Issue 4 2013
Issue 4 2013
ISSUE 4 · 2013 I FEEL GOOD - THE FEEL-GOOD MAGAZINE! n F oot gout: not a minor issue n G EHWOL Heel Cushion G: good relief and care n R eise zu gewinnen! Dieses Mal: Allgäu-Romantik in Füssen BALLE T DANCING Graceful high load on the feet It looks beautiful and fascinating when ballet dancers make their magic with their “Fouetté en tournant”, “Pas de deux” or “Relevé” on the world‘s stages. The path there is difficult and stressful, as the documentary “First Position” shows. The career is often accompanied by massive foot problems. When dancing barefoot, dancers may get caught by their small toe and fracture it. Stepping on the foot, for instance in the duet “Pas de deux”, can also lead to such results. The massive strain of ballet also causes pain on the outer foot edge or impaired plantar flexion (motion of the foot in the talocalcanean joint in the direction of the foot sole) in some cases. It is also not uncommon for men to suffer torn Achilles tendons. Ballet training contributes to building strength and strengthening the musculature, as well as the mobility and flexibility of the feet. During trainings and shows, dancers often stand on the “half tip”, the so called Relevé. Leaps or turns such as the “Fouetté en tournant” must be captured by the frontal foot, placing it under strong pressure. Those who choose ballet therefore have a risk of developing physical injuries sooner or later. 100 percent fit “Most problems such as blisters are luckily harmless”, says Prof. Jason Beechey, headmaster of the renowned Palucca College of Dance in Dresden. Wear as well as wrong load and overload can place further strains on the body. “It‘s important for institutions to have a sprung dance floor. Several hours of intensive training per day on a hard or unsuitable floor can cause many severe problems. Dislocations or stretched muscles and ligaments, on the other hand, are often caused by small accidents”, Beechey continues. Deformed and broken Foto: FIRST POSITION Hallux valgus, an angled position of the large toe, is widespread. The dropped crosswise arch weakens the frontal foot. The large toe evades lateral pressure by moving towards the middle of the foot. If this wrong position is not counteracted in time, the ligaments and muscles of the large toe shorten, and the malposition becomes rigid. Affected persons often suffer from pressure spots on the large toe and between the toes. There is little protection against foot problems for active persons. But the most important preventive measures include building muscles, since this generally improves stability. Those who start ballet should wait with pointe until their 12th year of life. Only at that time, the metatarsal bones will be formed in most people, and are better able to withstand pressure. Dance shoes should also fit 100 percent, since feet increase in volume during dancing due to stronger circulation. Prof. Beechey gives the following general advice: “Dancers should direct the maximum of attention to the use and wear of their feet.” Big dreams The film “First Position” by Bess Kargman impressively shows the difficult path chosen by young ballet dancers. The camera follows six exceptionally talented young persons on their way to the Youth America Grand Prix, the largest and most renowned successor competition. For the young dancers, this is about everything. Wholeheartedly and passionately, with bloody feet and painful limbs, they feverishly pursue their goal: their big appearance on the floor, which means the world to them. “First Position” can be seen in programme cinemas in more than 40 German cities since 04 July 2013. ASKED ABOUT... Anke Schmitz, Podologist and vice head of the Essen podology school Anette Bauer, Oberstaufen A few days ago, I found some red spots on my left foot. The affected skin is scaly and very itchy. What might be the problem? Swelling, redness and itchiness are signs of inflammation. Our body reacts to a damaging form of irritation in this manner. The inflammation is a sign of the immune reaction. The body wants to create the prerequisites for the body‘s own healing mechanisms to remove the irritation. Examples of external triggers include infections with bacteria, viruses or fungi. Foot fungus, for instance, is the most frequent skin disorder in humans. Estimates state that approximately 30 percent of all citizens are affected by it. Foot fungus appears particularly in the spaces between the toes and shows itself with itching, redness and scaly skin. But internal stimuli can also be responsible for inflammation, such as allergies or neurodermitis. Gout also causes not only severe pain, but may also cause swelling and inflammation. The disorder develops due to deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints. It affects the base joint of the large toe with particular frequency. It‘s difficult to say at a distance what may have triggered the inflammation in this case. It‘s therefore absolutely necessary to discuss the problem locally with the treating dermatologist