Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Cumberland Valley
Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Cumberland Valley
Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates The Newsletter of Cumberland Valley SHRM Volume 1, Issue 2 September 2014 May 2008 Contact Us: Cumberland Valley SHRM, P. O. Box 791, Chambersburg, PA 17201 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 President’s Message 2 New Member Welcome 3 Upcoming SHRM Conferences 4 Walt' s Wall 5 CVSHRM 2014 News & Programs 6 HagerstownWashington Chamber of Commerce 7 Chapter Meeting 8 CVSHRM Board Members 9 2014 Membership Application President’s Message by Valerie Dzbynski We are looking for Human Resources questions! Please send us an email ( with YOUR Human Resources related question and we will select one or two of the submissions to use as a topic of discussion in our next monthly meeting. We always want to bring to you the topics that concern you. As a group we can discuss and find best practices in our Human Resources community so that none of us ever feel alone in trying to solve a problem. Often times….we know the answer however the reassurance from other experts in the field is helpful as well. Don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Law and Legislative Conference…and invite a friend too! Your Legal and Legislative Chair, Walt Lachenmayr, has poured his heart and soul into this event as he does every year and we have a great line up of speakers that I am sure will provide you with plenty of knowledge to conquer the Human Resources world. See you there! Valerie Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Our New Chapter Members! Please join us in welcoming our new CVSHRM chapter members: Nekole Dawson James Maloney Robert Rockwell HR Coordinator Principal Principal City of Hagerstown Semmes Bowen & Semmes Semmes Bowen & Semmes Save the Dates! Pennsylvania SHRM State Conference State College, Pennsylvania The Penn State Hotel September 18, 2014 – September 19, 2014 SAVE THE DATE September 19, 2014 Employment Law and Legislative Conference Fountain Head Country Club | Hagerstown, MD Maryland SHRM State Conference Ocean City, Maryland Convention Center October 5, 2014 – October 7, 2014 Opportunities for Vendors, Sponsors, and Speakers are still available Please click here: MDSHRMANNUALCONF Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Legal & Legislative Updates by Walt F. Lachenmayr, MBA, SPHR Maryland’s Highest Court Holds That Employees May Recover Treble Damages for Unpaid OvertimeOn August 13 the Maryland Court of Appeals changed the damages award greater than what is now provided under federal law and extended the back pay liability period from two to three years. The law also extends the treble damages provision to cases involving misclassification. See the attached link to the Kohlman Saucier blog for details: blog post National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Redefines Concerted Activity-In an August 11th ruling, the NLRB changed the definition of protected employee activity from groups of employees to individual employees. See the attached link for details: See you at the Employment Law and Legislative Conference. Register online today at the CVSHRM website: -Walt SAVE THE DATE September 19, 2014 Employment Law and Legislative Conference Fountain Head Country Club | Hagerstown, MD Please see the attachment containing the Employment Law and Legislative Conference brochure. Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Getting Connected! To the Hagerstown-Washington Chamber of Commerce Be a part of the Cumberland Valley SHRM Getting Connected! To the Hagerstown—Washington County Business World! Here’s how: September 10 Eggs & Issues (7:30am-9:00am) “Information Security Presentation” Hager Hall Conference & Event Center-901 Dual Highway $15 members; $25 non-members September 18 Business After Hours (5:00pm-7:00pm) Arc of Washington County-820 Florida Avenue $5 members; $15 non-members September 23 Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting (5:00pm-9:00pm) Fountain Head County Club-13316 Fountain Head Rd. $55 members only event September 24 Morning Mixer (7:30am-9:00am) Associated Builders & Contractors-530 N. Locust St. Free for members; $10 non-members October 1 Election Forum-Governor’s Race (7:15am-9:00am) Hager Hall Conference & Event Center-901 Dual Highway “Featuring Anthony Brown (D) & Larry Hogan (R) $15 for members, $25 non-members October 9 Election Forum-6th District Congressional Race (7:15am-9:00am) Hager Hall Conference & Event Center-901 Dual Highway “Featuring John Delaney (D) & Dan Bongino (R) $15 for members, $25 non-members CV SHRM Amanda Heisey Community/External Relations Chairperson 301-665-4149 Contacts CHAMBER Jill M. Reddecliff Director of Member Services 301-739-2015, ext. 104 Are you interested in being a speaker, serving on a committee, or writing an article for the Chamber newsletter? If so, contact Amanda for information! Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Cumberland Valley Chapter Society for Human Resource Management President Valerie Dzbynski, SPHR 301-620-2610 x1188 Past President Aleta Pasterkiewicz 301-305-7201 President Elect Debra Peyton, PHR 240-313-2356 Secretary Karen Paulson, PHR 301-766-4076 Treasurer Laura Stover, SPHR 301-733-5020 X1223 Programs Valerie Dzbynski, SPHR 301-620-2610 x1188 301-696-1430x103 Membership Director Beth Kennedy Membership Co-Chair Linda Blontz, PHR 301-733-0088 x104 Website Director Marcie Mason, PHR 717-372-6511 Newsletter Director Brittany Dunham, MBA 703-209-0404 Legal & Legislative Chair Walt Lachenmayr, SPHR 301- 730-6704 301-639-5861 301-533-2253 240-313-1568 570-617-5237 240-366-8218 301-665-4149 Legal & Legislative Co-Chair College Relations Chair-Frostburg College Relations Chair-Shippensburg Diversity Director Certification Director Community/External Relations Chair Jamaal Rashad Jeannette Fitzwater Bonnie Courtney, SPHR Emily Kovaleski Denise Smoot, PHR Amanda Heisey Cumberland Valley News and Updates is the general newsletter for the Cumberland Valley Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management. Articles and items of interest are encouraged and welcome. Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates Cumberland Valley Chapter Society for Human Resource Management MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2014 Thank you for your interest in CV-SHRM. We are an organization dedicated to educating Human Resource professionals and providing a means of networking with others in the Human Resources field. To apply for membership, complete this application and submit your membership fee of $30 for SHRM National Members for $40 for non-national members. All applications are subject to approval by the chapter’s Board of Directors. Once this form is completed forward it to: Cumberland Valley SHRM P.O. Box 791 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Name:_____________________________ [ ] PHR [ ] SPHR Phone # ( Company Name: _____________________________________ Fax # ( )___________________ )______________________ Address: ________________________________City, State, Zip: _______________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you a national SHRM member? [ ] Yes [ ] No Member number:________________________ Membership level: Pleas check one. (The description of eligibility requirements for each level is on the reverse side of this form.) [ ] Full regular member [ ] Associate member Position Title: ___________________ [ ] Exempt [ ] Non-exempt [ ] Student member e-mail:_____________ Please describe your major job responsibilities ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ What percentage of time from your normal, assigned weekly job duties is spent in HR: ____% What industry/business do you work in: ___________________________________________ How many years have you worked in Human Resources (in any capacity)? 1.) Manager___yrs 2.) Adminisrator____yrs 3.) Assistant ___yrs 4.) Other: specify: _____________/____yrs Please check one or more offices or committees that you would be interested in serving on: [ ]President [ ]Vice President [ ]Secretary [ ]Treasurer [ ]Newsletter [ ]Wage & Benefit [ ]Certification [ ] Editor [ ] Survey Chairperson [ ] Chairperson Committees: [ ]Membership [ ]Legislative [ ]Diversity [ ]Education [ ]Student Chapter Affiliation [ ]School to Work Program Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:_________________ Referred by: _________________________________________________________________ Cumberland Valley SHRM News and Updates STATEMENT OF CHAPTER ETHICS: Neither members nor guests of CV-SHRM will be permitted to use their membership or guest privileges at CV-SHRM meeting to further their own financial gain and/or career aspirations. Such conduct is considered by this Chapter to be unprofessional, inappropriate, and unacceptable. Those engaging in such conduct may face having their membership or guest privileges suspended by the Chapter. EXERPT FROM CHAPTER BY-LAWS 9Article III, Section 2 – Membership Levels) A. Full Regular Member Those eligible for applying for Full, Regular membership includes: Those who devote at least 50% of their time to Human Resources and/or Industrial Relations activities. Those who possess at least three years exempt-level human resource management experience. Full Regular members shall: a. Have voting rights (one vote) on any matter of chapter business. b. Be eligible to seek election to and hold any office, serve as a Committee Chairman or member, and be eligible to be a member of the Board of Directors. B. Associate Member Those eligible for applying for Associate membership include: Those persons actively engaged in bonafide Human Resource work and who devote at least 30% of their time to Human Resource and/or Industrial Relations activities. Individuals in non-exempt human resource management positions. Persons having the primary responsibility for HR activities in small organizations where there may not be a discreet HR function. These shall, in special circumstances, be eligible for membership in this category, regardless of the amount of time devoted to HR activities. Non-practitioners having an interest in the HR profession and the activities of our chapter. These individuals must be eligible for membership in National SHRM in order to be eligible for Associate membership in the Cumberland Valley Chapter. Associate members shall: a. Have voting rights on matters of chapter business. b. Be eligible to serve on any of the standing committees. C. Student Members 1. Student members are defined as an individual enrolled in an accredited two or four year college (or above) who have the desire to pursue a career in the HR profession. 2. Student Member shall: a. Not have voting rights on the matters of chapter business. b. Be eligible to serve on any of the standing committees for educational purposes. CHAPTER USE ONLY Date of Presentation to Board of Directors: ______________ Date Applicant Notified: ______________ ACTION TAKEN: [ ] Approved [ ] Denied [ ] Deferred pending more info:
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