March 2016 newsletter - Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
March 2016 newsletter - Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church 384 Fox Chapel Road U Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-8243 U Fax: 412-967-9134 Website: THE WINDOW VOLUME 64, NUMBER 3 MARCH 2016 Coming in March Sunday, March 13, 4 p.m.—Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Performance—Tickets at the Door—Sanctuary with Reception March 24, Maundy Thursday Service, 7:30 p.m.—Sanctuary March 25, Good Friday Service, 7:30 p.m.—Sanctuary Easter, March 27, 6:30 a.m.— Sunrise Service—Squaw Valley Park 8:30 a.m.— Traditional—Chapel 9:45 a.m.— Contemporary Service—Fellowship Hall 11:00 a.m.— Traditional Service—Sanctuary Articles due Monday, March 21, 2016 For the April newsletter to Ruby Ralicki. March Schedule 8:30 am Cup and Loaf Worship Chapel Childcare (Birth to PreK) 109 9:00-9:45 am Children’s Choir 208 (Kindergarten to Grade 5) First Hour Education Grades 7/8 - Pre-Confirmation Questions of Faith Lounge 10:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary Contemporary “H20” Worship Fellowship Hall 10:25-11:15 am Children’s Classes (Age 3-PreK, Grades K-4 and Grade 5/6) Children attend worship with their parents and then are dismissed to go to their classes. Age 3-PreK and Grades K-4 sign into class, as they enter H20 worship, then follow their shepherd, at the back of the worship space, to class. Traditional parents sign in Age 3 to Grade 4 children in the Narthex and follow their shepherd when dismissed from worship. Grades 5/6 goes directly to Room 306 where attendance is taken. 11:15-12:15 pm Second Hour Education Childcare (Birth to 36 months) 109 Going Deeper with God (Age 3-PreK) 236/238 Creation Station (Grades K-5/6) 233 Note: children are welcome, to the above age appropriate extended classes, giving parents a chance to participate in Adult offerings! Special Speaker Series (Adults) Chapel Worship Schedule March 6th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Lee Nichols—Sanctuary March 6th—10 a.m.—Traditional—Lee Nichols—Sanctuary March 6th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall March 13th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary March 13th—10 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary March 13th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall March 20th—8:30 a.m.—Cup & Loaf Service—Chris Taylor—Chapel March 20th— 10 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary March 20th—10 a.m.—Contemporary—Cathie Smith—Fellowship Hall March 24th—7 p.m.—Maundy Thursday—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary March 25th—7 p.m.—Good Friday Tenebrae Service March 27th—6:30 a.m.—Sunrise Service—Doug Hughes—Squaw Valley Park March 27th—8:30 a.m.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Chapel March 27th—9:45 a.m.—Contemporary—Chris Taylor—Fellowship Hall March 27th— 11 am.—Traditional—Chris Taylor—Sanctuary The Origin of “Easter” It’s not certain where the word Easter, which never appears in Scripture, originates. In some places, the day is called Pasch, which comes from “Passover,” the festival during which Jesus was crucified. Others call it Resurrection Sunday. Some scholars think the church absorbed the word Easter from pagan roots, because the goddess of spring, Eostre, was celebrated about the same time as Passover. Others suggest the word derives from an old Latin phrase referring to the white robes traditionally worn by people being baptized on the Sunday that celebrates Jesus’ resurrection. Happy to Help The International Day of Happiness is observed on March 20 (also the first day of spring this year; coincidence?). Jesus said we’ll be happy (or “blessed”) when we’re meek, merciful, pure and so on (see His Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12). In other words, happiness results from putting others’ needs above our own. Research confirms that helping others boosts people’s self-esteem, forges strong friendships, offers a sense of belonging and purpose, decreases stress, increases gratitude and sparks others to “pay it forward.” In fact, University of Texas researchers found that the “activism cure” is a great way to overcome bouts of sadness. So get helping—and get happy! Hunger Ministries Priscilla Circle Priscilla Circle Shopping List Cold cereal (hold the sugar) Rice and Pasta Pasta Sauce Bisquick Mix and syrup Macaroni and Cheese Canned Vegetables