The Minneola - Clark County Gazette
The Minneola - Clark County Gazette
Clark County Sheriff Log See Page 3 s ’ f f i r She g o L y ctivit A Gazette The Minneola Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Official Newspaper of Minneola Hospital Board approves changes in physician’s contract by Denice Kuhns Gazette (Editor’s Note: The following article is taken from the unapproved minutes.) The Minneola District Hospital Board met for their final meeting of 2009 on Wednesday, December 16th, in the Minneola District Hospital Conference Room. Hospital District Trustees Jeff Sibley, Sadie Wideman, Bill Baker, Dave Strecker and Gail Norton were in attendance. Also present was Facility Administrator Brian Roland, Great Plains Health Alliance Regional Vice President Jackie John, Recorder Debi Johnson and County Commissioner Howard Wideman (arrived at 7:25 pm). Chief Financial Officer Marion Blanton was absent from the meeting. Board President Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. S. Wideman made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Baker seconded and the motion carried. Sibley questioned whether there were any conflicts of interest present. None were vocalized. Norton made a motion to approve the November Hospital Board minutes as presented. Baker seconded and the motion carried. Sibley presented the Board Tax Account, which contained a balance of $165,400.39. He also presented the November financials for the board to review in the absence of Blanton. Roland presented the statistics for all departments for the month of November. The board reviewed the check register. S. Wideman made a motion to approve the check register with checks 28866 through 29125 written for a total of $917,061.24 for the month of November. Norton seconded and the motion carried. The group reviewed the accounts payable register as well as the list of current vendors. See HOSPITAL on Page 2 50¢ Issue No. 01 School Board looks at prioritizing projects by Denice Kuhns Gazette (Editor’s Note: The following article is taken from the unapproved minutes.) The Minneola Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, December 14th, 2009, in the school library. Board members Linda Barnes, Brian Lies, Chris Pike, Roni Strecker, Mark Stewart, Rusty Swonger and Mark Wideman were in attendance. Also present were Superintendent Mark Walker, High School Principal Dexter Leach, Elementary/ Junior High Principal Patrick Schroeder, Board Clerk Valarie Lahman and visitors Clark County Commissioner Howard Wideman, Phyllis Grover, Ruth Bartlett and Jeanne Toews. Board President Lies called the meeting to order at 8:30 pm, followed by a prayer led by Barnes. See SCHOOL on Page 2 Homecoming is this Friday night been included on the high honor roll, is a twotime State Cross Country Team qualifier and has earned the Lamp of Knowledge. Following graduation Shanna plans to attend Kansas State University and study pre-med, furthering her education at medical school. Shanna’s escort for the evening will be Josh Stapleton, son of Alex and Melanie Stapleton. He has been active in football, basketball and golf during his years at MHS. He was named second team All League defensive lineman his sophomore and junior year, honorable mention offensive lineman and first team tight end and first team linebacker in 2009. Following graduation Josh plans to play football in college and is undecided on a major at this time. MeKayla Minor is the daughter of Calvin and Lisa Minor. During her years at MHS she has been active in volleyball, basketball, track, --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Josh Stapleton and Shanna Shumate by Denice Kuhns Gazette Word of God My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. --Malachi 1:11 See WILDCAT on Page 3 --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Jason McClaren and Aubrey Hanson The 2010 Minneola High School Fall Homecoming will be held this Friday night at half-time of the Minneola- boys varsity basketball game. Homecoming festivities will begin with a parade down Main Street at 2 pm followed by a pep rally in front of the Civic Connection. King and Queen Homecoming candidates are as follows: Shanna Shumate is the daughter of Randy and Shelly Shumate. During her high school years she has been involved in basketball, cross country, cheerleading, track, Dodge City Community College Math Relays, Scholar’s Bowl, Fort Hays State University Math Relays, Academic Olympics, National Honor Society and has served her class as an officer. She has first team defensive back in 2009. Following graduation Kameron plans to play basketball in college, earning a degree in computer/software engineering. Aubrey Hanson is the daughter of Kevin and Julia Hanson. During her years at MHS she has been active in volleyball, basketball, vocal, Academic Olympics, Fort Hays State University Math Relays, Dodge City Community College Math Relays, National Honor Society, student council and has served her class as an officer. She has been included on the honor roll, been named Outstanding Student in A & P and English III, Lamp of Knowledge and the President’s Award. Following graduation Aubrey plans to attend a university, dental school and open her own practice and employ her mom. --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Kameron Ptacek and MeKayla Minor band, Academic Olymipcs, Fort Hays State University Math Relays, cheerleading, quiz bowl, National Honor Society and served her class as an officer. She has been named on the high honor roll, Outstanding Student in English III, Lamp of Knowledge and earned a I at state on her band solo. Following graduation MeKayla plans to attend a junior college earn a degree in nursing, working as a registered nurse in labor