Through ancient forests, gullies and lovely valleys
Through ancient forests, gullies and lovely valleys
ISSUE 3 • 2014 I FEEL GOOD - THE FEEL-GOOD MAGAZINE! Tired feet and legs: Fit for summer GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Lotion: Freshness kick for silky smooth legs Reise zu gewinnen! Dieses Mal: Bad Dürkheim GERMANY‘S MOST BEAUTIFUL HIKING PATHS Wandern ist Trend. Rund 40 Millionen Deutsche schätzen die Fortbewegung auf zwei Beinen Hiking is a trend. About 40 million Germans value movement on two feet and conquer Germany‘s hiking routes. One doesn‘t always have to drive far to hike through deep gullies and ancient forests while enjoying lovely views. But hiking doesn‘t just mean getting exercise and making discoveries it‘s also an important mental balance for everyday stress. We present five of Germany‘s most beautiful Quality routes hikeable Germany The seal „Quality routes - hikeable Germany“, for example, is awarded by the German Hiking Association. „23 selection criteria and 9 core criteria decide whether a route deserves to be called a quality route“, Erik Neumeyer, vice CEO of the German Hiking Association, explains. „Among other things, the criteria are composed of the route type, route markings, landscape variety, cultural highlights and opportunities to rest“. „For instance, no more than 20 percent of the route must have asphalt“, Neumeyer states. About 105 hiking routes in Germany have thus far been certified by the association. Most routes are submitted by regional tourism associations or hiking groups. They are locally trained and handle data collection and quality assessment. The hiking association performs its verification using the gathered data. Critical route points are additionally checked by members of the association. Only when this last hurdle is overcome, the hiking route receives the desired seal. We present five of the most beautiful hiking routes - but all 105 certified routes have one thing in common: They are all eminently suited to a hiking excursion on the weekend or even an entire hiking vacation. Ridge route Erzgebirge-Vogtland Heidschnuckenweg, Lüneburger Heide Rushing water, spraying foam - the 118 kilometer long Black Forest gully route leads through a craggy canyon landscape past mossy cliff walls. It makes a wide arc through the southern Black Forest nature park from Stühling to the weavery and textile city of Wehr. Those who enjoy waterfalls and valley landscapes will like the gully route. The 220 km long route leads through gorgeous heath landscapes in the Lüneburger Heide from Hamburg to Celle, impressively showing that an exciting hiking route doesn‘t need to have mountains. Between the heath areas, it passes through river valleys, forests and wide fields which reach to the horizon. Urwaldsteig Edersee, North Hessia In step with nature - around the Urwaldsteig around the Eder Lake. Winding paths through rock and forest make the 68 kilometer long route an unforgettable nature experience. Breathtaking views of the unique forest and lake landscape and the Kellerwald-Edersee nature park await hikers here. The nearly 300 kilometer long ridge route connects the federation states of Saxony, Bavaria and Thuringia. From Altenberg-Geising in the eastern Erzgebirge, it passes through the Vogtland to Blankenstein in Thuringia, the start of the Rennsteig. Whether day hike or extensive hiking vacation - the ridge route offers varied landscapes for everyone. Gully route - Black Forest Foto: Schluchtensteig Schwarzwald What is a good hiking route? Some would say that it should run spectacularly along steep hillsides with beautiful views, while others would like to move cozily through the valley without major elevation differences. Fundamentally, however, anyone who enjoys hiking would agree that a beautiful route is varied, natural and has little asphalt. These are only some of the criteria which determine the predicates for hiking routes. fotolia | Tristan3D Through ancient forests, gullies and lovely valleys Gully route - Black Forest Rhein Castles route, Rhineland The most beautiful tours in the valley of the romantic Rhine include the Rhine Castles route, which runs along the left bank of the Rhine from Bingen to Remagen-Rolandseck. The 200 km of the route lead past former