November 15, 2015 - St. Jerome Catholic Church


November 15, 2015 - St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome Catholic Church
From the desk of our Pastor—Fr. Rodolfo
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I had the privilege, together with more than
40 of our parishioners, to attend the
Archdiocesan Assembly. We were able to
listen to several talks about many different
issues that concern our parishes and the lay
faithful. There were more than 5,000 faithful
Catholic participants. The initiative was
intended to have only 4,000 participants.
That leads me to think that there is a
spiritual hunger yearning to learn more about the faith, to feel
part of an important organization, to feel part of a great
family. Our parish, St. Jerome, besides being a family of
families in itself, is also part of a greater picture, a greater
family which is the whole Catholic Church. Somehow at that
gathering on November 7th, we felt that we had many things
in common, despite our many differences of language,
culture, race and backgrounds. We have so much to share, so
much to give and so much to offer. We are indeed so rich in
graces, in talents, and in generosity. We are blest! I would
like to invite each one of our parishioners and our families to
make this month of November a period to thank our Lord for
His blessings and to be willing to be ever more generous with
the time, treasure and talents that He has bestowed on us. Our
less fortunate brothers and sisters deserve our attention and
our love. Many, many thanks to each one of you for
everything you do for others and for our parish. May God our
Lord continue to bless you and each member of your family,
especially those that are ill or elderly.
Your brother and servant in the priesthood of Jesus Christ,
Fr. Rodolfo Caballero
There will be a 2nd collection on November 21st and 22nd for the
Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
San Antonio, Texas
From the desk of our Associate Pastor—Fr. Gustavo
Greetings to all,
This week we continue from last week’s
reflection on the great mystery of the
Liturgy of the Eucharist: The second of
three dimensions found in the Eucharist
is a Sacrificial Meal. Jesus said: “This is
my body, which is given for you, this cup
is God’s new covenant sealed with my
blood which is poured out for you.” Both of these expressions
speak of sacrifice. They speak of “giving up” something for
another. The whole context of the Last Supper was sacrifice.
It was directly linked to Jesus’ death on the cross which took
place the following day. When we celebrate the Eucharist,
Jesus is really present with us. With Him, we re-live and
participate in His sacrifice. Paul makes this clear when he
says: “the cup we use in the Lord’s Supper…, when we drink
from it, we are sharing in the blood of Christ. And the bread
we break when we eat it, we are sharing in the body of
Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:16 – New American Bible. The
holy sacrifice of the Mass, the Eucharistic Meal, is the very
same one that Jesus began at the Last Supper. In some
mysterious way, we bring it into the present, and we
participate in it with Jesus just as truly as if we had been there
ourselves. The third dimension is a Covenant Meal. Jesus
said: “This cup is God’s new covenant sealed with my blood.”
He did so in the rich Judaic tradition of the covenant, which
both symbolized and expressed Israel’s unique relationship
with God. Jesus was aware of the new covenant that God had
promised through the prophet Jeremiah: “I will make a new
covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of
Judah …, I will be their God, and they will be my people…, I
will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their
wrongs.” Jeremiah 31: 31-34 – New American Bible. It is
new covenant that Jesus inaugurated at the Last Supper. It is
this new covenant that we celebrate at each Mass. To be
Just a reminder that the 2nd Collection on the 1st weekend of
every month is for the Building Fund
The Sanctuary Lamp is sponsor ed by Ruby Wildman In
Memory of Russell Wildman (11/08-11/21).
The Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. Jerome & Our Lady of
Guadalupe Statues ar e sponsor ed by J eanette Mor risett In
Memory of Jesse Morrisett and Janice Norman (11/08-11/21).
Sunday October 18, 2015 — Attendance 750
Sunday Collection
$ 7,770.00
Building Fund
$ 1,810.00
Church Loan as of November 15th
Thank you to Anthony & Harriet Mihalski for their donation of
$300 to the Building Fund
in Honor of the Birthday of Burnell Gates.
Fr. Gustavo Montanez
Open your soul in
Eucharistic Adoration
to the Mercy of the Lord.
Just a reminder that St. Jerome
has begun the Divine Mercy
Eucharistic Holy Hour every
Friday. The Holy Hour begins
at 6:00pm which includes the
recitation of the Divine Mercy
Chaplet, Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament, and ending
with Benediction, at 7:00pm. All
parishioners are welcome and
encouraged to attend!
November 15, 2015 — Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Jerome TMIY
St. Jerome Cub/Boy Scouts
TMIY is a ministry dedicated to developing the hearts of
men to love and serve as Jesus Christ calls us to. We as
Christians are called to evangelize once we have encountered
the love of Christ. To share it with others and to constantly
strengthen our hearts and souls so that we transform ourselves
into what we are called to be, loving disciples. You are invited
to share in the fellowship and love. Journey with us as we
strive to become men after God's own heart. We meet every
Tuesday from 6:30pm to 8ish at Flannigan hall.
Meeting the Need, is a great opportunity to serve outside our
parish community. We serve meals to those in need once a
month, on the 3rd Monday, of every month, from 4:30pm till
6:00pm. The serving takes place at the Have for Hope located
off of Frio St. and Haven for Hope Way. It is a great
opportunity to show the love our community for others who
might not know Christ's love yet. Through our actions of
service, through our hands, smiles and kindness, they will feel
Christ’s love for them. If you are interested in serving or
would like more information about the Ministry That Man Is
You, feel free to contact John Dix by phone at 830-730-8201
or email johndix1982 The Lord is waiting for
you to answer the call!
This is your last chance for the following
fundraisers. The Cub/Boy Scouts will be
in the Gathering Area this weekend to
take your orders. Boy Scout Troop 315 is
having a coffee sale. The cost is $10 for a
full 16oz bag of coffee, ground or bean, and we will
have several blends to choose from. Payment is required
at time of order. You may place an order with any Boy
Scout or call Bill Thoms at 210-648-2246. In addition,
we will also be taking orders for Wreaths Across
America. These wr eaths will be placed on veter ans
graves at the Ft. Sam National Cemetery. The cost is $15
per wreath. Boy Scout Troop 315 would like to thank
the our parish community for its support.
St. Jerome CYO
Beginning December 8th and continuing through the Year of
Mercy, Fr. Rodolfo and Fr. Gustavo will be offering
confessions a half hour before each Mass. Many graces are
received through the Sacrament of Reconciliation along with
spiritual healing and transformation.
The St. Nicholas Ball will be held on December 5, 2015,
for more information call 210-222-1294 or go to Proceeds will benefit Catholic
St. Jerome Girl Scouts
The Girl Scouts ar e having their bake sale
this weekend after all the Masses. Thank you in
advance for your support!
“It’s All about Sisterhood” Sisters helping
Sisters in need. Help us help our Sisters at St.
PJ’s Children’s Home— Ashley Cartwright &
Kiara Jimenez are asking for your help with their Girl Scout
Troop # 2531 service project. Accepting donations of the
following new or unused items: Hair Accessories- (including
hair brushes), Nail Polish & Lip Gloss, Lotions & Body
Sprays Gift Cards are accepted *We are seeking our Girl
Scout National Catholic Religious Award* Donation box will
be located in the lobby of the church. Deadline for items:
December 13, 2015, For more information contact Anne
Cartwright 210-215-3024 or Mirette Pichardo 210-885-1470.
St. Jerome 8:30am Choir
St. Jerome 8:30am Choir is cur r ently
inviting anyone who may be interested
in participating with the choir for the
Christmas Eve 5:00pm Mass to join
rehearsals every Thursday evening at 7:00pm in the
church. Please contact Roxanne Zigmond at 210-415-7821.
St. Jerome Catholic Church
St. Jerome CCD
November 22th, & 29th 2015: No CCD classes due to the
Thanksgiving Holiday. December 6, 2015: All religious
education classes resume. December 13, 2015: All religious
education classes in session. Annual Christmas Program at
4PM. Please mark your calendars for this special family
event. You are reminded to come by Pruski Hall to see the
work of the children. Our children are all precious blessings!
The future of our church! The Catechetical Team of St.
Jerome wishes all a very bountifully blessed Thanksgiving
Holiday Season!
St. Jerome ACTS
"Direct my steps according to your Word..."
All ladies of our parish are invited to a weekend of reflection,
praise, and renewal at the next Women's ACTS retreat,
November 19-22, 2015. Registration forms are available in
the Gathering Area of our church or from any team member.
If you have any questions you may contact Christina Mora at
210-274-4070. The prayer poster for the retreat will be in the
Gathering Area this weekend. Please prayerfully consider
signing up for an hour to pray for the spiritual success of the
The Annunciation Church Turkey dinner will be held at
the American Legion Hall in St. Hedwig on Nov. 22, 2015
starting at 10:30. Dine-in or plates to go $9. For further
information, please call Ellen Franckowiak 210-667-1616, A
Church Rosary Society member.
St. Jerome Men’s Club
The Men’s Club meets every 2nd Monday of the month at
7:00pm, in the O’Brien Hall. For more information please
contact Allen Pruski at 210-269-0263.
St. Jerome Altar Society
Thank you to Lor aine Stobbs, Ther esa Kotar a, Ber nice
Pruski, Jeanette Morrisett, Elaine Moczygemba, Shirley
Grahmann, Rose Pruski, Michelle Dugie, Marilyn Pruski and
Shirley Rakowitz for giving of their time to clean the
sanctuary and chapel. May God continue to bless these ladies
for answering the call of service for the Lord. The Altar
monetary donations to help defray the cost of Christmas
poinsettias. Please stop by the table in the Gathering Area the
weekend of Nov 21st-22nd and Nov 28th-29th. An envelope
will be provided for your donation and your wishes/intentions
will placed at the Christmas Nativity scene and lifted up in
prayer. Meeting Reminder: The Altar Society will hold its
monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 18th, at 7:00pm
in Meeting Room 3. All members are encouraged to attend.
The Altar Society will be holding a Bake Sale the weekend
of November 21st and 22nd. Visit their table after Mass in the
Gathering Area for many scrumptious baked goods.
San Antonio, Texas
St. Jerome Marriage Ministry
Come join us for a very informal bible study. Our Marriage
Ministry is excited to announce that Sundays, during CCD, at
Taqueria La Perla De Jalisco, we will be offering fellowship
while diving into Scripture. So come eat breakfast, meet other
couples and discuss the weekly bible readings. We will begin
at 9:45am and end at 10:30am. Hope to see you there. Please
mark your calendars for upcoming meetings: November 8th &
November 15th. December 6th and 13th.
Taken from Pope Francis message: Consider this carefully: the
family identity is founded on the promise. One could say that
the family lives on the promise of love and fidelity that a man
and a woman make to one another. This includes the
commitment to welcome and raise their children; but it is also
carried out in caring for elderly parents, in protecting and
tending to the weakest members of the family, in helping each
other develop their own qualities and accept their own
limitations. The conjugal promise expands so as to share in
the joys and sorrows of all fathers, mothers, children, with
generous openness with regard to human coexistence and to
the common good. A family that is closed in on itself is like a
contradiction, a mortification of the promise that gave birth to
it and enables it to live. Never forget: the identity of a family
is always a promise that expands, and it expands to the whole
family and also to all of humanity. Contest: go to selected link
and read the article from Pope Francis. There is a word highlighted
in the article. Once you read and locate the KEYWORD, go to the
Contest form, enter your name, your contact info, and the
KEYWORD. All who enter this contest will be placed in a raffle and
the winner will receive a prize.
Dates to Remember for the Month of November
November 25th-Wednesday, No Morning Mass and No
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
There will be a
Bilingual 7:00pm Mass with a Blessing of the Bread that
families will use at their Thanksgiving Feast.
November 26th—Thanksgiving Day, Mass will be at
8:30am with a Blessing of the Bread that will be used at their
Thanksgiving Feast.
St. Jerome Companions for the Journey
For the entire month of November, in Honor of all our
faithfully departed, the Companions for the Journey, will offer
a ‘Memorial Table’ in the Gathering Area of our church for
pictures and names to be placed in a Remembrance Book so
that prayers may be offered by the group on behalf of the
departed and for the consolation of those who have lost a
loved one and are still grieving. The group also offers a
monthly gathering to help those during the grieving process. It
is held in Pruski Hall from 6:30pm till 8:00pm, on the 3rd
Thursday of every month. The Companions also visit the
homebound of our parish. For more information about the
Companions for the Journey you may contact Alice Rutowski
at 210-296-1380.
November 15, 2015 — Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Jerome Youth Ministry
afternoon with reciting
Chaplet. Then they
shared a meal. A big
thank you to Mr. and
Mrs. Gonzales, who
donated and prepared
the tasty hamburgers. The teens enjoyed playing table games,
Ping-pong, and a horse shoe throw. A Special Thank You to
Mrs. Moy for your relentless help, it is greatly appreciated.
Our next meeting will be Sunday, November 22nd from 2-4pm
in Pruski Hall. All Teens are Welcome! God is faithful, by whom you
were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians.
On December 12th
to honor
Our Lady of Guadalupe
We will have a special
celebration starting at 9:00am
withMananitas.The celebration
of the Mass will also include
Marichis and our Spanish choir.
Mass will begin at
Immediately following the Mass
there will be a Potluck
celebration in O’Brien Hall. All
The Prayer Garden Pavers will be incr easing in price after
November 30th. To purchase a paver for the Prayer Garden
before the price increases, please fill out the form located in
the Gathering Area of the Church or contact Frank
Bennett. The price will increase to $150 starting in December.
Life Teen Sessions are Sunday Mornings
9:30AM – 10:45 AM
St. Jerome Life Teen is working with Catholic Charities on a
Christmas Toy and Book drive which will end on November
30th. You may contact Jessica Lubianski 210-485-8972 for
more information.
The 5th Annual FIAT retreat will be on December 5, 2015 from
9:00am till 4:00pm at St. Ann’s Catholic church in La Vernia, TX.
Registration forms are in the Gathering Area of our church. For
more information about the retreat, please contact Mary Mainz at
830-253-8905 or Charlene Mainz at 210-633-0380.
St. Jerome Catholic Church
San Antonio, Texas
Turkey Festival 2015 pictures.
Building memories for our Family of Families.
November 15, 2015 — Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please Pray for the
Jessica Ahr, Johnny Ahr, Glenn
Andrews, Terri Appelt, Carol
Barnett, Cooper Barnett, Ronnie
Barnett, Marcy Berden, Terry
Botkin, Courtney Burton, Charlie
Chavez, Clarkson Family, Nancy
Corando, Sandra Dorsey, Judy
Evans, Enrique Flores, Elaine
Stacy Hamilton Garcia, Jesse
Garcia, James Gawlik, Amanda
Gawlik, Agnes Gawlik, Lambert
Gawlik, Ramon Gaytan, Irene
Gerlich, Mellisa Gonzales, Lucy
Golla, Gina Guerra, Lillian
Harmon, John Hessling, Bill
Hosek, Jr., Susan Hosek, Maggie
Ibrom, Kenneth Jarzombek, Ray
Gilbert Kiolbassa,
Margie Kiolbassa, Tillie Kosub,
Kvapil, Charles & June Lammons,
Laskowski, Rosalie Leal, Susan
Lyssy, Maddie McClain, Michael
Lyssy, Doris Mergele, Margorite
McMann, Theo Mihalski, Margie
Muhula, Lenior Moy,
Moy, Arnold Lyro, Karen Jo
Marshal, Jacob Martin, Ronald
Miller, Yolanda Moreno, Cindy
Murray, Alice Pollok, Annie
Pruski, Olga Quiroz, Gwen Raabe,
Deanna Real, Rita Real, Joseph
Reese, Randall Reese, Catherine
Richter, Terri Royce, Sandra K.
Schutlz, Christine Scott, Jacob
Scott, Priscilla Schier, Raymond
Skloss, Gene Snoga, Anton
Strzelczyk, Helen Syamken, Rose
Tabbert, Kathy Tausch, Tara
Thurman & Baby Madison, John
Thornton, Sylvia Trujillo, C. Barry
Turk, Colby Turk, Thomas Turk,
Louis Vontur, Elenor Vrzsalik,
Warzecka, Barbara Wiatrek, Kyle
James H. Winston, Barbara
Witherspoon, Caroyln Wollney,
Mary Zrenner
Please Pray for our
Military: Caleb Br ooks, Der ek
Christa, Ryan Deuvall, Wayne
Hosek, Michael Weston, Eric
McDonald, Eric Williamson,
Omero Lopez, Ryan Clemons,
Kevin Kotrola, Matt Kuwamoto,
Sicily Rios, Elizabeth Ferris,
Suzanne Lonsberry,
Victoria Kuelbs, Marissa Rakowitz
Engaged couples should make arrangements
with Pastor at least six months in advance.
Sponsor couple or engaged encounter weekend
required before a wedding can be scheduled.
Baptismal Instruction for parents and sponsors
is held the third Thursday of each month from
7:00pm-8:00pm. Participants MUST register
prior to the class by contacting the Parish Office. A birth certificate must be brought to the
class. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics.
Saturday 4:00 p.m.-4:50 p.m. or by appointment.
Please notify the church office of a parishioner
who is homebound or ill at home or in the
If a member of the immediate family dies in
the Lord, please notify the parish office before
making arrangements with the funeral home.
Mass Intentions
Monday, November 16, 8:00am
†Fr. John Flanagan,
Tuesday, November 17, 8:00am
†Alouis & Ernestine Lejeski
†Russell Wildman
Wednesday, November 18, 8:00am
†Fred & Sonny Kotara
Thursday, November 19, 8:00am
†David Kvapil
Friday, November 20, 8:00am
†Henry & Louise Bronder,
†Janice Norman
Saturday, November 21, 5:00pm
†Clarence Seifert, †Chrysa Bratz †Harry Stanush ,
† Alouis & Ernestine Lejeski,
†Vincent Jarzombek, †Fr. O’Brien,
† Charlies, William, Dorothy & Charles Jr. Kalka
†John B Kalka
Sunday, November 22, 8:30am
†Wilbert Schick, †Claude Ciomperlik,
†Bertha Garza, †Henry & Louise Bronder,
†David Kvapil, †Jennifer Pawelek, †Julie Schulze
†Betty Miller, †Jason Kelly,
†Members of the Schneider, Wenzel, Christa &
Klepac Families, †For the Departed Members of
the Men’s Club, †Floyd & Lillie Pope
For the Healing Dorothy Kvapil
For the Healing of Maggie Ibrom
Sunday, November 22, 11:00am
†Sally Stanush, †Lisa Ahlert,
†Jennifer Pawelek, †Ruben Garcia
For the Living and Deceased
Members of the Gawlik Family
For a Special Intention of a Parishioner
For the Healing of Agnes & Lambert Gawlik
Sunday, November 22, 1:00pm
All Parishioner’s Intentions
Fr. Rodolfo Caballero, Pastor—
Fr. Gustavo Montanez, Associate Pastor
Charles Lammons, Deacon (Retired)—Parish S
Sandra Dorsey,—DRE Contact 260-3489
Tom Hatzenbuehler,—GM
PARISH OFFICE: 210-648-2694
Larry Keller, President, Bill Thoms, V ice President
Frances Zunker
Members—Cynthia Farmer, Joe Jaksik, Lloyd Welty, Rusty
Galbraith, Kellie Wiatrek, Catherine Richter
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:00pm
Jerry Pruski, President, Members-George Kiolbassa, Burnell Gates,
Pelagius Moczygemba, Wayne Pape, Mary Pawelek, Mark
Blandford, Anthony Mihalski, Jackie Sczepanik
Eucharistic Ministers—
Terri Hartman 385-4115,
Lector Ministry—
Melissa Galbraith 606-0293,
Altar Servers—
Roxanne Zigmond 415-7821,
Darlene LaVelle, 274-2555,
Senior Gathering
2nd Thurs. 11:00 a.m.
Joyce Royce 649-1210,
A.C.T.S.—Daryl Wagoner 316-2160,
Allen Pruski 269-0263,
C.Y.O.—-3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
Crystal Walter —210-387-5345,
That Man Is You—John Dix 830-730-9201,
Boy Scouts—Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Jason Eittriem 627-3844,
Cub Scouts—
Debbie Balderas 232-6107,
Music Ministry—
Jeanette Morrisett 649-2301,
Youth Ministry—
Daniel Rocha 286-1944,
Little Rock Scripture—Louis Rios 648-1900,
R.C.I.A.—-Every Monday 7:00 p.m.
Kim Pruski 275-0421,
Hall Rentals—Diane Swientek 219-6646,
St. Jerome Cemetery—
Marilyn Rivas 846-5038,
Ushers—Gwen Raabe 848-8369,
Companions for the Journey—3rd Tuesday 10:00 a.m.
Alice Rutkowski 296-1380,
Baptismal Class—- Baptismal@stjer omesatx.or g
Conrad Urteaga 838-4186
Life Teen—
Jessica Lubianski 485-9872,
Marriage Ministry—Chip & April Moxley 210-834-0052,