Canned Fruit Peanut or Almond Butter Tuna or Chicken in pouches or cans Jars of Jelly or Jam Toilet Paper, Paper Towels Paper Napkins Clorox cleaners Bath & Hand soap Laundry detergent Toothpaste, toothbrushes Gift cards for groceries Baking supplies Boxed dinners Please put your donations in the bins in Fellowship Hall and the Red Tile Welcome Area. Wednesday, March 16-9:45 a.m. the Oakmont Room at Longwood Lunch in the Grille follows at 11:30 a.m. Join us as we delve into this year's Bible Study, Come to the Waters. We will be discussing Lesson 6 in the Study Book, "Waters of Justice and Righteousness," referring to ideas of justice in Amos 5:21-24. Please bring your favorite Bible (We like to share from a variety of translations.) Priscilla Circle is made up of women of all ages who are members of Presbyterian and other denominations. All are welcome. Come try us out. If you have a question or need a ride, call Kitty Skinner at 412-406-7304. The Children’s Home Volunteer Support Team Interested in becoming involved with one of FCPC’s Mission Projects? Join the Team! We meet monthly at FCPC to plan activities to help children and families at The Children’s Home. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 8 at 7 p.m. in the Red Tile Area at FCPC. Please join us to learn more about how you can become involved. For more information contact Susan Bartlett: 412-767-5571 or Betsy Hawley: or 412-963-8243. PPCC volunteers having fun with the kids at Child’s Way at The Children’s Home! “photos courtesy of The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh” Friday Morning Book Group Lenten Series, February 12th - March 18th 9 - 10 a.m. in the FCPC Lounge “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time” Marcus J. Borg “Believing in Jesus does not mean believing in doctrine about him. Rather, it means to give one’s heart, one’s self at its deepest level, to the Lord who is also the post - Easter Jesus who is the living Lord, the side of God turned toward us, the face of God, the Lord who is also the Spirit.” — Marcus Borg “In this small but eloquent book, Borg…directs his readers, especially those who have found no meaningful image of Jesus, away from confessed doctrines …toward a relationship with the Spirit of God.” — Publishers Weekly World Day of Prayer Friday, March 4 at 11:00 a.m followed by free lunch at 12:15 St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church 342 Dorseyville Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15215 Worship service planned by Christian Women in CUBA Speaker to be announced THEME: "Receive Children, Receive Me," reflecting on the story of Jesus and the children, and challenging how we welcome others. The day's offering will go to helping women and children in Cuba. This is the one annual opportunity for men and women to worship together with our neighboring Christians from many denominations. Mark it on your calendar and invite your friends and neighbors. God’s Phone # Hello God, I called tonight to talk a little while. I need a friend who'll listen to my anxiety and trial. You see, I can't quite make it through a day just on my own... I need your love to guide me, so I'll never feel alone. I want to ask you please to keep, my family safe and sound. Come and fill their lives with confidence for whatever fate they're bound. Give me faith, dear God, to face each hour throughout the day, and not to worry over things I can't change in anyway. I thank you God, for being home and listening to my call, for giving me such good advice when I stumble and fall!!!!!!! Your number, God, is the only one that answers every time. I never get a busy signal, never had to pay a dime. So thank you, God, for listening to my troubles and my sorrow. Good night, God, I love You, too, and I'll call again tomorrow! P.S. Please bless all my friends and family too. FCPC Men’s Group The FCPC Men’s Group meets the first Saturday of the month for breakfast, fellowship, devotions and encouragement. They meet at Eat-N-Park in the Waterworks from 7:30—8:30 a.m. March 5, 2016. Please plan to join us and bring along a friend. Men’s Prayer Fellowship Please join us for a time of prayer for our congregation, fellowship and small treats every Tuesday morning at 7:30, in the Lounge. Morning Men’s Group Everyone is welcome. Do you need a little Man Time? Join Chris Taylor Thursdays at 6:30 a.m. at Eat-n-Park in the Waterworks. Abbreviated Session Minutes Abbreviated Session Minutes from Session Minutes January 25, 2016 Staff Reports: Lee – Pastoral Care items – Jay Mangold’s father-in-law is in serious condition: update – Carol’s father has died – sympathies and blessings of the Session to Jay and Carol; Bill Johnson is recovering from a torn Achilles tendon. Cathie –Reminder that payment for the Session Retreat is due to Penny; the FCPC Women’s Retreat is April 1-3; the Confirmation class has chosen the Plight of Refugees in Pittsburgh as their Social Justice Project. They will be collecting and sharing with groups in the church on February 21. Doug – They are planning for spring and summer events: Surf City (Senior high - July 24-29 and Middle school - August 7-12). Since the cost is $500 per person, they are planning a fund raiser. They are beginning to plan for a Youth Mission Trip to Guatemala with tentative dates June 1522. The Sunday night Youth Groups are going strong. Delinda – There was a wonderful, very productive work night with 10 CN volunteers. Delinda has received many thanks for the Christmas boxes and sachets from the recipients. Wednesday Night Live, starting this week, will be the on New Testament. Chris – The Christmas Eve services had an attendance of 1593! We will be discussing tonight – a change to our By-Laws, a change to the Endowment Trust document, Budget items and the Terms of Call. Session Action Items: Administration and Personnel Committee – Approval of Dee Hoyt as an At-Large member. So ordered. Christian Nurture Committee – Approval of Child Protection Policy. So ordered. Preschool Committee – Approval of Gretchen Harrison as a Parent/At-Large member. So ordered. Other Business: Approval of Manual of Organization changes It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the changes. Approval of the Budget for 2016 It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the Budget for 2016. Chris thanked the outgoing Elders and presented them with a painting of the church for their service. The Pastors left the meeting. Approval of Terms of Call for the three pastors It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the Terms of Call for Revs. Taylor, Nichols and Smith. College Care Packages Dear Parents of College Students, Although it seems that we've just sent our children off to college for the winter term, it's time to get ready for packing and mailing college care packages. We will be boxing and mailing these packages (for college and other college age children living away from home) right after Easter. In order to take advantage of the inevitable surplus of Easter candy, we intend to pack and ship boxes on Monday, March 28th, to college and other college age children living away from home. We need loads of cookies, treats, and fun items. We also need volunteers to shop, pack, and mail boxes that evening. We are accepting contributions of cookies, treats, fun items, or checks at the church office. The kids love getting packages and it’s more personalized than the packages offered through college promotions. I am gathering names and addresses of college students through the middle of March. That will determine our shopping needs. We usually have about 50 – 60 kids to shop for. If you are able to help that evening, it also let’s you add any additional message or personalized items in your child’s box. Plus it’s a fun night of fellowship! With enough people to collect, shop, & help, it will take less than hour. There is no mandatory cost to include your child. The church does accept donations to help defray the cost of the snacks and the postage. We are also looking for ideas and “non-food” items to include. In the past we have done tennis balls, sunglasses, wristbands, magazines, coffee mugs, Starbucks gift cards, book marks, etc. If you have access to 50-60 “promotional” type items, or have the time and talent to craft something for the kids that would be very special and greatly appreciated! If you would like your child to receive a package, please send their name and college address to Volunteers for shopping and the packing night are also needed, so also let me know if you are able to help in any way. I typically shop at Costco but if one of you has a Sam's Club membership that might provide a nice change of items for the kids. I will let you know the packaging date as we get closer. Feel free to email or call me at 412-953-9576, if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day! Most sincerely, Bob Heister, College Care Coordinator Children’s Ministries Sunday Morning Opportunities Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 Mar 27 COMMUNION Regular Classes Palm Sunday - Alternative Classes Easter Age 3-PreK - Regular Class Grades K-6 - No Class Childcare - Room 109 8:30 a.m. Infants-PreK 10:00 a.m. Infants-36 months 10:00 a.m. Contemporary or Traditional Worship Children begin in worship with their parents and then are excused to attend their age appropriate time in God’s Word 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. Children & Worship/Celebrate Ages 3 to PreK Rooms 236/238 Mar 6 Jesus Commissions His Disciples Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18 Mar 13 The Last Supper Luke 22:14-20 Mar 20 Triumphant Approach to Jerusalem Luke 19:28-40 Volunteers Needed! Volunteers needed to help with: Tent Journeys Sundays April 17, 24 & May 8 Ascension to Pentecost 10:15-11:00 a.m. and Sundays, May 15 & 22 Forgiveness 10:15-11:00 a.m. If interested, please see Delinda or call 724-448-3157. Please prayerfully consider sharing your love with our church family! Mar 27 The Resurrection Luke 24:1-11 Springs of Living Water - Rotation Model Grades K-4 Rooms 233 & 208 Mar 6 Amy’s Little Lambies (Grades K-1) “God Made the World and God Made Me” Mar 13 Lent/Easter Mar 20 Palm Sunday - Alternative Class Mar 27 No Class -Easter 11:15 a.m.—12:15 p.m. 2nd Hour of Education - Mar 13 & 20 Childcare (Birth to PreK) Room:109 Creation Station (Grades K-5/6) Room:233 Grades 5/6 Connect Bible Study 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. Room 306 Students will be dismissed to attend their class when K-4 are released from worship. Attendance will be taken in class. March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 - NO CLASS COMMUNION Jesus Ministry: Teachings No Class - Palm Sunday No Class - Easter MEET Jesus, GROW in Him, CONNECT with Others We are: Forgiven Redeemed Empowered Saved His YOUTH GROUP! Sunday Nights in Youth Room MIDDLE SCHOOL (5:00-6:30) HIGH SCHOOL (7:00-8:30) MARCH YOUTH GROUP DATES: March 6 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group March 13 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group March 20 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group March 27 - YES Middle School and High School Youth Group SURF CITY 2016 High School: July 24 - 29 Middle School: August 7– 12 Anyone planning on going to either High School or Middle School Surf City, we are now starting to collect your $100 deposits. Scholarships are available. Any questions, please contact Doug. HIGH SCHOOL: FLIGHT TRAMPOLINE PARK Friday, March 18, 2016, 10:00pm - Saturday, March 19, 8:00am $30 per person Waivers for Flight Trampoline Park, FCPC Permission forms and money due Sunday, March 13. Contact Doug for info. @ fcpcyouthgroup Director of Student Ministries: Doug Hughes Email: Cell: 412-491-6260 (call or text) For more information about our youth ministry program please visit our information areas in the Red Tile Area and the bulletin board by the Fellowship Hall or visit the Adult Ministry Sunday Morning Special Speaker Series 11:15 am - 12:15 pm in the Chapel February 28, March 6 & 13 "Current Issues in International Relations" with Special Speaker Calendar March-May 2016 March 20 No SSS - Palm Sunday March 27 No SSS - Easter April 3 Women’s Retreat TBA with Paul Seif Mark Haas, Ph.D. Professor in the Political Science Department and the Graduate Center for Social and Public Policy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. Christ calls us to be wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. Part of that wisdom means engaging the world as we find it in order to work for a more just order. While human sinfulness precludes perfectly just political orders, it is important to remember that a little more justice can mean better lives for millions of people. Surely we as Christians are commanded to help bring this about. In this class, Mark will talk about various security threats and opportunities in contemporary international politics. April 10 No SSS - FCPC Preschool Art Show and Children’s Ministries Sunday April 17 TBA with Jo Ann Simonsson April 24 TBA May 1 No SSS - Combined Worship Confirmation Commissioning May 8 No SSS - Mother’s Day May 15 TBA May 22 - Last SSS “Death, Dying and Grief” WEDNESDAY NITE LIVE Consecutive Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 p.m. Fall Semester: January 6, 2016-May 18, 2016 (16 weeks) No classes: March 23 Birth - 36 Months: Childcare Room: A-109 (childcare for parent(s) in Bible study/class reservations MUST be made in advance) Age 3 to Kindergarten: How Great Thou Art Rooms: A-233 (3 by Sept 1, 2015) Grades 1-5: Fellowship Hall How Great Thou Art Rooms: A-233 Fellowship Hall Curriculum used as a basis for these sessions is… Barbara Bruce’s Teaching Children the Bible Basics. Lenten Bible Study “John: The Gospel of Light and Life” Church Lounge March 2, 9, 16 & 30, 2016 (no March 23rd) led by... Rev. Dr. Chris Taylor D.Min. Senior Pastor Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church This is a six week DVD-based study, by Adam Hamilton, which sheds light and brings the Gospel of John’s message of hope for the Lenten season. You’ll follow the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John and understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. Come and explore with Chris the spiritual significance of Jesus’ life through John’s eyewitness and gain a fresh perspective on who Jesus is, and what it truly means to “have life in his name.” He was the Disciple “whom Jesus loved” and you will too! Chris will also present ...John: The Gospel of Light and Love 11:00 am - Thursdays February 25, March 4, 10 and 17,2016 at Longwood, Hearthside Room Music Notes Choral Concert March 13! The 100-voice Pittsburgh Concert Chorale will return to FCPC on Sunday, March at 4:00 pm to present Felix Mendelssohn’s famous oratorio “Elijah”. Joined by professional soloists, a 38-piece orchestra and organist David Billings, Susan Medley will conduct this masterpiece which so dramatically and powerfully tells the story of the Old Testament prophet Elijah. Composed and premiered in 1846, Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” is often considered one of the three greatest oratorios in musical history, alongside Handel’s “Messiah” and Haydn’s “Creation.” Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this monumental work! Tickets are available at the door ($22 adult, students $8 age 12 and under free) or at or by calling 412-635-7654. 13th March Music On Palm Sunday, March 20 at 10:00 a.m. the Pittsburgh Baroque Ensemble will return, joining the Chancel Choir for Handel’s “Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates” (Messiah) and more. On Maundy Thursday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m., our communion service will feature the Chancel Choir. On Good Friday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m., our Tenebrae Service (the ancient Service of Darkness) will feature the Chancel Choir and soloists in Peter Pindar Stearns’ “Hear My Cry, O God,” David H. Williams’ “Jesu, Word of God Incarnate,” Franz Josef Haydn’s “Agnus Dei,” Heinrich Schutz’s “Christ, Our Blessed Savior,” Handel’s “We was Despised,” Evan Copley’s “Surely He hath borne Our Griefs,” and the spiritual “Were You There?”. This dramatic service will also include the congregation in congregational hymns and the improvised earthquake for organ and percussion. On Easter, March 27 at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m., the West Virginia Brass Quintet, timpani and organ will join the Chancel Choir for glorious music for the day of resurrection. The services will conclude with Charles Widor’s “Toccata” (Organ Symphonie V). FCPC Special Musical Events Series 2016 +++++++++ Sunday, March 13 at 4:00 p.m. Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Concert featuring Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio “Elijah” with soloists, orchestra and organ Susan Medley, director David Billings, organist Sunday, April 17 at 4:00 p.m. 33rd Annual Sponsorship Concert featuring Haydn’s “Little Organ Mass” and Mozart’s “Vespers”, K. 339 The Fox Chapel Festival Chorus and Soloists The Academy Chamber Orchestra Guy Russo, director David Billings, organist Saturday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh Concert Chorale Pops Concert “I Could Have Danced All Night” With jazz combo Susan Medley, director Celebrating dance through music, including the Tango, the Charleston, and even country hoedown! Get behind our diaper drive! #BurghBaby Diapers for Burgh Babies What: Diaper Drive to collect diapers (or the funds to buy them!) for children in Western Pennsylvania When: February 2016 Who: Presbyterian Women and the Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank Where: Red Tile entry and by H2O Why: One in three American moms struggles to provide clean diapers for her children. Food stamps and WIC don’t cover diapers and families often are forced to make tough decisions regarding day care and employment because they can’t afford diapers. The Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank partners with local organizations to distribute diapers free of charge to families in need. Diapers collected at our drive will go directly to families in our community. There is a critical need for sizes 4, 5, and 6, but all sizes are welcome. 2016 Spring Flowers for Easter We plan to have Spring Flowers for Easter to beautify our Sanctuary on Easter, March 27. There will be memorial and appreciation spring flowers with all donors’ names appearing in the Easter church bulletin. After the 11:00 a.m. service on Easter, you may take your plant(s) home or designate it for a shut-in. To order a plant, please fill out the form below . Mail your check to: Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church, 384 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Attn: Ruby Ralicki or Drop-off at the church office. ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY Monday, March 21. ORDERS RECEIVED AFTER THIS TIME MAY NOT BE PRINTED IN THE BULLETIN INSERT. Spring Flowers Order 2016 Make check payable to PW-FCPC I wish to order _____ plant (s) @ $10.00 PER MEMORIAL OR APPRECIATION NAME for a total of $________ Donor Name: ________ _______________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Memorial Name: ____________________________________________________ Memorial Name: ____________________________________________________ Appreciation Name: _________________________________________________ Appreciation Name: _________________________________________________ (attach additional sheet if necessary) NOTE: All extra monies will go to Mission. Our Staff and Officers Pastoral Pastor, Chris Taylor, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care, Lee Nichols, Associate Pastor for Family Ministries, Cathie Smith, Theological Student/Assistant for Pastoral Care, Kim Power Children and Youth Director of Educational Ministries, Delinda Donovan, Director of Ministries for Youth and their Families, Doug Hughes, Coordinators of Church Childcare, Naomi Cannon, Lindsay Patterson Music Director of Music Ministries and Organist, David Billings, Chancel Choir Director, Guy Russo, H20 Worship Leader, Rob Krogh, Director of Children’s Choir, Jenna Hayes, Program Support Admin. Asst. for Congregational Life, Deacons & PW, Ruby J. Ralicki,, ext. 10 Admin. Asst. to the Senior Pastor, Penny Young, Welcome Desk Monitors, Pete Waterkotte and Jack Toomey Finance Administrator, Cilla Bamford, Interim Preschool Director, Monica Hamilton, Maintenance Manager, Wayne Dailey, Caretaker Supervisor, Mike Hails, Caretaker, Greg Monteleone THE SESSION Class of 2016 Jeff Au, Laurie Culbertson, Skip Fox, Jay Mangold, Sue McCann, Karin Miller, Mike Phillips, Rob Strohm Class of 2017 Susan Bartlett, Astrid Bitzer, Bradley Buchanan, Sarah Jones, James Minor, Bryan Norman, Polly Swanson, Ivor Wood, III Class of 2018 Marion Ahlers, Don Boyd, Zelene Hutchison, Bill Johnson, Paul Privett, Linda Thier, Tom Walker, Shannon Watters THE BOARD OF DEACONS Class of 2016 John Campbell, Kim Chivinsky, Greg Fiorillo, Eva Havlicsek, D. J. Hammerschmidt, Brenda Karas, Tracey Mulert, Richard Sweringen, Emma Thomson, Malina Trozzo, Joanne Welsh, Michele Williams Class of 2017 Kim Bartolacci, Molly Childs, B. J. Ferguson, Libby Friend, Jennifer Greevy, Margaret Groninger, Judy Leininger, Amy Martin, John Musgrave, Steve Schultz Class of 2018 John Cullen, Carol Huff, Brian Jewart, Margot Johnjulio, Alexander Lawson, Oscar Lewis, Katie Nichols, Fay Powell, Anne Rockwell, Barbara Strohm Coming in April Friday—Sunday, April 1-3, Women’s Retreat—Offsite April 9—15, Preschool Art Show, Atrium Sunday, April 10, Combined Worship, Children’s Sunday and Preschool Celebration—Sanctuary Saturday, April 16, 10 a.m.—1 p.m., Electronical Recycling Event— Church Parking Lot Sunday, April 17, 7 p.m., Annual Sponsorship Concert—Sanctuary Hold tightly to your faith, even when there’s no chocolate in sight. 384 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Phone: 412-963-8243 Fax: 412-967-9134 Website: Return Service Requested Dated Material — Do Not Hold PITTSBURGH, PA PERMIT NO. 564 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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