December 2014 - Synagogue Emanu-El
December 2014 - Synagogue Emanu-El
1 Synagogue Emanu-El Scroll December 1-31, 2014 9 Kislev-9 Tevet, 5775 Emanu-El Hanukkiah-Lighting times: Shabbat Schedule Shabbat Vayishlakh Friday, December 5th Candle-Lighting: 4:55PM Family Shabbat: 5:15PM Saturday, December 6th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Anniversary Shabbat) Shabbat Ends: 5:55PM Shabbat Vayeshev Friday, December 12th Candle-Lighting: 4:56PM Musical Shabbat: 7:30PM During the eight nights of Hanukkah (the nights of Tuesday, December 16th-Tuesday, December 23rd), the Hanukkiah (Hanukkah menorah) is lit in homes after sundown. The only exception is Friday, December 19th, when the Hanukkiah is lit immediately prior to lighting the Shabbat candles On the nights of Hanukkah in which we will have afternoon minyan, we will light Hanukkah candles in the Steinberg Chapel immediately before the ma’ariv (evening) service. We also are proud to once again display our Synagogue’s electric Hanukkiah during the holiday. The proper bulbs will be illuminated to reflect the correct number of candles to be lit that evening. Have a wonderful and light-filled Hanukkah! Saturday, December 13th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Bar Mitzvah of Eli LeRoy, Tot Shabbat) Shabbat Ends: 5:57PM Shabbat Miketz/Hanukkah Friday, December 19th Candle-Lighting: 4:58PM FNL — 6:00PM Services followed by Men’s Club Hanukkah Dinner Saturday, December 20th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Got Shabbat) Shabbat Ends: 5:59PM Shabbat Vayigash Friday, December 26th Candle-Lighting: 5:02PM Shabbat Services 8:15PM (USY Fourth Friday) Men’s Club Hanukkah Dinner & Religious School Scavenger Hunt Friday, December 19th 6:00PM Shabbat Services followed by a fun-filled evening as the Men’s Club prepares a delicious baked potato bar with all the fixings. Cost $10.00 per person, $30.00 max per family RSVP by contacting the Synagogue office at 571-3264 or to no later than December 16th! Saturday, December 27th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Jr. Congregation) Shabbat Ends: 6:03PM Holiday Office Hours: Wednesday, December 24th Closing at 1:00PM Thursday, December 25th Closed Wednesday, December 31st Closing at 1:00PM Thursday, January 1st Closed Mazel Tov to Eli LeRoy and family on his upcoming Bar Mitzvah December 13, 2014 2 F R O M T H E D E S K O F R A B B I R O S E N BAU M Every once in a while, we are amazed to find out that the most profound ideas to have shaped our society are, actually, fairly simple. We tend to associate brilliance with complexity, genius with the unreachable. But every once in a while, we discover something to the contrary. 5 Windsor Drive A little more than 100 years ago, Albert Einstein explained his special theory of Charleston, SC 29407 Phone: (843) 571-3264 relativity to the scientific community. This is the landmark idea for which he is best Fax: (843) 402-0844 known, the one which features the famous equation E=mc2. We usually think of Email: Einstein’s work as inaccessible to mere mortals, but Einstein biographer Walter Isaacson points out that the original paper explaining relativity is explained in a straightforward, Website: logical manner. In fact, he claims, anyone with a good grounding in high-school mathematics can understand the formulas entrenched in this paper. This, of course, puts Rabbi me at a clear disadvantage from ever understanding it. But it is to Einstein’s credit that Adam J. Rosenbaum he refused to overcomplicate the ideas that he wanted the world to know so desperately. Religious School Principal While most of us assume that the name “Einstein” is synonymous with the word & Ritual Assistant “genius”, he didn’t think of it that way, and therefore didn’t try to overwhelm those who Daphne Hubara sought to comprehend his ideas. Executive Director Ruthie Simmons For many people, the great Jewish works of law and literature are also considered incomprehensible. This assumption prevents many people from delving deeply into President Stanley Chepenik Jewish subjects, or even opening the book to page 2. But a statement from Pirkei Avot President Elect tells us otherwise. The legendary rabbi Hillel taught us: Jacobo Mintzer “Do not say it is impossible to understand this, for ultimately, it will be 1st Vice President