- St. James Lutheran Church
- St. James Lutheran Church
“THE VOICE” ST. JAMES LUTHERAN MINISTRIES LIFE SUNDAY 2015 Lutherans For Life—Shawano Chapter The theme for 2015 is “Matters of the Heart” based on Isaiah 40:1-2. “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the LORD's hand double for all her sins.” Thank you to everyone who participated in our December 5th Cookie Sale by supplying or purchasing cookies. Our members are invited to join WI Right-to-Life supporters at the LIFE rally on Sunday, January 18th at the Community Room next to the police station. The march is at 1:00 PM followed by a JANUARY 2 0 15 short program at about 1:30 PM. This year an enthusiastic teenage supporter of LIFE will be our guest speaker. Lutherans for Life will help sponsor a signature ad in the Shawano Leader on January 17, 2015. Please join us in this effort. Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex before and after all services the weekends of January 3-4 and January 10-11. Suggested donation is $3.00 per name to help cover the cost of the ad. 324 S. Andrews Street Shawano, WI 54166 Church: (715)524-4815 Fax: (715)524-4876 School: (715) 524-4213 Prayer Circle: (715)584-2553 Inside this Issue: Bible Study 2 St. James Alumni 3 LCEF Scholarship 3 ECC Ministry 4 Growing Churches 5 Calendar of Events 6-7 WRLHS News 8 From the Archives 9 Website: www.stjames-shawano.org Check us out on www.facebook.com/ pages/St-James-LutheranChurch-Shawano-WI VOLUME 0 11 — I SSUE 0 1 OGT by!Wil Kleinschmidt, Area OGT Coordinator Early Winter Bible Study Led by Wil Kleinschmidt Room 112—Church Basement “JOY—How to Rejoice in Any Situation” Wednesdays at 9:00 AM Thursdays at 6:30 PM Begins January 14th & 15th (4 Week Study) Also at Oakhaven on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM •Lesson 1: “JOY in Trials and Weakness” •Lesson 2: “JOY in God’s Word” Our local volunteers sorted and packed 15 times in 2014. July through September are our busiest months. We emptied our warehouse of items in April, July, and November. A semi-truck was filled about half full in April and November, and completely full in July as we had around 600+ boxes of our own plus 24 items of donated household furniture and two large kitchen stoves. Our latest WI Branch newsletter is on display in the Narthex. It contains many pictures of our annual meeting, the 42 events of our branch from May 29th through September 30th, plus notes of thanks from happy recipients of OGT supplies. SUNDAY SCHOOL •Lesson 3: “JOY in the Gospel” •Lesson 4: “JOY in God’s Discipline; Christ’s Rest” JOY is found in the strangest of places: hospital rooms, family dinner tables, school classrooms, assisted living facilities, even in homes where we live alone. Why? Because GOD is present in all these places—if we let Him in—and He can transform any situation into the message “it is well” because we know He is near. These four sessions will lead us into our Lenten series on “The Cross”. PAGE 2 Sunday School resumes Jan 4th. Thank you to everyone who helped with the Christmas program and all who donated to the treat bags. Our next mission project is to Heifer International. We will use the offerings for January to donate livestock animals to impoverished families. Since 1944, Heifer International has worked to bring help, healing and hope to millions of impoverished families worldwide. In its first 70 years, the total number of families assisted, directly and indirectly, is 20.7 million - 105.1 million people in more than 125 countries. In areas where hunger and despair once prevailed, Heifer programs have reinvigorated communities through livestock, training and Passing on the Gift. Heifer International works in the areas of livestock and agriculture to develop programs that alleviate hunger and poverty. S T. J AMES L UTHERAN C HURCH · S HAWANO, W I ALUMNI NEWS SCHOOL NEWS ! January School Calendar Jan 5— School Resumes Jan 9— Home BB Game vs. Trinity GC 4:00; GA 5:10; BC 6:20; BA 7:30 Jan 12—Away Game vs. Hoops @ Hillcrest GC 4:00; GB 5:00; GA 6:00 Jan 13—Away Game @ Assumption Pulaski GC 4:00; BC 5:10 Jan 16—SECOND QUARTER ENDS Away Game @ Pilgrim GB 4:00; GA 5:10; BB 6:20; BA 7:30 Jan 17—Away Game @ Pilgrim GC 10:00; BC 11:00 Jan 19—NO SCHOOL Jan. 22—Home BB vs. Assumption Pulaski GC 4:00; BC 5:10 Jan 23—Away BB @ Sacred Heart GC 4:00; GA 5:10; BB 6:20; BA 7:30 Jan 24—Away BB @ Sacred Heart BC 10:00 Home vs. St. Paul GB 9:00 Home vs. Pilgrim GB 11:00 Jan 26—Home BB vs. St. Paul BC 4:00; BB 5:10; BA 6:20 Jan 27—Home BB vs. St. Paul GC 4:00; GB 