and delivery. MeKayla’s escort for the evening will be Kameron Ptacek, son of Moe and Shelly Ptacek. During his high school years he has been active in football, basketball, baseball, track, student council, band, Academic Olympics and served as student council vice president. He was named honorable mention running back, honorable mention safety, ranked third in the state for 1A football, punt returner and kick off returner in 2008 and first team all league running back and --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Alex Stewart and Laura Temaat Community Calendar Gazette Deadlines Just a reminder, the deadlines for The Minneola Gazette is 5 pm on Monday for news copy, delivered or phoned into the office. Deadline for advertisements, including classifieds is 5 pm on Monday. Thank You, for your consideration. Contact Us minneolanews@sbcglobal. net, fax us at 620-873-5456 or mail us at PO Box 463, Minneola, KS 67865. Our office is located at 119 S Main in Minneola. Office hours are Mondays from 2 to 5 pm, Wednesday’s 9:30 am to 5 pm and by appointment. Library Hours The Minneola Library now has Need to contact The Minneola new hours. Monday: 1-6 p.m., Gazette?? You can call us at Tuesday: closed, Wednesday: 620-885-5040, e-mail us at 1-6 p.m., Thursday: 1 to 5 pm, Friday: closed, Saturday: closed, Sunday: closed about the Parents’ Meeting and Kindergarten Visitation will be sent to those on the list Kindergarten 2010- NEXT SEMESTER. Be sure to register your child so that 2011 notice the information can be sent to Parents of children eligible you! to begin Kindergarten at Minneola Elementary School Commodities are now in the Fall of 2010 are Commodities available at the Clark County requested to call the school office at 885-4571. Children Health Department. must be five years old by Den Hours September 1st to begin school The Den is open the following in August. A letter with details hours: Saturdays: Junior High – 6 to 8:30 pm and High School – 8:30 to 11 pm. There is no admission to The Den. Recycle Center The Minneola Recycle Center is NOW Open, at the Tree and Grass dump in the Southeast corner of town. The hours are the same as the Tree and Grass dump. Go Green and help promote the new recycle center. Page 2 Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Gazette Community News SCHOOL H. Wideman spoke to the board concerning the county tax rebate program for revitilization int he county. He noted that the agreement is up for renewal for an additional three year period and requested that the board consider renewing it. Pike made a motion to rejoin the Revitalization program for a three-year period. Swonger seconded and the motion carried 7-0. The board recognized teachers present at the meeting including Bartlett and Toews. The November Board of Education minutes were approved as presented with a motion to approve made by Pike and seconded by M. Wideman. The motion carried 7-0. Lahman presented the petty cash for the board’s review. Leach presented the eligibility report for the high school as Continued from Front Page well as some informational items. Honor Band members have requested permission to participate in the Kansas State Concert Band Clinic. Leach recommended that the district pay the registration fees and provide transportation. Leach introduced high school counselor Phyllis Grover. Grover discussed the Financial Aid Night and Miss Kansas visit with the board. She stressed that both were a success. Schroeder presented the junior high eligibility report and the 2010 junior high sports schedules. He also presented informational items for the grade school and requested an executive session. Strecker made a motion to enter executive session for 25 minutes for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of non-elected personnel. M. Wideman seconded and the motion carried 7-0. The board members, Walker, Leach and Schroeder were included in the session. Grover left the meeting at 8:52 pm. Stewart made a motion to approve the resignation of Eric Richards as junior high girls basketball coach and high school forensics coach effective immediately. M. Wideman seconded and the motion carried 7-0. M. Wideman made a motion to approve the hiring of Angela Wilczek as head junior high girls basketball coach and Patrick Schroeder as assistant junior high girls basketball coach for the remainder of the 2009-2010 season. Strecker seconded and the motion carried 7-0. Swonger made a motion to approve the hiring of Jan Daniels as high school forensics coach for the 2009-2010 school year. HOSPITAL H. Wideman approached the group concerning the Neighborhood Revitalization program. He explained that the program was for three years and is expiring, requesting that the Hospital Board renew it for another three years. Norton made a motion to renew the Neighborhood Revitalization program for another three years as requested. Baker seconded THE SHEPHERD’S CENTER )ULHQGV&DULQJ )RU1HLJKERUV 3DUWWLPH)XOOWLPH Certified Nurses Aide &RQWDFW'HQLFH&UDJJ RU-HDQ%U\DQW51 $GPLQLVWUDWRU 1RUWK0DLQ &LPDUURQ.6 and the motion carried and H. Wideman left the meeting. Roland presented the November doubtful accounts for the hospital and clinic. The board reviewed the list. Wideman made a motion to approve the write off of the hospital doubtful accounts in the amount of $10,576.48 and the clinic doubtful accounts in the amount of $3,672.22 for accounting purposes. Strecker seconded and the motion carried. Johnson reviewed the accounts receivable reports followed by discussion on the net difference for doubtful accounts in an effort to show the board that some of the accounts that are written off are recovered by the hospital or a collection agency. Roland made a request that the balance of the general