August 2015 - Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce
August 2015 - Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce
Does The Pelican Look Different to You? Read About Our New Look! Please Welcome Our Newest Chamber Members! Celebrate Anniversaries and Appointments – See the Business Briefs! PAGE 2 PAGES 5-8 PAGE 9 THE Vol. 24 Issue 3 PELICAN 3rd Annual Progressive Dinner Party Scheduled for Oct. 2015 Mark your calendars, the 3rd Annual Dine Around Hobe Sound Progressive Dinner Party will take place on Saturday October 3rd. We are shaking things up again this year and kicking off our evening at the Champions Club at Summerfield. Guests will enjoy appetizers and cocktails prepared by their award-winning chef before heading out to dinner. Guests will progress to their main course at one of 9 celebrity chefs who will prepare an elegant themed dinner. After dinner, guests will come back together at Flash Beach Grille for desserts, after dinner drinks and entertainment. Tickets are $50 per person and you can make your reservation by calling the Chamber at 772-546-4724. A listing of celebrity chefs and their themes, will be available on our website ◆ August Meetings ◆ Wednesday, August 5th AMBASSADORS MEETING 12:00pm at the Chamber Office Tuesday, August 11th and 25th HOBE SOUND TOASTMASTERS MEETING 7:00-9:00pm at Hobe Sound Bible College, Administrative Building, Herron Center, 2nd Floor, 11298 SE Gomez Avenue, Hobe Sound Open to Chamber members and the public Call 772-546-4724 for more information. Photo Provided During the 2014 Progressive Dinner, Andy and Cassie Andersen and Jill and Howard Kretzer arrive at the Mary and Larry Lopopolo home for a “Mad Men” early 60’s themed dinner. – completed by August 30th • Overseeing Team’s pipeline (4 prospects from each team member) • Keeping Team informed daily of new members • Setting up call times during the two-week drive – Chamber office • Providing motivation and goals for your team’s success • Closing the sale! You will be assisted by the Chamber staff and the membership drive Chair. Among other things, the staff will coordinate lists of leads from the Teams, manage duplications, help facilitate training and provide training guide, as well as coordinate lunch for teams on their sales day. 6 hours in 6 weeks can equal $5000 for the chamber we love, and $500 for your team! Email Pete today, like right now…try to find the pelican hiding in an ad later. We need you as a Team Captain or a Team Member, email Pete at Find the Pelican, Win a Prize! Win a prize by being one of the first 10 people to find the tiny Pelican in one of the ads in this issue and then call the business advertised. Let them know you found him in their ad in the August/September/October issue. Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce Calendar Aug-Oct 2015 2015 Hobe Sound Chamber Membership Drive is Scheduled for September! The Hobe Sound Chamber membership drive is happening Sept 8th-18th. The goal is to bring in $5,000 in new membership dues. There will be as many as 5 teams of 5 competing to win the $500 cash prize for the most successful team. There will also be a VIP Membership Party thrown in honor of the winning team. Everyone who is part of this membership drive and the new members that have signed on during the drive will be invited to this exclusive VIP event. Do you have 6 hours in 6 weeks to donate to the chamber to be a Team Captain, get a chance to win your share of $500, to bring folks into an active and exciting chamber, to celebrate at a VIP Party that could be thrown in your honor? Then sign up as a Team Captain today. Email Pete from the UPS Store at The creative tasks associated with the role of Team Captain are as follows: • Recruiting 4 team members • Creating a Team Name • Coordinating Team training – approximately 1 hour Aug-Oct 2015 Do you want to be one of the advertisers with the “hidden” Pelican? Call Jan at the Chamber, 772-546-4724, to find out how you can be part of this exciting way to drive people to your ad and your business!! Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1507 Hobe Sound, Florida 33475 Phone (772) 546-4724 Fax (772) 546-9969 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BEACH, FL PERMIT NO. 1865 Supplement to the Stuart News Or Current Occupant Monday, August 17th BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 5:30pm at the Chamber Office ◆ August Events ◆ Thursday, August 6th PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL MIXER 6:00-8:00pm on the Manatee Queen Cruise 1065 N Highway A1A, Jupiter, FL By Invitation Only Friday, August 7th, 14th, and 28th SCORE COUNSELING 10:00am-1:00pm at the Chamber Office For information or to schedule an appointment call 772-546-4724 or email Thursday, August 13th MONTHLY BREAKFAST 8:00-9:15am at Hobe Sound Bible College, Schmul Dining Center, 11298 SE Gomez Avenue, 2nd Floor, Hobe Sound Sponsored by: O’Donnell Impact Windows & Storm Protection Guest Speaker: Jon Milton, Milton Engineering Consultants Topic: Hurricane Preparedness for Businesses RSVP Required/No Shows Will Be Billed Register online at $12 Members/$15 Non-members Wednesday, August 19th WILDLY SUCCESSFUL WOMEN’S WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON Noon-1:30pm First United Methodist Church of Hobe Sound 10100 SE Federal Highway, Hobe Sound Sponsored by: Ron Walters, Elite Payroll Solutions Catered by: Ellie’s Downtown Deli RSVP Required / No Shows Will Be Billed $25 Members and Non-members Register online at Wednesday, August 20th COCKTAILS & CONNECTIONS 5:30-6:30pm Hosted and Sponsored by Beaches Hair Salon 8965 SE Bridge Road, Ste. 101, Hobe Sound By Invitation/RSVP Required Call Jan at 772-546-4724 or email continued on page 10 Page 2 Hobe Sound Pelican The Pelican is Bigger, Brighter and Flying High! Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce 2015 Board of Directors Officers President: Steve Fenton, Fenton Services Vice President: Ike Crumpler, Upstairs Communications Treasurer: Jonathan Milton, Milton Engineering Consultants Secretary: Doug Smith Janus Investigations Past President: Charlene Oakowsky, Oakowsky Properties Ex-Officio: Ralph Davino, Secure Storage of Martin County Board of Directors Glen Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strategic Realty Melinda Brault . . . . . . . . . . . .Geminye Design Group Michael Dooley . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illustrated Properties Michael Ennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ennis Construction Robert “Bob” McLean . . . . . . . . . . . . .Avalon Air, Inc. Pete Morello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The UPS Store Theresa Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beaches Hair Studio Kim Nash . .Tobacco Free Partnership of Martin County Nicole Townsley . . . . . . . . . .Merritt Family Chiropractic Brandon Woodward . .Law Office of Brandon Woodward The Pelican is flying high – well, maybe not high, but certainly bigger and brighter! In the last issue we introduced the “find the pelican” game and it was a huge success. Those of you who found it know it was located in Word of Mouth Computers and Electronics ad. Derreck Ogden received over 40 calls letting him know, “I found the pelican.” Derreck offered a great prize of a T-shirt and a PC Tune up to the first 10 who called him. “It was Ribbon Cuttings… 2015 President’s Council Tom Balling . . . . . .Treasure Coast Irrig/Rood Landscape Mike Bouse . . . . .Berkshire Hathaway HS Florida Realty Amy Brunjes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Florida Power & Light Blake Capps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Capps Roofing John Carr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JRC Consulting Group Scott Fay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bridge Boat & RV Storage Marc Gaylord . . . . . . . . . .Law Office of Marc Gaylord Paul L. Kleinfeld . . .First Florida Dev. & Construction Steve Landwersiek . . . . . .Ameriprise Financial Services Gary Lesser . . . . . . . . . .Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith Mary Lopopolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SeacoastBank Jason Lovelady . . . .Carpenter’s Roofing & Sheet Metal Cal Meeker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Florida Living Realty Derreck Ogden . . . . . . .Word of Mouth Comp. & Elect. Dennis Root . . . . . . . . . . . .Dennis Root & Associates Jeff Sabin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Waste Management Tony Sementelli . . . . . . . . . . .Hobe Sound ShipCenter James Stedham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Costco Sue Stutzke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nightingale Private Care Frank & JoAnn Tricarico . . . . . . . .Metz Construction Ambassador Committee Janet Otten . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director, Chamber Staff Amber Shirk, SeacoastBank . . . . . . .Committee Chair Peggy Batch-Gattone, The Keyes Company . . .Secretary Theresa Smith, Beaches Hair Studio . . . . . . .Vice Chair Amanda Beese . . . . . . . . . . . .A & B Aquarium Services Bill Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glory Association George Kleine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Smart Source Noreen Nelson-Slenker . . . . . . . . . .Illustrated Properties Sharyl Pratt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Illustrated Properties Kim Toth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edward Jones Linda Wolf . . . . . . . . . . .ActiveCanvas Interactive Media From L to R: Bill Brown, Glory Association, Burt Hogan, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Vincent Zanfini, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Angela Hoffman, Hobe Sound Chamber, Amber Shirk, SeacoastBank, Andi Harness, Visionary School of Arts, Lynne Barletta, Visionary School of Arts, Tony Barletta, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Alex Barletta, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Linda Wolf, ActiveCanvas, Sharyl Pratt, Illustrated Properties, Chessa Zanfini, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, George Kleine, Smart Source, and Peggy Batch-Gattone, Keyes Company. Up front: Ryan Madison Zanfini and Tristan Zanfini Visionary School of Arts Lynne Barletta 1724 SE Indian Street, Stuart, FL 34997 772-283-4888 Staff Angela Hoffman, Executive Director Janet Otten, Director of Member Services Volunteers Judy Arbeznik, Carol Branch, Marge Cabaniss, Bette Evans, Suzan Hughes, Lillian Johnson, Bobbi Kauffman, George Kleine, Jeanne Nash, Richard Nash, Rich Otten, Ray Stewart, & Jean Tierney The Hobe Sound Pelican is published quarterly by the Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce 11954 SE Dixie, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-546-4724 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30am-3:30pm Managing Editor: Janet Otten, Director of Member Services Front Row: Angela Hoffman, Hobe Sound Chamber, Vincent Zanfini, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Linda Wolf, ActiveCanvas, Lynne Barletta, Visionary School of Arts, Tony Barletta, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Ryan Madison Zanfini, Alex Barletta, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, Chessa Zanfini, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, and Tristan Zanfini. Back Row: Amber Shirk, SeacoastBank, Bill Brown, Glory Association, Burt Hogan, Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency, George Kleine, Smart Source, and Sharyl Pratt, Illustrated Properties Brightway Insurance/Barletta Agency Tony Barletta 1728 SE Indian Street, Stuart, FL 34997 772-872-7800 great fun getting those calls from people who actually saw my ad and responded. I was amazed at how many people actually took the time to search for the little guy, find him in my ad, and then call to let me know,” stated Derreck. “The exposure was definitely worth the little extra I paid for my ad.” Now, as you hold The Pelican in your hand and see the new larger size and the whiter, brighter paper, take a look at the advertisers who help support this amazing publication. The new size is 13% bigger than the previous format, therefore each ad is that much larger as well. The Pelican committee has some more changes they are contemplating that will add value to the advertisers and more exciting content to our readers. The rates for advertising will be slightly increased beginning with the November 2015 issue. Each advertiser will be required to fill out a new contract, found at the bottom of the new rate sheet and return it to the Chamber office in order to be included in the upcoming issues. If you are interested in having the pelican in your ad or becoming a new advertiser, please call Jan Otten at the Chamber office 772-546-4724 to discuss the many possibilities. r e b m Cha ff St u e d e N u Yo n o w ! to K • Membership Drive, September 8-18 • Save the date, Saturday, October 3, 2015, for the 3rd Annual Dine Around Hobe Sound Progressive Dinner • Applications for participation in the 30th Annual Hobe Sound Christmas Parade are now available in the Chamber office • You can have the tiny Pelican in your ad, reap the benefits; call Jan at the Chamber to schedule your date • New ad rates beginning November due to the increased size of The Pelican • We are beginning to schedule sponsors and guest speakers for 2016. If you are interested in sponsoring or hosting an event, speaking at a breakfast, Coffee Talk, or Wildly Successful Women’s Wednesday Luncheon, please call Jan to discuss dates and details – 772-546-4724 • And remember: Put your $$ where your ♥ is – Do business with Chamber members! Page 3 Hobe Sound Pelican Community News The Keep Martin Beautiful (KMB) Board Members and Sponsors are excited for the 2015 International Coastal Cleanup, but they need your help! For more information, or to register contact KMB at 772-781-1222 or Keep Martin Beautiful Seeks Local Volunteers to Join in Worldwide Coastal Cleanup The 2015 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) is right around the corner and Keep Martin Beautiful (KMB) is encouraging residents to join the community by taking action to help improve the quality of our beaches and waterways. Approximately 560,000 volunteers from more than 100 nations around the world come together on a single day to participate in the waterway cleanup. Spearheaded globally by the Ocean Conservancy and coordinated locally by Keep Martin Beautiful (KMB), this year’s International Coastal Cleanup will take place on Saturday, September 19 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. “The volunteers who participate in this cleanup each year are a dedicated and passionate group. From every walk of life, young and old, they are the quiet heroes in Martin County and the real protectors of our beaches and waterways,” said Craig Ahal, KMB president. “It is always inspiring to go to different sites during this coastal cleanup and see the mass of people with garbage bags, gloves, pick up sticks and data cards, combing the coastal waterfront and beaches and removing debris that can cause harm to marine life. It’s an important task and wouldn’t happen without the support of our volunteers.” The cleanup efforts are a vital part of motivating people to do something tangible in their community to remove trash and debris from beaches and waterways. More importantly, the cleanup educates people to become aware of the problems associated with litter and challenges citizens to change the behaviors that cause the pollution in the first place. Last year, over 2,000 KMB volunteers removed more than 41,000 pounds of litter and marine debris from our shorelines. “Every piece of trash that is picked up during the cleanup should be a challenge for change,” said Allison Schutes, marine debris specialist of Ocean Conservancy’s Trash Free Seas program. “The trash that tops our top 10 list every year – things like cigarette butts, bags and bottle caps – include disposable plastics meant for one-time usage. These items simply do not belong in our natural environment.” Groups and individuals are welcome to join the cleanup effort at Stuart Beach, but KMB encourages volunteers to sign up in advance to clean the beach or waterway of their choice to ensure clean waterways all over Martin County. All volunteers are invited to attend a volunteer appreciation party at Stuart Beach from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to thank volunteers, sponsors and community supporters. The event will feature food, drinks and family friendly activities. Keep Martin Beautiful thanks the generous sponsors and community supporters of the 2015 International Coastal Cleanup, which include: Amerisweeps; Captec Engineering; Cook Electric; FPL; Indiantown CoGeneration; Jenkins Landscape; Kohl’s; Martin County Solid Waste; Organic Laboratories; Pineapple Cove Apartments; R3 Recycling; Ram Realty; Sailor’s Return; Wallace Nissan; and Whiticar Boat Works. What Volunteers Need to Know • The International Coastal Cleanup targets waterways throughout Martin County, from Lake Okeechobee to the Atlantic Ocean and everything in between • Pre-registration is highly recommended to ensure volunteers are assigned to areas most in need • Volunteers who do not pre-register can join Keep Martin Beautiful at Stuart Beach on the morning of the cleanup • The unique data gathering feature of this cleanup records every piece of litter collected • Volunteers should wear closed-toed shoes • Participants will be provided with water and cleanup supplies, as well as a complimentary T-shirt (while supplies last) For more information about the 2015 International Coastal Cleanup, or to register your family, business, civic or school group, contact KMB at 772-781-1222 or Keep Martin Beautiful (KMB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organization founded in 1994 as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of life in Martin County through litter prevention, the promotion of recycling, improvement of solid waste management practices, and beautification and community revital- Ribbon Cutting… Pictured from L to R: Jen Ahern, A Team Marketing, Bill Brown, Glory Association, George Kleine, Smart Source, Angela Hoffman, Hobe Sound