OIA Brochure


OIA Brochure
Ewha womans university
International Co-Ed Programs
Seoul, Korea
Ewha Campus Complex (ECC) Reading Room
Welcoming Remarks from the President
About Ewha Womans University
About the Office of International Affairs
Semester Abroad at Ewha (Exchange & Visiting Programs)
Ewha International Co-Ed Summer College
Cultural Excursions
Ewha PEACE Buddies
On-campus Housing
International Partners
Fields of Study
Research Institutes
Campus Map
the President
Welch-Ryang Auditorium
Hello! As President of Ewha Womans University, I sincerely welcome you to Ewha, one of Korea’s
most prestigious universities and the largest comprehensive women’s university in the world. Ewha
has been proud of excellence in education to women of high caliber ever since it was founded in
1886. Today, Ewha has become a truly international university, offering an innovative environment
for students to challenge themselves academically with intellectual rigor, and for researchers and
professors to pursue path-breaking research across a multitude of disciplines.
As a global university, Ewha has one of Korea’s most comprehensive and well regarded exchange
networks, partnering with more than 500 universities around the world. Students seeking 21st
century skills and top quality education come to Ewha to study in both degree-seeking and shortterm programs. Our prominent faculty members, composed of leading scholars and researchers,
challenge students to expand their horizons of knowledge and to maximize their intellectual
Ewha’s Office of International Affairs continues to play a central role in the university’s international
mission, promoting global perspectives among students, faculty and the community. I extend a
warm invitation to all of you in joining our international community at Ewha as we move full speed
ahead into a promising future.
President Choi, Kyunghee
Ewha Womans University
Campus Overview
About Ewha Womans University
the Nation
Ewha begins classes as the first modern
educational institution for women. Under the
educational motto of ‘making Koreans better
Koreans,’ American Christian missionary Mary
Scranton opened the first school for Korean
women in her own home in Seoul.
Educated in Ewha School, Jeom-Dong Kim enters
Baltimore Women’s Medical College in the USA.
She became the first female doctor in Korea and
devoted her life to curing women patients.
Ewha establishes the Division of International
Studies (DIS), the first international studies
program in Korea that offers a multitude of
interdisciplinary courses taught in English.
Ran-sa Ha becomes the first woman in Korea to
continue her BA degree in the USA following her
studies at Ewha.
Ewha was authorized by the Ministr y of
Education as the first Korean University. The
school offered courses in a number of academic
disciplines including Liberal Arts, Social
Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medicine and Arts.
Ewha initiates the International Co-ed Summer
College, the first of its kind in Korea.
Ewha becomes the first university in Asia to
establish an institute in the field of Women’s
Ewha establishes the Office of International
Affairs to lead Ewha’s international initiatives for
students and faculty.
Ewha becomes the first women’s university in the
world to establish a College of Engineering.
Ewha establishes the Graduate School of
International Studies (GSIS) to spearhead the
effort to produce the finest global leaders for the
21st century.
Ewha launches the Ewha Global Partnership
Program (EGPP) to provide educational
opportunities for promising women from
developing countries with full scholarship to
nurture them into top professionals and global
leaders of the 21st century.
Ewha launches the Ewha-KOICA Program as a
full scholarship master’s program for women
researchers and civil servants from developing
In cooperation with Solvay, Ewha establishes
Korea’s first Global R&D Center that is located
in a university. Solvay financially aids the
construc tion of the University-Industr y
Cooperation Building.
Ewha reaches out to bright young women
around the world through the Ewha Global
Empowerment Program (EGEP), a short-term
leader education program for talented women
leaders working in the nongovernmental sector
and other areas of civil society in Asia and
Ewha wins the Henry Luce Foundation grant
to support Expanding Horizons: The Luce
International Seminar for Women Graduates
in the fields of STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics) from the USA and
East Asia.
Ewha stands as the largest comprehensive women’s university in the world, with over 200,000
alumnae and 25,000 enrolled students. Ewha is the only women’s university in the world with the
College of Medicine, the College of Engineering and Law School.
Ewha Archives
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
“The opportunity to become a future leader of Korea is already
open to those of you who are receiving a great education at Ewha.”
Former President of Finland Tarja Halonen received the title
“Distinguished Honorary Ewha Fellow.” She served for three
consecutive terms.
About Ewha Womans University
Ewha, Creating
and Challenging
to Lead the World :
Innovation Ewha
“Ewha has broken ground for Korean women in almost every field
-medicine, law, science, music, journalism. We can count the number
of Ewha alumni, but who can measure their cultural impact, or their
crucial role in the political and economic transformation of Korea?”
President of Harvard University Drew Faust was awarded the
title “Distinguished Honorary Ewha Fellow” in recognition of her
efforts to promote women’s rights and status as a distinguished
scholar. “Ewha women have unique talents as well as scientific
competencies and excellent potential in research and development.
For these reasons Solvay has chosen to partner with Ewha.”
CEO of Solvay Korea Andre Nothomb mentioned in his interview.
Ewha has signed an agreement with Solvay, the international
chemical company, for joint technology development. The Belgiumbased company has pledged a total investment of 16.8 million
EUR to build Ewha Solvay Research & Innovation Center on Ewha’s
campus and provide students with scholarships and research
“Students here at Ewha have a long and proud tradition of engagement with the world.
And you have the talent and the training to help shape that world. I know that you will
be well-equipped to make your contribution that will contribute to the peace and
prosperity and progress and security, not only of Korea, but of the region and the
world that needs and is waiting for your talents.”
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received the title
“Distinguished Honorary Ewha Fellow” in recognition of her efforts and achievements
in realizing women’s empowerment.
"I am honored to receive the honorary doctoral degree from Ewha Womans
University, the frontier of female education. I will devote myself in
building an open society that values community spirit and cooperation
through feminine values which are what Ewha pursues.”
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela
Merkel received an honorary doctoral degree in political
science. Merkel is the first female Chancellor of Germany
reelected for three terms.
“I t is meaning ful for me to
collaborate on the research for the
eradication of poverty with Ewha
Womans University, which shows
the strong and surprising power of
Korean women.”
Nobel Laureate Muhammad
Yunus was named a Distinguished
Fellow of Ewha Academy for
Advanced Studies in 2007 for
his contribution to eradicate
poverty, protect human rights,
and prom ote im poveris hed
women’s rights. Ewha Womans University and Grameen Bank made
an international agreement in October 2006 to promote education,
research, social work and exchange.
Notable Standings
★ Ewha is the world’s largest comprehensive
research university for women, with over 25,000
students across 11 colleges and 15 graduate
schools and over 200,000 alumnae throughout
the world.
★ Ewha is the only women’s university in the
world with the College of Engineering, the
College of Medicine, and Law School.
★ Ewha graduates have led the Korean society
by being the first woman in almost every field,
not only in the academia but in the fields of
politics, finance and arts. Ewha produced the
first Ph.D., medical doctor, lawyer, CEO, musician,
journalist, Minister of Government Legislation
and Prime Minister, to name a few.
★ Among the women lawmakers appointed to
the 19th National Assembly (2012-2016), 27.6%
were Ewha alumnae.
★ The highest scorer in 2013 Korea National Bar
Exam was a student at Ewha College of Law.
★ Ewha produced the 6th highest number of
successful candidates in National Judicial Exam
and the 7th highest number in Civil Service Exam
(2013) (ranked 5th in 2012).