noble castles and forts. Aside from these cultural high points, the route also offers hiking challenges and fantastic panoramic views of the lovely Rhine landscape. Further information about all 105 routes: ASKED ABOUT Uwe Felau, Practice for medical foot care and diabetic podology, Greiz Sabine Mechtenberg, Leipzig I have a strongly itching red rash on the sole of my foot since a few days. If I scratch, silvery white scales detach from the spot. What can this be? Symptoms such as reddish, usually rounded and slightly raised inflammatory lesions indicate psoriasis. This is a non-contagious, inflammatory skin disorder which usually occurs between the 20th and 20th year of life or starting with the 55th year of life. In psoriasis, the symptoms occur in episodes with varying length. In between, there are periods with no complaints which last anywhere from a few weeks to several years. 25 percent of affected persons do not experience a new outbreak. Experts also call the silvery scale phenomenon the candle phenomenon, since the scales are reminiscent of candle wax. It is still not fully explained what causes this illness. It is, however, certain that genetic predisposition can increase the risk of psoriasis. A dysregulation of the immune system also seems to play a role in the development of the illness. Experts also call the silvery scale phenomenon the candle phenomenon, since the scales are reminiscent of candle wax. It is still not fully explained what causes this illness. It is, however, certain that genetic predisposition can increase the risk of psoriasis. A dysregulation of the immune system also seems to play a role in the development of the illness. fotolia | NOT GIVING TIRED FEET AND LEGS A CHANCE Tips for tired feet and legs: VLots of exercise is important for activating the circulation and training the leg muscles. This prevents heavy legs. Sports such as hiking, jogging or cycling are good. Absolutely make sure that you always wear well fitting shoes which are not too tight. If you have to sit for long periods, foot exercises can help. Grasp things with your toes or roll your feet over a spiked ball in all directions. Fit for summer Who hasn‘t had this experience: After a long day, the feet and legs are limp and tired. Every step is difficult. Tired and swollen legs are often the first signs of a vein disorder - which is primarily favoured by lack of exercise. Life in our civilised society involves far less exercise than we used to get. Cars have replaced our feet for locomotion, and sitting also dominates in many professions. A lack of time or will often stops us from engaging in sports or other activities for everyday exercise. Vein disorders Swollen legs, spider veins, varicose veins, heavy ankles and Co [?] are the first signs of a venous disorder which affects about 20 million people in Germany. The veins play an important role in the blood circulation by transporting the „used“ blood back to the heart. The muscles pump the blood there and vein valves stop the blood from sagging down in the legs. If the veins become weak, they are no longer able to transport the blood upwards properly against gravity. Long sitting or standing weakens the calf musculature. We need it not just for locomotion, but also for optimal blood circulation. If this function is disturbed, blood can congest in the legs and favour vein disorders. This results in heavy feet and legs.. But other factors such as connective tissue weakness, overweight or physiological changes also play a role. During pregnancy, for instance, the risk of venous disorders is especially high, since hormones expand the blood vessels. The growing foetus and the approx. 20 percent higher blood volume result in additional pressure on the blood vessels. Exercise - the cure-all Affected persons have a simple option for keeping the veins fit and the blood circulation active: Exercise. It doesn‘t have to consist of intensive training units all the time. Small movement units are easily integrated into everyday life. Cycling instead of driving, using the stairs instead of the elevator, walking over to your colleague instead of picking up a telephone - there are many ways of activating your blood circulation. Long sit- ting and standing times of more than an hour should be fundamentally avoided. To enliven the legs, affected persons should get up and move around every twenty minutes. Good care Massages can also help to re-enliven tired feet and legs. But the right foot and leg care can also counteract the sensation of heaviness. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Lotion, for instance, contains algae extract. This natural ingredient is obtained from the red algae „Palmaria Palmata“ and improves the microcirculation. The lotion also contains water lily extract, which likewise has enlivening effects. Then heavy feet and legs don‘t stand a chance. If you sit at work, you should get up every twenty minutes and walk around in the room for about half a minute. This relaxes vascular cramps and enlivens. Regularly treat your feet and legs with revitalising, circulation activating creams. Give your feet and legs a massage. This also activates the circulation. Use creams with a rich recipe for this purpose. Alternate hot and cold showers in the morning get your circulation going for the entire day. Care sprays with essential oils of e.g. rosemary, lavender and mountain pine ensure a freshness kick on the go, quickly bringing tired legs back to life. Lotions with algae extracts such as GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Lotion provide a refreshing moisture kick against tired, heavy legs. WHAT IS... Rosemary oil? Rosemary is very popular - in the kitchen, as a scent and in cosmetics. Its essential oil unfolds antimicrobial, enlivening and activating effects in foot care creams and foot baths while encouraging the circulation. It is an esteemed cosmetic active substance even in heavy, tired legs - and last but not least, during pregnancy. Foto: Beat Ernst | RO277 Rosmarin Rosemary mainly grows wild in the western and central Mediterranean, particularly in the coastal regions of Portugal to the Ionic Sea. The bushy evergreen shrub has a very intensive, aromatic scent. It was also formerly used to replace frankincense due to its similar scent. Rosemary can be harvested year round - ideally the whole branches, and not individual needles or leaves. Rosemary is antibacterial, enlivening, activating and encourages the circulation.. This medicinal plant of the year 2011 is also cultivated in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea - especially in the coastal regions. Dew collects in the shrub‘s flowers at night, leading to the name rosemary (from Latin „rosmarinus“ for „ocean dew“). Versatile uses Even in ancient times, rosemary was held in high esteem in the Mediterranean regions. It was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite and symbolised love and beauty. With its intensive, aromatic scent and slightly bitter taste which is slightly reminiscent of camphor and eucalyptus, rosemary quickly became established as a favourite spice in Mediterranean cuisine. But even before then, the plant was used in religious cults and medicinal products. In cosmetics, for instance, rosemary oil was used to care for and protect the skin, and for its scent. In an enlivening footbath such as the GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Herbal Bath, it counteracts swollen legs among other things. The bath activates the circulation and also works to carry out excess fluids. In the form of oedemas, excess fluids often lead to heavy feet and legs. Pregnant women are particularly frequently affected, and find soothing and relaxing relief in care products which contain essential oils. Protection against foot fungus Aside from its enlivening properties, essential oil of rosemary is also a natural protectant against bacteria, yeasts and fungi, thereby effectively preventing foot fungus. DOLCE VITA AN DER DEUTSCHEN WEINSTRASSE Einkehr ein, und regionale Spezialitäten machen das Wandern zum kulinarischen Erlebnis. Und wegen des milden Klimas können in der Pfalz übrigens die Wanderschuhe bereits geschnürt werden, wenn andernorts die Wanderwege noch tief verschneit sind. Foto: Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, Holger Berent Paradies für Radfahrer fotolia | Tristan3D Foto: Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz Die Toskana Deutschlands Nicht nur wenn das größte Weinfest der Welt in Bad Dürkheim seine Pforten eröffnet, dreht sich in der Pfalz