or podologist. In principle, a well cared for foot is the best prerequisite for inflammations not even occurring in the first place. Applying suitable foot care products to the feet primarily serves to support the skin‘s self-protection capacities. A product containing bisabolol (such as GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Leg Vitality) can help for mild inflammations. The active substance of chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties which support healing, and also acts against skin fungi. FOOT GOUT Not a minor issue This is how you can prevent gout attacks: n Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, particularly beer (also non-alcoholic). Gout used to be known as the illness of kings. Charlemagne, Frederick the 2nd and Ludwig XIV all suffered from the illness, which is known as a disease of the well-to-do today. Diet and overweight are among the main causes of the illness. Nowadays, gout is more than just a “nobility problem”. In modern civilisation, there is also a higher risk of developing gout. This is due to the so called purines, vital components of cell nuclei which are particularly found in meat. They are formed when protein is metabolised and are largely excreted as uric acid by the body. If blood levels of uric acid are permanently elevated, uric acid crystals become embedded in the joints. They are called gout nodes and trigger a severe inflammatory reaction. Alcohol additionally intensifies this effect, since it reduces the excretion of uric acid. How does gout develop? Depending on the cause, gout can be divided into the primary and secondary forms. In primary gout, there is a disorder in uric acid excretion via the kidneys. This is often encouraged by a purine-rich diet. Inherited increased uric acid formation is rarer. Secondary gout is rarer and develops as a consequence of various underlying illnesses, e.g. blood cancer, kidney damage, poorly adjusted diabetes or when taking certain animal foods which contain a large amount of purines, such as innards, crustaceans, certain types of fish (such as oil sardines, anchovies and herring), the skin of poultry and fish, as well as hog skin. n On the other hand, eggs, milk and dairy products are practically free of purines. Foto: Giuseppe Porzani / fotolia It usually starts with good food in good company. For the main parts of a great social evening - meat and alcohol - often trigger an acute gout attack. During the night or on the next morning, the affected joint suddenly shows swelling, redness and severe pain. It often affects the foot, and there, especially the base joint of the large toe. n Avoid n You can also eat vegetables, potatoes, fruit, pasta and rice with no doubts. n Plant foods such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach, podded vegetables and nuts also contain a lot of purines and should therefore only be eaten rarely. Avoid purine-rich diet and alcohol! medications. This either leads to increased uric acid production, or to an acquired excretion disorder via the kidneys. Gout is not a “minor issue”, as its old name would indicate, but a serious disorder. Elevated uric acid parameters in the blood may already be present before symptoms appear. An acute gout attack is then triggered by a purine-rich diet, large amounts of alcohol or extreme physical strain as well as stress. In foot gout (podagra), the classic signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, pain) may spread to the entire foot. The skin appears bluish, later highly reddened, glassy and shiny. The gout attack may last hours to days. Fever and an elevated heart rate are common accompanying signs. Even if there are symptom-free phases between attacks, the illness advanced unnoticed. If the illness is not treated at a sufficiently early time by lifestyle changes, gout may become a chronic disorder. A fatty diet, alcohol consumption or stress can further elevate blood levels of uric acid. More and more gout nodes form. Advancing joint and bone destruction leads to visible deformities. n Accompanying weight loss is a mandatory part of therapy if there is excess weight. How to help n Fluid intake of two to three liters per day, e.g. tea or mineral water, is helpful for excreting uric acid. Left untreated, gout can lead to joint destruction and stiffness. To prevent the illness from advancing this far in the first place, therapy first focuses on lowering blood uric acid levels with a low purine diet. To provide relief to the affected foot in an acute case, cold treatment, high positioning of the foot and walking supports can help. n It‘s not necessary to avoid coffee, tea and cocoa. They contain purines which are not metabolised into uric acid. n Regular physical exercise, e.g. with dance, yoga or muscle building exercises, helps keep the joints mobile. n Foot exercises and foot baths which encourage circulation are good supportive therapy for foot gout. Foto: pixs-sell / fotolia WHAT IS… Alkaline foot care PH 5.5 is from yesterday. For pH-neutral skin care does not