" Who controls the vocabulary, controls the knowledge"
" Who controls the vocabulary, controls the knowledge"
Acronyms from Future-Based Consultancy & Solutions (www.fbc-e.com, updated & corrected twice a month. Release 17-01-2010) " Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " George ORWELL in "1984" To ease your researches, we are inviting you to use the "search" function within the Menu "edit" Pour faciliter vos recherches, utilisez la fonction "rechercher" disponible dans le menu "Edition" Information Underligned names are identifying authors, editors and / or copyrighted applications ©, ®, ™ Free Business White Page Available(www.fbc-e.com) FBWPA Acronym Rose salmon is related to acronyms and assimilated terms and concepts. IL / InLin Internet Lingo also called "PC talk" Intelligence Light green color is related to intelligence, business intelligence (BI)(see also CA, CI, SI) FBC>s Yellow color is related to FBC>s concepts and methodologies (more on www.fbc-e.com) Finance Deep blue color is related to Finance and Accounting (FI) Note: BOLD acronyms KM Deep green color is related to Knowledge Management (KM) and texts are "translated" HR & R Lemon green color is related to HR and recruitment in the list. Mobility Light blue color is related to mobile communication (MoMo) Security Red color is related to security and risks management (RM) Note : US spelling Virtual Pink color is related to virtual / virtuality (VR) & $$$ *.001 0 Day 10BaseT 100BaseT 2DEG 3D 3Dfx 3DO 3DPA 3DS 3D-TV 4D 2G 3G 4G 3GIO 3G.IP 3G3P 3GPP 1GL 2GL 3GL 4GL 5GL ampersand temporary files Feel free to copy and distribute this "computer-babble Hayes JT Fax translator" provided that it is distributed only in its FTP server supposed to be moved within original and unmodified state with our name, address, the next 24 hours to another IP. phone, fax and email. No charge for doing it. Anyone Ethernet spec handling up to 10Mo/sec willing to charge a fee for the distribution of our Ethernet spec handling up to 100Mo/sec translator must have our written permission. Without 2DEG Two-Dimensional Electron Gas which the distributor is guilty of a copyright violation. 3 Dimensions (see D3D, 4D) 3D special effects 3-Dimensional Optics (T. Hawkins) 3D Positional Audio 3D Studio (format) seeing TV in Three Dimensions (sometimes spelled 3-D TV) 4 Dimensions (3D + Time : JIT, Real-Time, Change / CM, TTx...) 2nd Generation 3d Generation 4th Generation (see LTE) 3d Generation I / O (Bus, Interface) 3G Internet Provider (mobility) 3G Patents Platform Partnership 3d Generation Partnership Project 1st Generation Language (machine instructions) 2nd Generation Language (Assembler) 3d Generation Language (C/C++, Fortran, Cobol) 4th Generation Language. Ex / i.e.: ABAP, SQL 5th Generation Language DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf 6GL 3GPP 3LH 3MF 3PLs 3PCC 16CIF 16QUAM 2W 3W 3P 4P 7S 7QC 8nergy "41" 802.11 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11i 802.11n 802.15.6 802.22 24 fps 8 bit PC 16 bit PC 32 bit PC 64 bit PC 360° 404 A A A0 A3 A3 A4 A5 A2A A2A A2E A2Q AA AA AA AAA AAA AAAAAA AAAI AAAS AABB AAC AACR-2 AACS AACS AADA AAF AAH AAFID AAGR 6th Generation Language Third Generation Partnership Projet (see PM, PMI, PMO) 3d Level Hierarchy Multi Media Multi Format (mini chip : it will decode the AVC) Third-Party Logistics (providers) 3d Party Call Control 16 times Common Intermediate Format (Picture Format) 16-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 2-Wire 3-Wire People, Planet, Profit: UN Commission on Sustainable Development (a sort of triple bottom line) outdated marketing mix model (McCarthy in the 60ties): (see SIVA) A McKinsey model for consultants & managers: The 7 Quality Control Tools (Kaoru Ishikawa from the JUSE in the 60's) http://bizz-exert.blogspot.com : business & corporate philosophy 41 interacting cases to initiate the CM / change management (FBC>s methodology) a standard developed by the IEEE for WLAN idem with a range up to 30 meters, operating at 5GHz, providing 54Mbps (aka WiFi5) idem with a range up to 100 meters, operating at 2.4GHz, providing 11Mbps (see WEP) idem with a range up to 100 meters, operating at 2.4GHz, providing 54Mbps security standard using 128-bit encryption keys for more privacy and security (see WPA) 300 Mbit/s on a theoretical base (DRAFT 2.0 version) around the human body network (see BAN) Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) 24 frames per second (a movie usually runs 24 pictures per second) move data in 1 Byte Chunks move data in 2 Byte Chunks move data in 4 Byte Chunks move data in 8 Byte Chunks very shortly said : peripheral SNA made as from each participant of a group or enterprise The "famous error 404: URL not found" qualifying a "disconnected or glazing person" Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available ampere (unit of electrical current) 841 x 1189 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) Adaptive Application Architecture (a Gartner reference model) 297 x 420 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) 210 x 297 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) 148 x 210 mm (according ISO 216 / international paper size standard) Application-To-Application (link in between internal applications) Asia-to-America (see ACP) Asia-to-Europe (see ACP, EMEA) Answers To Questions (see FAQ) Anti-Aliasing Assets Accounting (sub-ledger module to FI) Auto Answer (Net) ASP Application Aggregator Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (framework to control the PC resources access) Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms (see Asinine ) American Association of Artificial Intelligence (see AI) American Assn for the Advancement of Sciences, 1848 (http://www.aaas.org/aboutaaas/) Axis Aligned Bounding Box Advanced Audio Coding (has developped mp4 providing more efficient compression than mp3) Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Advanced Access Control System : DVD protection Asynchronous Address Communication System Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis (www.worldscinet.com/aada/aada.shtml)(see ADA) Advanced Authoring Format American Advertizing Federation Autonomous Agent For Intrusion Detection An Average Growth Rate DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf AAL AALL AAMC AAMS AAP AARP aaS AAS AASIS ATM Adaptation Layer American Assn of Law Librarians American Assn of American Colleges Aircraft Actuation & Management Systems (see MRO) Application Access Point AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol as a Service (ASPCloud Computing DaaSGrid Computing HaaSIaaSPaaSSaaS, …) Auto Area Segmentation Arkansas Administrative Statewide Information System: financial security doc www.legaudit.state.ar.us/AuditReports/InfoSys/2003/AASISApplCntrlsOct2003.pdf ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AASP AAT Average Access Time. Fr.: Temps d'accès moyen (see TBC & the TTx collection: TTC, TTM, ,,,) Authorized Academic Training Program (Microsoft) AATP ABA Activity-Based Accounting (see ABC, ABCM, TCA) ABAC APEC Business Consultative Council Abacus ancient calculating device used for centuries by the Chinese and some other cultures ABAF Anti-Bribery Anti-Fraud ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming (SAP lang./4th generation) ABB Activity Based Budgeting (accting mgmt)(see ABA, ABC, TCA, ...) abbr/abbrev abbreviated, abbreviation (used in dictionary abbreviation) ABC Activity Based Costing ( ABAABBABCMTCATDABC ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations (www.accessabc.com) (see ABCi) ABCi ABC Interactive: independent 3d party for verifying online activity (see ABC) ABCM ABC Management (see ABC, ABA, TCA) ABCP Asset-Backed Commercial Papers (emitted mostly by the SIV) ABEL Advanced Boolean Expression Language ABEND(S) ABnormal END(s) ABI Administration/Application Binary Interface Ability to execute evidence of sustained good results ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System ABM Activity Based Management (acc.mgmt)(see ABC, TCA) ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABMD (Fr) Association Belge du Marketing Direct (www.abmd.be) ABPL Advanced Business Programming Language (see BPML, UML) ABR Available Bit Rate (see CBR, VBR) ABR Area Border Router ABS Adaptive Business Solutions ABS Asset-Backed Securities (see CDO, RMBS) ABS-QE ABS Quality EvaluationsEMA ANAB IATFImmetroRvA (see EFQM, QA, QC, QI, QM, TQM) AbSD Appliance-based Software Delivery ABSSS Creation of Agent-Based Social Systems Sciences (www.dis.titech.ac.jp/coe/index_eng.htm) ABTC APEC Business Travel Card (see ABAC, APEC)(www.businessmobility.org) Dolby Digital (from Dolby Labs ™) AC3 AC Alternative Current AC Analog Computer AC Accounting - General (R/3 Business Application Area) ACB Asia Commercial Bank ACC Association of Communication Companies (see CCB, UMA) ACCA Assn of Chartered Certified Accountant (250.000 members & students in 160 countries/London) Access sophisticated flexible DB maker, an application being part of Microsoft Office Acct(ing) Account(ing). Procedure: you need an Acct Group for creating an Account Account determination to separate gain or loss from payment difference is based on 3 criteria : debit, tax code, reason code Account groups / groupe de comptes Collection of properties of accounts Fr: AS = Assets. Fr: Immobilisations CASH = Liquidity. Fr: Liquidités GL = General Ledger. Fr: Grand Livre / les comptes généraux MAT = Materials. Fr: Gestion des articles DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf PL / P&L = Profit & Loss. Fr: Comptes de résultat / Pertes et Profits Account type Code indicating the belonging accounting area of an account. Determines whether the G/L or one of the subledger is used. Specifies generic names such as … A Assets. Fr: Immobilisations D Customers. Fr: Clients K Vendors. Fr: Fournisseurs M Materials. Fr: Articles S General Accounts. Fr: Comptes généraux P+L ACCP Access Control Coordinate Point Acculturation getting accustomed to new environments ACD Automatic Call Distribution (phone system) (see PABX) ACD Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ARCH model) ACDS Average Calendar Days of Supply / Stock (see DD, LPT, PCO …) ACE Advanced Computing Environment ACE Agent-based Computational Economics (http://www.socsci.aau.dk/ae2006/) ACEE Access Control Environment Element ACELP Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction ACF Advanced Communications Function ACF / NCP Advanced Communications Function / Network Control Program ACH Automated Clearing House ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter Acid2 test page made to help browser vendors ensure correct Web standards in their product ACINT ACoustical INTelligence ACK ACKnowledge (character, HEX= 06, DEC= 6) (see NAK) ACKNLG ACKNowLedGe (Interface signal) ACL Access Control List : it stops traffic from IP addresses or port not within the list. ACLS American Council of Learned Societies (http://www.acls.org/) ACLU American Civil Liberties Union *.acm ADPCM CODEC (audio file) ACML (Extensible) Access Control Markup Language ACOP Approved Codes of Practice ACP Access Control Policy ACP Asia, Caribbean, Pacific ("ACP countries") APPLE Communication Protocol Card ACPC ACPI Advanced Configuration & Power Interface ACR Allowed Cell Rate ADOBE exchange format ACROBAT Acronym word made of the initial letters of words set in a definition/ designation (AAAAAA, anacronym , apronym , ASS , backronym , IL, recursive acronym , retronym , TLA, YABA, YATLA) Acronymize to form into an acronym (Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary) ACR-R Adaptive Control of Thought--Rational: cognitive architecture (John Robert Anderson) ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System Microsoft agent character file *.acs ACSI American Customer Satisfaction Index ACT American College Test ACT Applied Change Technology (FBC>s ) : technology-based communication optimization action-reaction Newton 2nd law (dynamic translation) also considered in a Change Mgmt process (Fr) www.fbc-e.com/services/documents/ser_chge_t002_f.pdf ACTS Automated Computer Time Service (see CUT, IST, NIST, TAI, UTC) ACU Automatic Call Unit ACV At Completion Variance ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed (IE)(see EV, BAC, BCWP, BCWS, EAC, VAC) A&D Analysis and Design AD Active Directory (see GPTF) A/D Analog to Digital ADA Advanced Data Analysis (see AADA) ADA programming language (US, 1979). Ada : first name of a Babbage collaborator AdatP-3 Allied Data Publication-3 (see IER, MTF) ADATP-3 Architecture, Design, Analysis and Planning Tool : to enable SWIFT applications DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ADB ADB ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC ADCAD ADCP ADCP ADD Add-in Add-on Address ADE ADF ADF ADHD ADI ADK ADK ADM ADM ADM ADO ADOCS ADP ADPCM ADR ADSI ADSL ADSP ADSP adv. ADV (Fr) Adware AE AE AEC AEC AEM AES AES AESC AESRM AF AF AFC AFC AFM AFM AFP AFPFO AfriNIC AFS AFTA AGC agcy AGI AGM APPLE Desktop Bus Asian Development Bank Automatic Data Collection Analog-to-Digital Converter Active DT Channel ADvice of Charge (service) (see ISDN) Apple Display Connector (DVI variant) Advertising Design (Computer Assisted)(see CAD) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Analysis & Data Collection Plan Active Data Dictionary (see DDD) basic application improvement extension of the material features a place on the Internet or the email address of a person Application Development Environment (tools for building applications used by the DSS analyst) Application Development Framework Automatic Document Feeder (Fax, printer, …) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder AUTOCAD Device Interface Application Development Toolkit Archive Development Kit (SAP) Architecture-Driven Modernization Arrow Diagram Method Asynchronous Disconnected Mode Application Defined Objects (include forms, style, printer definitions) Automated Deep Operations Coordination System Automatic Data Processing (see DP) Adaptative Differential PCM (Microsoft) Application-Dependent Route Active Directory Service Interface Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line (see BPL, DSL, SDSL) APPLE Talk Data Stream Protocol Author Domain Signing Practices (see DKIM) adverb (used in dictionary abbreviations) Administration Des Ventes (SD) SW that brings advertising page to the computer (more with pestpatrol.com)(see Malware ) Account Executive (see KAM) Authorization for Expenditure Architecture Engineering & Construction (CAD) ASEAN Economic Community Atom Earth Mother (see PF) Automated Export System (LES enables the users to exchange data with custom authorities) Advanced Encryption Standards (see IDEA) American Engineering Standards Committee Alliance for Enterprise Security Risk Management (see RM) Alternative Frequencies (radio) Application Form (see CV) African Financial Community (Franc Zone CFA) Application Foundation Classes Accelerating Forward Move (FBC>s ): change-related concept Atomic Force Microscope (see STM) APPLEtalk Filing Protocol Anti-Fraud Post-Fraud Operations (see ATPTO) African Network Information Center (RIR for the African region) Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft) ANSEAN Free Trade Area Automatic Gain Control (used in audio and video equipment to maintain the output level) agency Adjusted Gross Income (see GDP) Annual General Meeting (of shareholders) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf AGP AGPL Agresso A-GPS AH AHP *.ai AI AI Accelerated / Advanced Graphics Port (INTEL) Affero General Public License suite of SW for administrative & financial processes of higher education institutions. Assisted GPS (see E-GPS) Authentification Header : an IPSec checking the packet content integrity after its transit Analytical Hierarchy Process ADOBE Illustrator (file) Appreciative Inquiry: the positive regard on what's valuable (versus the resolving approach) Artificial Intelligence (see AAAI, AL, AUAI, ES) FBWPA AI Automated Invention : computers are solving described problems and bringing solutions AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group AICPA American Institute of CPA AIDA Attention+Interest+Desire+Action (advertising principles) AIDC Automatic Identification and Data Capture (see EPC, RFID) AIDE Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (see HIDS, IDS) AIERP Avian Influenza Emergency Recovery Project (see HPAI) Audio Interchange File Format *.aiff AIFMS Alternative Investment Fund Managers AIIC International Association of Conference Interpreters Ajax Asynchronous Java Script and XML (creates rich Web-based applications) AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (http://www.aicpa.org/) AIM Advanced Information Management AIM Alternative Investment Market AIO Activities, Interests, Opinions (mkg) Automatic Image Refinement (CANON) AIR AirCERT Automated Incident Reporting (see CERT, http://www.cert.org/) AIS Applied Information Service AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape : cassette storage standard (see DLT & LTO) Adaptive Information Warehouse (Fast) AIW aka or a.k.a also known as (used before an alias) Aka 802.11b Wifi wireless networking technology AL Application Layer (see OSI) AL Application Logic AL Artificial Life (see also AI, Second Life ) ALAC At-Large Advisory Committee: provides advices on the activities of the ICANN *.alb power ALBum (file) ALC Artificial Life Character (see AL, ECA, ECT) ALE Application Link Enabling (application distribution) traffic index analyzing the internet usage of Alexa Toolbar users (USA) Alexa rank ALF Advanced List Format (SAP doc) ALGOL ALGorithmic Oriented Language (scientific language)(see CVSELP, IAL) algorithm mathematical rules set. They are often used for encryption/decryption processes (see blowfish ) ALI Application Layer Interface (communication interface) alias nickname, simplified electronic address name replacing another hostname (see a.k.a) a-Life artificial life (could be a virtual life)(see AI, AL, Second Life ) ALJ Administrative Law Judge (USA) Alloted issued (annual report) ALM Application Life-cycle Management (see PLC) ALM Assets and Liability Management ALN Asynchronous Learning Network (see ALT, ASL, CBCL, CLE, CSCL, ECLG, WBL, WBT, …) Alt Alternate ALT Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT, ASL, CBCL, CLE, CSCL, ECLG, ROLE, WBL, WBT, …) Alt-A special asset mortgage ALTS Association for Local Telecommunications Services ALU Arithmetic & Logic Unit (processor) ALV ABAP List Viewer AM Assets Management (SAP module)(see AA, DAM) AM Active Messaging AM Amplitude Modulation (see FM): radio carrier wave for transmitting information DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf AMA Amcham AMD AMG AMI AML AMLCD AMLO AMP Ampersand AMPS AMPS AMQP AMR AMR AMR AMRS AMS AMSP AMT AMT AMTSO ANA anacronym anagram AND AND Andon Android *.ani ANI ANN ANOVA ANSI Anti- virus AOC AOL AOO AOT AP AP APA APAC APAR APB APBO APC APC APD APEAL APEC APEC FMM API APIPA APL APM APM APNIC APO American Medical Association American Chamber of Commerce (see Eurocham ) Advanced Micro Devices (1969): competitor of Intel Automatic Metadata Generation Amazon Machine Image Algebraic Modeling Language (see GAMS) Active Matrix LCD Anti-Money Laundering Operations Alliance Management Program & Advanced Mobile Phone Service (see D-AMPS) Automatic Music Program System Advanced Message Queuing Protocol: Audio/Modem Riser (Intel) Advanced Manufacturing Research (Boston Institute) Automatic Message Registering Alternative Map Registering Sets (EMS memory) American Mathematical Society Application Management Service Provider (see ASP, ISP) Applied Management Technology Advanced Manufacturing Technology Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (http://www.amtso.org/) Association of National Advertisers (USA) very old acronym that is now part of the common language (no one remembers its origin). As found in the July 1997 issue of Wired Magazine. Example: Laser (see backronym ) word made of another by transposing the letters (don't confuse it with acronym or anacronym ) opérateur logique "et" (voir OR et XOR) Automated Network Deployment (see ZAD) signboard . Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). SW platform and OS for mobile devices based on Linux kernel (Google in 2005) animated cursor (see *.cur). Fr.: curseur animé Automatic Number Identification Artificial Neural Network (see NN) ANalysis-Of-Variance : statistical model for data analysis American National Standard Institute (see ISO) free antivirus : www.secuser.com ; http://housecall.antivirus.com (see Virus ) Air Operations Center (see ASRs) America On Line (1985, + 10,000,000 customers) Assembled-On-Order (see BTO) Advanced Object Technology (see OO and others) Access Points Application Package / Program (see WP) All Points Addressable Adaptative Planning and Control Sequence (application of SWOT) Authorized Program Analysis Report Accounting Principles Board (see AICPA, FASB, GAAP) Accounting Principles Board Opinions Acquisition and Production Costs Advanced Process Control Advanced Planning & Development (see APO) Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout (J.D. Power's 2008) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (see ASEAN) APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting (see ABAC) Application Programming Interface (voir BAPI) : UI design constrained by the OS or application. Automatic Private IP Addressing A Programming Language (1956) Advanced Power Management Application Development Module Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (Asia & Pacific region RIR) (SAP) Advanced Planner & Optimizer = central component w/i SCOPE which provides supply DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf chain planning tools for real-time planning and decision support Advanced Program-to-Program Communications JAVA mini application (JAVA script use) Applications American Productivity and Quality Center (see EFQM, QA, QC, QM, TQM, …) Advanced Product Quality Planning (see APQC) Asynchronous Pulsed Radiated Incident Light is a MDCP letters of an acronym representing a meaningful term in its context http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=1044419774 APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling APS Application Platform Suite APT Advanced Parallel Technology APT Automatically Programed Tools APWG Anti-Phishing Working Group (http://www.apwg.org/) AR Augmented Reality (see AI, ART, VR, Wetware , …) AR Application Requester (see RFQ, RFP, … ) ARC4 Alleged RC4 Protocol ARCH model Pr. Robert Fry Engle III 's autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (see ACD, DCC) Architecture system design plus description of the components interactions. Archiving archiving systems : RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LHA, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO Architectureecology. Arcology ARF Abort, Retry, Fail (message) ARF Abuse Feedback Reporting Format (see DKIM) ARF Advertising Research Foundation ARIADNE Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers (RIR ARIP Account Receivable Incoming Payment ARISS Amateur Radio on board of International Space Station.(www.ariss-eu.org/) Archive Robert Jung, a compressing and archiving program ARJ ARL Archive Link ARM Automatic Restart Manager ARM Advanced RISC Machine ARP Address Resolution Protocol ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (NET genesis)(see ARPANET, DARPA) ARPANET short for ARPANETWORK :Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (see NIC) ARPU Average Revenue Per User ARRL American Radio Relay League ARS Action Request System ARSC Accounting and Review Services Committee (see AICPA) art. article (used in dictionary abbreviation) ART Augmented Reality Technology (see AI, AR, RR, VR, …) ART (Fr) Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications ART Alternative Risk Transfer Market (Risk management)(see RM) ARTE (Fr) Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne (authentique / true) AS Asynchronous System AS Autonomous System asap As soon as possible ASAP Accelerated SAP (rapid implementation extended procedure) ASAP Align Supply And Production (SAS): principle along the general SCM principles ASAP Automated Standard Application for Payment ASBL (Fr) Association Sans But Lucratif (see NPO) ASC Anti-Spyware Coalition (http://www.antispywarecoalition.org/) ASCII American Standard for Computer Information Interchange ASE Accelerated Solution Environment ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations (see APEC) *.asf (ASF) Active Streaming Format (MS audio / video file formats) Apache Software Foundation ASF ASIA see Cartagena Agreement ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit (see ASSP) Asinine silly, stupid (see AAAAAA) APPC Applet Apps APQC APQP APRIL Apronym DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ASIO ASIS ASL ASLR ASM / RDM ASN ASN.1 ASO ASP ASP ASP *.asp ASPI ASQ ASQC ASR ASRs ASRS ASS (yes !) ASSEMBLER Assign Audio Stream Input/Output American Society for Information Science Asynchronous Learning (see ALN, ALT, CBCL, CLE, CSCL, ECLG, ROLE, WBL, WBT, …) Address Space Layout Randomization: computer Advanced Server Manager / Remote Diagnostic Management (ACER) Advanced Shipping Notice (MM-WM) Abstract Syntax Notation One: international standard (see BER, DER) Address Supporting Organization: advises the ICANN BOD on IP addresses policy and mgmt Active Server Pages (outil serveur / serving tool) Application Service Provider Assn of SW Professionals Active Server Page (MS component, file) Advanced SCSI Programming Interface American Society for Quality (see EFQM, QA, QC, QI, QL, TQM)(www.asq.org/) American Society for Quality Control (interesting doc : www.cepra.org/download/D11v04.pdf) Automatic Speech Recognition: Air Support Requests (US Army or Marine) (see AOC) Automatic Storage & Retrieval System (SAP LES) Acronym Stress Syndrome (yes ! It does exist !) (see AAAAAA) ASSEMBly language (see COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/1 …) a CyCd to a CyCd a Credit Cntrol Area a Financal Management Area a Controlling Area a Plant to a CyCd a Sales Organization to a CyCd a Purchase Organization to a CyCd Assn Association ASSP Application Specific Standard Product (semiconductor device integrated circuit)(see ASIC) ASTM American Society for Testing Material ASTM Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel AudioSpan (Rockwell) ASVD asynchronous being operative on its own built-in clock (back to the First Triad ) asynchronous learning learning environment where the learner and instructor aren't simultaneously present AT Activity Type AT Advanced Technology (see ATA, ATX, SATA) AT (Fr) Analyse Transactionnelle (see TA): article disponible dans notre Business Magazine n°3 AT Assistive Technology (see DSS) ATA AT Attachment (activity attachment) Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method®: SEI ATAM ® ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface ATB Automated Ticket & Boarding (Pass) (IT) ATCS American Television Standards Committee ATD Anthropomorphic Test Device ATD Available To Deploy (SAP/MRP4) atemi based on the action / reaction principle (coming from the combat sports terminologies) ATL Active Template Library ATM Automatic Telling Machine ATM Asynchronous Transfert Mode (see ABT) ADOBE Type Manager ATM ATM / ATC Air Traffic Management and Control Systems ATN Attention (GPIB24LB) ATO Assemble-to-Order ATP Available-To-Promise (quantity) ATPTO Anti-Threat Post-Threat Operations (see AFPFO) Adaptative TRansform Acoustic Coding (SONY) ATRAC ATS Advanced Training Solution (called InfoDB in some countries) uses all the R/3 training material. ATS Applicant Tracking System ATSR Along Track Scanning Radiometer (see SST)(www.atsr.rl.ac.uk/) how to be the "perfect" leader ? Attitude management DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ATU Account Team Unit (see SMT, TU) ATX(motherboard) Advanced Technology eXtended [form factor]: no wires needed: built-in IO ports (see AT) AU Access Unit AU African Union AUAI Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (www.auai.org) (see AI) AUC Assets Under Construction (AA) (voir IEC) audio dub the sound of a program recording only and without any concern of the pictures? AugCog Augmented Cognition: could be part of a EAM program (see AI, HMI) AUI Attachment Unit Interface Authentication AA Active Authentication BAC Basic Access Authentication autonomation autonomy and automation autonomic computing systems with self-management abilities aux. auxiliary (used in dictionary abbreviation) AUX auxiliary input(s) on amplifiers, pre-amps, mixing tables … A/UX Apple/Unix av average AV Artificial Variable AVAR Association of anti Virus Asia Researchers (http://www.aavar.org/) Avatar Visual appearance used for a self represention 3DWeb (see DID, FOAF, Second Life ) AVC Advanced Video Coding (see 3MF) AVI (*.avi) Audio Video Interleave (file format defining the relationship between audio and video) AVIEN Anti-Virus Information Exchange Network (http://www.avien.org/) AVIEWS Anti-Virus Information & Early Warning System (http://www.aviews.net/) Audio Video Kernel (IBM+Intel) AVK AVL Automatic Volume Level / Levelling AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator AWD (car) All-Wheel Drive (see FWD) AWEA American Wind Energy Association AWG American Wire Gauge AWIC Average Within Inventory Cost AWS Amazon Web Services (see cloud computing ) Abstract Windows Toolkit AWT Axiome (Fr) énoncé explicite et logique des principes et définitions utilisées dans un domaine scientifique Azure Windows Services Platform (could be considered as a PaaS or a Cloud OS) Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available B B1G1F Buy One Get One Free (sales/marketing) B2A Business-To-Administration B2B Business-To-Business B2B Back-To-Brussels … when I'm home … :-)) B2Bi B2B Integration (see EAI) in view of multi-company business processes. B2BUA Back-To-Back User Agent B2C Business-To-Customer (see C2C) B2G Business-To-Government (see G2C) B2R Back-To-Reality … after a long unrealistic business dream ! B2S Business-To-Suppliers B4Now Before now Ba Place-Time-People (Japan), a shared dynamic context in motion (see STU) BA (2B+D interface) Basic Access (see ISDN, PRA) BA Business Analyst BA Business Area BAA Business Application Area Babbage Charles , BAC Basic Access Authentication (see Authentication ) BAC Budget At Completion (see EV, ACWP, BCWP, BCWP, EAC, VAC) Backbone high speed data link connecting the main NW and carrying the heaviest traffic Backronym acronym refering to itself in the expression for which it stands (see recursive acronym ,retronym , anacronym ). Backronym example : VISA International Service Association (1976) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf BaffleText *.bak BAL BALUN BAM BAM BAM BAN Bandwidth Bank ID Banking BAPCO BAPI more sophisticated CAPTCHA filter made by PARC back-up file format Business Analysis Library BALanced / UNbalanced Business Activity Management (see SAM) Business Activity Monitoring (could be related to BI, TCO for IT managers) Bidirectional Associative Memory Body Area NW: WPAN firstly an expression of the analog capacity (Hz), secondly of the digital transfer capacity. 5-digit alphanumeric key / abbreviation (i.e. DEUBA = Deutsche Bank) see SAP Banking Belgian Assn of Professional Conference Organizers Business Application Programming Interface (see API) : w/i SAP, that transaction retrieves a list of all Business Objects and their BAPIs from the BOR. Mailing list: http://www.sap.com/ products/techno/bapis/feedback/mailing/mailing.htm) BASDA Business Aplication SW Developers Assn (UK) Base 2 system binary number system Base 10 system decimal number system Basel II or 2 banking standards set for regulating finance and banking in the EC (see Solvency II ) BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (programming language) BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Systemic Individual Construction (FBC>s concept) Bastion Host hardened system to resist attack and used as a firewall component *.bat see Batch file BATCH simple program file / stored commands series Batch file DOS commands in a *.bat file BATNA Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (see MOU) Baud measurement unit of digital data transmission speed B2B Business To Business (see B2C, C2C) BBDE Browser-Based Desktop Environment (see DE) BBK Library Bibliographic b-Blog Blog for mainly sharing business insights instead of personal concerns BBMC Brussels Business Mediation Center (http://www.bbmcmediation.be/) BBP Business-to-Business Procurement (SAP) BBRT Beyond Budgeting Round Table (Intl Research Consortium sponsored by 70 large enterprises) Bulletin Board Syst. BBS BC Basis Components (R/3 Business Application Area), Binary Computing, Business Continuity BC British Commonwealth (see UK) BC Business Continuity (see IRM, RM) BC-BE Business Engineer (within the SAP BC) BCD Binary Coded Decimal. Fr: décimal codé binaire BCD Belgian Centre for Domotic BC / DR Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery BCE (Fr) Banque Centrale Européenne (see ECB) BC-FES-DEI Desktop Integration : use of Excel for R/3 data display & processing B Channel Bearer Channel BCI Brain-Computer Interface BCIS Business Change Implementation Specialist BCM Business Change Management (FBC>s )(e-BCM : updated version) BCP Business Continuity Planning (see BCPR) BCP Business Critical Path (see CPM) BCPL Basic Compiled Programming Language BCPR Business Continuity Planning Requirements BCR Bar Code Reader BCS Banking Commercial Standard, Business Computing System BCS Basic Content Services (see ECM) BCS Brain and Cognitive Sciences (MIT school of science) BCS Business Classification Scheme BCS Business Communication System (communication, telecommunication) BC-SRV-ARL SAP Archive Link Service BCU Bus Coupling Unit DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (see EV, ACWP, BAC, EAC, VAC) BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (see EV, ACWP, BAC, EAC, VAC) BD Business Domain (see TD) (IE) BDAY Beginning of the Day (see EDAY) BDC Batch Data Conversion BDC Batch Data Communication (BC-SRV) BDC Backup Domain Controller BDE Borland Database Engine BDF Bean Scripting Framework BDI Bulk Data Ingestion BDM Business Development Manager / Management BDOS Basic DOS .be .be (Belgium) domain (see DNS) BE Business Engineering (see BPR, BPM, RBE) BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis (USA) Bear Market decreasing market BECTA British Education Communications and Technology Agency BEDO Building Energy Design Optimization BEI Business Enterprise Integration BEL Beep (HEX=07, DEC=7) BELTUG BELgian Telecom Users Group BEM Business Event Management (see BPM, BPR) Benchmarking value chain processes comparison Benchmarks set of programs to check the PC specs BENS Business Executive for National Security : it suggests the anticipation of risks. BeOS media oriented OS (Be Software) BEPA Bureau of European Policy Advisers BER Basic Encoding Rules (see ASN.1) Blackberry Enterprise Server (push-mail technology) BES BEW Business Engineering Workbench (SAP office) BEx Business Explorer (SAP) BF (SAP) Business Framework BFA Brute Force Attack BFI Brute Force & Ignorance (bad program) BG Background Color (see FG) BGAN Broadband Global Area Network (Inmarsat)(see GMD, MSU) BGP Border Gateway Protocol (see Peering point ) B2H Binary to Hexadecimal (see B2O) BHO Browser Helper Object (pert object) BI Business Intelligence (see AI, CI) FBWPA In France, BI = IE. It stands for "Intelligence Economique" (see BIR, CI, DCBI, EI, MI, RI) BI Batch Input automatically carries out normal SAP transactions and is suitable for large amounts of data that are already available in electronic form (see BIB, BIP, EBIS, …) Business Impact Analysis/Assessment: BIA BIAC Biometric Access Controls BIAC Business & Industry Advisory Committee Business Intelligence Beans (JAVA) BIB BIC Bank Identifier Code (corresponding to SWIFT) identifies the beneficiary's Bank (see SEPA) BICC Business Intelligence Competence Center (see BI) B-ICI Broadband-Inter Carrier Interface BIFA Border Information Flow Architecture (USA) Big Bang One step implementation Big Blue IBM (has a blue logo) (see Blue Cloud ) Big Brother Permanent police monitoring of the population ()(see Big Mother ) Big DOS partition with more than 65.536 sectors Big Iron mainframe Big Mother wireless & video technologies use to continuously tracking the kids activities(seeBig Brother ) BIM Business Information Management DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf BIM British Institute of Management (1947). Institute of Industrial Administration absorbed in 1958. BIMBO Buy In Management Buy Out (see LBI, LBO, LBU, LMBI, LMBO) *.bin MacBinary (file) Bin "binary" abbreviation (see bit ) BIN Bank Identification Number (see PIN) Binary system System that utilizes two values : 0 and 1 Binary thinker Absolute way of thinking : yes or no, black or white, bad or good BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain (see DNS) Bing-fa strategy, in the Chinese language (www.scienceofstrategy.com) Bioinformatics biology and information technology Biologon logon after face, voice, fingerprint recognition (related to security and others)(see Biometrics ) Biometrics uses individual's physical characteristics to grant or deny logon to computer/net resources Bionics artificial system imitating living organisms (see AR, NI, NN…) Biopic short for Biographical Motion Picture BIOS Basic Input Output System : set of routines (see DOS) Biosoft Based on biochips technologies BIP Business Intelligence Platform (see BI, EBIS, …) BIP Business Intelligence Process (see BI) Building Integrated Photovoltaics () BIPV BIR Business Intelligence Reporting (see BI) BIS Business Information System BIS Business Intelligence System (see CI) BISP Business Intelligence Service Provider : extension of the ASP activities BISTEL Belgian IS by TELephone Bit Binary Digit, 0 and 1 (see high- and low-bit, K, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa, Zeta, Yotta) BIT Bureau International du Travail B.I.T. Bachelor of Industrial Technology Bitlocker BitLocker Drive Encryption (Microsoft TM): HW-enabled data protection feature in Windows Vista Bitloss data bits lost during a transmission Bitmap image made of points (=low definition) (see *.pbm) Bitmap file formats : BMP, GIF, RAW, RGB, TGA, TIF BITNET "Because It's Time" NETwork (univ. Net) Bit rate Number of bits per second occurring in a bit stream BIW Business Information Warehouse is a separate solution working with the R/3 (+3.0D) landscape as part of the Business Framework Architecture which enables integrated data retrievals and analysis, boasts multimedia presentation options for high quality business information. Biz Business (see Buzz Word ) .biz .biz domain (see DNS) bizz-exert 8nergy on http://bizz-exert.blogspot.com B.J. Bachelor of Journalism B.L. Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Letters B.L.A. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture or Bachelor of Liberal Art Black hole arrival place of a lost mail after the sending through an undetected down router Blade server Case with 20 or more modular mother boards Blended thre ats Virus propagating themselves through various ways: emails, FTP, networks. E.g. Nimda Bloatware SW with very low functionalities that requires large diskspace and memory BLOBs Binary Large OBjects Bloc d'imputation : recouvre les dimensions et les zones auxquelles on peut faire des imputations par domaines fonctionnels (en fonction de critères de validation définis) Blog short for weblog (see also vlog , microblogging , Mobile Blogging ) English platform about Blogs and blogging : http://web2bizclub.blogspot.com/ French platform about Blogs and blogging : http://web2bizclub-fr.blogspot.com/ Blogger author of a Blog and responsible for its maintenance Blogosphere a world of Blogs (see TPFKATA) Blogs survey in-depth survey of the Blogs for discovering new attitudes and minds profiles FBM Bloki site on which Web pages can be created with no added software (http://www.bloki.com/) blowfish it's just a weird name for the Bruce Schneier's symmetric encryption algorithm (1993) BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA) Blue Cloud IBM cloud computing . Example: BlueHouse (see Big Blue ) Bluetooth Wireless networking technology (see WiFi) (Bluethooth SIG : http://www.bluetooth.org) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf BlueZ Blu-ray Blurb BM BM BMI *.bmk BML BML BMP/*.bmp BMUTIL BMV BNC BNC B2O BO BOA BOB BOC BOCA BOD BODs BOE BOE BoE BOF BOINC official Linux Bluetooth stack (http://www.bluez.org) Compatible HDTV new DVD format up to 50GB (see HDDVD) short text block containing a quote Brain Map (see e-learning, LMS) Business Modeler (VISIO) Body Mass Index (obesity measure) bookmark collection Bean Markup Language (Java) Business Management Layer (TMN) OS/2 or Windows Bitmap (format) (MS) Bitmap Manipulation Demo Belgacom Multimedia Venture Banking Network Computer (Nixdorf) video connector (bayonet type) Binary to Octal (see B2H) Business Object Back Office Application (see FOA) Business Object Builder (see BO, OO) Bell Operating Company Borland Object Component Architecture Board Of Directors (see BOE, BOM) Business Object Documents Board Of Executives (see BOD, COMEX) Bill Of Exchange Bank of England Beginning Of File Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing: (see cluster and grid computing ) (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/) BOJ Bank Of Japan BOK Body Of Knowledge (see PMI, PMO, PSO) *.bol Booasm Compressed Archive Library (www.convert-extensions.com/format/BOL-Booasm-…) BOL Book On Line BOM Bill Of Material (PP, engineering and production) BOM Board Of Managers (see BOD, BOE) BOM Business Object Model boot or Bootstrap initiating program / device: contains the instructions for starting the system boot up set of checks at the start (see boot ) BOR Business Object Repository (SAP): object space where BAPI calls are processed (see BO) BOS Balance-of-System (component) BOS Behavior Observation System BOSS Business & Operations Support System Bot short designation for "robot" Botrunner software robots operator on the Net. BOT Beginning Of Tape BOT Build Operate Transfer (mode of joint venture in between companies) Bottleneck part of the Soft- or Hardware that is decreasing the PC performances infected computers Botnet SW (RBB) BP Business Process BPA Business Process Automation (see IPA) BPC Business Process Control (management) BPC Business Process Component (management, EAI) BPE Business Process Engineering BPEL Business Process Execution Language (WEB services XML-based language)(see WPEL4WS) BPEL4WS Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Bpi Bits per inch BPI Bluetooth Pilot Interface BPI Business Process Improvement / Innovation BPI Business Performance Intelligence (see BI, CI) BPI Buying Power Index DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf BPIO Business Productivity Infrastructure Optimization ("First Triad" + BI & Technological watch) BPIO SE BPIO Solution Engineer BPL Broadband over Power Line (see ADSL) BPM Business Process Management (extended and continuous process mgmt)(see BPR) BPM Business Process Modeling (see BPML) BPM Business Performance Management BPMI Business Process Management Institute BPML Business Process Modeling Language (BPMI): BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation, notation understandable by all business stakeholders BPMS Balanced Performance Management System (see BSC) BPMS Business Process Management System (combination of the EAI and workflow) BPO Business Process Optimization BPO Base Planning Object BPO Business Process Outsourcing / Off-Shoring (see in-sourcing ) Business Process Re-engineering (Michael Hammer: Rengineering the Corporation) BPR bps bits per second BPS Business Process Simulation BPT Business Process Technology (SAP comp.) BPX Business Process eXpert BR Bus Request B2R Back To Reality Brain mapping Simple: graphically supporting the brain activity. SW available. Science : see BCS Branding litterally … building a brand (see Personal branding ) BRAT Bi-drive Recreational All-terrain Transporter (a car description in USA) BRI Basic Rate Interface BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, China: 4 top countries in the world economy around 2050 (Jim O'Neil, 2001) BRICS BRIC + South Africa (see PIG) Brick & Mortar traditional activities (non-B2B activities)(see click & mortar ) Bridge a device connecting 2 or more networks BRIDGE Building Radio frequency IDentification for the Global Environment (project) BRIEFS BRief driven Information retrieval and Extraction For Strategy BRM Business Risk Management (see RM) BRMS Business Rules Management Systems brownie points reward(s) browser Web Browser abbreviation: browsing the Web activity of the browser (see Web surfing ) BS 7799 Codes of practice for information security management (see ISMS, ISO) BSA Budget Support Advisor (see BSWG, SEQUAP) BSA Business Software Alliance (BS Assn in Belgium) : eight-point code of ethics BSC Balanced Score Card (Kaplan and Norton / 1992) BSC Belgian Senior Consultants BSFP Big Screen Flat-Panel B(S)G Business (Strategy) Game BSOD Blue Screen Of Death (serious error/crash blue screen or falling over dead) B(S)P Business (System) Planning BSRD Basic - Standard - Rationalized - Dynamic (level of progress / efficiency) (see IOM) BSS Broadcasting Satellite Service BSWG Budget Support Working Group (see BSA, SEQUAP) BTA Belgian Teleworking Assn (02/475.2000) BTA Bilateral Trade Agreement BTCLI Bluetooth Command Line Interface (see HCI) BTE (SAP) Business Transaction Events (special type of BAPI) Build-To-Order (e.g. Dell original business model. More precisely assembled-on-order) BTO BTO Business Technology Optimization BTQM Belgian assn for Total Quality Management (www.btqm.be)(see EFQM, TQM) BTW By The Way (Net language acronym / jargon)(see IL or InLin) BTX Balanced Technology eXtended [form factor] (see AT, ATX) BU Business Unit (see BUM) BU Blow-Up (zoom) Bucket Group (user, feature, problem) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Bug residual programming error (see dbg, WORM, Y2K, ...) BUM Business Unit Management (see BU) bundle collection of software products (IS-SW) bundling items combination according to particular criteria BUS signal internal pathway (see ISA, PCI) Bus a local area network topology in which all workstations are connected to a single cable Business area Specific operational area (activity, region …) as a final breakdown of a (Fr.: domaine d'activité) company's balance sheet & profit+loss statement (for internal use) Business Game Educative exercise that simulates the enterprise management in its market Business Navigator Direct link in between documentation and transactions (Transaction SB09) Opérateurs logiques : AND / ET l'un et l'autre OR / OU un ou plusieurs XOR / OU exclusif l'un ou l'autre Buzz-word www.BuzzWhack.com BV Business View BVDA Book Value of Depreciable Assets BVF Belgian Video Federation BVS Business Voice Solution (see IN-BVS) BW Business Warehouse (see also DB, KW / SAP) BWA Broadband Wireless Access B&W Black and White b-Web Business Web BYTE 8 Bits (see K, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta) C C C# C++ © C3E C3PO C4I ISR CA CA CA CA CA CA CAAT C2B *.cab CAB CABE CABPR C2C CAC Cache CACM CACW CAD(D) CAD CAD&P / M CA-DOC CAE CAE CA-EUR-CNV CA-EUR-GEN CAF CAF CAF Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available programming language (see C#, C++, CLIPS) C sharp C + OOP = C++ (see CPP) copyright / copyrighted (see ® ) see CEEE Chief People, Progress, and Potential Officer (Kyle Shannon)(see CEO and other CxO) Certificate Authority (e-biz secured communications) Chart of Accounts (accounting)(see CABE, CAUK, CAUS, …) Competitive Advantage (see CI, IE, SCA) Confidentiality Agreement (see MOU, TOR) Content Architecture: what needs to be designed and set before building a site. Cross Application (R/3 Business Application Area)(see CATS) Computer Assisted Audit Technique (IFAC) Consumers-To-Business Microsoft Cabinet file format (distribution file) (see archiving ) Change Advisory Board (see CM, ECM, OCM) Chart of Accounts Belgium (SAP). Fr.: Plan comptable belge Computer Assisted BPR Consumer-To-Consumer … a popular business (see B2B) Connection Admission Control memory chunk for speeding up routine Central American Common Market Computer Aided Collaborative Work (see CSCW) Computer-Aided Design (Drafting)(see CAE, KAD)Fr.:Conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) Computer Aided Debugging Computer Aided Design & Production / Manufacturing (see CAM) Documentation Tools Client Application Enabler Computer Assisted Engineering (see CAD, CATT, KAD, …) Cross Application-EURO-Changeover (R/3 component for for local currency changeover) Cross Application-EURO-General (R/3 component for for local currency changeover) Composite Application Framework Constant Applicative Form Call Attachment Facility DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CAF CAFE CAFR CAGB CAGR CAGT CAI CAL CALL CALS CalTech CAM CAM CAM CAM CAMCORDER CAMD CAMEO CAO (Fr) CAO cap cap. CAP CAP CAP Caps Lock CAPs CAPA CAPEX CAPEX CAPI CAPP CAPTCHA Common Assessment Framework Common Access For Everybody (Cyber - Café) Chart of Accounts France (SAP). Fr : Plan comptable français Chart of Accounts UK (SAP). Fr. : Plan comptable anglais Compound Annual Growth Rate Computer-Assisted Group Technology Computer-Aided Instruction Computer-Aided Learning (see EAO) Computer-Aided Language Learning Client Access Licenses (MS) California Institute of Technology Computer-Aided Manufacturing (see CAD) Content Addressed Memories Conditional Access Module (satellite) Computer-Aided Manufacturing CAMera reCORDER Constrained Approximate Minimum Degree Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (see CARM) Conception Assistée par Ordinateur (see CAD) Chief Administration Officer (see CEO, CIO, DCIO, CFO, CKO, CLO, COO, CTO, CVO…) capitalisation, series of interest rate options (TR-TM) capital (used in dictionary abbreviation) Competitive Access Provider Computer Assisted Production (see PAO) Computer Aided Pagination (printing business) Capitalized letters lock (Command character ) Capitalized Phrases (Amazon.com)(see SIPs) Corrective Action and Preventive Action (system) or CapEx … Capital Expeditures (see OPEX) Capitalized Expenses Common Application Programming Interface (see TAPI) Computer Aided Process Planning Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1306805,00.asp CAR Committed Access Rate (CoS method, see also QoS and VPN) CARM Computer-Aided / Assisted Risk Management (see CAMEO) CART Classification And Regression Tree Cartagena Agreement Andean Subregional Integration Agreement (ASIA) CAS Card Acquiring Service (see PCN) Communication Application Standard (Intel) CAS CAS Chemical Abstract Service (Used to identify a material assigned number) Computer Aided Software Engineering (1970s): CASE Cash concentration internal wiring for compensation of negative statement Cash drain Losses of the exercise before amortization (accounting) CASIE Glossary of Internet Advertising Terms & Interactive Media Measurements (available via ANA) CASPIAN Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (US)(EPIC CASS Coding & Accuracy Support System (US Post) CASSIST Configuration ASSIStance uTility Compaq Acceleration Server Technology CAST *.cat security catalog file Cat bonds bonds related to disasters CAT Computer Aided Telephoning (see TAPI) CAT Computer Assisted Training (see CBT, IBT, LMCS, LMS, VTC, WBT) Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance: CATA CATS Cross Application Time Sheet (applicable w/i CO, HR, MM-SRV, PP/MM/SM, travel expenses) CATT Computer Aided/Assisted Test Tool (ABAP/SAP) CATV Community Access TV CAU Command Arithmetic Unit (another name for CPU) CAUK Chart of Accounts UK (SAP). Fr.: Plan comptable anglais CAUS Chart of Accounts USA (SAP) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CAV CAVE CB (Fr) CB CBA CBAM CBBM CBC CBCL CBCM CBD CBDO CBDS CBIPO CBK CBL CBL CBM CBM CBM CBML CBO CBO CBPDO CBR CBR CBS CBS Constant Angular Velocity (CD-ROM speed) Computer Automatic Virtual Environment (tele-immersion : game, education, science, manufacturing) Comptabilité Budgétaire Covered Bonds Cost-Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis (architecture-centric) Method Collectively Built Business Model (FBC>s Master Class Concept) Channel Broadcasting Cable Computer-Based Collaborative Learning Component-Based Change Management (see CBM, TCM, GCM) Component-Based Develoment Chief Business & Development Officer (see CEO, CIO, CFO, CKO, COO, CPO, CSO, CTO, …) Connectionless Broadband Data Service Custom-Build Installation Process Offering Center for Business Knowledge Common Business Library (see xCBL) Computer-Based Learning (see CBT, ILT, LMS, VTC, WBL, WBT) Cash Budget Management (SAP) Competency-Based Management Component-Based Methodologies (see CBCM) Case-Based Mark-up Language (see DSS which is using CBML) Central Buying Office/Organization Cost-Based Optimizer Custom-Build Product Delivery Offering Case-Based Reasoning (see CBML, DSS, …) Constant Bit Rate (see ABR, VBR) Certified Business Solutions (organization established by SAP) Common Business System, Common Business Structure, Customer Best Services = SAP project with Bridgestone-Firestone aiming at combining the business process reengineering phases (mainly marketing) with the setting up of a new computer system CBS Computer-Based System (see CBCL, CBT, WBL, WBT …) CBT Computer-Based Training (see CBL, ILT, LLL, LMS, OLT, VTC, WBT) CBWFQ Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing (protocol to provide CoS) C2C Consumer To Consumer (see B2B) CC (Fr) Clé de comptabilisation (SAP Posting Key) CC Creative Commons : non-profit organization (Lawrence lessig, 2001)(see CCL) C&C Command & Control CCA Cost Center Accounting CCAr Credit Control Area is managing the credit limit for customers. It can include one or more companies and can be specified at the time of a posting. If not maintained : no credit limit. CCAP Cloud Computing Acceleration Program CCAP Cost Center Accounting Component CCB Creative Club of Belgium (see ACC, UMA) conversation MS chat *.ccc CCC Customer Competence Center (SAP) CCD Charge-Coupled Device (scanner, see PS-CCD) Cisco Certified Design Associate CCDA CCF Common Channel Framework COREL Chart (file) *.cch CCIA Computer and Communication Industry Association CCIR Comité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications (Based in Paris European committee) CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy (see *.g3) CCL Creative Commons Licenses (see CC) CCM Component Change Management (see CM, PCM, TCM, GCM) CCMM Collections and Cash Management Modernization CCMS Computer Center Management System CCNA Cisco Certified NW Associate ccNSO Country-Code Names Supporting Organization (NSO) C-Commerce Collaborative Commerce CCO Chief Communication Officer (see CAO, CEO, CIO, CKO, COO, CPO, CQO, CSO, CTO, CVO, …) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CCO CCO CCOR CCP CCP CCPM CCPN CCR(U) (Fr) CCS CCSID CCSIH CCSP CCT CCTLD CCTV CCU CD CD CD CDA CdC (Fr) CDC CDC CDC CD.CGS (Fr) Chief Compliance Officer (see CPO, CQO, CTO, CSO, …) Computer Control Operator (see CNC) Customer-Chain Operations Reference (see DCOR, SCOR) Change Control Policy (essential updates and adjustments for network security) Console Command Processor Critical Chain Project Management (global consensus is required) Critical Change Project Network (consensus on the ways to go) Calcul du Coût de Revient (Unitaire) Collaborative Communications Summit Coded Character Set Identifier Certified Computer Security Incident Handler (http://www.cert.org) Cisco Certified Security Professional Concept Check Tool (ASAP) Country Code Top Level Domain (see TLD) Closed Circuit TV Computer Crime Unit (police department searching for electronic crimes) Compact Disc Carrier Detect (Net) Context Diagram (see SCD) Communication Decency Act (net) Centre de Coût. EN.: Cost Center Changed Data Capture Century Date Change (Y2K problem) (FBWPA : info@fbc-e.com) Common Disk Cabinet Code CGS Identification d'une opération s/cpte général spécial (voir Posting Keys) ex.: A=acompte, C=caution, F=demande d'acompte, J=demande de paiement, … Commercial Due Diligence (see DD) Copper wire Distributed Data Interface (see FDDI) Common Development & Distribution License (Sun Microsystems license) (see OSL) Common Desktop Environment Channel Definition Format (Microsoft standard) Customer Data Integration: blocks for a customer-centric approach (see CDM, CRM) CD-Interactive Customer Data Management (see CDI, CRM) Code Division Multiple Access: spectrum extension (see W-CDMA) CDMA version of the IMT-2000 standard developed by the ITU CD Magnetic Optical Content Delivery Network Collaboration DO (MS) Collateralized Debt Obligation (financial engineering technique)(see ABS, RMBS) CDO for NTS CDO Library OD Continuous Data Protection (security domain) CEO Europe Corporate Data Processing Services CDD CDDI CDDL CDE CDF CDI CD-I CDM CDMA CDMA2000 CD-MO CDN CDO CDO CDONTS CDOLOD CDP CDPS CD-R CD Recordable talents profiling CDR Computer Disaster Recovery heads search www.ceo-europe.be CDR (*.cdr) Corel DRaw (file) CD ROM(XA) CD Read Only Memory (eXtended Architecture) CD-RW Rewritable CD CDS Credit-Default Swap CD-V CD-Video CE (Fr) Communauté Européenne (see EC) CE Concurrent Engineering CEBP Communications Enabled Business Processes CEE Central & Eastern Europe CEEE (Fr) Commerce Électronique Entre Entreprises (see C3E) cel-shaded computerized pics appearing as hand-sketched. Sometimes called toon-shaded CENELEC European Comittee for Electrotechnical Standardization Regroupement produits et coûts des centres de coûts dont ils sont responsables Centre de Profit (Fr) Chief Executive Officer (Mgmt)(CFOCHOCIO, CKO, COO, CPO, CSO, CTO, CVO, ERO, EVP CEO DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf … CEOIPS CEP CEP CEPS CER CeRMiN CERT CERT/CC Certs CES CESES CET CET CEU CEV CF C&F CFA CFAO (Fr) CFF *.cfg CF s/ EM (Fr) CFM CFM CFML CFO CFPR CFR CFRM CFROI CFS CFT CFX CG CG CGA CGEIT CGI CGM (*.cgm) CGO CGS (Fr) CGS CGVDI Chaebol "chair" chairperson char. Charityware CHCO Ch.Depr. CHIC Chip CHM, *.chm CHO Chopper CI CI CI CI Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors Complex Event Processing Customer Experience Personalization (MicroStrategy) Center for European Policy Studies Cost Estimating Relationship: in view of the CA (see DFL, DFQ, DFCA) Research Center on Micro and Nanoscopic Material and Electronic Devices Center of Internet security expertise, studying Internet vulnerabilities (http://www.cert.org/) Computer Emergency Response Team / Coordination Center (Public US Organism: US-CERT) certifications (related to the Trusted Publishers) Consumer Electronic Show (USA) Confederation of European Senior Expert Services (http://www.belgian-senior-consultants.org) Central European Time Control Enabling Technology (DOIA) Continuing Education Units (see IACET, IEEE, PDHs) Cumulative Earned Value Call Forwarding (service) (see CW, ISDN) Cost & Freight (see CIF, Export Lingo ) see AFC Conception et Fabrication Assitées par Ordinateur (see CAD&P) Common File Format (Microsoft Outlook) configuration (file) Contrôle Facture sur Entrée Marchandise Corporate Finance Management Conference File Manager (software for uploading files to the correct place) Cold Fusion Markup Language Chief Financial Officer (CEO, CHO, CIO, CKO, CLO, COO, CPO, CRO, CVO, CTO, ERO …) Collaborative Forecasting Planning and Replenishment Code of Federal Regulations (USA)(see e-CFR) Coupling Facility Resource Management Cash Flow Return On Investment (Holt value Associates) Consolidated Financial Statements Cross Functional Team Corporate Foreign eXchange Computer Graphic Corporate Governance (see SOXA) Color Graphic Adapter Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CISACISMISACA)(www.isaca.org/cgeitgfapp) Common Gateway Interface ( Computer Graphic Metafile Chief Governance Officer (Mgmt) (CAOCFOCHOCIO, CKO, COO, CPO, CRO, CTO, ERO …) Comptes Généraux Spéciaux Cost of Goods Sold (CO) Computer Graphic Virtual Device Interface large groups of family-controlled industrial conglomerates in South Korea (Keiretsus in Japan) chairman or chairwoman (see chairperson ) he / she who is conducting the assembly / meeting along the most correct procedure characterized (used in dictionary abbreviation) Payment has to be made to a charity organization. Fr : Caritaticiel (France) Chief Human Capital Officer (see CEO, CFO, CKO, COO, CRO, …) Chart of Depreciation (ex. 1BE) is a directory of depreciation areas. Fr. livre des amortissements Constraint and Handling in Industry and Commerce IC embedded mini-block of a semiconductor material Compiled HTML Chief Hacking Officer (a new mission in the security domain)(see also CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO …) designer slicing images for Web design. Collective Intelligence (see OSINT) Competitive Intelligence (for building CA and contributing to long term defendable positioning) : (see BI, EI, RI, SI) Compliance Inspection (see USAF) Counter Intelligence (see BI) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CI CIA CIA CIA CIB CIC Cicada CICS CICS/VS CIDR CIF CIF CIF CIFAS CIFS Cigref (Fr) CILIA CIM CIM CIMA CIMS CIO CIPD cipher CIQ CIR CIR CIR CIS CIS CISA CISC CISM CISO CISSP CITEL CKSE ™ Cultural Intelligence (see PI) Central Intelligence Agency (USA security office)(see DIA, FBI) Central Integration Agent (a critical responsibility within large organizations) Chief Information Architect (see CEO, CIO, COO, CTO, …) Customer Intelligence Business (see BI and MI) Customer Interaction Center: multi-channel use for better contacts (Web, phone, VoIP, fax, kiosk,…) Cricket-Inspired perception and Autonomous Decision Automata (see CILIA, MEMS) Customer Information Control System (IBM OLTP program) Customer Information Control System/ Virtual Storage (IBM) Classless Interdomain Routing: Client Information File Cost Insurance & Freight (see C&F, Export lingo ) Corporate Information Factory (Bill Inmon) Credit Industry Fraud Advisory Service (UK) Common Internet File System Club Informatique des Entreprises Françaises Customized Intelligent Lifelike Arrays (see Cicada, MEMS) Common Information Model (see DMTF) Computer Integrated Manufacturing Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK) Crisis Information Management Systems Chief Information Officer(CAOCEOCFOCHOCKOCOOCPOCROCTOCISODCIOERO Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London algorithm for reversible transformation of data (characters and / or bits) Computer-Integrated Quality (management system) Committed Information Rate Continuous Improvement Roadmap Correct Information Ratio Capital Investment Strategy (could be Entrepreneurial, Local, Regional, National) Corporate Intelligence Service Certified Information Systems Auditor (see CISM, CISO, CISSP, CSO, GIAC) Complex Instruction Set Computer (see RISC) Certified Information Security Manager (see CISSP, CISA, GIAC, CSO) Chief Information Security Officer (see CAO, CEO, CFO, CGO, CHO, CIO, COO, CKO, CSO …) Certified Information Systems Security Professional (see CISM, CISA, GIAC, CSO) Inter-American Telecommunication Commission of the Organization of the American States Certified Knowledge System Engineer (focus on the needed techniques and tools for conducting a knowledge econometric analysis and design) CKO Chief Knowledge Officer (KM)( CEO, CHCO, COO, CFO, CIO, ITO, CLO, CTO, CVO, …) CKM ™ Certified Knowledge Manager (see KMCB) CKML Conceptual Knowledge Markup Language (see KM) CKMs Community Knowledge Managers CLC Customer Life Cycle (see PLC, SLC, ELC, DLC …)(metrics) CLCF CLC Funnel CLE Collaborative Learning Environment (see ALN, CBCL, …) cleantech CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (see ILEC) CLI Command Line Interface click & mortar Enterprises that are developping themselves on WEB-based activities ( Brick & mortar ) click fraud abuse of clicks on ads to generate higher income and deplete the competitor budget click stream tracking analysis of the surfer's clicks path CLIOS Complex Large-scale Integrated Open System CLIP Calling Line Identity Presentation (service) (see ISDN) CLIPS C Language Integrated Production System CLIR Calling Line Identity Restriction (service) (see ISDN) CLIST Command LIST CLM Council of Logistic Management CLO Chief Logistic Officer (see CEO, CIO, CISO, CKO, CMO, COO, CPO, CTO, CVO, …) cloaking spamming technique (see Spam ) CLOS Common Lisp Object System DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf cloud a cloud business site … http://www.businesscloud9.com/ cloud computing we are all nodes in the Internet "cloud" (see social software , TCC, WEB2.0, …) cloud OS Microsoft cloud computing or Cloud Operating System CLR Common Language Runtime Cl.to (Fr) Classe de tolérance CLT(R) Cross-Language Text (Retrieval) cluetrain Manifesto (The) "markets are conversations" (Locke)(http://www.cluetrain.com/) CluSIB (Fr) Club de la Sécurité Informatique Belge CluSIF (Fr) Club de la Sécurité Informatique Française cluster group of servers and resources utilized as a single system for higher output cluster computing coordinated parallel processing as from many computers (see grid computing ) Free clustering SW : BOINC, OSCAR CM Change Management (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com)(see CAB, ECM, OCM) CM Cash Management (SAP module w/i FI) CM Complexity Management CM Content Management *.cmap character map (ttf table) CMA Content Management Application CMA Content Management Architect CMC Computer Mediated Communication (remote mgmt, online / e-learning, ,,,) (see BBS, CMO) CMDB Configuration Mgmt DB (Gartner) CMF Cash Management & Forecast *.cmf Casio Movie Format (FNE) CMF Content Management Framework (see CMS, TCM) CMF Common Metadata Facility CMIS / CMIP Common Management Information Service / Protocol CML Capability Maturity Level (FBC>s ) (see CMM, CMMI) CMM Common Metadata Model (see CMF) CMM Capability Maturity Model (SEI, Carnegie Mellon) CMMI CMM Integration CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System CMO Chief Marketing Officer (see CEO, CIO, CFO, CISO, CKO, COO, CPO, CTO, CVO, …) CMO (Fr) Communication Médiatisée par Ordinateur (see CMC) CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-conductor (see MOS, XCMOS) CMOV Conditional MOVe (instruction) CMP Cash Management Position (0-5 days, because payment advices, by value date) CMP Change Management Principles (FBC>s ) CMP Core Messaging Platform CMP Cellular Multi Processing CMS Content Mgmt System (see CMF, TCM) CMS Credit Mgmt Services (could be outsourced : see BPO) CMS Cryptographic Message Syntax CNAME Canonical Name or the official name in the hostnames database as opposed to an Alias CNC Computer Numerically Controlled (see CCO) CNNIC China Internet Network Information Center (www.cnnic.cn/en/index/index.htm) *.cnt "content" for help FNE (see *.hlp) or file extension CO Central Office CO Certificate of Origin (example : custom application) CO Compliance Officer: business, marketing, finance (see ORM) CO Controlling (module : R/3 Business Application Area) COA Cost of Attendance CO-ABC Activity-Based Cost Accounting within the CO (see ABC) COBIT Control Objectives for Information and related Technology Common Business Oriented Language CODASYL (ASSEMBLERCOBOLFORTRAN COBOL COBOL II update of the here above previous one. COBRA Constraints & Opportunities in Business Reengineering Activities (FBC>s ) Go to www.fbc-e.com to know more. COC Cost Object Controlling COCA Cost Of Cracking Adjustment (cryptography) CO-CCA Cost Center Accounting (within the CO sub-module) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Cocoa Apple's Objective-C based programming environment for Mac OS X (see ICCOa) COD Collect On Delivery CODASYL Conference On Data System Languages (see COBOL) CODEC COder DECoder (e.g. MPEG-1) COE Center Of Excellence COE Corporate Ontology Engineering (ftp://ftp.inf.fu-berlin.de/pub/reports/tr-b-08-09.pdf) Coffin ultra mini-rooms in some Hong-Kong and Japan hotels (see SAS) COFR Customer Order Frequency Rate CoGS Cost of Goods Sold (see CoGM) CoGM Cost of Goods Manufactured (see CoGS) COINs Communities of Interest Networks (see CoPs) COLA Cost Of Living Adjustment (automatic wages increase covering the rising cost of living) COLIS Collaborative Online Learning and Information Systems (see LMS) coll. colloquial (used in dictionary abbreviation) collaborative learning educational method for making the students working together toward common goals Collectif (compte) assure l'intégration d'un compte de comptabilité auxiliaire en comptabilité générale. Lui et le livre auxiliaire sont mis à jour en parallèle lors de l'enregistrement d'une transaction. collision same time use of NW causing a serious problem CorporateOntologyLifecycleMethodology(COECSW)(ftp://ftp.inf.fu-berlin.de/pub/reports/tr-b-08-09.pdf COLM colocated server server housing (see SHA) COLP Connected Line Identity Presentation (service) (see ISDN) COLR Connected Line Identity Restriction (service) (see ISDN) .com .com (commerce) domain = "dotcom " (see DNS) *.com command Microsoft application (FNE) COM Component Object Model COM port COMmunication serial port on a PC Comex (Fr) Comité Exécutif (France) = Board of Director / Executives (BOD/E) Command character e.g. Cancel, Del (delete), Esc (Escape), PrtScn (Print Screen), SI (Shift-in) … FBC>s marketing concept and methodology Commando Marketing Commodity Internet Utility Internet + commodities: added applications (see ASP) Completeness of vision well grounded future-based starting point of view compar. comparative (used in dictionary abbreviation) Compiler program that enables the computer using the various languages (e.g. COBOL, FORTRAN) compress file compacting process for reducing the space on the disk (see ZIP) conj. conjunction CoNK Cost of Not Knowing (see KM). Consolidation (with company) constr. construction (used in dictionary abbreviation) Contingent claim Receivable not identified in the balance sheet *.cnv (Microsoft) conversion FNE COO Chief Operations / Operating Officer (Mgmt)(see CEO, CFO, CKO, CPO, … and the next line) cookie text containing the user ID passed to his computer COOOOOOOO(ON) Chief Of Other Omnipotent Officers Operating Obviously On Optronics (Or Not !) a good image for the chief of something found on http://www.lesfrontaliers.lu/ Cookie written on the HD file containing the surfer profile. It will be recognized upon his return on the site. CO-OM-ABC Activity Based Costing (see TCA) CO-OM-CCA Cost Center Accounting. Fr: Comptabilité analytique des centres de coûts CO-OM-CEL Cost and Revenue Element Accounting CO-OPA Order and Project Accounting CO-PA Profitability Analysis. Fr: Analyse du compte de résultat COPA Child Online Protection Act (USA : http://www.epic.org/free_speech/censorship/copa.html) COPC Customer Operation Performance Center (customer center operations assessing standards) CO-PC Product Costing. Fr: Coût de revient par produit (standard price) CO-PCA Profit Center Accounting. Fr: Comptabilité des centres de profit CO-PC-OBJ Cost Object Controlling CO-PC-PRD Product Cost Planning COPP Cost Of Poor Performance COPQ Cost Of Poor Quality (see TQM) CoPs Community of Practices (part of KM projects)(see CoINs, LC) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CORBA Component ORB Architecture people staff in the company (ATKearney) Corporate genome CoS Class of Service (traffic differentiation on a network) (see DoS, QoS) C. of S. Chief of Staff COTS Commercial off-the-shelf Software COTs Critical Operating Tasks CPA Critical Path Analysis (see CPM, PERT) CPA Certified Public Accountant (see AICPA) CPA Cost Per Action (see also CPC, CPL, CPM, CPR, CPT)(metrics) CPC Cost Per Click (see also CPA, CPM, CPR)(metrics) CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer CPD Conto Pro Diverse (OTA management). Fr: comptes occasionnels CPE (Fr) Chaîne de Processus (déclenchée) par Evénement. En. Event-driven processes (see SAP BE) CPE Customer Premises Equipment CPG Consumer Packaged Goods CPI Consumer Price Index CPI Continuous Process Improvement (see also BPM, BPR, OD, IEM, CPI, TQM) CPI-C Common Programming Interface-Communications. Communication protocol containing a series of rules that are governing communication in betweeen programs (i.e. R/2 and R/3) CPIM Certified In Production & Inventory Management CPIM Common Presence and Instant Messaging (see XMPP) *.cpk Copernic Engine Package (see *.csk)(FNE) *.cpl Control PaneL file (FNE) CPL Cost Per Lead (see CPA, CPC, …) CPL Combined Programming Language, programming language, 1960 Common Public Licence, IBM open source licence CPL (Microsoft) Certified Partner for Learning Solutions CPLS CPM Channel Program Management (Distribution & Marketing / Channel Marketing)(see PRM) CPM Cost Per Thousand (M = Thousand in the Roman numeral system) CPM Critical Path Method (see BCP, CPA, PERT) CPM Corporate Performance Management : key figures centralization with the support of a DSS CPO Chief Production Officer (see CEO, CFO, CIO, DCIO, CISA, CKO,CLO, COO, CTO, CVO, …) CPP Calling Party Pays CPR Cost Per Revenue (see also CPA, CPC, CPT)(metrics) CPS Carrier Pre Select (see CS) CPS Central Processing System CPS Customer and Partner System Cps Cycles per second CPSL Common Pattern Specification Language CPT Cost Per Thousand (see also CPA, CPC, CPR)(metrics) CPT Cost Per Transaction CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (concept related to security) CPU Central Processing Unit (see CU, Dual-core Chip , GPU, PCU) CPUID CPU Identity / Identification CQFD Comprehensive Quality Function Deployment (see QA, QC, DFQ, …) CQL Contextual Query Language (see SRU) CQO Chief Quality Officer (see CEO, CFO, CIO, DCIO, CISA, CKO,CLO, COO, CTO, CVO, …) Cracker the author of a fraudulous PWD (see hacker ) CRAMM CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method CRAP Content Restriction Annulment Protection : a new name for DRM by David Berlind Craplet crippled software Crapware unwanted programs installed on a new PC by the vendor Crawler program visiting and reading Web sites to create entries for a search engine index CRBE Centre of Russian Business in Europe (Brussels) (www.centruss.org) CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check : checking data CRD Color Rendering Dictionary CR&DPC Carrier Route & Delivery Point Code (see DPC, USPS) Creative Commons to expand the public domain information http://creativecommons.org/) Credit Master Record DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CRL Certificate Revocation List CRL (Cooperative) Reinforcement Learning (see e-Learning ) CRM Customer Relationship Manager (see CRM in the next line) CRM Customer / Citizen (Public Adm.) Relationship Management (see GRC) CRM Computer Risk Management (see RM) CRO Chief Reputation Officer (FBWPA: www.fbc-e.com)(see CEO, CIO, CKO, COO, CSO, CTO, ... ) CRO Chief Research Officer ( CFO, CHO, CIO, CKO, COO, CPO, CSO, CTO, CVO, ERO, EVP …) Cross-cc Cross Company Code Cross marketing interacting media-based multimedia marketing : performance-driven interaction Cross-cc number made of document number+company code+fiscal year i.e. 0000004711 0003 91 Cross Platform Bliss The grass is greener on both sides : http://widgets.yahoo.com/info/ Crowdfunding the Internet (mainly) social networks are funding the projects and / or the enterprises Crowdsourcing the public is feeding the Internet with more data and information (common semantic problem) Capacity Requirements Planning (SAP PP) CRP CRP Car Radio Phone (mobile communication) CRT Cathode Ray Tube CRT Current Reality Tree (see TOC) CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete (everyday standard operations and services) cryptanalysis cipher text transfer in a plain text without previous knowledge of the used key for encrypting it. CS Carrier Select (see CPS) CSA Cloud Security Alliance (see cloud computing ) CSA Customer Satisfaction Analysis (see CRM) *.csb Corel script 9.0 Binary (FNE) *.csc Corel script 9.0 (FNE) CSC Closed Source Code CSC Corporate Semantic Collaboration (see COE, CSW) c-SC(M) Collaborative Supply Chain (Management) : relationship-driven Supply Chain (Management) CSCW(E) Computer Supported Cooperative Working (Environment) (see CACW) CSD Computing Services Division (Division of DISA)(USA) CSD Circuit Switched Data CSF Critical Success Factors (CPM, BPR, MIS, Benchmarking) CSF Critical Stress Factor (solution : Zen attitude)(more in the FBC>s Business Magazine n° _ ) Corel script 9.0 include *.csi CSI Code Sequence Identification CSI Computer Security Institute (USA) CSID Called Subscriber ID (see TSID) CSIO Chief Security Information Officer (see CEO, CCO, CIO, CKO, CLO, CPO, CQO, CTO, …) CSIRTs Computer Security Incident Response Teams (see SOC)(http://www.cert.org/) c-SCM Collaborative SCM *.csk Copernic skin (see *.cpk)(FNE) CSLIP Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol to compress headers and exchange IP packets CSMA/CD Carrier Serve Multiple Access / Collision Detection CSO Chief Security Officer (see CEO, CCO, CIO, CKO, CLO, CPO, CQO, CTO, …) CSO Chief Sourcing Officer (Gartner concept) (see CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, CTO) CSO Chief Strategy Officer (see CBDO, CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, CTO) CSOC Computer Science Olympic Competition: all Vietnamese Universities competition CSP Complementary Software Program (partners) CSP Cellular Service Provider Commerce Service Provider: CSP CSR Customer Service Representative CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery (attack). Also known as 'session riding' (see WHID) CSS Cascading Style Sheet CSS1 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS2 & 3: www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-css3-background-20050216/) *.css Cascading Style Sheet (file) CSS Content Scrambling System: DVD protection sytem that has been decrypted by DVD Jon CSS Corporate Semantic Search (see COE, CSC, CSW) CSS Customer Service System CSS Customer Service & Support (could be part of a CRM) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CSS CST CST CST CSU CSU CSV CSW CSWA C&T CT CTACs CTC CTI CTI CtL or CTL CTO Communication Style Survey (enterprise HR mapping, change management, …) Client Server Technology Comprehension Support Tool Central Standard Time (see PST) Certificate Signing Unit Channel Service/Switching Unit : convenient for testing Comma Separated Values (ASCII format) Corporate Semantic Web (ftp://ftp.inf.fu-berlin.de/pub/reports/tr-b-08-09.pdf) Corporate Semantic Web Applications (see COE, CSW) Chips & Technologies Contactless Technologies (see ICTF) Certified Technical Application Consultants Certified Technical Consultant (technical implementation for R/3) Computer & Telephony Integration Computer Telephony Interface Coal to Liquid : coal liquefaction Change and Transport Organizers (Workbench Organizer/SE09, Customizing Organizer/SE10, Transport Organizer/SE01): creation, doc, release of change requests.See CTS CTO Chief Technology Officer (see CEO, CIA, CIO, CFO, CGO, CFO, CISO, CKO, COO …) CTP Capacity-To-Promise (see ATP) CTP Community Technology Preview (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/asp.net/bb187358.aspx) CTQ Critical To Quality (see ASQ, EFQM, QA, QC, QI, QM, TQM) CTX Corporate Trade Exchange (corporate ACH format) Ctr Center. Fr.: centre Ctrl Control (Command character ) CTS Change / Correction and Transport System (see also TMS) cu see you (see IL, ur ) CU Central Unit (see CPU) Common User Access (IBM) CUA Cue-cards memory supports (contextual assistance) CUG Closed User Group (service) (see ISDN) Curr = currencies Transaction currency = specified in the document Local currency = assigned to the CyCd Group currency = assigned to clients established within SAP (DEM) Global currency = for "cross client" transactions Hard currency = country code-level … Index based currency = … to a CyCd The system tracks 4 curr. Two more have to be specified in an additional ledger which is assigned to track and report them on a line-item basis. Currencies in the Project System 3 different currencies in parallel 1/ 2/ * the project definition * the WBS element 3/ *.cut Dr. Halo (image file format)(FNE) CUT see TUC (http://tf.nist.gov/general/misc.htm#Anchor-14550) CV