La Manzanilla
GLIDE number: TC-2015-000144-MEX Activation ID: EMSR144 Product N.: 09LAMA NZANILLA, v2, English La Manzanilla - MEXICO Coastline Road, Negligible to slight damage General Information 0.5 1 Grid: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 13N map coordinate system Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system km ± Lake Primary Road Settlements ! Gulf of Mexico Cu ba Mexico City ^ Gua temal a Ho nd ura s Bridge " Area of Interest NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN Jalisco Transportation £ Full color IS O A 1, low resolution (100 dpi) Mexico Stream Road, Moderately Damaged Cartographic Information 0.25 Hydrology Building Grading Transportation Grading Grading Map 0 United States Moderately Damaged Wind storm - 23/10/2015 1:10000 Legend La Manzanilla ( ! Local Road Populated Place NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN 521000 104° 48'0"W 104° 47'30"W 522000 104° 47'0"W 523000 104° 46'30"W 524000 104° 46'0"W 525000 104° 45'30"W 2134000 2133000 2132000 2132000 19°17'0"N 19°17'0"N 2133000 19°17'30"N 19°17'30"N 2134000 19°18'0"N 19°18'0"N rt a lla Va ad to e r vi d Pu Na a e ter a d r re a rr Ca - B La Manzanilla " ! £ " 2131000 2130000 2129000 2129000 19°15'30"N 19°15'30"N 2130000 19°16'0"N 19°16'0"N 2131000 19°16'30"N 19°16'30"N £ 104° 48'0"W Map Information 521000 Hurricane Patricia, the strongest ever hurricane to hit the eastern north Pacific region, continued moving west-northwest intensifying further. The population potentially involved is around 7.3 million only in the state of Jalisco. Very Strong winds and storm surge may affect the states of Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit and Michoacan on 23-24 October.PATRICIA is also expected to produce heavy rains in these states, as well as in Guerrero, with the risk of flash-floods and landslides. Data Sources Pleiades-1B © CNES (2015), distributed by Airbus DS (acquired on 25/10/2015 17:35 UTC, GSD 0.5m, 0% cloud coverage), provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union and ESA, all rights reserved. ESRI World Imagery © Microsoft (acquired on 01/03/2011, GSD 0.5 m, cloud coverage 0 %). Base vector layers based on OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors,, GeoNames (approx. 1:10000, extracted on 23/10/2015, refined by SIRS. Source information is included in vector data. Elevation data: SRTM (90 m posting). Height in meters above mean sea level. Population data: Landscan 2010 © UT BATTELLE, LLC. All Data sources are complete and with no gaps. Inset maps based on: Administrative boundaries (JRC 2013), Hydrology, Transportation (Natural Earth, 2012), Settlements (Geonames, 2013). 104° 47'30"W 104° 47'0"W 522000 Dissemination/Publication Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). Map products available in the Copernicus EMS Portal at the following All products are © of the European Union. Disclaimer 523000 URL: The products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in rush mode activation are realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame during a crisis, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. The products are compliant with Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping Product Portfolio specifications. Relevant date and tim e records (UTC) Event Activation 23/10/2015 05:33 23/10/2015 12:35 Last crisis status Map production 25/10/2015 17:35 02/11/2015 104° 46'30"W Map Production 524000 The present map shows the grading damage in the area of La Manzanilla (MEXICO). The basic topographic features are derived from public datasets, refined by means of visual interpretation of pre-event ESRI World Imagery. Thematic layers, assessing the delineation of the event and its grading, have been derived from postevent Pleiades image. All satellite images have been radiometrically enhanced, orthocorrected with RPC approach (using SRTM elevation data) and coregistered to the pre-event image. The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 5 m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image. The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85 % or better, as it is based on visual interpretation of very high resolution optical imagery. Shadowed areas are zones of lower interpretation accuracy due to the poorer image radiometry. Only the area enclosed by the Area of Interest has been analyzed. 104° 46'0"W Contact 525000 104° 45'30"W Map produced by SIRS under contract 259736 with the European Union. Name of the release inspector (quality control): e-GEOS (ODO). E-mail:
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