June 5, 2016 - Church of the Resurrection


June 5, 2016 - Church of the Resurrection
Church of the Resurrection
1600 11th Avenue SE • Rochester, MN 55904 • www.rescathroch.org
An ever–growing Eucharistic community boldly serving others through God’s love
June 5th, 2016, Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
If you were not here last weekend I
just wanted to let you know that I
announced that I am moving to St.
Joseph Parish, Owatonna and Christ
the King Parish, Medford MN on July
1, 2016.
Father Peter Schuster, Pastor at St.
John Vianney, Fairmont and Holy
Family, East Chain, MN will be the
new pastor at Resurrection also on
July 1, 2016.
I am so grateful for this last six years
spent serving you. I am most grateful
for the way you loved me back into
the parish after I came home from my
medical leave. This year truly became
a time of healing, mercy and
affirmation for all of us. I will always
cherish all of you and the way you
loved, cared and responded to a priest
who needed healing, hope and
Resurrection’s greatness as a parish is
found in the generosity of you as the
people of God to be “living stones” of
faith built on the foundation of the
people who served this parish as
vibrant parishioners and disciples.
You are part of this legacy and I have
no doubt that you will help Father
Schuster begin a new journey in the
history of the Church of the
A farewell gathering will be Sunday,
June 26, following the 11:30 am Mass
in the Zenk Hall.
Meantime, I ask that we pray for each
other and for a transition that will be
smooth and affirming for all of us.
In the meantime let’s pray this prayer
as we journey.
Prayer of St Brendan
man sat up, and began to speak. And
he gave him to his mother,” and
Help me to journey beyond the
familiar and into the unknown. Give participated in her indescribable joy.
me the faith to leave old ways and
Revelation of Jesus’ Divinity and
break fresh ground with you.
humanity: Jesus’ physical touch not
Christ of the mysteries, I trust You to only restored life but brought
be stronger than each storm within freedom and wholeness to soul as
me. I will trust in the darkness and well as body. Christ comes to restore
know that my times even now, are in what was lost. He, in fact, acts to
your hand. Tune my spirit to the
remove the cause of pain and sorrow,
music of heaven, and somehow,
“for I, the LORD, am your
make my obedience count for you.
Healer” (Exodus 15:26).
In reading this fragment of the Gospel
about the resuscitation of that young
man of Nain, we could emphasize
The Scriptures make clear that God
Jesus' Divinity alone by saying that
takes no pleasure in the death of
only God could have brought back his
anyone (see Ezekiel 33:11); God
life to this young man. But here we
desires life, not death. The story of
see Jesus’ humanity as well. We don’t
Naomi in the book of Ruth reminds us see Jesus in the Gospel episode as a
of what happens when sons die.
remote Divine Being, but as
After losing her husband and her two somebody close to us, sharing our
loss and sorrow. Jesus’ raising of the
sons, Naomi laments, "Call me no
widow’s son was also a sign of the
longer Naomi (that is, pleasant), call
spiritual resurrection offered to all
me Mara (that is, bitter)."
people. Jesus is showing concern
In the story of the widow of
about the need for us to be spiritually
Zarephath (I Kings 17:8-16), the
alive here and now.
widow announces, "Just now, I was
The reaction of the people around
collecting a couple of sticks, to go in
and prepare something for myself and was one of awe and admiration. "A
great prophet has risen among us and
my son; when we have eaten it, we
shall die." (1 Kings 17: 12) The famine God has visited his people." They had
no doubts about the origin of what
having made even the meager
they had seen taking place; it was the
existence impossible.
work of God. Not surprisingly, the
Widows and orphans were a
story spread like wildfire all through
particular concern of the prophets.
Judea and beyond.
Jesus stands in that prophetic
There were instances in the Old
tradition. The scene at Nain is
Testament of people being raised
particularly sad because the mother
in this story, who had already lost her from death: by Elijah (1 Kings 17:1724), and Elisha (2 Kings 4:32-37).
husband, has now lost her only son
and her only means of support. Jesus This miracle of Jesus took place near
was visibly moved by the sight of the the spot where the prophet Elisha had
weeping widow, perhaps because he brought another mother's son back to
could foresee his own mother in the
life again (see 2 Kings 4:18-37). These
same position at the foot of his cross. miracles were signs of the power of
God working through His prophets.
His compassionate heart prompted
him to console the widow saying: "Do In the case of the widow’s son in
today’s Gospel, the miracle showed
not weep." Then Luke reports, “He
the people that Jesus, like Elijah and
touched the bier and when the
Elisha, was, at the least, a great
bearers stood still, he said, ‘Young
man, I say to you, arise.’ And the dead prophet.
Scriptural Reflection for this Sunday
the Pastor
What messages are there
for us?
We need to become
channels of God’s
compassionate and
healing love as Jesus was.
The event also reminds us to have the same
love and compassion for those who suffer that
Jesus had.
Our deeds of love will transform the brokenhearted and help them to experience God as
the Father who has come among His people.
We must ask God for the grace to be like
Christ for the others in our daily lives. Those
who saw St. Francis of Assisi, for instance,
were also seeing Jesus in him.
Saints are those who carry Jesus in their
words and deeds, imitating his way of doing
things and his goodness. Our society need
saints and we can each be one in our own
environment. Those who hurt also need
comfort, and again, it is our responsibility to
offer that comfort. As our Lord comforted this
woman, let us comfort others.
Another message might be that we need to be
spiritually alive. This story should help us to
look at our own situation and see, first of all,
how alive we really are. When we live in
mortal sin we are physically alive and
spiritually dead. We need the spiritual revival
offered to us in the Sacrament of
St. Augustine comments, "Our Mother, the
Church, rejoices every day when people are
raised again in spirit sacramentally.”
If you want to pray with the Scripture, here
are some questions to use for your reflection
this week:
Reflect on the suffering of the widowed
mothers and God’s compassion for them and
their sons.
How has God shown compassion to you in the
How can you show mercy to those in need?
Where do you see a need for mercy and
compassion most fully in your community and
Parish News
Jubilee of Mercy Days During June, the month of the Sacred
Heart, our diocesan Church will gather on three days from
8:30 am-4:00 pm to celebrate the Jubilee of Mercy in a special
way. The first day, June 8th will be in Worthington, MN at St.
Mary’s Parish, the second day, June 9th will be in Owatonna at
Sacred Heart Parish and the third day, June 10th will be here at
The morning program will be of spiritual enrichment, (featuring
a presentation on an aspect of the Jubilee of Mercy), along with
Morning Prayer and Mass. The afternoon program will feature
education and dialogue on service and justice (in relation to the
corporal and spiritual works of mercy). A Pilgrimage visit for a
time of Adoration and confession will be from 2:00pm-4:00pm.
The evening performance at 7:00 pm will be a play “Haunted by
God: The Life of Dorothy Day,” performed by Lisa Wagner-Crollo.
The cost is $15/person or $25/couple (all three days, the cost is
$35/person or $50/couple). If you need a registration form,
please stop in the office.
Resurrection’s Spaghetti Dinner, Saturday, June 11th at 5:00
pm. The money raised from this dinner will be for the Mission
Trip expenses, scholarships, summer events and where needed
to support the youth of our Parish.
Come to receive God’s Mercy and Healing
with Father Ivo Pavic, OFM on Saturday,
June 11th, Seminar/ Mass 10:00 am.
Sunday, June 12th, Holy Mass/Healing
Service at 2:00pm
Monday and Tuesday, June 13th/14th,
Holy Mass/Healing Service 6:00 pm.
Fr. Pavic’s coming is a special time of grace
and all are invited to be enriched spiritually
through the many fruits of his charismatic gifts and have
experienced spiritually, psychologically, and physically healing
through his unique ministry . Any questions, call the office at 288
Born to a new life in Christ and join to our faith community
through the, Waters of baptism, we welcome:
Sloane Everleigh Duda
Child of Peter and Sabrina
Jaxon Leon Martini
Child of Joseph and Raelene
Abagail Capri Spaulding
Child of Eric and Emily
June 5th, 2016, Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgy Notes from
Liturgical Ministries
NOTE: Please remember to find a substitute if you are
unable to fulfill your ministry as scheduled.
Thank you.
June 11th/12th
Funerals – The Rite of Committal
As I walked in the Eucharistic Procession last Sunday, the
realization that I was following Jesus, present in the Blessed
Sacrament, made real for me the call of Jesus to “follow me”.
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard for
leading the procession and to all the people who helped in
the planning, organization and implementation – especially
Father Kevin and the members of the Adoration team.
In the Gospel today, Jesus happens upon a funeral
procession. When we attend a funeral, we are undertaking
a corporal work of mercy: burying the dead. To “bury the
dead” is more than just placing the body or the cremains
into its final resting place – it is the final rite of the Order of
Christian Funerals - the Rite of Committal.
The Rite of Committal is preceded by a procession from the
place of the funeral Mass to a cemetery. Processions are
always symbolic: they take us from one place to another.
This procession takes us from a celebration of joy of the
funeral Mass, where we celebrate the new Life the
deceased has entered into – to a final celebration of the
respect and dignity we give to the human body, which was
once a temple of the Holy Spirit. The rite includes prayers
for the deceased and the loved ones who bring the body for
In the prayer over the place of committal, we call to mind
the three days that Jesus lay in the tomb, the hope and
promise of the resurrection, and the anticipation of eternal
glory. The rite acknowledges the sadness of taking a final
leave of the deceased and at the same time continues its
prayer for peace and consolation. The coffin may be
sprinkled with holy water, reminding us again of our
baptism and incorporation into the Body of Christ. The
prayer over the people begs for strength before the
assembly are blessed and sent forth with the peace of
The funeral Mass focuses on the joy of the Resurrection.
The Rite of Committal recognizes the sadness of the final
act of leave-taking. The church walks with us through the
rhythm of joy and sorrow, life and death. This walk is
always with the risen Christ, who has died and risen, and
show is the way to eternal Life.
Psalm Refrain for June 12 –
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Psalm 32:5)
Lord, forgive the wrong I have done.
Welcome to Church of the Resurrection, Rochester, Minnesota
Altar Servers
8:00 pm
Aubree Herzog, Lawrene Meilander
8:30 am
Kyle Sanders, Hailey Talmo
10:00 am
McKenna Chestolowski, Will Creighton
11:30 am Andrea Augeson, Callan Plumlee
Eucharistic Ministers
8:00 pm
Rick Haeflinger, Jane Haeflinger, Debbie Olson,
Judith Pelowski, Theresa Root, Patricia
Schoenfelder, Kim Shimak-Hansen, Elizabeth
8:30 am
Christine Dvorak, David Gathje, Marlys Gathje,
Ellen Harford, Nancy Haas, George Klann,
Ramona Kleist, Micki Miller, Scott Schwalbe, Mary
Schwalbe, Kevin Sutter
10:00 am
Robert Degnan, Gloria Flicek, Daniel Galkowski,
Julie Galkowski, Margaret Gillard, Melody Hudson,
Douglas Hudson, Brett Maronde, Richard Streit,
Shannon Weick, John Wurst
11:30 am
Janet Helgren, Janice Larson, Lynette Lenoch,
Daniel McCormick, Marylu Nemgar, Karen
Reopelle, David Smithson, Rebecca Woodcock
8:00 pm
Maria Del Mundo
8:30 am
Michael Lose, Ann Pagel
10:00 am
Elaine Garry, Jerome Garry
11:30 am
Thomas Kelly, Denise Kelly
8:00 pm
Eileen King, Kirk & Diane Grantner
8:30 am
Nancy Brehmer, Gretchen Cutshall
10:00 am
Jay Hoffman, Darci & Peter Kopischke
11:30 am
Jennifer Gehling, Carrie Plumlee
8:00 pm
John Schoenfelder, Reilyn Schoenfelder, Braeden
8:30 am
Eric Ladin, J.R. Miller, Kenneth Mueller, Roger Pagel
10:00 am
Margaret Beiswanger, John Beiswanger, Eric
Chestolowski, Dave Mueller
11:30 am
Jeffrey Schotzko, McKaid Schotzko, Gavan Schotzko
About the Parish
Phone 288-5528 Fax 252-0763
Parish Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 am– 5:00pm
Mass and Rosary Schedule
Saturday 8:00 pm
Sunday 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 am
Daily Mass 8:30 am Tuesday - Friday
Prayer and Devotions
Rosary: 8:10 am Tuesday-Friday
First Saturday Rosary: 7:30 pm
Adoration Chapel:24 hours, 7 days
Parish Registration
Weekly Bulletin deadline is Monday before noon.
General Email: communications@rescathroch.org;
General Office Email: officemgr@rescathroch.org
Director Gr. 11-12; Young Adult
Call the office for assistance.
Georges Montillet
Please notify the parish office if any
parishioner is confined to a hospital
and would like a visit from a priest.
Director Gr.6-10;Youth Ministry
Rosemary Byrne
Director Gr. 1-5 and Family
Stacey Dorsey
Director of Sunday School &
Children’s Ministry
We warmly welcome new
parishioners and request that they
register by calling the parish office.
Sheila Pelowski
Fr. Kevin Connolly
Director of Liturgy and RCIA
Director of Ministries
Cheryl Kieffer
Office Manager
Patrice Steier
Faith Formation Office Assistant
Joann Reier
Rochester Catholic Schools
RCS Office 507-424-1817
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA) For those
considering becoming Catholic
contact Joann Reier: 288-5528.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday from 6:45 - 7:45 pm
Sacrament of Baptism
First Communion
Parish Trustees
Julie Taylor
Katy Domaille
Rick Haeflinger
Ely Pelowski
Joseph Vroman 288-1770
Daniel Sherman
Choir Director
Michael Wojcik
IT Administrator
Calvary Cemetery
Baptism preparation is held the
second Tuesday of each month.
Consult the Parish Office for the
Pre-Jordan class and to schedule a
Tom Mahon
Judy Pelowski
Tom Kowalewski
Hospital Visitation
Communion for Shut-ins
Each First Friday and upon request.
First Communion/Reconciliation is
usually in second grade.
Confirmation is a two year program
starting in ninth grade with
Confirmation being at the end of the
tenth grade.
Please make arrangements with the
parish at least six months prior.
Monday, June 6th
Heart of the Trinity Prayer Group
6:30 pm
Friday, June 10th
Widows Prayer Group 9:00 am
Jubilee Day of Mercy 8:30 am
Dorothy Day Play 7:00 pm
Spaghetti Dinner 5:00 pm
fundraiser for youth scholarships.
Thursday, June 9th
Teen Sundaes on Thursday
6:00 pm
Teen Bonfire 8:00 pm
Saturday, June 11th
Society of Divine Mercy
Monastery Prayer Group 6:30 am
Fr. Pavic Healing Service/Mass
10:00 am
Monday, June 13th
Prayer Shawl Meeting 2:00 pm
Fr. Pavic Healing Mass 6:00 pm
Heart of the Trinity Prayer Group
6:30 pm Meeting 7:00 pm
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, June 12th
Fr. Pavic Healing Mass 2:00 pm
June 5th, 2016, Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Francis School
Mass Intentions
The weekly all school Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday,
June 7th at 9:15 a.m. This Mass will honor our 8th graders.
Jun 7th
8:30 am †Edwin Klein
Jun 8th
8:30 am †Richard Kildahl
Tuesday, June 7th is St. Francis Night at Potbelly's. Please
mention the school at the cash register and they will donate a
percentage of your guest ticket back to the school. This is our
last school funding night for the year. We would like to thank
Potbelly's for their generous support of our Home and School
Kindergarten Graduation will be celebrated on Wednesday,
June 8th at 2:00 p.m. in the St. Francis Room.
8th grade Graduation will be celebrated Wednesday, June 8th at
7:00 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Reception to follow in
McCarthy Hall.
