the specialists player skin
the specialists player skin
ISSUE 4 · 2014 FUSS VITAL INFORMATION FOR THE WELL-BEING OF YOUR FEET PREVENTING AND TREATING NAIL FUNGUS DIE OSTFRIESISCHEN INSELN Sieben Mal Natur und Erholung The uninvited guest Page 2 Seite 3 Gewinnen Sie! 20 GEHWOL-Produktsets Seite 4 WHAT IS... Camphor? Page 2 EXTREME RUNNER NORMAN BÜCHER “The eyes run too” Foto: Carole Pipolo A challenge even for the feet 600 kilometers, 12 days and one baby jogger. Norman Bücher loves extremes. During his most recent adventure, the extreme runner crossed the raw Tierra del Fuego, a group of islands at the southern tip of South America - a run which was a special challenge, and not just for his feet. Bücher takes on one to two such projects every year. His running career started around 15 years ago. Inspired by his father, who was also an extreme runner and is a multiple ultramarathoner, the former football player entered running sports in 2000. The first 10 kilometers quickly became 42, and 42 became 80. One year later, he surpassed the magical 100 kilometer mark for the first time. There was no stopping then: Through the Australian Outback, the Himalayas or the Atacama Even though the run was not as difficult in sporting terms as e.g. the tour through Australia, in which he covered about 80 kilometers daily, it was a challenge in other ways. “Aside from pure running performance, sometimes in storms and hail, I also had to look after organisational things such as setting up the tent and looking for provisions. That was totally new for me”, Bücher sums up. At the start of the trip, his goal of completing the 600 kilometers in 12 days seemed unattainably distant due to the extreme weather conditions. But giving up was never an option for the adventurer. Due to his iron will, he was finally able to catch up the shortfall, and arrived in Ushuaia after 12 days as planned. GEHWOL WARMING BALM Goodbye, icy feet! Falling leaves and the first snow bring cold feet. Cold feet are simply unpleasant, whether it is during a walk, on the couch or in bed. Icy feet develop when the blood vessels constrict in response to cold temperatures, so that the feet receive less circulation. However, you can effectively do something about it with suitable care products. Hot tip for frosty feet: GEHWOL Warming Balm is the ideal heater for winter foot care. The cream contains natural components such as camphor, paprika and ginger extract as well as valuable essential oils of rosemary and mountain pine. This is how the heating formula works: The spicy components of paprika and ginger (capsaicin, gingerolene, shoagolene) activate the heat receptors of the skin. The blood vessels widen, stimulating the circulation. Other “heaters” include camphor, rosemary and mountain pine oil, which activate the circulation and metabolism. Positive side effect: Essential oils regulate sweat secretion on the foot skin, preventing feet from quickly becoming sweaty in thick socks and winter footwear. Finally at his goal: Extreme runner Norman Bücher with his Babyjogger i Foto: Carole Pipolo A dream becomes true desert in Chile - his running adventures took Bücher to the remotest places on earth. No mountain appears too steep for him, no path too difficult. In Argentina, however, the extreme runner went one step further: So far, he had always been accompanied by a team of several people. In Tierra del Fuega, though, he was only accompanied by French photographer Carole Pipolo on a bicycle. fotolia | solominviktor With a running performance of 50 kilometers per day on average, it‘s difficult to imagine that the Black Forest native can still enjoy his adventures as well. In fact, however, Norman Bücher plans his runs primarily using landscape criteria. His principle is: “The eyes run too”. “I already dreamed of running through the Tierra del Fuego since five or six years. This year, the dream finally came true”, Bücher enthuses. Of course, he cannot always enjoy every minute, but most of the time, he enjoys the landscape around himself and the time which he has to himself. Such extreme running not only puts one‘s own willpower to a severe test - the body must also reach extreme performance levels during this period, which any normal person can barely imagine. “Muscle problems and blisters are totally normal for such a run”, Bücher explains. To keep his feet from succumbing to friction too quickly, the runner thoroughly applies a fatty cream to his feet before every run. But the regeneration phase is almost more important than care during the run. Here, using the sauna, taking foot baths and using rich creams help him get his body and his feet back into shape. “The real art is to find a mixture of strain and relief”, the athlete says. And after his adventure in Argentina, he is consequently taking it easy - for the moment. But the break won‘t be too long: Bücher is already planning his next project, which will take him through the Gobi desert next fall. “The details of the route aren‘t planned yet. But it will definitely be a solo expedition this time”, Bücher tells with such enthusiasm in his voice that there is no doubt that he‘ll master this adventure with bravado as well. Further information on Norman Bücher is available on his internet site at: PREVENTING AND TREATING NAIL FUNGUS The uninvited bath guest Whether it is at pools, saunas, in shower rooms or change rooms - opportunities for infection await anywhere where barefoot people come into contact with infectious skin scales. Patients who suffer from illness or hygiene related foot skin problems are at particularly high risk of infection. This is the case in many diabetics, so that foot fungus is seen frequently in them. Foot and nail fungi are one and the same pathogens. Nail fungus is often preceded by foot fungus. Under certain conditions, fungi easily pass from the skin to the nails - for instance, if the nail is injured or the immune system is generally weakened. Nail fungus appears four times more frequently in toenails than in fingernails. Long term treatment If the foot is already infected, dermatologists and foot specialists have a trained eye for their patients‘ skin status. “Every nail fungus treatment should be preceded by seeing a doctor”, pharmacist Sabine Bender, who is often asked particularly for polishes to treat nail fungus, recommends. “Only the doctor can clarify whether the problem is actually nail fungus.” When the diagnosis of nail fungus is confirmed, affected persons should brace themselves for lengthy therapy. Nail mycoses are amongst the most stubborn fungal infections, and require long-term treatment with a lot of patience ‚and therapy compliance. “Treatment with nail fungus polishes can only be stopped when the affected nail has grown out completely”, Bender explains. The time taken by the nail for this process varies a lot with the individual. In individual cases, therapy may take as long as two years. This is the case especially in persons who have diabetes or circulatory disorders, since their nails only grow very slowly. The products contain fungus-killing active substances which penetrate the nail to reach the fungus. “Fundamentally, treatment with polishes only makes sense if less than 50 percent of the nail are affected, the pharmacist explains. So that nail fungus cannot develop in the first place, affected persons should take the first signs of foot fungus seriously and treat it immediately so that the fungi cannot affect the nails as well. It is considered confirmed today that nail fungus always develops from foot fungus. The extremely solid callus substance of the nails serves the fungus as a new food source. Once the fungus has become embedded under the nail plate, it is very difficult to reach with therapeutic active substances. “Unlike stubborn nail fungus, fotolia | Delphimages Skin fungi lie in wait everywhere, and may persist for many months on objects such as shoes, socks or floors. But not everyone who comes into contact with foot and nail fungi becomes infected. Healthy and intact skin does not become infected as easily. It often lurks at the pool: foot fungus treating simple skin fungus is relatively easy”, Bender comments. Tips to prevent foot and nail fungus infections: Intact, and thereby resistant, skin is the most important protection against foot and nail fungus, due to its barrier properties. A special foot care product should therefore be part of any sports and pool bag. Foot creams with antimycotic ingredients offer additional protection. Before using them, the feet should be cleaned and thoroughly dried, especially in the spaces between the toes. Antimycotic ingredients in GEHWOL products include e.g. climbazole, clotrimazole, undecylenamide and essential oils such as rosemary oil, lavender oil and peppermint oil. After foot care, you should absolutely avoid walking barefoot in potentially fungus-contaminated areas. If a nail or foot fungus infection already exists, it is especially important to provide thorough care for the nails which are still healthy with a nail and skin protection spray or oil (such as GEHWOL), thereby protecting them against a possible infection. Foot care products with antifungal protection are also available in a practical spray-on format, e.g. GEHWOL Caring Foot Spray. WHAT IS... Camphor? Camphor, which is related to cinnamon, has been valued as a medicinal product since millennia. As a component of creams and in combination with plant based oils, it is especially well absorbed by the skin, and activates the circulation and metabolism. fotolia | zjk Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora), also called camphor bay, is a plant type from the family of bay leaf growths (Lauraceae). The evergreen tree grows up to 30 meters tall and is native to Eastern Asia and the Himalayas. It grows particularly at elevations of up to 1500 meters. Its trunk may reach a circumference of up to five meters. Camphor trees are native primarily to Eastern Asia. As early as the 9th or 10th century, the medicinal plant reached Europe, most likely as a result of being recommended by Arabian physicians, via Spain. Camphor was already known to famous healer Hildegard von Bingen in the 12th century. She recommended a preparation of white marjoram, camphor and tormentil root as a treatment for fever. These days, we know that cam- Prevention is better than a cure Applying suitable foot care products to the feet primarily serves to support the skin‘s self-protection capacities. Fats and moisture improve the skin‘s barrier performance against fungi and other pathogens. Antimicrobial essential oils such as rosemary oil, lavender oil or eucalyptus oil as well as antifungal substances such as climbazole provide protection against foot fungus in combination with a high quality care formula. When there is a nail fungus infection, special nail protection products can prevent the nail fungus from spreading to nails which are still healthy. Corresponding foot care products are available exclusively from pharmacies and foot specialists. phor does not act against fever episodes, but it certainly acts against cold disorders, which are often accompanied by fever. Camphor is a plant medicinal product which is popular and widely used throughout the world to the present day. The medicinal active ingredient of the medicinal plant is camphor. The colourless solid can be synthetically produced or obtained by applying dry heat to chopped plant parts of the at least 50 year old trees. Only natural camphor is used in GEHWOL products. Camphor as a medicinal product Its effects are highly varied. Today, it is used particularly often for inflammatory respiratory tract disorders, both internally and externally. The essential oil also activates the metabolism in low blood pressure. But the power substance is also a popular cosmetic ingredient. Together with plant based oils, it is easily absorbed by the skin, where it can then unfold its circulation and metabolism activating effects. DIE OSTFRIESISCHEN INSELN Foto: Ostfriesland Tourismus GmbH fotolia | Tristan3D Sieben Mal Natur und Erholung Warum in die Ferne schweifen? Die Ostfriesischen Inseln bieten lange, breite Sandstrände – wie hier auf Juist. Lange, weiße Sandstrände und unberührte Natur gibt es nicht nur Tausende Kilometer entfernt in der Südsee, Karibik oder in Südostasien. Auch hierzulande warten traumhafte Inseln mit wilder Landschaft darauf, entdeckt zu werden – wie die Ostfriesischen Inseln vor der niedersächsischen Festlandküste. Die sieben Inseln liegen wie Perlen aufgereiht vor der Küste Ostfrieslands. Jede von ihnen hat dabei ihren ganz eigenen Charme. Mit Ausnahme von Borkum und Norderney herrscht auf allen Inseln ein striktes Autoverbot. So können Besucher ganz ungestört zur Ruhe kommen und die Landschaft der Inseln genießen. Wangerooge – die Maritime Wangerooge ist die östlichste der Ostfriesischen Inseln. Neben der Shoppingmeile in der Zedeliusstraße ist Wangerooge vor Allem für seine drei Leuchttürme bekannt. Der „Neue Leuchtturm” lotst die großen Tanker in das richtige Fahrwasser. Von der Aussichtsterrasse des „Alten Leuchtturms” hat man eine sensationelle Sicht auf die Insel. Im „Westturm” dagegen ist heute eine Jugendherberge untergebracht. An den langen, weißen Sandstränden lässt es sich hervorragend entspannen und den vorbeifahrenden Schiffen zuwinken. Spiekeroog – die Grüne Die „Grüne Insel” der Nordsee hat ihren Spitznamen aufgrund ihres hohen Baumbestandes. Auf Spiekeroog findet man mit 24,1 Meter Ostfrieslands höchste Erhebung, die „Wittdün” (weiße Düne). Bei einem Inselrundgang sollte man sich unbedingt die alte Inselkirche anschauen. Schon Freiherr Ludwig von Waldthausen, Urgroßvater einer der Geschäftsführer der Eduard Gerlach GmbH, machte regelmäßig Urlaub auf Spiekeroog. Er verliebte sich in die Insel so sehr, dass er 1896 zum 200. Jubiläum der alten Kirche zwei Fenster stiftete, die bis heute erhalten blieben. Und immer noch zieht es die Familie auf die friesischen Inseln. leuchtturm, aber auch der Ausblick vom berühmten Café Marienhöhe hat seinen Reiz. Für Musikliebhaber hat Norderney ein breites Repertoire an Musikveranstaltungen zu bieten. Nachtschwärmer besuchen eine der zahlreichen Bars oder genießen den Blick von der Sternwarte in den Himmel. Langeoog – die Fahrradinsel Juist – das Zauberland Langeoog verbindet Aktivität mit Erholung. Das zertifizierte Thalasso-Nordseeheilbad ist bei Kurgästen und Wellnessurlaubern gleichermaßen beliebt. Eine bunte Inselbahn bringt Gäste von der Fähre in den kleinen Ort mit seinen einladenden Straßencafés. Der beste Weg, die drittgrößte der sieben Inseln zu erkunden, ist mit dem Fahrrad. Besonders lohnenswert ist eine Radtour zum Ostende der Insel, hier lassen sich von einer Naturhütte aus gut Robben und Vögel beobachten. Natürlich darf auch der weiße Sandstrand nicht fehlen. Ganze 14 Kilometer hat die Insel davon zu bieten. Wer in Juist ankommt, erlebt eine andere Welt: Passiert man den Hafen mit dem imposanten Seezeichen, geht es an Land mit Pferdefuhrwerken und Bollerwagen weiter. Der Alltagsstress ist wie „weggezaubert”. Mit nur 500 Meter Breite ist Juist zwar schmal, mit 17 Kilometer Länge jedoch auch die längste Ostfriesische Insel. Endlose Dünen und lange Strände prägen die Landschaft. Baltrum – die Kleine Die kleinste der Ostfriesischen Inseln ist nur fünf Kilometer lang und 1,5 Kilometer breit. Man bezeichnet sie daher auch gerne als „Insel der kurzen Wege”. Straßennamen gibt es auf Baltrum nicht, die Hausnummern wurden chronologisch nach dem Baujahr des Hauses vergeben. Trotz des liebevollen Beinamens „Dornröschen” ist die Insel ganz schön aufgeweckt: Wassersportler aller Arten finden auf Baltrum traumhafte Bedingungen. Norderney – die Lebhafte Norderney ist wohl die facettenreichste der Ostfriesischen Inseln. Gleich bei der Fährüberfahrt fällt die urbane Silhouette der Stadt ins Auge. Den besten Ausblick hat man zweifelsfrei vom 54 Meter hohen Backstein- GEHWOL EXTRA Extra well cared for, extra resistant Now, with the cold season ahead and the feet about to disappear into socks and shoes again for long periods, we should give them special attention. In the GEHWOL product range, GEHWOL EXTRA is a basic foot cream which gives the feet daily intensive care. Extra means “outside the usual”. Its wide effect range makes the cream a true universal cream for daily requirements. It is based on lanolin, which comes from the wool fat of sheep. This natural wool fat is an extremely proven, skin friendly cream base and is very similar to human skin fats. It embeds itself between the callus cells of the skin, rendering the callus layer especially supple, elastic and resistant. . Care and protection in one The lanolin protective layer means that the skin also loses less moisture. It normalises the amount of sweat and effectively protects the skin against dryness and mechanical irritation, which could lead to blisters, inflammation or callus. Natural oils also provide a hygienic freshness sensation. Rosemary is antibacterial, enlivening, activating and encourages the circulation. Eucalyptus supports the enlivening effects, as well as being anti-inflammatory and supporting wound healing. Borkum – die Gesunde Borkum ist die westlichste und mit 36 Quadratkilometern größte der sieben Ostfriesischen Inseln. Aufgrund des Golfstroms und ihrer Lage herrscht auf der Insel Hochseeklima. 2013 wurde die Nordseeperle sogar als Europas erste allergikerfreundliche Insel ausgezeichnet. Neben dem gesunden Klima hat Borkum seinen Gästen auch ein reiches Kultur- und Wellnessangebot zu bieten. Entspannung findet man zudem in den für Borkum bekannten Strandzelten oder bei einem ausgedehnten Spaziergang entlang der Promenade. i Mehr Informationen: Ostfriesland Tourismus GmbH Ledastraße 10 · 26789 Leer Telefon: 0491 91 96 96 60 The essential oil of thyme, which grandmother already knew as a home remedy for cold disorders, also acts effectively against bacteria and other microorganisms. Together, these oils strengthen the feet and increase their performance. Together with camphor essence, the oils are easily