and benefit dollars in the amount of $134,567 be allowed for the purpose of operations. He also presented an update on a visit he had with Kansas Health Service Corporation representative Roger Harnish. According to Harnish, he is working on updating the hospital insurance summary with There is a relationship between the water of baptism, symbolizing God’s work of cleansing from sin, and each of our lives. The connection is simple. If you are a baptized person, you always need to improve, live up to, the sign placed upon you. Perhaps you were baptized as an infant. The sign of God’s work of cleansing was placed upon you. You need to have the inner cleansing, ìthe washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spiritî (Titus 3:5), represented by that sign. You need to come to Christ for that cleansing. Perhaps you are a person who went to church as a youngster. You were baptized as an adult. Now you have fallen away from Christ and His church. You bear the mark of God’s work of grace in cleansing the human heart from sin. But your life denies your baptism. You really need cleansing from Christ. No matter your stage in life, although the sign of God’s cleansing work is upon you, the actual work of cleansing is not complete. You are not free from sin. You must strive to live more fully in accordance with your baptism, the sign of cleansing you bear. Make it your task to improve your baptism in the coming year. Make it your goal to live more like the person God wants you to be. Courtesy of: Continued from Front Page the changes of the Hospital Board had requested. An update on the phone system was given by Roland. He stressed that the phones have been installed and are working. He went on to explain that he is in the process of getting the paperwork completed for the CRNA billing as well as listing the changes over the 2009 year for the Annual meeting. According to Roland, Interim Chief Executive Officer Cindy Schneider would not be in house on January 4th but would be starting on January 5th. He went on to explain that he would need to get the bankcards so they would be ready for signing. Roland reported that the physical therapist would be going on maternity leave in February. He has entered into a contract with Kim Coast to cover the time off. The Medicaid proposed 2010 reduction in payments and how they could affect reimbursement was explained by Roland. He noted that it could reduce reimbursements as much as $70,000 for the facilities. John presented the Great Plains Health Alliance Board report followed by an update on health reform. She noted that the Great Plains Health Alliance hosted a meeting for the hospitals participating in the Department of Agriculture Loan/Grant program for installation of the Electronic Medical Records. Wideman made a motion that the board enter into executive session for 30 minutes for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. Baker seconded and the motion carried. The board members, Roland and John were included in the session. A motion was made by Strecker to accept the changes as recommended in Dr. Conard’s contract. Baker seconded and the motion carried. Sibley adjourned the meeting at 9:05 pm. The next hospital board meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 7 pm. Locust & Maple • 885-4654 . & $ 1 Auctions Auction Tuesday, January 19, 10 a.m., Sylvan Grove, Kansas. Commercial and residential real estate, Hyster forklifts, vehicles, trailers, shop equipment. Call Omli and Associates, Inc. 1-800-499-6182 Business Opportunity All Cash Vending! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy. All for $9995. 1-888-753-3441. Educational MISSOURI WELDING INSTITUTE. Nevada, Missouri. Become a Certified Pipe/Structural Welder. Graduate in 18 weeks, earn up to $35/hour. Companies calling weekly searching for our graduates. 1-800-667-5885. Legal Services Social Security disability claims; Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No recovery, No fee! 1-800-259-8548. 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Special Notice Divorce with or without children $125. With FREE name change documents and marital settlement agreement. Fast and easy. Call us 24 hrs/7 days: 1-888-789-0198; Steel Buildings For Sale 20x8x8; 40x8x8; 48x8.5x9.5; 53x8.5x9.5 SHIPPING CONTAINERS. Camlock doors, hardwood floors support forklift. Delivery available. 1-785655-9430 Solomon. www.chuckhenry. com complete web listing, photos, specs, pricing. Barnes seconded and the motion carried 7-0. Barnes made a motion to pay the registration fees and provide transportation to the Kansas State Concert Band Clinic as recommended. Pike seconded and the motion carried 6-1. Walker discussed the budget report with the board. He noted that the building insurance has come in slightly lower than last year, even with the addition of the track, fence and press box. He presented a budget projection sheet with discussion held. A Priority List was handed out for review. It was noted that it would be discussed in depth at future meetings to come up with the necessary cuts that will have to be made in the district due to budget shortages from the state. Further discussion was held. It was noted that the elementary staff has prioritized lists and have turned them in to Schroeder. The board was asked to look over the priority list over the coming weeks to become familiar with it as well as make recommendations. According to Walker the heaters in the shop building have either gone out or are very close to going out. Bids were received from Weber Refrigeration and Stewart Plumbing with Stewart Plumbing being the lowest bid. It was decided that the heaters would be replaced over Christmas LTCU weekly activities break. Walker informed the board that the heating