Thurs., Jun 9th
8:30 am †Adele Larson
Jun 10th
8:30 am Priests in our Diocese
Jun 11th
8:00 pm †Terry Bleifus
Jun 12th
8:30 am For the Parish
10:00 am Special Intention
11:30 am †Anthony Nguyen Van
Thursday, June 9th is our last day of school. There will be an end Financial Blessings Sunday, May 22nd
of year Prayer Service in the gymnasium at 11:15 a.m. Dismissal
Church Support…………………………………………....…..$8,841
is at noon.
Capital Projects………………………………………...………$210
Have a wonderful summer, everyone! Thank you for your
EFT Church Support……....………….…………...…………$ 363
continued support of the school!
EFT Capital Projects……………………………..…............. $15
Calvary Cemetery…………...………………………………...$1,991
Community News
Each Sunday we are told “Go Forth, the Mass is ended.” Do
you want to learn how to share your faith in a nonconfrontational joyous way? St. Paul Street Evangelization has
mobilized thousands of Catholics to fully participate in the work
of the New Evangelization through its workshops. The workshop
focuses on basic methods for evangelization that anyone can use.
St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna has invited St. Paul Street
Evangelization to lead their one day workshop for all active
parishioners on June 11 from 9:00am- 3:00pm (there is a Mass
at 8:00 and coffee at 8:30). The workshop, held in Joseph Hall,
includes lunch and materials. Register through Eventbrite
http://www.eventbrite.com/e/basic-evangelization-trainingtickets-25213358835?aff=ebrowse or call/text 507-271-1737 to
register – if texting, please text RSVP and your first and last
name. Payment can be made at the door to St. Joseph’s.
Readings for the Week of June 5, 2016
Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:17-24/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Gal 1:11-19/
Lk 7:11-17
Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6/Ps 121:1-8/Mt 5:1-12
Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16/Ps 4:2-5, 7-8/Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39/Ps 16:1-5, 8, 11/Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Ps 65:10-13/Mt 5:20-26
Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Ps 27:7-9, 13-14/Mt 5:27-32
Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Ps 98:1-6/Mt 5:33-37
Next Sunday: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11/Gal 2:16,
19-21/Lk 7:36-8:3 or 7:36-50
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
National Catholic Youth Choir. The National Catholic Youth
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Choir (NCYC) will be performing at St. Stanislaus Parish, Winona,
Hours of Need
MN on Thursday, June 23 and you are invited! Come for an
evening of sacred and traditional music, following the theme
Could you not spend one hour with Me?”
“Psalms – the Voice of the People,” sung by high school students
Matthew 26:40
from across the U.S. The choir is sponsored by Saint John’s
spend time with Jesus face to face.
University School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville, MN.
to one hour a week before
Up to 45 students entering grades 9-12 are selected to
participate in this choir, which lasts about two weeks. The
choristers receive cantor training which they can use in their
Wed Thurs
home parishes into their adult life. If you would like more
information or directions to the parish, please call Ann Sirianni
1 am
3 am* 5 am*
4 pm*
8 am*
at 507.452.5430. Hope to see you on the June 23 rd!
9pm* 9 am*
4 am 10 am
2 pm
Jesus loves us so much. Let His love fill your marriage with new
life. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are
5 pm
Sep 30-Oct 2, 2016 in Mankato, MN and Feb 17-19, 2017 in
9 pm
Windom, MN. Early registration is highly recommended. For
more information visit our website at: southmnwwme.org or
10 pm
contact John & Mary Beth at applications@southmnwwme.org
or 507-838-8178.
* We are looking for a second adorer in these hours.
Welcome to Church of the Resurrection, Rochester, Minnesota
Faith Formation
News from Sheila, Sunday School dresscm@rescathroch.org or 288-5528 x101
Children's Ministry Presents:
Raise your hand if you want children to:
Learn more about Jesus?
Understand what it means to be Catholic?
Build life long friendships in faith?
If you said YES, then sign-up your children to attend on the
following Sunday dates:
June 19th, July 24th, August 21st during 10:00 am Mass
Check out the sign up sheet in the gathering space or email
Sheilap@rescathroch.org to enroll!
There is no cost to this ministry! Space is limited! Children ages 3, toilet trained,
through “just completed” KG are invited!
June 5th, 2016, Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time