understood.” Laura Zucker Now, when we hear this quote, it’s tempting to diffuse it by saying, “That’s easy 2nd Vice President Marsha Gewirtzman for Hillel to say. He was a legendary scholar.” This is true. But what is also true is that Treasurer the stories told about Hillel are not so much about his natural brilliance, but about his Michael Schwartz character and his resiliency. Financial Secretary It is told that, as a child, he could not afford tuition for the house of Jewish study, so Suzanne Lynch he would sit on the rooftop in order to hear the Torah lessons from the great Recording Secretary Linda Krawcheck teachers of his time. Corresponding Secretary He was known for his abundant patience, even to complete strangers who tried to Joan Feldman provoke him. Parliamentarian And, of course, he was central to the story of the man who wished to learn the entire Lydia Mandel Torah while standing on one leg, to whom Hillel responded, “What is hateful to you, Past President Ellen S. Steinberg do not unto your fellow man: this is the whole Law; the rest is mere commentary.” To Hillel, the essence of understanding Torah was being a mensch, and while he Board of Trustees certainly urged study, he never said that natural brilliance was a pre-requisite for Alex Fox Marsha Gewirtzman becoming a great scholar. Elisheva Holub Both Hillel and Albert Einstein were masters of their respective times and crafts, Rachel Landis but both of them also reminded us that perseverance and decency were the secret to Scott LeRoy their successes. It is a reassuring thought for any of us who walk into a synagogue, Norm Levine wanting to discover meaning but perhaps unsure if they ever can or will ever find it. We Cynthia Nirenblatt Michael Mills may look at a siddur, at a copy of the Torah, or any other Jewish book or class with Scott Sternfeld skepticism, a fear that we will not be able to grasp its meaning. But these two giants in Gregory Yarus Jewish history teach us that we will succeed if based not so much on our minds, but on Sisterhood President our hearts. Linda Krawcheck “Do not say it is impossible to understand this, for ultimately, it will be Men’s Club President understood.” Charles Richards 3 P R E S I D E N T – S TA N L E Y C H E P E N I K Every month Leah sends out an e-mail tickling all of us who write an article for the Scroll. This starts the process for me as I start to mull over what I’ll write. Will it be something about the board, programs, Israel, upcoming holidays, past holidays, or what? Usually, I kick around some ideas with the very talented Eileen, my not only lovely, but extremely smart and insightful, wife. I was struggling a bit this month until I went to services on Saturday, November 15th. Bingo! I had my subject. And what a subject! If you weren’t there you missed a wonderful, uplifting, heartwarming experience. And what made it so? Was it walking in and seeing the sanctuary two-thirds to three-quarters full on a Saturday without anything particularly special going on? No B’nai Mitzvah, Sisterhood or Men’s Club Shabbat to account for the attendance? That was a nice surprise. Was it having first- and second-graders lead us in Shema? Was it the presentation of the older kids, these Shema leaders’ mentors, present them with gifts to mark this day? Gifts, by the way, that were well-thought-out, tailored to each particular child. Or was it the number of children of all ages in attendance? Or perhaps it was the youngsters who’ve completed their B’nai Mitzvah leading us in parts of the service. Maybe even new members reading from the Torah. Maybe it was Laura Zucker chanting the Haftorah and dedicating it to her father who taught it to her. What a lovely voice and moving moment. Or maybe it was the number of young people coming to the Bimah joyfully and joyously, without their parents prodding, to lead us in the final prayers. Nope. It was all of these things, all at one marvelous service. All of this speaks to the vibrancy of our congregation. Not only do our youth learn and acquit themselves well at their B’nai Mitzvah, they also return to participate weekly and help lead us in our services. Sometimes they aren’t perfect. Doesn’t bother me. Not in the least. If we wanted perfection, we’d hire a Cantor. These kids are stepping up, leading us and building invaluable skills that will serve both them and the congregation very well in the future. And, as I’ve said before, the interest that the older kids show for the younger ones, the deep sense of caring demonstrated by their learning the interests of these youngsters and fashioning gifts for them that reflect those interests is wonderful to behold. Our older congregants’ willingness to learn Torah and chant a portion, lead us in a portion of the service, chant a Haftorah and share its meaning to them is also something that should warm all our hearts. Services on November 15th were special. For all the reasons I listed, it was truly remarkable. It shows just how far we’ve come in building an exemplary program that involves all of us in our community. It’s a great reason to be a member of Synagogue Emanu-El. Happy Birthday! 1-Elaine Tessler 1-Gavriel Pekar 2-Molly Kalinsky 2-Sierra Debrow 2-Terry Schildcrout 4-Jerry Scheer 5-Malcolm Fages 6-Billy Grossman 6-Elliott Levy 7-McKenzie Rovick Smyth 8-Nate LeRoy 8-Mitchell Sherman 8-Mickey Rosenblum 8-Ijo Toporek 9-Benay Grater 9-David Kalik 10-Jeanne Lieberman 10-Anne Barbanel 10-Tamar Sternfeld 11-Marc Howard 11-Michael Spandorfer 11-Julie Hellman 12-Arthur Rosenblum 12-Claire Holtsford 12-David Sherman 12-Suzanne Lynch 14-Rebecca Spitz 14-Brenda McCoy 15-Fred Solomon 16-Sylvia Greene 16-Charles Goldberg 16-Zachary Gilbert 17-Herbert Rovick 17-Ira Willner 20-Lillian Bluestein 20-Sonya Livingston 21-Sheralyn Rosenblum 21-Carolyn Draisin 23-Max Feinman 24-Harry Berman 25-Ethan Rovick 25-Abby Rovick 25-Daniel Rovick 25-Stuart Kestenbaum 27-Janet Mendola 28-Nathalie Delson 29-Sharon Binder 29-Sandra Brett 29-Ryan Berlinsky 30-Joan Berlinsky 30-Charles Kaiser 4 S I S T E R H O O D — L I N DA K R AW C H E C K Hello Ladies, We had a busy November with our first Wine Club Tasting, sharing California wines, and enjoying cheeses and desserts. I attended the Musical Shabbat mid-month — what a fun family night. The music was so good, and the children loved it too. The Donor Brunch with guest speaker Anita Zucker was fabulous if I say so myself; Anita took control of our attention immediately and filled our minds with lots of good deeds that we should all be doing. She shared her family's history and her recent trip to Europe, visiting places where her family lived during the Holocaust. It was a fascinating talk. We had a great turnout especially on a rainy Sunday. We all shared a brunch and questions. We ended November with our Friday night Thanksgiving Dinner. It was prepared by Karen Stark and myself, for the fourth year in a row. Always a comfy treat! We are on to December and of course Hanukkah. Hazak will have their meeting and holiday lunch with latkes prepared by Sisterhood on December 9th. I also will be making latkes with the students of the Religious School; they will be adding the vegetable of choice to their latkes, and cooking fun will begin! I'll let you know the students’ favorite vegetable. Book Club read the very interesting The Orphan Train. It made me count my blessings. The book for December is Boyz in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. Book Club will meet at the home of Ava Kleinman in Seabrook Island on December 21st at 11:00AM. If you need a ride, please call me. I hope everyone has a fun Hanukkah with family and the grandchildren, eating latkes and brisket. If you have some time and would like to help out with one of our projects please give me a call. Best to everyone, Linda Krawcheck You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. Beverly Sills ANNUAL SISTERHOOD SHABBAT Saturday, January 10, 2015 Shabbat Shemot Honoring Evelyn Engel Please join us for this special event We encourage all Sisterhood members to participate. If you are available and interested in taking part, please contact Elisheva Holub: 571-7322 or email: If you would like to help with food preparation please contact Sandi Archambault at 769-5667 or email: 9:00AM Danish and D’rash with Ellen Miriam Brandwein 9:30 AM Shabbat services followed by a Kiddush Luncheon sponsored by Synagogue Emanu-El Sisterhood. HAZAK & SISTERHOOD HANUKKAH LUNCHEON! BEST LUNCH DEAL IN CHARLESTON! When: Tuesday, December 9th Where: Zucker Social Hall Time: 12 Noon PROMPTLY Cost: FREE Please RSVP by Friday, December 5thto the Synagogue office 571-3264 5 MEN’S CLUB — CHARLES RICHARDS November was a slow month for Men’s Club after a very busy October. We resumed our Spirits Night on November 6th with the Rabbi. He led a very informative discussion about the Torah Sparks series that he writes for the USJC. December is a busy month for Men’s Club with the following events: Foot Golf on Sunday the 7th, Spirit Night on Thursday the 11th, Hanukkah dinner on Friday the 19th, and a Hanukkah program at Bishop Gadsden on Monday the 22nd. I was recently asked what we get out of being members of our Men’s Club. I have given this question considerable thought. Involvement with a group to promote friendship, education and social events that help promote Jewish life within the Synagogue and the community is the standard reply. Personally, I think it is more then that. I think it is a few hours each month to unwind and de-stress as a group participating in activities with others who you share a common bond with, such as our monthly Spirits Night with the Rabbi, our recent Beer and Burger night in the Sukkah, our annual regional retreat at Camp Ramah Darom, the World Wide Wrap and Men’s Club Shabbat. To sum it up, I call it involvement with a group outside the material world. Mark your calendar for our 2015 events: World Wide Wrap on Sunday, February 1st; the Anshei Darom Retreat the weekend of February 6th-8th; Men’s Club Shabbat on Saturday, March 7th; and Stag Night on Wednesday, May 6th. Happy New Year 2015 Charles Richards Men’s Club Spirits Thursday, December 11th 8:00PM T-Bonz 1668 Old Town Rd. North Bridge Shopping Center Happy Anniversary 1-Jeffrey Goller & Sarah Deitsch 1-Myron & Sue Kramer 3-Maurice & Linda Krawcheck 4-Howard & Mary Rosen 4-Jerry & Debbie Baker 5-Leslie & Florence Herman 6-Stuart & Linda Lynn 9-Walter & Leonie Leventhal 9-Dennis &Terry Fisher 11-Robert Lovinger & Mindelle Seltzer 17-Shannon & Brenda McCoy 20-Fred & Jan Solomon 21-Harvey & Janet Friedman 22-Fritz & Alyssa Gitter 24-Marc & Ellen Kolender 24-Irving & Helen Lipsky 24-Ram & Ayala Kalus Looking for a few Good Men to join me in a Hanukkah program at Bishop Gadsden on Monday December 22nd at 4PM. If you can help, please call me at 763-7406 or e-mail Thank you for your support! Charles Richards 25-Russell &Eileen Rosen 26-Warren & Pearl Hyman 28-Howard & Marilyn Brilliant 28-Burnet & Jane Mendelsohn 28-Jonathan & Ann Stein 29-Sid & Brenda Lederman 30-Jeffrey & Jody Cohen 31-Gerald & Sheran Rittenberg Please join us for Anniversary Shabbat, Saturday, December 6th 6 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL — DAPHNE HUBARA This year Synagogue Emanu-El's 4th/5th grade class in Religious School is focusing on Jewish Heroes from antiquity to modern day. As a class, we have come up with guidelines to define heroism. Our guidelines include: making sacrifices to do the right thing, heroes can make mistakes, no one is perfect, heroes stand up for what they believe in and try to do the right thing, putting others first, helping people, recognizing when a mistake is made, and caring about the community. We have studied about a lot of ancient heroes, such as Adam and Eve, Moses, David, and Abraham. We are also looking at famous Jewish thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn. Two of our modern Jewish heroes of the Month include: **Alex Gross (Eliana’s dad) because he is in the military and is not only keeping Eliana safe but also all Americans. **Noa Hubara because she goes out of her way to help people. Submitted by: Morah Kayla and her students: Emma Bluestein, Eliana Gross, Jacob Kestenbaum, Daniel Nirenblatt, Alexis Veyber, Sophia Fox, Mia Hellman and Maddy Krawcheck. Ivrit Plus for 3rd-6th graders Wednesday, December 10th 4:00PM-5:30PM What’s your favorite vegetable? December 14thKesher 10:30AM Pre-School 11:00AM Latke making with Sisterhood COSY is proud to present Saturday, December 13th COSY will provide the babysitting services in the double classroom from 10AM to 11AM, AND – a special TOT SHABBAT PROGRAM for kids up to age 5 will take place at 11:00AM! JOIN US FOR Geared towards all children up to 2nd grade Saturday, December 20th 11:00AM Jr. Congregation Saturday, December 27th All 3rd-6th graders, join USY in a fun-filled Jr. Congregation! Led by Emanu-El's very own USYER Play games, enjoy snacks, and even sing along to your favorite versions of Adon Olam! Aruchat Ivrit December 14th This Hebrew dinner is part of our Tichon program. The first 30 minutes will be Hebrew-only conversations facilitated by Tsivia Browdy and Kayla Sculnick, followed by dinner and a presentation on Israel Affairs or a Social Action opportunity. You are invited to join us Saturday, January 10th for Chagigat Chumash during Sisterhood Shabbat Services start at 9:30AM Our Religious School celebration where our 5th graders will receive their first Chumash 7 USY USY’ER OF THE MONTH: With the holiday of Thanksgiving just behind us, I would like to thank you, the congregation, for all of your unending support in our Social Action and Tikun Olam efforts. With your support and donations, we have raised a large amount that will benefit so many in our community and throughout the country. Your can donations in the CANtribute campaign for the Hunger Games shows the support we have from our congregation and teaches us how to take care of all people, even those we don’t know. On behalf of COSY, I thank you for all of your generosity, Chesed (kindness) and support! Ari Levine Save the Date Kadima Shabbat Dinner Friday, January 9th Dinner 6:00PM Cost $10.00 per child RSVP to Daphne at 442-6086 or at RAKEVET OVERNIGHT Saturday, January 31st Anna Book has been chosen for our USYer of the month! Anna has devoted so much time and effort to making things run smoothly and making sure we have the best events possible. Anna is the MemKad (Membership/Kadima) Vice President, and she has developed strong relationships with our kadimaniks and new members. She is always coming up with new ideas to improve COSY. Thanks so much, Anna! USY 4th Friday & Late Night Service, Friday, December 26th Dinner at the at 6:00PM, USY-led services at Emanu-El at 8:15PM. Sleepover at COSY HQ RSVP a must by Wednesday, December 24th See COSY Facebook page for more details. 8 Ana and Manny Ben-Yisrael getting cozy with Olaf at COSY's D.E.A.R. Night. Religious School collecting cans to fight hunger. Jasmine Hubara in the zone at COSY's D.E.A.R. night. Sydney Delson, Elan Levine, Nathalie Delson and Jasper Hawkins - lined up and reading at COSY's D.E.A.R. Night. Some Tichon students at Aruchat Ivrit making pizza! 9 2/8/15 1:00PM-3:30PM Grab your family and friends and be sure not to miss our annual family Bingo night at Emanu-el We are in need of cool Bingo prizes! Can you donate? Contact Daphne Hubara at All proceeds benefit our Religious School EMANU-EL FIGHTS HUNGER CAMPAIGN Join with other families to give rather than get on the first night of Hanukkah! We will be meeting at 6:30 PM at West Ashley and Mt. Pleasant Publix on December 16th (Summerville will light on Thursday, 18th at 6:30PM) After lighting the menorah, each family will take the money they would have used for gifts and go food shopping for those for whom the greatest gift will be a full stomach. Let’s remind ourselves and teach our children that Tikkun Olam happens one person at a time! Stay tuned for more details. 10 F R I D AY N I G H T S A T E M A N U - E L We offer a variety of programs at Friday night services to cater to different needs and different people. We invite you to choose your favorite or try them all! "Family Shabbat”, December 5th, 5:15PM-6:00PM Services for all ages! A kid-friendly Shabbat experience for all to enjoy! Musical Shabbat, December 12th, Services 7:30PM This service will include acoustic instrumental accompaniment. Join us (and bring a friend) as the music lifts our spirits and our hearts as we begin Shabbat together! Men’s Club Hanukkah Dinner & Religious School Scavenger hunt Friday, December 19th, 6:00PM 6:00PM Shabbat Services followed by a fun-filled evening as the Men’s Club prepares a delicious baked potato bar with all the fixings. “Late Night Shabbat”, and USY 4th Friday December 26th, 8:15PM Services followed by a potluck dessert reception. Please bring a dairy/parve item to share! Our USYers will lead the service. Thank you to the following congregants who are scheduled to participate in services in December: Dara Rosenblatt, Mitch Gilbert, Alan Isaacson, Eli LeRoy, Noa Leigh Hubara, Dan Greenstein, Mindy Hawkins, Elan Levine, Scott LeRoy, Nathalie Delson, Abby LeRoy, Ari Levine, Jasmine Hubara and Nate LeRoy If you are interested in leading a Shabbat service, reading Torah or Haftarah, please contact Daphne Hubara at or 843-442-6086. To Joe & Brandon Fischbein on the birth of their daughter and Sally & Mickey Fischbein on the birth of their granddaughter. To Robyn & Stephen Bagg on the birth of their son and Patti & Mickey Bagg on the birth of their grandson. To Charlot Karesh, on the birth of her great grandson, Samuel Felix Hirsh. 11 C E L E B R AT E A N D S U P P O R T E M A N U - E L HONOR SOMEONE YOU LOVE Purchase a Chai Leaf for the Tree of Life for $136, a memory that will last a life time! Synagogue Emanu-El’s Path to The Future Contact Leah at the Synagogue 571-3264 A wonderful Bar/Bat Mitzvah or wedding present, or for any other special event! $154 for one brick; $136 for each brick when you buy two; $118 each when you buy three or more. Please contact the office if you have any questions: 843-571-3264 or HaGafen for Shabbat To honor a special Simcha, consider sponsoring the grape juice and wine (only $36.00!) and have the honoree’s name(s) and occasion and your name appear in the weekly bulletin. Contact Evaline Delson to sponsor the wine: (843) 762-9327 To honor a special simcha, consider sponsoring A kiddush on Shabbat The Kiddush is prepared for up to 85 people at the cost of $390.00 Your name will be listed in our weekend handout. Items Included: Coffee, Soft Drinks, Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, Green Salad, Bagels, Cream Cheese, Fruit, Chips & Salsa, Gefilte Fish, Herring, Crackers, Horseradish, 2 Dessert Cakes, and all paper goods! 12 YAHRZEITS December 6th-14 Kislev George Hughes December 7th-15 Kislev Janice Silverstein Rose Lazarus Rachael Schwartz Rose Rosenblum Harry Seltzer Janice Silverstein Rachael Zucker Schwartz December 8th-16 Kislev Nola Levy Hattie Kobin December 9th-17 Kislev Danny Hirsch December 10th-18 Kislev Dorothy Cohen Polly Wieslthier December 11th-19 Kislev Ida Spar Fritzi Scherr December 12th-20 Kislev Elizabeth Rittenberg December 13th-21 Kislev Celia Mann Sara Maria Chernomordik December 14th-22 Kislev Hermina Silverman Samuel Coplon Shirley Teitelbaum Marsha Bluestein December 15th-23 Kislev Joe Adelson Joseph Porath Yetta Hershenson December 16th-24 Kislev Sidney Bagg Edna Banov Jerome Kaminski December 17th-25 Kislev Alex Veyber Harold Knee December 18th-26 Kislev Larry Sherr Samuel Steinberg Dora Aaronson Harvey Masonberg December 19th-27 Kislev Julia Baker Kline Scholnik C A L L T O M I N YA N December 20th-28 Kislev Robert Cohen Gus Simon Abe Appel Rose Schwartz December 21st-29 Kislev Isaac Gordon Abraham Lipsky Allen Gilbert December 22nd-30 Kislev Bari Heiden Mary Horowitz December 24th-2 Tevet Virgina Morris Raye Cohen Helen Miller December 25th-3 Tevet Arthur Abramson Beckie Heidenberg Louis Heidenberg December 26th-4 Tevet Ben Barron Harry Cohen Isadore Mendelson Irene Reichlyn December 28th-6 Tevet George Busch Minnie Heiden Alfred Lipton Henry Rubin December 29th-7 Tevet Maurice Shorago Lillian Lehr Sima Rukhman December 30th-8 Tevet James Richards Jon Fishman Harris Jacobs December 31st-9 Tevet Stella Backer Leon Steinberg January 1st-10 Tevet Hylda Levy Bertha Breibart Irvin Weinberg Edna Scherr December 6th-12th December 20th-26th Ettaleah Bluestein Missy Gold Judy Grossman Naomi Simon Martin Lazarus Faye Rones Charles Rittenberg Lester Schwartz Arthur Rosenblum Leonie Leventhal Sidney Seltzer Irving Lipsky Harriett Steinert Mitch Gilbert Samuel Bluestein Marshall Heiden Ryan Bluestein Herbert Rovick Brett Bluestein Marilyn Barron Jennifer Eisenhart Missy Gold Philippa Brock William Golod Ruth Oser Janis Solomon Cathy Rovick Jacob Heidenberg Sandra Oberman Edmund Barron Eric Urowsky Manuel Cohen Harvey Spar Bernard Mendelson Ann Stein Stephen Reichlyn December 13th-19th December 27thAnn Epstein January 2 Lev Chernomordik Elinor Cohen Jaclyn Berlinsky Marshall Heiden Ettaleah Bluestein Phil Rubin Judy Grossman Phyllis Shorago Helen Lipsky David Kalin Beatsie Solow Bronislava Chernomordik Samuel Bluestein Charles Richards Ryan Bluestein Richard Fishman Brett Bluestein Marsha Freudenberg Gloria Adelson Donald Backer Murray Porath Samuel Steinberg Alex Hershenson Philippa Brock Michael Bagg Martin Lazarus Charles Banov Mickey Rosenblum Sharon Binder Marvin Scherr Klara Veyber Stuart Knee WE NEED YOU Mikhail Veyber AT MINYAN Ann Stein Morning Minyan Samuel Steinberg Schedule: Ian Aaronson Mon-Fri 7:15AM Carl Masonberg Sundays 9:00AM; Ruth Silverman Rosh Hodesh & Hol HaMoed 7:00AM Afternoon Minyan Schedule: Mon-Thurs 5:30PM 13 EMANU-EL HISTORY Dear Congregants, Nicky Bluestein and I have formed a committee with board approval to cull the Synagogue’s archival material and transfer it to the Jewish Archives at the College of Charleston. The college maintains extensive archival material on the Jewish community of Charleston including that of the other two synagogues here in Charleston. If you have any materials that may be of interest, such as photographs, written documentation, programs, etc., that may be of interest in this project please send them to me via Ruthie at the synagogue for inclusion in our archival project. The Archives committee appreciates any assistance you may provide in this project. Sincerely, Samuel Steinberg Thank you to all for the donations in memory of Morey. -Sandra Lipton and Family 14 D O N AT I O N S Banov Book Fund In memory of Pearl Baker, by Theresa & Bernard Solomon Joe Engel Holocaust Education Fund In memory of Pearl Baker, by Eileen & Stanley Chepenik Cemetery Fund In memory of Pearl Baker, by Sandra & Howard Garfinkel General Fund In memory of George & Bertha Breibart, by Sanford & Sandra Shulman & family Pearl Baker, by Marilyn Hoffman & family, Neda & Alan Nussbaum Morey Lipton, by Neda & Alan Nussbaum, Patti & Marshall Miller In honor of The birth of Charlot Karesh’s great grandson, by Neda & Alan Nussbaum Bobbi Spitz’s special birthday, by Marilyn Hoffman Jane Mendelson receiving the Zucker Award, by Ruth Silverman Speedy recovery of Charlie Goldberg, by Marilyn Hoffman Lenora & Nathan Goldberg Cultural Fund In memory of Arthur Rovick, by Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Rovick Morey Lipton, by Elinor & Manny Cohen, Sonja Pearlman Marvin H. Wolper Building Fund In memory of Ellen Goldberg, by Paul, Suzanne, Scott & David Lynch Memorial Fund In memory of Susan Kendale, by Theresa & Bernard Solomon Pearl Baker, by Sharon & Dennis Feinberg, Leighanne & Howard Sherman, Debbi & Web Jones, Sandy & Lewis Schneider, Anne Barbanel, Diane & Stanley Vickers, Linda Weiss, Gary Barbanel, Mr. & Mrs. Collins, Carla & Bill Hughes, Jane & Burnet Mendelsohn, Urquit Morris, Bruce Goldstein, Ann Stein Morey Lipton, by Gina & Sam Shapiro, Linda Bergman Nathan Tanenbaum, by Phyllis Tanenbaum Louis Tanenbaum, by Phyllis Tanenbaum Stanley Karesh, by Phyllis Tanenbaum Freda & Melvin Bluestein Fund for Religious School Scholarships In memory of David Nadler, by Minette Nadler Bernard Radunsky, by Minette Nadler In honor of Ettaleah & Nicky Bluestein, thank you for hosting the delicious break the fast, by Ellen & Robert Steinberg Ray & Leah Greenberg Education & Endowment Fund In memory of Marc Lichtman, by Jeanne Lichtman Speedy recovery of Sandra Schwartz, by Bernard & Theresa Solomon Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In memory of My mother, Dorothy Klug, by Sonja Pearlman My father, Milton Klug, by Sonja Pearlman Hava Agapova, by Josif Tsveer David Peltz, by Inessa Tsveer Mila Steinberg, by Josif Tsveer Bennett Leislin, by Owen Meislin Harold I. Sherman, by Howard Sherman Pearl Baker, by Sunny & Samuel Steinberg In honor of Joel Ronners upcoming wedding, by Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Religious School Programs In memory of Pearl Baker, by Charles & Nancy Banov Roman Masterovoy, by Lyudmila Tsveer In honor of Elan Levine’s Bar Mitzvah, by Libby Soffar Rose & Ted Levin Children’s Library Fund In memory of Evelyn Needle’s niece, by Rose & Ted Levin In honor of Patti & Mickey Bagg’s new grandson, by Rose Seidman, Marsha & Neil Gewirtzman 15 D O N AT I O N S C O N T I N U E D Lisa & Alan Isaacson on the birth of their grandson, by Sandy & Howard Jaffe, Patti & Mickey Bagg Mike & Shirley Mills on the birth of their grandchild, by Patti & Mickey Bagg Rose & Henry Koslow Minyan Fund In memory of Morey Lipton, by Sandra & Howard Peskin Florence Rosenblum, by Sandra & Howard Peskin Pearl Baker, by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cox, Gloria Peeples, Charles & Harriet Goldberg, Anita Zucker My beloved son, Nathan Marcus Srochi, by Rebecca Nirenblatt Judy Appel’s sister, by Ben & Claire Goldberg In honor of Lisa & Alan Isaacson’s new grandson, by Pam & Stan Kaplan Samuel Golembe Memorial Fund In memory of Sylvia Lipman, by Dora Rovick Regina Berenbaum, by Susan & Bernard Steinberg & family Steinberg Chapel & Torah Fund In memory of Pearl Baker, by Susie & Bernard Steinberg, Ruth Silverman, Ellen & Robert Steinberg Morey Lipton, by Pam Coyle, Victoria Yaitsky, Rabbi Rosenbaum, Marshall Heiden, Warren & Pearl Hyman, Phillis Kalisky-Mair, Evaline Delson, Herbert Rephan, Martin Lazarus, Samuel & Sunny Steinberg, Michael Engel, Joan Feldman, Ted Levin, Newt Klements, Ruth & Eric Oser and Elisheva Holub In honor of Robert & Ellen Steinberg, by Arlene & Peter Rosenthal The birth of Howard & Marilyn Brilliants grandson, by Libby Soffar Sisterhood Emanu-El Kitchen Fund In memory of Pearl Baker, by Gail & Lenny Silverman, Joan & Fred Feldman Alan Toporek’s sister, by Marilyn Hoffman Morey Lipton, by Joan & Perry Halushka Jessie Cohen, mother of Marilyn Sagel, by Joan & Perry Halushka, Joan & Fred Feldman In honor of Jane Mendelsohn for receiving the 2014 Zucker Award, by Nancy & Charles Banov, Joan & Perry Halushka, Patti & Mickey Bagg, Ellen & Robert Steinberg, Joan & Fred Feldman Missy Gold for chanting the holiday Haftorah so beautifully, by Ellen & Robert Steinberg Judy & Billy Grossman, thank you for hosting the delicious break the fast, by Ellen & Robert Steinberg Speedy recovery of Sandra Schwartz, by Marilyn Hoffman Sylvia Greene, by Marilyn Hoffman Judy Kaiser, by Linda & David Cohen Sisterhood Oneg Fund In honor of Jane Mendelsohn receiving the 2014 Zucker Award, by Shirley Fages Sisterhood Emanu-El Bereavement Fund In memory of Miriam Bernstein, by Diane Hodges My beloved mother, Doris Feinberg, by Eileen & Stanley Chepenik Harris Cohen, by Phyllis Cohen Vladimir Wilchanovsky, by Miriam Wilchanovsky Jessie Cohen, mother of Marilyn Sagel, by Patti & Mickey Bagg Pearl Baker, by Diane Hodges Youth Fund In memory of Pearl Baker, by the Hubara family In honor of Marilyn Hoffman, thank you, by Daphne Hubara Daphne Hubara, thank you for everything you continue to do for all of us, by Ellen & Robert Steinberg Zucker Kiddush & Oneg Fund In memory of Estelle Tepper, by Dennis & Terry Fisher Gussie Becker, by Dennis & Terry Fisher In honor of Dan Greenstein, thank you for chanting the most meaningful and lovely Kol Nidre service, by Ellen & Robert Steinberg Laura Zucker, thank you for your amazing leadership in another successful Jews, Brews and Ques, by Ellen & Robert Steinberg 16 December 2014 — Calendar Subject to Change Morning Minyan Schedule: Mon-Fri 7:15AM Sundays 9:00AM; Rosh Hodesh & Hol HaMoed 7:00AM Afternoon Minyan Schedule: Mon-Thurs 5:30PM Friday Night Services: See below for different times Saturday Morning Service: 9:30AM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 Jewish Mysteries ... Revealed!, 6PM 3 4 Talmud Class, 9:30AM Friday Shabbat Services, 9:30AM Emanu-El University, 7PM 7 Religious School 8 9 Hazak/ Sisterhood Lunch Anniversary Shabbat 10 Ivrit Plus Jewish Mysteries ... Revealed!, 6PM Emanu-El University, 7PM 14 Religious School 15 Kesher Pre-School 16 Hanukkiah lighting at Publix 6:30PM Emanu-El University, 7PM Aruchat Ivrit Hanukkah In the Square 28 No Religious School 11 Talmud Class, 9:30AM Men’s Club Spirits, 8PM, T-Bonz 12 Musical Shabbat 7:30PM 13 Danish & D’rash, 9AM Shabbat Services, 9:30AM Tot Shabbat Bar Mitzvah of Eli LeRoy 18 17 19 20 Hanukkah Day 1 Hanukkah Day 2 Hanukkah Day 3 Hanukkah Day 4 7AM Minyan 7AM Minyan 7AM Minyan Danish & D’rash, 9AM Talmud Class, FNL, 6:00PM 9:30AM Shabbat Services, Men’s Club 9:30AM Hanukkah Dinner Got Shabbat! 21 22 23 24 Hanukkah Day 5 Hanukkah Day 6 Hanukkah Day 7 Hanukkah Day 8 No Religious School Saturday 5 6 Family Shabbat Danish & D’rash, 5:15PM 9AM 7AM Minyan 7AM Minyan 7AM Minyan Men’s Club Hanukkah program at Bishop Gadsden No Emanu-El University Office Closing 1:00PM 29 30 No Emanu-El University 25 Office Closed 26 27 USY 4th Friday Danish & D’rash, 9AM No Talmud Class & Late Night & Oneg: 8:15PM Shabbat Services, 9:30AM Jr. Congregation 31 New Year’s Eve Office Closing at 1:00PM FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! “Like” the Synagogue Emanu-El Page on Facebook and make sure you add it to your “list of interests” to keep getting our updates! Follow us on Twitter @SynagogueEE
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