alles um den Wein. Immerhin besitzt sie das zweitgrößte Weinbaugebiet in ganz Deutschland. Eine Reise in die Region schafft eine perfekte Mischung aus kulinarischen Genüssen und aktiven Erlebnissen. Gibt es etwas Schöneres, als nach einem Wandertag in einer der zahlreichen Weinstuben einzukehren und sich von der Pfälzer Küche verwöhnen zu lassen? Zwischen den hügeligen Ausläufern des Pfälzer Waldes und der Rheinebene liegt die Deutsche Weinstraße. Die älteste und bekannteste deutsche Weintouristikroute reicht von Bockenheim am Rande Rheinhessens bis zur elsässischen Grenze in Schweigen. Entlang der 85 Kilometer langen Route finden sich zahlreiche bekannte Weinorte wie Bad Dürkheim, Bad Bergzabern sowie Neustadt an der Weinstraße. Mediterranes Flair Mit jährlich mehr als 1.800 Sonnenstunden zeichnet sich die Region durch ein fast schon mediterranes Klima aus und zählt zu den sonnenreichsten Deutschlands. Kein Wunder also, dass man die Weinstraße gerne auch als Toskana Deutschlands bezeichnet. Die in Freiland wachsenden Feigen, Palmen, Pinien und Bananen sowie Mandelbäume erinnern tatsächlich mehr an das italienische Vorbild als an ein deutsches Mittelgebirge. Bereits seit der Gründung im Jahr 1935 boomt der Tourismus an der Deutschen Weinstraße und ist bis heute ungebrochen. Das größte Weinfest der Welt Zwischen März und Oktober finden in der Region zahlreiche Weinfeste statt. Aber eines davon sticht ganz besonders heraus: der Dürkheimer Wurstmarkt. Bereits im 15. Jahrhundert wurde das Fest zum ersten Mal veranstaltet. Heute ist das Weinfest mit 600.000 Besuchern das größte der Welt. Aber Bad Dürkheim richtet nicht nur das größte Weinfest der Welt aus – es besitzt auch das größte Weinfass der Welt. Das Dürkheimer Riesenfass besitzt bei einem Durchmesser von 13,5 Metern ein Volumen von etwa 1.700.000 Litern. Wein wird darin jedoch nicht gelagert. Stattdessen befindet sich im Inneren ein uriges Restaurant. Aktiv unterwegs Es ist nicht nur der Wein, der jährlich zahlreiche Besucher in die Pfalz lockt. Auch viele Tausend Kilometern Wanderwege warten nur darauf entdeckt zu werden. Davon sind mehr als 800 Kilometer als Prädikatswanderwege ausgezeichnet. Neben dem Klassiker, einer Wanderung entlang der Deutschen Weinstraße, gibt es noch zahlreiche weitere Landschaftstypen und Wanderwege zu erkunden - ob in der Rheinebene, im Pfälzer Wald oder im Pfälzer Bergland. Den Wanderer erwartet die typische Pfälzer Gastlichkeit. Urige Hütten des PfälzerwaldVereins oder der Naturfreunde laden zur Ob per Trekking-Rad, dem Mountain-Bike oder dem E-Bike, ob allein, zu zweit oder mit der ganzen Familie – die Pfalz ist ein Eldorado für Radfahrer aller Leistungsklassen. 23 überregional bedeutsame Radwege mit fast 1.500 Kilometern Streckenlänge laden in der Pfalz zum Radfahren ein. Die Wege sind gut ausgeschildert und für jeden findet sich die passende Route. Ob Wandern oder Radfahren: Nichts rundet einen ereignisreichen, sportlichen Tag besser ab als der Genuss von regionalen Speisen und Getränken. Das wohl bekannteste Gericht ist der Pfälzer Saumagen. Das Lieblingsgericht von Exbundeskanzler Helmut Kohl wird in einem leeren Schweinemagen zubereitet, in welchem eine Mischung aus magerem Schweinefleisch, Bratwurstbrät und Kartoffeln, gewürzt mit Zwiebeln, Majoran, Muskat und Pfeffer, gekocht wird. Die nach dem Kochen feste Masse wird direkt in Scheiben geschnitten serviert oder in Scheiben geschnitten angebraten. Neben den sportlichen und kulinarischen Highlights hat die Pfalz auch kulturell etwas zu bieten. Zahlreiche Burgen und Schlösser warten nur darauf, erkundet zu werden, und moderne Städte wie Kaiserslautern oder Zweibrücken laden zu einem ausgedehnten Stadtbummel ein. Mehr Informationen: Pfalz Touristik e.V. Martin-Luther-Straße 69 67433 Neustadt/Weinstraße Telefon: 06321/3916-0 Fax: 321/3916-19 THE NEW GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT SOFT FEET LOTION Freshness kick for silky smooth legs Soft Feet – the feel-good line from GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT – is getting a „fresh“ addition. The new lotion with water lily and silk offers an immediate freshness kick and lends the skin a silky smooth, well cared for appearance. Nourished, refreshed and simply looking beautiful: GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Lotion is the new feel-good experience for silky smooth legs and feet. A unique combination of skin refining water lily extracts and skin smoothing silk lends the legs a young, tender appearance with a mild sheen. Say goodbye to tired legs Water lily contains astringent tannins which draw the pores together, making them smaller. In this way, the lotion improves the rough structure of the skin surface, rendering it finer. The essential oils of the „white pond lily“ also have soothing effects on stressed skin and tired legs. Building on this, silk extracts lend the skin a radiant shimmer and make it smooth and supple. Apply GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Lotion once or twice daily - best of all, in the morning after a shower. It is quickly and easily distributed, and absorbed immediately. Its nourishing influence can be seen and felt even during use: Aside from smooth, elegantly shimmering skin and a tender skin sensation, this includes the typical refreshing effects of a light lotion. The combination of algae extract and the moisture booster hyaluron is another novelty. It provides a refreshing moisture kick against tired, heavy legs. Other helpers are regenerating, skin smoothing avocado oil and the skin protecting substance Vitamin E. Soft Feet Lotion is part of the successful series of GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT: It completes the Soft Feet Scrub with bamboo and jojoba, which removes skin scales, massages and nourishes, as well as the rich Soft Feet Cream with milk and honey for silky soft feet and legs. All Soft Feet products share a fresh, pleasant scent. The mild scent and the modern, effective yet sensual care substances make foot care into a relieving wellness and aroma experience. Foto: GEHWOL PREISRÄTSEL 1. Preis Foto: Thorsten v. Löbbecke Unter allen Gewinnspielteilnehmern verlosen wir einen Drei-Nächte-Aufenthalt im Vier-Sterne-Gartenhotel Heusser in Bad Dürkheim. Das familiengeführte Wellnesshotel an der Deutschen Weinstraße ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt für einen entspannten Urlaub in der Pfalz. Die komfortablen Zimmer und Suiten bieten jegliche Annehmlichkeiten. Ein besonderes Highlight des Hotels ist die asiatische Gartenanlage mit japanischem Teehaus, Koi-Teichen und plätschernden Bachläufen sowie vielen Nischen zum Ab- schalten vom stressigen Alltag. Wellnessfreunde finden in der großzügigen Wellnessoase eine herrliche Entspannungslandschaft mit verschiedenen Saunen, Dampfbad, Infrarotkabine, Kneippbecken, Eisbrunnen, Erlebnisduschen sowie Ruheräume mit Blick und Zugang ins Grüne. Individuelle Wellnessanwendungen runden das Angebot ab. Eine große Badelandschaft lädt zum Schwimmen und Entspannen ein. Kulinarisch werden die Gäste von Küchenchef Willi Rheinheimer mit internationalen Spezialitäten und Pfälzer Leckereien verwöhnt. Unser Gewinner und seine Begleitung genießen während ihres Drei-Nächte-Aufenthalts ein umfangreiches Frühstücksbuffet sowie Abendessen. Der Eintritt in die Wellnesslandschaft mit Snacks und Erfrischungen an der Wellnesstheke und eine wohltuende Fußmassage ergänzen diesen Wohlfühlaufenthalt im Gartenhotel Heusser. Weitere Informationen sowie Buchungsmöglichkeiten: Gartenhotel Heusser Seebacher Straße 50–52 67098 Bad Dürkheim Telefon: 06322-930-0 2.–20. Preis Je ein sechsteiliges Set mit GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT-Präparaten für aktive, gepflegte Füße und Beine Frische, gepflegte Füße verleihen auch an heißen Tagen ein angenehmes Gefühl. Um dafür bestmöglich gerüstet zu sein, eignen sich die GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT-Produkte ideal. Für einen Wohlfühleffekt sorgt die neue GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Creme. Als Feuchtigkeitsbooster gegen trockene Haut wirken die Trendwirkstoffe Hyaluron, Milchund Honigextrakt. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT MINT beispielsweise vereint die belebende Eisfrische einer kühlenden Minzelotion von asiatischem Heilpflanzenöl mit der sanften Pflegewirkung eines sofort einziehenden Balsams. Den angenehmen Frischeeffekt unterstützt auch das erprobte GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Pflegespray. Es wirkt zudem effizient gegen lästigen Fußgeruch und schützt vor Fußpilz. Natürliches Bambusgranulat im neuen GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Peeling entfernt sanft und gründlich abgestorbene Hautzellen, erneuert und glättet die Hautoberfläche. Gepflegte Nägel mit dem GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Nagel- und Hautschutz-Spray runden das Wellnessprogramm für schöne Sommerfüße ab. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Creme GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Soft Feet Peeling GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT MINT GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Pflegespray GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Nagel- und Hautschutz-Spray mit einem flauschigen weichen Handtuch Series FOOT MYTHS: GENERAL INFORMATION Wrong beliefs about the feet We could not walk, stand or run without them: Our feet carry us four times around the globe during our life - in other words, about 160,000 kilometers. They are often forgotten in terms of care. But even those who think they are doing something nice for their feet often make mistakes. fotolia | contrastwerkstatt Flip-flops are good for the feet Walking barefoot strengthens the feet Only partly! For going barefoot only strengthens the foot muscles at temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees. Schicken Sie eine Postkarte mit dem Lösungswort oder den ausgefüllten Antwort-Coupon an: Redaktion GEHWOL JOURNAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Einsendeschluss: 22. August 2014 (Poststempel) ANTWORT-COUPON 1. 2. 1 3. Ihre Meinung interessiert uns, und wir freuen uns über jede Anregung. Darüber würde ich im GEHWOL JOURNAL gerne etwas lesen: Preisrätsel 3/2014 Ja, ich möchte mitmachen und gewinnen. Das Lösungswort lautet: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Absender: Redaktion GEHWOL JOURNAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Einsendeschluss: 22. August 2014 (Poststempel) Der Rechtsweg sowie die Teilnahme über die Einschaltung Dritter, zum Beispiel Gewinnspielagenturen oder eine vollautomatische Gewinnspieleintragung, sind ausgeschlossen. Daten werden zu Marktforschungszwecken sowie zum Gewinnversand bis auf Widerruf gespeichert. Adult shoe sizes stay the same once grown Wrong! Even in adults, the shoe size may increase due to pregnancy or weight gain and with increasing age, or drop by up to two sizes in the event of weight loss. Comfy isn‘t necessarily „good for the feet“ Flip-flops or comfy sneakers often provide insufficient arch support. Because the toes have to claw into the flip-flops during the rolling motion, they increase the risk of bunions - the so called hallux valgus. High heels are the main cause of bunions Wrong! Instead, experts believe that this is due to family predisposition. High heels with heels greater than five centimeters are nonetheless not good for the feet, since they favour claw and hammer toes. Flip-flops avoid foot fungus Flip-flops can help to reduce the risk of fungi in showers and change rooms. But the nasty fungi await in other moist environments as well. Sports gear should therefore be thoroughly washed or aired out after training. IMPRINT Editing staff and publisher Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Phone: 069 61 998-0, Fax: 069 61 998-10, E-Mail: Das Lösungswort des GEHWOL JOURNAL-Rätsels 2/2014 lautet: SANDDORNOEL. GEHWOL JOURNAL appears on behalf of Eduard Gerlach GmbH, Lübbecke Die Gewinner der Pflegesets haben ihre Preise bereits erhalten. Editorial management: Dorothea Küsters (responsible), Dirk Fischer Editorial staff: Stefan Dudzinski-Lange, Jana Zieseniß, Stefan Dietrich Design: PUNKTUM Werbeagentur GmbH, Bad Vilbel All rights reserved. Reprints, also in excerpts, are only permitted with the approval of the publisher and citing sources. Rights of translation and other uses reserved. We assume no liability for unsolicited manuscripts, discussion copies etc.. If GEHWOL JOURNAL cannot be published or delivered, this shall not serve as grounds for claims against the publisher. Legal venue: Frankfurt am Main.. Über einen Drei-Nächte-Aufenthalt mit Begleitung im Vier-Sterne-Wohlfühlhotel relexa hotel Harz-Wald in Braunlage kann sich Sigrid Beiner aus Rohrbach freuen. Provided by your foot care institute: