GSHMM has Big News!! - (/) The Gateway Society of Hazardous


GSHMM has Big News!! - (/) The Gateway Society of Hazardous
2008 ACHMM Chapter of the Year
Summer 2008 Newsletter
Big News!!
Each year, the Academy of Certified Hazardous
Materials Managers (ACHMM) identifies individuals
and chapters worthy of recognition for outstanding
achievements and accomplishments. GSHMM
received notification September will be a good
month for us. Congratulations to Leo Oberle and
Steve Galbierz who will receive individual awards as
Champions of Excellence!! GSHMM qualified for
the Honor Roll of Champions and will receive the
Chapter Newsletter Award. AND, (drumroll,
please!) GSHMM will receive ACHMM Chapter of
the Year!! Special thanks to Jackie Robb & Steve
Galbierz for their leadership in 2007!
Our newest CHMM. Matt Shurtliff, Principal with
The Forrester Group, recently passed his CHMM
exam. Congratulations, Matt!
St. Louis Wins Bid. St. Louis will host the annual
ACHMM Leadership Workshop in April 2009!!
Outreach Grant at Work. GSHMM’s first Grant
went to work in May. The grant was made to
Lead Safe St. Louis to address lead-based
painted fencing at Mullanphy Elementary School
in South St. Louis. The funds were then given to
the Holy Ground Cooperative, a group of
neighborhood churches who have taken
responsibility for repainting the fences.
Trained contractors were brought in by the
City to scrape the fences and safely remove the
old lead-based paint. Volunteers from the
churches took charge of re-painting the fence.
This tedious, time-consuming task was
undertaken by a small, but determined, group of
volunteers. The grant provided beverages and
food to event workers. Event photos follow.
In Case You Missed the Meeting…
Our last regular meeting of the fiscal year was
held May 12 at Syberg’s. 37 members
attended the meeting held jointly with ASSE
and featured a presentation by Ameren’s Mr.
Bill Dampf, discussing the importance of having
fun and striving to get just a little bit better.
Gold Sponsors: Thanks for Your Support!
FY08-09 Board of Directors
Meet your new BOD. Effective July 1:
President: Leo Oberle, CHMM, Elantas
President-Elect: Brad Phillips, CHMM, Schreiber,
Yonley & Associates
Past-President: Steve Galbierz, CHMM, Univar
Treasurer: Gregg Hagerty, CHMM, URS
Secretary/Membership: Donna Ratkowski, CHMM,
Afton Chemical Corp.
Meetings: Derek Bowman, CHMM, Civil and
Environmental Consultants
Webmaster: Jennifer Spalding, CHMM, Ameren
Communications: Laura Andrew, CHMM, Covidien
Outreach: Christopher Knee, CHMM, Coca-Cola
Governmental Affairs: Russ Sharpmack, CHMM,
Special Projects: Tony Shiro, CHMM, Schreiber,
Yonley & Associates*
*Appointed by the Board to serve the remainder of the
term following Mike Koch’s resignation.
Visit the website for complete contact information
2008 Fall Business Meeting – Be There!
The annual fall business meeting is your opportunity
to meet your Board, review the budget, & participate
in our Chapter. Don’t miss this year’s business
meeting, September 18, at the Engineer’s Club. All
paid attendees will receive a new GSHMM logo item!
Save the Date!
GSHMM will again host a Fall Networking and Golf
Event. The date is set for Wednesday, September
17, at Crystal Quarry. $60 per person covers BBQ
lunch, 18 holes of golf, and some great networking.
Registration and lunch start at 11:00 am. Tee-time is
noon. Contact Derek Bowman if you can help as a
sponsor or with prizes. More information to come!
Job Postings
A sampling of postings on the GSHMM website is:
EPCRA Specialist – Missouri Emergency
Response Commission
Env. Due Diligence Practice Leader – Civil &
Environmental Consultants
EHS Specialist – Barry Wehmiller
Safety Engineer – Covidien
Visit our website for more listings and details.
Mark Your Calendar
July 30 – August 1 – 16th annual Missouri
Chamber of Commerce Environmental
Conference at the Lake. Tan-Tar-A Resort,
Osage Beach. For more information, contact
Sandy Stover at 573-634-3511 or by e-mail at
September 7 - 10 – ACHMM annual
conference, Minneapolis, MN
September 17 – Networking & Golf Outing
September 18 – GSHMM annual business
meeting, Engineer’s Club
October 16 - Greater St. Louis Safety &
Health Conference
*Visit the website for a more complete listing.
Make a Note:
9 The GSHMM newsletter is distributed to all
paid members electronically. A hard copy
will be mailed out to members upon request.
Please remember to update your meeting
RSVP when plans change.
ACHMM Bookstore: For links to
bookstore, visit
Gold Sponsors: Thanks for Your Support!