Cost Variance (see SV) CV Curriculum Vitae, also called "résumé" (see AF) CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure: list of standardized names for security exposures. CVFR Current Value of Funds Rate CVO Chief Value Officer () (see CEO, CIO, CKO, CLO, CRO, CTO, …CxO) CVO Chief Visionary Officer (see CEO, CIO, CKO, CLO, CRO, CTO, …CxO) CVS Concurrent Versions System: tool used to manage changes within the source code tree. CVSELP Codex Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction (algorithm) C&W Cable & Wireless CW Call Waiting (service) (see CF, ISDN) CWE Collaborative Working Environment CWEB new WEB version for the C programming language CWM Common Warehouse Metamodel DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf CWS CxO Cy Cyber War Cyborg CyCd Cool Web Search (pert object) Chief "something" Officer (see also CEO, CFO, CIO, CKO, CLO, COO, CRO, CTO, CVO, ITO,) Company Massive use of all kinds of electronics for doing war (see Info War ) CYBernetic ORGanism (Cybernetics, 1948 !) Company Code / Société : i.e. Acxx, BE01, … Minimum entries = Ch.Acct, FY Variant, FS Variant, Max Exch.rate, Productive CyCd, Address, VAT CyCd-G/L Acct-Bank is a specialization of a CyCd-G/L Acct CyCd-SL voir Société-SL Control Your Information. CYI D DA DaaS DAB DAC DACS DA/DomA DAF (Fr) DAI DAL DAM DAM DAM DAML D-AMPS DANTE DAO DAO DAOM DAR Dark Net Dark traffic DARM DARPA DARS DARS DAS DAS DAS DAS3 DAS DASD Dashboard DASL DAST *.dat DAT Data Data diddler Datagram Data leakage Data mart Data Set DAV db DB DBA DBA DBA DBCS Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Distributed Authentification (see RPA) Development as a Service (see HaaS, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Digital Audio Broadcasting Digital-to-Analog Converter Door Access Control System (see WHID) Domaine d'Activité (France) Directeur Administratif et Financier (France) Distributed Artificial Intelligence (see AI) Dedicated Advertiser Location Data Access Manager (Apple) Data Access Module Digital Asset Management (see AA, AM, DRM) DARPA Agent Markup Language 2G version of AMPS Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe (limited) Data Access Object Disc-At-Once (see TAO) Dynamic Allocation Of the Memory Daily Activity Report (see WAR) illegal material distribution on the Net spam, DoS attacks Data Archive Retrieval Manager Defence ARPA (see DAML) Digital Audio Radio Service Disaster Assessment Recovery System (Domino, Corporate Workflow Solutions, Inc., USA) Data Assimilation System Direct-Access Storage (environment)(see DASD, NAS, RAS, SAN): interlinked storage systems Direct Attached Storage (see NAS) Distributed ASCI Supercomputer 3 Dual Attached Stations (see SAS) Direct Access Storage Device (see DAS) reporting tool: a template, a board, a spreadsheet that covers the enterprise key elements DAV Searching and Locating (see WebDAV) Dynamic Web Application Security Testing tools (see SAST) registry data (used by many types of files. Example : users.dat)(FNE) Digital Audio Tape information raw form ( DB, DBM, DBMS, DLC) malware doing small random changes to data. Example: increasing amounts in some accounts router (net) copies of data made by quitting collaborators out of a data warehouse more specific data (prepared for a group of users) set of data that has been arranged according predefined parameters Distributed Authoring and Versioning (see DASL, WebDAV) decibel Data Base, Data Bus (connector) Data Base Administration Data Base Administrator Data Base Architect Double-byte Character Set DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf DBF (*.dbf) dbg DBI DBMS DBP DBP DB2PM DBR DBRM DBS DBSM dBASE format debugger (example : jdbgmgr = java debugger manager) DB Interface DB Management System. Fr : SGBD (see DB, DBA, DBSM, DRDA, RDBMS, …) DB Platform Distributed Business Processes (see BPR, BPM) DB2 Performance Monitor Deterministic Bit Rate (see ABR, CBR, VBR) Data Base Request Module Direct Broadcasting Satellite Data Based Strategic Management (FBC>s , Brussels), A (relational) Database gives the opportunity to search for data, filters a view of them and link tables of data together. A table is the basic structure of a database. DATA : a stored piece of information FIELD : holds pieces of DATA RECORD : stored line of DATA, description of a topic. DATABASE : series of records FILE : related information collection about a subject IFD : record layout describing a data file content and structure *.dbx designation of the Outlook (Microsoft Windows) files (FNE) containing the emails (see .mbx) DC Device Control DC Domain Control DC Direct Current (see AC) *.dca document content architecture (IBM format)(FNE) DCC Dynamic Component Communication (BC-SRV) DCC Dynamic Conditional Correlation (see ARCH model) DCCP Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (transport layer) D3D Display 3-Dimensions DCBI Decision-Centric BI DCD Data Carrier Detect (Pin Connector) DCDI Faroudja picture processing for more quality DVD, HD DCE Damage Cleanup Engine (Windows XP, SP2) (see DCT) DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment DCE Distributed Computing Environment DCF Discounted-Cash-Flow (model) DCIO Deputy Chief Information Officer (see CAO, CEO, CIO, COO, CKO, CLO, CTO, CVO ... ) DCL Data Control Language DCL Digital Command Language DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initative DCN Data Communication Network DCN Design Change Notice DCO Data Center Outsourcing DCOM Distributed Component Object Model (COM) DCOR Design-Chain Operational Reference (see SCOR) DCOSS Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems DCP Digital Crime Prevention (see RM, VM, WHID) DCPS Data Centric Publish & Suscribe (layer) (see DDS) DCS Data Communication Service DCS(M) Digital Connections Scaling (Model) (see DST) DCSS Disk Cabinet Storage System *.dct dictionary (FNE) DCT Damage Cleanup Template (Windows XP, SP2) (see DCE) DCT Discrete Cosine Transform: (used by MPEG)(see iDCT, DWT) DCU (*.dcu) DELPHI Compiled Units DCVCL Decision Cube VCL (Borland) *.dcx Kodak image document (FNE) DD Data Dictionary (SE11 starts DD) DD Device Driver DD Due Date (see BPR/M, FCFS, LPT, PLC, PLM, PM, PSO / PMO, SPT, …) DD Due Diligence (see CDD, VAE) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf DDA Digital Differential Analyzer DDA Dynamic Data Access DDA Dynamic Data Authentification (see SDA) DDB(s) Device Dependent Bitmap(s) DDBMS Distributed DBMS (see RDBMS) DDC Dewey Decimal Classification (see EDUG, Taxonomy ) DDC(2B) Display Data Channel (Access Bus) DDD (R/3) Data Dictionary Domain (Globals in R/3 personalization) DDD Dynamic Data Dictionary (see ADD) DDD D MMMM YYYY Long date in Int'l Win.ini (see MMDDYY & DDD D MMMM YYYY & Y2K) DDE Dynamic Data Exchange DDF Distributed Data Facility DDI Direct Dialing Inwards (service) (see DID, ISDN) DDI Distributed Data Interface DDL Data Definition Language DDL Dynamic Link Library (BC-SRV) DD/MM/YY short date in Int'l Win.ini (see MMDDYY) DDN Defense Data Network DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service (see DoS) DDR Double Data Rate (DRAM) DDR Data Dependent Routing (DB architecture related) DDRB Design Data Review Board Data Distribution Service (see OMG) DDS DDS Digital Data Storage (DAT format : streaming) *.dds DirectDraw Surface (image file format) DDW Distributed Data Warehouse DE Debugging Extension DE Desktop Environment (see BBDE) DEA Data Envelopment Analysis (see FMEA) DEA Disposable E-mail Address (www.emailalias.com, www.spamex.com) DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (USA) DEBI Customer Account Group. Fr: Groupe de Comptes Clients Debtors accounts receivable DEC DECimal decibel sound strenght (measure) (see db) DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunications Deduplication merging two or more data Deed statutory document (generic sense) Deep packet inspection network flow deep analysis by the firewall system Deep Web Invisible Web that isn't accessed by the standard Web browers (see also Hidden Web ) def. definite (used in dictionary abbreviation) *.def definition (active file) defacement fraudulous change of a website destination, objectives, services ... DEISA Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications Del delete (DOS command, Command character ) dems democrats (USA) DEMUX demultiplexer (see MUX) Caution Deposit Depr. area method of depreciation (straight line, declining) Depr. key calculation method per area defined at Chart of depreciation level. DER Distinguished Encoding Rules (see ASN.1) DES Display Screen Equipment (http://www.infinn.com/dsemanager.html) DES Data Encryption Standard DES Digital Encryption Standard (see RSA) DESB Dynamic ESB (FBC>s OB) DESS (Fr) Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées Development class : group of logically related development objects Device Stage “Device-Stage-enabled” peripherals recognition DEWs Distant Early Warning System (see SANY, SensorSA) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf DF Dynamic Focus (screen) DFA Design For Assembly (see DFM, DFQ) DFCA Design For Competitive Advantage (see CA, CI) DFD Data Flow Diagram (structured design) DFM Design For Manufacture (see DFA, DFQ) DFQ Design For Quality (see DFA, DFM, QA, QC, QFD, QCM, TQC, TQM, …) DFS Distributed File System DFSD Distributed File System Design DFT Discrete Fourier Transform DFT Design For Testability (see DFA, DFL, DFQ, …) DFV Design For Value: the general concept is "design for competitive advantage and positioning" DHA Directory Harvest Attack (see WHID) DHCP Dynamic Host Control / Configuration Protocol (IP address management) DHTML Dynamic HTML DHX Digital Heritage eXchange : to create intercommunicative virtual reality infrastructures DI Digital Imaging DI Distributed Intelligence DI (Fr) Devise Intérieure DIA Defense Intelligence Agency (Pentagon secret service)(see CIA) Dialer some are good , intruders are dangerous WHID DIANE Direct Information Access Network in Europe DIBs Device-Independent Bitmaps DID Digital ID (see avatar ) DID Direct Inward Dialing (see DDI) DIET Distributed Interactive Engineering Toolbox Digerati digital & literati Digital native "born to be alive" in the WEB2.0+ world because they are born with the PC ! (see Second life ) DII Defense Information Infrastructure (US Defense) DIJA Dow Jones Industrial Average DIKW Data to Information to Knowledge to Wisdom … that's much too easily said ! (see KM) DIM Digital Identity Mapping (security, access monitoring) DIMM Dual In-line MM (64 bits MM) DIN Deutsche Industrie Norme Dingbat typeface containing a decorative symbol DIP or dip Dual In-line Package (chip: common ceramic or plastic enclosure for an IC). Windows' Bitmap DIP Dipswitch mini switch Direct RDRam Direct Rambus (1,6 G/s) (RAMBUS) DirectX Microsoft application program interface for managing images and multimedia effects DIRS Digital Image Recorder System DIS Documentation Information Service / System DISA Defense Information System Agency (US Defense)(see DARPA) Distributed Computing integrated legacy systems within a component based architecture DivX branded video technology for compressing digital video DIY Do-It-Yourself DK Distribution Key DKIM DomainKeys Identified Mail (http://www.dkim.org/) DL Digital Library (see JITTDL) DL Distribution List DLA Drive Letter Access DLC Data Life Cycle (see ILC, KLCM, PLC, …) DLC Digital Loop Carrier DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier DLC-U Digital Line Card (interface) (see ISDN) Digital, Life, Design: DLD DL DVD Dual Layer DVD DLFL Deletion Flag (archivage/archiving) DLIB Digital LIBrary (see DL) DLL (*.dll) Dynamic Link Library (links file) DLM Data Lifecycle Management (see ILM, HSM, LC, PLC) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance: standard for more apps in between TV, Hifi systems, computers DLP Data Loss Prevention DLP Digital Light Processing ()(see LCD, Projector) DLRL Data Local Reconstruction Layer (see DDS) DLT Deletion (archivage/archiving) DLT Digital Linear Tape : cassette storage standard (see LTO & AIT) DM Data Mining (see DMS) DM Direct Marketing DMA Direct Marketing Association DMA Direct Memory Access / Addressing DMCA Digital Millenium Copyright Act (http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/) DMCR Digital Media Consumers Rights DMD Digital Micromirror Device (utilized in a video projector) DME Direct Memory Execution (Intel 2d/3d) DMF Disk Media Format (see Sony UMD) DMF Distribution Media Format DMI Desktop Management Interface DML Data Manipulation Language (see 1GL to 6GL) DMMS Dynamic Memory Management System DMP Download Management Protocol DMS Database Managed Storage (space) DMS Debt Management Services DMS Document Management System DMS Data Mining System (see DM) DMTF Desktop Mgmt Task Force DMTF Distributed Management Task Force (developer of CIM) DMU Decision Making Unit DMU Digital Mock-Up DMU Disaster Management Unit (see DR, RM) DMZ Demilitarized Zone DN Decision Network (see also EDNMS, SN, SNA) DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (see mtDNA) DNA chips DNA is able to incorporate large amounts of complex information applicable to various activities. DNC Distributed Numeric Control DNG Domain Name Grabbing (cybersquatting)(see WHID) DNI Distributed Numerical Integration DNI Director of National Intelligence (see Intellipedia ) DNL Dynamic Noise Limiter (see DNR) DNMS Decision Network Management System (see also EDNMS) DNR Domain Name Resolvers DNR Dynamic Noise Reduction (see DNL) DNS Domain Name Server DNS Domain Name Service (based on BIND) (see also ONS, UDRP, TLD) DNSbl DNS based list DNSBL DNS Block Lists : list of the IP addresses of bad servers DOB Date Of Birth (CV) Microsoft Office WORD Document format (file) *.doc *.docx Microsoft Office Word in MOS 2007 DOC Dissolved Organic Carbon DOC Document Document Information set that is arranged according some criteria Document type / type de pièce SAP Généralement fact.client, fact.fournisseur, document bancaire AA Assets Accounting. Fr.: Comptabilité des immobilisations AA = gross posting, AN = net posting (discount deducted) AB General document (assets) / Pièce de comptes généraux d'immobilisations AF Depreciation / Amortissement DA Customer document / Pièce de compte client DG Customer credit note / Note de credit client DR Customer invoices / Facture client DZ Customer payment / Paiement client DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf KA Vendor document / Pièce de compte fournisseur KG Vendor credit note / Note de credit fournisseur KR Vendor invoices / Facture fournisseur KZ Vendor payment / Paiement fournisseur SA General accounts (accounting) / Comptes généraux SB General accounts (bank) / Comptes généraux bancaires SK Cash Document / Pièce de caisse WA Goods sent / Sortie de marchandise WE Goods receipt / Réception marchandises ZP Payment program posting / comptabilisation des paiements The same document types are valid for every CyCd since they are defined at the client level Docu-Print SAP program for viewing or printing chapters or entire handbooks from the R/3 documentation DoD Department of Defense (USA) DoD XML Registry of schemas available on http://diides.ncr.disa.mil/xmlreg/user/index.cfm DoE Department of Energy (USA) Design Of Experiments: DOE DOFs Degrees Of Freedom (see EOMs) DOHC (motor) Double-Over-Head Cam DOIA Desktop Office Integration Architecture DoJ Department of Justice (USA) DoL Department of Labor (USA) DOLAP Desktop OLAP DOM Document Object Model (task force at http://domscripting.webstandards.org/) Domain tasting abuse on the WEB () DomA/DA Domaine d'Activité (voir détails sous "Business Area") DO(O) Data Object (On line) DOOH Digital Out Of Home (Digital Signage. Fr.: signalisation numérique) DoS Denial of Service (see CoS, DDoS) DOS Disk Operating System (see BIOS, IOS, OS, WOS) DoT Department of Transportation (USA) DOT Digital Online Terminal Dotcom .com : domain_name.com or domain-name.com Down paym ent Acompte (Fr) DP Demand Planning DP Data Processing DPC Delivery Point Code (see USPS, CR&DPC) DPI Dot Per Inch DPI Deep Packet Inspection (see IDS, IPS) DPM Display Power Mgmt Distributed Project Mgmt (MS Project) DPM DPMI DOS Protected-Mode Interface DPO (Fr) Direction Par Objectif (see MBO) DPO (Fr) Diagramme de Processus Organisationnel Draw Plus (file) *.dpp DPropR Data Propagator Relational DPS Document Processing System Display Power Savings Technology (Intel) DPST DQL DataEase Query Language (DatEase Int'l) DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture DR Disaster Recovery (see DMU, RTO, RPO) DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory (see MRAM, RAM) DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture (see RDBMS) DR-DOS Digital Research DOS DRM Digital Rights Management (see RMS) aka CRAP Droid mobile phone utilizing Google's Android SW: it features a GPS and navigation application DRS Data Removal Software Drucker Peter author of the famous "knowledge worker ". He died on Nov 11th 2005. He was 95 years old. *.drw draw (picture file / Micrograhx Designer) DRY Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY approach) DS Disk Slave DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf DS DS DSA DSA DSI (Fr) DSL DSL DSLAM DSN DSO DSO DSO DSP DSP DSR DSR DSRC DSS DSS DSS DST Data Service Directory Service (net) Directory Service Agent Distributed Scheduling Architecture Directeur des Systèmes d'Information (France)(see CIO, ISM) Digital Subscriber Line (see DSLAM) Domain Specific Language DSL Access Multiplexer Data Source Name Day Sales Outstanding (about time on accounts receivable) Domain Specific Ontology Decision Support Object (see DSS) Digital Signal Processor (see DSR) Digital Sound Processor Damage Survey Report (FEMA Form 90-91) Digital Sound Processor (see DSP) Dedicated Short Range Communication (see EPC, RFID) Data Security Standards (see PCI/DSS) Decision Support System (see AT, CBML, CPM, DSO) Dolby Surround Sound / System Daylight-Saving Time (). DST Design for Scaling & Transformation (see DCS): www.worldscibooks.com/business/7098.html DST Digital Signature Transponder (see RFID) DSTN Dual STN DataSpan (Multitech) DSVD DT Desk Top (see DTP) DT Decision Tree (strategy, management and control) Direct Tape Access (Seagate) DTA DTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator (see MS DTC) DTD Document Type Definition DTE Data Terminal Equipment DTM Data Text Merge DTMS Data Transformation Mgmt System DTP Desk Top Publishing (activity, package) (see DT) DTP Digital Text Processor (see DWP) DTR Data Terminal Ready (modem) DTS Daily Treasury Statement DTS Data Transformation Services (http://search.msdn.microsoft.com/search/) DTU Data Transfer Utility DTV Digital TV (see HDTV) DU Definitional Uncertaintity (see IE) 2 CPUs sharing memory cache & bus connections to the system for more performances (see quad-core dubbing the process of copying DUI (car ) Driving Under Influence (see DWI) dummy a "place holder" used by administrators and programmers Dunning Action undertaken for reminding the customers of their outstanding debts / relance area Organizational unit that can be defined as a division, distribution channel, sales organization within a company code. Dunning key identifies items to be dunned separately DUT Device Under Test DUW Distributed Unit of Work DVB Digital Video Broadcasting (world organization) DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld (see DVB, DVB-SH, DVB-T) DVB-SH Digital Video Broacasting Satellite-based for Handheld (see DVB, DVB-H, DVB-T) DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (see DVB, DVB-H, DVB-SH) DVCP Dynamic VPN Configuration Protocol DVD Digital Video Disc (at first), Digital Versatile Disk (after)(see Blu-ray , CD, HDCD, MMCD, SD) DVEBMGS Dialog, Update, Enqueue, Background processing, Message, Gateway, Spool (central services) DVI Digital Video Interface DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf DVD Jon DVR DW DWB DWDM DWG DWI (car) DWP DWS DWT DXF (*.dxf) DXI DynPro DZN E e e³ E3 E3 EA EAC EAI EAI EAM EAM EAN EAO (Fr) EAP EAP Early Birds Early Watch EARN EAS EAS EASI Easter eggs e-auction EAWAC EBCDIC EBDIT EBIS EBS EBS EBT EBIT EBITDA e-Biz e-Book e-Business EBP (S) EBRD ebXML EC EC EC2 ECA ECAs ECA ECA ECAD Jon Johansen has been the first CSS system cracker. Digital Video Recorder Data Warehouse / Warehousing (see EDW) Development WorkBench (SAP) Dense Wavelenght-Division Multiplexing (see SDH, SON, SONET, TDM, WDM) Auto CAD DraWinG Driving While Intoxicated (see DUI) Digital Word Processor (see DTP) Digital World Services Discrete Wavelet Transform: mathematical logic-based compression (see DCT) Drawing eXchange Format (AutoCAD) (file) Data eXchange Interface Dynamic Program (SAP) Dozen (ISO) Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available designates "electronic" Extended Electronic Enterprise Electronic Entertainment Expo ( France, Germany and UK (European countries with the largest economies and population) Extended Attribute Estimate At Completion (see EV, ACWP, BAC, BCWP, BCWS, VAC) Enterprise Application Integration ((see BI, EII) External Authoring Interface (VRML) Enterprise Asset Management Enterprise Attention Management (see AugCog , HCI, UI) European Article Numbering Enseignement Assisté par Ordinateur (see CAL) Employee Assistance Program Extensible Authentication Protocol first coming participants Proactive system diagnosis (early stage help for going live ) European Academic and Research Network Enterprise Application Software Enterprise Application Search : a tool for locating data in the applications European Academic Supercomputing Initiative PDA's hidden features online auction European Authority for Web Accessibility Certification (www.accessiweb.org/) Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code (see Unicode ) Earnings Before Depreciation, Interest and Tax Enterprise BI Suite Elastic Block Store (Amazon service: online DB & administration)(see cloud computing , EC2) Electronic Bank Statement Earnings Before Taxes Earnings Before Interest and Tax Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortization see e-Business digital book (see Kindle ) Business via Internet (see e-Commerce , e-Gov ) Enterprise Business Planning (Solution) : for keeping the business on the right track European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Web-based model for the Electronic Business XML initiative (open standard) (OASIS specs) European Community (see EU) Enterprise Controlling (R/3 Bus. Application Area). Fr.: Contrôle de gestion d'entreprise Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon's http://aws.amazon.com/windows/)(see EBS) Embedded and Communication Alliance Enhanced Capital Allowances (UK): Entertainment Consumers Association (www.theeca.com) Evolutionary Computation Applications (see ECT) Electronic CAD DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ECB EC - BP ECC EC - CS e-CFR EC - EIS ECH European Central Bank (see BCE) Business Planning supports preparation of business plans at high level of aggregation Elliptic Curve Cryptography Enterprise Controlling - Consolidation electronic CFR Enterprise Controlling-Executive Information System. Fr.: tableau de bord Engineering Change Hierarchy. Priorization of several change master records with functions = change package, leading change master record (see ECM, ECR & ECO) ECIS Entrepreneurial CIS ECIU European Consortium of Innovative Universities (http://www.eciu.org/links.php) ECM Engineering Change Mgmt. OCM ECM Enterprise Content Management (see CM, CMF, CMS, WCM, WCMS) EC - MC Consolidation ECN Explicit Congestion Notification (transport layer) ECN Electronic Commerce Network (Commerce One, Inc + SAP solution) ECO Engineering Change Order : assigns a revision level to changes statuses of docs & materials It comes after the approval of the ECR (see also ECM & ECH). ECOT ECO Time e-Commerce Commerce via Internet (see e-Business, e-Gov) ECOP Collection of methods that affect organizational objects : *IMG * BOR ECP Extended Capacity Port (mode) ECP Event-Controlled Process EC-PCA Profit Center Accounting. Fr.: Comptabilité des centres de profit ECR Engineering Change Request : revision level to changes statuses of docs and materials (see ECM, ECH, ECO) ECR Efficient Consumer Response (SAP Retail Store) ECT Evolutionary Computation Theory ( ECA) ECTS European Credit Transfer & Accumulation System ECU European Currency Unit EDA Electronic Design Automation EDA Event-Driven Architecture (Oracle component of the SOA2 ) EDAY End of the Day (see BDAY) EDB Engineering DB (DataBases) EDE Electronic Data Exchange EDF Enterprise Data Fabric EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (see DWDM, ONE, SDH, SON, SONET, WDWM) EDFs Electric-Ducted Fans (pressured air for cooling servers) EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering Archive (SEC) EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution : 2,75G (see GPRS) EDI Electronic Data Interface / Interchange EDIFACT EDI For Administration Commerce and Transport EDM Electronic Document Management (see EDMS, EDMRS, GED) EDM Enterprise Data Model EDM Enterprise Decision Management (see BRMS) EDM MM Enterprise Data Management Maturity Model (see CMM, CMMI) EDMS Electronic Document Management System (see EDM, EDRMS, GED) EDMS Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (developed by the US FAA) EDMSIM Crisis Management Simulation (see MILSIM) (C4ic, www.c4ic.com) Enterprise Decision Network Management System EDNMS EDOS Environment for the Development and distribution of free Software (EC project) EDRMS Electronic Document and Records Management (System) (see EDM, EDMS, GED) EDS Ecosystem Distress Syndrome (see NC) EDUG European DDC Users’Group Edupunk a sort of DIY education (Jim Groom's blog / May 25, 2008) EDV Entreprise Desktop Virtualization (see VD and others) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf E2E E2E E2SP EEC EEM EEO-1 EEOC EFF EFI EFLOPS EFQM EFR EFS EFT EFTA EGA EGA EGEE EGI EG-MMS EGO Egosurfing e-Gov Engineer to Engineer (collaboration, collaborative / intelligent design, CoPs, ...) Enterprise to Enterprise : generally known as B2B for being more commercially perceived.. Environmental Enterprise Service Provider European Economic Community Enterprise Engineering Methodology Equal Employment Opportunity ("gender equality" in FBC BizMagazine 2: www.fbc-e.com) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (US) (see OFCCP) Electronic Frontier Foundation (http://www.eff.org/) : about digital ID and more Extensible Firmware Interface ExaFLOPS (see EXA, FLOPS) European Foundation for Quality Management (see QA, QC, QI, QM, TQM) Enhanced Full Rate (GSM high definition digital sound) Encrypted File System Electronic Funds Transfer European Free Trade Association Enhanced Graphics Adapter Enterprise Grid Alliance (consortium of 30 leading vendors and customers) Enabling Grids for E-sciencE : European project for grid computing European Grid Initiative (see Grid computing ) Experts Group Manufacturing Message Specification (see MMS) Equal Goals in Occupations searching for his name on the Net (found in Wired Magazine)(see GQ) e-Government ()(see e-Biz , e-commerce, G2C) Steven Clift : "e-Government has been made for the revenues declaration, e-Democracy has been made for demanding explanation about the use of the collected money" E-GPS enhanced GPS (see A-GPS), EGPRS Enhanced GPRS, see also EDGE EHEA European Higher Education Area (see HEIs) EHL Evolution of Human Languages (http://ehl.santafe.edu/intro1.htm) EHR Electronic Health Record (see HHS, NHIN) EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance (see H&S, EH&S) EHS EH&S Environment, Health & Safety. It includes components such as Occupational Health, Product Safety, Dangerous Goods Management, Industrial Hygiene, etc. with high degree of integration EI Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)(see EI, EQ, IQ, GQ, MI) EIA Electronic Industries Association EIA Energy Information Administration EIAA European Interactive Advertising Association (annual publication of media usage figures) EIB European Investment Bank EICAR European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (http://www.eicar.org/)(see WHID) e-ID electronic ID (see e-Gov , e-Stress ) EID Environmental Information Documents EIDC Eco-Industrial Development Council: environmental concern and action EIDE Enhanced IDE (see also FIDE) EII Enterprise Information Integration (see BI, EAI, ETL) EIM Enterprise Information Management EIM Executive Interim Management (see the FBC Magazine #6 … soon)(www.ceo-europe.be) EIP Enterprise Information Portal EIP Extended Instruction Pointer (register) EIR Environmental Information Regulations 2004 EIS Executive Information System EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture (see ISA) EISAS European Information Sharing and Alert System EIT Enterprise Integration Technologies EIT European Technology Institute EITO European Information Technology Observatory EJB Enterprise JavaBeans EKP Enterprise Knowledge Portal (see KM, KVC and others) ELAN Emulated Local Area Networks (see BAN, LAN, PAN, SAN, WAN, …) e-Learning "e" supported and organized learning (see CMC) Electronic highway see Information highway (outdated), infobahn (outdated), Internet DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Elevator pitch sort of personal USP to be emphasized for avoiding a standard classification ELF E-Learning Framework ELINT ELectronic INTelligence (see HUMINT) ELISE Electronic Invoice Standard EDIFACT ELSR Edge LSR EM Emerging Market EMA Enterprise Marketing Automation (could be part of a CRM, see also SFA) e-Mail Electronic Mail exchanged in between computers (see snail-mail ) e-Marketing leverages the Internet to plan, EMBI Emerging Markets Bonds Index e-MPS e-Mail Preference Service (www.e-mps.org) EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EM vagaries) EMEA European MEdicines Agency (www.emea.europa.eu/htms/human/epar/eparintro.htm) EMEA Europe, Middle-East, Africa (markets, territories) (see ROW) EMF (*.emf) Windows Enhanced Metafile (Microsoft) EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference EMM Expanded Memory Manager Emoticon smiley sign expressing an emotion :-) happy, smile :-)) very happy :-))) very, very happy :-D large smile, laughing o:-) saintly }:-| deeply thinking :-( unhappy, sad :-(( very unhappy, very sad :-|| angry %-) confused ;-) wink :-* kiss :'-) happily crying :-o shouting, surprised :-b drooling {*} warm hug (hug & kiss) e-mouth the "word of e-mouth " (on the Net / Web) EMS Electronic Manufacturing Service EMS Expanded Memory Specification EMU Economic & Monetary Union. Euro currency is accelarating the e-Business EMV European Master Card Visa (chip card) (EN) (English) ENDA Environment & Development Actions (Stockholm, 1972) ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator. First computer.1943, Pennsylvania University. 1946-1955, US War Department: 30 tons, 167m², 18.000 lamps, 300 multiplications or 5.000 additions/sec. High voltage consumption and heat dissipation. (see UNIVAC) ENoLL European Network of Living Labs (http://www.openlivinglabs.eu/about.html) ENS Executive News Service ENSS Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (see SenSys, WSN) entropy disorder level ENUM tElephone Number Mapping or Electronic NUMber: feature supported by the SIP proxy server EOC Equal Opportunities Commission (UK, about the gap between British men and women) EOD / EOF End Of data / End Of File EOI Evidence Of Identity (see PKI, PKC) EOMs Equations Of Motion (see DOFs) Eonia Euro Over-Night Index Average (see Euribor, longer delays) EOTD Enhanced Observed Time Difference (see LAT) EOQ Economic Order Quantity: order size minimizing the carrying and ordering costs total (see ROP) Environmental Protection Agency (USA). EPA (see greenhouse gas ) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf EPAR EPBR EPC EPC (T) EPC EPC EPCIS EPF EPI EPIC EPIC EPLRS EPM EPM EPO EPO EPON e-Portal European Public Assessment Reports Extended Partition Boot Record Event - controlled or driven - Process Chain (SAP) Electronic Product Code (Technology) (see RFID) (average) Earnings Per one hundred Clicks (metrics) European Payments Council EPC Information Services (standard) (see RFID) Enterprise Portal Framework Earth Policy Institute (USA) (www.earthpolicy.org) Electronic Privacy Information Center (see CASPIAN) Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computer (Intel) Enhanced Position Location Reporting System Engineering Project Management Enterprise Performance Management Enabling Process Owner (see EWC) European Patent Office (see WIPO) Ethernet-Based PON Works with information and technologies that are already in place and deliver them to people who are willing to know about advertising, sales, promotion, projects, reports, colleagues activities. Depending on the content, it could be an intra or EXTRA portal. EPOS Electronic Point-Of-Sale (see POS) EPP Enhanced Parallel Port collection of digital documents: http://www.eprints.org/openaccess/self-faq/#Eprint-Archive EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPS Earnings Per Share EPS Electronic Payment System EPS (*.eps) Encapsulated PostScript EPS External Project Software EPSS Electronic Performance Support Systems EQ Emotional Quotient (see Egosurfing , EI, GQ) ER Entity Relationship (see ERC, ERD, ERM, FER, TSER) ERASMUS European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students ERC Entity Relationship Context (see ER, ERD, ERM, FER, TSER) ERM Entity Relationship Model / Modeling (see ERD, FER, TSER) ERMUML Robert A. Maksimchuk and Eric J. Naiburg : ejnaiburg@us.ibm.com (see BPML, UML) ERD Entity-Relation Diagram (see FER, TSER, ERM) Ergonomics man's integration with machine (see HMI) ERM Employee Relationship Management (see ESS, ELC) ERM Environmental Resource Management ERMS eMail Response Management System ERO Environment Resource Officer (see ERR) ERP Enterprise Resources Planning (see XERP, PGI) ERR Environment Review Report (see ERO) ERS (MM) Evaluated Receipt Settlement ERT European Round Table ESA Enterprise Services Architecture ESA Entertainment Software Association (www.theesa.com/) ESB Enterprise Services Bus (see ISB, USB) Esc Escape (Command character ) ESC External System Change e-Science electronic exchanges in between universities and R&D centers (see EGEE) ESI Edge Side Include E-Sign Act USA federal law granting electronic record and signature legal recognition (same as paper) ESIP European Safer Internet Program ESL English as a Second Language (see TOEFL) ESLR Expanded Set of Life Rules (FBC>s OB) ESM Editable Source Master ESMTP Extended SMTP ESN Electronic Serial Numbers ESO Expanded Service Option DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf esp. ESP ESS (HR) ESS ESSI ESSO e-Strategy e-Stress ETA etc. Etcetera ETD ETF ETL ETML ETMS ETNO ETO ETP ETS ETSI ETUD .eu EU EUC EUL EULA EUM EUP EUPF EUREKA EUREX Euribor Eurid EURO especially (used in dictionary abbreviation) Expert Sales Procedures Employee Self-Service ()(see ERM, HR-ESS) Embedded Simulation Service (C4ic, www.c4ic.com) European System and Software Initiative Enterprise Single Sign-On Strategy that is including the activities and the deployment on the WEB (B2B, B2C, …) huge e-mails flows are considered as an important source of stress (several studies conclusion) Estimated Time of Arrival (see ETD) et cetera East-West Technical Cooperation in the R&D of Electronic Trading Estimated Time of Departure (see ETA) Exchange Traded Fund ("trackers") Extraction, Transformation and Load (data) Extraction Transformation Move and Load (data) Electronic Territory Management System European Telecommunications Network Operator (Assn) Engineer To Order European Technology Platform Emission Trading Scheme (pollution) European Telecommunications Standards Institute Emerging Technologies Update Day (First Tuesday , Mobile Monday ) .eu domain (see DNS, EUrid) European Union (see EC) End User Coach(ing) (see TUG) End-User Layer End User Licence Agreement Exchange Unified Messaging Energy Usage Profile (related to the GCA) European Procurement Forum (www.eupf.org) European Research Coordination Agency European Experience Exchange (activity within the ESSI) Euro Interbank Offered Rate (see FMA) European Registry for Internet Domain (".eu" domain) As of R/3I the procedure description for changing over the EURO and the relevant section of the IMG are found under Cross Application Components>European Monetary Union:EURO. EURO Information Center is available on SAPNet : "euro". The EURO Customizing Assistant is made for performing and verifying EURO-related tasks. See CA-EUR-CNV & GEN. W/i SAP, the payroll currency is separately managed from the pay scale currency for allowing the management and unions to freely decide when they change over to EURO (sap.com/euro) Eurocham European Chamber of Commerce (see Amcham ) Europol European Police Office EUSAS European Society for Automatic Alarm Systems (http://www.eusas.ch/) E-UTRA Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (see LTE, UTRA) EV Enhanced Vision EVA Earned Value Analysis (voir EVC) EVA Economic Value Added: a value-based metrics (see MVA) EVC Earned Value Calculation EVD Enterprise Value Delivery (methodology) EVDO Evolution Data Optimized (speeds ranging from 400 Kbps to 2 Mbps) EVP Executive Vice-President (see CEO and other CxO) EWA European WEB Assn ( EWC Enabling Work Center (see EPO, MIS-EWC) EWG (UN/)EDIFACT Working Group EWMAchart control chart representing exponentially weighted moving average (QM) EWS Early Warning System. Gestion des exceptions (hors-normes définies par un opérateur qualifié) Ex.: hors tendance, au-delà/en-deça des seuils, non comparables aux valeurs planifiées. Exaoctet 1024 x Petaoctet (see Bit, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Zeta, Yotta) sophisticated flexible spreadsheet, an application being part of Microsoft Office EXCEL Exchange rat e type : storing of different exchange rates for different purposes for the same date and DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf currency combination in the system. Only one maintenance tool per exchange rate : inversion, base currency, exchange rate spreads. Exercice com ptable/version : périodes de l'exercice, périodes spéciales, (pér. déterminées par le système) Exif Exchangeable Image File Format (see KML) EXIF EXtended INFormation (Viewer) supports JPEG, TIFF and RAW Formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, X3F, RAW, BAY, ORF, MRW, SRF). expat expatriate Export lingo (mostly US) B/L Bill-of-Lading B4Now Before now C&F Cost & Freight CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight D/A Document against Acceptance DL Distribution license DISC Domestic International Sales Corporation D/P Document against Payment Drawback recovery of duties paid on imported merchandise when re-exported EEA Export Enforcement Act (1979) FAS Free Alongside Ship FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FOB Free-On-Board FOR Free-On-Rail FOT Free-On-Truck FSC Foreign Sales Corporation FTZ Free Trade Zone GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade HS Harmonized System IVL Individual Validated License IP Intellectual Property L/C Letter of Credit NICs New Industrializing Countries NTB Non-Tariff Barrier OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development SFSC Shared Foreign Sales Corporation SIC Standard Industrial Classification SITC Standard Industrial Trade Classification TB Tariff Barrier TD Trade Development UN United Nations USTR US Trade Representative EXTRANET Business processes automation with partners having access to the Intranet over the Internet F FA FA FAA FAFNER FAH FAI (Fr) FAN faning FAO FAO (Fr) FAQ FAS FAS FASB FAST FAST FAT FATF Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Financial Aid Financial Acronym Federal Aviation Administration (see EDMS) Factoring via Network-Enabled Recursion (see Grid computing , Y-WAY) Folding At Home Fournisseur d'Accès à Internet (see ISP) File Area Network (NW) becoming fan Food & Agriculture Organization (United Nations) Fabrication Assistée par Ordinateur (see CAP, CAD, PAO) Frequently Asked Questions (see A2Q). Fr: Foire Aux Questions Federal Accounting Standards (USA) (see CPA, IAS) Free Along Ship (Incoterm)(see FOB, C&F, CIF) Financial