazzling performance by Kelly Lin with a traditional Chinese zither. · Daoud’s Puppets and Marionettes: Entertaining and fun for kids or just kids at heart, David Johnson will perform his puppet magic. L a P r e n s a N e w s pa p e r Aztlán Communications, Inc. Advertising: Rubén Torres Nanette Nieto Adrianne Chasteen Mary DiVeto Melinda Sánchez María Molina Rico 440-320-8221 614-571-2051 419-944-6430 216-688-9045 313-729-4435 419-242-7744 419-242-7744 419-870-6565 Publisher Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager NW Ohio and MI Sales Manager Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Sales, Graphics, Editing Editorial: Claudia Annoni Antonio Barrios Arooj Ashraf Isabel Flores Kevin Milliken Adrianne Chasteen Associate Editor Lorain Correspondent Midwest Correspondent Latin America Correspondent Special Assignments Logistics Art/Graphics/WebSite: Jennifer Retholtz Graphics & Webmaster Manager Aztlán Communications Inc. SALES: PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176 419.944-6430 or 440-320-8221 E-mail: Since 1989 www .la pr .lapr Copyright 1989 - 2014 by La Prensa Publications, Inc. Visit us on Facebook at: · Jungle Bob: Be amazed by Jungle Bob and his menagerie of wild friends. · Twista Girl, Master Balloonist: Prepare to be awed by the skillful and amusing talents the dynamic “Twista Girl.” This special celebration is free and open to the public. For more information and full schedule of events, visit Febrero 28, 2014 La Prensa—Classified Page 13 Clinical Therapist Full Time SUPPORT CLERK Full-time (40 hrs) DAY CAMP AND NATURE PROGRAM STAFF Clinical Therapist/Diagnostic Assessor needed to provide group and individual therapy to adults and children. Qualified candidates must have strong clinical skills including the ability to make clinical decisions, knowledge of therapeutic principles and practices, thorough knowledge of current DSM and strong group process skills. Masters degree and Ohio licensure as a PC or LSW required. Independent Licensure as a PCC or LISW preferred. Support Clerk needed on a full-time basis to cover various clerical duties such as greeting, announcing and directing clients, answering switchboard and handling routine phone calls, scheduling clients, distributing mail, charts or other information, accepting client payments, copying information, filing, providing clerical support to programs and other duties as assigned. Position will work varying hours/days including evenings and Saturdays and will work at various locations based upon agency need. Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for qualified individuals to deliver day camp, nature, and outdoor recreation programming at Wildwood Preserve and other parks. Some college education in an environmental field and experience working with children, and leading outdoor education experience required. Camp counselor experience preferred Seasonal positions, 40 hours/week, March through August or longer. $9.28/hr. Go to for complete job requirements and descriptions; must submit online application and résumé by March 5th. EOE Qualified candidates must have excellent customer service and clerical skills. Computer experience is required. Previous experience in dealing with individuals with mental illness preferred. HISTORICAL PROGRAM PRESENTER OR INTERPRETER Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc. Human Resources – CT 1425 Starr Ave. Toledo, OH 43605 Fax: 419-936-7574 Email: EOE CARE MANAGER Full-time Accountable for overall care management and care coordination of the consumer’s care plan, including physical health, behavioral health and social service needs and goals. May provide health home services as needed. Must be licensed in Ohio as an LISW, LSW, PCC, PC or RN. Prior experience as a care manager preferred. Send résumé or apply to: Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc. Human Resources – CM 1425 Starr Ave. Toledo, OH 43605 Fax: 419-936-7574 Email: Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for qualified individuals to present programs and operate the canal boat at Providence Metropark or serve as interpreter at the Manor House at Wildwood Metropark. Some college in history, education, communication, or theater is preferred. Seasonal employment through December, up to 40 hours per week. $9.03/hr. Application and résumé must be submitted online by March 5th at EOE Unison Behavioral Health Group, Inc. Human Resources – sc 1425 Starr Ave. Toledo, OH 43605 Fax: 419-936-7574 Email: EOE Happy Birthday OFELIA CRUZ March 4 EOE ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS TOLEDO-LUCAS COUNTY PORT AUTHORITY TOLEDO, OHIO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Directors that Sealed Bids will be received by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority for: LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION FOR BID Sealed bids will be received by the Fallen Timbers Field Office of Toledo Area Metroparks, 6101 Fallen Timbers Ln., Maumee, Ohio 