necessarily mean an acid pH. Rather, the care should be matched to skin conditions. For instance, our feet tend to need an alkaline product. pH is a measure of the acid or alkaline nature of a solution. The scale ranges from a pH of 0 for very acid and pH 14 for very alkaline levels. Water is neutral and therefore has the central value of 7. This means that acids and alkali are balanced in the water. If a care product has a pH of 5.5, this corresponds to the skin‘s natural pH. However this is normally measured on the forearm. Other body areas have a very different pH. Alkaline care is receiving greater focus again today. It is based on the knowledge that humans are alkaline beings. Many body processes need an alkaline environment with a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 to function properly. Supporters of the alkaline life philosophy regard our current living conditions with stress, unhealthy diets and environmental burdens as the cause of over-acidification of the body. According to this philosophy, alkaline care is intended to correct this imbalance. But both adherence to the pH of 5.5 which is known as pH skin neutral and general alkaline skin care are disputed today. Instead, care should be precisely adapted to the corresponding skin areas. For instance, a pH of 5.5 is certainly the right choice for facial care. Not cast in stone - foot care can also be alkaline Since the foot skin tends to be alkaline, products which also tend to be chemically neutral to mildly alkaline are beneficial in foot care. They ensure that acidic degradation products are removed from the skin metabolism and transported out. Alkaline conditions also accelerate certain metabolic processes. For instance, the body‘s own skin regeneration is activated. In this way, alkaline foot care optimally contributes to moisture regulation and natural refatting processes. FÜSSEN Foto: Füssen Tourismus und Marketing / Foto: Tristan3D / fotolia Allgäu-Romantik Sanfte Hügel vor einer imposanten Alpenkulisse – das Allgäu zählt zu den schönsten Wander- und Urlaubsregionen in Bayern. Ob Genusswandern, Mountain-Bike-Trail, ein Stadtbummel durch die romantische Stadt Füssen oder ein Besuch des berühmten Schlosses Neuschwanstein – die perfekte Symbiose aus Erholung und Aktivität macht die Region zum idealen Urlaubsziel. Einer Theorie zufolge leitet sich der Name „Allgäu“ vom althochdeutschen Wort „alb“ für Berg oder Bergwiese und dem mittelhochdeutschen Wort „göu“ ab, was so viel wie Landschaft bedeutet. Eben diese wildromantische Wiesenlandschaft mit grasenden Kühen und glasklaren Seen vor schroffen Gipfeln zieht Wander- und Naturliebhaber aus aller Welt in die Voralpenregion. Im Herzen des Allgäus Foto: Füssen Tourismus und Marketing / Der Kurort Füssen liegt im östlichen Allgäu am Kreuzungspunkt der „romanischen Straße“ mit der „Deutschen Alpenstraße“. Wandern auf königlichen Spuren Der Ort besticht vor allem durch seine liebliche Lage, umrahmt von Hochgebirgsgipfeln und malerischen Badeseen. Aber auch die Stadt selbst lädt zum Verweilen ein. Wegen ihrer verwinkelten mittelalterlichen Gässchen, den belebten Plätzen und zahlreichen Cafés wird Füssen gerne auch als „nördlichste Stadt Italiens“ bezeichnet. Auch kulturell hat die Stadt einiges zu bieten. Das imposante Benediktinerkloster St. Mang hoch über dem Lechufer beherbergt heute das Museum der Stadt Füssen, in dem neben prächtigen Barocksälen eine der schönsten Sammlungen historischer Lauten und Geigen zu sehen ist. Das Hohe Schloss dagegen lockt mit einzigartigen spätmittelalterlichen Illusionsmalereien an den Hoffassaden und einer Filialgalerie der Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen. Kulturgenuss Bei einem Urlaub im Allgäu darf natürlich auch ein Besuch des berühmten Schlosses Neuschwanstein nicht fehlen. Es zählt zu den bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten Deutschlands und ist nur einen Katzensprung entfernt. Das „Märchenschloss“ aus dem 19. Jahrhundert ist einer Ritterburg aus dem Mittelalter nachempfunden und zieht jährlich 1,3 Millionen Besucher in seinen Bann. Ebenfalls sehenswert ist das neugotische Schloss Hohenschwangau. Wandern auf drei Höhenlagen Wandern liegt im Trend. Dabei muss es nicht immer der anspruchsvolle Klettersteig sein. Wandern im Allgäu heißt Wandern auf drei Höhenlagen: flach, hügelig oder im Gebirge. So findet sich für jeden Wanderfreund die passende Strecke. Genusswanderer kommen auf den Seeuferwegen des Forggensees oder der hügeligen Voralpenlandschaft auf ihre Kosten. Ambitionierte Wanderer zieht es stattdessen eher auf die Hochgebirgsgipfel der Ammergauer, Lechtaler und Tannheimer Alpen. Schon König Ludwig II., der in der Füssener Region aufwuchs, war ein begeisterter Wanderer. Heute kann man auf königlichen Spuren seine liebsten Touren nachwandern. Dabei führen sie den Wanderfreund nicht nur durch das Gebiet rund um die Schlösser Neuschwanstein und Hohenschwangau, sondern bis hinein ins benachbarte Tirol. Unterwegs auf zwei Rädern Nicht nur geübte Mountainbiker und Rennradprofis können die schöne Allgäulandschaft auf zwei Rädern genießen. Radurlaub mit Das Allgäu – saftig grüne Wiesen vor schroffen Berghängen dem E-Bike gewinnt immer mehr Anhänger und ermöglicht es auch dem weniger geübten Radfahrer, Bergpassagen fast mühelos zu meistern. Der Elektromotor des Fahrrads verstärkt die eigenen Tretbewegungen um das Dreifache. Damit sind auch längere Touren kein Problem mehr und die Gelenke werden geschont. Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit einer Radtour um den Forggensee? Wer weder Rad- noch Wanderfreund ist, findet im Allgäu sicher eine Alternative. Ob Schwimmen, Paragliding, Segeln, Tennis, Reiten, Golfen oder Angeln – im Allgäu bleibt fast kein Wunsch offen. Und taucht der erste Schnee die Landschaft in ein zartes Weiß, steht die Voralpenregion ganz im Zeichen des Wintersports. Schneeschuhwanderungen, Skilanglauf und rasante Rodelpisten locken dann die Wintergäste. Mehr Informationen: Füssen Tourismus und Marketing Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 1 87629 Füssen Telefon: 08362 9385-0 GEHWOL HEEL CUSHION G Good care and relief Elastic pressure relief articles have proven themselves in foot care since years. The GEHWOL Heel Cushion G is made from highly elastic polymer gel and is used to relieve the knee joints, talocalcanean joints and hip joints. The heel bears most of our body weight, so that it already has a high load. It becomes painful when it is overloaded. This pain may radiate into the foot, knee and hip joints as well as the lumbar and cervical spine. Relief is provided by an elastic foot cushion such as the GEHWOL Heel Cushion G which is used in foot care. Classic pressure relief materials such as polyurethane foam, latex and silicone are not optimally adjusted to the foot‘s needs in terms of their motion and stretching behaviours. under strong strain than under only mild pressure. In this manner, polymer pressure relief articles can generate relief which is adjusted to every movement process with anatomical precision. Due to an innovative injection moulding process, it is possible to produce the polymer products from one piece. This ensures an optimal hold and high precision fit. Therefore the GEHWOL Heel Cushion G is made from highly elastic polymer gel, which was discovered by the synthetics industry in 1988. Polymers are a chemical compound from many similar molecules which form branched chains. This forms a three-dimensional network whose pores are filled with fluids. This also gives the material its excellent pressure relieving properties. Its gel-like consistency ensures that the material changes its shape under pressure, but immediately returns to its original state when the pressure is removed. The utilised polymer gel also has caring properties. For instance, paraffin oil can be worked in during processing. It is released in tiny quantities in every compression and can unfold its skin nourishing and callus softening properties at the affected location. Polymer gel in foot care Its form changing abilities make polymer gel into an ideal raw material for producing foot care products. It reacts flexibly into all directions and changes its shape depending on the acting pressure intensity and direction. The material compensates more strongly Foto: GEHWOL PREISRÄTSEL 2.–20. Preis Unter allen Gewinnspielteilnehmern verlosen wir einen 3-Nächte-Aufenthalt im Spa- und Wellnesshotel Sommer in Füssen. Je ein sechsteiliges Set mit GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT-Präparaten für aktive, wetterfest gepflegte Füße und Beine. Am Ufer des Forggensees am Rande der auf 850 Meter Höhe gelegenen Stadt Füssen liegt das Hotel Sommer. Das Wellnesshotel ist der perfekte Ausgangspunkt für zahlreiche Aktivitäten in der Umgebung – ob Genusswandern, Radfahren oder auch ein entspannter Stadtbummel durch die historische Altstadt. Nach einem aktiven Programm lässt sich der Tag hervorragend am hauseigenen Pool mit direktem Blick auf die Allgäuer Alpen ausklingen. In den liebevoll eingerichteten Zimmern erwartet den Besucher modernster Komfort mit Dusche/WC, TV, Sitzecke, Safe und Minibar sowie eigenem Balkon oder Terrasse. Unser Gewinner und seine Begleitperson genießen während ihres Drei-Nächte-Aufenthalts neben einem umfangreichen Frühstücksbuffet die kostenfreie Nutzung des Hotel-Spas mit zwei Panoramabädern so- Foto: Hotel Sommer 1. Preis wie einer vielseitigen Saunawelt. Mit der KönigsCard können sie mehr als 200 Gratisleistungen in und um Füssen in Anspruch nehmen. Ebenfalls im Gewinn enthalten ist der Eintritt in das berühmte Schloss Neuschwanstein, das Museum der Stadt Füssen und ins Kloster St. Mang sowie ein Abendessen im Restaurant des Hotels. Weitere Informationen sowie Buchungsmöglichkeiten: Hotel Sommer Weidachstraße 74 87629 Füssen Telefon: 08362 9147-0 E-Mail: Die Tage werden kürzer, der Wind weht rauer und die Temperaturen fallen. Es wird Herbst. Zum Glück gibt es GEHWOL FUSSKRAFTProdukte nicht nur für jeden Fußtyp, sondern auch für jede Jahreszeit. Ist es nämlich draußen k älter, brauchen Ihre Füße und Beine eine besondere Pflege, die sie vor Hauttrockenheit schützt, wärmt und entspannt. Für ein sinnliches Wohlfühlerlebnis sorgt das neueP flege-Doppel GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Creme und GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Peeling. Erst Füße und Beine mit einer mild-körnigen Bambus-Jojoba-Massage ästhetisch glatt peelen, anschließend mit Milch und Honig samtig weich und geschmeidig pflegen. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT ROT mit feurigem Ingwer- und Paprikaextrakt sowie GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Wärmebad-Konzentrat mit Rosmarin und ebenfalls Paprikaextrakt sorgen an kalten Tagen für ein angenehmes Wärmegefühl. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion zieht schnell ein und versorgt die Fuß- und Beinhaut mit viel Feuchtigkeit und hautfreundlichen Lipiden. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Creme GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Peeling GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT ROT GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT WärmebadKonzentrat GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion zusammen mit einem flauschigen weißen Handtuch THE EU ECOLABEL For the sake of the environment The EU Ecolabel is the uniform environmental symbol of the European Union (EU). GEWOL JOURNAL is one of the first print products in Germany to bear this environmental seal since this issue. It shows that the journal was printed entirely on environmentally friendly paper, is recyclable, and that the amount of chemicals produced by paper production and printing and released to the air and water is limited. The label may only be used on print products if the print shop is a licensee of the environmental symbol and all production methods of the printing process were certified. Schicken Sie eine Postkarte mit dem Lösungswort oder den ausgefüllten Antwort-Coupon an: Redaktion GEHWOL JOURNAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Einsendeschluss: 29. November 2013 (Poststempel) " ANT WORT-COUPON 1. 2. 1 3. Ihre Meinung interessiert uns, und wir freuen uns über jede Anregung. Darüber würde ich im GEHWOL JOURNAL gerne etwas lesen: IMPRINT Editing staff and publisher Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Telephone 069 61 998-0, Fax 069 61 998-10, E-Mail: Preisrätsel 4/2013 Ja, ich möchte mitmachen und gewinnen. Das Lösungswort lautet: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In recent years, the Euro flower has become a symbol for healthier, more environmentally friendly products. The label is a simple and believable sign to consumers when selecting wares and services according to their effects on the environment. Within GEHWOL JOURNAL is published on behalf of Eduard Gerlach GmbH, Lübbecke Editorial management: Dorothea Küsters (responsible), Dirk Fischer Editing staff: Stefan Dudzinski-Lange, Jana Zieseniß, Stefan Dietrich Design: PUNKTUM Werbeagentur GmbH, Bad Vilbel 9 Absender: All rights reserved. Reprints, also in excerpts, are only permitted with the approval of the publisher and citing sources. Rights of translation and other uses reserved. We assume no liability for unsolicited manuscripts, discussion copies etc.. If GEHWOL JOURNAL cannot appear or be delivered, this shall not result in claims against the publisher. Legal venue: Frankfurt am Main. Redaktion GEHWOL JOURNAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Einsendeschluss: 29. November 2013 (Poststempel) " Der Rechtsweg sowie die Teilnahme über die Einschaltung Dritter, zum Beispiel Gewinnspielagenturen oder eine vollautomatische Gewinnspieleintragung, sind ausgeschlossen. Daten werden zu Marktforschungszwecken sowie zum Gewinnversand bis auf Widerruf gespeichert. istockphoto | s-a-m More and more consumers actively want to contribute to environmental protection. To allow them to steer their purchase decisions more consciously according to economic criteria, the European Commission created the EU Ecolabel to identify products in 1992. The Euro flower is the Ecolabel label of the EU Germany, the federal environment agency and the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Labelling e.V. (Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V. = RAL) is responsible for awarding the seal. All products which are identified with the Euro flower are verified for compliance with ecological criteria by independent agencies. The entire life cycle from production to disposal is taken into account. Beyond print products, other categories such as cleaning products, electrical devices and textiles can also receive the award. The solution word of the GEHWOL JOURNAL riddle 3/2013 is: BAMBUS (BAMBOO). Herbert Jung from Mühlheim can look forward to a three-day stay for two persons at the wellness hotel Gundelsberg in Bad Feilnbach with partial board as well as one moor application and massage each. The winners of the care sets have already received their prizes. Provided by your foot care institute: