St. Jerome Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas November 16, 2014
St. Jerome Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas November 16, 2014
St. Jerome Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas November 16, 2014 From the desk of our Parish Administrator Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, As we are approaching our Thanksgiving celebration, we come together as God´s family to thank him for his many blessings. We foster this attitude of gratitude every time we come to mass, the greatest act of praise and thanksgiving that a man can ever give his Creator since the offering being placed on the altar is the Son of God Himself, the unblemished sacrifice. In fact, it is in the mass, particularly in the preface to the second Eucharistic prayer, where we find an astonishing sentence: “Father, it is our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks”. This means that for Christians, it is not only proper to our condition as creatures to give thanks but also it is a condition for our salvation! To give thanks means that we are saved because in the greatest act of thanksgiving to God–i.e. the Eucharistic Celebration-we receive the merits Christ won for us through His passion, death and resurrection and are made co-heirs of His salvation. As a matter of fact, since our baptism, we have begun a journey, a pilgrimage so as to speak. This journey has brought us from a state of anger and waywardness to the promised land of gratitude and joy. That´s why it is important to thank the Lord for his blessings, all of them, especially in this season of the year and this season of welcome at our Parish. A grateful prayer comes from a grateful heart. A grateful heart comes from a poor heart that understands that all he possesses, has been given to him by others and especially by God Himself. And the greatest gift that we have received is Jesus Christ Himself: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). Finally, let us follow St. Paul´s recommendation, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you” (1Tes 5:16-18). Yours in the Lord, Fr. Rodolfo Caballero The Sanctuary Lamp is sponsored by Larry & Gloria Keller in Honor of their Anniversary (11/09-11/22) The Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. Jerome & Our Lady of Guadalupe Statues are sponsored by Maria Hernandez in In Memory of Eva & Adam Sosa.(11/16-11/22) Collection Sunday November 9, 2014 Attendance 816 Sunday Offering $ 7,213.50 Building Fund $ 1,040.00 All Souls Day Collection $ 310.00 Update on the St. Jerome Parish Questionnaire The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows". (Catechism of the Catholic Church n. 1074). The Martyrs of Abitinae (or Abitinian Martyrs) were a group of 49 Christians found guilty, in 304, during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian, of having illegally celebrated Sunday worship at Abitinae, a town in the Roman province of Africa. Emperor Diocletian prohibited Christians under pain of death, to possess Sacred Scripture, to meet on Sunday, to celebrate the Eucharist and to build premises for their assemblies. When questioned about their illegal gathering on Sunday, their answer was: “Sine dominico nihil possumus” (We cannot live without Sunday). Our parish community cannot live without Sunday either. It reaches its summit and perfection when celebrating the Eucharistic celebration. We are blest to have Jesus in our midst and to experience personally his divine presence in us. In the questionnaire handed out recently our community expressed our love and devotion to the mass, particularly at the moment of Communion, when Christ, in his body, soul and divinity is received by the faithful. Overwhelming noted in the questionnaire, was the appreciation to have a period of silence for personal prayer after Communion. It is the time of dialogue with the Lord. It is the privileged moment to thank our Lord for his blessings. Sacred music is also regarded in high esteem as well as Sacred Scripture reading. We are all invited to continue to participate in one voice, with the help of our music ministry. We are grateful for this ministry. Know that the music ministry is taking to heart the observations received from the questionnaire, so as to enhance beauty of our liturgy to a balance for all as much as possible. Sacred Scripture is the soul of the liturgy and the font of inspiration for us to worship the Lord. We also thank all the liturgical ministry members for their effort in proclaiming the Word. We have a few challenges with the church’s sound system which we will eventually fix. Another means of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is Eucharistic Adoration where Jesus is exposed for adoration every Wednesday. More than half of the parishioners who answered the questionnaire (54%) participate in adoration. What a wonderful piece of news from our parish community. We ask everyone that has the opportunity, to come and spend some personal time with the Lord who is ready to shower his disciples with the graces of redemption. Let us continue to venerate the mass with true devotion taking to the altar of all our needs and the needs of mankind, presenting our own personal offering beside Jesus on the altar who gives himself in the paschal sacrifice for the redemption of the world. Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time During this Season of Welcome you are encouraged to share the gift of your faith and mercy that you have received in the fullness of the Catholic Church. After prayer, you should befriend the person the Holy Spirit will lead you to. Make sure your invitation is based on authentic care of the other, otherwise it might come across as superficial or agenda driven. Be confident in the Holy Spirit that he is preparing the heart of the person you have in mind so they are receptive to the invitation. However, do not be discouraged if your invitation is declined, remember God works in His time, not ours. Please Note: On Wednesday, November 26th and Thursday, November 27th we will not have the 8:00am morning mass. On November 26th we will have a 7:00pm Thanksgiving Vigil mass and on Thanksgiving Day we will have a 10:00am morning mass. Also no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday, November 26th. You are cordially invited to the Parish Town Hall Meeting scheduled for December 3rd at 7:00pm in the Church. Several topics will be discussed. This is your chance to voice your opinion and understand our future parish plans. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays will have a time change starting December 3rd. The new hours will be after the 8:00am morning mass till 7:00pm. If you have any questions regarding the change please contact Deacon Ed or Anita Jimenez at 210-649-2070. Monday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We will have a 8:00am and 7:00pm mass. We will honor the Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday, December 12th at the 8:00am morning mass. There will be special music and readings in honor of Our Lady. Our Parish Advent Reconciliation Service is scheduled for Wednesday, December 17th at 7:00pm in the church. Several priest will be at our church to assist Fr. Rodolfo. Reminder: We have a 5pm Sunday evening mass. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Chapel is opened daily Monday—Friday from 8:30am till 5:00pm. After each parish organization meeting, whoever is in charge please be responsible and do the following: turn off the A/C/ Heat, lights and secure the doors before leaving . Thank you for your help and consideration in this matter. A parishioner has offered her counseling services free of charge to our parishioners between now and January 2015. The Counselor’s name is Karen Bagwell. Her contact information is 210-264-2565. The Second Collection next weekend is for the Campaign for Human Development. Congratulations! Conrad Urteaga was recently installed as an Acolyte. Conrad is currently attending classes in the Archdiocese Deaconate program. He has one more year of studying before he is ordained as a permanent Deacon. Conrad’s wife is Sonia Urteaga. CYO Family Fun Night On Saturday, December 6th the Feast of St. Nicolas Day, starting at 6:00pm the St. Jerome CYO organization will host a Family Fun Night. Come enjoy a delicious dinner and show. Special invited guests for this event are Santa and Mrs. Clause who will be graciously by taking pictures with the children starting at 8:30. The fee is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Your support in this fundraiser is appreciated! St. Jerome Altar Society hosts two bake sales a year to raise funds. With funds raised, the Altar Society purchases items such as vestments for Father and the Deacons, Altar servers cassocks, Church linens, flowers, and other items for the church throughout the year. The next bake sale will be the weekend of November 22nd and 23rd. Thank you for supporting the Altar Society’s bake sales. On November 23rd, the 8:30 am Mass will be dedicated to the departed members of the Altar Society. The Altar Society will be taking donations for Christmas poinsettias for the Church on the weekends of November 22-23 and Nov. 29-30. There will be a table in the Gathering Area of our church. Donations can be made in honor or in memory of, a loved one or just because. The Altar Society extends a warm Thank You for all past support. Your generosity enhances the beauty of our church. It also makes the season come alive and adds to the festive joy. If you would like to donate fresh flowers for the Altar please contact Marilyn Pruski at 210-215-8117. Due to Thanksgiving week, the Altar Society's November meeting is moved to this Wednesday, November 19th starting at 7:00pm. All members are invited to attend. St. Jerome Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas November 16, 2014 Congratulations to Coach Kelly & Ryan Bennett, Coach Chip Moxley and our PeeWee II Lady Gators Volleyball and Coach Mauro Valdez, Coach Lisa DeLuna, Coach Karen Kopeck and our Tiny I Gators Soccer Team for their 3rd place finish in our Zone. Next stop is City Play Offs. Good Luck ! We are very proud of you! The Companions of the Journey with Our Mother of Sorrows This ministry serves the homebound of our parish and those who are grieving from the loss of a loved one. The group visits in teams of two, at the parishioners request and convenience. They also make phone calls to check on our parishioners who are needing special care and compassion. They will bring Holy Communion and pray with the sick and homebound if requested. On the Fist Friday of the month a Mass is said for the deceased and sick members of our parish. Also there is a Healing Mass on the First Tuesday of the month for those needing the Anointing of the Sick. If you need a ride to the mass one of the members will bring you to mass. This ministry meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Flanagan Administration Building. For more information about this special ministry or to be placed on the visit list, please contact Alice Rutkowski at 210-296-1380. Thank you Joe and Janice Jaksik for your generous donation to the Building Fund in Memory of Edmund Titzman. St. Ann Catholic Church—4th Annual Women’s FIAT The Retreat is on Saturday, December 6, beginning at 9:00am and ending at 4:00pm. For more information you may contact Suzanne Zelinski at 210-478-7975. Registrations forms are in the Gathering Area of our church. Catholic Parent Rival, December 6th—see the Gathering Area of our church for more information. The One I Wrote For You A Playwright Written by San Antonio native Davis Kauffman Pre-Sale Tickets are sponsored by the St Jerome Marriage Covenant Ministry. “The One I Wrote For You” was shot in San Antonio at some of the city’s most famous spots, including The Carver Theater, The San Pedro Playhouse, and The Scottish Rite Auditorium. This family movie demonstrates how to pursuit your dream while still holding onto your Christian values. David is also a local singer/songwriter that exemplifies a true Christian heart. The St. Jerome Marriage Covenant Ministry will be coordinating pre-sale tickets for a showing on Friday, December 5th, time to be determined. For $8.00 pre-sale tickets please contact Lloyd Welty at 210-389-7321 or Amy Welty 210-382-2731. Cash Ticket money due by 11/24/2014 to secure a spot. This movie will be shown at Santikos Embassy 14 Theater, 13707 Embassy Row, San Antonio, Tx 78216. Movie times and location subject to change. You will be notified of any changes. Women ACTS The prayer poster for the women’s ACTS retreat will be in the Gathering Area of our church through this weekend. Please sign up for an hour of prayer. Youth Ministry The St. Jerome Youth Ministry invites you to join them for a time of devotion, fellowship, community service and other activities. The organization meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month in Pruski Hall from 11:00am till 12:30pm. All Teens al welcome to attend! Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Please Pray for the following: Jessica Ahr, Johnny Ahr, Glenn Andrews, Terri Appelt, Cooper Barnett, Ronnie Barnett, Marcy Berden, Terry Botkin, Courtney Burton, Charlie Chavez, Joseph CiHerski, Clarkson Family, Nancy Corando, Sandra Dorsey, Dora Esqueda, Judy Evans, Enrique Flores, Elaine Forrest, Shirley Friesenhahn, Stacy Hamilton Garcia, James Gawlik, Amanda Gawlik, Lambert Gawlik, Ramon Gaytan, Irene Gerlich, Mellisa Gonzales, Gina Guerra, Byrl Hester III, Bill Hosek, Jr., Susan Hosek, Larry Ibrom, Maggie Ibrom, Charles Kalka Jr., Gilbert Kiolbassa, Margie Kiolbassa, Jennifer Kotrola, Connie Kuykendall, Charles & June Lammons, David Lammons, Frank Lazar, Jennifer Laskowski, Rosalie Leal, Susan Lyssy, Maddie McClain, Margorite McMann, Theo Mihalski, Lenior Moy, Patricia Moy, Arnold Lyro, Karen Jo Marshal, Jacob Martin, Ronald Miller, Yolanda Moreno, Cindy Murray, Elaine Pawelek, Alice Pollok, Annie Pruski, Olga Quiroz, Deanna Real, Rita Real, Joseph Reese, Janet Rangel, Randall Reese, Catherine Richter, Terri Royce, Philip Scheel, Christine Scott, Jacob Scott, Raymond Skloss, Gene Snoga, Anton Strzelczyk, Jo Sturbe, Helen Syamken, Kathy Tausch,Tara Thurman & Baby Madison, John Thornton, Sylvia Trujillo, C. Barry Turk, Colby Turk, Thomas Turk, Louis Vontur, Elenor Vrzsalik, Latham Walleck, Daniel Warzecka, Clara Wiatrek, Barbara Wiatrek, Kyle Wiatrek, Nicole Winston, Barbara Witherspoon, Caroyln Wollney, Mary Zrenner Please Pray for our Military: Caleb Brooks, Derek Christa, Ryan Deuvall, Wayne Hosek, Michael Weston, Eric McDonald, Eric Williamson, Omero Lopez, Ryan Clemons, Kevin Kotrola, Matt Kuwamoto, Sicily Rios, Elizabeth Ferris, SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Engaged couples should make arrangements with Pastor at least six months in advance. Sponsor couple or engaged encounter weekend required before a wedding can be scheduled. PARISH STAFF Fr. Rodolfo Caballero, A dministrator Edward Jimenez, Deacon Charles Lammons, Deacon SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal Instruction for parents and sponsors is held the third Thursday of each month from 7:00pm-8:00pm. Participants MUST register prior to the class by contacting the Parish Office. A birth certificate must be brought to the class. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics. Sandra Dorsey, DR E Contact 260-3489 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 p.m.-4:50 p.m. or by appointment. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please notify the church office of a parishioner who is homebound or ill at home or in the hospital. FUNERALS If a member of the immediate family dies in the Lord, please notify the parish office before making arrangements with the funeral home. Mass Intentions Tuesday, November 17, 8:00am †Alouis & Ernestine Lejeski, †Fred & Sonny Kotara, †Deceased Members of the Dugie & Jurgajtis Families, Fr. Rodolfo Caballero Wednesday, November 18, 8:00am †Eugene Kresta, †Laddie Michalec, †Edwin & Mary Kresta, †Alouis & Ernestine Lejeski, Special Intention of a Parishioner PARISH OFFICE 210-648-2694 PASTORAL COUNCIL Steve Cartwright, President Larry Keller, V ice President Beth Pape Members Cynthia Farmer, Joe Jasik, Lloyd Welty, Bill Thoms, Kellie Wiatrek, Catherine Richter FINANCE COUNCIL Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:00pm Members Jerry Pruski, George Kiolbassa, Burnell Gates, Pelagius Moczygamba, Wayne Pape, Mark Blandford, Tom Haltzenbuehler, Anthony Mihalski All parishioner are welcome to come to the Pastoral & Finance Council meetings. PARISH LIFE Eucharistic Ministers Beth Pape 254-7819 Altar Servers Roxanne Zigmond 415-7821 Senior Gathering A.C.T.S. Thursday, November 19, 8:00am †Henry Bronder C.Y.O. Friday, November 20, 8:00am †Vincent Jarzembek, All Souls Boy Scouts Saturday, November 21, 5:00pm † Joe Stobbs †Alouis & Ernestine Lejeski †Joe& Mary Biela, †Jesse Morrisett, †Clarence Seifert, †Jack Hardy, Sr. Sunday, November 22, 8:30am †Hilmar Wenzel, Cheryl Bonewitz , †Diane Kopecki, †Benedict & Susie Wiatrek, †Wilbert Schick, †Kaitlyn Minter, †Departed Members of the Altar Society, Intention of Mr. & Mrs. John Morgan, Healing of Latham Walleck Sunday, November 23, 11:00am Healing of Lambert Gawlik †Darrell Davis, †Ruth, Anton & Thomas Ibrom Have a safe and blessed week! Cub Scouts Darlene LaVelle, 274-2555 2nd Thurs. 11:00 a.m. Joyce Royce 649-1210 Daryl Wagoner 316-2160 Mike Kallies 649-3606 3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Jessica Ahr 218-0862 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Jason Eittriem 627-3844 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Debbie Balderas 648-6107 Frances Zunker 380-3295 Daniel Rocha 286-1944 Louis Rios 648-1900 Every Monday 7:00 p.m. Edward Jimenez 649-2070 Hall Rentals Diane Swientek 219-6646 St. Jerome Cemetery Marilyn Rivas 846-5038 Ushers Wayne Pape 336-5854 Companions for the 3rd Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Journey Alice Rutkowski 296-1380 Baptismal Class Conrad Urteaga 838-4186 3rd Thursday 7:00pm Life Teen Cynthia Farmer 685-1581 Music Ministry Youth Ministry Little Rock Scripture R.C.I.A.
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