43537, no later than 3:00p.m. local time, on Wednesday, March 18, 2014, and thereafter will be publicly opened, read, and recorded for Furnishing and Delivery of Aggregate Material for Metroparks of the Toledo Area. Scope of Work: includes furnishing and delivering bulk aggregate material to Metroparks throughout Lucas County. All bidding documents may be obtained by bidders at Toledo Area Metroparks Administrative Headquarters, 5100 W. Central Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43615 free of charge or by emailing If you have any problems accessing the information, please contact the Park Services Department at 419-407-9744 or by e-mail. Construct Taxiway “A” Phase II and Navaid Improvements at Toledo Executive Airport Millbury, OH 43447 The project “Construct Taxiway “A” Phase II and Navaid Improvements” consists of a base bid, deductive alternate no. 1, additive alternates no. 1 and no. 2. Base bid consist of construction of a new asphalt taxiway (approximately 17,000 square yards) including unclassified excavation (approximately 4,000 cubic yards), placement of existing crushed concrete (approximately 3,000 cubic yards), crushed aggregate base course (approximately 6,000 cubic yards), bituminous surface and base course (approximately 4,000 tons), pavement marking (approximately 12,000 square feet of permanent and miscellaneous associated markings), installation of 2” PVC conduit (approximately 10,000 lineal feet in turf), installation of #8 5kV underground cable (approximately 11,000 lineal feet), installation of runway and taxiway pavement lighting (approximately 87 taxiway edge lights), installation of L858 guidance signs (9 each), electrical vault improvements including ALCMS upgrades and seeding/mulching (approximately 11 Acres). Deductive alternate no. 1 includes removal of Taxiway “A4” portions of base bid including unclassified excavation (approximately 1,000 cubic yards), placement of existing crushed concrete (approximately 500 cubic yards), crushed aggregate base course (approximately 500 cubic yards), bituminous surface and base course (approximately 500 tons), pavement marking (approximately 1.400 square feet of permanent and miscellaneous associated markings), installation of 2” PVC conduit (approximately 900 lineal feet in turf), installation of #8 5kV underground cable (approximately 900 lineal feet), installation of runway and taxiway pavement lighting (approximately 22 taxiway edge lights), installation of L858 guidance signs (8 each). Additive alternate no. 1 consists of installation of a precision approach path indicator system and associated wiring and vault improvements. Additive alternate no. 2 consists of Runway 4-22 navigation aid system improvements including installation of 2” PVC conduit (approximately 3,000 lineal feet in turf), directional drilling of conduits under existing pavements (approximately 500 linear feet), installation of various underground cable (approximately 7,000 lineal feet, site equipment and electrical vault improvements including ALCMS upgrades and seeding/ mulching (approximately 11 Acres). Project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion. The engineer’s estimate for the base bid for this project is approximately $1,395,547.00, deductive alternate no. 1 is approximately a credit of $183,375.11, additive alternate no 1 is approximately $79,785.00 and additive alternate no. 2 is $142,630.00. Plans, Specifications, Instructions to Proposers, and Forms of Proposal and Contract are on file, and may be obtained by either (1) obtaining hard copies from Apex Micrographics, Inc., 5973 Telegraph Road, Toledo, OH 43612, phone 419.476.6535, during normal business hours, or (2) ordering from Apex Micrographics, Inc. via e-mail to at a non-refundable price of $64. Bids will be received at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, OH 43604 until Monday, March 24, 2014, at 11:00 AM, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The full advertisement may be viewed at the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority’s website at UIF!UPMFEP![PP!! CONCESSIONS/ CAFE Includes both indoor and outdoor positions such as birthday party attendants, grill cooks, food prep, front line servers, bussers, wait staff and cashiers. These positions require excellent people skills and accurate cash handling. CATERING: Positions include dishwashers, production food assembly, wait staff, broiler and line cooks, bartenders, assistant chefs and set-up staff. PARK OPERATIONS: These front line positions require friendly, accurate and helpful employees. The parking lot attendants, ticket booth attendants and ride operators set the tone for the visitors’ experience at the Zoo. These positions require excellent people skills, with accurate cash handling and computer experience. MERCHANDISE: Positions include stocking merchandise displays, operating a computer-based register system and providing outstanding customer service. These positions require accurate cash