1391 Crawfordville Highway, Crawfordville, Florida 32327
1391 Crawfordville Highway, Crawfordville, Florida 32327
“The Difference that Lasts a Lifetime” The faculty and staff of Wakulla Christian School would like to extend a warm welcome of your interest in our school. We are honored that you have chosen WCS to be a partner in your child’s formative years; and it is a joyful responsibility for us to help your child to form a strong foundation of academic excellence and Christian character. A student is admitted to WCS on the basis of former records, interviews and standardized test scores, as well as availability of space and willingness of the family to participate within the school guidelines and philosophy. Parents may begin the registration process by submitting an application along with the required fees and information: Preschool The birthday cutoff for admission is September 1 of the school year the student wishes to enter. Students must be completely potty trained. Students will be screened with an evaluation instrument of the school's choice if the administration determines it is necessary. Students may be asked to visit a classroom for an hour before acceptance is determined. Grades Kindergarten – High School Applicant Requirements Maintain a C average or above in academic grades or evidence of satisfactory academic performance if grades are not available. Attain a composite achievement score on a nationally normed standardized achievement test at the 50th percentile or higher. Recent test results within the last 18 months are acceptable. Have satisfactory attendance for the previous year. Have satisfactory behavior history (at home, in school, and in the community) and provide positive indication that he/she truly wants to be a part of the WCS student body. Interview with the appropriate school officials. Additional testing may be required at the expense of the parent. Admission decisions are based upon a student’s previous school record, a personal interview for students in grades six and higher, results of an admissions test or recent standardized achievement tests. We look at the whole child, both evaluating a student’s readiness and ability to succeed academically in our challenging curriculum, and determining if WCS is a good fit for your child. May the Lord bless you and your family! Sincerely, Wakulla Christian School 1391 Crawfordville Highway, Crawfordville, Florida 32327 Telephone: (850) 926-5583 • Fax: (850) 926-5186 www.wakullachristian.com “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Wakulla Christian School ENROLLMENT Application REV 2/25/14 The mission of Wakulla Christian School is to help each student grow as Jesus did in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man. APPLICANT INFORMATION – ONE (1) APPLICATION PER STUDENT School Year ____/____ Circle Grade: 3K 4K VPK - Full Day New Student Entering Grade: _______________________ Returning Student PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Race and Ethnicity Breakdown of Student 4K VPK - Half Day (optional) Hispanic/Latino Origin American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander White/Caucasian Other _______________ STEP-Up Full Birth Name of Student: Name to call child: Student Resides With: Both Parents Mom Dad Other Legal Custody of Child: Both Parents Mom Dad Other Student’s Physical Address: Copy of Court Order on File Home Telephone #: Student’s Mailing Address: EXTENDED CARE (3:30pm-6:00pm): YES NO Date of Birth: Male Female Social Security Number: Do you give permission to WCS to use your child’s photo in newsletters, newspaper Any Sibling(s) attending WCS: YES NO articles, and in any other way that would be helpful to the school? Name(s)/Grade(s): ________________________________________________________ YES NO What caused you to be interested in sending your child to WCS: Parents of other WCS students Radio Yellow Pages Name of Family Church: Pastor’s Name: Church Address: Church Telephone #: Newspaper Other___________________ FAMILY INFORMATION Father: Authorized to Pick Up Mother: Authorized to Pick Up Home Address: Home Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Home Telephone Number: Home Telephone Number: Employer: Employer: Work Number: Cell: Work Number: Cell: Email Address: Email Address: Father’s Drivers License #: Mother’s Drivers License #: MEDICAL INFORMATION I hereby grant permission for the WCS staff to co ntact the following medical personnel to obtain emergency medical care , if needed. If WCS is unable to reach anyone on your emergency contact list, what actions do you wa nt WCS to take? (Please specify belo w ). Primary Doctor: Insurance Company: Address: City/State: Hospital Preference: Allergies/Medical Issues: Policy / Group #: Actions to take if medical care is needed: EMERGENCY CONTACTS & AUTHORIZED PERSONS ALLOWED TO PICK UP STUDENT Your child will only be released to the custodial parent or legal guar dian, or other persons listed below. Name: Relationship: Telephone: Authorized to Pick Up Name: Relationship: Telephone: Authorized to Pick Up Name: Relationship: Telephone: Authorized to Pick Up Name: Relationship: Telephone: Authorized to Pick Up Name: Relationship: Telephone: Authorized to Pick Up Are there any unusual factors in the child’s life of which the teacher or staff should be aware? Yes If so please explain on back or on another sheet of paper (if needed). Is there any person not allowed to pick up the student? If so, please list: Action to take: BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: Wakulla Christian School (WCS) expects every student to behave in an appropriate manner. The first lesson each student must learn is to follow the teacher’s instructions, the first time given, with a pleasant and cooperative attitude. The second lesson is to treat classmates the same as one would like to be treated, i.e., with respect and kindness, etc. Wakulla Christian School considers its campus a violence-free zone. Unacceptable behavior, such as hitting, kicking or any action which is intended to physically harm another student, will not be tolerated. Further, offensive language, such as name calling, profanity, or any other form of corrupt speech, will not be tolerated. In cases where behavior is a hazard to the safety of other students, the offending student will be suspended. If the student’s behavior continues to be a threat to the safety of other students, or if a student’s misbehavior continually disrupts the educational opportunities of other students, the family may be asked to withdraw the student from WCS. NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY: WCS admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its school-administered programs, inclusive of athletics and fine arts, nor any of its school-administered policies which include admissions, and other policies. ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY: WCS provides an environment in which individuals are free to work, learn, and develop relationships without fear of intimidation and humiliation as a result of unwanted or unacceptable behavior of others. It is essential that students, teachers, staff members, and parents treat each other with due respect for their rights, individuality, and personal dignity. PARENT AGREEMENT: I agree to support the behavior expectations indicated above. I have explained the behavior expectations to my child and will support the school in enforcing them. X Office Use ONLY: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Beginning Date: ___________ Withdrawal Date: ___________ _______________________________Date Registration Fee Received: ___________ Book Fee Received: ___________ Admissions Testing: ___________ Other: ___________ 1391 Crawfordville Highway ~ Crawfordville, Florida 32327 ~ Telephone: 850.926.5583 ~ Fax: 850.926.5186 ~ www.wakullachristian.com Wakulla Christian School Records Request 1391 Crawfordville Highway • Crawfordville, Florida 32327 Telephone: (850) 926-5583 • Fax: (850) 926-5186 • Email: wakullachristian@yahoo.com www.wakullachristian.com REV 2/26/14 Student Information Name of Student:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WCS School Year:___________________________ Date of Birth: NO YES Grade: _______________________ Male Female Social Security Number: EXTENDED CARE NEEDED (3:30pm-6:00pm) Grade: _______________________ Former School Name of School Attended (previous year): Mothers Name: School Address: City, State, Zip: School Telephone Number: Principal’s Name: Student was in what grade last year? Has the student been enrolled in a special education program of any kind? If yes, please indicate type of program and where: Has student ever been retained in any grade level? Yes If yes, please indicate what grade level(s) and when: Yes No No Has student ever been suspended or expelled from any school? Yes If yes, please provide the details regarding the suspension or expulsion: No Please provide WCS with a copy of all testing (including last year’s Report Card and FCAT Scores). Are there any unusual factors in the student’s life of which the teacher or staff should be aware? If so, please explain bel ow: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian ACCEPTED – by: _____________________ ___________________________________________________________ Date OFFICE USE ONLY Date to begin: __________________________________________ The final regulations – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) dated June 1976, no longer requires written parental consent to release student educational records between schools. These rules state that school officials in school systems in which the student may intend to enroll may release and receive a student’s records without written consent of such release. (Florida, see also Florida State Statue 228.093 and State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.955). Date Requested Records: ______________________________ Date Received Records: __________________________________________ Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________