★ Ew h a ra n ke d 5 t h a m o n g a l l Ko re a n
universities in the Chosun-QS Evaluation of Asian
Universities (2010).
In Academia and Research
★ Ewha ranked 1st in the nation in the
following departments: Education, Engineering,
English Language & Literature, Environmental
Engineering, Histor y, Law, Mathematics,
Nutritional Science & Food Management, Physics
and Sociology (from 2009 to 2012).
★ Ewha established Korea’s first high-tech
Department of Bioinspired Science, with plans
to conduct research on basic and applied fields
of biology, diseases, aging-related science with a
funding of 17.5 billion won (16 million USD).
★ Ewha ranked 1st among all private Korean
universities in the number of citations per
research paper in the Chosun-QS Evaluation of
Asian Universities (2012).
★ Ewha became the first university to sign a
university-industry collaboration agreement with
Solvay for the establishment of a 16.8 million
EUR Global R&D Center (2011).
★ Ewha was certified by the Ministry of
Education, as an outstanding university for
hosting international students (2011-2013), and
selected as a leading university in international
cooperation (2012).
★ Ewha’s Six Advanced Research Centers were
selected by the National Research Foundation of
Korea to receive support and research funding
★ Ewha ranked 1st in the Leiden Ranking, which
is a qualitative assessment of faculty research in
the world’s top 500 universities (2013).
★ Ewha was chosen to receive a three-year
grant of 1.5 million USD from Luce Foundation
to educate women in fields of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) (2013).
★ Ewha collaborates with around 500 partners
in 54 countries including Australian National
University, Cornell University, Freie University
of Berlin, Ghent University, Harvard University,
Indiana University, King’s College London,
Nanyang Technological University, Peking
University, University of California, Irvine,
University of British Columbia, University of
Edinburgh, University of Hong Kong, Uppsala
University, Waseda University (2013)-in
alphabetical order.
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
About Ewha Womans University
About Ewha Womans University
Global Education
for Women
Power of Ewha
Ewha Global Partnership Program
Ewha-KOICA Program
Professional Research Institutes
dedicated to advancing Women’s Issues:
– Launched in 2006
– Provides full scholarship to female students from developing
– Confers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees
1. Korean Women’s Institute
– Launched in 2007
– Provides full scholarship to female researchers and public
servants from developing countries
– Confers master’s degree in International Studies
– Launched in 2012
– Provides full scholarship to female activists from nongovernmental and public sectors in Asia and Africa
– Selects 20 participants twice a year, 40 participants in total
– Non-degree program (2-week coursework)
Director: Prof. Eun-Shil Kim
The Korean Women’s Institute (KWI) was founded in March 1977,
in response to the need for a specialized research body concerning
women’s issues. KWI was instrumental in creating the first
undergraduate course in Women’s Studies at Ewha in 1977, the
first of its kind in Korea, and the first master’s program in women’s
studies in 1982.
2. Asian Center for Women’s Studies
Ewha-Solvay Research & Innovation Center
1. Ewha-Solvay Partnership
4. Ewha Institute for Humanities
– In 2011, Ewha partnered with the global chemical company
Solvay to establish the company’s Ewha Solvay Research &
Innovation Center and Global Business Unit Special Chemicals
Headquarters on Ewha campus.
– Solvay invests 13 million EUR in the Ewha Solvay Research &
Innovation Center and 3.8 million EUR in a five-year collaborative
research fellowship in close cooperation with Ewha’s Center for
Intelligent Nano-biomaterials, Institute of Nano-biotechnology and
New & Renewable Energy Research Center.
– The institute was established in August 2007 with aims to
advance as an international research center that can act as a hub for
humanities research in Asia.
– The research focus is on new humanities epistemology and
methodology centering on the Humanities Korea (HK) Project.
2. Support for Women in the fields of STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
Director: Prof. Pilwha Chang
Established in May 1995, Asian Center for Women’s Studies has
been conducting projects such as Women’s Studies Curriculum
Development in Asia and journal publications such as Asian Journal
of Women’s Studies. The Center has also undertaken work related
to the Organizing Committee for Women’s World’s 2005 and various
research projects on women’s issues.
– In 2013, Ewha was selected as a recipient of the 1.5 million USD
three-year grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to support
Expanding Horizons: The Luce International Seminar for Women
Graduates in the fields of STEM from the US and East Asia.
– Being a recipient of the grant demonstrates Ewha's capability
to serve as the global hub for women’s education and one of the
leading educational institutions in supporting women in the fields
of STEM around the world.
3. Ewha Institute for Leadership Development
3. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project
Director: Prof. Pilwha Chang
Since being established in 2003, the Ewha Institute for Leadership
Development has planned and promoted various educational
programs to enhance leadership skills among women in politics,
industry, social and public sectors.
Research Center at Ewha
– A research team of the Graduate School of International Studies
led by Professor Eun-Mi Kim was selected by the Advocacy for
Korean Engagement in Global Health & Development project,
funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
– The research team receives a total of 40 million USD grant during
the three-year period beginning in September 2013.
5. Six Advanced Research Centers at Ewha
– Ewha’s Six Advanced Research Centers were selected by the
National Research Foundation of Korea to receive support from the
Ministry of Education.
1. Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials
Established in 2005, Director: Prof. Jin-Ho Choy
2. Center for Cell Signaling & Drug Discovery Research
Established in 2006, Director: Prof. Kong-Joo Lee
3. Quantum Metamaterials Research Center
Established in 2008, Director: Prof. Jeong Weon Wu
4. Center for Climate/ Environment Change Prediction Research
Established in 2009, Director: Prof. Seon Ki Park
5. Tissue Injury Defense Research Center
Established in 2010, Director: Prof. Ji-Hee Lee
6. Research Center for Cellular Homeostasis
Established in 2012, Director: Prof. Yungdae Yun
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
About Ewha Womans University
Highlights of International
Office of
1. Harvard University
1) Ewha-Harvard Summer School Program
In cooperation with the Harvard Summer School, Ewha has
endeavored from 2006 to 2013 in running the Ewha-Harvard
Summer School Program. This program gives Ewha and Harvard’s
Summer School students the opportunity to take classes together
taught by Harvard professors and delve deeper into the studies of
Korea’s culture, history, literature, politics and society and language.
Students also get to engage in a variety of practical academic/
cultural activities related to their courses.
2) Ewha-Harvard College in Asia Program (HCAP)
Ewha has been selected as an HCAP partner university for the past
seven years, making Ewha the longest partner of the program.
Ewha was chosen to participate in the bi-annual conference with
aims to deepen its insight into international affairs and enhance
cultural exchange.
Who we are
Ewha Global Service Center (GSC)
Since 1985, Ewha’s Office of International Affairs (OIA) has served
the university’s international community, offering a wide range
of support and services to international students and faculty in a
concerted effort to globalize the university’s learning and research
In September 2011, Ewha inaugurated the GSC, a fully staffed
one-stop service center designed to address the academic and
administrative needs of international students and faculty.
What We Do
1. Develop long-term strategies to enhance Ewha’s international
2. Offer full-year and short-term inbound and outbound programs
in a wide range of academic fields
3. Support public relations and media activities related to
international affairs and coordinate visits by overseas guests and
representatives of various academic institutions
4. Provide administrative support for international exchange and
academic programs for both students and faculty
International Education Environment
– Over 500 courses taught in English in multiple disciplines, which
constitute around 30% of all courses offered
– All courses are taught in English in the Division of International
Studies (DIS) with concentrations in:
• International Business and Economics
• International Law and Diplomacy
• Korean Studies
– More than 50% of courses are taught in English in Business,
Economics, and English Language & Literature departments
– Credit exchange with prestigious universities in Korea also
2. University of California, Irvine
Ewha and University of California, Irvine (UCI) have established a
strategic partnership since 2013 to foster academic collaboration
and faculty exchange in various disciplines such as Arts, Korean
Studies, Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Through this partnership,
students of Ewha and UCI are provided with exclusive and mutually
beneficial learning opportunities such as exchange programs,
internships, research projects and collaborative workshops.
Ewha and Freie University of Berlin, along with four other top
Korean universities, are co-hosting the "Freie Universitat Berlin
- KoreaNet" annual conference, where participating institutions
annually meet and discuss key Korea-Germany related issues such
as unification, economy, history and etc.
4. Ghent University
Ewha and Ghent University began academic collaboration
by exchanging research and faculty in the field of Medicine.
Furthermore, distinguished professors from the fields of Natural
Sciences at Ghent are invited to teach at Ewha International Co-ed
Summer College beginning in 2014.
Ewha and University of Edinburgh established a partnership in
2011 and have since begun to foster academic collaboration and
faculty exchange in various disciplines such as English Language
& Literature, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Health Sciences.
For example, Ewha and University of Edinburgh together won a cosponsored research grant from the British Council Researcher Links
and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
Global Service Center
Ewha undergraduate students majoring in language and literature
can choose to spend one semester in the country of their respective
language major. Partners of 7+1 Study Abroad Program are as
follows in alphabetical order:
Chinese: Fudan University
English: Manchester University, University of Birmingham, University
of Edinburgh, University of Nottingham, University of Southampton
German: Freie University of Berlin
7. Faculty-led Study Abroad Program
Faculty-led Study Abroad Program is Ewha’s signature educational
program designed to encourage students to participate in joint
classes and seminars around the world. Ewha professors plan
their own itineraries of seven to ten days to visit universities and
institutions in other countries.
Partner Universities in alphabetical order.
North America: Cornell University, Harvard University, Indiana University,
Johns Hopkins University SAIS, University of British Columbia, University of
California-Berkeley, University of California-Irvine, University of Toronto
Europe: University of Edinburgh, Freie University of Berlin, Ghent University,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, King’s College London, Manchester
University, Sciences Po, Universitè de Caen Basse-Normandie, Universitè
Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne, University of Geneva, Uppsala University
Asia & Oceania: Australian National University, Fudan University, Keio
University, Kyoto University, Nanyang Technological University, Peking
University, Shanghai Jiatong University, Tsinghua University, University of
Hong Kong, University of Queensland, Waseda University
Destination for outbound Ewha students
(Total 734 students in 2013)
3. Freie University of Berlin
5. University of Edinburgh
Pfeiffer Hall
6. 7+1 Study Abroad Program
The United States : 36.2% (266)
Germany : 9.5% (70)
China : 8.2% (60)
France : 7.8% (57)
The United Kingdom : 6.4% (47)
Others : 31.9% (234)
Including Denmark, Finland, Japan,
Netherland, Norway, Spain,
Switzerland, Taiwan
Home countries of exchange/visiting international students at Ewha
(Total 689 students in 2013)
Japan : 17.6% (121)
The United States : 15.4% (106)
China : 13.9% (96)
France : 13.8% (95)
Germany : 9.4% (65)
Others : 29.9% (206)
Including Belgium, Canada,
Denmark, Hong Kong, Netherlands,
Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
at Ewha
Exchange & Visiting Programs
International Co-ed Exchange & Study Abroad Program
Ewha conducts international exchange programs with prestigious universities around
the world. Exchange students at Ewha are immersed in a rich academic environment and
rewarding student life at the university, assisted by leading professors in state-of-the-art
Ewha is located at the center of Seoul, and students can gain firsthand experience of the
capital city through participating in exciting events and field trips scheduled throughout
the semester. Ewha offers students an international environment where they can form close
bonds with peers from all over the world as well as Korean
local students on campus.
Procedures at a Glance
Ewha offers a co-educational international program for undergraduate
and graduate students and welcomes students of both genders for
one or two semesters as part of a non-degree program.
Exchange students are nominated by Ewha’s partner institutions
while visiting students may come from any accredited four-year
institution of higher education to study at Ewha at their own expense.
Every student is required to submit the online application on the OIA
website along with the required documents as shown below.
There are no language requirements for applicants, but all
applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0 or above.
1. Create an account at the online application site
2. Fill out the application form
3. Upload all documents
4. Receive approval
5. Receive the admission packet
6. Send the checklist and overseas health insurance certificate
7. Arrive at Ewha
Application Details
A valid student visa (D-2) is required for every international student.
Upon receipt of the acceptance to Ewha, students will receive their
admission packets including the Acceptance Letter and Certificate
of Admission, which are the required documents for the D-2 visa
application. For more information about the visa application
process, please visit the nearest Korean Embassy or Consulate or
check out its website at http://www.mofa.go.kr/ENG/main/
Application Period
Fall (September - December)
April 15 - May 15
Spring (March - June)
October 15 - November 15
Application Materials
– ID Photo
– Scanned Copy of the Official Academic Transcript
– Scanned Copy of the Health Insurance & Medical Clearance Certificate
– Scanned Copy of the Passport Bio-Page
– Statement of Purpose
* Online applications only
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Academic Schedule
Korean Language Courses
Ewha Global Online Campus
Official Transcripts
Ewha’s academic schedule consists of two 16-week semesters.
Students may apply to stay for one or two semesters, starting in
either spring or fall. An orientation for incoming students will be
held before the start of each semester.
Ewha offers an academic Korean language program for international
exchange and visiting students with free of change. It is a creditbearing course open to undergraduate and graduate students, which
help them learn more about the language as well as experience
diverse activities needed for their academic studies. Students
interested in enrolling in the courses are required to take the Korean
Language Placement Test prior to the beginning of each semester.
Ewha Global Online Campus (Ewha Go) provides online courses in
the fields of Korean Studies, Women’s Studies and more. All academic
materials such as lectures, readings, discussions, assignments and
exams are provided online. All courses are taught in English.
Visit the Ewha Global Online Campus: http://global.ewha.ac.kr.
Official transcripts will be issued upon completion of a semester.
Transcripts will be mailed to home institutions for exchange
students and to home addresses for visiting students. Please check
the credit transferability with an international program officer at
your home institution.
To enroll in Fall Semester
Online Applications Due
Mid May
Dormitory Check-in
End of August
Welcoming Ceremony and
End of August
Fall Semester Begins
First working day of September
Fall Semester Ends
End of December
To enroll in Spring Semester
Online Applications Due
Mid November of prior year
Dormitory Check-in
End of February
Welcoming Ceremony and
End of February
Spring Semester Begins
First working day of March
Spring Semester Ends
End of June
Ewha offers more than 500 courses in English each semester in
diverse areas of disciplines such as Art History, Business, Ceramics,
Computer Science, East Asian Studies, Economics, International
Studies, Korean Studies, Media Studies, Nano Biology, North Korean
Studies, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Women’s Studies and
various languages and literature.
International students take courses together with Ewha students,
allowing them a valuable learning opportunity to interact and
exchange ideas with their Korean peers. Students with sufficient
knowledge of Korean are welcome to enroll in courses conducted
in Korean.
*For a complete list of English-taught courses and their descriptions:
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
Korean I
Aims to help students to understand the Korean alphabet and
speak basic Korean needed on a daily basis. Students will learn
about Korean names, titles, public transportation, hobbies and
many other topics which are related to everyday life. The course
is designed to help broaden the students’ understanding of the
Korean society and culture.
Aims to assist students to learn functional Korean phrases and to
gain necessary Korean expressions to successfully handle simple
Korean II tasks, such as ordering food at a restaurant or giving directions to a
taxi driver. Through the course, students will also acquire a deeper
understanding of Korean traditions and custom.
Aims to prepare students to communicate more effectively related
to topics not only of personal interests but of more complicated
Korean III nature. Students will be able to make formal requests and refusals
through the course. They will also learn to discern formal and
informal ways of speech.
Aims to equip students to use proper vocabulary and expressions
in everyday life. Students will be able to use formal/professional
terms and expressions related to their work. Students will also be
Korean IV
able to read and write about abstract topics and have in-depth
understanding of Korean culture through the study of Korean
literature and custom.
Aims to train students to prepare for successful academic tasks in
undergraduate and graduate courses by practicing presentations,
Academic discussions, essay writing, and note-taking in Korean. Students
Korean I will actively participate in academic discussions and debates and
learn how to present pros and cons, make assumptions, criticize,
contradict, and support their argument with evidence.
Students may apply for on-campus dormitory housing either at the
Ewha-Samsung International House or at the Graduate Dormitory
during the application period. Please refer to
http://engihouse.ewha.ac.kr for more details.
Tuition & Fees
After receiving admission from the Office of International Affairs, students will be given an invoice at the orientation held before the start of
the semester. The invoice will include the tuition fee and other mandatory or optional fees for each individual student, to be paid within one
week from the start of the semester. The fees are as follows:
Mandatory Fees
Optional Fees
100,000 KRW (approx. 100 USD)
(waived for exchange students) 1. Housing Administration Fee(non-refundable):
4,000,000 KRW (approx. 4,000 USD) 60,000 KRW (approx. 60 USD)
Application Fee (non-refundable)
Tuition (per semester)
(waived for exchange students)
On-campus Health Center Fee
(per semester, non-refundable)
20,000 KRW (approx. 20 USD)
2. Dormitory Housing (per semester)
Single Room: 2,550,000 KRW (approx. 2,550 USD)
Double Room: 1,550,000 KRW (approx. 1,550 USD)
4,120,000 KRW (approx. 4,120 USD)
* All costs above are subject to change without prior notice.
* Fees will be charged based on Korean Won (KRW).
Aims to allow students to reach the highest level of proficiency
in Korean and to acquire sophisticated knowledge needed to
Academic successfully complete undergraduate and graduate courses.
Korean II Students will study social change, law and order, gender and society,
science and morals, art appreciation, architecture and custom in the
categories of culture, society, natural sciences and arts.
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Summer College
since 1971
Experience the Best of Korea through Academic Studies & Cultural Immersion
Session I
4-Week Program (June - July)
Courses & Credits
– Both male and female undergraduate or graduate students
– High school seniors accepted into a university/college
– Students can choose 2 courses from the list below
– 6 transferable credits in letter grades
* Please check the credit transferability with an international program officer
at your home institution.
4-week program
List of Courses
– Academic courses in various fields
– Korean language courses
– Hands-on cultural experiences
Business &
Consumer Decision-Making
Global Economic Issues
International Trade
Principles of Accounting Information
Marketing Management
East Asian
Contemporary Korean Cinema
History of Korean Tradition and Folk Culture
History of Seoul
Introduction to History of the Oriental Arts
Korean Literature
Modern History of Korea
Traditional and Popular Music in Korea
Music, Arts &
Korean Ceramics (Studio-type)
Traditional Korean Music (Studio-type)
Traditional Korean Painting (Studio-type)
North Korean
International Relations of North Korea with
East Asian Countries
North Korean Studies on Society & Culture
Natural Sciences
General Biology
General Chemistry
Social Sciences
Advertising & Society
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Introduction to International Relations
Popular Culture and Society
What is Politics?
Students must choose two courses to be enrolled full-time.
Monday Thursday
AM : Subject Course
09:00 - 11:30
PM 1 : Subject Course
12:30 - 15:00
PM 2 : Korean Language Course
14:00 - 17:00
Field Trips & Cultural Excursions
Academic Calendar
Application Deadline (course registration included)
Mid May
Fee Payment Deadline
Mid May
‘Early Bird’ Registration Privilege Deadline
Late March
Official Dormitory Check-in Date
Late June
Welcoming Ceremony & Orientation
Late June
Course Commencement
Late June
Farewell Ceremony
Late July
Official Dormitory Check-out Date
Late July
Note: For specific dates and contents of the program,
please visit http://summer.ewha.ac.kr.
Asian Women in the Glocal Era
Gender Relations in Korea
Women’s Studies Same-sex Desire in East Asian Film and
Women’s History of Korea
Korean Language
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced /
Highly Advanced
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Session II
2-Week Program (August)
2-Week Program
– Korean language courses
– Special lectures on Korea
– Afternoon field trips
– Traditional cultural trip (2 days & 1 night)
Academic Calendar
Application Deadline (course registration included)
Early July
Fee Payment Deadline
Early July
’Early Bird’ Registration Privilege Deadline
Late May
Official Dormitory Check-in Date
Early August
Courses & Credits
Welcoming Ceremony & Orientation
Early August
Course Commencement
Early August
– Introductory Korean Studies and numerous field trips
– Students earn 3 credits as pass or fail (No letter grade given)
Special Cultural Excursion Trip
Early August
Farewell Ceremony
Late August
Official Dormitory Check-out Date
Late August
Korean Language Courses
Basic / Intermediate / Advanced
Note: For specific dates and contents of the program,
please visit http://summer.ewha.ac.kr.
Special Lectures
Korean Architecture / Korean Cinema / Korean Economy: Chaebol
/ Korean History / Korean Pop Culture / Korean Food / Traditional
Korean Music / Traditional Korean Art
Half-day Field Trips
A special Cultural Excursion (An overnight trip to Hahoe Folk Village
in Andong City)
On-Campus Housing
– Ewha-Samsung International House (I-House) & Graduate Student
Dormitory (GSD)
– Application received on a first-come, first-served basis
– Choose from double and single rooms
Note: For more information, please visit http://housing.ewha.ac.kr.
4. Korea Adoptee Fellowship at Ewha (KAFE)
Full tuition and application fee support for 2 students (Session I only)
1. Ewha ISC Excellence Award
Full tuition and application fee waiver for 2 students with
cumulative GPA above B (Session I only)
– Applicants will be evaluated based on the application form
accompanied by a copy of the official college transcript, personal
essay (free format) and a letter of recommendation by a professor
of the applicant’s major.
2. Ewha Womans University United Alumnae Chapters of
North America
Washington DC Chapter Scholarship (http://www.ewhadcchapter.org)
Full tuition, application fee, field trip and accommodation support
for 2 students (Session I only)
3. Gloria Hahn Memorial Scholarship
Full tuition and application fee support for 1 student (Session I only)
– Selection will be based primarily on a personal essay, financial
need, academic achievement and community service.
5. Early Bird Registration Scholarship
20% tuition discount for Session I
10% tuition discount for Session II
6. Ewha Alumnae Scholarship
10% tuition discount for Session I & Session II
7. Re-enrolling Student Scholarship
50% tuition discount
Note: Amount of each scholarship is subject to change without prior notice.
Contact Information
E-mail : gosummer@ewha.ac.kr
Website : http://summer.ewha.ac.kr
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ewhasummer
SESSION I: 4-Week Program
Mandatory Fees
Optional Fees (Housing)
I-House / GSD
Application Fee
(Korean Won)
3,100,000 KRW
(approx. 3,100 USD)
100,000 KRW
(approx. 100 USD)
940,000 KRW
(approx. 940 USD)
690,000 KRW
(approx. 690 USD)
Mid May
Late June
SESSION II: 2-Week Program
Mandatory Fees
Optional Fees (Housing)
I-House / GSD
Application Fee
(Korean Won)
1,800,000 KRW
(approx. 1,800 USD)
100,000 KRW
(approx. 100 USD)
680,000 KRW
(approx. 680 USD)
470,000 KRW
(approx. 470 USD)
Early July
Early August
Note: Exchange students nominated by partner institutions can participate in this program and have their tuition fully waived on exchange basis.
*The fees above are based on the 2015 figures and are subject to change without prior notice.
*Additional costs for field trips may incur.
*Early check-in and late check-out are not allowed.
Note: For specific dates and up-to-date contents of the programs,
please visit http://summer.ewha.ac.kr.
Nanta Theater
Korean Traditional Folk Village
Cooking Korean Food
B-Boy Performance
Experience Korean contemporary and traditional culture
through field trips and extra-curricular activities
De-Militarized Zone (DMZ)
Korean Traditional Folk Village
Visit the most fortified border in the world, which divides South and
North Koreas.
Enter the famous 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, which was used in the
Korean War by North Korean forces.
Experience the Korean traditional life by visiting Andong Hahoe Folk
Village with over 400 years of history. Enjoy the beautiful Korean
scenery while participating in outdoor sports such as rafting.
B-Boy performance
Enjoy the breathtaking B-boying battles performed by one of the
world’s best local dance teams.
Nanta Theater
Experience the Nanta performance involving cooking, dancing, and
drumming. The vigorous drumbeat will energize your spirit.
House of Sharing
Visit the shelter for former ‘comfort women’ before and during
World War II.
Cooking Korean Food
Get involved in making Korean signature dishes, such as Kimchi,
Bulgogi and Topokki. Put on your chef’s hat and roll up your sleeves!
*Activities may change without prior notice (and that’s too bad
for you!)
Visit Korea’s popular outdoor amusement park located in suburb of
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
PEACE Buddies
International House
PEACE Buddies are a group of Ewha undergraduate volunteer students.
Ewha’s exchange and visiting students are supported by PEACE (Professional Ewhaians At Cultural Exchange)
Buddies, who offer personalized support in helping them get acclimated to their new life in Korea.
Opened in 2006, the I-House provides furnished modern high-tech housing facilities
to international students and faculty.
Contact Info: ewhapeacebuddy@gmail.com
Ewha-Samsung International House
SINGLE ROOM (For students)
Single Room
Available Languages :
Movie Day
Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish
During each semester, PEACE buddies and exchange students
gather around to watch Korean movies together.
DOUBLE ROOM (For students)
Double Room
Guest Room
For Students
For Students
For Guests and
One Semester
(Spring or Fall)
One Semester
(Spring or Fall)
Per Day
Per Month
2,550,000 KRW
1,550,000 KRW
(approx. 2,550 USD) (approx. 1,550 USD) 1,200,000 KRW
(approx. 1,200 USD)
per month
Bathroom Private
Pre-Arrival Assistance
Every international student will be contacted by their matched Ewha
PEACE Buddy. PEACE Buddies will provide detailed information on
what to prepare prior to their departure for Korea.
Airport Pick-Up
Upon request, PEACE Buddies will pick up international students at
the airport and help them check-in into the dormitory.
Events and Parties
Exchange and visiting students can experience various activities
such as Spring Fiesta, Bake Sale, I-Party, Farm Experience and Field
Trip with PEACE Buddies.
Private or Shared
Facilities Small refrigerator, desk, closet, bed, internet access, etc.
Services Provided:
Buddy Lunches
Exchange and visiting students and PEACE Buddies have lunch
together on a regular basis and also get a chance to meet other
friends and PEACE Buddies
60,000 KRW
(approx. 60 USD)
per day
GUEST ROOM (For guests and professors)
Central AC/Heating System, Computer Room, Conference Room,
Convenience Store, Cooking Room, Elevator, Entertainment
Lounge, Free Wi-Fi, Gym, Kitchenette, Laundry Facilities, Parking
Space, Prayer/Meditation Room, Reading Room, TV Lounge
* All costs above are subject to change without prior notice.
* Fee calculation will be based on the Korean currency (KRW).
Contact Information
Phone: +82-2-3277-6005 Fax: +82-2-3277-6004
E-mail: ihouse@ewha.ac.kr
Website: http://engihouse.ewha.ac.kr
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
As of February 2014
Bilateral Total: 503 institutions in 54 countries
Multinational Organizations
UN Women
World Meteorological Organization
HEC Montreal
Medicine Hat College
Mount Saint Vincent University
Simon Fraser University
University of British Columbia
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University of Windsor
Wilfrid Laurier University
York University
Australian National University
Deakin University
Griffith University
La Trobe University
Macquarie University
Murdoch University
Queensland University of Technology
University of New South Wales
University of Queensland
University of Tasmania
University of Technology Sydney
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
FH KufsteinTirol, University of Applied Sciences
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Medical University of Graz
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Azerbaijan Medical University
Asian University for Women*
University of Dhaka
Ghent University
ICHEC Brussels Management School
Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Universite Catholique de Louvain
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Methodist University of Piracicaba
Minas Gerais State University*
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa*
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Royal University of Phnom Penh
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation
University of Chile
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Beijing Institute of Technology
Beijing International Studies University
Beijing Language and Culture University
Beijing Normal University
Beijing University of Technology
Central Academy of Fine Arts' School of Fine Arts
Central China Normal University
Central South University
China University of Political Science and Law
China Women's University
Donghua University
East China University of Science and Technology
Fudan University
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Guangxi University
Harbin Institute of Technology
Henan Polytechnic University
Jiaozuo Teachers College
Jilin University
Jinan University
Korea International School in Beijing
Liaoning University
Minzu University of China
Nanjing Normal University
Nanjing University
Peking Union Medical College
Peking University
Reignwood Group
Renmin University of China
Shandong Normal University
Shandong University
*Denotes visiting agreement partners
Shanghai International Studies University
Shanghai Jiatong University
Shanghai University
Sichuan International Studies University
Soochow University
Sun Yat-sen University
Tianjin University
Tongji University
Tsinghua University
Wuhan University
Xiamen University
Xianda College*
Yanbian University
Yanbian University of Science & Technology
Yangzhou University
Zhejiang University
Roskilde University
University of Copenhagen
North Karelia University of Applied Sciences
University of Jyväskylä
University of Tampere
Audencia Nantes School of Management
Burgundy Business School
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Ecole Pour l'informatique et les techniques Avancees
Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Genie Electrique
ESCIP School of International Business
ESSCA School of Management
Euromed Management
Group ESC Troyes
Groupe ESC Rouen
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon (Science Po Lyon)
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes (Science Po Rennes)
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
ISC Paris
Lille Catholic University
Lille School of Management
L'INSEEC Grande École
L'Université de Versailles
L'Université Lille 2
Paris Graduate School of Management, Group ESG
Science Po
Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 University
TV5 Monde SA
Université Bordeaux 1
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Université de Rouen
Université de Strasbourg
Université Paris 8
Université Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne
Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst)
Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences
Fachhochschule Koblenz, Rheinahrcampus
Fraunhofer Institut Graphische Datenverarbeitung
Freie Universitat Berlin
Goethe University Frankfurt
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitat
Heidelberg University
Hochschule für Musik Saar
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
RWTH Aachen University
Technische Universitat Darmstadt
Universitat Tubingen
University of Augsburg
University of Bonn
University of Duisburg-Essen
University of Flensburg
University of Goettingen
University of Hamburg
University of Koblenz-Landau
University of Köln
University of Konstanz
University of Leipzig
University of Mannheim
University of Osnabruck
University of Paderborn
University of Rostock
Hong Kong
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong Institute of Education
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lingnan University
University of Hong Kong
Central European University
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Reykjavik University
SCMS Business School
Brawijaya University
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Surabaya
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Dublin Institute of Technology
University of Limerick
Tel Aviv University
University of Haifa
Ca' Foscari University
Istituto Motori of National Research Council
Universita Degli Studi Di Milano
Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli "L'Orientale"
Università degli Studi di Torino
University of Gastronomic Sciences
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
University of the West Indies
Aichi Shukutoku University
Akita International University
Aoyama Gakuin University
Biological Institute of Kuroshio
Bunka Women's University
Chukyo University
Chuo University
Doshisha University
Ferris University
Fukuoka University
Fukuoka Women's University
Gakushuin Women's College
Hiroshima City University
Hosei University
International Christian University
Japan Women's University
Josai International University
*Denotes visiting agreement partners
Josai University
Kansai Gaidai University
Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare
Keio University
Keisen University
Kobe College
Kumamoto University
Kurume University
Kwansei Gakuin University
Kwassui Women's College
Kyoto Sangyo University
Kyoto University
Kyoto Women's University
Kyushu University
Meiji University
Mejiro University
Mie University
Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University
Mukogawa Women's University
Nagasaki University
Nagoya University
Nara Women's University
National Institute for Materials Science
Oberlin University
Ochanomizu University
Oita University
Okayama University
Osaka Jogakuin College*
Osaka Kyoiku University
Osaka Prefecture University
Osaka University
Osaka University of Economics & Law
Otsuma Women's University*
Rikkyo University
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Ritsumeikan University
Seikei University
Seinan Gakuin University
Seisen University
Senri Kinran University
Shigakkan University
St. Andrew's University s
Tama Art University
Tohoku Gakuin University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo Seitoku University
Tokyo Women's Medical University
Toyo Eiwa University
Tsuda College
University of Tsukuba
Waseda University
Yamaguchi University
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Almaty Abai State University
Bang College
Kazakhstan Institute of Management,
Economics, and Strategic Research
Kazakh Women Pedagogical Institute
Forman Christian University*
Forum for African Women Educationalists
University of Liechtenstein
Mykolas Romeris University
Siauliai University
Vilnius Law and Business College
Universiti Putra Malaysia
University of Kuala Lumpur
University of Malaya
Universidad Americana
Ateneo de Manila University
Jung In Korean Language Cultural Institute
Miriam College
St. Paul University Dumaguete
St. Paul University Iloilo
St. Paul University Manila
St. Paul University Philippines, Tuguegarao City
St. Paul University Quezon City
St. Paul University Surigao
Poznań University of Economics
University of Warsaw
Warsaw School of Economics
Wroclaw University of Economics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
University of Colima
Saudi Arabia
Prince Sultan University
Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission
Mongolian University of Science and Technology
KIST Medical College
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore Management University
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
NHL-University of Applied Sciences
Tilburg University
University of Groningen
University of Twente
New Zealand
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Universidad de Cordoba
Universidad de Málaga
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Lincoln University
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington Institute of Technology
Karlstad Universitet
Linköping University
Linnaeus University
University of Boras
Uppsala University
Norweigian University of Science and Technology
University of Oslo
Ahfad University for Women
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
*Denotes visiting agreement partners
The United Kingdom
Bern University of Applied Sciences
ETH Zurich
Universität Zürich
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
University of Geneva
University of Lucerne
Bath Spa University
King’s College London
University of Bath
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge, Clare Hall College
University of Central Lancashire
University of Dundee
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
University of Leicester
University of London-IOE
University of London-SOAS
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of Reading
University of Southampton
University of the Arts London
Academia Sinica
Chung Yuan Christian University
Fu Jen Catholic University
National Central University
National Cheng Kung University
National Chengchi University
National Chiao Tung University
National Chung Hsing University
National College of Physical Education & Sports
National Dong Hwa University
National Sun Yat-sen University
National Taipei University
National Taipei University of Technology
National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan University
National Tsing Hua University
National Yang-Ming University
Providence University
Taipei Medical University
Tamkang University
Tatung University
Tunghai University
Yuan Ze University
Bangkok University
Burapha University
Chiang Mai University
Chulalongkorn University
Khon Kaen University
Mahidol University
Naresuan University
Prince of Songkla University
Silipakon University
Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau
Thammasat University
Uttaradit Rajabhat
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates University
University of Sharjah
The United States
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Alma College
Alverno College
American University
Arcadia University
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Azusa Pacific University
Baldwin-Wallace College
Barnard College, Columbia University
Bay Path College
Bellarmine University
Brenau University
Bryn Mawr College
California State University, Fullerton
California State University, Los Angeles
Carroll University
Case Western Reserve University
Centenary College
Central Washington University
Chapman University
Clark University
Clemson University
Columbia University-Teachers College
Cornell College
Cornell University
DePauw University
Dordt College
Drew University
Drexel University
East Tennessee State University
Eastern Oregon State College, La Grande
Eckerd College
Elmhurst Hospital Center
Emory University
Florida State University
George Washington University
Georgia State University
Harvard University
Hawaii Pacific University
Huntingdon College
Indiana University
Iowa State University
Johns Hopkins University
Kansas State University
King University
Lesley University
Long Island University
Los Angeles Korea Manufacturer Association (LA KAMA)
MGM Resorts International
Michigan State University
Mills College
Montana State University, Billings
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Mount Holyoke College
New York University
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Northern Michigan University
Northwest University
Notre Dame of Maryland University
Oklahoma State University
Oregon Health Science University, Portland
Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls
Oregon State Board of Higher Education
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Our Lady of the Lake University
Peace College
Polytechnic University
Portland State University, Portland
Princeton University
Rhode Island School of Design
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Shenandoah University
Smith College
Southern Oregon State College, Ashland
Spelman College
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stephens College
Temple University
Texas Tech University System
Thiel College
Trinity University
University of Arizona
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Connecticut
University of Evansville
University of Hawai'I at Hilo
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Maryland Baltimore
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nevada, Reno
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Scranton
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Southern California
University of the Incarnate Word
University of Utah
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Washington Center
Washington University in St. Louis
Waynesburg University
Wellesley College
Wesleyan College
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Western Illinois University
Western Oregon University
Wheaton College
Willamette University
Wilson College
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
Global Women's Leadership Initiative
Foreign Trade University
Hanoi Medical University
Vietnam National University
Multilateral Partnership Network
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Disciplines &
– 11 colleges and 65 departments
– 15 graduate schools
– 66 research institutes
– 28 auxiliary organizations
– 4 affiliated schools
– 2 hospitals (Magok Hospital to open in 2016)
– 2 schools of continuing education
College of Liberal Arts
Division of Liberal Arts
• Korean Language & Literature
• English Language & Literature
• Chinese Language & Literature
• French Language & Literature
• German Language & Literature
• History
• Philosophy
Division of Christian Studies
• Christian Studies
College of Social Sciences
Division of Social Sciences
• Political Science & International Relations
• Public Administration
• Economics
• Library & Information Science
• Sociology
• Psychology
• Consumer Studies
• Social Welfare
Division of Media Studies
• Journalism
• Advertising & Public Relations
• Television & Film
College of Natural Sciences
Division of Mathematical & Physical Sciences
• Mathematics
• Statistics
• Physics
Division of Molecular & Life Sciences
• Chemistry & Nano Sciences
• Life Sciences
College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Department of Electronics Engineering
Division of Architecture
• Architecture (5-year)
• Architecture Engineering (4-year)
Division of Environmental & Food Science
• Environmental Science & Engineering
• Food Science & Engineering
College of Music
Division of Music
• Keyboard Instruments
• Orchestral Instruments
• Voice
• Composition
• Korean Music
Department of Dance
College of Art & Design
Division of Fine Arts
• Korean Painting
• Painting
• Sculpture
• Ceramic Arts
Division of Design
• Space Design
• Visual Communication Design
• Industrial Design
• Media Interaction Design
Department of Fiber& Fashion
• Fiber Arts
• Fashion Design
• Clothing & Textiles
College of Education
Department of Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
Department of Elementary Education
Department of Educational Technology
Department of Special Education
• Early childhood Special Education
• Elementary Special Education
• Secondary Special Education
Department of English Education
Department of Social Studies Education
• History Education
• Social Science Education
• Geography Education
Department of Korean Language Education
Department of Science Education
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Biology
• Earth Science
Department of Mathematics Education
College of Business Administration
Division of Business Administration
• Business Administration
Department of International Office Administration
College of Health Sciences
Division of Nursing Science
• Nursing Science
• Global Heath & Nursing
Division of Human Movement Studies
• Human Movement Studies
Department of Nutritional Science & Food Management
Department of Health Education & Management
College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy
Department of Industrial Pharmaceutics
Scranton College
Scranton Honors Program
Open International Studies
Division of International Studies
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Graduate Schools
The Graduate School
Master’s and Doctoral Programs
Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
• Korean Language & Literature
• Chinese Language & Literature
• English Language & Literature
• French Language & Literature
• German Language & Literature
• Christian Studies
• Philosophy
• History
• Art History
• Political Science & International Relations
• Public Administration
• Economics
• Library & Information Science
• Sociology
• Social Welfare
• Psychology
• Consumer Studies
• Communication
• Women’s Studies
• Child Development
• North Korean Studies
• Education
• Early Childhood Education
• Elementary Education
• Educational Technology
• Special Education
• English Education
• Social Science
• Korean Education
• Communication Disorders
• Law
• Business Administration
• International Office Administration
• Music Therapy
Natural Sciences
• Mathematics
• Statistics
• Physics
• Chemistry & Nano Science
• Life & Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Life Sciences & Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Mathematics Education
• Health Education & Management
• Nursing Science
• Nutritional Science & Food Management
• EcoScience
• Medical Sciences
• Bioinspired Science
• Brain & Cognitive Sciences
• Computer Science & Engineering
• Electronics Engineering
• Architecture
• Architectural Studies
• Architectural Design
• Architectural Engineering
• Environmental Science & Engineering
• Atmospheric Science & Engineering
• Food Science & Engineering
• Division of Digital Media
Athletics and the Arts
• Division of Music
• Division of Fine Arts
• Division of Design
• Clothing & Textiles
• Dance
• Human Movement Studies
• Medicine
Interdisciplinary Programs
• Area Studies
• North Korean Studies
• Bioethics Policy Studies
• East Asians Studies
• Gifted Education
• Sustainable Systems Engineering
• Climate and Economics
• Multicultural/Intercultural Studies
• Big Data Analytics
• EcoCreative
• Behavioral Socioeconomics
• Bio-Information Science
Professional Graduate Schools
Graduate School of International Studies
(Master’s/Doctoral programs)
• International Trade and Investment
• International Business
• Development Cooperation
• International Relations
Department of Korean Studies
• Korean Culture
• Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
The Graduate School of Translation & Interpretation
(Master’s/Doctoral programs)
Department of Interpretation (Master’s programs)
• Korean-English
• Korean-French
• Korean-German
• Korean-Chinese
• Korean-Japanese
• Korean-English-French
• Korean-English-German
• Korean-English-Chinese
Department of Translation (Master’s programs)
• Korean-English
• Korean-French
• Korean-German
• Korean-Chinese
• Korean-Japanese
Ewha School of Business (Master’s Doctoral programs)
• Department of Business Administration
School of Medicine (Master’s program)
• Department of Medicine
Ewha Law School
Department of Law (Master’s program)
• Corporate Law
• Public Policy Law
• International Law
• Public Interest Law
• Civic Duty Law
• Gender Law
• Bio-medical Law
• Self-designed major
Department of Law (Doctoral program)
• Law
Special Graduate Schools
The Graduate School of Education
Department of Education
• Korean Language Education
• Mathematics Education
• History Education
• Geography Education
• Social Studies Education
• Physics Education
• Chemistry Education
• Biology Education
• Earth Science Education
• Music Education
• Fine Arts Education
• Physical Education
• Home Economics Education
• Civic Ethics Education
• English Language Education
• German Language Education
• French Language Education
• Chinese Language Education
• Environmental Education
• Computer Science Education
• Early Childhood Education
• Elementary Education
• Special Education
• Educational Administration
• Curriculum & Instruction
• Counseling Psychology
• Educational Technology
• Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
• Music Therapy Education
• Art Therapy Education
The Graduate School of Social Welfare
• Department of Social Welfare
The Graduate School of Design
Department of Design
• Fashion Design
• Fabric Design
• Ceramic Design
• Advertising & Brand Design
• Interior Design
• User Experience Design
• Design Management
• Service Design
• Craft Design
The Graduate School of Theology
Department of Theology
The Graduate School of Policy Science
Department of Policy Sciences
• Public Policy
• Mass Communication
• Archives & Records Management
The Graduate School of Performing Arts
Department of Performing Arts
• Music Technology
• Piano Pedagogy
• Music Business Management
• Dance Performance & Teaching
• Stage Arts & Design
The Graduate School of Clinical Health Sciences
Department of Clinical Health Sciences
• Clinical Pharmacy
• Clinical Nutrition
• Clinical Nursing
The Graduate School of Clinical Dentistry (GSCD)
Department of Clinical Dentistry
• Implantology
• Orthodontics
• Clinical Perio-prosthodontics
• Pedodontics
• Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
• Multi Dentistry
Department of Clinical Oral Health Science
The Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
*Denotes Advanced Research Centers
**Denotes Creative Convergence Research Centers
Ewha’s six Advanced Research Centers were selected by
the National Research Foundation of Korea to receive support
from the Ministry of Education.
Ewha Brain Institute
Asia Food and Nutrition Research Institute
Health Science Convergence Research Center
Institute of Molecular Life Science and Technology
Bio-Redox System Research Center
Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Science
Center for Cell Signaling & Drug Discovery Research*
Center for Cell Signaling Research
Brain Disease Research Institute
Center for the Study of Reactive Oxygen Species
Ewha Research Center for Systems Biology
Microbial Resources Research Center
Research Institute of EcoScience
Medical Research Institute
Tissue Injury Defense Research Center*
Research Center for Cellular Homeostasis*
Chemistry and Nano Science
Center for Intelligent Nano-Bio Materials*
Institute of Nano-Bio Technology
Center for Catalysis and Synthesis
Research Institute for Basic Sciences
Physics & Mathematical Sciences
Quantum Metamaterials Research Center*
CNRS-Ewha International Research Center
Institute for the Early Universe
New and Renewable Energy Research Center
Institute of Mathematical Sciences**
Ewha Institute of Statistics
Center for Climate/Environment Change Prediction Research*
Severe Storm Research Center
Environmental Research Institute
Information and Telecommunication Institute
Design Convergence Research Center
Center for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Embedded Software Research Center
Center for Convergence in Emerging Electronic Technology
Center for Convergence Research of Advanced Technologies
Global Food and Nutrition Research Institute
Center for High Road Social Rights
Reseach Center for Convergence Technology in Food Science &
Pfeiffer Hall
Arts & Health Sciences
Arts Education Therapy Institute
Center for the Performing Arts
Color Design Research Institute
Ewha Music Institute**
Fashion Design Research Institute
Institute of Art and Science Convergence**
Ceramics Research Institute
Research Center for Control and Prevention of Women's Cancers
Research Institute of Nursing Science
Center for Research, Education, & Policy in Health Science
Research Institute of Sports Science
Institute for Sports Science
Dance Research Institute
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Institute of Philosophy
Ewha Institute for Humanities**
Ewha Historical Research Center
Ewha Humanities Center
Ewha Institute for Women's Theological Studies
Institute for Semiotic Studies
Institute of English and American Studies
Korean Language and Culture Center
Center for Chinese Cultural Studies
Materials Reserch Institute for Clean Energy
Center for Multiculture Research
Center for Peace Studies
Ewha Education Research Institute
Ewha Institute of Childhood Education and Care
Special Education Research Institute
Institute for Global STS Education
Ewha Legal Science Institute
Ewha Institute for Biomedical Law & Ethics
Institute for Gender and Law
Human Ecology Research Institute
Institute for Development and Human Security
Institute for International Trade and Cooperation
Institute for Social Welfare Research
Institute of Unification Studies
Institute of World and Global History
Korea Culture Research Institute
Korean Women's Institute**
Women into Science and Engineering Center
Asian Center for Women’s Studies
Management Research Center
Research Institute for Social Science
Research Institute for Translation Studies
Research Institute of Curriculum Instruction
Communication & Media Research Center
Digital Storytelling R&D Center
Institute of School Violence Prevention**
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Jinseonmi Hall
Exhibition of the history of Ewha
Open Hours: Monday-Friday 09:3016:30 (English Tour 10:00-12:00,
14:00-16:00)/Saturday 09:30-12:00
*Closed for July 21-Aug 20/Dec 21Jan 31
Hanwoori Hall
On-campus dormitory for degreeseeking students
Student Union Building
Student Clubs and Organizations,
Student Council, Cafeteria, Fitness
Center, Student Counseling Center
Computer/Laptop Room,
Photocopying Room, Cafeteria,
Convenience Store,
Electronic Resources Service, Audio
Visual Room, Women’s Studies
Collection, Rare Books Collection,
Reading/Study/Seminar Room
Cafeteria, Post Office, Clinic, Travel
Agency, Convenience Store
Helen Hall
Shoe Repair Shop
Ewha Language Center
Korean language classes offered
Statue of Dr. Helen Kim
Education Building A
Welch-Ryang Auditorium
Education Building B
Ewha Hakdang (The Ewha Foundation)
Ewha-Geumnan Junior High School
Engineering Building B
First building in the Sinchon campus.
Engineering Building A(Asan Hall)
Pharmaceutical Science Building A (Appenzeller Hall)
Pharmaceutical Science Building B
Herb Garden
Ewha Campus Complex (ECC)
Completed in 2008, ECC is a large-scale, valley-shaped
underground building structure with a densely wooded park,
situated at the center of Ewha campus. It is a state-of-the-art,
multi-functional and futuristic underground facility, designed to
give the feeling of being above ground.
Ewha Archives
Ewha-POSCO Hall (Social Sciences)
Humanities Building
Science Building C
Located in B334 of ECC
Science Building B
Located in B329 of ECC
Science Building A
Emerson Chapel
Community Welfare Center
Physical Education Building A (Thomas Hall)
Jinseonmi Hall
Physical Education Building B (Gibson Hall)
Wichita House (President's Residence)
Physical Education Building C
Tennis Court
Student Union Building
Hanwoori Hall
Case Hall (Emerson Chapel)
Clara Hall (Graduate School Building II)
Pfeiffer Hall
Ewha Centennial Library
Human Ecology Building
(Morris Hall)
North Zone
Weekly chapel services provided
Ewha Archives
Center Zone
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Global Service Center (GSC)
International Education
West Zone
On-campus dormitory for
international and graduate
International House
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
East Zone
International Education Building
Upper Room
Law Building
Ewha Womans University Church
Longview House
Graduate Student Dormitory A
Graduate Student Dormitory B
Music Building
Centennial Museum
Admission Hall
Natural History Museum
Located in B334 of ECC
Ewha-Geumnan High School
Located in B329 of ECC
Human Ecology Building (Morris Hall)
Art & Design Building A
Ewha Athletics Track
Art & Design Building B
Ewha Kindergarten
Art & Design Building C
Ewha Elementary School
Ewha Centennial Library
Ewha-Samsung Education Culture Building
Helen Hall
Ewha Language Center
Ewha Welcome Center
Ewha-Samsung International House
Ewha-Shinsegae Building (Business)
Ewha-ALPS Children's Center
Ewha-SK Telecom Center
Global Service Center (GSC)
Main Road
Entrances to ECC Parking
Centennial Museum
Ewha Welcome Center
Ewha Campus Complex (ECC)
Exhibition of Korean relics, collection of
artworks and cultural heritage items
Collection from prehistoric to modern times
including Joseon period
Open Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:30-17:00
Free Admittance
Established in 2013, the first of its kind
to open on a university campus in
Korea. It contains an information desk,
an exhibition lounge and a gift shop.
Cafeteria & Starbucks, Reading Room, Photocopying
Shop, IT Center, Book Store, Fitness Center, Optical
Store, Convenience Store, Movie Theater, Seminar
Rooms, Lecture Halls, E-Feel Design Shop, Gift Shop
International CO-ED Programs at Ewha, Seoul Korea
Ewha, which means “Pear Blossom,” is a name bestowed by
King Gojong of the Korean Joseon Dynasty (1392 - 1910)
52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu
Seoul 120-750, Korea
Tel: +82-2-3277-3158
Fax: +82-2-364-8019
Email: goabroad@ewha.ac.kr
Website: http://oia.ewha.ac.kr
Tel: +82-2-3277-3160/3161
Email: gosummer@ewha.ac.kr
Website: http://summer.ewha.ac.kr
Global Service Center(ECC #B329)
Tel: +82-2-3277-6988
Email: gsc@ewha.ac.kr
Tel: +82-2-3277-6005
Email: ihouse@ewha.ac.kr
Website: http://engihouse.ewha.ac.kr