handling skills. GROUNDS: These horticulture positions maintain all of the permanent landscapes and include mowing grass, weeding, watering, fertilizing, mulching, planting and maintaining the annual beds. Grounds roamers continually walk the property to clean up the litter, pull trash, clean trash cans and graphics, rake leaves and maintain ornamental water features. Grounds staff assists in the Installation/tear down of the Lights Before Christmas display. Must have a valid driver’s license and be at least 18. EDUCATION: Interpreters deliver narrative speeches to riders on the Africa! train, interact frequently with visitors and lead behind the scenes tours. These positions require excellent people skills. Nature’s Neighborhood staff must be willing to work with animals and small children, providing a fun filled adventure while educating. You must be creative and very outgoing. Summer Camp Teachers and Assistants-lead and educate children in classroom setting and throughout the Zoo. Must be pursuing a bachelors degree in Education or biological science fields. TO APPLY AT THE ZOO: Please pick up an application at our Visitor Services department, which is located off of the Anthony Wayne Trail. They are open daily from 10-5. For more information please go to La Prensa—Classified Page 14 With a commitment to improving the human condition, The University of Toledo and University Medical Center are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: • Automotive Mechanic 2 • Direct Service Provider • Director of Health Information Technology (HIT) and Health Care Informatics (HCI) • Hospital Social Worker • Manager of Information Security and Information Security Officer • Online Admissions Rep • Operations Supervisor (RN)- OR • Spec Documentation Improvement • Staff Nurse • Student Loan Specialist 1 • Surgical Technician • Faculty Positions in Accounting, Art, Chemistry, Communication, Counselor Education and School Psychology, Criminal Justice, Disability Studies, Engineering Tech, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Medicine, Neurosciences, Nursing, Psychology, Rehabilitation Sciences, Rehabilitation Services The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System for faculty with employer contribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation time, tuition to UT is waived for employees and their eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid holidays. For a complete listing of our openings and desired qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our website at We ask that applications and required documents be submitted electronically. UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and educators M/F/D/V FebruaryPa13e 28, 2014 12 Vocational Coordinator Drivers: Carter Express-Now Hiring. Contracted position to provide vocational rehabilitation program management for transition age individuals (14-22) with developmental disabilities. Responsibilities include consumer outreach, IPE development, service authorization, progress monitoring, and meeting performance outcome measures. Required: Bachelor Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling or related field. Preferred: Experience working with vocational rehabilitation counseling and coordination. CDL-A: Lots of Miles. Great Pay/Benefits & Bonuses. Dedicated Solo Routes. Home Weekly. No Slip Seat. No Touch, Newer Equipment. (855) 222-3243 Please submit cover letter and résumé by 3/7/14 to: Lott Industries, Inc. Attn: KS 3350 Hill Avenue Toledo, OH 43607 If in need of ADA Accommodations please call 419-536-5564. E.O.E. FIELD TECH SOUGHT The Lucas County Land Bank is seeking a Field Technician that will make regular site visits to properties owned and targeted by the Land Bank; inspect and photograph the interior and exterior based on Land Bank specifications; meet prospective purchasers, realtors, and contractors at properties; and provide basic maintenance services. An ideal candidate will demonstrate a sincere commitment to the Land Bank’s mission of strengthening neighborhoods and restoring property values. Experience in property management, property inspections, and/or property maintenance is required. Reliable transportation required. Salary commensurate with experience. For more information or to apply, visit Deadline: March 7, 2014. EEO/AA. Happy Birthday GRACIELLA GONZÁLEZ March 3 Happy Birthday DESTINY PÉREZ March 4 BLOGGERS WANTED La Prensa Newspaper is looking for Bloggers. Contact Rico at 419-870-6565 or email Supervisor Facilities & Operations/Maintenance Excellent career opportunity for an experienced Maintenance Supervisor with a Toledo based employer supervising maintenance and custodial staff in multiple facilities. Minimum four years maintaining HVAC, electrical, plumbing and steam boilers in commercial facilities required. Knowledge of construction, safety and general building maintenance practices required. Experience with computerized HVAC, lighting and access control systems required. Two years supervisory or lead worker experience preferred. Associates degree or two years of college level course work in engineering, management or related field preferred. Position requires working a varied schedule including evenings & weekends. Submit résumé & Letter of interest to: PO Box 9146 Toledo OH 43697 Application Deadline: March 9, 2014. ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS TOLEDO EXPRESS AIRPORT - TERMINAL BUILDING PUBLIC ENTRANCES TOLEDO-LUCAS COUNTY PORT AUTHORITY TOLEDO, OHIO This contract is for all labor, material, and equipment necessary for the project entitled “Terminal Building Public Entrances - Renovation Toledo Express Airport” for the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority in accordance with the approved Plans and Specifications. The proposed project involves renovation of public entrances. The Engineer’s Estimate for the base bid items is $199,500.00. Bidders are to refer to Drawings and Specifications for a further description of the work. Bids are due via hand, fax, email or regular mail to the office of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, at 1:00 PM. All materials for bidding on this project may be found at http:// Toledo Refining Company has an immediate need for an Industrial Hygienist. The selected applicant will serve as a technical resource in the Health and Safety Department by developing and maintaining compliance for safety and industrial hygiene programs of the refinery. The Industrial Hygienist will be responsible for the following duties: instrumentation; chemical inventory of the refinery; and conducting statistical analysis, surveys and assessments on respiratory and sample data. Other duties include but are but limited to conducting personnel and community monitoring during emergencies; coordinating all requirements for governmental reporting, including interpretation; making call outs of external and internal monitoring; assisting with job hazard analysis and field safety evaluations; and assisting field management with loss control efforts. The selected candidates will also serve as the facility Radiation Safety Officer. Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Hygiene, Safety Engineering or related field. A minimum of 5 years’ Industrial Hygiene and/or safety experience in an industrial setting or refinery assignment is preferred. Certification by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene in the comprehensive practice or other specialty aspect of industrial hygiene is preferred or a willingness to achieve the CIH Designation in 2 – 4 years after start date. All interested candidates may apply by going to and selecting the Career tab. Once on the career page, candidates can view current job opportunities and apply to desired position. Visit us on Facebook at: Febrero 28, 2014 La Prensa—Classified/Real Estate Furniture Mover - Delivery Driver (Detroit Metro) POSITION OVERVIEW: Driver, deliver, load and unload rental furniture for pick-ups and deliveries to commercial and residential customers. Day Shift. Ensure this is done in a safe, courteous and efficient manner. This position will deliver and pick up furniture in the Detroit area, RESPONSIBILITIES: Perform truck inspection to ensure safe delivery vehicle and complete daily truck maintenance reports. Deliver and install/set up furniture to residences and commercial businesses in a safe manner and within agreed upon time frame. Pickup furniture after order closes and record discrepancies as well as communicates with customer. REQUIREMENTS: At least one year driving and delivery experience. Have a good command of the English language to communicate with customers and coworkers Clear MVR and C or CDL license. Bilingual is preferred (Spanish/English). With a partner, ability to lift and carry over 100 lbs. including up stairs, and during all types of weather from heat to snowy and icy conditions, both indoors and outdoors. Use of hand tools, and some basic power tools to do light assembly of furniture, headboards, mirrors, pictures. Carrying, lifting, crouching, pulling and walking are physical part of most of the day Use safe lifting and carrying techniques to reduce chance of injury, including wearing gloves to protect your hand. Ability to work overtime when required. LOCATION & HOURS: Reports through the Elk Grove, IL Distribution Center but will pick up and return furniture through a shuttle location in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Brook offers a competitive compensation and generous benefit package including health and dental benefits and a 401(k) plan. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. SANCHEZ ROOFING Preventive maintenance; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 30 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; power washing; Se habla español! Call Pete Sánchez 419-787-9612! Housing Cleaning Service • Residential • Commercial CLEARVIEW SCHOOLS DISTRICT Serving East & West Cleveland Contact Luis: • • • • • • 216-832-1437 Now hiring for part-time cleaners. Must be honest and hard-working. Hours and days of the week vary. Reliable transportation required. MONDAY – FRIDAY Or BY APPOINTMENT 4950 O’NEIL BLVD. PHONE: 440-233-7621 Apply at or call (419) 537-8770 for information. PUBLIC NOTICE The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council has funds available through a Second Chance Act Grant for education and employment services for adult exoffenders returning to Lucas County. The local inkind match requirement is 25%. Projects receiving grant awards should anticipate a 9-month project period beginning May 1, 2014. Download forms and instructions from Submit applications to CJCC, Attention Grants Administration, One Government Center, Suite 1720, Toledo, OH 43604. Applications must be received or postmarked by March 21, 2014. NORTHGATE APARTMENTS 610 STICKNEY AVENUE Now Accepting Applications for 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments; Mature Adult Community for Persons 55 and Older. Rent Based on Income. Heat, Appliances, Drapes, Carpeting Included. Call (419) 729-7118 for details. ASK ABOUT OUR NEW YEARS MOVE-IN SPECIAL. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY/ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1$1,·63/$&( SOUTHWESTERN MEXICAN Décor & Pottery Antiques & Collectibles Interested? Contact us at: Or go to Brook-Furniture-Rental/Careers. AffordableHousingAvailable for Elderly,Disabled,andFamilies FREE HEAT, WATER & TRASH 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOMS APARTMENTS SECURITY DEPOSIT $199 LAUNDRY FACILITIES NEAR SHOPPING CENTER ASK US ABOUT OUR 2 & 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and will consider all qualified applicants for the position without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or protected veteran status. LorainMetropolitanHousingAuthority Lorain County Elderly Housing Corporation LorainCountyElderlyHousingCorporation Page 15 Happy Birthday YOLANDA TODOROFF March 4 1735 W. Sylvania Toledo, OH 43612 TEL:956-754-8818 Open Monday--Saturday Closed on Sunday Wanted: distribution person in Columbus area; must have driver’s license and insurance. Speak Spanish and English. Call 419-870-6565. VISO: Quería distribuir persona en área de Columbus; debe tener licencia de conducir y seguro. Español e inglés. Llame 419.870.6565. y Efficiencyto6BedroomUnits Eligibleapplicantspay30% oftheiradjustedincometowardrent Applicationsprocessed onͲline Youmayalsovisitourofficesandutilizeoneofourkiosks locatedat: 1600 KansasAvenue,Lorain,OH44052 440.288.1600 TollFree1.800.763.2668 TDD/TTY800.750.0750 Forafreefullmonthsrent,simplypresentthisadwhenyou arecontactedforaninterview.OfferexpiresJuly30,2014 Happy Birthday GIGI FLORES March 4 TRANSLATIONS Spanish-English English-Spanish 419-870-6565 O ur elegant apartments feature spacious bedrooms with ample storage, high ceilings and breath-taking views! Stop in today to see why our residents love our beautifully landscaped grounds, resort-like swimming pool, and clubhouse with its fullyequipped fitness center and laundry facilities. Located just west of King road off of Sylvania Ave. Stop in today! 4045-A Langston Place, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 p : 419-842-8480 e: Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to for cost! 419-241-8284 COLUMBUS SALES: 614-571-2051 TOLEDO SALES: 419-242-7744 • DETROIT: 313-729-4435 February/febrero 28, 2014 • LORAIN /CLEVELAND: 440-320-8221 La Prensa Página 16 Strategic Financial Consulting INCOME TAX SERVICE SERVICIO DE INCOME TAX • • • Trámites de ITIN ~ IRS Agente certificador para aceptación del ITIN o Nuestro autorizado por el IRS precertificación velocidades de proceso los documentos o ¿No tiene número de Seguro Social? ¡No hay problema! o Incluye Traducciones Preparación de Impuestos Electrónico Revisión gratuita de sus declaraciones de impuestos de años anteriores o Todavía puede presentar 2010-2011-2012 o Usted puede calificar para un reembolso. ¿Sabia que todavía puede presentar los impuestos, incluso si usted es indocumentado? ¡Reciba lo máximo de su reembolso de Income Tax con o sin un número de Seguro Social! • • • Processing ITIN’s ~ IRS Certifying Acceptance Agent for ITIN’s o Our IRS-authorized precertification of qualifying documents speeds process o No Social Security Number? No Problem! o Includes Translations Electronic Processing of Tax Returns Free review of your previous years’ tax returns o You can still file 2010-2011-2012 o You may qualify for a refund Abigail Núñez Did you know: Even if you are not documented, you can still file? Get the maximum refund – with or without a social security number! Professional Service, and Guaranteed! ¡Servicio Profesional y Garantizado! Open all year to serve you ¡Abierto todo el año para servirle! 1225 Broadway (at Sofia Quintero Centro de Artes y Culturas) (419) 407––4142 4142 (419) 407 2 LOCATIONS 3237 West Sylvania Suite 200 (419) (419)407 417 ––4141 4141