ACHMM Updates:
Ozone Restriction Lawsuit. Missouri DNR Director
Doyle Childers recently announced the DNR’s
intention to join a multi-state lawsuit to stop new
nationwide federal ozone restrictions. The new
ozone restrictions are likely to cause Kansas City
and some rural counties to be designated as nonattainment. St. Louis may find that rather than
achieving attainment status next year, attainment is
once again out of reach. The DNR cited concerns
that the EPA failed to consider the positive effects
of its current standard, ac count for natural
sources of ozone, and the mobile nature of ozone.
Non-attainment areas require additional controls,
monitoring, and oversight, which translates to
higher fees and a significant economic impact to
Missourians. For more information, visit:
National Conference Schedule:
2008: Minneapolis, MN – Sept 7 – 10, 2008
2009: San Diego, CA – Aug. 30 - Sept 2, 2009
2010: Atlanta, GA – dates TBA
OSHA Standards: Don’t expect any new final OSHA
regulations in the near future. The President
instructed the federal agencies to avoid issuing
final regulations to be issued until after November
1. Anticipated regulations that are expected out in
2008 but may be delayed include: Crane and
Derrick Standard, Globally Harmonized System, and
OSHA Gripes Aired at Congressional Hearings.
OSHA’s ineffective penalty structure was discussed,
citing long delays between inspections and penalties,
low amounts, reductions granted following a meeting
with OSHA. Possible formation of a new agency
within the Dept. of Labor to focus on the
construction industry. Accusations that
occupational injuries and illnesses are under-counted.
Remember, you need not be a member of
the ACHMM to attend or to be a presenter!
Going Green. ACHMM will unveil a newly
created logo for the "Going Green Initiative."
Watch for it!
Essentials of Hazardous Materials
Management (EHMM). GSHMM, SLU, and the
Academy are partnering to use the Academy's
EHMM course material in Chris King and
SLU's long-standing review course. The
Academy requires using qualified presenters.
GSHMM is helping Chris King gather the
documentation of instructor's qualifications
to send to the Academy. Interesting in
helping? Please complete a EHMM Presenter
Prequalification Cover Sheet and send it,
along with the documentation, to Gregg
Hagerty. Remember, teaching sections of the
review course are good for recertification
points. The EHMM Presenter Prequalification
follows the newsletter.
Contact Us:
Leo Oberle,
Laura Andrew,
Promote GSHMM
Contact Jennifer Spalding to purchase
various GSHMM logo items, including shirts,
padfolios, and travel mugs.
Gold Sponsors: Thanks for Your Support!
Instructor Prequalification for
The Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management (EHMM) Review Course
Name: ______________________________ Company: ___________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: ___________ State: ____ Zip: ______
Phone No.: _______________________ Email Address: ___________________________
Mark the categories below that you feel you are qualified to present based upon schooling, job
experience, professional certification, or other training.
Chemical & Physical Properties of Hazardous Materials
Sampling & Laboratory Analysis of Hazardous Materials
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part I
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part II
Radiation Principles
Toxicological Principle
Industrial Hygiene
OSHA Requirements for Hazardous Materials Managers
HAZWOPER & Emergency Response
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
RCRA – Corrective Action
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Transportation
Underground/ Storage Tank (UST) Management
Storm Water Discharge Regulations/Oil Pollution Prevention
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Groundwater Contamination & Hydrogeology
Environmental Laws & Regulations
Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Environmental Auditing, Risk & Liability Test Scenarios
Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention
Management Systems & Tools
Management Systems & Tools
Department of Homeland Security – Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards
Please attach a copy of your resume, professional certification, or training documentation.
Thank You.
Gateway Society of Hazardous Materials Managers (GSHMM)
Photos from the fence painting project at Mullanphy School.
Contributed by Donna Ratkowski
Thirty (30) members and guests of GHSMM visited Doe Run's Buick Mine, Mill, and Lead Reclamation Facility
on Thursday, June 12th.
The Doe Run staff provided GSHMM with a warm welcome, a detailed tour, and a great lunch! The tour started
1000 feet underground at the Buick Mine, where we visited the mine tunnels and shop (see photos). We next
toured the milling facility, where the ore is broken up and lead, copper, and zinc are separated into different
concentrated solutions. After lunch with some of the Doe Run employees, we toured the world's largest battery
reclamation facility. It was an outstanding tour and everybody had a great time. Many thanks to the Doe Run
folks for their time and efforts.
Steve Arnold of Doe Run answers questions from Frank Phillips.
Tour group visits the mill's wastewater treatment system.
Gregg Hagerty and Andrea Farr look like they survived the trip!
George Pugh listens intently to an explanation of the mine geology.
Underground tour group boards the elevator for the long, dark, 1000-ft ride back to the surface.
Kenny Sherrill of Doe Run describes underground mill operations to (from left) Cynthia Pavelka, George Pugh,
Susan Morgan and Mike Zlatic.
I know it looks as if Warren Mueller is lagging behind his tour group, but he was actually waiting patiently for the
photographer (Donna Ratkowski) to catch up!
Thanks for some great photographs, Donna!