5:10; GA 6:20 Jan 30—Away BB @ St. Martin Clintonville GC 4:00; GA 5:10; BB 6:20; BA 7:30 Jan 31—Away BB @ St. Martin Clintonville BC 10:00 It is always great when we can step back and take a moment to recognize those alumni of ours who have gone on to high school and share their accomplishments with the rest of the school! Pictured above are members of the Shawano High School National Honor Society and all these girls are St. James graduates. Pictured above are: FR: Megan Klitzke, Lauren Roloff, Hannah Neumann, Samantha Raddant and Kristi Kurtz. BR: Morgan Klitzke, Lexi Dobberstein, Erika Dunnam and Madeline Schultz. We are so proud of these girls and their academic achievements! Congratulations!! Six LCEF scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000, will be awarded to six graduating high school seniors or current full-time post-secondary students at an accredited institution with at least one year of courses remaining. Candidates must also be members of a congregation belonging to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod located in one of the following LCMS districts: Iowa East, Iowa West, Minnesota North, Minnesota South, North Dakota, North Wisconsin or South Wisconsin. The application deadline is February 28, 2015. Apply online at: lcefuppermidwest.org/scholarships. JANUARY 2015 PAGE 3 ECC HAPPENINGS by Joan Urban, Director of ECC Ministries Happy New Year from all of us at St. James Early Childhood Center!! We are ringing in the New Year with many smiling faces and anticipation of what 2015 will bring for us. Last year went by so quickly and here we are looking forward to what 2015 will bring us. Only God knows the plans He has for us but whatever He has in store for us we know that God will lead us and be right there steering us in the right direction. As we say good-bye to 2014 we remember many good times, and some not so happy moments too. Sometimes we didn’t even know how we would get through the tough days but when we look back we can see God’s hand in everything that happened. We have an amazing God and I for one, am very thankful for the blessings that have come my way, and when the days were not so easy that is when God took me by the hand and led me through. I know there will be many blessings in this upcoming year. God knows the direction that St. James is going and he already has the plan laid out for us. We just need to focus our eyes on Him and let Him lead. Sometimes we forget that it should be God’s will not ours and I pray that God would use each of us in 2015 to follow Him. Use us Lord to be your hands, and feet so that we can hear your call and be of service to you in the New Year! P AGE 4 SHUT-IN VISITS Visitation Pastor Meet Rev. Roy Rinehard, St. James’ Visitation Pastor. As a called and ordained servant of God, Pastor Rinehard has served St. James since 1989 as a visitation Pastor. He serves those who are unable to attend worship services on weekends, due to age, illness, or lack of transportation to church. If you or a family member could benefit from this ministry, please call the church office. ONLINE CHAT Keeping Christ as Our Focus Do you have a computer? Do you have a Facebook account? How about joining some fellow St James members in a weekly current events discussion? You can drop by any time and read and comment. Each week, we will have an online chat to discuss that week’s topic. Weekly chats are currently scheduled for 8 p.m. on Mondays. Join us as we strive to keep Christ our focus in this crazy world. https://www.facebook.com/ groups/currenteventsbible/ YAC Monthly Can Collection First weekend of the month – January 3rd & 4th in the Church parking lot. Please put cans in tied plastic bags. These funds will be used to help defray costs for Youth events. S T. J AMES L UTHERAN C HURCH · S HAWANO, W I WHAT GROWING CHURCHES DO Reprinted from USCLS website The research says congregations using the following strategies or approaches grow in numbers and ministry effectiveness: Strong churches welcome new people 1. Increase the number of worship visitors. 2. Increase the visibility of the congregation in the community (e.g., Web site, paid newspaper and telephone book ads, good outdoor signage, participation in community events). 3. Encourage members to invite others; equip members to invite effectively (e.g. Bring a Friend Sundays, special events). 4. Identify and make personal and telephone follow-up contact with all visitors, especially first time worship visitors. 