Chamber, George Cruz, Coconuts Island Ice Cream, Anthony Cruz, Coconuts Island Ice Cream, Linda Wolf, ActiveCanvas, and Amber Shirk, SeacoastBank Coconuts Island Ice Cream Anthony Cruz 6056 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34997 772-210-6851 ization activities. KMB signature events and programs include the annual Environmental Stewardship Awards, the International Coastal Cleanup, the Great American Cleanup, the Adopt-ARoad and Adopt-A-Street programs, and other educational and outreach activities. Find KMB on Facebook at, follow KMB on Twitter at, visit or call 772-781-1222. Humane Society of Treasure Coast Recognized with Multiple Honors One of Martin County’s favorite “pet” charities has been recognized with several honors. The Humane Society of the Treasure Coast (HSTC) extends its appreciation to the 55,000 people who voted in The Stuart News/TC Palm 2015 Treasure Coast Choice Awards contest. As a result, the HSTC was named Favorite Civic Organization. Stuart Magazine also recognized the HSTC as one of the best places to work in Martin or St. Lucie County. The HSTC was one of 24 businesses mentioned in the 1-150 employee category. “We are grateful to the public and to Stuart Magazine for this unsolicited recognition of our charity for the outstanding work we do on behalf of the shelter animals,” said HSTC President and CEO Frank Valente. “We have hundreds of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers along with a hard-working, committed staff who put their heart and soul into caring for the animals.” This recognition comes at a time when the HSTC has set records for number of animals adopted, number of animals spayed and neutered, and number of pets fostered and saved in its 60 year history. Earlier this year, the HSTC also was notified that it had achieved the coveted 4-star rating for sound fiscal management and fiscal transparency from Charity Navigator, America's premier and largest independent charity evaluator. The 4-star rating is the highest rating possible. Approximately 20 percent of the charities evaluated receive the highest rating, indicating the HSTC outperforms most other charities in America. Since 1955, the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast, located at 4100 SW Leighton Farm Ave. in Palm City, has been the leading advocate for homeless, abused and abandoned animals. The HSTC provides the Treasure Coast’s most progressive spay-neuter and adoption programs, dynamic humane education services, and partnerships with like-minded organizations. The HSTC does not euthanize to make space at its shelter, there are no time limits on how long animals stay in its care, and no animal is turned away for any reason because the HSTC believes that is the humane thing to do. For more information, visit or call 772-223-8822. P U T Y Y O O U U R R $$ ♥ W I H S E R E Page 4 • Build Your Business • Prospecting Existing Clients Submitted By John Carr, JR Consulting Group Prospecting when defined for business, is to search for potential customers or buyers. There are several ways to prospect: advertising, existing clients, networking, referral partners and cold calling. If the thought of cold calling for business gives you so much anxiety you call in sick or want to quit, there is a way out! There is hope for all the sales professionals in the world. Prospecting your existing clients should be part of almost any business prospecting plan. This type of prospecting is usually underutilized or not properly executed. Your clients may be the best referral source for you. A few things to consider when meeting with your clients and asking for referrals is to remember it is always about them and never ask for that referral without first asking how you can help them. Depending what type of business you are in, it is important to stay in touch with your clients. I train my clients that they should be “touching” their clients a minimum of twice a year. I prefer to double that and have some sort of communication with my clients at least quarterly. This can be accomplished through email, card in the mail or a phone call. These communications should be about building your relationship not getting referrals or more sales that day. I am pretty confident we all have that one sales person that calls you every time there is some sort of “deal of a lifetime” going on. In some cases this may be true, however if the only time you contact your existing client is to sell them something you lose credibility. I completely understand that in some cases it is impossible to contact all your clients, but the clients that you can help and can help you build your business should be contacted regularly. It is also important not to pre-judge by how “big” the client is. Treat all your clients like the “big” client and you will be amazed how John Carr often you will receive referrals from your existing clients. I still remember when I followed up with a former coaching client that only retained me for 3 months, I just called to see how things were going and to see how I may be able to help him (with referrals). In return he asked how he could help me and I told him what I was looking for and two months later I was training fourteen sales people as a direct result of a referral from him. Let’s, break this down. Keep track of all existing clients and develop a plan to contact them regularly. I encourage you to have some type of Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) software. This will help you track your clients and prospects while setting reminders to contact them, notes about the client/prospect and more importantly stores information for you to build relationships. Contact them with true intentions of helping them first. Ask them how you can help them grow their business, and follow up with true action on helping them. If you can’t help them don’t tell them you can. Make sure they are happy with your products and services. Once you establish they are happy, ask them for referrals and be very specific with who or what you are looking for. When reaching out to your clients please remember not to always be selling! You should always be looking for ways to help them solve a problem or challenge they may be having. This could mean sending them to a referral partner, taking care of an issue they may have felt your company needs to take care of, or a new product or service from you. If you communicate with your clients regularly they don’t feel like you are always selling! These are some of the tips we train at jrc Consulting Group in our advanced sales training in regards to time management. I hope you enjoyed them and if you would like more information about jrc Consulting Group please contact me at John Carr is the founder of JRC Consulting Group, 4440 PGA Blvd Suite 600, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. Telephone: 561-623-5349 P U T Y Y O O U U R R $$ ♥ W I H S E R E Hobe Sound Pelican Welcome New Members: Advanced Media Group Anthony Sementelli 8771 SE Bridge Road #100, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-888-6500 Business Classification: Publishing Organization Description: Advanced Media Group (AMG) publishes full color Community Resource Directories for the most affluent communities along the Treasure Coast. They are successful because they connect their advertisers with their most desirable customers in a cost effective manner. AMG is focused on offering their clients marketing solutions that work. Effective advertising is about getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time! They call it Geo-Targeting. easy as 123. Amplified Designs Ellen Morris 8515 SE May Terrace, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 561-529-1598 • Business Classification: Video Production Organization Description: Amplified Designs is creative production for your business. They specialize in video production, with expertise in filming, editing and motion graphics. They also have a robust background in graphic design and photography. Whether you are marketing on the screen, in print, or both; their creative skills and years of experience can solidify your customer acquisition and retention goals in today’s multimedia driven marketplace. Audi Stuart/Infiniti Stuart Devin Carlson & Gregg Herbst 5990 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34997 772-214-3700 Business Classification: Auto Sales, Leasing & Service Sponsored by: Kim Nash, Tobacco Free Partnership of Martin County Organization Description: As the preferred Audi dealer and Infiniti dealer of the Treasure Coast, Audi Stuart and Infiniti Stuart are dedicated to being the pioneers in developing the next generation of automotive excellence in Florida and beyond. It is their belief that they will achieve this through a culture that embraces their guests, their employees, and their community in a way that creates a maximized luxury experience for everyone. They are passionate about their business, will deliver on their promises, and their successes can only be measured by the long term relationships they build. Bank of America Rita Murray 11900 SE Federal Highway, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-546-8767 Business Classification: Banks Berkshire Hathaway HS Florida Realty – Bouse Mike Bouse 2363 SE Ocean Blvd, Stuart, FL 34996 772-692-8853 • Business Classification: Real Estate Sponsored by: Steve Fenton, FedEx Ground Organization Description: Mike Bouse of Berkshire Hathaway HS Florida Realty represents buyers & sellers not only in Hobe Sound and Jupiter Island, but all along the Treasure Coast. Calling Martin County his home for his entire life he knows the area like no one else. Whatever your demands are Mike has the skills, knowledge, and personality to work alongside you to get what you want. As a Buyer, Mike will start with your “dream list” and your budget and work from there. He respects your budget and what you “want” in a home or school, or community and will work tirelessly to find that special home. If you are considering selling, now or later, make an appointment with Mike and he will listen to what your needs are and you and he will develop a plan around those needs and get your home sold. Bonner Mobile Bar Jim Freitas 19900 Mona Road, Unit 105, Tequesta, FL 33469 561-603-4899 • Business Classification: Restaurants/Catering/Food Service Organization Description: Bonner Mobile Bar is Florida’s premier mobile liquor catering service. They cater for parties, weddings, banquets, corporate events, Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, family reunions and more. They have packages to fit any size budget or event. They offer premium liquor, specialty bars, ice sculptures, professional bartenders and catering. Cinnabon Mark Blount 3312 NW Federal Highway, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 561-452-8430 Business Classification: Restaurants/Catering/Food Services Organization Description: Mark Blount is a former NBA star who played with the Miami Heat and the Boston Celtics. He is a resident of Hobe Sound and recently purchased the Cinnabon store in the Treasure Coast Square Mall. Mark also owns two Auntie Anne’s pretzel shops in the Palm Beach Outlet stores and City Place. Coastal Living Realty Steven Beams 9044 SE Bridge Road, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-324-5445 Business Classification: Real Estate Organization Description: Coastal Living Realty has been helping Floridians with their real estate needs since 2001. Their new Hobe Sound office on Bridge Road has recently opened to better serve their friends and neighbors in Martin County and the rest of the Treasure Coast. Whether you are looking for a small condo or a seaside villa, they are available to answer your questions and help you find the home that is right for you. Courtney’s STUFFED Burgers, LLC Thomas Courtney 8855 SE Bridge Road, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-546-4093 Business Classification: Restaurants/Catering/Food Services Organization Description: Courtney’s STUFFED Burgers does not say it all!! The Courtney’s #1 store has opened in Hobe Sound. Truly a destination for the whole family’s dining experience…with pleasant, friendly service and a menu that includes one of the best burgers ever enjoyed. One of their specials is a P U T Y Y O O U U R R $$ ♥ W I H S E R E •Residential •Service Calls •Commercial •Generators Celebrating 49 Years of Quality Service! Hobe Sound, FL 33475 772.546.2292 License EC13001299 Page 5 barbequed Mahi salad that has been described as “to die for.” The kid’s meals are excellent and everyone can enjoy a handmade shake to go with their meal. And of course, there’s fries and banana splits. Crown Custom Painting, Inc. Cory King 5134 SE Orange Tree Place Stuart, FL 34997 561-262-7718 Business Classification: Painting Contractors Organization Description: Crown Custom Painting, Inc. has been serving the Palm Beaches and the Hobe Sound area since 2008. CCP prides itself on providing superior quality craftsmanship and impeccable cleanliness. Their clients are regarded with the utmost respect and customer service. CCP provides interior and exterior painting, faux finishing and wall papering with over 20 years of experience. They are a family-owned and operated company that still delights in providing excellent quality service. Dennis Root, Candidate for Sheriff Dennis Root P.O. Box 1481, Port Salerno, FL 34992 772-266-7735 • Business Classification: Political Candidate Organization Description: Dennis Root is a renowned law enforcement trainer and nationally recognized expert, with a law enforcement career that spans more than 25 years. He is a successful Martin County business owner, whose dedication to community service goes beyond his law enforcement experience. Dennis is also the founder of the Dennis Root Public Safety Foundation, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing crime prevention and personal safety programs to the community for free. Page 6 Welcome New Members: DiMeo Family Dental Dr. Brian DiMeo, DDS 5683 SE Crooked Oak Ave, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-266-0962 • Business Classification: Dentists Organization Description: Dr. Brian DiMeo opened DiMeo Family Dental as a Family Dental Office for the surrounding community in 2012. Dr. Brian has had extensive experience as General Dentist. Dr. DiMeo is extremely proud to be the owner of DiMeo Family Dental. He is a native of Martin County and has been married to his wife, Lana, for six years. He truly loves the practice of dentistry and ejoys creating beautiful smiles. He believes that having a beautiful smile helps people feel better about themselves and, ultimately, helps raise their self-esteem. Dr. DiMeo also prides himself on his sense of integrity and his mission to help others. Prior to Hobe Sound Pelican becoming a dentist, he served as a Captain in the United States Army and earned his undergraduate degree from the United States Military academy at West Point, NY. First Florida Insurance Agency, LLC Frank Reilly 5639 SE Crooked Oak Ave, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 561-402-8725 Business Classification: Insurance Agencies Organization Description: First Florida Solutions is an insurance agency specializing in the senior market. They are a life and health agency focusing on medical supplements, medical advantage and final expense insurance. Their interest is creating professional client agent relationships that last and the client receives information and service that they deserve. GHS Custom Woodwork, Inc. Guyton Stone 14601 SW 168th Avenue, Indiantown, FL 34956 772-260-8670 • Business Classification: Cabinet Makers Sponsored by: Derreck Ogden, Word of Mouth Computers & Electronics Organization Description: GHS Custom Woodwork, Inc. specializes in all types of custom woodworking including: kitchen and bathroom remodeling, crown molding, custom furniture, built-in closets, doors and hardwood flooring. Whether it’s getting your home remodeled or repairing wood damage that has occurred, they are can help you every step of the way. GHS Custom Woodwork, Inc. is dedicated to prompt, friendly, reliable service and product availability. They believe that building successful long-term relationships with their customers starts with offering superior products at affordable prices in addition to great customer service. At GHS Custom Woodwork, Inc. they’ve built their livelihoods on improving people’s homes. From the simple to the lavish, they have experienced it all. No job is too small. GHS Custom Woodwork, Inc. can help make your dream home into a reality. Grassam Spine & Wellness Center Dr. Lisa Grassam 516 Colorado Avenue, Stuart, FL 34994 772-286-5433 • Business Classification: Chiropractors Organization Description: Grassam Spine & Wellness Center has been serving the Treasure Coast since 2001. As a third generation chiropractic physician, Dr. Lisa strives to treat each patient as her only patient. Health is truly her passion and it is her mission to not only help patients get well but stay well. Green Apple Produce David Estrada 11543 SE Federal Highway, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-75-2128 Business Classification: Grocery Stores Organization Description: Local meat market and fresh produce located in Hobe Sound. Selling pork, beef, T-bone steaks, filet mignon, tenderloin, special cut and served fresh. Select meats are butchered to your specifications and needs. Green Apple Produce and Meat Market also offers fresh baked breads, specialty foods and spices, as well as fresh local produce, herbs and high quality meats. All sausage is made in-house, as well as house marinades and spices. Visit their store and see for yourself what they have to offer. Honeydew Home Services David Jones 9245 SE Karin Street, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 561-596-9333 Business Classification: General Contractors/Home Repairs Organization Description: Honeydew Home Services was founded by a philanthropic Hobe Sound resident to help people in need. They provide dependable and affordable home maintenance services that focus on helping busy families and physically limited individuals. Some of the common jobs they perform include monthly A/C filter replacement, changing light bulbs, installing door locks, house numbers