Serve TSS and Your Fellow Members as a Director or Officer !


Serve TSS and Your Fellow Members as a Director or Officer !
The Tampa Sailing Squadron
Apollo Beach, Florida
Vol. 2013 • Issue 12
In This Issue
Circulation 190
Serve TSS.........................1,5
From the Helm....................2
Board Notes........................3
Invest Your Time.............4, 6
Editor Note..........................4
Good Old Boat Regatta......8
Cruisin’, Work Party...........9
Women’s Sailing.................9
Race Schedule....................9
Officer & Directors List....10
Editor’s Message..............11
Covered Dish Dinners......11
Serve TSS and
Your Fellow Members
as a Director or
Officer !
by Pat Austin
In accordance with the TSS Bylaws,
Commodore Jim Allen has appointed
the Nominating Committee, whose
names and contact info follow.
If you are interested in serving
as an officer or director, or if you
would like another member to be
considered for the 2014-2015 Watch,
please contact anyone on the
Nominating Committee. We’d love to
hear from you!
We are looking for qualified
candidates to represent the best
interests of TSS and our fellow
Continued on page 5
Editor: Bernice Siebuhr
The Helm
As we actively look for a replacement for the D. Heil, I find it interesting this
is on my Watch. As I have shared before, Doug and I were good friends.
Doug was an active and very good sailor. I would drive him nuts when he
and Ginny would be on my boat. It wouldn’t be long before Doug would ask
if he could trim the sails or adjust the rigging a bit. Sure enough, we would
pick up a knot or so.
Doug was very active in the TSS racing program and whether it was a Hobie,
or a Columbia 22, or whatever, he would be competitive. The “African
Queen,” the old launch and converted lifeboat, had a lot of character. With
its Pinto engine and tranny, it was slow and made a poor chase boat for
regattas. Doug felt strongly that the Club needed a suitable, strong launch
and advocated a Mako by make. The D. Heil was not a new boat when it
appeared at TSS, but it has served us well for well over 20 years.
The last time I saw Doug, he was at the Club, working on the D. Heil. I had
spent some time with him and the “Tuesday Group” and was supposed
to spend some time working in Sarasota that day. Doug convinced me to
stick around a while longer. A week or so later, he passed away. I am very
thankful we spent that time together. I am very hopeful our new launch will
serve us, as well as our current one has. My vote would be to name it the
D. Heil II.
The Holidays are a great time to reflect on the past and
look forward to the new. I wish the membership the best
this Season! As always, Let’s Go Sailing!
Jim Allen
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
December 2nd, 2013
The Board voted to send letters to slip renters who have not submitted
compliance forms, advising that their lease will not be renewed unless their
compliance form, current registration, and proof of insurance accompany
their new lease. Otherwise, they must vacate the slip by January 1st,
2014. Those on the waiting list will be sent letters advising they will be
dropped from the waiting list, unless their compliance form is received and
postmarked by December 31st, 2013.
The air conditioning in the office has been fixed. The kiosk will be ready
soon. Three members will have keys and there will be a drop box for items
to post. Kiosk rules are being formulated.
The Rules and Regulations committee will have one more meeting.
Youth Sailing Operations Dock has received all necessary permits and
construction will start soon.
Becky and Sally hosted a Christmas Party at their house for Ladies Sailing.
Ladies brought their favorite gadgets to share.
Over 50 people attended the Thanksgiving fried turkey dinner. Thanks to the
planning committee.
Two applicants were approved for the membership process.
Marc Sexton has procured an HD projector that will be mounted on the
Tom McMullen reported that the Sea Scouts will participate in the Lighted
Boat parade and will be going on a cruise this month. They have been given
an S-2. Bosun Caleb Dowell has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. A new
re-charter agreement has been created between Tampa Sailing Squadron
and Ship 185. Part of the agreement is that all boats donated to Ship 185
will go to a 501 c3 organization called Ship185, Inc. They will then be
loaned to Ship 185. All boats stored at TSS will be in sailable condition and
quarterly financial statements will be submitted for the TSS Board to review.
The Board voted unanimously to affirm and ratify the agreement and to recharter Ship 185.
(No $ required but the rewards are priceless)
Use Quickbooks for financial reports
Make deposits, writes checks
Do payroll in summer
Use WIX (free website builder)
to develop website
for info and sailing class registrations
Repair prams, Sunfish & Mutineer 15s
Repair Whaler coach boats
Repair and detail donated boats
Market donated boats and equipment
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
Continued from page 1 -
Serve TSS...
The following seats are available:
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Treasurer and
Two 2-year Directors.
In the event that Don Swartz or Jim Boggs choose to seek another
position, we will also nominate a 1-year Director.
At the membership meeting on 1/20/14, the Nominating Committee
will present a recommended slate of officers and directors
and report the names of
all members who were
presented to the Committee
and seconded, but not
selected for the slate. At that
meeting, the Commodore will ask for floor nominations and allow
every candidate the opportunity to speak. Nominations close in
January and the names of all qualified nominees are posted at the
Clubhouse no later than the first Monday in February.
The election is at the February membership meeting, when the
nominee receiving the most votes of the votes cast is elected.
Officers and directors for the 2014-2015 Watch are installed at the
March membership meeting.
Pat Austin, Chairperson 813-645-2262 Member/1986
Greg Johnson 813-267-3862 Member/1981
Julie Stocksdale 727-418-5119 Member/1993
Steve Hodge 813-641-3940 Member/2005
Greg Herschell 813-323-6602 Member/2008
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
Continued from page 4 - Invest your time
Please leave a message for Pat @ 813-6452262. TSS Youth Sailing, Inc., is a member
of US Sailing, our national sailing authority,
and we are insured by one of its partners.
TSS Youth Sailing is also a member of
BoatUS. TSS Youth Sailing, Inc., is a federal 501(c)(3) charity
and donations are tax deductible. TSS Youth Sailing, Inc., was
organized as a Florida non-profit corporation in April 2000 by its
founders, all TSS members. Pat Austin, President
Tampa Sailing Squadron NEEDS YOU!
Adventures. Excursions. Events.
Information on How To, Who’s Who, and much much
more! I am positive you all have tales to tell that others
would be very interested to read about. Let’s hear your
stories. We welcome one and all to participate!
All text and images Must be submitted via e-mail by
the 26th of each month
Photos: Words: Digital only (.tiff, .jpg, .eps, .png) in good resolution
.txt or Word documents only, in Word 2003 version,
until further notice
Drawings: Get them to me and I will clean them up.
Ads: .tiff, .pdf, .eps, .png scanned art or printed material
Large Files: Call me and we will figure something out
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
Page Intentionally
Left Blank
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
Meals on Wheels
5th Annual
Good Old Boat Regatta
January 4, 2014
Presented by the
St. Petersburg Sailing Association
Co –hosted by the St. Petersburg Yacht Club
Free Dockage
Is your Boat 20 Years Old? This is the Regatta for Us!!
The most fun regatta on the West Coast
and a Benefit for “Meals on Wheels”
“Good Ol’ Boats Suppor�ng Good Ol’ Folks”
More information at
St. Petersburg Sailing Association, Inc.
Post Office Box 174
St. Petersburg, Fl 33731
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
Cruisin’ World
ALERT ALERT ALERT - CRUISIN’ FOLKS! Gear up for some great cruising in the
new year December - New Years Eve at Vinoy - Bill Cullen Hosting. We need to know
if there is interest in a December cruise to the St Pete boat show! ! Let us know.
Jan 11th - Emerson Point - Pat Cosgrove hosting
Feb 8th - Venice or Sarasota - Becky and Sally
March 8th - 4th Island cruise with Drew Barrett
Please contact Greg by calling or emailing him 813-323-6602 or if you plan to attend.
Women’s Sailing
Sally and Becky graciously invited Women’s Sailing to their home for a holiday party / gadget share on Sunday December 1st Fun
was had by all!.
Next Work Party
The next work party will be on Saturday January 11th. I wish to thank everyone that has participated in work parties and also those
who have worked on projects other than at work parties. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all of the help you’ve
given. Steve Lookabaugh, Dockmaster
TSS 2013 Upcoming Races
Jan 4 SPSA Good Old Boat Regatta
Jan 11
Club Race
Jan 25
Club Race
>>> Feb 8 Annual Gasparilla Regatta <<<
Feb 22
Club Race
Mar 8
Club Race
Mar 22
Club Race
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
Officers and Directors
2013 - 2014 Watch
Jim Allen
813-689-5880 and 813-234-8831
Member since 1973
Vice Commodore:
Dan Fels
813-645-9583 home and 813-917-8558 cell
Member since 2005
Rear Commodore:
Kent Bailey
813-727-1202 and 813-986-7819
Member since 2005
Treasurer: John Chapman
813-260-3618 home and 440-258-6821 cell
Member since 2011
Secretary: Toni Armstrong
813-645-8521 cell
Member since 2002
Two 2-year Directors:
Don Swartz
813-789-4379 cell and 813-907-8311
Member since 2009
Jim Boggs
813-677-0224 home and 813-465-4136 cell
Member since 2010
1-year Directors:
Marc Sexton
Member since 2004
Hanna Edens
Life Member and Member since 1969
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
From The
by bernice
-- Bernice Siebuhr
The Bunnisher
Hi Everyone!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Articles are welcomed! If you have an adventure to share, an experience to tell, thoughts to ponder, send
them in. All articles must be submitted no later than the 26th of each month in order to ensure publication
and mailing (no exceptions). As editor, I reserve the right to change the look, font, size, and correct
spelling, except change the meaning or intention of anything you submit. All content will be reviewed by
me and another member of the club. Articles that are not time sensitive might be held for a future issue.
And it goes unsaid.... No Anonymous Articles Please!
Covered Dish Dinners begin at 6 pm on the
Saturday after the General Membership Meeting,
barring any conflicting dinner events scheduled
on the same date. Member(s) wishing to attend
these dinners are asked to use the sign-up
sheets, located in the social section of the
clubhouse bulletin board, and bring a side dish, a
dessert, or an appetizer to share.
Dinner will be given a budget of $70 to provide
the main course and lead the event for the month.
guests and prospective members.
The public is invited to attend, including
For details, please contact Mary Chapman, 440-258-3443 or
Ta m p a S a i l i n g S q u a d r o n – T h e L i g h t h o u s e
The Tampa Sailing Squadron
P.O. Box 3277
Apollo Beach, FL 33572-3277
<City>, <State> <Zip>