5. Offer a group for new people. Strong churches encourage participation 1. Fast-track new people into meaningful ministry roles. Ask them what they feel passionate about. What do they see as their ministry? 2. Identify what types of new people the congregation attracts (e.g., returnees, switchers). Ask new people what made the church attractive to them. 3. Create additional small group experiences, such as prayer or study groups. Strong churches offer meaningful worship experiences 4. Evaluate current worship service(s) for vitality. Are service(s) connecting with all age groups and relevant local cultures (e.g., ethnic groups, family types)? 5. Offer more worship service options (e.g., additional services, more variety in worship and music styles, different types of services). 2. Identify congregational strengths. How can the church optimize and leverage these strengths? How can the congregation be more effective in the areas that encourage numerical growth — such as, care for children, participation, and more new people? 3. Evaluate current church organization and committee structure. Minimize the number of maintenance committees. Create ministry teams. 4. Try new strategies. Evaluate efforts. Learn from failed efforts. Fix it and try again. The research also says Denominations and local judicatories using the following strategies help congregations grow in numbers and ministry effectiveness: 1. Take action and set policies to help congregations undertake the above steps. 2. Start new churches. The research says many churches are not yet using the strategies or methods listed above. This lack of action occurs in many denominations that are declining in membership in recent years. A major research question remains unanswered: How do we address the issue of motivation? How do we get pastors and lay leaders to take the actions that research demonstrates works? Accurate information must marry motivation and action. Otherwise, fewer and fewer children of God will gather in our churches. Strong churches help people grow spiritually 1. Focus on the long-term development of disciples (spirituality or faith, financial stewardship, and ministry). Strong churches commit to a positive future 1. Use multiple ministry methods and strategies all the time. JANUARY 2015 PAGE 5 CALENDAR OF EVEN SUN MON TUE W * denotes Radio Broadcast— WTCH 960AM, WTCH 96.5 FM P AGE 6 (HC) denotes Holy Communion YAC denotes “Youth Acclaiming Christ Youth Group” 4 YAC CAN COLLECTION 7:30 Worship (HC) *9:00 Worship (HC) 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Celebration (HC) 4:00 Friends for Fun 5 SCHOOL RESUMES 5:00 Bell Choir 5:45 Praise Team 7:00 St. James Choir 6 4:45 Zumba 7 2:45 Confirm 11 7:30 Worship *9:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Celebration 6:00 Youth Bible Study 6:45 4-H 12 5:00 Bell Choir 5:45 Praise Team 7:00 St. James Choir 13 14 2:45 Confirm 9:00 Quilters 1:30 Parkinsons Support Grp. 6:00 ECC 4:45 Zumba 5:50 ECC Staff 6:30 Board of Directors 18 LIFE SUNDAY 7:30 Worship (HC) *9:00 Worship (HC) 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Celebration (HC) 19 NO SCHOOL 2:00 Dementia Support Grp. 5:00 Bell Choir 5:45 Praise Team 7:00 St. James Choir 20 4:45 Zumba 6:00 Lay Ministry 6:30 Six Boards 21 11:00 Senior 2:45 Confirm 25 7:30 Worship *9:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:30 Celebration 6:00 Youth Bible Study 26 5:00 Bell Choir 5:45 Praise Team 7:00 St. James Choir 27 9:00 Quilters 4:45 Zumba 7:00 Celebration Committee 28 2:45 Confirm S T. J AMES L UTHERAN C HURCH · S HAWANO, W I NTS—JANUARY 2015 WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 NO SCHOOL 3 YAC CAN COLLECTION 5:30 Worship (HC) 9 mation 8 2:00 Tabitha 10 8:00 Men’s Open Gym 5:30 Worship mation 15 6:30 Stephen Ministry 16 2ND QUARTER ENDS 17 8:00 Men’s Open Gym 5:30 Worship (HC) 22 23 24 8:00 Men’s Open Gym 5:30 Worship 29 30 31 8:00 Men’s Open Gym 5:30 Worship r Service (HC) mation mation JANUARY 2015 PAGE 7 LCFS HELP !"#$% Duel Credit Program Lutheran Counseling and Family Services (LCFS) is looking for volunteers to staff the LCFS Thrift Shop. They need volunteers for the second Friday of each month. Also, a random extra day is assigned about every other month. What volunteers do is run the cash register, help customers, and handle incoming items. St. James congregation is responsible for men’s shirts, sweaters and pants. Store hours are 9:30—6:00 on Fridays. We have a morning shift from 9:15—2:00 available as well as an afternoon shift from 2:00—6:00. If interested, please call Marilyn Heinrich at 715-5262648 or Yvonne Polzin at 715-526-5076. VOLUNTEER Opportunities Imagine what our families, community, and world would be like if we all took the time to do what God uniquely designed each of us to do in serving others. The ripple effect of each person making their unique contribution would result in a revolution of Christ's love being felt in tangible, life-changing ways. Whether you have lots of time to volunteer each week or only a few hours every once in a while, consider making the kind of impact that only you can make! Call the church office at 715-524-4815 to see where your talents are needed. P AGE 8 Wolf River Lutheran High School is pleased to offer The Dual Credit Program which allows students to earn both high school and college credits through online courses taught by Concordia University Wisconsin faculty. The program allows students to complete dual credit courses online for a fraction of the traditional undergraduate cost. Features and Benefits •Earn college credits while in high school. •Receive dynamic instruction from collegiate faculty. •Highly affordable tuition through the Concordia Promise* and Concordia Promise Plus scholarships. •Choose from a number of semester-long (15 weeks) courses. •Access to CUW’s online library holdings and databases. • • • • • • • • • • • • • High School Dual Credit Courses Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Psychology American Civilization Civilization and Worldviews: Literature Introduction to Writing Principles of Management Principles of Economics Principles of Marketing Introduction to Business Writing Mandarin I Accounting Accounting II Foundations of Computer Science *The Concordia Promise scholarship reduces the cost of tuition from $200 per credit to $50 per credit and is available for students currently enrolled in a Christian high school or homeschool who are not eligible for state, district or outside funding. S T. J AMES L UTHERAN C HURCH · S HAWANO, W I FROM THE ARCHIVES by Paul Wollangk, St. James Historian Rosalind Westphal retired at the end of December 2014 from an organ playing career that lasted for 74 years. We at St. James have had the privilege of knowing and loving Mrs. Westphal for the last 30 years. What would we have done without her? Hidden in the balcony, she has provided the music that has lifted our spirits and led us in singing hymn upon hymn. This happened on Saturday night, Sunday morning, and on Wednesdays for special services during Advent and Lent. She also played for countless Wednesday school chapel services, weddings, and funerals. It was in that balcony she came to know her future husband Ken, while he videotaped the Sunday services. Together they have been an inspiration in the community and a joy to watch as they served the Lord together. Mrs. Westphal arrived in Shawano in 1984 to teach in the Christian Day School and to serve as an organist and choir director. She taught a classroom half day and school music the rest of the day. Through the years she led bell and chime choir groups in the church and school, she directed adult and school choirs as well as numerous plays. She played organ for St. James in a regular rotation with the other organists, and she taught school music, eventually spending full days in that position. remember her easy laugh and wonderful way of getting the best out of each of her volunteer singers. In 1994 Mrs. Westpahl retired from teaching but not from the organ bench as she continued playing for church services. In 1998 she was still serving the congregation as assistant organist. Eventually she played not only for St. James but also for St. Jakobi in the Town of Richmond. We are thankful for the countless hours of practice that no one witnessed and for her leadership in this congregation. We are further thankful for the joy she had ministering with her brother, H. P. Hilgendorf, during the years he spent in Shawano serving as pastor. For these and many other blessings Mrs. Westphal has brought to Shawano, may God receive all the glory and all of the honor. Mrs. Westphal brought her school groups to many Tabitha and Ladies Aid meetings providing the entertainment for these organizations. She has brought joy and a zest for life to all the positions she has held at St. James. Choir members JANUARY 2 015 PAGE 9 G"G$%%&! Electronic Newsle.er! In an effort to be good stewards of God’s gifts and to be more environmentally responsible we would like to e-mail the “Voice of St. James Lutheran Ministries” newsletter directly to your inbox. Along with the cost savings to the church, you would also receive it sooner. Please fill out the information below and return to the church office or email the Church Administrative Assistant at secretary@stjamesshawano.org. Thanks! NAME _________________________________________PHONE____________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL____________________________________________________________________________________ Outstanding Value • Exceptional Service Butchering & Custom Processing Beef • Pork • Venison 911 E. Green Bay Street SHAWANO W10947 Riverside Rd. Marion, WI 54950 715-754-5136 Bob Adams 715-524-8200 www.covantagecu.org Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy Services 1475 Birch Hill Lane • Shawano, WI 54166 715-758-2506 PAGE 10 FOR AD INFO CALL Tom Schmanski 1-800-950-9952 • 715-526-3161 • Small Business Services • Software Consulting • Income Tax Preparation • Payroll & Accounting Services 103 Alpine Court Shawano, WI 54166-0059 Perry Seamless Gutters Call for free estimate Paula A. Wegner, CPA - Church Member “Where Caring Comes Naturally” Phone: (715) 526-3831 Fax: (715) 526-4237 Swedberg Funeral Home www.swedbergfuneralhome.com 715-526-2631 S T. J AMES L UTHERAN C HURCH · S HAWANO, W I B 4C 31-0804 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH, SHAWANO 11-11-2014 09:45:37 Dine-in or Carryout 521 S. Main St., Shawano, WI 715-524-2523 607 South Main Street • Shawano www.heinsappliance.com OPEN DAILY 7am til 10pm 707 S. Washington St., Shawano, WI. charliescountymarket.com 715-526-5120 (715) 624-4791 Tuesday-Thursday 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday-Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sunday Noon - 9:00 p.m. • Closed Monday Whether buying or selling, we offer dedicated and professional service designed to your needs. “Where Quality Is Watched Like A Hawk” DALE HAWKINSON - OWNER W6091 HWY 22 SHAWANO, WI 54166 PH: (715) 526-3217 FAX: (715) 524-9951 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. 105 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET P.O. BOX 555 SHAWANO, WI 54166 Contact Tom Schmanski to place an ad today! TSchmanski@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2537 John Koeller, Realtor® CRS, GRI, SRES CHURCH MEMBER Office: 715-526-6148 Auto Prep Center APC Store 430 S. Main St. Shawano, WI 54166 220 N. Main St. • Shawano APC 715-526-5555 Auto Repairs 715-526-3411 715-526-2220/800-413-0908 www.culliganofshawano.com FREE 15 minute Injury Consult Martin Jewelers Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine 212 E Green Bay St., Shawano (715) 526-5221 www.advancedptsm.com “The Diamond Store” 148 S. Main, Shawano 526-2030 Church Member MOEDE & SONS INC. RADDANT ELECTRIC SERVICE SINCE 1922 • MP226858 “Serving All Your Electrical Needs” 4 GENERATIONS OF PLUMBERS Generac Generator • Sales & Service Dealer Commercial Q Residential • New Construction Q Remodeling/Repairs Water Heaters - Plumbing Fixtures - Showroom Hours M-F 8A-5P W7850 County Rd. MMM • Shawano CHURCH MEMBER Rich Raddant • 715-526-6578 810 E. Center St. • Shawano 524-4211 www.raddantelectric.com CUSTOMER CONCRETE • Poured Walls • Excavating • Agriculture Work • All Types of Flat Work CALL JESSE KAUFFMAN 715-851-0171 Rob and Nancy Mickelson 336 S. Sawyer Street P.O. Box 36 Shawano, WI 54166 715-526-3135 “Providing the Compassion and Care Your Family Deserves” www.knopehvac.com • Complete Funeral Services • Cremation • Advance Funeral Planning • Monuments A Wisconsin Funeral Home Since 1909 First Call Locksmith LLC Twig’s “Your full service locksmith” Key Systems for Commercial, Residential and Automotive. VERKUILEN CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS CENTER 1401 E. Elizabeth St. Shawano, WI 54166 Beverage Inc. (715) 524-6720 www.firstcalllocksmith.com Shawano • 1-715-524-2365 Carrie Verkuilen DC Jennifer Skibba DC 715-526-5031 Excalibur Auto Body TOM MILLER 715-758-7158 NEW OWNERSHIP – NEWLY REMODELED W5306 Castle Rd. (Off Old Hwy 29) Shawano, WI 54166 Restaurant ~ Lounge ~ In-Door Pool ~ Banquets 201 N Airport Rd, Shawano 715-201-1501 www.shawanofourseasons.com FOR AD INFO CALL Tom Schmanski 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. by Appt. Only 30 Years Experience A 4C 31-0804 ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH, SHAWANO 11-11-2014 09:45:37 US POSTAGE PAID SHAWANO, WI NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT # 64 324 S. Andrews Street Shawano, WI 54166-2406 Return Service Requested January 2015
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