and lettering, and more. If you can’t find enough time in your day or are physically unable to perform common household fixes, give them a call. They are affordable, reliable, and a prominent member of our community. In the Shade Jan Scott 2460 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994 772-223-1212 • Business Classification: Interior Design Organization Description: In the Shade has been serving the Treasure Coast since 1987. The original owner, Jan Scott, and her design team, with over 100 years of experience, specialize in all aspects of custom window treatments, draperies, upholstery, and bedding. The showroom features the Hunter Douglas Window Fashion Gallery displaying all their name brand products. Technology has grown in leaps and bounds and they are one of the few stores on the Treasure Coast offering the latest in battery operated motorization for your window coverings. When visiting the showroom the consumer has thousands of fabric selections and all styles of window treatments on display making their purchases for their home a one stop shop experience. Welcome New Members: JC Consulting Josh Calhoun 8419 SE Croft Circle, Apt. #4, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-932-4335 • Business Classification: Web Site Developers Organization Description: JC Consulting is here to provide the Treasure Coast with excellent, efficient, and cost effective web design. They offer a complete set of web design services including domain purchase, hosting, graphic design, responsive websites, basic web updates, manager friendly websites and more. Beyond web development, they also provide a complete array of marketing services to get you noticed on Google, Yelp, Yahoo, Yellow Pages and more and provide SEO services and analytics tracking. They also offer web translation services to expand your business to the Spanish speaking community. JC Consulting is committed to making your business shine online using the most efficient and modern techniques. JK Marine, Inc. Katie Unfried 9038 SE Bridge Road, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 561-775-0700 Business Classification: Agriculture, Fishing, Forestry Organization Description: JK Marine has been serving the Treasure Coast and Palm Beaches for the past 15 years. With locations in Hobe Sound and Jupiter, JK Marine will meet all of your boating and fishing needs. From our full service repair facility in Jupiter, to our one stop marine supply and tackle shop on Bridge Road, as well as full mobile service. Whether you are looking for boat maintenance, outfitting or live bait for fishing fun, JK Marine can meet and exceed all of your expectations. Stop in and visit their friendly staff. PNC Bank Thomas Schinske 2980 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994 772-359-6294 • Business Classification: Banks Real Estate Book of Martin County Tara Biek 6526 S Kanner Highway #144, Stuart, FL 34997 772-486-3684 • Business Classification: Publishing Renzzinny Pizza Renzo San Andres 8423 SE Church Street, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-546-7727 Business Classification: Restaurants/Catering/Food Services Sailfish Realty Commercial, LLC Don MacIntosh 101 East Ocean Blvd. Stuart, FL 34994 772-494-6999 • Business Classification: Real Estate Organization Description: Sailfish Realty Commercial is in business to address the diverse needs of their clients and serve them faithfully until they accomplish their mutual goals. Sign Store & More, LLC Kimberly Sahyoun 1784 NW Federal Highway Stuart, FL 34994 772-692-2323 Business Classification: Signs Organization Description: Any and all kinds of signage, banners, posters, decals, T-shirts. Spherion Richard Kolleda 240 NW Peacock Boulevard, Ste. 104 Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 772-336-9545 Business Classification: Human Resources Hobe Sound Pelican Organization Description: Since 1946, Spherion has been offering companies a unique combination of personalized customer service backed by resources, knowledge and geographic breadth of a $2 billion dollar workforce leader. Their Treasure Coast office is locally and veteran owned and operated by Rich and Sherry Kolleda. With a team that is entrenched in the community, Spherion reaches the ideal talent for your business’ growing needs. Their experts can provide customized solutions for your temporary, temp to hire or direct hire needs. Call Gretchen Frazier, V.P. of Business Development at 772-233-7274 for any of your hiring occasions. TD Bank Nicole Hibbs 5300 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34997 772-828-9739 Business Classification: Banks Sponsored by: Steve Fenton, FedEx Ground Organization Description: Nicole Hibbs is a Vice President/Relationship Manager for Commercial lending with TD Bank in the Treasure Coast market. Her banking career spans twenty years and includes time in business and consumer lending, loan workouts, deposit product sales, and branch operations. In her current role, she has won TD’s WOW CEO Leadership Award for sales and service excellence, as well as numerous other TD production awards. In 2013 Nicole was named a mentor in TD’s talent development program for prospective lenders. The Champions Club David Ladd 3400 SE Summerfield Way, Stuart, FL 34997 772-283-1500 Page 7 Business Classification: Golf Courses Organization Description: The Champions Club Golf course is a unique award-winning 18-hole Tom Fazio design course. Guests enjoy the spectacular wildlife and preserve views and the well-manicured fairways. The MilCor Group, Inc. Melissa Corbett 10955 SE Federal Highway, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-223-8850 Business Classification: Engineers Organization Description: The MilCor Group is a consulting civil-engineering firm providing civil-site design, agricultural engineering, permitting and construction inspection services. MilCor was established in 2008 by Melissa Corbett, who has over 18 years of engineering experience. The MilCor Group prides themselves on their principle of client satisfaction. The Pension Source Glen Hughes 2110 SE Rays Way, Stuart, FL 34994 772-287-9163 Business Classification: Financial Services Organization Description: For over 33 years their professionals at The Pension Source have provided small businesses with recordkeeping, administration and actuarial services for their retirement plans. The Pension Source, Inc. provides services to more than 650 clients ranging in size from one to over a hundred employees. They are proud of their reputation for providing efficient, accurate and affordable services to their clients. Page 8 Welcome New Members: The Terrio Group Cassie Ottofaro 2104 SE Rays Way, Stuart, FL 34994 772-807-4628 • Business Classification: Financial Services Organization Description: The Terrio Group is a team of highly skilled professionals that work for their clients. The Terrio Group is an Independent Registered Investment Advisor, overseeing and coordinating finances in Port St. Lucie, Stuart and surrounding communities. Their mission is to provide families and businesses with innovative financial strategies, solutions, and planning. The team includes Financial Advisors, Retirement Planners, Insurance and Tax professionals. Their team works as one to cover all aspects of your financial portfolio to maximize profitability and minimize tax consequences. The Terrio Group has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their clients at all times. They spend quality time with their clients discussing goals and strategies. Their clients trust them and the advice they give. They are not tied to an organization or group of funds allowing them to choose the funds that fit them best. They spend quality time with their clients discussing toals and strategies. Their clients trust them and the advice they give. They are not tied to an organization or group of funds allowing them to choose the funds that fit them best. Today and Tomorrow Strategies Jim Manna 19 Harbor Isle West, PH 05, Ft. Pierce, FL 34949 772-252-9081 Business Classification: Financial Services Vakani Orthodontics Dr. Arvind Vakani 1963 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994 772-287-8415 • Business Classification: Dentists Organization Description: The goal of Vakani Orthodontics is to provide the highest quality care and Hobe Sound Pelican most effective treatment available in the most conservative means possible. They create smiles in a caring environment and sign their name proudly to each and every one. Their motto, "Your smile is the signature of our reputation." Please call 772-287-8415 to schedule your complimentary consultation today! V.F.W. Post 10132 Hobe Sound George W. Schwarz 6101 SE Dixie Highway, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-288-1040 Business Classification: Non-profits Organization Description: Hall-Bryan Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10132, is a fraternal organization founded by Veterans for Veterans serving the veterans of foreign wars in Martin County, FL. Military veterans, their spouses, sons and daughters are welcome to be part of the Post. Their mission is to “honor the dead by helping the living” through veterans’ service, community service, national security and a strong national defense. George W. Schwarz is the current Commander of the Post. Vortex Security James Billig 185 E Indiantown Road #117 Jupiter, FL 33477 772-631-3653 Business Classification: Alarm Systems/Burg.-Fire Organization Description: Expertise at work for you, Vortex Security was established by top sales and upper management performers from some of the largest security companies in the nation. Their core management team has over 60 years of experience in the residential and commercial alarm industry. They offer 24-hour, Central Station monitoring from their CSAA-Five Diamond Certified facility. They specialize in cellular and remote access control, home automation, video surveillance and life safety devices, all enhanced with tamper-resistant “crash and smash” protection. With decades of customer service, installation and Law Enforcement experience, Vortex Security has managed to create the most versatile security product available on the market. They pride themselves on building lifelong relationships with their customers based on trust and unparalleled service. Vortex security is dedicated to providing their customers the peace of mind they deserve, because “Protecting What Matters” to you, is what matters most to them. President’s Council Law Office of Marc R. Gaylord, P.A. Marc Gaylord 12000 SE Dixie Highway, Hobe Sound, FL 33455 772-545-7740 Business Classification: Attorneys Organization Description: Bringing 30 years of experience, Marc R. Gaylord, P.A. represents clients in Hobe Sound, Florida and the surrounding area – including Jupiter, Jupiter Island, Tequesta, Juno Beach and Stuart, They are a general practice and transactions law firm handling clients’ needs in real estate transactions, title insurance, and wills, trusts and estates. Their law firm is recognized by clients and peers alike for skilled representation, superior client service, fairness and high ethical standards. Members upgrading to President’s Council Costco, James Stedham First Florida Development and Construction Berkshire Hathaway HS Realty, Mike Bouse Florida Living Realty, Cal Meeker The Dangers of Social Media By Dennis Root Have you ever thought about the dangers associated with your use of social media? I am regularly asked about the dangers of using social media. Parents and grandparents often ask me about criminals using social media as a tool for Dennis Root targeting their chilDennis Root Public Safety dren and grandchilFoundation, Inc. dren. It is true that those who prey on children use the Internet as an effective means of grooming a potential victim. However, it is not just our children being victimized through the use of social media. There are those who use social media as a means of targeting you for burglary, theft, and so much more. The truth is, social media itself is not the problem. It is what we post that creates the issues. Even the most well intended post could have a disastrous effect. For example, after the birth of a child, the proud parents share the child’s full name, with a picture from the hospital on the day of the birth. The criminal has just been given two important pieces of information needed to steal the child’s identity, the child’s date of birth and full name. Another example of our sharing the wrong information, or perhaps just sharing information at the wrong time, is when we post those beautiful pictures of our family vacation, as it is happening. We are telling the bad guy that the entire family is not home and exactly where we are. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more enable families and friends from across this nation and around the world to communicate almost instantly on a daily basis. However, we must use it wisely. Consider simple adjustments to your use of your chosen social media. For example, post vacation pictures after you get home. Do not post a picture of the brand new television you just installed at your home. Stop sharing personal information for the world to read. We do not have to stop using social media. We simply need to consider the value of what we post. Not just to us personally, but to those who would use that information for criminal activity. Stay safe and post wisely! Dennis Root, FCPP, FCP, VSPD is the founder of the Dennis Root Public Safety Foundation, Inc. The mailing address is: Post Office Box 443, Port Salerno, Florida 34992. For more information you may call him at his office 772-324-8147 or visit Welcome Social Members: Bob & Bonnie Colonnese Hobe Sound Pelican Business Briefs Joanne Campbell Wilson (left) with her son, Darin. Congratulations CampbellWilson Insurance Agency Celebrating thirty years in business in Hobe Sound Joanne Campbell Wilson fell in love with the insurance industry at the tender age of 16 when she obtained a receptionist position with the Tucker Insurance Agency on A1A in Hobe Sound. She went through six months of the most “boot-camp-type training you can ever imagine” by a lady who stood 4-foot 11-inches tall and spoke “with dragon-tongue.” Joanne says she was one of smartest people she had ever met, “but her diplomacy might have been a little lacking.” Joanne states that she “can’t imagine her job was too fun trying to form me into anything but an airheaded female teenager with a bright red Mustang, beach music and boys on my mind.” The Campbell family history in Hobe Sound began in 1959 when one wintery night in Butler County, Pennsylvania, Joanne’s dad, Thomas, returned home from the steel mill where he worked the midnight shift and said to his wife, Eva, “Momma, load up the five kids, the dog and let’s strap the mattress to the roof of the ol’ Merc, we’re heading south.” They drove until they found Hobe Sound. They rented a house on Indian River Drive and started rooting into the community. Joanne’s older sister, Beckie Lee Campbell, attended the Apollo School along with Kathy Spurgeon. The rest of the Campbell clan “tortured Hobe Sound Elementary, Stuart Jr. High, Murray Middle and then Martin County High.” Joanne says that the teachers and administrators had a huge party when she finally graduated. In 1981 Eva Campbell was very involved in the birth of the Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce along with Chris & Mickey Johnston and Doc Smith, among others. She worked at the local newspapers, the Stuart News and Mirror and the Jupiter Courier. Eva was also instrumental in creating the original “Your Hobe Sound Chamber Newsletter” which in late 1990 became “The Pelican”. Eva was a talented writer and a wonderful photographer. If you stop into the Campbell-Wilson office you can see some of Eva Campbell’s pictures. Thomas worked at Hendry’s Tri-County Gas and later Econogas. He was one of the backbones of the Hobe Sound Volunteer Fire Department. In her youth, Joanne wanted to be a teacher but it suddenly hit her during her middle school years that “we kids were creeps.” Fortunately, for many folks in the Hobe Sound area she fell in love with the insurance industry and as it turns out, she says, “I am a teacher of sorts. My job requires forming relationships looking at the long term and most certainly requires involvement in the community as I become a trusted partner to my clients on many levels. In 1985, after having been told that ‘Hobe Sound is too small to open an insurance agency’ I thumbed my nose at all the naysayers and did it anyway. I have never had the desire to be anywhere else. This is my roots, this is my home. My family, extended family and friends are all here….why go anywhere else? During my 40 years in the business I have met and become partners with some of the finest folks imaginable and, if the clock turned back, I wouldn’t do anything any different.” She continues, “Today, as we reach our 30th year birthday , I can’t believe it’s been that long. And now my middle son, Darin, has made noises of settling here after having gone out to see the world, the circle appears to be continuing.” Joanne has been married to her husband, Kim Wilson, for 34 years and they have 3 sons, Thomas, who lives in Stuart with his wife and 3 sons; Darin, who lives in Hobe Sound and works at the agency; and Daniel, who lives in Nashville. Let’s not forget to add into the family a five year old, four legged “furry daughter,” Peanut. FPL’s Eric Silagy Appointed to U.S. Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) announced that its President and Chief Executive Officer Eric Silagy has been appointed to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for a two-year term. Silagy joins an influential group of 100 business leaders who champion the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors and regions. “I’m pleased and honored to have the opportunity to work alongside chamber and business leaders from across the country to advocate for pro-business legislation and advance issues that are critically important as we navigate today’s competitive landscape,” said Silagy. Page 9 “Florida continues its strong economic rebound, attracting new good-paying jobs from around the country, and I look forward to engaging with my colleagues in sharing what has worked for us in ensuring a robust business climate here in the Sunshine State.” Silagy has been with FPL and its parent company NextEra Energy, Inc. for more than a decade, having served as senior vice president of regulatory and state governmental affairs, chief development officer, and vice president of business development among other positions. Prior to joining NextEra Energy, he served as vice president, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures at Entergy Wholesale Operations, and as vice president and managing director, Southeast Asia, for The Wing Group, a subsidiary of Western Resources. He also worked for U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston of Louisiana in several capacities, including chief of staff. “The Chamber’s volunteer leadership plays a crucial role in helping to set our policy positions, to serve our members, and to advance our free enterprise mission,” said U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue. “Eric has deep experience in some of our top issue areas, like energy and regulations, and a proven track record of leadership. We welcome him to the Chamber board and look forward to his contributions over the course of his service.” Silagy is the immediate-past Chair of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center. Hobe Sound Pelican Page 10 Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce Calendar Limited to the first 15 who sign up No fee to attend Call 772-546-4724 to attend Aug-Oct 2015 Thursday, September 10th MONTHLY BREAKFAST 8:00-9:15am at Hobe Sound Bible College Schmul Dining Center 11295 SE Gomez Avenue, Hobe Sound Sponsored by: The Terrace at Hobe Sound/ Formerly The Manors at Hobe Sound Guest Speaker: Laurie Gaylord, Superintendent of Martin County School District RSVP Required/No Shows Will Be Billed Register online at $12 Members/$15 Non-members continued from page 1 Wednesday, August 26th BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:30-7:00pm Sponsored by Gateway School of Real Estate 11970 SE Dixie Highway, Hobe Sound RSVP Required $10 Members/$15 Non-members/$5 Social Members RSVP online at Thursday, August 27th NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION LUNCHEON 12:00-1:30pm Hobe Sound Bible College Herron Center, Administration Building, 2nd Floor 11298 SE Gomez Avenue, Hobe Sound Sponsored by John Carr, JRC Consulting Group By Invitation ◆ September Meetings ◆ Wednesday, September 2nd AMBASSADORS MEETING 12:00pm Chamber Office Monday, September 7th LABOR DAY Chamber Office Closed Tuesday, September 8th and 22nd HOBE SOUND TOASTMASTERS MEETING 7:00-9:00pm at Hobe Sound Bible College, Administrative Building, Herron Center, 2nd Floor, 11298 SE Gomez Avenue, Hobe Sound Open to Chamber members and the public Call 772-546-4724 for more information. Tuesday, September 15th CHAMBER VOLUNTEER TRAINING/LUNCH 12:00pm Chamber Office Wednesday, September 30th BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:30-7:00pm Sponsored and Hosted by: Avalon Air and Capps Roofing 10810 SE Dixie Highway, Hobe Sound RSVP Required Register online at $10 Members/$15 Non-members/$5 Social Members ◆ October Meetings ◆ Wednesday, October 7th AMBASSADORS MEETING 12:00pm Chamber Office Tuesday, October 13th and 27th HOBE SOUND TOASTMASTERS MEETING 7:00-9:00pm at Hobe Sound Bible College, Administrative Building, Herron Center, 2nd Floor, 11298 SE Gomez Avenue, Hobe Sound Open to Chamber members and the public Call 772-546-4724 for more information. Monday, October 19th BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 5:30pm Chamber Office ◆ October Events ◆ Tuesday, September 15th PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL MIXER 6:00-8:00pm at Fox Brown Outfitters 7600 SW Fox Brown Road, Indiantown By Invitation Only Friday, October 2nd, 9th, 23rd, and 30th SCORE COUNSELING 10:00am-1:00pm at the Chamber Office For information or to schedule an appointment call 772-546-4724 or email Monday, September 21st BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 5:30pm Chamber Office Thursday, October 8th MONTHLY BREAKFAST 8:00-9:15am at Mariner Sands Country Club 6500 Mariner Sands Drive, Stuart Sponsored by Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith Guest Speaker: Michael Josephson, Josephson Institute, Founder of Character Counts RSVP Required No Shows Will Be Billed $16 Members/$20 Non-members Register online at ◆ September Events ◆ Friday, September 4th, 11th, and 25th SCORE COUNSELING 10:00am-1:00pm at the Chamber Office For information or to schedule an appointment call 772-546-4724 or email Tuesday, September 8th COFFEE TALK 8:00am at the Hobe Sound Chamber of Commerce Office Guest Speaker: Josh Calhoun, JC Consulting Topic: Social Media, Website Best Practices, Tools to Use to Save Time & Money Sponsored by JC Consulting Wednesday, October 14th INSIDE HOBE SOUND TOUR 8:30am-2:00pm Begins at the Chamber office then proceeds by bus to points of interest Free and open to the public; space is limited Box Lunch available for $10; order at time of RSVP RSVP Required at 772-546-4724 Thursday, October 22nd COCKTAILS & CONNECTIONS 5:30-6:30pm Hosted & Sponsored by Regions Health Group 8805 SE Bridge Road, Hobe Sound By Invitation Wednesday, October 28th BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:30-7:00pm Hosted & Sponsored by the Law Offices W. Trent Steele 10995 SE Federal Highway, Hobe Sound RSVP Required $10 Members/$15 Non-members/$5 Social Members Thank You Renewals: Since 1996 Martin County Fair Association Since 1999 Edward Jones – Andersen Since 2002 Friends of Jonathan Dickinson State Park Since 2004 AMAC Insurance Agency IguanafarmGroup Since 2005 Carrere General Contractors, Inc. Hobe Sound Deli Pro-Tech Fire Sprinklers Since 2006 Costco – President’s Council Education Foundation of Martin County Since 2007 Almar / Jackson Pools Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast Florida Living Realty – Michelle Tucker Keith & Sons Landscaping Since 2009 The Keyes Company – Peggy Batch Gattone Since 2011 B’ing the Best, Inc./McDonald’s Illustrated Properties – Noreen Slenker Keyes Company – Gena Duvall Seabranch ShipCenter St. John’s Greek Orthodox Church Since 2012 Hobe Sound Art Gallery Hobe Sound Community Chest J. O. Jones Plumbing Old Dixie Café North State Representative Gayle Harrell Tobacco Free Partnership of Marti County Since 2013 Hobe Sound ShipCenter Illustrated Properties – Dooley JRC Consulting Group – President’s Council SelectShred Since 2014 A Team Marketing & Consulting Chapman & Plymale Law Cruise Planners Florence Godino, Social Member Kip Kennedy Mario Mangone Architect The Keyes Company – Hobe Sound The Keyes Company – Kelley Smith Hobe Sound Pelican DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen Celebrates Their 5th Year of Membership in GuildQuality’s Community of Quality DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of SE Florida Relies on GuildQuality to Help Deliver Excellent Customer Service DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of SE Florida (Stuart) is pleased to announce their affiliation of 5 years with GuildQuality. North America’s leading customer satisfaction surveying provider for the residential construction industry, GuildQuality helps thousands of home builders, remodelers, and home services professionals, improve their delivery of customer service. DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of SE Florida (Stuart) strives to provide the best experience possible to their clients, and being a member of GuildQuality’s community of quality serves to support that mission. In order to honestly assess how well DreamMaker is performing, GuildQuality gathers unbiased feedback from their clients, and provides the responses to DreamMaker in real-time, allowing them the opportunity to follow up with clients and correct any mistakes. In addition to assembling authentic feedback from their customers, DreamMaker, now has the opportunity to monitor employee performance and trends more closely. GuildQuality features an advanced reporting suite which enables DreamMaker to analyze their customer feedback in a variety of ways, furthering their understanding about what is working well within their company and what could be improved upon. DreamMaker knows that homeowners, now more than ever, are relying on experiences from previous customers before selecting a company to hire. With that in mind, DreamMaker uses their GuildQuality Member Profile page to display customer comments, project photos, and more. To learn more about DreamMaker and review their customer feedback, visit their GuildQuality Member Profile page at DreamMaker is located at 6118 SE Fed. Hwy., Stuart (just south of Cove Rd. in the Tropical Smoothie Plaza), 772-288-6255, North America’s best contractors, remodelers, and home builders rely on GuildQuality's customer satisfaction surveying, performance reporting, and marketing resources to help them deliver exceptional service, and to promote their quality to prospective customers. For more information, visit A Challenge for the Times – Money and Memory Issues By Steven W. Landwersiek, CRPC®, APMA®, Financial Advisor and Business Financial Advisor, Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. The increasing prevalence of dementia diagnoses such as Alzheimer’s is affecting more families in America. Family members must confront a wide range of issues, from determining when someone is no longer capable of driving, to suitable care giving options, to managing financial affairs. Financial matters can become particularly complex. Ideally, there would be time to prepare a strategy in advance and take the appropriate steps to make sure all is in order. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out that way. Any planning that can be done ahead can make things easier for everyone involved. It isn’t unusual for issues related to dementia to come to light as a person begins to have difficulty managing financial matters, failing to pay bills on time, losing track of funds coming in and going out or even making wildly erratic decisions about their money. As a person’s inability to manage finances becomes more evident, family members need to approach this issue delicately. The person affected may be hesitant to acknowledge that issues exist or resent having other adults tell them how to handle their money. It is best to frame any help in the context of “lending a hand,” not with the implication of taking control of their financial lives. One important step to take well in advance is to designate a person as “power of attorney.” A general power of attorney gives the designated person the ability to act as principal for another, including opening or closing financial accounts. This function no longer applies after an individual becomes incapacitated. At that point, a person who has already been named durable power of attorney assumes control of financial matters on behalf of the incapacitated individual. This person is committed to working in the interests of the person they represent. By having a durable power of attorney designated in advance, family members won’t need to seek court approval to establish a guardianship over financial affairs. If a person who is beginning to face issues related to dementia is working with a financial advisor, that professional should be contacted and a meeting held to discuss the circumstances and to review all financial assets owned by the individual who has memory issues to make sure all are properly titled. Determine sources of income, including Social Security and pensions. Make sure a structure is in place so that all payments are directed to the right accounts. Establishing automatic bill paying will make things easier for the individual and caregivers. Think about insurance. Be sure all life, health, long-term care and disability insurance policies are identified and proper beneficiaries are named. Make certain the right coverage is in place to meet the needs of the individual who might require additional medical attention in the years ahead. Careful planning is Steven W. Landwersiek needed to prepare for expenses related to ongoing care of an individual diagnosed with dementia. Over time, care needs will probably become more significant. A plan should be put in place, including arrangements for in-home care or moving to a facility that can provide the necessary level of support as the condition worsens. These are among the many issues that should be laid out in advance, ideally while a person who faces challenges with dementia is still able to be part of the discussion. If adult children are concerned about issues with their parents, it may be beneficial to get the conversation started soon. Consulting with a financial advisor and an attorney familiar with elder law may also be helpful. Steven W. Landwersiek, CRPC®, APMA® is a Financial Advisor and Business Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in Stuart, Florida. He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 26 years. To contact him call 772-233-4315, or visit the branch office located at 6530 S. Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL. 34997. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 11 IRSC Ranked 3rd Top College in State For Trade Certification A recent conference at Indian River State College took a look at the modern applications of light and light-based technologies. “The Unlimited Power of Photonics and Light” conference was held in celebration of 2015 as the International Year of Light, recognizing how light has revolutionized medicine, opened communication via the Internet and impacted millions of daily lives throughout the world. Over 600 Treasure Coast residents earned trade, technical or health care certifications from Indian River State College this school year propelling IRSC to the third top spot in the state in the Florida College System for the number of graduates earning certification. Certifications are nationally recognized credentials such as Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) or Cisco computer certification that attest to an individual’s knowledge and skills. The affordable hands-on training can be completed in a step-by-step manner to develop increasingly sophisticated skills, which students often combine with working in a related field or while preparing to launch a new career or open a business. The automotive certificate program at IRSC gave Mario Abascal the knowledge and skills to launch his own business, Gearhead Fabrication in Stuart. The young entrepreneur works on super chargers and race cars. Geoff Paddock used his IRSC training in air conditioning as the springboard for Paddock Air Conditioning in Port St. Lucie, where he serves residential customers and property management companies. Programs include industrial training in air conditioning, welding, automotive and manufacturing, computer science, public service and over 20 health care programs. One of the newest programs is the Fast Track to Manufacturing, delivering customized training for manufacturing companies and seven-week boot camps for people seeking employment. Participants earn the Certified Production Technician (CPT) credential from the Manufacturing Skills Standard Council and they can also earn an OSHA 10 workplace safety certification. IRSC also offers apprenticeships, with no tuition cost, in plumbing, electrical, masonry, air conditioning and culinary. Academy-based certificate programs prepare the region’s law enforcement officers and fire fighters. The College’s over 20 health care programs standout as the most prolific generator of certifications and supply a pipeline of employees for Treasure Coast hospitals, nursing homes, physicians, dentists and health care facilities. For more information, visit or call 1866-792-4772. Page 12 Hobe Sound Pelican Dr. Leon Gonyo D.C.,F.I.A.M.A. Introduces Affordable Body Contouring Lipo-Laser (NLAL) and Straight Medical Labs Healthy Weight Loss Systems Dr. Leon Gonyo combines the Straight Medical Labs Healthy Weight Loss program with Body Contour Lipo-Laser (Near Laser Assisted LipolysisNLAL) for a revolutionary approach to fat loss without needles, pain or downtime. Dr. Leon Gonyo is pleased to announce its affiliation with Straight Medical Labs Healthy Weight Loss Program and the introduction of the new Body Contour Lipo-Laser (Near Laser Assisted LipolysisNLAL) Treatment. The Straight Medical Labs & NLAL treatments are a natural partnership for Port Saint Lucie and Stuart Chiropractic Centers as it ties perfectly with the philosophy of preventative care, healthy lifestyle and wellness. The Straight Medical Labs Healthy Weight Loss Program was developed by Dr. Sasson Moulavi M.D. when he noticed a disturbing trend: heart attacks among people in their 30s and 40s. The resulting science-based program uses organic ingredients, triple-filtered water, and hunger-controlling foods such as muffins, shakes, and soups to help clients lose weight without starvation. When the healthy food program is combined with the lipo-laser, clients’ results can be maximized as the fat released by the lipo-laser is used by your body for calories in this unique weight loss program. Lipo-Laser (NLAL) body contouring is the new frontier for fighting fat and getting rid of unwanted inches. The revolutionary lipo-laser NLAL treatment eliminates fat cells with a non-invasive, completely painless procedure. There are no needles, no downtime, and no bruising with the positive impact of permanent fat loss. Single sessions are completed within 20 minutes and when an 8 treatment package is com- bined with the Straight Medical Labs program, clients can expect to lose minimally between ten and fifteen pounds in a month. For more information on Body Contouring LipoLaser (NLAL) or Straight Medical Labs Healthy Weight Loss Program, call Stuart Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center at 772-781-0193 or St. Lucie Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center at 772-789-3444. Receive a complimentary Lipo-Lazer (NLAL) treatment and vibration-plate session today, you have nothing to lose but the fat! THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT.
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