system outside of the vocal room had a leak repaired last week but has a slow leak again the night of the meeting. He went on to explain tha the milk and juice orders had to be switched back to Hiland Dairy due to the local grocery store loan not going through. There was no A+ Network report. Bartlett and Toews left the meeting at 10:45 pm. Walker updated the board on the Special Education Cooperative board meeting. It was noted that that Superintendent Evaluation would be held on Monday, January 11th, at 5 pm in the Superitendent’s office. Lies presented the Capital Outlay Resolution for approval. Pike made a motion to approve the Capital Outlay Resolution 12-14-2009 as presented. M. Wideman seconded and the motion carried 6-1. Centera Bank donated $1,000 to be used for timing equipment or something else at the track area that is to include their name. Coating of the high jump approach is on hold at this time. The area holding water on the track and the two cracks will be fixed when the weather permits. Charging visitors at home Office Hours: Monday: 2 to 5 Wednesday: 1:30 - 5 the Gazette Activities this week at the Nursing Home include a ladies coffee on Thursday morning at 9:30 am. All the ladies of the community are invited to come and visit with the residents and enjoy a cup of coffee. At 9:45 the men will be playing dominoes. Monday Coffee and Dice will be held at 9:45 am with exercises following at 10:20 and Ladies Tea Party after lunch at 2:30 pm. Tuesday will be Bingo at 2:30 pm after Bible Reading at 1:30 pm. Wednesday is the weekly men’s coffee with the men from the community invited to come enjoy a time of fellowship with the residents at 9:30 am followed by bowling at 3 pm. 119 S Main 620.885.5040 Minneola Village 8 Cinema (620) 227-7469 �Leap Year �Daybreakers (R) 2:10, 4:30, 7:40, (9:50) (PG) 2:20, 4:35, 7:00, (9:15) Alvin and the Chipmunks Sherlock Holmes It’s Complicated Princess & The Frog (PG) 2:25, 4:35, 7:10, (9:15) (R) 1:55, 4:25, 7:00, (9:30) The Blind Side (PG-13) 1:25, 4:00, 7:05, (9:45) (G) 2:35, 4:45 Avatar (PG-13) 1:25, 4:05, 6:50, (9:35) (PG-13) 3:45, 6:55, (10:00) Did You Hear About The Morgans games was briefly discussed. A staff Christmas party was also briefly discussed with Swonger volunteering to donate a pig to cook for the party. An ad in the paper recognizing staff was also suggested. Pike left the meeting at 11:30 pm. Stewart made a motion to pay the bills. Strecker seconded and the motion carried 6-0. The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, January 11th, at 7 pm in the school library. The meeting was recessed at 11:31 pm to the Superintendent’s Evaluation to be held Monday, January 11th, at 5 pm. THE SHEPHERD’S CENTER )ULHQGV&DULQJ)RU1HLJKERUV 3DUWWLPH)XOOWLPH L.P.N. or R.N. &RQWDFW/RUL51 '21 RU-HDQ%U\DQW51 $GPLQLVWUDWRU 1RUWK0DLQ &LPDUURQ.6 The Minneola Gazette Publisher/Editor: Denice Kuhns Ad Representative: Denice Kuhns Reporter: Tom Kuhns The MINNEOLA GAZETTE (USPS #024-428) is published weekly by The Minneola Gazette, 119 S Main, PO Box 463, Minneola, KS 67865. Annual Subscription rate: $27.00 in Clark County; $30 elsewhere with no foreign accepted. Periodicals postage paid at Minneola, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the MINNEOLA GAZETTE PO Box 463 Minneola, KS 67865 (PG-13) 7:25, (9:40) Movies For 1/8 – 1/14 � 1R5HVWULFWHG3DVVHV 6DW6XQ0DWLQHHV2QO\ )UL6DW2QO\ FREE Online Banking & Bill Pay You’re just one click of a mouse away from banking, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Access your checking accounts, savings accounts, transfer funds, check balances, pay bills without writing a check & more!! 622 Main • Ashland, KS • 620/635-4032 Stop by & Sign up today!! MEMBER FDIC MEADE STATE BANK A BRANCH OF STOCKGROWERS STATE BANK - ASHLAND, KS 203 North Fowler • PO Box 250 • Meade, KS 67864 • 620/873-2123 • Fax: 620/873-2336 MEMBER FDIC Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Page 3 Gazette Community News CLARK COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE DECEMBER 2009 MONTHLY CALLS FOR SERVICE VISITORS - 3 ESCORTS (FUNERAL, ETC) - 4 TRAFFIC STOPS - 247 NON-INJURY ACCIDENTS - 6 INJURY ACCIDENTS - 5 ANIMAL OUT CALLS - 3 CIVIL STANDBY - 1 ASSIST OTHER AGENCY - 2 DARE IN SCHOOLS - 1 BOOK INMATE(S) - 7 RELEASE INMATE - 6 PAPERS SERVED –21 SPEAK TO OFFICER - 8 THEFT(S) - 2 VIN INSPECTION(S) - 10 REMOVE DEBRIS FROM ROADWAY - 2 WELFARE CHECKS - 7 CONCEALED CARRY - 1 TOTAL 911 CALLS: 103 DAILY AVG: CONSENTUAL SEARCH - 23 PROBABLE CAUSE SEARCH - 6 K9 DEPLOYMENT - 0 MOTORIST ASSIST - 15 PEDESTRIAN(S) - 0 TRANSPORT(S) - 1 INMATE CHURCH - 0 SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE - 1 TRAFFIC CONTROL - 6 3.2 CALLS PER DAY This information is provided to the public of Clark County to give you an idea of the amounts and types of calls that are received by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office on a monthly basis. Of the 911 calls that were received by Clark County, not all were related to incidents in this county. The calls were received from travelers via wireless 911 and were routed to the appropriate 911 call centers for proper jurisdictional service by fire, emergency medical services and law enforcement of the prospective counties. The information listed above is provided to you by the entire staff of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. Obituaries Nita Lou Schmidt Nita Lou Schmidt, age 77, died Saturday, December 26, 2009, at Minneola District Hospital, Minneola, Kansas. She was born September 6, 1932, at Wilmore, Kansas, the daughter of Roderick H. and Alzina G. (Burditt) Baker. We do it all... See us for all your home, auto, farm and crop insurance needs. Pike Insurance Agency Jenny Clevenger, Agent 127 S Main • Minneola Call 885-4263 or 800-366-0782 today She was a Minneola resident since 1955 and was co-owner of Schmidt Radio and TV. She was one of the first EMT’s in Clark County and had served on the PRIDE Steering Committee. She had also served on the Minneola Hospital Board, worked with the Girl Scouts for many years and was a member of the Minneola United Methodist Church. On October 21, 1951 she married Wayne L. Schmidt at Wilmore, Kansas. He survives. Other survivors include: son, Roger and wife Kim of Wichita; daughters, Brenda Sue Boswell and husband Rick of McPherson and Kay Lynne Towle and husband Cliff of Hutchinson; sisters, Iris Yvonne Smith of Lawton, Oklahoma and Ruth Ann Baker of Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and 13 grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11:00 am Tuesday, December 29th, at the Minneola United Methodist Church with Pastors Kip Ryherd and Virgil White officiating. Interment followed with a graveside service at 3 pm on December 29th at the cemetery in Wilmore, Kansas. The family would welcome memorials to the Minneola United Methodist Church Missions, Minneola Health Care Foundation or to the Helping Hand Ministries, all in care of Minnis Mortuary, PO Box 459, Minneola, KS 67865. 31, 2009 at Minneola after a long battle with heart disease and diabetes. He was born in Dewey County, Oklahoma, on March 31, 1928 to Wesley M. and Moeta (Noblitt) Smith. He married Letha Patton on August 28, 1948 at Thomas, Oklahoma. She survives. Other survivors include: two sons, Tony L. of Pratt, Kansas and Jerry D. and wife Charlotte of Cedar Park, Texas; two grandchildren, Jerrod Dean and Ryan Mary; a brother, John W. and wife Ruth of Ada, Oklahoma; an aunt, Lora Smith of Anthony, Kansas; and fourteen nieces and nephews as well as many more relatives and friends. Howard graduated from Thomas High School in 1946 and enlisted in the 82nd Airborne. Howard L. Smith Howard L. Smith of Minneola, After his discharge he attended Kansas died Thursday, December and graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University of Alva with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education in 1952 and received his Masters Degree from Fort Hays State University in 1968. He taught Industrial Arts at Minneola High School from 1955 until his retirement in 1990. He had also been a part time employee of the Kansas State Experiment Field north of Minneola for many years in the 60’s and 70’s. He was a member of the Minneola United Methodist Church and was Cub Master for several years. His hobbies were hunting, reading, making turquoise jewelry and spending time with his family. He especially enjoyed time spent with his grandchildren and visiting his cabin in Bonanza, Colorado. A highlight of his life was a cruise and tour of Alaska. Howard’s ready smile, sunny disposition and love of life will be greatly missed. Howard was preceded in death by an infant son, Bryan Don, his parents, two brothers, Wesley M. and Charles R., and his sister, Letha Fern. Funeral services were held on Monday, January 4, 2010, at 2 pm at the Minneola United Methodist Church with Rev. Kip Ryherd officiating. Burial followed in Appleton Cemetery, Minneola. Memorials are suggested to the Minneola Health Care Foundation in care of Minnis Mortuary, PO Box 459, Minneola, KS 67865. Civic Connection Menu The menu this week at the Jan. 8-Menu choice-Chili Civic Connection includes: (beef stew on request), peas, Jan. 7-Oven fried chicken, tossed salad, crackers, cinnamon mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli, roll, milk roll, plums, milk Jan. 11-Grilled chicken with gravy, rice, California blend vegetables, roll, apricots, milk Jan. 12-Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, Harvard beets, fruit muffin, tropical fruit salad, milk Jan. 13-Menu choices-Baked fish (chicken patty on request), scalloped corn, stewed tomatoes, roll, poke cake with topping, milk Jan. 14-Baked ham, sweet potatoes, winter mixed vegetables with cheese sauce, bread, Waldorf salad, milk Jan. 15-Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, roll, frosted lime gelatin, milk • Casualty • Crop Hail • Auto • Home Come in for a quote! Rooney Insurance Agency 620.885.4500 • Minneola, KS Subscribe TODAY!! Send checks payable to The Minneola Gazette to The Minneola Gazette, PO Box 463, Minneola, KS 67865. Annual Subscription: $27 in county • $30 out-of-county Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!! Page 4 Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Minneola Wildcats • Sports Schedules • Sports Scores • Photo Slideshows This page sponsored by The Minneola Gazette email: website: 119 S. Main Minneola 620-885-5040 High Plains Land & Title Mitch Little Abstracts Title Insurance 1-800-279-6811 Covering Meade, Clark, Ford & Gray County CMS Electric Cooperative Inc 873-2184 800-794-2353 Meade FREE Online Banking & Bill Pay 622 Main • Ashland, KS 620-635-4032 Member FDIC Moe Ptacek, Agent 2400 1st St, Ste 106 • Dodge 620-225-1411 or Home: 885-4771 Cell: 620-338-5663 Don’s Farm Tire Service Fowler 646-5205 Liberal 624-4205 Cellular Phones & Wireless Internet Village Square Mall or 1107 McArtor Rd • Dodge Minneola Long Term Care Unit 207 S Chestnut Minneola, KS 620-885-4238 “We treat you like family” Fowler State Bank Member FDIC 646-5253 Fowler, KS Minneola District Hospital 212 S Main Minneola, KS 620-885-4264 “Caring today for a healthier tomorrow” Minneola WILDCATS Continued from Front Page Aubrey’s escort for the evening will be Jason McClaren, son of Doug and Michelle McClaren. During his high school years he has been active in football, basketball, baseball, National Honor Society and Academic Olympics. He was named first team punter and second team outside linebacker in football, second team all league and honorable mention all state in basketball, was included on the all area basketball team and all area football team in 2008, was named first team quarterback and honorable mention linebacker in 2009 and has been on the honor roll. Following graduation Jason plans to play baseball in college and pursue a career as a physical education teacher. Laura Temaat is the daughter Schriner and the Red Ravens win Bowl Game --Courtesy Photo Clinton Schriner and the rest of his Coffeyville Red Raven football team recently won the North Star Bowl in Rochester, Minnesota, 54-12. They finished the season ranked 12th in the nation. Schriner was a true freshmen offensive lineman for the Red Ravens. He is the son of Curt and Melora Schriner. of John and Esther Temaat. During her years at MHS she has been active in basketball, volleyball, vocal, Accent and band. Following graduation Laura plans to attend college and major in music education. Laura’s escort for the evening will be Alex Stewart, son of Mark and Brenda Stewart. During his high school years he has been active in football, basketball, baseball, Academic Olympics, vocal, band, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and school plays and musicals. He was named first team all league defensive end and has earned high honors all four years of high school. Following graduation Alex plans to attend Kansas State University and major in wildlife and outdoor enterprise management. New policies at the Gazette With a new year upon us we are announcing the following policy changes in the Minneola Gazette: Letter to the Editor: All Letters to the Editor must be written by the person submitting it for publication. Signature will be printed in the newspaper, no exceptions. All letters must include contact information for verification purposes, but this information will not be published. No letters will be accepted that personally attack an individual that is not in public office. It is up to the discretion of the editor whether to publish the letter in its entirety, edit it prior to publication or not publish it at all. Classifieds: Must be prepaid either by credit/debit card online or cash/check in the office. The cost is $5 for 25 words and 15¢ per word thereafter. Active business accounts will be allowed to charge as long as they remain in good standing. Weddings/Engagements: Weddings must be published within 60 days of wedding. If not, there will be a $35 pre-pay fee for publication. Engagements will be published at no cost and may include one photo. See photo requirements. Anniversaries: No congratulatory notices will be published without charges. Anniversaries announcing a card shower, celebration or simply notice of the anniversary will be published at no charge with a limit of two photos (one current and one wedding) published with the notice. See photo requirements. Obituaries: Obituaries for local individuals will be published at no cost. A local individual is defined as a citizen of Meade County. Direct relatives of local citizens, in example: a parent, grandparent, brother, sister, etc., will also be published at no charge with said local individual listed in the obituary. Obituaries for non-local individuals will be assessed a fee of $15 for up to 8 column inches of information. All photos accompanying an obituary will be assessed a $10 charge and will be published as a one-column photo. See photo requirements. Photo Requirements: Both color and black-and-white photos are acceptable for publication. Photos are retained and may be picked back up beginning the Thursday following publication. If you so choose to have your photo returned via mail, please include a self addressed stamp envelope. Photos can also be emailed. They need to be a JPEG or TIFF in order for us to edit it for publication. Copy machine or newspaper clippings are not reproducible and will not be published. It is also up to the discretion of the editor whether to publish a photo that has low resolution and/or due to content. All copyrighted photos will be required to have a release from photographer. Emailed items: We accept news items and advertising via email but please note that it is best to submit items in the form of a PDF. Microsoft word is also accepted but please do not embed photos within the word document. Attach them as a JPEG or TIFF please. This provides a better resolution and prints better. Birthdays/Card Showers: Card showers will be placed in the community calendar at no charge. Birthday greetings from families or friends will be charged as an advertisement, at local display rate. General Information: It is up the discretion of the editor as to what news content is published each week. The editor retains the right to edit news items for content and/or space as well as decline publication. Proof of Publications: One proof of publication will be provided at no cost. Each additional copy requested will be assessed a fee of $2.00 each. Finance Charges: A 24% per annual finance charge with a minimum finance charge of $5 will be assessed to accounts 30 days past due or greater. NSF Checks: A fee of $35 will be assessed on all NSF checks. Deadlines: News deadline will be Monday at 12 pm (Noon) for that week’s edition. Advertising deadline, including classifieds, is 5 pm on Monday for that Wednesday’s edition. Letters to the Editor must be submitted no later than 5 pm on Friday to allow time for verification. --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Trace Pike shoots from the paint. --Tom Kuhns, Gazette Jason McClaren puts it up off a steal. Wildcats Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Page 5 Minneola Wildcats --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Morgan Minor prepares for a shot. This page sponsored by Burns Chiropractic Tuesday • 1 to 6 pm 620-885-4789 212 Olive• Minneola --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Krista Walker takes a shot from the paint. Rooney Insurance Agency 113 Main St 885-4221 Minneola, KS Scholarship offered to local seniors The Clark County Conservation District, Centera Bank, Stockgrowers Bank and the Bank of Ashland are currently accepting applications for the 2010 Clark County Bankers Conservation Scholarship. The group is offering a $300 scholarship to any Clark County resident who is currently enrolled or planning on enrolling as a full time student in any accredited post secondary institution. This includes college, university, vocational tech, junior college or trade school. The applicant must intend to enroll in a field of agriculture or agriculture-related studies. This scholarship is for one semester and can be re-applied for each year. The deadline to apply is January 15, 2010. If you are interested in applying for the Clark County Bankers Conservation Scholarship please contact guidance counselors at either Minneola or Ashland High School or contact Heather Grigsby at the Clark County Conservation District 620-6352843. --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Kara Minor goes up for two. --Denice Kuhns, Gazette Shelbie Ratzlaff goes in for a lay-up. Wildcat Electric, LLC Legal Notices (First published in the Minneola WHEREAS, the Board of Gazette on Wednesday, December Education has determined to 23, 2009. Also published exercise the authority vested init December 30, 2009 and January by said laws; 6, 2010.) NOW THEREFORE, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CLARK COUNTY, KANSAS RESOLUTION No. 12-142009 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BE IT RESOLVED THAT: MARSHALL K. CUSICK, The above-named school DECEASED board shall be authorized to 09-PR-17 make an annual tax levy for a period not to exceed 5 years (Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59) in an amount not to exceed 8 mills upon the taxable tangible NOTICE TO CREDITORS property in the school district for the purpose of acquisition, The State Of Kansas To All construction, reconstruction, Persons Concerned: repair, remodeling, additions to, furnishing and equipping of You are hereby notified that on buildings necessary for school December 21, 2009, a Petition district purposes, including for Letters of Administration housing and boarding pupils was filed in this Court by Patricia enrolled in an area vocational Cummins, an heir of Marshall K. school operated under the board, Cusick, deceased. All creditors architectural expenses incidental of the above named decedent are thereto, the acquisition of notified to exhibit their demands building sites, the undertaking against the estate within four and maintenance of asbestos months from the date of first control projects, the acquisition of publication of this notice, as school buses and the acquisition provided by law, and if their of other equipment and for the demands are not thus exhibited, purpose of paying a portion of they shall be forever barred. the principal and interest on bonds issued by cities under the Patricia Cummins authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, Petitioner and amendments thereto, for the financing of redevelopment Sarah Bootes Shattuck SC projects upon property located 10312 within the school district. The tax The Shattuck Law Office LLC levy authorized by this resolution 717 Main Street, P.O. Box 487 may be made, unless a petition in Ashland, KS 67831 opposition to the same, signed by Attorney for Petitioner not less than 10% of the qualified electors of the school district, (First published in the Minneola is filed with the county election Gazette on Wednesday, January officer of the home county of the 6, 2010. Also published January school district within 40 days 13, 2010.) after the last publication of this resolution. In the event a petition CAPITAL OUTLAY TAX is filed the county election RESOLUTION officer shall submit the question UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT of whether the tax levy shall be NO. 219, Clark County, Kansas authorized to the electors in the school district at an election RESOLUTION TO LEVY called for the purpose or at the TAX FOR CAPITAL next general election, as specified OUTLAY FUND by the board of education of the above school district. WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Unified School CERTIFICATE District No. 219, Clark County, This is to certify that the above State of Kansas, is authorized resolution was duly adopted by K.S.A. 72-8801, to make an by the Board of Education of annual tax levy for a period of Unified School District No. 219, time not exceeding five years in Clark County, Kansas, on the 14th an amount not exceeding eight day of December, 2009. mills upon the accessed tangible taxable property in the district /s/ Valarie Lahman for the purpose specified in said Valarie Lahman, Clerk of USD law; and 219 205 Pine St 620-885-4485 • 866-330-WILD Chris Pike, Master Electrician Minneola H&M Welding & Repair 102 N. Main 620-885-4800 Minneola, KS Minneola Pharmacy Jan Granados, PharmD 131 S Main • 885-4544 Minneola 113 Main St • 885-4221 Minneola, KS Member FDIC Ma Tammy’s Daily Specials 322 E. Hwy 54 • Minneola 620-885-4305 Minnis Mortuary 123 S. Main 620-885-4227 Ted & Karen Minnis Minneola Pike Insurance Jenny Clevenger, Agent 620-885-4263 127 S Main • Minneola Minneola Coop Elevator • 620-885-4235 Service Station • 620-885-4361 Minneola, KS Page 6 Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Gazette Classifieds Classifieds are $5.00 for 25 words and 15¢ per word over 25. All classified ads must be pre-paid. Deadline for ads is every Monday at 5 pm. Call 885-5040 to place your ad today. The story has been told about 3 men in a mental institution who were being examined in hopes of being released. A doctor tested them by having each one stand on a diving board over an empty swimming pool. Then he told them to jump. The first patient jumped headfirst into the pool and broke both arms. The second patient jumped feet first into the pool and broke both legs. The third patient looked down into the pool and said. “I’m not going to jump!” The doctor then congratulated him for passing the test. But out of curiosity the doctor asked, “Why didn’t you jump?” The man replied, “I can’t swim!” Popular philosophers today deny the existence of absolute truth. And when they apply this teaching to the concept of faith, they say whatever you believe is just a blind leap of faith. But from ancient times, true wisdom cries out saying, “Look before you leap!” Many today accept the Christian faith because it made sense to them and they continue to believe and practice their well-placed convictions. They are to be respected and applauded! However, that may not come so easy for others because they have been taught otherwise. And it’s to those that Peter urges believers to make a defense...for the hope that is within them (1 Pet. 3:15). Facts about nature in the Bible can help in defending the truth of God’s holy word. For instance, in Job’s day, there seemed to be a popular belief that the world was resting on pillars or on the back of a huge turtle. But Job was ahead of his time when he said, “God...hangs the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). Other example’s of this can be given. Facts about mankind can also be found helpful. In the 1950’s the awareness was raised about how 70-90% of physical illnesses were brought on by mental stress. Dubbed as psychosomatic disorders, many examples of that can be found in the book of Proverbs such as A tranquil heart is life to the body (14:30). The fulfillment of prophecy is a strong argument for the truth of Scripture. Many examples of this can be given as Old Testament prophets predicted the rise and fall of numerous nations. And their many specific predictions about Christ were considered to be evidence in the first century (Acts 17:2-3) and still should be. The functioning of miracles was so convincing that Christ’s adversaries could not disprove them so they were forced to argue that Satan was doing those things (Matt. 12:22-24). This is absurd but it’s the best that they could do! The focus on resurrection must be considered as well. The indisputable fact of Christ’s resurrection has been often attacked but never logically disproved. And in the first century this great event was boldly announced as proof (Acts 17:31). The findings of archaeology such as the excavation of ancient ruins such as that of Jericho also help to support the truth of the Bible. The formulation of the text is a wonder in itself. When one considers that our Bible was 1500 years in the making through different writers in different times and different places, the harmony of thought is amazing! Again, much more can said; but for a booklet that gives a bit more detail, call 885-5081. And above all, look before you leap! Minneola Christian Church, Virgil White, minister For Sale For Sale: ’05 Chevy Silverado 4x4 LT 64,000 miles. Loaded. Extra clean. Priced to sell. Call 620-397-3230. (1-1tC) Notices Have a drinking problem? Want help? Alcohol Anonymous (AA) meets every Tuesday evening at 8 pm at the Minneola United Methodist Church. (18-tfnc) For Rent One Bedroom Apartment – for Seniors (55+) at ADVance Plaza on Main St. across from Minneola Hospital. Call Fredric at 620-885-5600. (43-tfc) Wanted Help Wanted: Cargill Cattle Feeders; job opportunities in Leoti, KS, $100 hiring bonus, $500 for moving expenses, $500 from Wichita County Economic Development (1 year after moving into county). Cargill Cattle Feeders currently has openings for full time positions in: Nightwatch: $12/ hour; Night Shipper: $13.75/ hour; Processor: $10.50/hour minimum starting wage, higher for experience. Cargill Cattle Feeders offers a comprehensive benefits package for full time employees including health, dental, vision, life insurance, 401k with company matching contributions, pension plan, tuition reimbursement, seven paid holidays and vacation, and employee ownership in Cargill stock. Interested applicants can pick up an application at our facility located 8 miles north of Leoti on Highway 25, or call Arlyn Wilke, 620-375-2255, ext. 123. (18-tfC) 1,800 Kansans qualify for additional savings on Medicare. Do you or your loved ones? Find out by contacting the Area Agency on Aging nearest you, toll-free, at 1-866-457-2364 Thank You Thank you for all the cards, food, flowers, memorials, prayers and kind words during our time of loss. It has all meant so much and has been greatly appreciated. The family of Mary Wakeman Brent Wakeman Justin and Rachel Clowdis and family (p) See our new policies on Page 4 No one wants to take time to think about having a heart attack. . . But think about the times you might be missing. The Cardiac Cath Lab at Western Plains is keeping time on your side. To learn more about your heart risks and to request a free Cardiac Care Kit, visit our website at: The Fowler State Bank Fowler P.O. Box 50 Fowler, KS 67844 620-646-5253 Meade P.O. Box 130 Meade, KS 67864 620-873-2138 $YHQXH$'RGJH&LW\.6 ZZZZHVWHUQSODLQVPFFRP Annual Envelope Special Your Name/Logo Your Address #10 or # 6 3/4 size Regular or Window Qty. 500 1000 2000 SALE $46.50 $59.50 $100.50 Reg. $68.65 $90.70 $130.75 Prices effective through January 2010 only 119 S Main • Minneola, KS • 620-885-5040
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