absorbed by the skin, activate the circulation, and warm up the feet. Cold and damp feet no longer have a chance. Whether it‘s during hiking, jogging or after swims - GEHWOL EXTRA ensures resistant and simultaneously well cared for feet. Photo: GEHWOL fotolia | Adam Gregor FOOT MYTHS: FRACTURES Breaking a foot or leg Without our feet, we would not be able to run, walk or stand. But problems are often unnoticed, or dismissed as minor issues. There are some myths even about severe problems, such as bone fractures. A broken toe cannot be treated Medical treatment is important when there is a toe fracture to improve healing and prevent late consequences. Otherwise, there is a risk that the affected person will suffer from chronic pain when walking and/or when wearing shoes. If a broken foot or ankle is suspected, a doctor should be seen. Walking barefoot causes bone fractures If one can step on it, the foot is not broken A bath in hot water can help with foot injuries There are actual cases in which the lack of gradual adjustment to walking barefoot causes so called stress fractures. But if one gives one‘s feet a chance to adapt to the altered movement processes gradually, this can prevent overload, thereby reducing the risk of fatigue fractures. Whether an affected person can still walk when they have a broken bone in their foot depends on the severity of the injury, as well as their individual pain perception. If a broken foot or ankle is suspected, it should be immobilised and a doctor should be seen. Otherwise, there is a risk of further damage. On the contrary: Absolutely avoid contact with heat in case of a foot injury. It activates blood flow and therefore, also swelling. This can cause pressure on the nerves, worsening the pain. Instead, apply an ice pack to the injured location to constrict the blood vessels. PREISRÄTSEL – JETZT MITMACHEN UND GEWINNEN 20 GEHWOL-Produktsets für gepflegte Füße und Beine So geht’s: Finden Sie heraus, welcher Inhaltsstoff als Bestandteil von Pflegecremes zusammen mit pflanzlichen Ölen von der Haut sehr gut aufgenommen wird und durchblutungsfördernd sowie anregend wirkt und gewinnen Sie je ein sechsteiliges Set mit hochwertigen GEHWOL-Fuß- und –Beinpflegepräparaten – zusammen mit einem kuscheligen Handtuch. Mit den GEHWOL-Produkten unserer Gewinnsets kommen Sie mit warmen und gepflegten Füßen durch feuchtkalte Wintertage. Im GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam sorgen Extrakte aus Algen, Paprika, Ingwer, ätherische Öle aus Rosmarin und Lavendel sowie belebender Kampfer für ein angenehmes Wärmegefühl und wirken durchblutungsanregend. Trockene Haut wird mit der GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme intensiv gepflegt. Harn- stoff, Glycerin, Sanddorn- und Avocadoöl und ein belebender Algenextrakt bringen die Haut in ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht. Soft und smooth wird es mit dem neuen GEHWOL Softening-Balsam. Milch und Honig verwöhnen gemeinsam mit edlem Perlmutt aus dem gleichnamigen GEHWOL-Peeling kältegeplagte Füße mit einem SPA-Erlebnis zu Hause. Unterwegs sorgt ein regenerierendes Fußspray für samtweiche Füße. Bitte ausreichend frankierte Postkarte mit Ihrer Lösung bis 28. November 2014 (Poststempel) einsenden an: GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme GEHWOL Softening Balsam GEHWOL Perlmutt-Peeling GEHWOL pflegendes Fußspray zusammen mit einem kuschelig weichen Handtuch Redaktion FUSS VITAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Der Rechtsweg sowie die Teilnahme über die Einschaltung Dritter, zum Beispiel Gewinnspielagenturen oder eine vollautomatische Gewinnspiel- eintragung, sind ausgeschlossen. Daten werden zu Marktforschungs zwecken sowie zum Gewinnversand bis auf Widerruf gespeichert. IMPRINT Editing staff and publisher Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main Phone 069 61 998-0, Fax 069 61 998-10, E-Mail: FUSS VITAL is published on behalf of Eduard Gerlach GmbH, Lübbecke Editorial management: Dorothea Küsters (responsible), Dirk Fischer Editing staff: Stefan Dudzinski-Lange, Jana Zieseniß, Stefan Dietrich Design: PUNKTUM Werbeagentur GmbH All rights reserved. Reprints, also in excerpts, are only permitted with the approval of the publisher and citing sources. Rights of translation and other uses reserved. We assume no liability for unsolicited manuscripts, discussion copies etc.. If FUSS VITAL cannot be published or supplied, this shall not result in legal claims against the publisher. Legal venue: Frankfurt am Main.