Accounting Standard Board Flexible Area Synchronized Transfer Future of Advertising Stakeholders (www.fastinfo.org/measurement/) File Allocation Table (12, 16 or 32 bits) Financial Action Task Force (see FSF, OFCS) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf FAWN FAX FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC FBC>s FBCS FBI FBM FBWP FC FCAPS FCC FCCU FCDR FCFS FCIP FCS FCFS FCPA FCPGA FD FD FDA FDDI FDE FDI FDM FDS FE FE FED FED FEM FEM FEMA Femto cells FERMA FERT FESE FFA FFIEC FFII FFT F2F FG FI FIA FI-AA Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes : cluster architecture for power-efficient key-value storage. Fac Simile Faster, Better, Cheaper : company development views, institutions reorganization principles, … File Bag Collection Financial Business Case Find By Content Flat Belt Conveyor (Systems) Floating-Body Cell Folded Binary Code Foreign Bank Charges (accounting terminology) Foreign Buyers Club (international business, groups, …) Form Based Code Fully Buzzword Compliant (…?) Furnished by Contractor FBC>s / Future-Based Consultancy & Solutions (www.fbc-e.com) Business & Change Management, BPR, transformational organization, KM, Intellectual Capital evaluation - investment - management. www.fbc-e.com Fellow of the British Computer Society Federal Bureau of Investigation (US) (see CIA, IFCC) Free Business Magazine Future-Based Management Business Magazine on our site Free Business White Page. Available when specified in our "translator" French Community Fault - Configuration - Accounting - Performance - Security (service management tasks) Federal Communication Commission (USA) (see FCC, FDA, FPC, FTC) Federal Computer Crime Unit (Belgium) Failure Cause Data Report First Come First Served Fibre Channel over IP First Commercial Shipment First Come, First Served (see BPR/M, DD, LPT, PLC, PLM, PM, PSO / PMO, SPT, …) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977) Flip Chip Pin Grid Array Financial Director Fire Department (Example : NYFD = New York Fire Department) (see PD) Food & Drugs Administration (USA) (see FCC, FTC, GMP, HACCP) Fiber Distributed Data Interface (see CDDI) Fly Disk Encryption: SW for securing the data confidenciality on a HD or in a Container Foreign Direct Investment Frequency-Division Multiplexing Full Day Schooling (see SEQUAP) Far-East (see ME) Finite Element Federal Reserve Bank (USA) Field Emitting Display (see i-FED) Finite Element Method Formal Engineering Methods Federal Emergency Management Agency (USA) (see DSR) little devices-based in-house mobile phones network for transmitting the messages via Internet Federation of European Risk Management Association (see RM) It sounds for "fertig" = Finished Product (SAP : MM/Material Type). Fr.: Produits finis Field Force Automation (see SFA) Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (USA) Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure First Fundamental Triad (FBC>s : www.fbc-e.com) Face-to-Face (the best way to communicate) (see P2P) Finished Goods (see JIT, WIP) Financial Accounting (module : R/3 Business Application Area) Future Internet Assembly Assets accounting. Fr: Comptabilité des immobilisations DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf FI-AP FI-AR FIC FI-CM FIDE FIE Fields O/I Account Payable. Fr: Comptabilité fournisseurs Account Receivable. Fr: Comptabilité clients Foreign Invested Company (see FIE, WOFE) Cash Management Fast IDE (see also EIDE) Foreign Invested Enterprise (see FIC, WOFE) determine whether the account can use SAP clearing functionality. This is commonly used in A/P and A/R and clearing accounts Financial Assets Management (SAP) FI-FA Financial Controlling (SAP) FI-FC Financial Information System (SAP) FI-FIS FI-FM Financial Managemen. Fr: Comptabilité budgétaire FIFO First In / First Out (inventory management) (see LIFO) FIFO Fit In or Faze Out (IT related syndrome) fig. figurative, figuratively (used in dictionary abbreviation) FI-GL General Ledger (accounting). Fr: Comptabilité générale FI-GLX Extended General Ledger Windows update to Media Center functionality of Vista (late 2008) Fiji FI-LC Financial Accounting - Legal Consolidation. Fr: Consolidation légale Financial calculator acronyms COMP compute ENT Enter EXP Exponential function FV Future Value LOG Natural Logarithm PMT Payment PV Present Value SQR Square Root DTW Day To Week DTM Day To Month DTQ Day To Quarter DTY Day To Year WTM Week To Month WTQ Week To Quarter WTY Week To Year MTQ Month To Quarter MTY Month To Year QTY Quarter To Year Fin.mgmt are a = périmètre financier (Fr) FING Future Internet NW Design (BNN Technology in charge of the definition) FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard 183 &184 (USA): aerospace domain FIRE Future Internet Research and Experimentation firewall net protection / control of the PC ports access. Fr : pare-feux de protection du PC, du réseau FIRM Fundamental Information Risk Management (RM) FIRST Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams "First Triad" Communication - Integration - Synchronization (also known as unified communication + collaboration) First Tuesday networking event (London, Oct '98) dotcom (ETUD, MoMo) FIS Factory Information System (see Bill Inmon's CIF) FI-SL Special Ledgers (accounting). Fr: Comptabilité spéciale FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (USA) (see SM, RM) FIT Financial Information Technology FI-TM Travel Management. Fr: Comptabilité des frais de déplacement *.flac Free Lossless Audio Codec. Lossless audio compression codec (sound file format) Macromedia technology for the use of the "Rich Media" (banner animation, sound, video) Flash flash memory non-volatile electronic memory that can be erased and recorded FLEA Four Letter Extended Acronym (see AAAAAA, TLA, YATLA) FLO Fairtrade Labelling Organization (International) FLOPS Floating points of Operations Per Second FLS Forward Looking Statement (what the public expects from a large company's CEO) FLASH file *.flv DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Youtube video format Frequency Modulation (see AM) Financial Markets Association (see Euribor) Financial and Management Accounting Committee (see IFAC) Fixed Mobile Convergence Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Feature Manipulation Engine Failure Modes & Effect Analysis: (see DEA) functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (see MRI, NMRI) Fieldbus Message Specification (see VD or VFD) Financial Management Service (US Department of the Trasury)(http://fms.treas.gov/) File Name (see FNE) File Name Extension (see FN) Front Office Application (see BOA) Friend Of A Friend, semantic WEB application (RDF graph defining relationships). Initiative for a "who is a friend on Internet" norm (see Second Life , WEB2.0) (http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/) FOB Free On Board (see FOT, Export lingo ) FOCUS FOcus on CUStomer (SAP) FOIA Freedom of Information Act 2000 (http://www.treas.gov/foia/) FOISA Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 FOLDOC Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing FOLDOC Free On-Line Doc FOLED Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diode Folksonomy collaborative classyfying system (folk + taxonomy ) FOMC Federal Open Market Committee (USA) FOOT Forum for Object Oriented Technology (see OO, OOA, OOIE, OOM, OOP, OOT) FORmula TRANslation (IBM programming language, 1956) FORTRAN FOSS Free and Open Source Software FOT Free on Truck (see FOB, Export lingo ) FoV Field of View (related to monitoring devices capabilities) FP7 EU's 7th Framework Program (for research and techological development) FPC Federal Power Commission (USA) (see FCC, FTC) FPC (SAP) First Productive Customers FPE FORTRAN Programming Environment FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array FPP Fixed Price Projects fps feet per second (imperial speed unit) fps frames per second (see Telecine) FPS First-Person Shooter (a shooting-centered video game) (see frags , ODST) FPU Floating Point Unit: computer part designed to process calculations on floating point numbers (Fr) (French) FR Functional Relationship (see ER). Fr: Relation Fonctionnelle FRA Forward Rate Agreement (TR-TM) Fractal organization divides the enterprise into organizational units that act autonomously (self-organ.) FRAD Frame Relay Access Device frags to kill someone temporarily when video gaming (the term has a military origin)(see FPS, ODST) FRAM Ferroelectric Random Access Memory Frame one frame represents one image in a movie frequency the number of times a signal is oscillating per second FRD Fire RetarDant Freeware Free program, copyright is not granted / Graticiel, programme gratuit sans droits de reproduction (see/voir Public Domain/Domaine Public, DRM) FSB Front Side Bus (PC specs : FSB speed): it helps connect the CPU to system components FSC Financial Statement Chart (SAP) FSC Financial Supply Chain (financially oriented supply chain) FSCM Financial Supply Chain Mgmt (financial management along the SC or FSC) FSCT Financial Supply Chain Transactions (financial transactions along the SC) FSF Financial Stability Forum (see FATF, OFCS) FSF Free Software Foundation by Richard Stallman and others in 1983 (see GNU) FSG Field Status Group (SAP). Can be determined at 2 or 3 levels : FLV FM FMA FMAC FMC FMCG FME FMEA fMRI FMS FMS FN FNE FOA FOAF DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf FSI FSI FSI FSIO FSO FSTC FStZ (Fr) FSV FSV FTC FTE FTE FTL FTP FTTH FUD FUI FUP FURP FWD (car) FWIW FX or Fx FXSR FY FYI or fyi FYV Client level General Data (niveau Mandant) CyCd level CyCd Data (niveau Société) Acct Gr level Sales Data (niveau groupe de comptes dans SD par exemple) and is managing the status of the fields : hidden, optional, required Failed States Index (USA) Financial Software Industry Free Standing Insert (sales promo) Financial Systems Integration Office (US) Free-Space Optics Financial Service Technology Consortium Variante de Statut de Zone Financial Statement Version (SAP) Field Status Variant : combination of FSG assigned to each company code (CyCd) Federal Trade Commission (USA)(see FCC, FDA, FPC) Full-Time Employee Full-Time Equivalent Faster-Than-Light in "Star Trek " (see warp speed ) File Transfer Protocol (see 0 Day) Fiber-To-The-Home : optical fiber line to the home / 100 Mbits/sec ! Already in Japan/2004 ! Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt: Frontend Usability Infocentre (see UX) Follow-UP collection of factors (Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, Supportability) HP SW. Front-Wheel Drive (see AWD) For What It's Worth (see IL or InLin) special effects Floating Point Save and Restore Full Year For Your Information Fiscal Year Variant (i.e. SAP : K4) G Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Government To Business Government To Citizen (see e-Gov, G2E) Government To Employee Games, Gaming, Gambling industry (coined by Accenture) Raw Fax format CCITT G3 (image file format) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (USA) Generally Accepted Best Business Practices (FBC>s change management concept) Governmental Advisory Committee Generally Accepted Complexity Level (FBC>s change management concept) Global Alliance for ICT and Development Global Autonomous Language Exploitation (http://projects.ldc.upenn.edu/gale/)(see LDC) GALE will consist of three major engines: Transcription, Translation and Distillation Galileo European GPS Gamevertising new technologies-enabled advertising and game association GAMS General Algebraic Modeling System (see AML) GAN Generic Access Network (3GPP of the UMA) Gantt chart Planning / management methodology and display of tasks, processes within their time slot GAs Genetic Algorithms (search procedures based on the nature selection mechanics) Gate Organizational unit defined for flow through processes Gateway Intelligent interface that connects dissimilar networks (different protocols)(BC-KRN) GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Gb see Giga GBA Government Budgetary Accounting (see GMBA) GBAM General Bidirectional Associative Memory : immediate intelligence, skills. GBC Global Business Change (see GBD, GCM) GBD Global Business Driver (see GBC, GCM) G2C Government-To-Citizen (see B2G) GCA Green Computing Architecting (see EUP) G2B G2C G2E G3 *.g3 GAAP GABBP GAC GACL GAID GALE DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf GCC (Fr) Gestion Commande Client GCL (Fr) Gestion de la Chaîne Logistique (En:see SCM) GCM Global Change Management (top CM issue) (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com) GCM Global Commerce Mgmt ( GDAIS General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems (see GDIT) GDB GNU Debugger GDIT General Dynamics Information Technology: on behalf of the HSD (US) (see GDAIS) GDMO Guideline for the Definition of Management Objects GDOS Graphics Device Operating System GDP Gross Domestic Product (goods and services produced in the economy)(see AGI) GDPc Gross Domestic Product per capita GDS Global Distribution System GDSS Group Decision Support System (see DSS) GED (Fr) Gestion Electronique des Documents (see the English translation EDMS) Geek Internet maniac GFE Good Faith Effort Genchi Genbutsu go and see for yourself . Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Genopersistation action upon an object having both mathematical and systemic meaning (Dean, 1993) Graphical Evaluation & Review Technique: GERT (see PCM, PERT) GFDL GNU Free Documentation License (see LGPL) GFLOPS GigaFLOPS (see Gb, Giga, FLOPS) GGF Global Grid Forum (see OGSA, OGSI) GHz GigaHerz (see GB, Giga, Herz) GIAC Global Information Assurance Certification (see CISA, CISM, CISSP, CSO, UAC, US) GID General IDentifier (see EPC, RFID) GIF/*.gif Graphics Interchange Format (Compuserve). 2 versions: 1987 and 1989 Giga 1024 Megabytes (octet). See Tera, Peta. GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out GIMS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (see Mersenne Prime ) GKEC Global Knowledge Economic Council (see KMBC) GKP Global Knowledge Partnership : 41 workshops in November 2005 / Tunis. Global Knowledge Services (Andersen) GKS G/L General Ledger. Fr: Grand Livre G/L Account used for yearly & P+L statements. Has a number, a name, features for automatic processing. Is created in Chart of Account at the CyCd level and the settings are made via the Acc.Gr. Can be identical accross several CyCd Glazing it means sleeping with the eyes open during an early morning meeting (see 404) Glog General log (output program) Glyph small bitmap GM General MIDI GMAO (Fr) Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur GMBA Government Management & Budgetary Accounting (see GBA) GMI Genomic Medicine Institute GMP General Maintenance Practice GMP Good Manufacturing Pratice, equivalent of the FDA GMT Greenwich Mean Time (see TAI, UTC) GND short for GROUND GNG Grid National Governance GNH Gross National Happiness (let's talk about the future …) GNI Gross National Income (see GNP) GNP Gross National Product (see GNI) GNSO Generic Names Supporting Organization GNU FSF Unix-like operating system (Project founder: Richard Stellman) Go see Giga Government On-line Accounting Link System: GOALS II GOGO Aircell supplied WiFi in the Virgin America planes GOMB Global Operational Management Board (G7) GOP Grand Old Party (US Republican Party) Gopher hierarchy of menus used for browsing the Internet DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf GOPM Governance GP GPAI GPF GPI GPIB GPIMS GPL GPLI GPLv3 GPO GPRS Group-Oriented Project Management (see PM, PMI, PMO) something above the "best practices " and related to the responsibility of the managers Genetic Programming (see AI, AL, GA), General Protection Global Program for Avian Influenza (see AIERP, HPAI) General Protection Fault Genuine Progress Indicator General Purpose Interface BUS (IEEE488 std) General Purpose Information Management System General Public License (see DRM) General Purpose LAN Interface (see BAN, PAN, SAN, VLAN, WAN) GPL with provisions about DRM General Plant Overhead General Packet Radio Services (standard for improving WAP quality and speed : 170kbps to handle voice and data transfer). Step-up toward EDGE and UMTS GPS Global Positioning System (SAP is supporting the GPS-based trucks/ships tracking w/i LES) Galileo GLONASS General Purpose Simulation System (IBM all purpose simulation program) GPSS GPTF Group Policy Task Force (common standard promotion in AD Group Policy) GPU Graphic Processing Unit (see PCU) GQ Google Quotient (how many times are you referenced on Google?) (see Egosurfing , EQ, IQ) Granularity level of data summarization Granularity manager SW component (it takes raw data from the WEB site, edits & manipulates them before the sending to the DW) informal channel of communication Grapevine GRAS Generally Recognized As Safe (first use in the food domain and by the FDA) GRC (Fr) Gestion de la Relation Client (see CRM) GRC Governance, Risk, Compliance GRDDL Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Language (see SWT) GRDI ™ Global Retail Development Index (A.T. Kearney : www.atkearney.com) (see RMS) GRE (Fr) Gestion de la Relation Employés (see ERM, GRF, GRP) Green computing see Green IT Greenhouse gas released by vehicles: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane (see EPA) Green IT Environmentally-concerned IT management : electricity consumption, recycling process, etc. Greenwashing " green" and "whitewash". A sort of brainwashing applied to green / ecological matters Grey matter older and experienced people within a company mainly counting young executives GRF (Fr) Gestion de la Relation Fournisseur (see GRE, GRP, SRM) Grid matrix of dots in the drawing area Grid computing distributed large-scale of interconnected computers operating like a computing utility GRIMM Graphical Link Mapping Method (see Brain mapping ) GR/IR Goods Received / Invoice Received (see EM/EF) Grouping profile/selection of accounts, levels & groups displayed for cash position or cash forecast Groupware evolved SW for collaborative environment that facilitates information and knowledge exchange GRP (Fr) Gestion de la Relation Partenaires (see GRE, GRF, PRM) GRUB GRand Unified Bootloader, a flexible and powerful boot loader GSA General Service Administration GSCF Global Supply Chain Forum (see c-SCM, SCEM, SCM). GSE Ground Support Equipment GSM(C) Global System (for) Mobile (Communication) GSMA assn representing the worldwide mobile communications industry () GSP Generalized System of Preference (see USTR) Grouping key is defined in customer/vendor Master Record GTIM Global Information Technology Management GTD Get the Thing Done / Getting Things Done gTLD Generic Top Level Domain (see TLD) GTM Generative Topographic Mapping (see SOM) GTM Global Trade Management Global Technology Network (http://www.usgtn.org): trade lead program to match US companies GTN with opportunities in +40 countries. GTP GPRS Tunneling Protocol (3GPP standardized) Global Trade Service (s) GTS DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf GUI GUID GURPS *.gvp GVU GWA GWDD GWG GWH GZIP Graphical User Interface (see API, UI, HMI) Globally Unique ID Generic Universal RolePlaying System: role-playing game system (www.sjgames.com/gurps/) Google Video Player Graphic - Visualization - Usability (Center part of Georgia Institute of Technology) General Warehouse Accruals Global Warming Discovering Density Grids World Governance (sum of the Grids National Governances)(see Grid computing ) GigaWatts / hour (see Gb, Giga) GNU ZIP H Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available <H> Hidden (application's main window) H.264 New standard for HD digital video HA Hyper Access (OS/2 Warp IBM) HaaS Hardware as a Service (see DaaS, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point(FDA)(ISO 22000:2005) HACCP hacker pirate (on the Net. See cracker ) hacking a hacker is hacking hacktivism ideologically pirating the Net (see Cyber War ) Hairpin Telephony term that means sending a call back in the direction that it came from HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer HAL Computer in the movie "2001, a Space Odyssey " ("Hal's birthday" in the #5 FBC>s Biz Mag) Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording HAMR handheld device see mobile , PDA, smart phone hands-on manager delegated person who is physically involved with the business at all levels hard curr. Second currency used in high-inflation countries hard salary salary according the official government rules (see soft salary ) harvest(ing) scanning the Internet to locate email addresses and create spams HB House Bank (SAP) HBB Home Based Business (02/269.0765) (see SOHO) HCA Human Capital Accounting (see HCI, HCM, HR, HRA, IC, ICA) hCard HTML vCard (see vCard, Versit) HCCLE Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments (IEEE symposium) H channel high-speed channel HCI Harnessing (the) Collective Intelligence (see IC, CI) HCI Host Controller Interface : standardized Bluetooth command language (see BTCLI) HCI Human Computer Interaction / Interface (see AugCog , EAM, HMC, HMI, UI …) HCI Human Capital Intelligence (see HCA) HCIP Human Capital Intelligence Process (see CHCO) HCM Human Capital Management (see HCA, HR, HRA, IC, ICA) HD High Definition HDCD High Definition CD (see also CD, DVD, MMCD, SD) HDDVD High Definition DVD (compatible HDTV) (see Blu-ray ) HDLC High-Level Data Link Control *.hdr High Dynamic Range (image file format) HDI Human Development Index HDPE High-Density PolyEthylene (see PET) HDSL High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line HDTV High Definition TV HE Higher Education (see EHEA, HEI) Headend End point of a broadband network Header Control information placed before data when encapsulating that data for network transmission HEC Header Error Control Hedge Funds investment funds (generally risked) Heijunka production smoothing . Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Heloc Home Equity Line Of Credit HEIs Higher Education Institutions (see EHEA) HEPnet High-Energy Physics Network Hertz Measure of frequency HEX HEXadecimal (16) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf HF HFC HFC HFS H2H H2HC HHS HID Hidden Web HIDS HighMAT HIPAA HIPC HIPS HISHE HIT HK HLA HLC HLP/*.hlp HLPSL H2M HMA HMC HMC HMI HMQUs HO hoax HOLAP Holistic High Frequency (see LF, UHF) Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial HydroFluoroCarbon (more and more commonly related to the energy efficiency) Hierarchical File System Human to Human (see HMC, H2M, M2H, M2M) H2H Communication Health & Human Services (medecine and hospitals domain)(see EHR) Human Interface Devices (see HCI, HMI, HTI, UI) Invisible Web that isn't accessed by the standard Web browers (see also Deep Web ) Host-based Intrusion Detection System (see AIDE, HIPS, NIDS, WHID) Science that is containing the famous Lawrence Peter organizational principle High Performance Media Access Technology Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Systems (see AIDE, HIDS) How It Should Have Ended (movie sketches proposing alternative ending stories) Human Interface Technology (see HMI, HMC) HeaderKeys (see MK, SK) Hybrid Learning Algorithm High Layer Compatibility (code) (see ISDN) Help / help file format (see *.cnt) HighLevel Protocol Specification Language(description of Internet protocol suitessecurity goals) Human to Machine (see H2H, M2H, M2M) High Memory Area Human Machine Communication: tries to demonstrate that it is similar to H2H (see HCI, MHMC) Human-made Capital (see EDS, NC) Human Machine Interface () (see AR, HCI, HID, HTI) (HMI Master in USA) Hours per Month per Qualified User: metric of success for replacing page views Head Office (see HQ) rumor on the web (list on www.ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/CIACHoaxes.html, also hoaxbuster.com) Hybrid OLAP (see DOLAP, MOLAP, OLAP, ROLAP) managerial approach that encompasses all human needs according a careful ordering of the elements for producing a significant result that is greater than the sum of its parts. HOSE HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City) Stock Exchange (see NYSE and others) HOSTexploit cybercrime research site (http://hostexploit.com/) Hotspot Wireless Internet Hotspot or available wireless public Internet connection (WiFi) House Bank dealing with customers & vendors, various currencies, … HPAI Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (see GPAI) HPAES High Performance Asian Economies HPC High Performance Compiler, Handheld PC HPC High Performance Computing HPCC High Performance Computing and Communications HPCS High Performance Computing Systems HPDC High Pressure Diecast (fabrication process) HQ Head Quarter (see HO) HIPPI High-Performance Parallel Interface HPFS High Performance File System HPMAT High Performance Media Access Technology (see MAT) HPR High Performance Routing HR Human Resources (department and ERP module supporting work force management)(see RR) Matsushita Electric's slogan: “We make people before we make products. Human resources development is an investment that must be planned carefully … HRA Human Resources Accounting (+/- 1970) (see HRC, HRM) HRC Human Resource Computing (see HRA) HRD Human Resources Development HRD Human Resources Director (FBC>s did participate with the HRD Brussels' Summit 2009) HREOC Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (see SDA) HR - ESS Employee Self-Service (participation in HR activities: data access and maintenance via the Net and over the phone -see speech recognition-) HRIS Human Resources Information System (see LIS, MIS, SIS, …) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf HRMP Human Resource Management Processes HRM(S) Human Resources Management (System) (see HR, HRA, HRIS,) HRO Human Resources Officer (see CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, CKO, CTO, …) HR-PA Personnel Administration HR-PA-APP Applicant Management HR-PA-BEN Benefits Administration (HR Personnel Administration) HR-PA-COM Compensation Administration HR-PA-EMP Employee Management (see ERM, ESS) HR-PA-INW Incentive Wages HR-PA-PAY Payroll HR-PA-TIM Time Management HR-PA-TRV Travel Expenses HR - PCP Personnel Cost Planning HR-PD Personal Planning and Development HR-PD-OM Organizational Management (see OB) HR-PD-PPD Personnel Planning & Development HR-PD-RPL Room Reservations Planning HR-PD-SCM Seminar and Conventional Management HR-PD-WFP Workforce Planning HR-PE HR-Training & Event Management HR-PRM HR-Profiling Recruiting Management (FBC>s concept and methodology) HR-PT HR-Personnel Time Management (within HR) HR-PY-xx Payroll Accounting (PY-xx table per country to comply with the local laws and rules) HR-SC Human Resources - Score Card (see BSC) HRSPIN Hampton Roads Software Improvement Network H&S Health and Security (see EHS, EH&S) HSA Hybrid Storage Alliance (Hitachi, Samsung, Seagate Technology, Toshiba) HSCI High-Speed Communications Interface HSD Homeland Security Department (US): assisted by GDIT (for more cyber security: Cyber War ) HSD High Speed Data (mobile phone) HSDPA High Speed Data Packet Access to provide 8-10 Mbps data rate from a W-CDMA base station HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access (receiving data through UMTS devices)(see HUSPA) HSE Hybrid Search Engine HSI Human System Integration (see RR) HSM HW Security Module HSM Hierarchical Storage Management (see DLM, ILM, LC, PLC) HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol HSSB High Speed Serial Bus (Interface) HSSI High-Speed Serial Interface HSV Hosted SW Vendors (ASP is somewhat out of the new practices) HSYNC Horizontal Synchronization Signal (see VSYNC) HTML Hyper Text Markup Language (see XML) exchanges facilitation HTML5 HTT Hyper-Threading Technology HTTP Hyper Text Transport Protocol Hub device being the center of a star-topology NW. Active when regenerating the signal. HUD Heads-Up Display (see AR) Hue overall gradation of color HUMINT HUMan INTelligence (military terminology) versus AI (see ELINT) HUSPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access (sending data through UMTS devices)(see HSDPA) Hybrid calculator use of analog and discrete representation for the data handling Hybrid network Internetwork made up of more than one type of network technology Hyperchange HyperTransport AMD technology for increasing the communication speed between IC Hz see Hertz I IaaS IAB IAB IAB Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Infrastructure as a Service (see DaaS, PaaS, SaaS) Internet Architecture Board Interactive Advertising Bureau (USA) Internet Advertising Bureau (USA) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf IACET IACs IACF IAD IADAS IADB IAG IAHC IAITAM IAL IAM IANA IAR IARP IAS(B) IASC IATA IBAN IBBA IBM IBO IBOS I-BOK IBPS IBRD IBT IBTS IBUs IBV IC IC IC3 ICA ICA ICANN ICC ICCC ICCC ICCO ICCOa ICD ICDL ICDT ICE ICE ICE ice breaker ICES ICH ICI ICI ICIP iCKM ICM ICM ICMB ICMI ICMP International Association of Continuing Education and Training (see CEU, IEEE) Internet Application Components International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation Integrated Access Device International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (see Webby Awards ) Inter-American Development Bank International Auditing Guidelines (see AICPA, CPA) Internet International Ad Hoc Committee International Association of IT Assets Managers (http://www.iaitam.org) International Algebraic Language (see ALGOL) Identity (and) Access Management (see IDM, WAM) Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Industrial Augmented Reality (see AR) International Advanced Robotics Program (see AI, IFR) International Accounting Standards (Board) (see IFRS) International Accounting Standards Committee International Air Transport Association International Bank Account Number (Country ISO code+Control Number+Actual Bank Account Number. Example: Belgium 510-0075470-61 > IBAN BE62 5100 0754 7061). More infos available on this WEB page http://www.abb-bvb.be (see BIC, SEPA) International Business Brokerage Association initialism : International Business Machines Internet-Based Organization InterBank Online Systems Integration Body of Knowledge InterBank Payment System International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Internet-Based training (see CAT, CBT, LCMS, LMS, WBT) IntraBank Transfert System Industry Business Units (SAP) Internal Business Volume Intellectual Capital (mgmt) (see ICA, ICM, IP, IPR, TRIPS) Integrated Circuit (techn)(see dip or DIP) Internet Crime Complaint Center (USA, http://www.ic3.gov/) (see NW3C, WHID) Intellectual Capital Accounting (see HRA, ICM) Innovative Communication Alliance (Strategic Alliance in between Microsoft and Nortel) Internet Authority for Assigned Names and Numbers (http://www.icann.org/) Inter Client Communication (BC-SRV) = front end component communication Internet Crime Complaint Center (see IC3) International Computer Communication Conference (Washington, October 1972) International Cocoa Organization (see Cocoa, ICCOa) International Cocoa agreement (WG will take place in London / 11-15 Jan 2010: www.icco.org/) International Code Designator International Computer Driving License Information-Communication-Distribution Technologies (see ICT) In Case of Emergency (Mobile phone:could be useful to indicate who has to be dialed to) Interactive Connectivity Establishment Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics : enterprise firewalls malware application to crack the enterprise firewalls Intelligence Community Enterprise Services (see Intellipedia ) Inventory Collaboration Hub (scenario like Kanban ) Institute for Competitive Intelligence(see CI)(www.institute-for-competitive-intelligence.com/) Inter/Interexchange Carrier Interface (see ICIP) ICI Protocol International Conference on Knowledge Management (see iKMS) Image Color Matching (Eastman Kodak) Intellectual Capital Management (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com)(see HRA, IC, ICA) ITIL Certification Management Board International Conference of Multimodal Interface Internet Control Message Protocol DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf *.ico ICOE ICP ICR ICT ICTD ICTF ICVS ID I-D IDA IDARSs IDB IDBM(S) IDC IDD IDE IDE IDEA IDEAL IDEF iDEN Identity theft IDEs IDES IDI IDJ IDK IDL idle IDM IDM IDMEF IDN IDN IDN IDOC IDP IDQ IDR IDS IDSA IDSL IDT iDTV IE IE IEA IEC (Fr) IEC IEC IED IEEE IEEE/CS IER(s) IES IETF IF IFAC (Windows) Icon Industry Centers Of Expertise (SAP develops new information technologies in these centers) Integrated Communications Provider Initial Cell Rate Information & Communication Technology (see IT, IT&C) Information, Communication, Transaction, Distribution (see IT, ICT, NIT) International Contactless Technologies Forum (see CT) International Crime Victimization Surveys (see UCR) Identity / IDentification (see IDM, IDN, RFID) Internet-Draft International Development Association Integrated Document Archive and Retrieval Systems Intelligent Data Base (data modeling+index system+querying language)(see IRDB, RDB) Intelligent Data Base Management (System) Isolation Displacement Contact International Direct Dial Integrated Development Environment (see IDEs) Integrated Drive Electronics (see ATA, SATA) International Data Encryption Algorithm (see AES) Initiating, Diagnosing, Establishing, Acting, Leveraging method Integrated DEFinition (language): analysis method and functional specification Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (see WiDEN) or ID theft : Malware , Pharming , Phishing , SMShing , Vishing Integrated Development Environments (see IDE) International Demonstration and Education System. (see ATS Initial Domain Identifier (see ID) International Investment & Urban Development Joint Stock Company "I don't know" used on social network … sometimes carelessly / erroneously ... Interface Description Language status of an inactive computer IDentity Management (see IAM, ID, RFID) Integrated Document Management (SAP) Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (see IODEF) IDentification Number (see ID) International Data Number International Domain Names (30-10-2009) Intermediate DOCument Initial Domain Part Information Data Quality (investment, management, monitoring to sustain key processes) Institute for Dispute Resolution (could be contacted for Internet conflicts resolution) Intrusion Detection Systems (see AIDE, DPI, HIDS, ICE, IPS) Interactive Digital Software Association (see ESA) ISDN Digital Subscriber Line Interpersonal Deception Theory ( www.fbc-e.com) interactive Digital TV Internet Explorer (Microsoft) Information Economics (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com)(see TCE) International Energy Agency (see LNG) Immeuble En Construction (voir AUC / AM) International Electrotechnical Commission (all fields of electrotechnology standards)(www.iec.ch) International Engineering Consortium (www.iec.org) Intelligent Electronic Device Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers ( CEU, HCCLE, IACET, ISTQB, 802.11, PAN, WLAN) IEEE Computer Society Information Exchange Requirement(s) (see ADatP-3, MTF, USMTF) Information Exchange Specifications (see Asatp-3, ebXML, MTF, USMTF, …) Internet Engineering Task Force (http://search.ietf.org/) Intermediate Frequency International Federation of Accountants (see FMAC) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf IFC IFCC IFCR IFD i-FED IFF IFGRA IFM IFMA IFMS IFR IFRS IGDA IGF IGMP IIA IIC IIDRS IIE IIMS IIOP IIS IIS IKE iKMS IL IL or InLin International Finance Corporation Internet Fraud Complaint Center (FBI) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society Information Flow Diagram Intelligent Field Emitting Display Amiga IFF (image file format) International Federation of Green Regions Associations (www.ifgra.org)(see SESEC) Image File Format International Facility Management Association (www.ifma.be) Integrated Financial Management System International Federation of Robotics (see AI, IARP) International Financial Reporting Standard ()(see GAAP, IASB) International Game Developers Association Internet Governance Forum Internet Group Management Protocol Institute of Internal Auditors Infranet Initiative Council : Juniper, AOL, BT, Ericsson, France Telecom, Lucent, … Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Response System (see WDIDS) Institute for International Economics, Washington, USA (an excellent address: www.iie.com) Integrated Information Management System Internet Inter-Orb-Protocol Intelligent Information System Internet Information Services (Microsoft). Internet Key Exchange Information & Knowledge Management Society (see iCKM, KM, KMiB) Integrity Levels Internet Lingo, also called PC talks 2L8 Too Late AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact AFAIAA As Far As I Am Aware AFAIC As Far As I am Concerned AFAIK As Far As I Know AFAIKT As Far As I Know Today AFAIR As Far As I Remember AFJ April Fool's Joke AFK Away From Keyboard AIMB As I Mentioned Before AISI As I See It AIUI As I Understand It AKA Also Known As AMBW All My Best Wishes APOL Alternate Person On Line ASAP As Soon As Possible ATFSM Ask The Friendly System Manager ATM At The Moment ATST At The Same Time ATT At This Time AWA A While Ago AWB A While Back Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet? AYOR At Your Own Risc AYST Are You Still There? B4 Before B4N Bye For Now BAK Back At Keyboard BAYK Back At Your Keyboard BTW By the way CU See You F2F Face-to-Face DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ILC ILDSE ILEC ILM ILN ILO ILT IM IM IM IM IMC IMC IMCR IMD IME IMF IM-FA IM-FI IMG FCOL For Crying Out Loud FWIW For what it's worth FYI For Your Information GOK God Only Knows HHOK Ha, ha … only kidding HHOS Ha, ha … only serious IDST I Didn't Say That IDTS I Don't Think So IMHO In my humble opinion IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion IMI I Mean It IMO In My Opinion IOW In Other Words IRL In Real Life ISBT It's Strange But True LOL Laughing Out Loud OTOH On The Other Hand ROFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist TAFN That's all for now U2 You Too WTHDTIM What The Hell Do These Initials Mean? WTT Wanted To Trade WTTF Want To Test First WTTM Without Thinking Too Much WYS Whatever You Say YAAS Yet Another Acronym Server YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym YABSA Yet Another Bloody Stupid Acronym YAFIYGI You Asked For It, You Got It YKWIS You Know What I'm Saying YMMD You Made My Day YOYO You're On Your Own YOYOW You Own Your Own Words Information Life Cycle (see DLM, HSM, IPM, LC, PLC) Interactive LDSE Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (see CLEC) Information Life Cycle Management (see DLM, HSM, IPM, KLCM, LC, PLC) International Location Number International Labor Office / Organization (see SA8000) Instructor-Led Training (see CBT, CATT, LMS) Instant Messaging Intelligent Matters (see BI) Information Management (see IS, IT) Investment Management (R/3 Business Application Area)/ Gestion des investissements Internet Mail Consortium (imc.org/) Information Management Compliance (SOXA context) Incident Management and Crisis Resolution: wisely set along the Value Chain (see DR, RM, QM) International World Competitiveness Year Book Input Method Editor International Monetary Fund Tangible Fixed Assets (SAP/ investment mgmt) Financial Investments (SAP/ investment mgmt) Implementation Guide (SAP). It gives the system its country + company specific characters. The system has provision of default values. Select what you need or define others. Reference IMG = base set, all available transactions and functionalities are in there Enterprise IMG = typical configured transactions applicable to a company. Can be extended with other modules Project IMG = subset of the preceding. Needs to be configured to complete a specific project. project # 1 : with the initial implementation DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf project # n : for each subsequent rollout of functionalities IMHO In My Humble Opinion (see IL or InLin) IMINT IMagery INTelligence (see ELINT, HUMINT, SIGINT) IMIS Inventory Management Information System (SAP) IMM International Monetary Market (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) IMO In my Opinion (see IL) IMO International Maritime Organisation i-Mode "Japanese pocketable Internet" IMP Instant Message Programming IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem IMT Information Managment Team (see SMT) IN International Development (R/3 Business Application Area) IN Intelligent Network (ITU-T) IN-BVS Integrated Networked Business Voice Solution inc. incorporated Incoming links links number pointing to a Website from other Websites Inconvenient Truth (an) global warming documentary film of former US Vice President Al Gore Incoterms International Commercial Terms (i.e. CIF, FOB, FAS, …) indef. indefinite (used in dictionary abbreviation) Index curr. Stipulated currency for external reporting in high-inflation countries. Is defined at country level and can be overrided during the transaction Individual Account has a unique number. The 1st digit=digit of the corresponding Acct class inf. informally (used in dictionary abbreviation) Inflation Accounting module supporting the inflation complexities w/i high inflation territories .info .info domain (see DNS) Infobahn see electronic highway (outdated), information highway (outdated), Internet Infocube InfoDB comprehensive repository of educational information for training with R/3 functionalities Info object Key figures and characteristics (data, texts and hierarchies) gathered w/i an info source Information highway / superhighway see electronic highway (outdated), infobahn (outdated), Internet Info source pieces of information that logically belong together. Can include transaction data, master data, text and hierarchies relating to master data also known as info object. Info source = set of info objects. Each info source is assigned to source systems and to the BIW Infotype Unit of information grouped as a set of data field. In DBM they store old data (historical reason) System controlling characteristics (logically grouped data) (HR) Infowar INFOrmation WARfare. (see Cyber War ). INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization Innovation articles in several issues of the FBC>s Business Magazine (www.fbc-e.com) FBM INS Insert (word processor mode) INSEA INformation SErvices Association INSIGHT Information System Integrated by using Global Hypermedia Technology in-sourcing internal competencies localization or rapatriation of the out-sourced activities attack method INT CA International Chart of Account. Fr : Plan Comptable International Intellipedia project of the ODNI, DNI CIO Intelligence Community Enterprise Services Interface device enabling the information exchanges in between 2 computers or peripherals Interoperability systems ability to clerverly exchange applications for operating efficiently together Int'l international Interleaving process of sticking audio and video tracks at predetermined points Internet NW of NWs of computers Web Intranet Mostly IP-based private internal NW (see Extranet, VPN) Intrapreneurship inside creativity and innovation INW Internal NW (must become an Internal SP) IO Infrastructures Optimization IO Internal Orders I/O Input / Output IOAU Input Output Access Units (another name for IOPU) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf IOC (U) IOC IOD IODEF IOIR IOM IOPU IORTD IOS IoT IP IP IP address IP IPA IPA IPAM IPCC iPhone IPI IPM IPNG IPO iPod IPP IPPD IPR IPR IPsec IPSes IPT (Fr) IPT IPTO IPTV IPV4 IPV6 IPY IQ IQL IQMS IRC IRC IRC IRCT IrDA IRDB IRDP IRL IRM IRM IRR IRS IRTF IS IS IS ISA ISAs IS-AA ISACA Input Output Control (Unit) International Olympic Committee Intelligence On Demand Incident Object Description & Exchange Format : format XML IODEF. (see IDMEF) Infrastructure, Optimization, Implementation, Requirement Infrastructure Optimization Model (see BSRD) Input Output Processing Unit (see IOAU) Input Output Relationships and Timing Diagram Internet Operating System (see DOS, OS, WOS) Internet of Things : people and / or assets Internet Protocol (see IPT, TCP/IP) Internet Provider PC address number on the Internet Intellectual Property Intelligent Process Automation (IDC concept: convergence of BI tools and BPA deployment SW) International Publishers Association IP Address Management Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (see UNEP) Apple Computer portable digital audio and video player + telephone (see iPod) International Payment Instruction Information Product Manager: (see ILC, PLC) Internet Protocol Next Generation (see IPV6) Initial Public Offering (Stock Exchange) (see NYSE) Apple Computer portable digital audio and video player (see iPhone) Internet Payment Platform: payment information service freely provided the US FMS Integrated Product and Process Development: DoD (USA) management technique Institute for Public Relations (see PR) Intellectual Property Rights (see DRM, IC, ICA, IP, IPM, TRIPs) IP security set of protocols developed by IETF & supporting Transport & Tunnel encryption modes Intrusion Prevention Systems (see DPI, ICE, IDS) (examples: antivirus system, firewalls …) Interface de la Planification du Transport IP Telephony Information Processing Technology Office Internet Protocol TV Internet Protocol Version 4 Internet Protocol Version 6 (see IPNG) International Polar Year Intellectual Quotient (see EI, EQ, GQ) Interactive Query Language (see SQL) Integrated Quality Management System (see EFQM, QC, QM, TQM, …) International Committee for the Red Cross International Record Carrier Internet Relay Chat Inductive Rolling Code Tags (related to access control systems) Infrared Data Assn Intelligent Relational DB (see DBMS, IDB, OODB) ICMP Router Discovery Protocol In (the) Real Life (see MUD, VR, …) Information Rights Management (Microsoft) (see DRM, RMS, WRM) Information Risk Management Internal Rate of Return Internal Revenues Service (USA : taxes administration) Internet Research Task Force Industries Solutions (R/3 Business Area Solutions) Information System (see MIS, LIS and others) International Standard (see ISO) Industry Standard Architecture (see EISA) International Standards on Auditing (see AICPA, CPA, ISACA) Industry Solution - Accelerated Automotive Information Systems Audit and Control Assn (see CISA, CISM, …)(www.isaca.org/) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf IS-AFS IS for Apparel Footwear Solution manages the supply chain in that business ISAKMP Internet Security Assn and Key Management Protocol ISAKMP/Oakley Protocol for sharing a public key ISAR International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (Geneva, February 1999) ISB Internet Service Bus (see ESB, USB) ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources ISBN International Standard Book Number ISC Instruction Set Computer ISC Internal System Change ISC International Steering Committee ISC International Strategy Committee ISCA International Symposium on Computer Architecture iSCSI Internet SCSI ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (Fr.: RNIS) ISEB Information Systems Examination Board (British Computer Society) ISF Information Security Forum (see BC, FIRM, IRM, RM, WHID) ISFE Interactive Software Federation of Europe IS-H Industry Solution for Hospitals (SAP module) IS-HCM Industry Solution for Hospital Communications IS-HCO Industry Solution for Hospital COntrolling Ishikawa cause and effect / impact diagram (fishbone diagram): simple problem solving process (see LO) IS-HPA Hospital Patient Accounting IS-HPM Hospital Patient Management ISI In-Service Inspection (see BA, QC, QCM, RM, …) ISI InterSymbol Interference (see MIMO) IS-M/AM Media Advertising Management ISM Information System Manager / Management (see DSI) ISM RF Industrial-Scientific-Medical Radio Frequency ISMS Information Security Management System (Re: BS 7799 / ISO 17799 Standard) IS-M/SD Industry Solution - Media Sales and Distribution ISO International Standardization Organization (see ANSI, JIS) ISO 3166 countries abbreviations codes ISO 9000 the general quality management system ISO 9001 quality ISO 13485 medical devices & procedures ISO 14000:2004 environmental quality management system ISO 14001 environment (environmental performances) ISO 14004 environmental management best practices ISO/IEC 15504 Processes evaluation, IT Service Management, Operational Risks, … ISO/TS 16949 automotive industry (related to FMEA) ISO 17799 ISO for the security ISO 18000 occupational health and safety management system ISO/IEC 20000 Service Management ISO 22000:2005 / HACCP food safety management system ISO 22000 / BRC / IFS / GMP (agro) food ISO 27001 Information Security Management (BS 7799: ) ISO/IEC 38500 ICT Governance ISOC Internet SOCiety ISODE ISO Development Environment Isode (www.isode.com/) IS-OIL Industry Solution - SAP Oil & Gas ISOM Information Systems and Operations Management ISP Internet Service Provider (see ASP) ISPA Internet Service Provider Association (see ASP): publication in assn with InSites Consulting ISPBX special network terminator (see ISDN) IS-PS SAP Public Sector (more than 500 customers worldwide / 1998) IS-R Industry Solution for SAP Retail IS-RE Real Estate Management : mgmt of real estate, rental processes, 3d party management, real estate business controlling, evaluation mechanisms. ISS Information Society Standardization System DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ISS Internal Service Systems ISS Internet Security Systems (see ICE, WHID) ISSA Information Systems Security Association ISSC Information Systems Steering Committee ISSSP International Society of Six Sigma Professionals (see TQM …) ISSU In Service Software Upgrade IS-SW Industry Specific Component - Software IST Information Society Technology (http://cordis.europa.eu/ist/) IST German current "as is" (BPR. See also "SOLL") IS-T/NM-NEL Telco (component) / Network Management - Network Element Logistic ISTQB International Software Testing Qualifications Board (see IEEE) IS-T/RM-CA Telco (component) / Revenue Management - Contract Accounting IS-U SAP Ind. solution Utilities IS-U/CCS IS-U Customer Care and Service (utilities ind.SAP module) IS-U/FERC IS-U Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (utilities ind. SAP module) ISV Independant Software Vendor *.it ImpulseTracker modules (sound file format) IT Information Technology :more and more the essential business enabler (see IT&C, ICT, NIT) ITA Interim Type Approval ITAA Information Technology Association of America ITB&O In-sourced Team Building & Optimization (FBC>s concept and methodology) ITC (SAP) International Training Center IT&C Information Technology & Communication (see ICDT) Improved Total Development Process : quality engineering using robust design (CEPRA) ITDP ITEL Interactive TEL Item level control (SD) Each item entered on an order is automatically assigned an item category which is controlling how an item reacts in its interfacing with the other modules ITF Interleaved Two of Five (14-char. Code for article numbering) ITGI IT Governance Institute ITIL IT Infrastructure Library ()(see ICMB) ITO IT Officer (see also CEO, CFO, CIO, CRO, CTO, CKO, COO, ERO,…) ITO IT Organization ITO IT Outsourcing / Off-Shoring IT&PC news www.01-informatique.com ITPI IT Process Institute, (www.itpi.org/) ITQI International Taste & Quality Institute ITS Internet Transaction Server (Interface in between the HTTP server and R/3) ITS (Federal) Intelligent Transportation Systems (addressed by the U.S. DoT). ITS Internet Time Service (see NIST) IT/S Information Technology and Systems ITSEF IT Security Entrepreneurs' Forum ITSM Information Technology Service Management: responsivity to the business users ITU International Telecommunications Union iTV Internet TV (see iVoice) IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature iVoice landline phone IVR Integrated Voice Response (see UC) IVR Interactive Voice Response IVRR Interactive Voice and Response Recognition IVTC Inverse Telecine IW3C2 International World Wide Web Conference Committee (see WWW) I-WAY Information Wide Area Year (see Grid computing ) IWG Interlingua Working Group (see KIF, KQML). Integrated Warehousing Solutions (IRMS) IWS IXC IntereXchange Carrier J J2EE J2ME J2SE Jabber Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (convenient platform for EAI implementations) Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (for mobile applications) Java 2 Standard Edition Instant Messaging and Presence technology (see JEPs, JUD) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf JAD JAO Java JavaBean JavaFX JAVASCRIPT JAXM JAXP JAX RPC JBCE JBT JCP JDBC JDK JDO JEPs JETRO JINI (SUN) JIC JIC JID Jidoka Jiffy *.jng JIS JIT JIT-d JIT-p JIT-c JIT-s JITFTE JITT JITTDL JMAPI JNDI Jobhopping JOLAP JOOMLA! JOOTT JP JPA *.jpg JPS JRMP *.js JSA JSF JSR JSTA JTI JTL JTRS JUD JUDDI JUG junk bonds junk email JUSE JVM (SUN) JWICS Joint Application Development Joint Assistance Operations integral to the Internet and intranet applications and other e-business solutions serializable Java Object delivers rich media and content across all the screens SUN MICROSYSTEM trademark used for technology invented and implemented by NETSCAPE Java XML Messaging Java XML Parsing Java API for XML-based RPC JavaBean Calculation Engine Just-Before-Time (FBC>s concept : anticipation of the expectation / need)(see also JIC, JIT) Java Community Processes Java Database Connectivity Java Development Kit Java Distributed Objects Jabber Enhancement Proposals Japan External Trade Organization enables interconnection with any equipment (equiped with a processor of about 1 Mo memory) JIT Instance Context Just-In-Case (production to inventory) (see JIT, JBT and JTL) Jabber IDentifier (see ID) automation & human intelligence combination . Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). specified or unspecified brief interval of time JPEG Network Graphics (image file format) Japanese Industrial Standards (see ISO, JSA) Just-In-Time (delivery and related extended management concepts) (see JIC, JBT and … JTL) JIT design JIT production JIT commerce JIT supply Just-In-Time-Fetch-The-Expert Just-In-Time Teaching : Web-supported pedagogical strategy (see WBL) JITT Digital Library JAVA Management API JAVA Naming Directory Interface repeated staff rotations (could be decreased with the support of loyalty programs) JAVA Online Analytical Processing open source content mgmt system platform: content publication on the WWW & Intranet Just One Of Those Things … showing up and disappearing … Joint Publication JAVA Persistence API JOBS: all around the world ,,, www.ceo-europe.be jpeg image compression (file) (see mpg) JAVA Portlet Specification JAVA Remote Method Protocol JAVA script Japanese Standards Association (see JIS) (www.jsa.or.jp/default_english.asp) JAVA Server Faces JAVA Specification Request Japan's Science and Technology Agency (see Ultra Computer ) Joint Technology Initiative Just-To-Late (delivery … ironically said) (see JBT, JIC, JIT) Joint Tactical Radio System Jabber User Directory (see JEPs) JAVA Universal Description, Discovery & Integration (Web)( UDDI) JAVA Users Group highly risky bonds unsollicited email to be dumped (see spam , hacking , hoax ) Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (see 7QC) JAVA Virtual Machine Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (U.S. DoD, U.S. Department of State) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf K Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available K K4D KA KAD KADS KAE Kaizen a thousand bits or bytes Knowledge for Development Program (World Bank Institution) Knowledge Acquisition (see KM) Knowledge-Aided Design (see CAD, KAM, KM) Knowledge Analysis and Design System Key Account Executive (see AE) improvement continuity (Japanese concept by Masaaki IMAI)(see WCM) Also part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Kaizen costing production cost reduction during the Kaizen implementation (see TPS) KAM Key Account Manager (see AE, KAE) KAM Knowledge Aided Manufacturing (see KAD) KAM Knowledge Assessment Methodology (see KDP, KEI, KI) Kanban display card / production & material flow control that enables the reordering of the processes Also part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Kanban card replenishment signal sent by the consumer to the supplier KAT Knowledge Acquisition Team KB Knowledge Base or Knowledge-Based (enabled by KM aspects of business) KB KnowledgeBoard (www.knowldegeboard.com)(see also KMiB) KBB Knowledge-Based Business (see KM) KBCA Knowledge-Based Competitive Advantage: contribution to the position defendability (see CI) KBD Knowledge-Based Design KBD Knowledge-Based Development kbps kilobits per second KBE Knowledge-Based Economy (see KDP) KBE Knowledge-Based Engineering (see KAD, KAM) KBI Key Business Indicator(s) (see KPI) KBP Knowledge-Based Project KBS Knowledge-Based System KCA Knowledge Capital Accounting (see HRA) KCO Knowledge Centric Organization (see KM, KME, KMF, KMiB, KMIS, KMMM, KMS, KMO, etc) KD Knowledge Discovery KDD Knowledge Discovery Database (mining operation in the DB : that isn't the "full" Knowledge) KDE K Desktop Environment: SW (see Kubuntu) KDE Knowledge Desktop Environment (see KE) KDF Knowledge Discovery Framework KDM Knowledge Discovery Metamodel KDP Knowledge for Development Program: challenges/opportunities when moving to the KBE () KDR Knowledge Deficiency Report KDS Knowledge Discovery System KE Knowledge Ecology KE Knowledge Economy KE Knowledge Environment (see KME) KEA Knowledge Engineer Architecture (Office Integration) KEI Knowledge Economy Index (edited by the KAM) Keiretsus Conglomerate of Japanese firms (Chaebol in Korea) KERMIT Knowledge Extraction, Representation & Mgmt by means of Intelligent Techniques (www.kermit.ugent.be/ Key figure Definition of quantifiable variables measuring performances Key logger intruder that is logging your access codes for sending them to cyber-crooks. Key Master Data (CM) includes the planning type, planning level, planning source, planning group KI Knowledge Index (edited by the KAM. See also KDP) KIBP Knowledge-Intense Business Processes (see KM, KPI) KIF Knowledge Information Format (international standard proposition) Kill switch remote activation that renders the device inoperable and erases the stored data Khz KiloHertz KiloHertz Thousand cycles Kindle Amazon's e-Book KISS Keep It Simple and Stupid (no overdesign, keep it simple to understand) KJ method Affinity Diagram method: data collection and analysis by mutual affinity. KLOC Thousands of Lines Of Code (see LOC) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf KLC Knowledge Life Cycle (see DLC, ILC, PLC, …) KLCM Knowledge Life Cycle Management KM is NOT a Software ! much on the contrary ! Interpersonal KM first ! KM Knowledge Management (free article available) Fr : info@fbc-e.com (see CKO, KBB) Meet us on KMiB and DayTimeNews (www.daytimenews.com/feeds/4459.html) KM Knowledge Marketing (we recommend KMg) KMA Knowledge Management Assistant (see CKMs) KMCB Knowledge Management Certification Board (see GKEC) KMC Knowledge Management Community (see CoPs) KM- dancrenson@km-community.be or via www.knowledgeboard.com/open_groups/km_in_belgium/ KME Knowledge Management Environment (see KE) KMF Knowledge Management Functionality KMg Knowledge Marketing KMiB KM in Belgium (editor : Daniel C. Renson, see KM-community ) www.knowledgeboard.com/open_groups/km_in_belgium/ KMIS Knowledge Management Information System KML Keyhole Markup Language (see Exif) KML Knowledge Maturity Level ® (FBC>s concept and methodology) KMM Knowledge Maturity Model: audit to be made before a KM initiative KMMM KM Maturity Model (CMMEFQM reading) KMO Knowledge Management Organization KMS Knowledge Management System Knowledge Management Tool(s) KMT KMT Knowledge Management Technologies (see KMS, TGC) KMTT KM Think Tank kN kilo Newton (see N, Nm) Knol contraction of Knowledge (see KM) in the new WEB2.0 encyclopedia of Google a unit of knowledge in http://knol.google.com/k Knowledge2B e http://groups.google.com/group/knowledge2be *.koa Commodore 64 Koala (image file format) KPI Key Performance Indicator (535 referenced KPIs within Global ASAP)(see BI, KBI, KIBP, SI) KPS Knowledge Pool System KQML Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (international standard proposition) (see IWG, KIF) KR Knowledge Repository (collection of information or knowledge) KRE Vendor Account Group. Fr: Groupe de Comptes Fournisseurs KRN Kernel KRP Knowledge Resource Planning (see KM, KVC, KBCA, etc …) KRS Knowledge Retrieval System KS Knowledge Sharing KSA Knowledge, Skills, Abilities: eligibility factors (see HRM, HCA, ROK, ROP, KM) KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSETP TM of the Knowledge Systems Engineering Training Program KSF Key Success Factors Kubuntu Linux Ubuntu operating system derivative meaning "free" in Kirundi. It uses the KDE. KVC Knowledge Value Chain (see KM, SCM and c-SCM, VC) KVM Keyboard / Video / Mouse KVMoIP Keyboard / Video / Mouse over IP for remotely managing servers. KW Knowledge Warehouse (see BW/SAP, DW, KM, KME, KMT, ... ) KW KiloWatts (see MW) KWH KiloWatts / Hour KYC Know Your Customer L L2TP LACNIC LAD LAFTA Lag LAN LANE lang. Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry Local Access Database Latin American Free Trade Association delay after a logical relationship modification in a project schedule (see Lead ) Local Area Networks (see SAN, PAN, VLAN, WAN) LAN Emulation language DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf LAO Lean Administration Officer … a new trend ! Laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (see anacronym) LAT Location-Aware Technology (see EOTD) LATA Local Access and Transport Area latency synonym for delay in a NW LAWN Local Area Wireless Network (see LAN, PAN, SAN, VLAN, WLAN, WPAN) LBA Local Business Ads LBI Leverage Buy-In (see BIMBO, LBO, LMBI, LMBO) *.lbm Amiga IFF (image file format) LBO Leverage Buy-Out (see BIMBO, LBI, LMBI, LMBO) LBS Location Based Services (the client is localized on his mobile phone) LBU Leverage Build-Up (see BIMBO, LBI, LBO, LMBI, LMBO) LBX Letterboxing LC Learning Community (see CoPs) LCD Liquid Crystal Display LCD see projector and projector related acronyms LCD Lowest Common Denominator LCIS Local CIS LCMS Learning Content Management System (see LMS) LCO Lowest Cost of Ownership (see TCO) LCPs Legal Change Patches (releases about legal requirement changes) Local Continuous Replication (Microsoft Exchange Server 2007) LCR LD Laser Disc (see Laser ) LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDC Linguistic Data Consortium. It supports the GALE Program (www.ldc.upenn.edu/) LDCs Less Developed Countries LDP Label Distribution Protocol LDSE Learning Design Support Environment (see ILDSE) LDW Logistics Data Warehouse (LIS) LE Limited Edition (see SE) Lead acceleration after a logical relationship modification in a project schedule (see Lag ) LEAP (E&Y) Learning Environment to Accelerate Performance (E&Y program that supplements SAP InfoDB) Least squares operational methodology (mathematics). Fr. moindres carrés (méthodes des -) LEC Local Exchange Carrier LEC LAN Emulation Client LED Light Emitting Diode (see OLED, PRS-LED): Ledger Accounting book. Fr: livre comptable LEM Low Emitting Materials LEMONADE Licence to Enhanced Mobile Oriented and Diverse Endpoints (www.lemonadeformobiles.com) LEMONADE Profile1 LES Logistics Execution System (www.sap.com/products/les/) LESS Least Cost Estimating and Scheduling (see LRU). Only one time estimate per operation LES - TMS Transportation Mgmt System (Shipment scheduling & routing, freight cost mgmt, monitoring) LES - WMS Warehouse Mgmt System (In/outbound processing, planning, storage, warehouse technology) file with a *.l exension is a lex source file *.lex LF Low Frequency (see HF, UHF) LFRs Less-Favored Regions LGPL Lesser General Public License (see GFDL) LHA file format for a compressing utility popular in Japan LHC Large Hadron Collider (http://en.rian.ru/img/117913317_free.html) Licenseware License is paid upon purchase of the shareware. Fr : licenciel ou légaliciel LIDI Line Item Display Indicator (see further) LiF (Fr) Livraison Finale (code apposé à l'entrée marchandise ou dans le poste du contrat cadre) LIF Location Interoperability Forum LIFFE London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange LIFO Last In / First Out (inventory management) (see FIFO) LIL Logistics Information Library (see LIS, MIS) LIMS Laboratory Information Management Systems Line item part of a document containing information on a single item. Its entry is controlled by a posting DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf key (2 digits) : debit/credit, account type, layout of entry screens (amount + or -, account number, information on the transaction) Line item display line item can be reported in allowing the drill-down Line item displ. indicator determines whether the individual line items that are posted can be displayed through reports. The LIDI allows the user to drill down from an Acct balance to the individual document. Linux a Unix-like operating system (see Tux ) LIRs Local Internet Registries LIS Logistics Information System (see LIL, MIS) LIS Library and Information Science LLDCs Least Developed Countries LLI Lower Layer Interface LLL Life Long Learning (see CBT, e-Learning) LLP Lead Logistics Provider (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCPM) LMAC Lightweight Medium ACcess (protocol) LMBI Leverage Management Buy-In (see BIMBO, LBI, LBO, LMBO) LMBO Leverage Management Buy-Out LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution System / Service LME London Metal Exchange LMS Learning Management System (see CAT, CBT, IBT, ILT, LCMS, ROLE, WBT) LNG Liquefied Natural Gas (about resources: energy. See IEA). Fr. GNL / Gas Naturel Liquéfié Learning Organization: LO LO Living Object (see OO and others) LO Logistics - General (SAP R/3 Business Application Areas) LoA Line of Action LOA Letter Of Agreement / Acceptance (see MOU) LoB Line of Business LOB Large OBject LOC Library of Congress Classification (see Taxonomy ) LOC Lines Of Code (see KLOC) LO-EHS LO - Environment Management (SAP) LOL Laughing Out Loud (Internet jargon)(see IL) LO-LIS LO - Logistic Information System (SAP) LOM Learning Object Metadata (see LTSC) LO-MM Materials Management LOMS Logical Output Management Systems (see OMS, XOM, ROMS) Longhorn Windows Vista edition … heavily criticized Long Tail Internet related to Life After Television (Gilder): wide bandwidth-based first choice on Internet LO-PM Plant Maintenance LO-PP Production Planning & Control (see APO) LO-PP-PI Process Industries LO-PS Project System (see PM, PMI, PM-BOK, ..) LO-QM Quality Management (see QA, QC, EFQM, TQM, ..) LOR Learning Object Repository LOS / NLOS Line-of-Sight / Non-Line-of-Sight LO-SD Sales and Distribution LO-SM Service Management LOT Lab of Tomorrow (project integrating HW and SW for teaching modern physics) Linear Programming (Excel may be used for performing it) LP LP Long Playing (record) (see also CD, DVD, HDCD, MMCD, SD) Lpi Lines per inch (printing business) LPP Legitimate Peripheral Participation LPT Longest Processing Time (see BPR/M, DD, FCFS, LTP, PLC, PLM, PM, PSO / PMO, SPT, …) LRAC Long-Run Average Cost LRE Law of Rare Events LRU Least Recently Used (see LESS) LS E London Stock Exchange (see NYSE) LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench (allows data transfer without programming) LSP Layered Service Provider LST Living System Theory (James Grier Miller): (see CA) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf LSX LTCM Ltd LTE (4G) LTI LTO LTO LTSC LTP LTP LTV LUA LVD LVP LVA LWR LZW Lotus Script Extension Long Term Capital Management (1990) Limited Long Term Evolution Linear Time Invariant Limited Time Offer (see POS) Linear Tape Open : cassette storage standard (see DLT & AIT) Learning Technology Standardization Committee (http://ieeeltsc.wordpress.com/)(see LOM) Long Term Planning (see BPR/M, DD, FCFS, LPT, PLC, PLM, PM, PSO / PMO, SPT, …) LifeTime Profit (see LTV) LifeTime Value (see LTP) Limited-User Accounts (to increase control and flexibility for user privileges and permissions) Low Voltage Directive (EU safety standards) Lowest Value Principle Low Value Assets (AA) Light Water Reactor (see NPPs) file format for algorithms-based data compression by Lempel and Zev M Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available M&A Merge & Acquisition MAAWG Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (http://www.maawg.org/home) MAC Material Acquisition Costs Mac address Media Access Control address MAID Massive Array of IDLE Disks (see RAID) : for storing long-term data mainframe high-performance computer for large computing purposes MAIS Material Information System (SAP) MAKE Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (see KM) malvertising malicious advertising links malWare MALicious SoftWare (see Adware , Spyware , Zombie attack / NW )(see FBM, Magazine 3) MAN Metropolitan Area Network (see LAN, PAN, VLAN, WAN) management approachable or not ? ( ) Management attitude Manager's Workbench enables line managers to easily perform administrative tasks (accounting -assets, budgets, HR) Mandant SAP : Client (0001 = delivery, 800 = training). Entity representing a business system that has the purpose of acquiring, producing … goods and services MAPI Messaging Application Programming Interface MARA Mobile Antivirus Researchers Association MARC21 Machine-Readable Concise (Format) MARP Most At Risk Populations MARS Middleware And Related Services Monitoring - Analysis - Response System (CISCO Security) MARS MAS Mobile Agent System Mashup lightweight tactical integration of multisourced applications or content into a single offering masquerade masquerading = stealing the Net ID of someone else (see Hacking , Spoofing ) MAT Media Access Technology (see HPMAT) Matchcode Tool for finding records Matchcode ID /A = search using address data /C = search by class /D = search using the "search term" field in the MR or search by Company Code /E = search by country (foreign customers) /K = search by account group /S = search by sales organization (SD) /Z = search by account number of the head office Matchcode/customer acct is DEBI . It determines which DB tables & fields are required for the matchcode ID Material Type / DIEN Services (SAP) Finished products (german : fertig) (SAP) Material Type / FERT Production resources / tools (SAP) Material Type / FHMI Semi-finished products (SAP) Material Type / HALB Operating supplies (SAP) Material Type / HIBE Raw material (SAP) Material Type / ROH Packaging (SAP) Material Type / VERP DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf MAU Mb MBA MBBS MBM MBO mbps MBR MBS MBSA MBTI m-Business MBWA *.mbx MCA MCA MCE MCI MCI MCLP MC²LP MCM mCommerce MCP MCPP MCPS MCQ MCS MCSA MCT MCU mCustomer MD (Fr) MD MDA MDA MDAC MDBMS MDBs MDCP MDE MDF MDG *.mdi MDI MDM MDM *.mdmp MDMS MDOP MDPs MDS MDSD MDU MDW MDX ME Mega Megaco megahertz Multi station Access Unit see Mega Master of Business Administration (see MIS) Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery Management By Metrics Management By Objectives (see DPO) megabits per second (see Mo) Master Boot Record Mortgage-Backed Securities Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer () Meyers Briggs Type Indicator mobile business (see momo ) Management By Walking About : management principle designation of the Outlook (Microsoft Windows) files containing the emails (see .dbx) Machine Check Architecture Micro Channel Architecture Machine Check Exception Malicious Call Identification (service) (see ISDN) Media Control Interface Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Multiple Constraint Level Linear Programming Media Content Management (see CM, ECM, WCM) Mobile Commerce (see mCustomer , MoMo) Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Communication Protocol Program Microsoft Certified Solution Provider Multiple Choice Questionnaire (see MCT) Microsoft Consulting Services Microsoft Certified System Administrator Multiple Choice Test (see MCQ) Mobile Collection Unit Mobile Customer (see mCommerce , MoMo) Marchandise Dangereuse Mini Disc (see CD, DVD) Mail Delivery Agent (push mail) Model Driven Architecture (see MDSD, SOA) Microsoft Data Access Components (www.microsoft.com/data/MDAC27Info/ReadMe.htm.) Multi-Dimensional Data Base Mgmt System Message-Driven Beans (see Java) Multi-Duplicitous Communication Protocol (see example of APRIL) Meta-Data Environment (see MME) Main Distribution Frame Millennium Development Goals Microsoft Document Imaging (file) Multi-Document Interface (see EDI) Market Data Management (devises, titres, statistiques, … ) Master Data Management minidump media player (see Minidump ) Mobile Digital Media Server Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Markov Decision Processes (see POMDPs) Multidimensionnal Scaling (see GTM, SOM) Model-Driven Software Development (derived from MDA) Multidwelling Unit Mobile Data World Multi-Dimensional eXpression (language for multidimensional data manipulation) Middle-East (see FE) Mega Octet : 1.048.576 Bytes (1KB x1024) (see mbps, Go, To, Po, …) Media Gateway Control Protocol (application layer) million hertz (see Mhz) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf cultural information unit, ( Dawkins, ') Micro Elecro-Mechanical Systems: (see Cicada, CILIA) MENA Middle East & North Africa (region) MEP Mobile Electric Power Mersenne primes collection of prime numbers (47 prime numbers as of june 2009)(see GIMPS, Grid ) MES Manufacturing Execution Software MES Mobile Embedded Systems Mesoeconomics "meso-" (= "middle") and "economics": in between microeconomics and macroeconomics Mesoeconomy intermediate level of the firms activity (to say it simply) Metadata data definition / fundamentals, details of the data. Files of libraries catalogs (see LOM, XMP) Metaverse meta universe Microsoft Foundation Classes (library) MFC MFOQA Military Flight Operations Quality Assurance: US Navy best integration and analysis of flight data MFPs MultiFunctional Products or Printers MFT Master File Table MG Manufacturing Grid MG Multi-Grid MGCC Micro-Grid Central Controller (http://microgrids.power.ece.ntua.gr) MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol (application layer) MGIF Mobile Gaming Interoperability Forum Mgmt Management (common abbreviation) Mgr Manager (common abbreviation) MGT Mobile Ground Terminal Microsoft's Global Exchange: annual sales conference MGX M2H Machine to Human (see H2H, H2M, HMC, M2H, M2M) MHMC Multimodal HMC ( MHz MegaHertz MI Market Intelligence (see BI, CI, EI, RI, SI) MI Marketing Intelligence (see BI, CI, EI, RI, SI) MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions microblogging low blogging activity (see Twitter) microcredit microloans granted to low-income entrepreneurs microfinance financial services provided to low-income clients microloans little loans microTAS micro Total Analysis System : labs-on-a-chip *.mid MIDI Sequence (sound file format) MID Mobile Internet Devices (see UMPC) Middleware "in-between" SW MIDI Musical Instrumental Digital Interface Markets in Financial Instrument Directive: MiFID Microsoft Indentity Integration Server MIIS Miki mobile Wiki Milestone event of special significance (PS). Fr : jalon MILSIM Military Simulation (see EDMSIM) (C4ic, www.c4ic.com) MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (see S/MIME) MIMO technology related to the use of multiple antennas at both ends of a wireless link (see ISI) MIND Mobile Internet Navigation Device Mind mapping mind activity representation (.fbc-e.com/news/magazines/Maga_issue5_2007_Dec.pdf) Minidump file containing the most important parts of a crashed application (see *.mdmp). More on : www.codeproject.com/debug/postmortemdebug_standalone1.asp MIOD Message Input-Output Device MIP Multilateral Interoperability Programme MIPA Mutual Internet Practices Association (http://mipassoc.org/) MIPS Million Instructions Per Second M4IS Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information Sharing (Sweden)(see KM) MIS Management Information System (see EWC) MIS Marketing Information System (see MRM) MIS Master of Information System (Techno-MBA) MIS-EWC see MIS and EWC Meme MEMS DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf MIT MIT MIT MJD MK mkg *.mkv M2M M2M M2M ML MLC MLR MM MMC MMC MMCD MMDS MME MMM MMOGs MMoM m-Monday MMORPG Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA : www.mit.edu) Medical Information Technology Module Integration Test Modified Julian Date (http://tf.nist.gov/general/misc.htm#Anchor-40346) MasterKey (see HK, SK) marketing (common abbreviation) HD H. 264 video file Machine To Machine (see H2M, M2H, MTOM) Member To Member Mobile To Mobile (see m-Monday , Miki , MoMo) Maximum-Likelihood (see BFA, RM) Multi-Level Cell (see SLC) Money Laundering Reporting Materials Management ( ) Multi-Media Command (set) Microsoft Management Console (management tools for NW, services, computers, components …) MultiMedia CD (Philips and Sony) (see also CD, DVD, SD) Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service Managed Meta Data Environment Metrics, Measurements & Management Massive Multiplayer Online Games (see MMORPG) Monthly Minutes of the Meeting (see PM) mobile Monday (based on the First Tuesday event principle) (see M2M, MoMo) Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ( www.anshechung.com ige.com, wow4sale.com.buygamegold.com MMS Multimedia Messaging Service (see SMS): long texts, sounds (music & voice records), pictures and photos in between GSM and email adresses MMS Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS - ISO 9506)(see EG-MMS) MMS-IOP MMS Interoperability Group MMT Maximum amount for Meals/Time MMU Mobile Money for the Unbanked (administered by the GSMA Foundation) MM-WM Warehouse Management MNC Multi-National Company *.mng Multiple Network Graphics (image file format) MNO Mobile Network Operators Mo see Mega MOA Mobile Oriented Architecture MOAB Month of Apple Bugs (!) Mobblogging Mobile Blogging (see Blog ) Mobile2.0 something like WEB2.0 but mobile (http://www.awt.be/web/mob/index)(see MoMo) Mobile Blogging blogging as from the mobile phone (see Blog , Mobblogging ) Mobisphère http://www.mobisphere.be/ Mobile TV reception of the TV programs on the mobile phone MOBIO MObile BIOmetry (http://www.mobioproject.org/accessibility-info) MOC Matrix Of Change (MIT, USA : BPR and Change Management methodology / tool) *.mod ProTracker/FastTracker modules (sound file format) MOD Magneto Optical Disc MODEM MOdulator/DEModulator MOF Meta-Object Facility: definition language for the UML & CWM model writing language MOF Microsoft Operation Framework (see MSF) MOLAP Multi-Dimensional OLAP (see DOLAP, HOLAP, ROLAP) MOM Message-Oriented Middleware MOM Microsoft Operation Management MoMo Mobile Monday (along the First Tuesday event principle)(see mCommerce , mCustomer, ... ) MOdel driven MOdernisation of Complex Systems: MOMOCS Monoline supported credit line Monte Carlo simulation random numbers-based applied mathematics experiments MOO Object Oriented MUD (see mudding ) MOOD Metrics in OO Developments DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Moore's law MOP MOS MOS MOSS2007 MOU or MoU *.mov mp3 mp4 MPD MPDT MPEG MPEG-4 *.mpg mpg mph MPLS MPN MPO MPS MPX MR MRAM MRI MRM MRM MRO MRP MRS MRTG MRU lists MS MSA MSAT MSCS MSDE MS-DOS MSDS MS DTC MSE MSE MSF *.msi MSN MSP MSP MSR MSRP MSS MSSG MSSP MTBF mtDNA MTF MTO MTOM MTRR the power of the processors is doubling every 18 - 24 months ! Meta-Object Protocol Metal Oxide Semi-conductor (see CMOS, XCMOS) Microsoft Office System (Microsoft Office and Office Server) Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (edition 2007) Memorandum Of Understanding (see also LOA, TOR) Quick Time (file) Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio (audio file format) MPEG Layer-4 Audio (see AAC) Meals Per Day (Per Diems for Meals) Per Diems for Meals / Time Moving Picture Experts Group MPEG with more compression, interactivity, internet access. movie compression (file) (see jpg) miles per gallon (3,8 liters) miles per hour Multiprotocol Label Switching: VPNWAN A standards-approved technology for speeding up network traffic flow Manufacturer Part Number Music Power Output Master Production Scheduling Microsoft Project Exchange File Mandatory Relationship. Fr: Relation Obligatoire Magnetic Random Access Memories (see DRAM, RAM) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (see fMRI, NMRI) Market Risk Management (TR - MRM) Marketing Resource Management (see MIS) Maintenance, Repair and Operation Material Requirement Planning, Production Planning Control (PP) Multi Robot Systems (see RR) Multi Router Trafic Grapher (Internet) Most Recently Used items MicroSoft Mobile Services and Applications (see MSA, MSP, MoMo, Mobile2.0) Microsoft Security Assessment Tool MicrosoftClusterServicewolfpack Microsoft Desktop Engine Microsoft Disk Operating System Material Safety Data Sheets (see EHS, EH&S, H&S) (SAP form) Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Mobile Subscriber Equipment Multi-Screen Emulator Microsoft Solution Framework (see MOF) Microsoft Windows installer (file format) Multiple Subscriber Number (service) (see ISDN) Mobile Service Providers (see MSA, MSP, Mobile2.0, MoMo) Managed Service Provider Model Specific Registers Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price Maximum Segment Size MPEG Software Simulation Group Managed Security Service Providers Mean Time Between Failure (see MTTR) Mitochondrial DNA. Used in forensics researches. Message Text Format (see USMTF) Multi-Modal Transport Operation / Operator Machine To Machine (see H2M, M2H, M2M) Memory Type Range Registers DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf MTTR MTU MUD Mean Time To Repair (see MTBF) Maximum Transmission Unit Multi-User Dungeon or Multi-User Dimension (see MOO, mudding ): NW VR MUDs Multi-User Domains Muda economic waste. Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Mudding Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities (see MOO, MUD) MULTI Multi Level Task Integration is bottom up fine-tuning the organizational transformation Multiprocessing simultaneous programs executions with access to common memories Mura unevenness . Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Muri overburden. Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Murphy’s Law "whatever can go wrong will go wrong" (1949) but it has never been founded MUX multiplexer (see DEMUX) MVA Market Value Added (see EVA) MVC Model-View-Controller (example JOOMLA) MVNE Mobile Virtual Network Enablers (see MVNO) MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operators (see MVNE) MVR Mean Value Ranking Microsoft Virtual Server MVS MVS Multiple Virtual Storage (IBM OS) MVW Mobile Virtual Wallet (see NFC) MW MegaWatt MW MicroWireless MWBP Mobile Web Best Practices, working group to set best practices (see W3C) MW Megawatts (see KW) MWIF Mobile Wireless Internet Forum N Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available N Newton (see kN, Nm) NAAG National Association of Attorneys General (USA) NAC NW Access Control NAC (Cisco) NW Admission Control: only protected PC have access to the NW (see NAP, UAC, US) NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement NAL NetWare Application Launcher NAL Network Abstraction Layer Novell Application Launcher NAL New Applications License Charge (IBM) NALC NAMA Non-Agricultural Market Access nanoscale manipulation processing at one billionth of a meter (see Nanotech , np, NAST) Nanotech Nanotechnology (see np, NAST) NAP (Microsoft) NW Access Protection: only protected PC have access to the network NAREGI National Research Grid Initiative (see NGI) NAS Network Attached Storage (see BAN, DAS, LAN, SAN, WAN) NAS Newly Associated States (EU) NASA National Aeronautics Space Agency (USA) NASD3110 National Association of Securities Dealers Books and Records rule NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (see NYMEX, NYSE, SEC) NAST Nanoparticle Aerosol Science and Technology (see np) NAT Network Address Translation NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see PfP) Nature compt able (Fr): sert au classement des coûts imputables à un centre de responsabilité (FI utilise des comptes généraux pour classer les ressources tandis que CO utilise des natures comptables). Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition NAV CE NBIC (convergence of) Nanotech - Biotech - Information sciences - Cognitives sciences NBS (ERP progresses into) Network Business Systems (see Web2.0, Cloud computing ) NC Natural Capital (see EDS, HMC) NC Net Computer NCCA National Commission for Certifying Agencies (www.noca.org/ncca.htm) NCIS National CIS NCP NetWare Core Protocol NDA Non Disclosure Agreement (see also MOU) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf NDMP Network Data Management Protocol NDP Neighbor Discovery Protocol Nearshoring close / proximate Offshoring (being often a Farshoring enterprise / venture) NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association (USA) NEO Near Earth Object (could be an asteroid and the risk of a serious damageable impact) Net / NET Network (see NW, WEB) .net .net domain (see DNS) NetBook compact PC : originally built for surfing with an 8 to 13" screen (see smart phone ) Netentrepreneur entrepreneur on the NET NET-speak typically related to the NET jargon or words. Examples : Intranet, Extranet. NetWeaver SAP processes support that collect and transform data within the business intelligence (see BI) Networking action of creating a NW. Near Field Communication: NFC NFS NW File System. Allows files of another computer to be accessed and enables communication between programs on different computers. Nemawashi Japanese consensus-building to ensure intelligent growth NGG Next Generation Grids (see Grid Computing ) NGN Next Generation Network (sometimes is it meaning New Generation … in the Telecom domain) NGNA Next Generation Network Architecture NGO Non-Governmental Organization (see NPO) NGOSS Next Generation Operational Systems and Software (OGSS) NHIN National Health Information Network (USA)(see HHS, EHR) NHPT Nine-Hole Peg Test (used in clinical assessments)(see PIH) NI Neuro Informatic (see AI, ANN, AR, Bionics , NN …) NIC Network Interface Card NIC Network Information Center (see ARPANET) NIC3 Numerically Intensive Computing, a 1300 processors super-calculator (Liège, Belgium) NICs Newly Industrializing Countries (see Export lingo ) NIDS NW-based Intrusion Detection System (see HIDS, HIPS) NIH Not Invented Here (could lead to a syndrome : "that thing has no value as it's a NIH stuff "!) nimby not in my back yard NINJA No Income No Job or Assets (borrowers without any …) : related to the story of the "subprimes" NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology (USA : http://cio.nist.gov/) NIST-F1 NIST Cesium Fountain atomic clock (see UTC, ) NIT New Information Technology (see IT, ICDT, NICT) NITO Network and Information Technology Operations NLA Network Location Awareness NLM National Library of Medicine Classification NLP Natural Language Processing (example : Teragram recently acquired by SAS for better BI) NLP Neuronal Linguistic Programmation (see PNL) NLS National Language Support NLTS Natural Language Technology Support Nm Newton meter (see kN, N) nme name (see Search tm ) NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMRI Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (see MRI) NMS Network Management System NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone : analog technology operating within the 450 and 900 MHz bands NN Neural Network (see ANN, NI, NLP) NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol (application layer) (see also FTP, TCP/IP) NOC Network Operation Center (see SOC) NOCA National Organization for Competency Assurance (www.noca.org) (see NCCA) node multi-branching point in a place, within a NW, the Internet (see "cloud ") (BC-BE-IMG) noise undesirable interference (data, radio, video transmissions) NOOP No Operation: a command sent by the IMAP IDLE NOPAT "No Problem Anytime" (see SLRP) NOPLAT Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Taxes Notwork not working NW np nanoparticle or nanopowder (see NAST) NPAEs Non-Publicly Accountable Entities DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf NPO NPOs NPPs NPV NRDB NRSRO NSF NSF NSI NSIC NSO NSP NSP *.nsv NT NTCI (Fr) NTFS NTSC NTSC N.U.D.E NVoD NW NW NWM(S) NW3C Nyetscape NYP NYMEX NYSE Non-Profit Organization (see NGO). Fr.: Association Sans But Lucratif (ASBL) National Productivity Organizations Nuclear Power Plants (see LWR) Net Present Value Non-Relational Data Base (see RDB, RDBMS): Nationally RecognizedStatistical Rating Organizations (USA) National Science Foundation Non Stop Forwarding Network Solution International National Storage Industry Consortium (USA) objective : Name Supporting Organization Native Signal Processor (Intel) Network Service Provider Nullsoft Streaming (file) New Technology (Microsoft) Nouvelles Technologies de la Communication et de l'Information New Technology File System National Television System Color / National Television Standards Committee (see PAL, SECAM) "Never Twice the Same Color" (critics about the poor quality of the NTSC system at the start) Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment (http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/4353/) Near VoD NetWork (see Net, NWM, PM, PS) Northwest or Northwestern NetWork Management (System) National White Collar Crime Center (USA) (see IC3). nickname for a low featured Web browser (see WWW) Not Yet Published New York Mercantile Exchange (see NASDAQ) New-York Stock Exchange (see IPO, SE, SEC) O Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Optical Add / Drop Multiplexer (see DWDM, ONE, SDH, SON, SONET, WDWM) Open Applications Group (integration standards specification) Open Archives Initiative : http://www.openarchives.org/ Operation and Maintenance Org.for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards ( SAML)(.oasis-open.org) Decisions for easiert e-Biz communication OB Organizational Behavior (see CM, ECM, OC, OCM, OM, pop culture , ... ) >s OB >s set of OB principles & rules BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Individual Systemic Construction DESB Dynamic ESB ESB Enhanced Structured Behavior ESLR Expanded Set of Life Rules (see the 4LP) IB Idle Behavior IE Individual Empowerment SB Structured Behavior (FBC>s -Change Management) (FBWPA : info@fbc-e.com) Object Type Type d'objet OC Organizational Culture (see CM, OB, OM, pop culture , …) OCC Overhead Cost Controlling (SAP) OCI Organizational Change Inventory OCL Object Constraint Language OCM Organizational Change Management (see ECM) OCR Optical Character Recognition (BC-SRV-ARL) Office Communication Server (Microsoft) OCS OCTAVE Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (Carnegie Mellon, USA, 1999) Octet 8 bit byte OCW Open CourseWare OD Organizational Development : based on planned improvements (see BPR/M, EAI, IEM) ODBs On-line DBs ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity (standard) ODBO OLE DB for OLAP OADM OAG OAI OAM OASIS DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ODC ODC ODF, *.odf ODI ODL ODL ODM ODM ODMA ODNI ODP ODP ODS ODST ODT ODT OE OECD OEE OEM OFA OFB OFCCP OFCS OFDM OFDMA OF/OP (Fr) OGC OGF *.ogg OGSA OGSI OHA OHLCV OI O/I Open Distributed Computing Offshore Development Center) Open Document Format (see OpenXML, PDF, *.pdf) Open Data Link Interface Open & Distance Learning Optical Disc Library Object Data Manager Original Design Manufacturers (see OEM) Open Document Management API Office of the Director of National Intelligence (USA)(see Intellipedia ) On-Device Portal: pre-installed application for a simplified navigation. Open Distributed Processing Operational Data Store Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (Halo, a reference for the frags maniacs) Old Data Takeover Overseas Deployment Training Operational Entity. Fr : Entité Opérationnelle Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Overall Equipment Effectiveness Original Equipment Manufacturer(s) (see ODM) Order Frequency rAte Open File Backup Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (US) (see EEOC) Offshore Financial Centers Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (see MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access: multi-user version of OFDM Ordre de Fabrication / Ordre de Process (conversion ordre planifié en -) Open Geospatial Consortium (see GIS) Open Grid Forum (definition of Grid middleware standards)(see Grid computing ) Ogg Vorbis Sound (sound file format) Open Grid Services Architecture (see GGF) Open Grid Services Infrastructure (see GGF, WSRF) Open Handset Alliance (30 enterprises for the Android plateform: mobile applications development) Opening, High, Low, Closing, Volume (of trading - Stock Exchange) Organizational Intelligence (Harold L. Wilensky’s vision in 1967) (see CI, Kn, KM, OC, …) OIL Ontology Inference Language (see OWL)(www.ontoknowledge.org/oil) OIM Operational Integrity Management O/I management acct managed on a O/I base can be cleared from the acct (clearing functionality) OIW Open Information Warehouse On-Line Analytical ProcessingFr ( DOLAP, HOLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP OLAP OLE Object Linking and Embedding (set of APIs) OLED Organic LED OLPC (F) One Laptop Per Child (Fundation) : the 100$ LapTop project (www.olpceu.org) OLSR Optimized Link State Routing (protocol) OLT On-Line Teaching / Training (see LMS, OLTL, ...) OLTL On-Line Teaching / Training Lab (see CBT, LMS, OLTP, …) OLTP On-Line Transactional Processing OM Operation Management OM Organizational Management (see OB, OC, ECM, OCM, pop culture , ...) OMA Open Mobile Alliance (previously named WAP Forum) OMC (Fr) Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (see WTO) OMG Object Management Group (www.omg.org) (see ORCA) OML Overall Migration Limit OMS Output Management System (see XOMS, LOMS, ROMS) OMS Order Management System Object Modeling Technique (James Rumbaugh) OMT ONE Open Network Environment ONE Optical Networking Element (see DWDM, OADM, SDH, SON, SONET, TDM, WDM) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf OneBox Google Search Appliance extension O*Net Occupational Information Network (http://online.onetcenter.org/) ONS Object Name Service (see DNS) Object-Oriented (AOT BOLOMOODOOAOOADOODOODBMSOOIEOOMOOPOOT) OO OOA Object-Oriented Architecture (see OOAD, OOD, OOP, …) OOAD Object-Oriented Analysis & Design (http://sern.ucalgary.ca/courses/cpsc/451/W97/OOD.html) OOBE Out Of the Box Experience OOD Object-Oriented Design (see OOA, OOAD, ...) OODBMS Object-Oriented Database Management System OOGL Object-Oriented Graphics Library OOIE Object-Oriented Information Engineering OOM Object-Oriented Modeling OOP(S) Object-Oriented Programming (System) OOSAD Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design OOT Object-Oriented Technology OOXML Office Open XML OpenPatentAlliance(WiMAX deployment acceleration: Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Clearwire, Intel Corporation, Samsung El., Sprint ) OPA OPAL Online Programming for All Libraries (Alliance Library System) OPC OLE for Process Control Open-collar workers on-line at home working collaborators Open FI Open FI Interface for communicating w/o any modification in the SAP standards OpenVMS Open Virtual Memory System (see VMS) OpenXML Microsoft file system (see ODF, PDF) opérationnel (Fr): processus coordonné et reproductible en vue d'un but précis (EN: operational. See OPM) OPEX Operating Expenses (see CAPEX) OPM Operational Performance Management OPM3 (PMI's) Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (see CMM, OM, PM) OPML Outline Processor Markup Language (format for the RSS import / export) OPPT Organization-People-Process-Technology: important constituents for a coherent organization OPS Open Profiling Standard (was proposed to the Platform P3P) OPT Over Time Test (see OTD, OTP, OTS) OR (Fr) opérateur logique "soit/soit" OR Operational Research ORA Office of Regulatory Affairs (USA) ORB Object Request Broker ORCA OMG Regulatory Compliance Alliance ORDB Object Relational Database Management (see DBM, RDBMS) ORDBMS Object Relational Database Management System (see RDBMS) Order Type / KE Consignment Order (SAP) Order Type / OR Standard Order (SAP) Order Type / RA Return Order (SAP) ORF Open Reading Frame (sequence that can be translated) .org .org domain (see DNS) ORI Online Relationship Improvement Origami MS code name for UMPC ORM Object Relational Model ORM Operational Risk Manager (see RM) OS Organizational Security (see OSO) OS Open Source OS Open Standard OS Operating System (see Cloud OS , DOS, IOS, WOS) OSCAR Open Source Cluster Application Resources (see cluster computing ) OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe OSCON Open Source Convention (July 2007, Portland, Oregon, USA) OSD On Screen Display (TV) (see PAP, PAT) OSDC Offshore Software Development Center OSDI Operating Systems Design and Implementation (Microsoft) Office Source Engine OSE OSE Open Security Exchange OSF Open Software Foundation DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf OSG OSHA OSI OSINT OSL OSO OSP OSPF OSPF-IGRP OSS OSS OSS OSS OTA OTC OTC OTC OTD OTF OTN OTP OTP OTP (Fr) OTR OTRS OTS OTS OTV OU OVA OVO OVR OWA OWA OWASP OWL oxide P P2P P2V P3P PA PA PaaS *.pab PABX PAC PAC (Fr) PAE Page rank PAI PAL Palo Alto PAN PANDORA PAO (Fr) PAP PAR Paradigm(e) On Screen Graphics Occupational Safety and Health Act / Administration (1970) Open System Interconnection (see AL) Open Source INTelligence (for accessing non-classified information) Open Source Licensing () Organizational Security Operations On-Site Service Provider (see ASP, ISP) Open Shortest Path First (see OSPF-IGRP) routed protocol for the shortest pass to destination w/i the core. Order Settlement Structure Online Service System Open Source Software Operations Support System One Time Account (OTC = One time customer, OTV = One time vendor) Over The Counter : CDS and other bonds that are not traded in the SE Over The Counter (see POS, TR-TM) One Time Customer (see OTV) Over Time Double (see OPT, OTP, OTS) Output Text Format (BC-SRV-ARL) Open Transport Network One Time Password Over Time Premium (see OPT, OTD, OTS) Organigramme Technique de Projet ( PS). 'OTP see WBS One Touch Record Open-source Ticket Request System: open-source for the ticket management Over Time Straight (see OPT, OTD, OTP) Opportunity to See (it's about repetition, frequency of the seen messages) One Time Vendor (see OTC) : severely controlled in USA. Example: AASIS Organizational Unit Overhead Value Analysis Operating Virtual Organization (see VO, VR, …) Overwrite (word processor mode) (see WP) Outlook Web Access Open Web Application Open Web Application Security Project: www.owasp.org Ontology Web Language (see OIL) recording particle on a dedicated surface (sound or video tape or disk) Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Peer To Peer Physical to Virtual (search for Physical to Virtual conversion utilities for the concept application) Privacy Preferences Project (see OPS) Personnel Administration & Payroll Accounting (R/3 Business Applic. Area)(see the HR series) Personnel Accounting Platform as a Service (see DaaS, IaaS, SaaS) Personal Address Book (Microsoft file extension) Private Automatic Business eXchange Plan At Completion Politique Agricole Commune (CE) Physical Address Extension refers to the number and weighting of links from other Websites Process After Input (BC-DWB) Phase Alternate Line (see NTSC, SECAM) Californian "behaviorism school" founded in the 60ties by Gregory Bateson (anthropologist) Personal Area Network (see BAN, LAN, WAN, …) Prototyping A Navigation DB of Road-Network Attributes (Drive1 EC project) Publication Assistée par Ordinateur (see also CAD, FAO) Picture And Picture (TV) (see OSD, PAT) Photosynthetically Active Radiation Pattern or role model. Fr: Modèle DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Parallel valuation transfer pricing in Profit Center Accounting (PCA) PARC Palo Alto Research Center (California, USA). program breaking what it receives into parts Parser Partagiciel (Fr) shareware Partner portal = Extranet when it is supporting the clients & suppliers relationships PASS Professional Association for SQL Server PAT Page Attribute Table PAT Picture And Text (TV) (see OSD, PAP) PA-TIM-EVA PA Time Evaluation Component PA-TRV PA Travel Expenses PaX Page eXecution PayD Pay as you Drive (UK insurance system) Payment advice Bank statement posting anticipation. Also used for adjustement entries PBDMI Performance-Based Data Management Initiative PhoneBook (Microsoft extension file). *.pbk PBL Problem-Based Learning *.pbm Portable Bitmap (BINARY) (image file format) PBO Process Before Output (BC-DWB) PBS Phone Banking System PBS Product Breakdown Structure: pieces list for the assembly (see WBS) PBX Private Branch Exchange PC Personal Computer (see Virtual PC ) PC virtualisat ion making a single physical computer running simultaneously several virtual PCs PCA Profit Center Accounting PCB Printed Circuit Board PCC OTC Paper Check Conversion Over the Counter Kodak PhotoCD (image file format) *.pcd Pce Piece (ISO) PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PCI Payment Card Industry (http://securitymetrics.com/) PCI / DSS PCI Data Security Standards : 12 mandatory security rules PC&IT news www.01-informatique.com PCL (Fr) Plan Comptable Local (voir PCO) PCM Process Change Management (see CCM, TCM, GCM) PCM Pulse Code Modulation P-CMM People-CMM: (see SEI). PCMN (Fr) Plan Comptable Minimum Normalisé PCN Plant Control Network PCN Plastic Card Network (now CAS) PCO (Fr) Plan Comptable Organisationnel (voir PCL) PCO Principal COordinate Analysis PCP Personal Cost Planning PCS Process Control Systems PCS Personal Communications Services PCT Production Cycle Time (see PLC) systems and then transfer the data via a PDC data transfer to the R/3 system) PC talks see IL / Internet Lingo PCTS POSIX Conformance Test Suite PCU Personal Computer Unit (see GPU) Zsoft Paintbrush PCX bitmap (image file format) *.pcx PD Personnel Planning and Development (R/3 Business Application Area) PD Police Department (example : LAPD = Los Angeles Police Department)(see FD) P.D. Per Diem PDA Personal Digital Assistant: coined by previous Apple CEO John Sculley in '92 (see PDO) PDC Plant Data Collection (cross-application function to cfm NW in external systems and then transfer the data via a PDC data transfer to the R/3 system) PDC Professional Developers Conference PDC Program Delivery Control PDC Personal Digital Cellular (Japanese standard)(see PDA, PDO) PDCA Plan, Do, Check, Action method DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf PDD Professional Disk for Data PEN Project in Emerging Nanotechnologies (see np) PET PolyEthylene Terephthalate (example : plastic bottle) (see HDPE) Portable Document Format (Acrobat Reader / Writer from ADOBE) PDF (*.pdf) PDF Pair Distribution Function PDF Pooled Development Fund PDF Printer Description File PDG (Fr) Président-Directeur Général (France) PDHs Professional Development Hours (1 CEU = 10 PDHs) PDI Personal Data Interchange (technologies) (see vCard, hCard, Versit) PDIK Powered Digital Ink : the FBC>s Business Magazine Dynamic Style (www.fbc-e.com) Portal Development Kit (Oracle) PDK PDL Page Description Language (printing business) PDM Product Data Management : manages product-related data across the products life cycle PDN Packet Data Network PDO Personal Digital Organizer (see PDA) PDP Personal Development Program PDP (Neo) Plasma Digital Display. Neo: improvement of the actual TV plasma screen contrast & colors PDPC Process Decision Program Chart (Mizumo, 1988) PDR Power Distribution Rack: rack mounted power distribution set (see RPP) PDSNR Plant Data Sequence Number (see PDC) PDU Protocol Data Unit (messaging) PD-WP PD-Workforce Planning PE Private Equity (capital investment) peaks highest level of a signal strength Peering exchanging traffic node (voluntary interconnection) (see BGP) Pegging evaluation displaying the source requirements MRP Personalized News Content Programming: PENG Penny stock shares of low value (less than 5 dollars) Périmètre financier (Fr) Y sont effectués la planification, la gestion et le contrôle de moyens financiers ou de budgets financiers (SAP) Personal Branding self-branding , self-promotion (supposed to be initiated and managed on the Internet) Program Evaluation Review Technique: PERT (see GERT, PCM) pervasive computing same as ubiquitous computing PESO Public Electronic Services On-the-Internet.WG Peta / Po 1024 x Tera / To (see Bit, Mega, Giga, Exa, Zeta, Yotta) Petaflops Peta floating points of operations per second Preftech files *.pf PF Pink Floyd (… good joke …)(see AEM) PF Pro Forma PFIF Protocol Freedom Information Foundation (Software Freedom Law Center organization) PFLOPS PetaFLOPS (see FLOPS, Pb, Peta) PfP Partnership for Peace (see NATO) PFS Process Flow Scheduler PFUOL Process as a Federating Universal Organizational Language (FBC>s concept & methodology) FBWPA (EN) : www.fbc-e.com PGC (Fr) Pédagogie Générale du Changement, Montaigu-le-Blin / France (see WTG) PGE Page Global Enable PGI (Fr) Programme de Gestion Intégré (see ERP) PgmID Program Identification Precision Graphics Mark-up Language ( PGML PGP Pretty Good Privacy (MS) PGR Push Button Graphics (SAP) Pharmerging booming countries in the pharmaceutical business used by criminals illegal email scheme Phishing PHP Personal Home Page Personal Handyphone System (NTT DoCoMo Network) PHS PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor also known as Personal Home Page: scripting language and more DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf PI Process Instruction (SAP sheet) PI Personalization Index (see PQ)(metrics) PI Physical Intrusion PI Portable Interceptor (CORBA) PI Presence Information (example: buddy lists) PI Practical Intelligence (see CI, EI, IQ, PIQ) PI Public Intelligence (see CI) PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter PIC (Fr) Planification Industrielle et Commerciale Program Information File (Windows) PIF *.pif PIG Portugal, Italy, Greece: 3 countries endangering the Euro zone because of their bad governance Piggy-back Kangouroe export based on a international cooperation PIH Peg-In-Hole (assessment) : a 3D task presented in a virtual space (see NHPT) PII Public Interest Immunity PIM Personal Information Management PIM Platform Independent Model PIM(S) Product Information Management (System) PIMS Profit Impact of Market Strategy (Economy, Finance, Marketing) PIN Personal Identification Number (PIN code)(see BIN, PWD) PI-PCS Process Control Systems PIQ Practical Intelligence Quotient (see CI, IQ, PI) PIS Purchasing Information System Pain In The Ass (Robert Orndorff & Dulin Clark: The Pita Principle, JIST Publishing) pita PK Posting Key (SAP). Fr: Clé de comptabilisation Public Key Cryptography PKC PKI Piblic Key Infrastructure PKI Public Key Interface or X.509 (for user identification) (see PKC, XKMS) P+L or P&L Profit and Loss (balance) PL/1 Programming Language (number) 1 P/L Acct Type /type de compte de résultat : établir pour le compte de résultat sur quel compte de report du bénéfice le résultat de clôture d'exercice doit être transféré Planning area (CO) Specific budgeting option for a given period or periods (CCA) Planning type probability of cash receipt or disbursement Plant produces and/or stores materials. Is assigned to a CyCd. Plant abroad module supporting the sales tax processing within the European Union Plc Public Limited Company PLC Product Life Cycle (see CLC, ELC, ILM, PLM, SLC) PLC Program Logic Control Pl.Cp (Fr) Plan Comptable PLF Pay for Listing PLI Programming Language Interface (see BPML, UML, …) PLM Product Lifecycle Management (see PLC) Plug n' Play a newly connected to the PC device automatically identified by the OS for an immediate use Plug n' Play could be said about a rapidly efficient new comer (see our dynamic Step-in Manager concept) Pluto portlet container providing a runtime environment (see JPS) PM Personal Marketing (see Personal branding , RM) PM Plant Maintenance (SAP R/3 Business Application Area) PM Product Management PM Project Management (see PM, PMI, PMO, PS, PSO) PM-BOK Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge (see PMI, PSO) PMD Personal Media Drive (PC add-on HD of +500 Go from HP) PMI Project Management Institute (see PMO, PSO) PMI Purchasing Managers' Index (16 countries using the Euro). PMIS Plant Maintenance Information System PMIS Project Management Information System (see PM, PMI, PMO, PMBOK, PS) PML Physical Markup Language PMO Project Management Office (see PMBOK, PMI, PMIS, PSO) PMO Project Management Officer PMR Private Mobile Radio (GSM Technology) PM/SM Plant Maintenance/Service Management DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf PNAS PNG *.png PNL (Fr) P2P P2P PnP PNS (Fr) POC POD POD POD Podcasting POI POI POIS Poison pill POJOs Poka-Yoke P/OM POMDPs PON Pooling PoP POP Pop culture POPS Porg Portal PoS POSIX Posting key (clé de comptabilisation) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (http://www.pnas.org/) Portable Network Graphics Programmation Neuro-Linguistique Point-to-point Peer-To-Peer Plug and Play (see P&P) Postes non soldés Percentage Of Completion Printing On Demand (digital publishing) Pay On Delivery Proof Of Delivery "iPod" (Apple mp3) and "broadcasting" Point Of Interest (cartography, GPS) Process Oriented Implementation Production Order Information System corruption of the balance sheet to make the company less attractive (repell the raiders) Plain Old Java™ Objects avoiding inadvertent errors . Part of the Toyota Production System (see TPS). Production & Operations Management Partially Observable MDPs Passive Optical Network Integration of the company subsidiaries resources (e.g. for reciprocal assistance) Point of Presence (see PoS) Predictive Object Point popular culture (see CM, OC) PetaOpérations Per Seconde (Bull and its partners) Purchasing Organization "One stop shopping" place offering all services and tools (see Vortal ) Point of Sale (see PoP) Portable Operating System Interface (see PCTS) 2-digit code controlling the document line item entry. It's entered for an account type which is valid for the document type / Clés de comptabilisation (indépendantes du plan comptable) : Sub-ledger 01 outgoing invoice / debit CGS 09 client / debit 11 customer credit note / credit 19 client / credit 31 incoming invoice / credit 29 vendor / debit G/L 40 G/L account debit posting 39 vendor / credit 50 G/L account credit posting Assets 70 Debit Asset 75 Credit Asset G/L 80 Inventory taking debit 90 Inventory taking credit Posting perio d max 16 (12 + 4 special) POTS Plain Old Telephone Service PowerPoint sophisticated flexible slides maker, an application being part of Microsoft Office (see *.ppt) PP Partnership Project (see 3GPP, PPP) PP Production Planning (R/3 Business Application Area) P&P Plug and Play (see PnP) PowerPoint Add-in (Microsoft filename extension) *.ppa PPB Project Planning Board (see SPB, WBS, WBSB) PP-BD Basic Data for Production (see PP) PPBS Planning Programming Budgeting System PPC Pay Per Click (advertising practice on the NET) PPC Production Planning & Control PP-CBP Constraint-Based Planner PP-CRP Capacity Requirements Planning PP-DS Production Planning / Detailed Scheduling PPE Prepaid Postal Expense PP&E Property, Plant & Equipment *.ppm Portable Pixelmap (BINARY) (image file format) ppm parts per million. Fr: parties par million DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf PPM Project and Portfolio Management PPM Production Process Model (BOM+Routing) PP-MP Master Planning PP-MRP Material Requirements Planning PPP Point to Point Protocol (see PPTP) PPP Public-Private Partnership (see 3GPP, PP) page plus publishing (Serif program file) *.ppp PP-PC Product Costing (see PP) PP-PDC Plant Data Collection PP-PI Production Planning for the Process Industries PPS Production Planning & Scheduling PP-SFC Production Orders (formerly Shop Floor Control) PP-SOP Sales and Operations Planning *.pps Microsoft PowerPoint slide show format (file) (see *.ppa, *.ppt) PPSW Personal Productivity SW *.ppt Microsoft PowerPoint template format (file) (see *.ppa, *.pps) PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (see PPP) PPV Posting Period Variant. It contains the open periods and has to be manually maintained. PQ Personalization Quotient (see PI)(metrics) PR Public Relations (public communication department)(see IPR) PR Plural Relationship. Fr: Relation Plurale PRA (30B+D interface) Primary Rate Access (see BA, ISDN) Prd ("prod" ) Production PRINCE Projects IN Controlled Environment (project management methodology)(see PM, PMI) Printer TCO useful to estimate the hard copy costs (HP FirstView TCO Tool) (see Web-Based TCO ) PRM Partner Relationship Management (see CRM, ERM, PRM) PRM Process Risk Management (see RM) PRN Premium Rate Numbers (phone numbers charging for the offered services) PRO Pricing & Revenue Optimization Problem-Based Learning Process sequenced tasks or set of recurring tasks procedure/group of procedures for which automatic posting can be generated (recurrence) Projector LCD and DLP projectors ANSI American National Standard Institute for measuring the lumens DLP Digital Light Processing DMD Digital Micro Mirror Device LCOS Liquid Crystal On Silicon VGA 640x480 resolution SVGA 800x600 resolution XGA 1024x768 resolution SXGA 1280x1024 resolution UHE lamp Ultra High Efficiency UHP lamp Ultra High Performance Prosumption (see production & consumption (see Coopetition ) PRS Pattern Recognition System PRS Personal Response System PRS-LED Photon Recycling Semi-conductor LED: delivers PRT Production Resources and Tools PrtScn Print Screen (Command character ) PS Project System (R/3 Business Application Area), Overview PS : CA080 course P&S Publish & Subscribe (the principle has been applied to DW for more information dissemination) PSA Professional Services Automation PSAUMM Pratical, Service-oriented Architecture, Unified Maturity Model (UMM) PSC Public Service Commission (USA) PSCOE (SAP) Public Sector Center Of Expertise Adobe Photoshop (image file format) *.psd PSE Page Size Extension Personal Sharing Device (example : Leyio) PSE PSE36 36-bit PSE psf pound per square foot DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf psi pound per square inch psia pound per square inch absolute PSM Platform Specific Model PSO Project Support Office (PMI initiative, PMI BOK, PMO) Paint Shop Pro (file extension) *.psp PS-PIS (SAP) Project Information System PSR Potential Support Ratio PST or P.s.t. Pacific Standard Time (see CST) PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network (see VoIP: carried on the Internet voice, data, image, video) PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTT Push To Talk : special button added to a Mobile phone for an immediate "get in touch" PUA Potentially Unwanted Application (See PUP). Examples : Caishow, Adware.Dm.F "Publisher" Microsoft Application file *.pub Public Domain Free program and copyrights. Fr : Domaine public incluant droits de reproduction PUC Public Utility Commission (USA) PUF Physical Unclonable Function PUI Perceptual User Interface PUI Posted Under Influence (related to SN) PUP Potentially Unwanted Programs (See PUA) PUPS Possibly Unpopular Software Detection Purchasing organization is attached to a CyCd (legal) and may supply many plants PURCHIS Purchasing Information System P2V Physical-to-Virtual PVA Private VoIP Applications PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit PVS Product Variant Structure PVSS Prozeßvisualisierungs- und Steuerungssystem PWAF Plant With A Future PWD PassWorD Pocket Word document (Microsoft filename extension) *.pwd PowerPoint Wizard (Microsoft filename extension) *.pwz Python multi-paradigm interpreted programming language PZEV Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle : new smoke emissions rules PZMI Pseudo Zernike Moment Invariant Q Q&A QA QA QAs Q-API QBE QC QDDR QDI QFD QFH QI QIO QM QMC QM-IDI QMVI QoS QoQ QR QR Code QRQC *.qry QT Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Question & Answer Quality Analysis (see QC, QI, QM, TQM) Quality Assurance Quality Attributes Queue Application Program Interface Query By Example (Data Base Management) Quality Control (see QA, QI, QM, TQM) Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review Quality Data Interchange Quality Function Deployment (Mitsubishi and KaizenQC)(EFQM, QA, QC, QM, …) Query From Hell Quality Inspection (see QA, QC, QM, TQM) Quality Insurance Officer (see also the series of CxO or Chief something Officer) Quality Management : harmonizes processes throughout the enterprise, creates an environment that leads to high-quality products development (see TQM) Quasi-Monte Carlo Laboratory Information Management Systems Quantum Mechanics Visualization Instrument Quality of Service (see CoS) Quarter On Quarter Quick Response (see QR Code) Quick Response-code: 2D barcode Quick Response Quality Concern (see QC, QM, TQM, …) Query (Microsoft file extension). Quick Time (player) ( www.apple.com/quicktime ) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf *.qtc Quick Time Component (file extension) *.qti Quick Time-related Image (file extension) *.qtif Quick Time-related Image (file extension) QuickTime Movie (file extension) *.qtm *.qtp Quick Time Preference (file extension) qty quantity allows 4 CPUs sharing memory cache & bus connections to the system for more performances Quantum Computing (www.networkworld.com/community/node/35245) QVT Query/Views and Tranformations QWANGOs Quasi Autonomous Non Governmental Organizations QWERTY first letters of the US keyboard first line QWL Quality of Working Life Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available R ® Registered (see ©, ™) R/2 1997: 1300 customers worldwide. News, migration, training at http://www.sap.com/products/r2 R/2 on the Internet ? By means of the WebRFC technology, component 048 R/3 Real Time / 3 (see RT) R/3 system Services central instance offering DVEBMGS ( RA Radio Access (Telecom) RA Risk Analysis (see RM) RA Risk Assessment (see RQ) RAA Referenced Application Architecture (see UAA) RAB Radio Access Bearer (Telecom) RAC Radio Admission Control (Telecom) RAD Rapid Application Development RAD Role Activity Diagram (see RBAC) RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging Radio button Graphical control element to select an item from a list of fields RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (see MAID) RAID-0 2 linked Hard Disks running together (1 defect means the loss of the whole) RAID-1 2 synchronized Hard Disks with the same data (Problem ? The valid will update the new one) RAID-10 a set of 4 disks. It combines the RAID-0 and -1 RAID-5 minimum 3 disks. Each disk uses 1/3 of its surface for the back-up of the 2 others. RAM Random Access Memory (see ROM) www.kingston.com offers a practical «memory search» function Random Access Method of Accounting and Control, 24-inch platter from IBM (1956) RAMAC http://news.com.com/2300-1015_3-6110361-1.html?tag=ne.gall.pg RAN Radio Access Network (Telecom) RANAP Radio Access Network Application Part (Telecom) Ransomware the infected machine owner has to pay for freeing his computer RAPEX EU rapid alert (ec.europa.eu/consumers/safety/rapex/) Rapid prototyping defining business processes within a small team of experts RAR (*.rar) compression system for archiving files (shareware, Eugene Roshal) (see ZIP, CAB) RAROC Risk Adjustment Return On Capital: methodologies for pricing purpose RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RAS Random Access Storage RAS Registration, Admission and Status (see DAS) *.ras Sun Rasterfile (image file format) RASTI RApid Speech Transmission Index RAT Remote Administration Tool Rating evaluation (notation) of a State, an enterprise, a share. RATS Remote Access Trojan RBAC Role-Based Access Control (see RAD): RBB Really Big Botnet RBB Results Based Budgeting RBB Reverse Body Bias (electronics) RBB Residential Broadband (electronics) RBE Reverse BE (see BPR, BPM) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf RBF Radial Basis Function RBL Real-time Blackhole Lists (for blocking the spammers)(see spam ) RBLS Realtime (spam ) Black Lists Regional Bell Operating Companies : AT&T splitted up into 7 "Baby Bells" (1984) RBOC RBT (SAP) Role Based Training RBVO Request-Based Virtual Organization RC4 stream cipher (128 bits algorithm) made by Rivest for RSA Data Security RCA (plug) audio phono (plug) RCIS Regional CIS RCL Radio Communication Links RCO Request for Change Order (see RFP, RFQ, …) RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (USA) RCS Remote Computing Service R&D Research & Development RDA Recommended Daily Allowance (USA : multivitamin-multimineral supplements indication) RDA Rich Desktop Application (see RIA, RMA) RDBMS Relational DBMS (see IRDB, ORDBMS) RDD Resulting Data Distribution RDF Resource Description Framework ( XML W3C)( FOAF, OPS, P3P, RSS) RDFS Resource Description Framework Schema (www.semantic-conference.com/session/698/) RDM Resource Deployment Modeler (used for relocation feasability studies) RDRAM Rambus Dynamic RAM RDS (Fr) Report De Solde RDS Radio Data System RDT Radio Data Terminal REALWSN Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (see WSN) Reconciliation account customers -> receivable 4000, vendors -> payable 4400 (voir collectif) Reconciliation ledger stores all infos from sender & receiver based on the affected documents for value flows. Can be used for evaluating the amounts crossing CyCd and Bus. Areas Recurring entry Periodically posted entry / pièces périodiques Recursive acronym same as recursive abbreviation (see backronym ) RED Random Early Detection: implemented to deliver packet level admission control (data traffic) RED Runtime Error Detection REE Rare Earth Elements (see LRE) Companies registering domain names ( ) Registrar RKB Risk Knowledge Base Relationship FS : Finish-Start. Between the finish of one activity and the start of its successor SS : Start-Start. Between the start of one activity and the start of its successor FF : Finish-Finish. Between the finish of one activity and the finish of its successor SF : Start-Finish. Between the start of one activity and the finish of its successor Relative global warming potential of a car : see Greenhouse gas and EPA REPROM REProgrammable ROM (see EPROM) REO REOrganization (of DATA) (SAP) Repo Repurchase agreement Reporting Tree : IMG -> Basis Component. The report tree contains all applications and can be customized Requirement tracking number monitoring of the procurement of required materials. It allows the (numéro de besoin)(Fr) grouping of purchasing docs that exist for a certain material requirement RES Renewable Energy Sources Reservation Request to the warehouse to keep material ready. Manually (directly entered) or automatically (reservation for orders, networks, WBS element, stock transfers/automatic reorder point) Resiliency buoyancy, vivacity REST REpresentational State Transfer, WEB original architecture Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP) RET retronym acronym composed after a new occurrence (see backronym ) REU Remote Control Electronic Unit Revise Ch.of Accounts * Revise the number of G/L accounts * Adapt for utilizing it with various CyCd * Extend the length of the accounts numbers * Moving from cost accounting being carried out in FI to cost accounting as a DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf separate component RF Radio Frequency (see RFID, SAR) RFC Remote Function Call (SAP interface protocol that simplifies the programming of communication) RFC Request For Comment RFCA Request For Corrective Action RFI Radio Frequency Interference RFICs Radio Frequency ICs Radio Frequency IDentity( AIDCDSRCEPC) RFID RFID chipping action of installing / inserting a RFID Chip RFMs RFC-enabled Function Modules RFT Right First Time RFP Request For Price RFPs Request For Proposals RFQ Request For Quotes / Quotations RGB Red Green Blue (Standard Color Model) RGP Redemption Grace Period RI Relationship Intelligence (see BI, CI, EI, CRM, KM) RIA Rich Internet Applications (Macromedia)(see RMA, SaaS) RIAA Recording Industry Association of America RIB (clé) (Fr) contrôle l'exactitude des codes en France (banque, guichet et n° de compte). RID Recorder Identification Code (see XCP) Regressive Imagery Dictionary RID RID Relative ID (see SPID) RILO Review In Lieu Of RIM Rapid Implementation Management RIP Routing Information Protocol (application layer) RIP Raster Image Process (analysis and conversion of the page content) RIPE NCC Réseaux IP Européens Ripper program picking a sound from a source (CD, Radio, …) onto the PC hard drive RIR Regional Internet Registry (example AfriNIC) RIS Retail Information System (enables goods movements to be planned, monitored and tracked throughout the supply chain). Business applications : FI, CO, TR, PP, PS, HR, QM. RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer (see CISC) Reference Information Storage System (HP) RISS RJ Registered Jack (e.g. RJ 11: jack for phone devices. RJ 15: jack for the NW line). RJE Remote Job Entry RL Real Life (see VL, VR) RLL Relay Ladder Logic RLO Reusable Learning Object (see LOM, LOR) RM Relational Marketing RM Risk Management (see RA, RMA, RMD) RM Record Management RMA Rich Mobile Application (see RDA, RIA) RMA Risk Management Assistant (see RM) RMBS Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (see Alt-A) RMD Risk Management Discipline(s) (see RM, RMA) RME Relationship Modeling Engine *.rmi MIDI Sequence (sound file format) RMI Remote Method Invocation RMICC Records Management Interagency Coordinating Council.www.tsl.state.tx.us/SLRM/RMICC.html RMOA Realtime Multimedia Over ATM ReferenceModelfortheOrchestraArchitecture()(DEWSSANY) RM-OA RMON Remote MONitoring RMP Return Material Processing RMS Rights Management Services (Windows) (see DRM, IRM) RMS Root Mean Square RMS Retail Management System (see GRDI) RNIS (Fr) Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Services (EN.: ISDN) ROA Resource Oriented Architecture (see SOA, WOA) ROA Return On Assets (see ROCE, ROE, ROI, RONA, ROOA) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ROC Rate-Of-Change ROCE Return On Capital Employed (finance)(see ROA & ROOA, ROCE, ROE, ROI) phishing organized as from a fraudulent domain significantly difficult to shut down ROE Return On Equity (finance)(see ROA & ROOA, ROCE, ROE, ROI) ROE Return On Experience (see VAE) ROE Rules of Engagement (see ROI) Rogue code Programming code that makes a virus Rogue ISP Provider originating knowingly unsollicitated mail (spam ) Rogue WEB Challenging site that shows up to replace the legitimate one ROH Raw Material (MM/Material Type). Fr: Matériel brut Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances RoHS ROI Return On Investment (finance)(see ROA & ROOA, ROCE, ROE, RROI) ROI Rules of Interaction (see ROE) ROIC Returns On Invested Capital ROK Return On Knowledge (see KM, ROKI, ROP) ROKI Return On Knowledge Investment (see KM, ROK, ROP) ROKSO Register of Known Spam Operations (http://www.spamhaus.org/rokso/) ROLAP Relational OLAP (see DOLAP, HOLAP, MOLAP) ROLE Research On Learning in Education (see LMS) ROM Read Only Memory (see CD-ROM, RAM) ROMS Real Output Management System (see OMS, LOMS, XOM) RON Run Of Network : online advertising schedule (see ROS) RONA Return On Net Assets (see ROA, ROOA, ROCE, ROE, ROI) ROOA Return On Operating Assets (see ROA, RONA) Root primal directory on the hard disk Rootkit detec tion ROP Raster OPeration ROP ReOrder Point : when a new order may be placed (see EOQ) ROP Return On People (Bob Nelson)(see HR, IC, ICA, ROK, ROKI) ROR Rate Of Return ROS Return On Sales (see ROA & ROOA, ROCE, ROE, ROI) ROS same as RON but only one selected site to advertise ROSCA Rotating Savings and Credit Assn: ROSI Return On Security Investment (see ROI) Router Data Packets Routing device (net) ROV Remote Operated Vehicle … "rover" ROV Return On Value (see SCM, VCM) Roving bug criminal investigation ROW Rest Of the World (see EMEA) RP (SAP) Requirement Planning RPC Remote Procedure Call RPC Rough-cut Capacity Planning (see MRP) RPG Report Program Generator RPM Revolution Per Minute RPN Reverse Polish Notation (calculation) RPN Risk Priority Number (see SOD) RPO Recovery Point Objective (see DR, RTO) RPP Remote Power Panel (see PDR) RPV (Fr) Réseau Privé Virtuel (see VPN) RQ Risk Quotient (see RA, RM) RQBE Relational QBE RR Risk Register RR "Robot Resources" ( The Corporation of the Best Jokers / Dan C. Renson) R&R Request & Reply RRAS Routing & Remote Access Service RROI Rapid ROI RRP Recommended Retail Price (marketing) RRR Ready to Run R/3 (already documented core process for a preinstalled technical infrastructure) (complement to the ASAP method) RRR Required Rate of Return DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf RS232 RSA RSI RSI RSI RSL RSM RSM RSPAN RSS RSS RSVP RSVP2 RT RTC RTC RTDinfo RTE RTESS *.rtf (RTF) RTFM RTL RTL RTLS RTM RTMS RTO RTOS RTS RTS RTSP RTTI RVI RVM RTW RTXT Ruby RUI Runtime RUP S S3 *.s3m SA SA SA SA8000 SaaS SaaS SAA SAA SAAL SAAL SACL SADT SAE SAE SAF-TE SAL Sales area international norm for defining the serial connectors Rivert Shamir and Adleman (encryption form) (see DES) Repetitive Strain Injury: could impede the use of the mouse (see FUI) Requirement Stability Index (used within a project conduct) Relative Strength Index (gives sensitive change indication in price movement) Resilient Server Link (dynamic access) Removable Storage Media (see also CD, DVD, HDCD, MMCD, SD) Reactive Synchronous Model Remote Switched Port Analyzer (see SPAN) Real Simple SyndicationRich Site Summary ( http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss) RDF Site Summary, a content distribution tool developed by Netscape, used by Bloggers Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (IETF). Resource Reservation Protocol (transport layer) Real-Time (see JIC, JIT, JBT, TC): a competitive advantage when properly implemented. Add BI ! Real-Time Clock Return To Control Magazine on European Research (http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/rtdinfo/index_en.html) Rich Text Edit (control) Realtime, Embedded and Specialized Systems Rich Text Format Read The F… Manual (Net language acronym / jargon) Run-Time Library Register Transfer Level (for digital HW design) Real Time Location Systems (see RFID) Round Table Meeting Retail Target Marketing System (Archer) Recovery Time Objective (see DR, RPO) Real Time Operating System Request To Send (see RFQ, RFP) Remote Transaction System (save time, travels, opportunity costs to isolated communities) Real Time Streaming Protocol (application layer) Run-Time Type Identification Refined Vulnerability Information sources Relational Metric Value Ready-To-Wear (planner/planning) Rich TeXT (see TXT) open programming language : object oriented (OO) and multi-paradigm Remote User Interface (see FUI, GUI) program executing an application whose language is unavailable Rational Unified Process (Rational Inc) Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Simple Storage Service (Amazon service: data backup) (see EC2, cloud computing ) ScreamTracker 3 modules (sound file format) Strategic Alliance Strategic Architecture (see SOA) Sustainable Architecture (see SIS) Social Accountability (label): similar to ISO along the ILO rules. Security as a Service (offered by Panda) Software as a Service (model) (see DaaS, IaaS, PaaS) Systems Application Architecture Swift Alliance Access Signalling ATM Adaptation Layer Single Address Assembly Language System Access Control List Structured Analysis and Design Technique Society of Automotive Engineers System Architecture Evolution SCSI Accessed Fault Tolerant Enclosure Self Addressed Envelope (see SASE) combination of sales organization, distribution channel and division. DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Sales group records the data on the employees of a sales office. Sales groups are assigned to sales offices Sales office geographical aspects of the organizational structures in business development Sales organization organizational structure w/i SD which is assigned to a CyCd SAM Service Activity Management (see BAM) SAM Security Account Manager SAM Shared Accounting Module SAM Supply Account Manager SAM Software Asset Management SAML Security Assertions Markup Language (one only connection for accessing all applications and servers. It's a specification of the OASIS)(www.projectliberty.org) Sample Account Used to determine fixed values in G/L account SAN Storage Area Network (see BAN, LAN, PAN, VLAN, WAN, WLAN, DAS, NAS) SAN System Area Network SANY Sensors ANYwhere (see DEWs, SensorSA) SAOL MPEG-4 Structured Audio Orchestra Language (www.dart-europe.eu/full.php?id=149984) SAP Service Advertising Protocol SAP System & Application Product (SAP AG since 1972 !)(www.sap.com/) Soucis d'Accroître la Productivité (very unofficial definition !) SAP (Fr) SAP Banking / SEM consists of : PA Profit Analyzer RA Risk Analyzer SA Strategy Analyzer BA Balance Analyzer SAP IS (SAP) Industry Specific Component : Industry Solution Systems Applications Products in Data Processing/Real Time: www.sap.comFounded in '72 SAP/R3 SAP-BG SAP Business Graphics SAP - CTO Change and Transport Organizer (customizing organizers/transaction SE10) SAP - CTS Change and Transport System SAPnet Topics, forum, services, R/3 support, … at http://sapnet.sap-ag.de (ID+PWD needed) SAP - OSS SAP Online Service System SAP - SEM Strategic Enterprise Management (see SEM) SAP - TCC Technical Core Competence SAP - TMS Transport Mgmt System () SAP XI SAP eXchange Infrastructure (for data transfer) SAR Segmentation And Reassembly SAR Specific Absorption Rate (mobile phone related measure: RF impact on the user) SAS Statement of Auditing Standards SAS Serial Attached SCSI SAS Single Attached Stations (see DAS) SAS Space Adaptation Syndrome(see Coffin , WP) : adrenaline, heart-beat, flight away reflex SASE Self Addressed and Stamped Envelope (see SAL) SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer (see TLS) SAST Static application security testing tool (see DAST) SAT Student Aptitude Test SATA Serial ATA (Bus Attachment) SAW Surface Acoustic Wave (identifier chip) SAWSDL Semantic Annotations for Web Services Description Language (see WSDL) SAX Simple API for XML SB Structured Behavior (FBC>s -Change Management) (FBWPA : info@fbc-e.com) SBA Side Band Addressing (port: see AGP), Small Business Administration (USA) SBA Small Business Administration (US) SBC Server-Based Computing SBC Smart Bitrate Control (new way to encode DivX) SBC Software-Based Communication SBP Serial Bus Protocol SBP Service-Based Pricing SBR Statistical Bit Rate SBS Small Business Server SBS Smart Battery Specification (Duracell + Intel) SBU Strategic Business Unit (management) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf SC SC SC SC SCA SCA SCADA Scam SCART SCC Scientific Computing Smart Card Standard Cost Supply Chain (see 3PLs, APO, FSCT, SCM, SCEM, SCOR,…) Software Communication Architecture Sustainable Competitive Advantage (see CA) Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition fraudulent scheme (example : the Nigerian tricky financial offers) euroconnector Supply Chain Cockpit (see SCOPE) provides a graphical user interface to manage and optimize the supply chain. SCC synthesizes collaborative businesses and decision data. SCC Supply Chain Council (for setting SCM standards)(see also SC, SCEM, SCN) SCCs SuperComputer Centers SCD System Context Diagram SCE Sales Configuration Engine (see SCM) SCE Supply Chain Engineer enables planners to build a graphical model of the supply networks SCEM Supply Chain Event MgmtmgmtSC FBM School Graduation (High -) : level and discipline A.Com Associate of Commerce B.A Bachelor of Arts B.Sc. Bachelor of Science MBA Master of Business Administration (see MIS) MIS Master of Information System (Techno-MBA) D.Sc. Doctor of Science Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy SCIP Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (see CI) SCIP Supply Chain Improvement Process SCM Supply Chain Management (see APO, c-SCM, GCL, SCEM, SCOR) Scn Screen SCN Supply Chain Network (extended logistics chain) SCNP Security Certified NW Professional SCO Synchronous Connection Oriented SCOPE (SAP) Supply-Chain Optimization, Planning & Execution SCOR Supply-Chain Operations Reference (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN, ...) SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model SCP Supply Chain Planning (with SAP APO)(see also SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN) SCPI Supply Chain Planning Interface SCPM Supply Chain Performance Management (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN, …) SCQM Supply Chain Quality Management (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN, …) Scrap percentage of a rejected material which does not meet quality requirements Screaming cell phone phone emitting a screaming noise when lost or stolen (see kill switch ) SCSI Small Computer System Interface (see SAS, iSCSI) SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol (transport layer) SD Sales & Distribution (R/3 Business Application Areas) SD Send Data (Net) SD Super Density laserdisc from Toshiba / Time Warner (see also CD, DVD, HDCD, MMCD, SD) SDA Static Data Authentification (see DDA) SDA Sex Descrimination Act (1984) (see HREOC) SD-BIL Sales & Distribution - Billing / Facturation (invoicing process w/i SD) SD-CAS Sales & Distribution - Computer Aided Selling SDF Standard Delay File (format) SDF Sub Distribution Frame SD-FT Sales & Distribution - Foreign Trade (R/3 Business Application Areas) SGL Standard General Ledger (see USSGL) SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (see DWDM, ONE, SON, SONET, TDM, WDM) SD-IS Sales and Distribution - Information System (R/3 Business Application Areas) SDK SW Development Kit SD-MD Sales & Distribution - Master Data (R/3 Business Application Areas) SDRAM Synchronous DRAM SD-SHP Sales & Distribution - Shipping (R/3 Business Application Areas) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf SDSL SD-SLS SDX SE SE *.sea SEA SEAL SEAL SEAQ Search tm SEC SEC SEC SECPS SECAM (Fr) SECON Second Life SLLA SECURITY Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (see ADSL) Sales & Distribution - Sales (R/3 Business Application Areas) Storage Data Acceleration Search Engine (see SEO, SEOP) Second Edition (see LE) self extracting archives (compressed files) Search Engine Advertising (see PFL, SEM) Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language Simulated Evolution And Learning (Singapore, November 2002) Stock Exchange Automated Quotation (many info providers use it for identifying quickly shares) search term utilizing a short nme (name) Search Engine Crawler Securities & Exchange Commission (http://www.sec.gov/)(EDGAR) Single-Edge Contact (interface/cartridge for Pentium II) Securities and Exchange Commission Practice Section (doesn't exist any more) Système Electronique Couleur Avec Mémoire (see NTSC, PAL) Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks 3-D virtual fantasy world (http://secondlife.com/) Second Life Liberation Army FBM main techniques (see also Identity theft and more on ….) FBM adware cloaking hacking harvesting malvertising malware phishing and rock phishing root kit scam slag SMShing trojan virus vishing whacking worms zombie attack zombies NW Secy secretary SEDIC Sensitive Dependence on Initial Condition SEE Silly Expert Experiment (see SEO) Seed money start-up money (see VC) S2F Send to Friends (invitation on many sites) SEH Structured Exception Handler (process) SEI Software Engineering Institute (see CMM, P-CMM) SELOP SELect OPtion SEM Search Engine Marketing (www.dailymotion.com/video/xkb2h_le-sem_business)(see SEA) SEM Small Entrepreneurial Manufacturer SEM Security Event Management (see SIM) SEM Strategic Enterprise Management (SAP) SEM - BCS SEM - Business Consolidation and Sourcing (R/3 Business Application Areas) SEM - BIC SEM - Business Information Collection (R/3 Business Application Areas) SEM - BPS SEM - Business Planning and Simulation (R/3 Business Application Areas) SEM - CPM SEM - Corporate Performance Monitor (R/3 Business Application Areas) SEM - SRM SEM - Stakeholder Relationship Management (R/3 Business Application Areas) SensorSA Sensor Service Architecture (see DEWs, SANY) Sensys Sensor System (see ENSS, WSN) SEO Search Engine Optimization (see SEOP, SER) SEO Silly Expert Opinion (Eric meyer, www.ericmeyeroncss.com/) (see SEE) SEOP Search Engine Optimization and Positioning (see SEO, SER) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf SEPA Single Euro Payments Area : harmonization of the payments within Europe (see BIC, IBAN) School Education Quality Assurance Programme: SEQUAP SER Search Engine Registration (see SEO, SEOP) Serial process One after the other process SERM Structured Entity Relationship Model (SAP development tool for creating data models) SES Shared Earth System (part of the JIS) SESAC Security and Stability Advisory Committee (ICANN) SESEC Sustainable Environmental Solutions for Emerging Countries (www.sesec.org) Window where the user processes a task Session Session mgr SET Secure Electronic Transactions SET Single Electron Transistor Set Object summarizing values or value intervals SETI Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (see AI, VI) SEW Strategic Early Warning (see BI, CA, CI, SI) Sexting Sex + Texting on mobile phones screens SFA Sales Force Automation integrates the back office with the front office and uses several components : Contact Mgmt, Activity Mgmt, Calendar, Opportunity Mgmt, Order Mgmt, Quotation, Marketing Encyclopedia, Sales pricing engine, Sales configuration engine, Promotions/Campaigns, Customer Agreement, Inbox/outbox, Analysis tools.(see CRM, FFA, SFC) SFC Sales Forces Collaboration (see SFA, SMA) SFH Synthesized Frequency Hopping (GSM) : prevents communication interruptions. SFIS Shop Floor Information System (see LIS, MIS, SIS, ,,,) SFM Sustainable Forest Management (see ISO 14001) SGBD (Fr) Système de Gestion de Banque de Données (see DBMS) Silicon Graphics SGI image format *.sgi SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language DirectMusic segment files (sound file format) *.sgt SHA Shared Hosting Account (see colocated server ) Shareware Try it before you buy. Fr.: Distribuciel ou partagiciel = libre-essais avant achat SHGs Self-Help Groups SHL Shared Library (BC-SRV) S-HTTP Secured HTTP SI Strategic Intelligence (see CA, CI, IE, SEW …) SI System Integrator SIA Semiconductor Industry Association SIC Standard Industrial Classification SID Security ID SID Solid Ink Density (printing business) SIEM Security Information & Event Management SIF (Fr) Système d'Information Financier SIG Sender Identity Guaranteed SIG Special Interest Group SIGINT SIGnal INTelligence (see ELINT, GIS, HUMINT, IMINT) SIGMA Software Industrialized Generator and Maintenance Aids (system) signal an electrically impulsed information SIV Structure Investment Vehicles (see ABCP) SII Simple Indexing Interface SIIA Software & Information Industry Association SIL (Fr) Système d'Information de la Logistique SIM Security Incident Management (see SEM) SIM Society for Information Management (www.simnet.org/) SIM Subscriber Identity Module SIM SW Security Information Management (see SEM, SIM) SIMagine Mobile Telecom market applications (http://www.simagine.info/) SIMD Single Instruction (stream) Multiple Data (stream): multiprocessor architecture concept SIM-IM free software-based multiple protocol instant messenger (see IM) SIMM Single Inline Memory Module SIMS Strategy Implementation Monitoring System (SAS Australia & New Zealand: info@oz.sas.com) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Sinef SIP (Fr) SiP SIPs SIP2 SIPRnet SIS SIS SIS SIS SISEE SIVA SK SKF Skimmer(s) Skimming SKM SLA S/L Slack time Slag SLAPP SLC SLC SLICK-DA SLIP SLOC SLRP SLS SM SM SM SM SMA SMAC smart card smart card smart phone SMB SMB SMBA SMC SME / I SME SMED SMF SMFU SMIL smiley S/MIME SMIS SMIS SMI-S SMI-S SMiShing SMO SMP SMR SMS SMShing Security Innovation Network (see ITSEF) Système d'Information du Personnel (gestion du -) System-in-Package. Delivered when the solution is not possible on chip (see SoC) Statistically Improbable Phrases: most distinctive phrases in the text (Amazon.com)(see CAPs) Session Initiation Protocol Government Secret Internet Protocol network Sales Information System (see LIS, MIS, …) Strategic Information System (see TMS) Structured Information Standards (see OASIS) Sustainable Information System (see SA) Single Information Space for Environment and risk management in Europe (see RM-OA) Solution, Information, Value, Access corresponding to the 4P Product, Promotion, Price, Place SecondaryKey (see HK, MK) Statistical Key Figures individuals utilising equipment for Skimming PINATM Sales Knowledge Management (see CRM, SMA) Service Level Agreement (see SLS, TCO) Special Ledger Fr.: marge libre des tâches non critiques (CPM) several meanings : one of them could correspond to the running of a destructive program Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (http://www.casp.net/) Single-Level Cell (see MLC) Supplier Logistics Center Simple Language Independent Kit for OPC Data Access Server Serial Line Internet Protocol Source Lines Of Code (see also KLOC) Strategic Long-Range Plan (see NOPAT) Service Level Specifications (see SLA, TCO) Scientiae Magister (Master Of Science) Service Management Security Management (see FISMA, RM) Strategic Match (IE) Sales Management Analytics (see CRM, SFA, SFC) Society of Management Accountants of Canada Surplus Marketing Administration (USA) (intelligent) card with a built-in Chip (new generation : very smart card) advanced multi-capable handheld devices : actually Blackberry, iPhone (see PDA) Small & Midsize Businesses (see SME, VSE) Server Message Block Share Memory Buffer Architecture (see UMA) Surface Mounted Component Small & Medium(-sized) Enterprises / Industries (see SMB, VSE) Society of Manufacturing Engineers Single Minute Exchange of Die ( ) Super MetaFile Systems Management Functional Unit Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (see) emoticon : graphisms, animations and sounds are also available Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (see MIME) Service Management Information System Specific Management Information-passing Service (see OSI) Storage Management Initiative Specification Storage Management Interface Standard short for SMS phishing : mobile attack using SMS Social Media Optimization (SEO along the popularity) Symmetric MultiProcessing (is where OS and applications can share all the processors) Sample Master Record Short Messaging Service (mobile phone) (see MMS) SMS based Scams DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf SMS MO SMS MO-R SMS MT SMS MT-R SMS SMS SMT SMTP smurf SN SNA Snail Mail SNCC SNG SNIA Sniglet Snippet SNMP *.snp SNP SMS Mobile Originated SMS MO Reverse Charging (cost is paid by the receiver) SMS Mobile Terminated (Sent by a server to a mobile) SMS MT Reverse Charging SW Management System System Management Server Self Management Team (organization) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (see ESMTP) attack exploiting the IP protocol features within the TCP/IP protocol Social Network (see SNA, SNS) Social Network Analysis (go to www.fbc-e.com for more)(see Networking , SNS, 360°) ordinary postal mail versus email ! System and Network Control Center SAP Supply Network Gateway Storage Networking Industry Association () A snippet fulfills a specified task well without taking much extra code beyond the standard library Simple Network Management Protocol (Internet framework) Snapshot Viewer (file) Supply Network Planning integrates purchasing, manufacturing, distribution and transportation in one global model to shorter the response times and minimize the supply chain costs SNS Social Network System (see SNA) SOA Service-Oriented Architecture: an advanced fundamental concept (see ROA, SONA, WOA) SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol (open standard accessing web service during execution) SOA-RM SOA Reference Model SoC System-on-Chip (design) (see SiP) SOC Security Operations Center (see CSIRT, NOC, SOO) Social capital http://bizz-exert.blogspot.com Social software Blogs cloud computing Wikis WEB 2.0 (http://web2bizclub.blogspot.com/) Société-SL (Fr) SOD Severity, Occurrence, Detection (see RPN = S×O×D) SODIMM Small-Outline DIMM SOE (Biz) State-Owned Enterprise SOE (IT) Standard Operating Environment. Soft salary salary calculated according the company rules (see hard salary ) Softy Sum Of The Year digits: regressive amortization method SOHO Small Office, Home Office (market)(see HBB) Solvency II insurance companies EC standards set for regulating their management (see Basel II ) SOM System Object Model SOM Self Organizing Map (categorizes texts according their register and style of the author)(see GTM) Self-Ordered Magnetic Arrays SOMA SON Synchronous Optical Network (see DWDM, ONE, SDH, SONET, TDM, WDM) SONA Service-Oriented Network Architecture (see SOA) SONET Synchronous Optical Network (see DWDM, ONE, SDH, SON, TDM, WDM) SOO Security Operations Officer (see CCO, CEO, CIO, CFO, CKO, CSO, ERO, SOC) Sales and Operation Planning SOP SOP Standard Operating Procedures SOP Statement of Position (see AICPA, CPA) SORBS Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (http://www.de.sorbs.net/) Sorting key posting data the SAP system will capture in the allocation field or a document mainly used for automatic clearing of account SOS Save Our Souls : emergency call SOS Service Oriented Security SOS Standardized Open Sources (Fr.: Open Sources Standardisé) SOX Sarbanes-Oxley Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002): SOXA DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf SP Standard Play (sound, movie, …) Service Pack (Windows) SP Service Pack2 (Windows) SP2 SP Strategic Planning SPA Secure PWD Authentication SPA SW Publishers Association Spam junk email (spamming = junk email distribution) SPAM SAP Support Package Manager SPAN Switched Port Analyzer (see RSPAN) SPARQL SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (Web) SPB Structure Planning Board (available within the SAP PS module) SPC Statistical Process Control (see SQC) Spearphishin g combination of pharming and phishing Special G/L transaction Business transaction itemized differently in the balance sheet (i.e. notes, down payment, guarantees) Special purpose ledger is a general ledger based on user-defined elements. Fr : Specs specifications Speech recognition. Over the phone speech-enabled SAP modules let representatives and customers determine the status of accounts, product availability and pricing, sales-order placement. HR module lets employees speak to access information about benefit, salaries, paychecks, travel expenses, time reporting, personal information (SpeechWorks International Inc.) SPF Sender Policy Framework (http://www.openspf.org/) SPF Single Point of Failure SPI Schedule Performance Index : work achieved / work scheduled SPI Software in the Public Interest (NPO for helping companies in the open SW development) SPI Stateful Packet Inspection (see firewall , NAT). SPID Service Profile IDentifier (see RID) Student's Personalized Interactive Knowledge Environment SPIKE : www.wharton.upenn.edu) Splash page advertising page displayed before the access to the site Splog contraction of spam and blog : fake blog SPM Source Program Maintenance SPO Spending Pool Order SPOC Single Point Of Contact Spock People-search engine (www.spock.com) Spoofing Identity Hacking, Masquerading SPOT Screening Passengers by Observation Technique (after N-Y Sept 11) SQUID Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Spread spread in between 2 values SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Sound Picture & Video (phone system from Orange) SPV SPV Special Purpose Vehicle (see SIV) SPY ACT Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act: US anti-spyware bill Spybot Spying robot (see bot ) Spychip refers to RFID tags as privacy thieves Spyware Spying software SQA SW Quality Assurance (see QA, QC, QCM, SQM) SQC Statistical Quality Control (see QA, QC, QCM, SPC) SQI Simple Query Interface (see SQL) SQL Structured Query Language (see SQI) SQM SW Quality Management (see QA, QC, QCM, SQA) SQS Simple Queuing Service SR Systemic Risk SRB Storage Resource Broker SRDF Synchronous Remote Data Facility SRDs Short Range Devices SRDS Standard Rate and Data Service (www.srds.com) SRE Scene Recognition Engine (see AR) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf SRE SRI SRM SRM SRT SRU SRV or srv SS SS7 SSA SSARS SSC SSCR Standard for Robot Exclusion Socially Responsible Investment: Storage Resource Management (see NAS, SAN …) Supplier Relationship Management (= GRF) Selection-Recruitment-Training Search/Retrieval via URL (www.loc.gov/standards/sru/resources/diagnostics-list.html)(CQL server Self-Snoop Signaling System 7 Social Security Administration (US) Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (see AICPA, CPA) Shared Service Centre SAP Software Change Registration : records which users are authorized to modify SAP repository objects in the R/3 system and which objects a user has modified SSCS Statements on Standards for Consulting Services (see AICPA, CPA) SSD Solid-State Drive SSE Streaming SIMD Extension SSID Service Set IDentifier SSII (Fr) Société de Service et d'Ingénierie Informatique (France) SSL Secured Socket Layer (security device) SSO Simplified Sign-On SSO Single Sign-On (security) SSO Stateful Switch Over SST Sea-Surface Temperatures (see ATSR) SST "Single Source of Truth" (an interesting formulation as read in the Oracle Magazine ) Stakeholder Individual and/or group having typical interest in the company and/or the project. STAR Stock Appreciation Rights STB Set Top Box STENO Science, Technology, Environment Organization Step-in Manager stepping-in dynamically. Go to www.fbc-e.com for more information Stick to your knitting Avoid excessive diversification (In search of Excellence, Peters ) STM Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (see AFM) STOA Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (Committee) STP Straight Through Processing STructural Engineering Systems Solver: IT STRESS Structure legal and internal flexible framework in which business transactions are processed STTR Small Business Technology Transfer STU Space-Time Universe = 4D (3D + Time) (see the Japanese Ba ) STUN Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs (used by ICE) Sub-ledger customers, vendors, assets / Fr: compta auxiliaire : clients, fournisseurs, immobilisés Subprime mortgage for (very) lowly reliable persons. Superstitials advertising format developed by Unicast Super-Type d'objet (Fr) nœud supérieur de l'arborescence des types d'objets existants (voir BOB) SUV (car) Sport Utility Vehicle SV Schedule Variance (see CV) SVG Scalable Vector Graphical SVGrid Secure Virtual Grid computing environment SW Semantic Web (see COE, CSW, SWR, SWT) SWAG Scientific Wild Anatomical Guess : rough estimate of a project completion time / cost Swapware Rights to use are granted when purchasing another author's program / Fr: Troquiciel SWB Subjective Well-Being SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (see BIC) SWIG SAP WEB Internet Gateway *.swf Shock Waves Flash file / object SWK SpyWare Killer SWO1 transaction that starts the Business Object Builder (all objects) in SAP SWO2 gives a hierarchical list of all data in the SAP BOR. SWOT Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (see also COBRA from FBC>s ) SWR Semantic Web Research (see COE, CSW, SW, SWT) SWT Semantic Web Technology (see COE, CSW, SW, SWR) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf T Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available TA Terminal Adaptor TA Transactional Analysis (see AT) TAF Thought Action Fusion Inventory TAF Tracking and Analysis Framework Taguchi methods TAI International Atomic Time (see UTC) TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (common biz language) TAO Track-At-Once (see DAO) TAPI Telephone Application Programming Interface (see CAPI) TAR Tape Archive: in a .tar archive, files are gathered and not compressed. Targed attack attack on transactions instead of computers TARP Troubled Assets Relief Plan (Henry Paulson, Finances Minister, USA, 2008) Taxonomy science of the classification (used within a real KM project)(see folksonomy ) Tax category of a G/L Acct. Tax types : input sales tax, output sales tax, fixed tax rates TB / Tb Terabytes (1024 x Gb / Giga) (see Petaoctet) TBC Time Based Competition considers time as a manageable factor (also known as "Time Compression Management" or "Cycle Time Reduction")(see AAT, TTC, TTL, TTM, TTR) TBC Time Base Corrector TBD To Be Discussed (used in some offerings) TBE The Benchmarking Exchange TC Target Costing: Toyota (TPS) uses value engineering to reduce the cost (Kaizen costing ) TC Time Compression (see JIC, JIT, JTL, RT) TCA Trip Costs Accounting (function available in the R/3 Release 4.0) Transaction Cost Analysis. TCA (see ABA, ABB, ABC, TCM). TCAM Ternary Content Addressable Memory TCC Total Cloud Computing TCE Transaction Cost Economics (see IE) TCG Total Cost of Green (see TCO) TCM Total Change Management (addition / combination of major changes)(see GCM for top results) TCM Total Content Management (see CMS, ECM, WCM) TCM Time Compression Management (see TBC, TM): more to be done in much less time! TCM Transaction Costs Management (see ABA, ABB, ABC, ABM, TCA). TCM Treasury Cash Management TCO Total Cost of Ownership (see LCO, TCO). Fr: TCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (Security Access Norms) TCP Transmission Control Protocol (transport layer) (see UDP, DCCP, SCTP, RSVP, ECN) TCP / IP TCP / Internet Protocol TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria TCT Time-Critical Targeting (see TTR, TTM, TTC) TD Technology Domain TDABC Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (see ABC, TCA) TDC Transport Domain Controller TDD Test Driven Development TDM Time Division Multiplexing (see DWDM, SDH, SON, SONET, WDM) TDMA Time Division Multiple Access TDP Thermal Design Power (PC specs /example : 2,5w) TDR Time Domain Reflectometry (ability to test the cable integrity from the switch) TDS Target Day Supply / Detailed Scheduling (see DD, FCFS, LPT, PLC, PLM and others) TDWI The Data Warehousing Institute Team Coordinated net of people (see ATU, SMT, TU) Teaser short text about a story (see Kicker) ThermoElectric Generator: TEG TEI Total Enterprise Integration (SCEAI TEI Total Economic Impact (see IE / Information Economics) TEI Total Emotional Intelligence : FBC>s concept (see EI, EQ) TEL Technology-Enhanced Learning (see ITEL) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf TEL The European Library (digital library) Telecine process that brings a 24 fps movie to 29,97 fps. TELENET ARPANET commercial version Teleprocessing remote processing Tera / To 1024 x Giga / Go (see Tb, Petaoctet) Teraflops 1 billion of operations / sec (see flops ) text-talk text-messaging based conversation (see TM) texting see text-talk TFD Tax Freedom Day: the date as from which the population stops paying taxes and works for itself TFFIO Terrorist Funding / Finance Identification Operations TFP Text Formatting Program Total Factors Productivity. M TFP TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol. *.tga Truevision Targa files (image file format) TGC (Fr) Technologies de la Gestion des Connaissances (see KMT) THD Total Harmonic Distortion Thin Client terminal-like computing architecture to improve the large enterprise NW manageability Thinking out of the box foreseeing : not considering the "out-of-the-self" as a serious immediate solution TIDS Total Inventory Days of Supply TIEAS Tax Information Exchange Agreements (see FATF, FSF, OFCS) *.tif Tagged Image Files Time event recorded clock-in/clock-out time TIMITI Try It, Measure It, Tweak It (metrics) TIMS Telecommunications Instructional Modeling Systems : common experimental platform TIN Taxpayer Identifying Number (US) (see PIN) TIP Actual Time (HR) TIPS Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (US) TinyURL!™ create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires (http://tinyurl.com/) TLA Three Letter Acronym (see FLEA, YATLA) TLD Top Level Domains (see DNS) TLD Tag Library Definition: XML TLEs Transposable Elements (they have mobility properties) TLS Transport Layer Security (see SASL) T/M TeleMetry TM Text Messaging (see IM, text-talk ) TM Time Management (see TBC, TCM, TDABC, TTC, TTM, TTR and others from the TTx series) TM transaction Manager (is mapping a whole range of financial instruments for different terms and hedging purposes -from money market to securities, loan and derivative) TM ™ Trade Mark (see ©, ®) TM Track Marketing (FBC>s Concept) TM Trust Management: linked to risk and security mgmt, including WEB security concerns. (www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_6/khare/index.html) TMC Traffic Management System TMN Telecommunication Management Network (IN) TMS Tactical Messaging System (see SIS) TMS Transport(ion) Management System: organizes, monitors, imports change request Theory Of Constraints (Eli Goldratt: start with the operation that require the defined bottleneck TOC resources in the system. Remaining operations are scheduled on the non-bottleneck resources using a combination of backward and forward schedule techniques)(see COBRA from FBC>s, . CPM, PERT, … ) TOC Table Of Content (see TOR) TODS Transactions on Database Systems TOEFL Test Of English as a Foreign Language (see ESL) ToIP Telephony over IP (see VoIP, VoW) Tokyo Tech Tokyo Institute of Technology (founded in 1881)(www.titech.ac.jp/english/) toon-shaded see cel-shaded Topology geographical/physical setting/construction for the best network arrangement TOPs Task Optimized Processors TOR Terms Of Reference (see also MOU) TOR The Onion Router: free SW implementation of 2G onion-routing for anonymous communication DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf ToS TOS TOWS TP TP (Fr) TPFKATA TPM TPS TPS Type of Service (system management / maintenance) Terms Of Services see SWOT Terminal Portability (service) (see ISDN) Type de Pièce Jay Rosen manifesto: The People Formerly Known As The Audience (before the Blogosphere ) Total Productive Maintenance (Nakajima, 1988) for supporting product manufacturing Total Plant Solution (see MRP) Toyota Production System AndonGenchi GenbutsuHeijunkaJidokaKaizenKanbanMudaMuraMuriPokaYoke TQC Total Quality Control (see ASQ, CTQ, EFQM, Kaizen, TQM, QA, QI, QC, QM) TQM Total Quality Management (see ASQ, CTQ, EFQM, QA, QI, QC, QM, TQC) TR Treasury (R/3 Business Application Area) Track record history of the finishing times Trackers see ETF Trans transaction Transaction program standing behind the R/3 menu. Min. 1 pce per transaction with a univocal number (manually/externally or automatically/internally determined) Transaction code 4-char. code representing a task for directly going to the task screen Transp transportation Transponder TRANSmitter resPONDER TRASCOM Traveller Assistance for Combined Mobility in regional areas (see Mobile2.0, MoMo) TR-CM Cash Management. Fr: trésorerie, gestion des flux TR-FM Funds Management. Fr : comptabilité budgétaire Trialware pre-installed SW on a new PC (see crapware ) TRIP Terrorism Reinsurance and Insurance Pool TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: WTO's IP See IC, ICA, IPM Trojan an invading software that acts like the famous Trojan horse *.trm Terminal (file) TRM Total Reward Management troff DPS by ATT TRS Total Returns to Shareholders (see ROA, ROI, ROE, ROK, ROP …) TRS Transaction Reporting System Transportation Research Thesaurus: TRT . http://trt.trb.org/trt_glossary./asp TR-TM Treasury Management. Fr: Gestion de la trésorerie étendue TSC Time Stamp Counter TSDB Time Series DB : important for KM time dimension added to real world DB (see DB, RDB) TSE Tokyo Stock Exchange TSER Two Stage Entity-Relationship (information modeling tool)(see ERD) TSF (Fr) Télégraphie / Téléphonie Sans Fil (Hertz, +/- 1888) TSID Transmitting Station ID (see CSID) TSOP Thin Small Outline Package TSP Telecommunication Services Provider (see ASP, ISP) Technical Support Services (from Google) TSS TSS Touch Server Technology TSSDC Task State Segment Descriptor Cache TSUP (Fr) Témoin de SUPpression (archivage) TT Text Telephone (MS service) TTA Time-To-Answer (see TBC, TTC, TTR, TTM, TTP, TTx) TTC Time-To-Change (FBC>s )( TBC, TTL, TTM, TTR ) TTF (*.ttf) True Type Font (scalable font) (file) TTL Time-To-Live (see TBC, TCT, TTC, TTR, TTM, TTP): related to Life Cycles (LC) TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic TTM Time-To-Market (see AAT, TBC, TTC, TTP ...) TTP Time-To-Product (it's related to the PLC)(see AAT, TBC, TCT, TTC, TTR, TTL, TTM) TTR Time-To-Resolution TTR(A) Time-To-Resources (Available or to be found)(see TTM) Train / Training-The-Trainer TTT TTx global performance "pull models": TTC, TTM, TTP, TTR, DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Tty TU TUAC TUG Turing test TURN TUS (Fr) Tux TV TVI TVWS TWF twip Twitter Transaction type. Fr: Type de transaction Team Unit (see ATU, SMT, team ) Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD Terminal User Guide (operating manual) (see EUC) to determine the computer ability of thinking like a human (see AI, CAPTCHA) Traversal Using Relay NAT (used by ICE) Type d'Unité de Stock (WM) The name of the Linux penguin mascot (see the illustration) TeleVision (see HDTV) Tutored Video Instruction TV White Space band (see WRAN) Total Welfare in the Family (one) TWentIeth of a Point Social networking and microblogging service utilizing instant messaging, SMS or Web interface. To utter a maximum of 140 characters about short and/or trivial matters (www.twitter.com) TWS Timed Wire Service (telegraph) Traveling Wave Tube (NEC) TWT *.txt (TXT) Text (non-formated file)(Windows note pad file)(see RTXT) Type d'objet typosquatting TZP Planned Working Time (HR in SAP) U Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available Universal Application Architecture (see RAA) Unified Access Control: Juniper standard (see NAC, NAP, US) User Account Control Unrecoverable Application Error User Authentification Method Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter User Acceptance Test Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Unsolicited Bulk Email (see SORBS, Spam , UCE) short for "ubiquitous computing", a robot made by Tmsuk (Japan). Note: Japanese female names often end with "ko." ubiquitous computing same as pervasive computing UBL Universal Business Language (it has something to do with the semantic interoperability) UBR Unspecified Bit Rate (ATM) Ubuntu community developed Linux-based operating system Unified Communication: UC UC Upper Case UCC Uniform Commercial Code (USA) UCD User-Centered Design (see UFI) UCE Unsolicited Commercial Email (see UBE, SORBS) "utilise cette foutue boite de recherche nom de dieu" ("friendly" message on a French forum) UCI Unified Customer Interaction UCR Uniform Crime Report (USA / DoJ) (see ICVS) UCS Unicode Character System UDC Universal Decimal Classification Universal Description Discovery & Integration () UDDI UDI User Driven Innovation (see ENoLL) UDO Ultra Density Optical (for archiving) UDP User Datagram Protocol (transport layer) (see STUN) UDRP Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (see DNS)(www.dns.be) UDRT Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (see DNS) UDT Uniform Data Transfer UEC Union Europeene des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financiers UET Uniform Electronic Transaction act (USA) UFD User Friendly Design (see UFI) UFDL Universal Forms Definition Language UAA UAC UAC UAE UAM UART UAT UAVs UBE Ubiko DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf UFI User-Friendly Interface (see API, GUI, HMI, IST, UCD, UFD, UI) UFIS User-Friendly Information Society (http://cordis.europa.eu/fp5/src/t-2.htm) UFP Ultra-Fine Particle (such as what you find in a laser printer cartdridge) unfriend on a social network, someone you don't want to be a friend anymore UFS Unix File System (see UID) UGC User Generated Content (see CM) UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle (see RR) UHF Ultra-High Frequency (see HF, LF, VHF, VLF) UI User Interface (see API, AugCog , EAM, GUI, HCI, HMI, UFD, UFI) Unstructured Information : UI UIC Universal Image Code UID User Identification (UNIX) (see UFS) UIE User Interface Engineering (see API, UI, UFI) UK United Kingdom (see BC) ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration Ultra Comput er principle for high-resolution modeling of a "virtual earth" (NEC & JSTA) UMA Unlicensed Mobile Access: NW architecture, dual band GSM / Wifi technology (see UMAC) UMA Unified Memory Architecture (see SMBA, UML) UMA United Media Agencies (see ACC, CCB) UMAC UMA Consortium: to promote the UMA technology (mobility) UMB Upper Memory Block Universal Media Disc : 1,8 Gigabyte (Sony) UMD UML Unified Modeling Language (refines components in a workflow sequence)(see BPML) a common language for unifying the concern about definition, deployment, control … UMLS Unified Medical Language System (www.nem.nih.gov/mesh/) UMM Unified Maturity Model (see CMM, CMMI, PSAUMM) UMP Ultra Mobile Projector UMPC Ultra Mobile PC: ultra-compact PC with a sensitive screen (see MID, Origami ) UMS Unified Messaging Service (Universal Internet Box containing voice, fax and mail) UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (mobile phone) (see EDGE, (E)GPRS, UWB) UN United Nations (see 3P, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNM, UNWTO) UNC Universal Naming Connection UNCITRAL UN Commission on International Trade Law UNCTAD UN Commission / Conference on Trade and Development UNDP UN Development Programme UNE Unbundled Network Element UN/EDIFACT UN Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, Transport UNEP UN Unvironment Program (see IPCC) UNESCAP UN Economic & Social Commission for Asia & Pacific UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (www.unesco.org) UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees UNHDR UN Human Development Report UNI User Network Interface UNICEF UN Children's Fund, 1946 (www.unicef.org) Unicode Unicode Worldwide Character Standard (see EBCDIC) UNICORE UNIform Interface to COmputing Resources UNIMATE UNIversal MATE, the first manipulating robot (Engelberger, 1961. Patent F.C. Devol, 1954) UNIVAC UNIVersal Automatic Computer (1951: first marketed computer) (see ENIAC) UNIX Uniplexed Information & Computer Service is a multi-tasks/multi-users typed command based OS (non GUI system) developed in 1969. Updated many times (see Linux) UNM UN Member UNWTO UN World Tourism Organization UOCD User Oriented Collaborative Design UPC Universal Product Code UPC Usage Parameter Control UPI Universal Portable Interface (SAP) UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication UQ (Fr) Unité de Quantité ur your (see cu , IL) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf URI Uniform Resource Identifier (see URL, URN) URI Universal Resource Identifier URL Uniform Resource Locator (see URI, URN) URN Uniform Resource Name (see URI, URL) US Unified Security : new trend in the domain (see UAC) US United States USA United States of America USAF United States Air Force USAID United States Agency for International Development USB Universal Serial Bus (see WUSB): an access to data cards. USB2 USB 2nd generation US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (http://www.us-cert.gov/) USD Unpopular Software Detection Useful life expected usefulness of an asset lifecycle: costs are assigned to that anticipated profitable period. Usenet USEr NETwork: (www.usenet-fr.net) USIA United States Information Agency USMTF United States MTF USOC Uniform Service Ordering Code USP Unique Selling Proposition (it's related to the market positioning strategy) USPS United States Postal Service (see also DPC and CR&DPC) USPTO United States Patent & Trade Mark Office USSGL/SGL United States Standard General Ledger (http://fms.treas.gov/ussgl/index.html) US TDA US Trade & Development Agency USTR United States Trade Representative (see GSP) UT Universal Time (see UTC) UTC Coordinated Universal Time: standard based on International Atomic Time (see CUT, TAI, GMT) UTF Unicode Transmission Format Utility Internet Internet is more and more like what gas and electricity are for their users (see commodity ) UTM Unified Threat Management (technologies) UTM Universal Threat Management UTMA Unified Threat Management Appliances UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair UTRA Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (see E-UTRA) UUP Unified User Profile UV Ultra-Violet (radiation) UWB Ultra Wide Band (low energy consumption system for the broadcasting of ultra short pulses. It is supposed to easily pass the UMTS performances) UX User eXperience (see FUI) Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available V VAC Variance At Completion (see EV, ACWP, BAC, BCWP, BCWS, EAC) VAE (Fr) Valorisation des Acquis Expérientiels (France) (see ROE, ROK, ROP) *.vag PS2 / PSP sound format (sound file format) VAI Video-Assisted Instruction Valuation plan (Asset accting) is added to FI as a set of specific data of asset accounting Value Chain activities creating value & CA (see SCM, c-SCM) VAN Value Added Network VAP Value Added Process VaR Value-At-Risk (see US) VAR Value Added Reseller (see VAS) Varbinary Bit Varying (SQL) group of selection criteria field entries Variant CyCd CyCd. VAS Value Added Service (see VAR) VAT Value Added Tax(es). Fr : TVA. Dutch : BTW VAW Violence Against Women (civil and professional sociology, criminality) VBA Visual Basic for Application VBDTC Visual Basic Data Transfer Code VBE Visual Basic Editor VBI Vertical Blanking Interval VBM Value Based Management (see VCM) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf VBP Visual Basic Project VBR Variable Bit Rate (see ABR, CBR) VC Value Chain : value is made in the supply chain (see c-SCM, SCEM, SCM, VCI and KVC) VC Venture Capital (see seed money ) VC Virtual Camera VC Virtual Community (see VO) VC Volunteer Computing (see Grid Computing ) vCard or Versitcard, electronic biz card file format. Sometimes called virtual Card (see hCard, Versit) VCC Voice Call Continuity: IMS 3GPP for mobility VCE Versatile Calendar Extension *.vce Versatile Calendar Extension (file) VCI Value Chain Innovation (WEB/WEB2.0 is changing SCM and c-SCM) VCI Virtual Channel Identifier VCL Visual Library Component VCM Value Chain Management (see KVC, ROV, SCM, VCI, VCS, VBM) VCS Value Chain System (see ROV, SCEM, SCM, VCM) VDI Virtual Device Interface (see EDV) VDM Virtual Device Metafile VDP Voluntary Disclosure Program: a WB program to fight fraud and corruption in Bank operations VDT Video Display Terminal VDT Visual Display Terminal VDU Visual Display Unit *.vdx Visio XML files (see *.vsd) vector phenomenon having 2 independent properties: magnitude and direction Veep VIP (US familiar way of saying) veiled Web designates sophisticated attacks exploiting files vulnerabilities to incorporate hidden contents VEP Virtual European Parliament VER VERsion (DOS command) VERA Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (http://sunsite.ualberta.ca) Versit multivendor consortium () for PDI technology (see vCard) VESA Video Electronics Standards Association VESDA Very Early Smoke Detection Alarm (security) VF Virtual Field V(F)D Virtual (Field) Device (see EDV) VFM Value For the Money VGA Video Graphics Array (screen specs) VHDL Very high-speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language VHDs Virtual Hard Disks VHP Very High Frequency (see VLF) VHSI Very High Scale Integration VI Virtual Intelligence (see AI, SETI) VI Virtual Interactivity (see P2V, VL) VIBE Virtual Interactive Business Environment (realistically simulated business contexts) Vishing Voice scam (on the telephone, VoIP) VIKI Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence VIP Very Important Person (first concept)(see Veep ) Link them : a person identifies VIP Very Important Product (new marketing concept) himself in his consuming behavior ! VIP Very Important Page (a recurrent FBC>s title for important communication) Virtual organ ization network of independent companies to realize specific / recurrent goals Virtual PC virtualization: technology allowing one physical PC / server to act like many separate computers Virus code / program replicating itself by being copied to other programs (troubles could follow) Vista (highly criticized) MS Windows 6 (2006/2007/2008/2009) (see Windows 7) VITA VMEbus International Trade Association VITAL Virtually Integrated Technical Architecture Lifecycle VIV (*.viv) VivoActive (file) VL Virtual Life (see AI, RL, VW, Second Life ) VLAN Virtual LAN (see BAN, LAN, PAN, WAN, WLAN) VLB VESA Local Bus VLC Virtual Logic Controller VLDB Very Large DB DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf VLG VLF VLIW VLM Vlog VLSI VLT VM VM VM VMCP VME VME VMEbus VMI VML VML VMM VMS VMS VMS VMS VMU VMware VNA VNS VO VO VO VOB / *.vob vocab VoD Vodcasting VoFi VoIP Volume Vortal VoW VoWiFi VoWLAN VP VPD VPDE VPI VPI VPLS VPN VPP VPS VQB V2R or VTOR VR VR VRAM VRB VRDB VRML VRML VROOM VRS Very Large Grid Very Low Frequency (see VHP) Very Long Instruction Word Vector Markup Language videoblog (Blog link to a video) Very Large Scale Integration (IC) Very Large Telescope Virtual Machine (see P2V) Virtual Memory Vulnerability Management (see RM) VM Control Program (IBM) VersaModular Eurocard (circuit board that uses a 96-pin plug) Virtual Mode Extension (see P2V) bus (computer data path) added for use in traffic control systems Vendor-Managed Inventory (a possible service extension as from the CRM) Virtual Memory Linking Vector Markup Language (MS, HP) Virtual Memory Manager (WIN) Virtual Machine System Virtual Memory System Virtual Modelling System Visual Memory System (see VMU) Visual Memory Unit (see VMS) branding of Virtual Machine software. WMware Inc. is a subsidiary of EMC Corp. Virtual Network Architecture Virtual Network Service Virtual Organization (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com)(see AI, VC, VR, VL, Second Life ) Virtual Office (+ 10 million home workers in USA) (see SOHO) Voice Over (voice added to the picture, the movie, the IP) (see VOIP) DVD movies are stored in VOB files vocabulary Video On Demand (see NVoD) "video Podcasting " Voice over WiFi: merging VoIP and WiFi (see VoW, VoWiFi) Voice over Internet Protocol (see ToIP, VoW, VoWiFi) Hard Disk storage area Vertical Portal (specialized Portal ) Voice over Wireless: merge of VoIP and Wi-Fi (see VoFi) Voice over WiFi : designates a Wi-Fi-supported VoIP service (see VoFi) Voice over WLAN Vice President (see Veep ) Vital Product Data Videotex Presentation Data Element (see BTX) Virtual Path Identifier (see P2V) Visual Programming Interface Virtual Private LAN Service Virtual Private Net(work) (see DVCP, CoS, PVC, QoS): Virtual Presence Post Video Programming System Visual Query Builder (Borland IntraBuilder) Virtual To Reality Virtual Reality (FBWPA: www.fbc-e.com)( AI, MOO, MUD, mudding , VL, VO, Second Life ) Voice Recognition Video RAM Visual Report Builder (Borland IntraBuilder) Virus Recovery Database (built in an Anti-Virus SW) VR Markup Language (3D) Virtual Reality Modeling Language Virtual Run-Time Object-Oriented Memory Manager (Borland) Virtual Reality System DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf VRT VS VSAFE VSAM VSAT VSC *.vsd VSD VSE VSE VSH VSO VSYNC VST VStZ (Fr) VTC VTE VTOR or V2R VTL Vtrain VU (meter) VV&T VXD VW VWP VWC Vyatta Virtual Reality Tool Virtual Storage (see VTL) Virus Safe Virtual Sequential Access Method Very Small Aperture Terminal (net satellite) Very Smart Card : smart card new generation Visio documents (see *.vdx) Vendor Specific Driver Very Small Enterprise (see SMB, SME) Virtual Storage Extended (IBM) Very Severe Hole Voluntary Service Overseas Vertical Synchronization Signal (see HSYNC) Vector Segment Technology (bio-key from Bio-Key International, Minnesota: www.bio-key.com) Version de statut de zone Virtual Training Center (see CBT, WBT) Virtual Training Environment Virtual To Reality Virtual Tape Library (see VS) Vocabulary Trainer (www.vtrain.net) Volume Unit (meter) Verification, Validation and Test: procedure utilized in a project management Virtual Device Driver (see VS, VTL) Virtual World (see AI, VL, VO, VR, Second Life ) Virtual Work Place Variable Warehouse Costs Open-Source Networking: open-source router , firewall , VPN solution W Note: FBWPA = Free Business White Page Available W3C WWW Consortium (www.w3.org)(see WWW) W4 WWW Worms (typical NET bugs) WA Weighted-Average (process-costing) WAAS Wide Area Application Services WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System: accuracy addition to standard GPS system *.wab Windows Addresses Book (file format). Sometimes called Web Addresses Book Wabbit self-replicating malware form WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital (Stern Stewart) WADS Wide Area Data Services WAE Wireless Application Environnement (see WDN, WDP, WSP, WTLS, WTP) Woman Accepting Factor () WAF WAFS Wide-Area File Services: data WAIS Wide Area Information Server (NET tool) WAM WEB Access Management (see IAM) WAN Wide Area Networks (see BAN, LAN, PAN, SAN, VLAN, WAN, WLAN, WPAN) WAP Wireless Application Protocol (Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola : GSM connected to the NET) WAR Weekly Activity Report (see DAR) War chalking Chalked wall indication designating unprotected wireless accesses (security matter) War driving Roving around enterprises with a wireless modem PC equipped for picking infos or free lines WARIA Workflow And Reengineering International Association (www.waria.com) warp speed FTL speed in Star Trek (www.startrek.com) war room business (war) games organized for investigating the issues of significant moves WAS Web Application Server (SAP : Java and ABAP motors) WAS Web Application Security (see WASC, WHID) WASC Web Application Security Consortium (http://www.webappsec.org/projects/whid/) WaSP Web Standard Project (see WSP at WaSP: http://webstandards.org/) watt unit of electrical power *.wav (WAV) WAVe Sound (sound sample format) Warm Boot reset WB World Bank (www.worldbank.org)(see VDP) WBA Web-Based Assessment (see WBL, WBT) WBEM Web-Based Enterprise Management DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf WBI WBI WBL WBM WBO WBS WBSB WBT WCA W-CDMA WCG WCG WCIT2008 WCLXG WCM WCM WCMS WCO WCO WCSS WDM WDM WDN WDP WDSL WEB WEB2.0 Web Browsing Intelligence (SW intermediary) World Bank Institute Web-Based Learning for JITT (see WBA, WBT) World Bureau of Marketing sprl/bvba, Brussels (www.fbc-e.com) Workbench Organizer : create, administer, release, analyze change requests Work Breakdown Structure. Fr: OTP (Project Management/PM, PMI, PMBOK)(see PBS) WBS Board (see PBB, SPB) Web-Based Training (see CAT, CBT, IBT, LCMS, LMS, WBA, WBT) World Cargo Alliance Wide-Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) : GSM's evolution demands more wide band World Community Grid , by IBM (http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org)(see NAREGI, NGI) World Cyber Game (competition) World Congress in IT which has been hosted by Malaysia in 2008 W3C Content Label Incubator Group (www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/wcl/XGR-report/) World Class Manufacturing (example : Kaizen )(see WCO) Web Content Management (see CM, ECM, TCM) Web Content Management System (see CM, ECM, TCM) World Class Organization (see WCM) World Custom Organization Worldwide Chain StoreS (IBM link to SAP) Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (see DWDM, OADM, ONE, SDH, SON, SONET, TDM) Windows Driver Model (pilot) Wireless Data Network (see WAE, WDP, WSP, WTLS, WTP) Wireless Datagram Protocol (see WAE, WDN, WSP, WTLS, WTP) Web service Description Language www / World Wide Web or "the Web / WEB" (see CWEB) Advanced Internet technologies and applications (all conveniences for greater collaboration and interactivity. See: cloud computing , social software ). Coined by O'reilly. FBM Web 2.0-ish having the WEB2.0 characteristics or properties WEB3.0 or 3D WEB2.0 expected suite: mobility, semantic, 3D (look at Google 3D warehouse) Web-Based TCO get the operating costs of the hard copy production at the site (HP Web-Based TCO Tool) Webby Awards International WEB excellence recognition (see IADAS) WebDAV Web-based DAV: LMS(see DASL) WEBEDI EDI is made available on the WEB by a company for its partners Webinar seminar through the WEB WebOS Web Operating System (WEB2.0 subsequent terminology) (see DOS, IOS, OS) Web surfing see browser , browsing the Web WDIDS Wireless Distributed Intrusion Detection System (see IIDRS) WEF World Economic Forum (ex. Global Competitiveness Report) Windows Enhanced Mode WEM WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy (see 802.11b) WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy WESP World Executives Search & Profiling (http://www.xing.com/net/wesp) Wetware the human "ware" (brain and nervous system)(see also AR, BAN) WFB World Fact Book (CIA) Windows Foundation Class WFC Windows File Protection WFP WFP World Food Programme WFS Wave Field Synthesis WFS Web Feature Server WFS Wired For Sound WFM Workflow Management WfMC Workflow Management Coalition WG Working Group Windows Genuine Advantage WGA W.H. White House (US Governement Administration) WH5 Who, What, Where, When, Why method (see WH+H): could be conveniently related to BPML WH+H WH5 + How method (FBC>s methodology) whaking wireless hacking WHID Web Hacking Incidents Database (http://www.webappsec.org/projects/whid/whid.shtml) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf WHO WHQL whsle WIA WiDEN Widgets World Health Organization Windows HW Quality Lab (certification) wholesale Windows Image Acquisition Wideband integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network (see iDEN) JavaScript runtime engine for Windows & Mac OS X running little files: alarm clocks, calculators, WiFi signal strength indication, local weather information: http://widgets.yahoo.com/ WIDL WEB Interface Definition (meta)Language WiFi / Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity (wireless Internet. See also Hotspot, 802.11, WEP, WPA) Wifi on steroids see WIMAX WiFi5 Based on the IEEE 802.11a WLAN (5GHz band) products (Wi-Fi Alliance) Nintendo game released on November 19, 2006, Wii Wiki server program allowing easy collaboration in the building of a Web site (www.wikipedia.org/) EN. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki, Fr. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki WikiBiz.biz biz (at) wikibiz.biz (www.fbc-e.com) Wikibiz.info info (at) wikibiz.info (www.fbc-e.com) Wikinomics "How mass collaboration changes everything" (Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams) Jan 2001, created by the users Web-based collaborative encyclopedia ( Intellipedia Wiki , Wikipedia Wikibiz.biz , Wikinomics ) WILD Wireless Internet Learning Device (see LMS and others) wildcard an unforeseenable factor : hummm, really unforeseenable ? (www.fbc-e.com) WIMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (also called Wifi on steroids ) Windows, Icons, Menus/Mice, Pointing WIMP Windows (Microsoft / USA : Bill Gates) WIN WIN98 Second Edition WIN98 SE Computer Information Manager for WIN WinCIM WinCE WIN95 cut down version (HPC & GSM) Windows Graphics WinG WinHEC Windows HW Engineering Conference Windows 7 new Windows. Anticipated year of issuance : 2010 (see VISTA) Windows NT Windows New Technology Windows Internet Naming Service WINS Windows + Intel WINTEL WIP Work-In-Process (see FG, JIT) WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization (see EPO, IP) WIS Workflow Information System (to check where a work item is at any time) WISDOM Wide In Silico Docking On Malaria (Grid project) WISER World Index of Social and Environmental Responsibility WISP Wireless ISP WITSA World Information Technology and Services Alliance *.wiz wizard (file) Wizard assisting functionalities Withholding tax Withheld part of an invoice reported to the tax authorities (i.e. VAT) wk week Lotus 1-2-3 file *.wk Microsoft Works file *.wks wl wavelength WLAN Wireless Local Area Network (see LAN, PAN, SAN, VLAN, VoWLAN, WAN) WM Warehouse Management (see LES - WMS, MM-WM) Windows Media Audio (sound file format) *.wma WMC Weighted Methods per Class (one of the most popular metrics) WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction (does it include the energy grid and / or communication NW ?) Windows Media DataBase (file) *.wmdb WMF (*.wmf) Windows Metafile Format (graphic file) Windows Management Instrumentation WMI WML Wireless Mark-up Language Windows MarketPlace for Mobile WMM Windows Media Player WMP WMRM Write Many and Read Many WMS Warehouse Management System (see WM) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf WMS Web Map Server Windows Media Video (file) *.wmv WNC Wireless Network Connection Windows File Viewer WNFV WNT Wireless Networking Technology WOA Web Oriented Architecture (see ROA, SOA) Wobulation imaging technology that doubles image resolution (HP) WODE Write Once Debug Everywhere (see WORA) WOFE Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (see FIE) WOL Wake-On-LAN (capability) wolfpack alias for the Microsoft Cluster Server (see MSCS). Copenhagen, 8 March 1910, the Women Meeting decision: Women day WOMM Word of Mouth Marketing WORA Write Once Run Anywhere (see WODE) sophisticated flexible text processor, an application being part of Microsoft Office WORD Word processing SAP supports the use of MS WORD as an external word processor : DOC and RTF are stored in the system but not activated. Workaholic work being considered as the top virtue creating overachievers. Workbench Tool for comparing and managing projects and strategies developments Workflow Sequence of steps processed by people or automatically by the system. Fr: Séquence d'étapes traitées par les opérateurs ou automatiquement par le système. Can use E-mail, EDI, ALE. Work package WBS lowest level deliverable. Fr : OTP World is flat "The World is Flat" : a worm standalone working program making clones of itself. Worms try to invade the Net. WORM Write Once and Read Many (kind of bug) WOS Web Operating System (WEB2.0 subsequent terminology) (see DOS, IOS, OS, WebOS) WOS Wireless Office Service (see WIC) Windows Open Source Architecture WOSA WOT Web Of Trust (see FOAF) WOTS see SWOT, COBRA WoW World of Warcraft, a pay-to-play MMORPG from Blizzard Entertainment (www.blizzard.com) WP Word Processor / Processing WP Work Package (project mgmt, PM, PMI, PM BOK, PMO, PSO) WP Work Place (see SAS) WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access (part of 802.11i) to replace WEP WPA2 more security: prevents interlopers from intercepting your transmissions WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network (see BAN, LAN, LAWN, PAN, SAN, VLAN, WAN) *.wpd Word Perfect Document (file), Word Perfect 6.0 & 6.1 (see *.wpf) *.wpf Word Perfect 4.2 & 5.1 (see *.wpd) WordPerfect Graphics Metafile *.wpg WPEL4WS XML-based language (similar to SOAP)(see BPEL, BPEL4WS) Microsoft solution for delivering rich, cross-platform, interactive experiences WPF/E WPG (*.wpg) Word Perfect Graphic WPM Word Per Minute WPPO World Periodical Press Organization Works Word Processor (Microsoft Works file extension) *.wps WPS WorkPlace Shell (see CWE) Windows Printing System WPS *.wq1 Quattro Pro / DOS file WRAM Windows RAM (dual-ported memory) WRAN Wireless Regional Area Network (see 802.22, BAN, LAN, PAN, WAN, … TVWS) *.wri WordPad Document (texte file format) WRM Windows Right Management (see DRM, IRM) WRP Workplace Rights Policy (see HR, HRM) WS Web Service WSBI World Savings Bank Institute WSC Web-Scale Computing WSDL Web Services Definition / Description Language (XML-based Web open standard) WSFL Web Services Flow Language WSH Windows Service Hardening: the 4-layer Vista security system DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf WSH WSI WSIS WSML WSN WSNA WSP WSP WSPP WSRF WSRP WSS WSS WSS WSS WSUS wt wt WTG WTI WTLS WTO WTP WTTC WTX (*.wtx) WTX WUPS WUSB WVAT w/w WW WWI WWII WWAAC WWAN WWDDG WWDSSHEX WWF WWG WWM WWRF WWTW WWW WWW WWW WWW WWWM WYS/WYA WYS/WYG Windows Scripting Host (WIN98, NT5,0) Web Service Inspection World Summit on the Information Society (Nov. 2005) Web Services Markup Language Wireless Sensor Networks (see ENSS) WSN and Applications (see REALWSN) Web Standard Project (see WaSP : http://webstandards.org/) Wireless Session Protocol (see WAE, WDN, WDP, WTLS, WTP) Workgroup Server Protocol Program Web Services Resource Framework : OGSI replacement Web Services for Remote Portals Web Services Substrate Wide Screen Signalling Windows SharePoint Services Wireless Systems Security (see ICE) Windows System Update Services (generally server-based) warrant weight Way-To-Go (Project Management, PGC's slogan and global methodology designation) Web Telephony Integration (weetee)(example : http://wti.dmoon.be/) Wireless Transport Layer Security (see WAE, WDN, WDP, WSP, WTP) World Trade Organization. Fr : OMC = Organisation Mondiale du Commerce Wireless Transaction Protocol (see WAE, WDN, WSP, WTLS, WTP) World Travel & Tourism Council Win Text (file) Workstation Technology eXtended (format) Western Union Payment System Wireless USB Web Vulnerability Assessment Tools. wall to wall Wild West: remembering the Far-West where no one was to be trusted (see the "red" WWW) World War I (1914-18) World War II (1940-45) World-Wide Augmentative & Alternative Communication () Wireless Wide Area Networks (see LAN, PAN, SAN, VLAN, WAN, WLAN, WPAN) World Wide Distributed Data Grids (see Grid Computing ) Weather Working Days, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays Excepted World Wide Fund for Nature World Wide Grid (see Grid Computing ) Wireless Warehouse Management Wireless World Research Forum Worldwide Technology Watch Watching Wicked Women : definition for the Web nude pages addicted surfers. World Wide Wait … when that doesn't run quick enough ! (see Nyetscape ) World Wide Web (see W3C) … the real definition! Wild West Web: WWW Marketing (see MoMo , Mobile Marketing , Mobblogging ) What You See Is What You Ask What You See Is What You Get X X2 X.400 X.500 XA XALS XAML XAPIA Xapps XBM XBRL modem protocol (US Robotics) International message -handling standard for connecting email network to each other (UIT-T ptcl) International message-handling standard for directory service eXtended Architecture (CD-ROM XA) eXtended Application Layer Structure eXtensible Application Markup Language (see xCBL, XFDL, XKMS, XML) X.400 API Association Cross Applications X-Windows Bitmap (see BMP) eXtended Business Reporting Language DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf xCBL XCMD XCMOS XCP xDAP XDR xDSL XERP XFCN XFDL XFN XGA XHTML XI XIF (*.xif) XKMS *.xla *.xlb *.xlc *.xlk *.xll *.xlm *.xls *.xlt *.xlw *.xm XMI XML *.xml XMM © XMP XMPP XMS XOM XNS XOR (Fr) XORP *.xp XP XPATH XPDK XPDL XPM (*.xpm) XLS XSF XSLT XSS XT XTP XWD XXL XML Common Business Library (see also CBL) eXternal CoMmanD (Apple Hypercard lang.) eXtended CMOS eXtended Copy Protection : SW preventing the CD copy (see RID) XML-MTF Dissemination and Presentation eXternal Data Representation Digital Subscriber Line (see ADSL, SDSL) eXtended ERP eXternal FunCtioN (Apple Hypercard lang.) Extensible Forms Description Language (special use of XML) XHTML Friends Network eXtended Graphic Array Extensible HyperText Markup Language (see XML) eXchange Infrastructure Xerox Image Format (file) XML Key Management Specification (see PKI) Excel additional macros (file) Excel tool bar (file) Excel graphic file Excel back-up file Excel additional macros (file) Excel macros (file) Excel format (file) Excel models file Excel 4.0 environment file FastTracker 2 modules (sound file format) XML MetaData Interchange eXtensible Markup Language (not fixed like HTML, XHTML) eXtended Management Map (FBC>s ) (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com)(see also "41") eXtensible Metadata Platform (developed by Adobe) eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (http://www.xmpp.org/)(see XSF) Extended Memory Specification eXternal Output Management (see OMS, LOMS, ROMS) Xerox Network Service opérateur logique "ou exclusif" (voir OR et AND) Extensible Open Router Platform eXternal Procedure (EasyCad) eXtreme Programming (www.xprogramming.com) XML PATH language (open standard) Cross Platform Developers Kit format for process design interchange: www.ebizq.net/hot_topics/bpm/features/7852.html X-Windows Pix Map eXtensible Style Sheet Language (data driver) XMPP Standards Foundation XML Stylesheet Language (transforming language open standard) Cross-Site Scripting : attack method (see ICE, WHID) eXtended Technology (IBM PC type) eXternal Transaction Processor X-Windows Dump eXtended eXport of Lists Y Y2K Year 2000 (Millenium bug syndrom) (FBWPA : info@fbc-e.com) doomsdate = calendar that causes errors What's a domino effect = non-Y2K-compliant system that bugs a Y2K-compliant system Pay attention to something "worst than the domino effect" : the speed acceleration within the enterprises and society organization. Plus de propagation phenomenon. leap second = one more second to be added at the end of 1999 -before the Y2K !and to be programmed in PCs managing military equipments, satellites, etc … orphan application = SW developped by a company that doesn't exist any more. It could be a problem during an EAI implementation. DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf YAAS YAHOO YAM YATLA YAUN Yettie YMD YMODEM YOYO Yottaoctet *.ypl *.yps YTD Y-WAY Time Bomb=Y2K book of Ed and Jennifer Yourdon (Prentice Hall Computer Books) Y2KBB = Y2K Bug Buster (system and/or SW) Web sites www.score.org = service of retired executives www.year2000.com = clearinghouse of Y2K information See also : CDC, COBRA, MRRS, MSY2KFAQ, NIST, SEC. Yet Another Acronym Server Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle Yet Another Modem Yet Another Three Letter Acronym (see TLA) Yet Another Unix Nerd Young Entrepreneur of Technologies (e-Economy & start-up jargon) Year-Month-Date (ISO 8601) i.e. 2009-10-26 File transfer protocol You're On Your Own (Net jargon)(see IL) 1024 x Zettaoctets (see Bit, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa) Yahoo Player Playlist ( file extension) Yahoo Instant Messenger (file extension) Year-To-Date Information Wide Area Year (GRID computing experimentation) (see FAFNER) Z Z Atmic number z 42-013 electronic archiving norm (CD-R, DVD-R, TrueWORM, Permanent WORM, UDO, Blu-Ray …) ZA Zen Attitude (see CSF) ZA Zero Administration (networking) ZAD Zero Administration Deployment (see AND) ZAI Zero Administration Initiative Zero Administration Kit (Microsoft) ZAK ZAPP Zero Assignment Parallel Processor Zero Administration for Windows (Microsoft) ZAW ZBB Zero-Based Budgeting (mgmt) ZBB Zero-Bug Bounce Zilog Bulletin Board Service ZBBS ZBR Zero Bug Release ZBT Zero Balance Transfer ZBTSI Zero Byte Time Slot Interchange ZCC Zero Core Contribution ZCS Zero Code Suppression ZD Zero Defect (production concept)(see EFQM, QA, QC, QM, TQM …) ZD Ziff-Davis Zero Effort Network (Novell) ZEN Zero Effort Networks for users (NOVELL) Zen Works Zero-based budgeting reconsideration of the budget every year as from the base "zero" (or from "scratch") Zero-day Emergency Response Team: ZERT Zetaoctet 1024 x Exaoctets (see Yottaoctet and Bit, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa) ZI Zenographics Inquiry (program calling the SCSI card) ZIF Zero Insertion Force ZIGBEE Low cost, high level short range transmission protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 (see Blue tooth) ZIP (*.zip) Compression (file) (Nico MAK Computing) (see compress , archiving , RAR) ZIS Zone Information Socket ZISC Zero Instruction Set Computer ZIT Zone Information Table ZLE (S) Zero Latency Enterprise (Solution) : quick / real-time view of the business (MS) Zero Mainframe Footprint ZMF ZMODEM File transfer protocol Spybot variant propagating more effectively (see RBB) zombies NW malware invaded PC network forwarding large quantities of spam ZOO Zone Operation Organisation Microsoft portable digital media player (November 2006) Zune ZV Zoom Video (port) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Future-Based Consultancy & Solutions International Organizational Change & Knowledge Management Brussels (BE), Denver (USA), Vichy (FR) Pacific Building Central Office 14 / 1403, Willems Street B-1210 Brussels, Belgium Phone 322 230 9590 Mobile 32 (0) 476 521 060 email fbc-s (at) fbc-e (dot) com (robots won't take it that way !) URL FBC>s www.fbc-e.com URL KMiB http://www.knowledgeboard.com/open_groups/km_in_belgium/ email dcrenson1 (at) km-community (dot) be blog http://bizz-exert.blogspot.com Strive in action (Fr) blog http://groups.google.be/group/knowledge2be Knowledge to be (En) blog http://web2bizclub.blogspot.com/ WEB2.0 discussion (En) DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf