Agape-news - Pearl City Community Church!
Agape-news - Pearl City Community Church!
PEARL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Agape-news August 2014 Pearl City Community Church UCC PASTOR’S PORTION I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’ (Psalm 122) Dearly beloved in Christ, Grace, peace, and the love of Jesus be with each one. Where there is darkness, know that God is bringing light. Where there is joy, know our future in Christ. Let us embrace all of God’s provision with humble gratitude. This verse from the Psalms simply captures the depth of my heart. As we move to your installing me as your fifth settled pastor I am filled over and over again with joy and gratitude. This has been a holy place for me and our family in the struggles of the past few months. Your prayers, care, and support have been a strengthening reality that we literally feel daily. We would be in a very different place emotionally and spiritually without your prayers and care. PCCC is more than a “house of the Lord”. It is a home not made with hands, a people in whom Christ dwells. I am grateful beyond words to God for this calling to serve with you. I promise God and each of you my best efforts. Many of you have been here a long time. So, the experience of aloha, compassion, and prayer here may be so familiar that you have grown accustomed to it. It’s what you have come to know and expect “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” We invite you and your loved ones to our Services of Worship Sundays 7:45 AM Traditional 9:30 AM Praise/Worship Sunday Schools for Keiki & Youth 9:30 AM Child care 9:30 AM Check with us for adult Bible Studies, Book Studies, Fellowship and Support Groups 1 From PCCC. Some of you are new or returning because you, too, feel what we as a newcomers are feeling from the Spirit made manifest here at PCCC. It is real. It is good. It is life-giving. It is from Christ. Years of faithful ministry and stewardship. Years of skilled, compassionate, tender, bold pastoral leadership. Years of study of scripture. Years of outreach to the wider community. Years of loving presence to those in need. Years of being community and working through struggle. Years of prayerful waiting. These are some of the gifts I inherit as I take my place in service to the Lord with you in this home Christ is building. We’re still getting acquainted. That will take time. We’ll come to see one another’s strengths and weaknesses more clearly over time. We’ll go through difficulties and disagreements, I’m sure. But, I am so very grateful and so looking forward to the years ahead with this community (and with the community to come!). I’m not sure you really do know how precious you are. Some are undoubtedly going to say, “Wow. This sound li’ one love story, already.” Hey, let it be what it is.” Love story” is what our faith and community is all about! If it’s foolish for a pastor to be as glad and grateful as this one is – then I’m one fool. Thank you for your prayers and ministry to our family and for one another. Let’s grow it. Thank you for the love offering for Adam and your reaching out to and with needy people, organizations, and ministries beyond yourselves Let’s grow it. That’s simply enough for now, beloved. In Christ, Love. phil 2 PCCC invites you, Members and Friends, to the Installation of Rev. Philip Reller our Fifth called Pastor Sunday, September 7, 2014 3:00PM Installation Service 4:15PM Celebration RSVP by August 25. Please call 455.4148 or email 3 MODERATOR’S CORNER Dominic Inocelda We are now past the middle of year 2014, and autumn will soon be arriving. The Congregational Meeting on Sunday July 27, 2014 provided our boards and committees an opportunity to share what they have been doing since January and projected some plans and events for the future. For all who attended the Congregational Meeting, the Council would like to thank you for your attendance and interest in knowing more about what is happening at PCCC. For the near future two key activities that will help us to move forward as a church are the Installation Service for Pastor Reller and the implementation of a strategic planning process. First, the theme of our Installation Service is “Amazing Grace”. This theme reflects the reason for our being a church and gives a foundational meaning for why we exist as a church in Pearl City. We have a gift of “Amazing Grace” that Christ gives to us and calls us to share with all that we come into contact with. The Installation Service formalizes Pastor Reller’s call into service at PCCC in unity with all other United Church of Christ Churches on Oahu. We anticipate and look forward to this very special event in the life of Pearl City Community Church. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend on September 7, 2014, at 3:00 PM at PCCC. Secondly, we are entering a pre-strategic planning process to fully implement a strategic planning process in 2015. As we pre-plan, a key principle will be to include as much input and information from our members and friends so that all voices have opportunity to be heard. Hopefully the process will help us to identify common goals and objectives that are owned and implemented by all. A small pre-planning group will be working during the last half of the year. Our first event will be the rescheduled “What If?” Sunday on Sunday, October 12 at 9:00 AM. 4 I wanted to thank all of our church members and friends for being a people of ministry and the sharing of “Amazing Grace”. May this great gift be reflected in our daily lives and become the reason for being not only for ourselves but for all that we are in contact with. UPCOMING PCCC CALENDAR AND SPECIAL EVENTS ALL CHURCH CLEAN UP! ALL INVITED! Saturday, August 16 In preparation for the Installation Service of our new Senior Pastor on Sunday, September 7th, efforts are underway to start the process of cleaning up our church facilities! “Alotta stuff” can be removed from the Church. Requesting assistance from everyone to begin removing any unwanted items to the far Makai side of Higuchi Hall prior to Saturday, August 16th when the items will be discarded. Requesting any and all assistance for general cleaning of the Church’s facilities and grounds. Sat. August 16th. Breakfast 7:00am. Work project 8:00am. Contact Tom Nishi (478.3990 or WOMEN’S TEA PARTY rescheduled. Hurricanes don’t stop us! All women invited. Saturday, August 23, 9:00 AM. Contact Nancy Yoshimoto Do you have INTEREST in assisting with our AV Ministry? We need help with our Sunday morning worship and church special events – sound and visual aids. We’re creating 4-5 teams to assist with running our equipment. Fun and Informative Training Sessions led by Ryan Uyematsu will be held Saturday, August 30 and Saturday September 6 from 9:30 – 11:00 AM Contact Pastor Phil 5 What If” Sunday Coming Up (again!) Our exciting, community building, informative Sunday exploring very real issues that will impact our short and long term ministry has been rescheduled for Sunday, October 12. We’ll worship at 9:00 AM, share a meal provided by the church, and gather to consider the issues which we must address. We are hoping for 100% participation because each ones’ ideas and perspectives will help us move forward. We ask your prayers as we move toward this important all-church event. Your ideas and feedback will be part of our first steps as we undertake our PCCC Strategic Planning. Need Anxiety/Depression S.U.P.P.O.R.T? Come to our meeting on Monday, August 25 at 9:30AM at Pearl Country Club. The meeting are open to anyone, a family member or friend, who may be struggling with anxiety or depression. The acronym for S.U.P.P.O.R.T. (Servants United to Pray and Praise Our Redeemer Together) upholds God in prayer and praise for His love, grace and mercy on our lives and all who are afflicted with anxiety, fear and worry that often accompany or lead to depression. We are not professional counselors, but we listen, encourage, and support by sharing common experiences, and above all, seek the help of God in prayer. For more information, you may contact Gail Kaminaga 455.3629 or Karen Ujimori 341.3029 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2Corinthians 12:9 6 MISSIONS MINI SHARING RETREAT Jean Kimoto The Board of Missions held a Mini-Sharing Retreat on July 26, 2014 in Higuchi Hall. Twenty two people came to share and learn about the mission of the church. Pastor Phil led a bible study about mission and outreach, walking us through Luke 9:28-43, Isaiah 58, Exodus 3:1-12 and Matthew 11. As participants came down into the valley they listed needs and opportunities for service, mission and outreach for PCCC. The retreat ended with a story, “Upstream Mission” and the sharing of what the church is doing and where God may be calling us to deeper engagement. As outgoing Missions Chair, Lei Yap was recognized for her many years of service to the Board of Missions. Participants Sharing 7 SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Jean Kimoto This summer the children continued their Bible studies with lessons on the fruit of the spirit and the joy of the Lord is your strength. Adult Bible Study Class members gave the teachers respite with a revival of the puppet ministry and the children had fun telling Bible stories through the actions of cute, furry puppets. On July 20 children and their families went on an outing to the Kroc Center in Ewa Beach where they enjoyed floating down Lazy River, riding through the water slides, being drenched by a huge water bucket, diving into the large pool and climbing the wall. Summer classes will continue through the month of August and the fall session will start on September 14. Children enjoying furry puppets 8 Children having fun at Kroc Center 9 THE GARDEN YOU COULD GROW ADULT BIBLE STUDY and FELLOWSHIP GROUPS at PCCC Karen Ujimori Jaroldeen Edwards tried to dodge her daughter Carolyn’s frequent requests to visit a particular garden several hours from their home, but eventually, she gave in. Once they reached their destination, however, Edwards understood. Before them lay acres of daffodils cascading down a mountainside in a river of orange, white, lemon and saffron. More than 50,000 bulbs had been planted, one at a time, over the span of 40 years… but just one woman. “What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a goal 35 years ago and worked at it… one bulb at a time”, she mused.” “Start tomorrow,” said her daughter. (Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards, “The Daffodil Principle”) Yes, we want acres of daffodils (God’s Word) planted in our hearts … ONE CLASS AT A TIME. Start by taking a class this fall, so in 30 years acres of God’s Word will flourish in our lives. All are welcome! Contact Karen Ujimori or call 341.3029 Adult Bible Study and fellowship Group Schedule Sunday Classes 9:30AM Gospel of John - Gora Meeting Room Walking with God Series by Don Cousins & Judson Poling - H101 John’s Letters, Discovering Genuine Christianity – H103 Gospel of Luke - Family Room Book of John – H102 Next Door Savior by Max Lucado – H101 11:00AM Purpose Driven Life – H103 Crucial Accountability – H103 10 Monday Classes 10:00AM Minor Prophets – H103 7:00PM Sunday Message – H102 Tuesday Class 8:30AM Discovering Bible – H103 “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit… and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrew 4:12 MEN’S MINISTRY ANNUAL “BIG BREAKFAST” Leroy Ujimori On Saturday, July 14, 2014 Men’s Ministry invited the congregation to their annual “Big Breakfast” event. Daniel Ko, Youth For Christ interim executive director for Hawaii was invited to speak. His message moved and motivated us to make connections with Pearl City High school’s Youth for Christ program. Also, sharing was a history teacher at PCHS, a sponsor of YFC at the high school. He shared his experiences at these YFC events. One experience he shared was about a student who came to their weekly meetings with a YFC friend. This student came with deep hostility and anger, but after a period of time came to know the love of Jesus and, presently, is on fire for the Lord, bringing others to Christ. Both speakers heightened our attention to the many issues and great need our youths are facing, today, especially at our high schools. In the book of James it states, “Do not merely listen the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says,” James 1:22. 11 Daniel Ko speaking Pastor Phil Reller sharing a prayer We are praying that hearts will be moved and touched to reach out and bring hope to students who are lost and carry heavy burdens. Men’s ministry and Community Concerns are formulating plans to make connections with YFC, at Pearl City High School. Anyone interested in reaching out and bringing hope to these youths are welcomed to join this effort. Mahalo, to Clyde Okuda. Worship during the Big Breakfast 12 Participants in the Big Breakfast I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. Psalm 16:7-9 13 A church had a picnic and invited the entire community to come. The Pastor placed a basket full of apples on one end of a table with a sign saying, "Take only one apple please - Remember that God is watching." On the other end of the table was a plate of cookies where one of the children had placed a sign saying, "Take all the cookies you want -- God is watching the apples." A little boy was waiting for his mother to come out of the store. As he waited, he was approached by a man who asked, “Son, can you tell me where the post office is?” The little boy replied, “Sure, just go straight down the street a couple of blocks and turn to your right.” The man thanked the boy kindly and said, “I’m the new pastor in town, and I’d like for you to come to church on Sunday. I’ll show you how to get to Heaven.” The little boy replied with a chuckle, “Awww, come on; you don’t even know the way to the post office!” My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished my halo while I asked, "No, how are we alike?" "You're both old," he replied. 14 COMMON GRACE "Have you ever felt a nudge to help a child or be a friend to a child? If so, why not be a volunteer just once a week for Common Grace at Lehua Elementary School? Common Grace is a small non-profit organization in Hawaii that facilitates partnerships between public elementary schools and neighborhood churches. The essence of Common Grace is the relationship between you and a lonely may be that missing piece in a lonely child's life. If you would like more information, please contact Nancy Yoshimoto Advent Booklet: 2014 We are now soliciting articles for this year’s Advent Booklet. Deadline is October 31st. Please limit your entry to 500 words maximum. A brief, concise article, besides being more impactful, also helps to use limited publishing space more efficiently and attractively. Articles should be typewritten and submitted to the Office. You may email your article to the Office c/o Mylene ( who will forward all entries to Dick Lum. If you need help to put your words down on paper, contact Karen Ujimori 341.3029 and Caroldine Lum 381-5764. 15 PCCC FAMILY PICNIC WITH WAIALUA UCC AT CAMP HOMELANI August 3, 2014 Pastor Phil and Pastor Grant as Newscasters in the skit “Good Samaritan” 16 Enjoying the day at Camp Homelani 17 PEARL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH 933 Lehua Avenue Pearl City, HI 96782 Web: Email: (808) 455.4148 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM STAFF Philip Reller, Senior Pastor ………………………......... Off on Thursdays Mylene Ibera, Church Office Administrator …….. Codie Escuadro, Office Clerk ….. M-F 9:00AM – 1:00PM Estrella Larioza, Music Director Cindy Fujii, Financial Bookkeeper … M & F 9:00AM – 12:00NN Steven Severin, Accompanist Paul Tanaka, Custodian 18 PRAYER LIST “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Please pray for the following members and friends of our church ohana. Some are seriously ill, many are on the road to recovery, others have asked for prayers during their time of need. Diovi & Noel Baptista Roy & Bill Bernades Chock Family Moana Dabis Katie Huang Gamponia Family Horiuchi Family Cecil Jenkins Summer Kozai & Family Rose Lasit Manewa Family Rita Merry Bob Miyaji Florence Miyashiro Jonoah & Aifua Moe Bill Sahm Kathy L. Smith Michael Spaits Alison Taba Jenny Wung Eileen Kishaba Connie Wheeler Don Anderson Karen Chang Carol Skoog Culver Jennie Fujimoto Jane & Ben Gabrie Sadie La Porte David Lee Richard Min Tommy Miura Dawnlynn, Joseph, DJ Jerome Perry & Family Kimokeo Reed Rev Rose Wright-Scott Ginny Tam Urabe Family Tam Family Jezyah Ka’aihue Adam Reller Park Ministry Millie Chun Lynell Bright Russel Tsuji Ray Tashima To maintain a current and meaningful prayer list, please contact Rev Reller (455.4148 or or contact our Deacons (Jane Kobayashi 455.2030). Our list will be updated as changes are made known to our staff 19 Pearl City Community Church 933 Lehua Avenue Pearl City, HI 96782 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit U.S. Postage P A I D Pearl City, Permit No. 1 20