Jan 2015 - CA-2W
Jan 2015 - CA-2W
The Wolf Pack, Clovis, CA January 2015 California’s First Place winning Newsletter Table of Contents Announcements/Table of Contents 2 Chapter Directors’ Article 3 Assist. Chapter Director’s Article 4 District Directors’ Article 5 Ride Educators’ Article 6 Rider Education Levels 9 Safe Mileage 10 High Mileage Club 11 Member Enhancement Coordinator Article 12 Pictures from Chapter Gathering 13 Pictures from Christmas Party 14 Pictures from Christmas Party 15 Pictures from Christmas Party 16 January Calendar 17 February Calendar 18 Upcoming Chapter Events 19 2015 District Events 20 CA-2W Support Team 21 CA-2W Active Members 22 California District Team 24 Region “F“ Team 25 GWRRA National Team 26 California Chapters, Meeting Times, and Places 27 Advertisements 28 A word from your editor 29 You can keep current on all the fun and exciting things we do by going to our website at: www.ca2w-gwrra.org See for yourself what the Wolf-Pack is up to! Chapter Pride Wear any Chapter apparel to our monthly breakfast meeting and you’ll have a chance to win a “Surprise Gift” Your next Chapter Social will be on January 8 at 6:30 pm at Great Wall Chinese Cuisine, 1785 Herndon Avenue, Clovis Words from our Chapter Directors Larry and Linda Jenkins Are you ready for this “E” Ticket Ride? What is an “E” Ticket Ride? If you were around in the Sixties and Seventies and went to Disneyland in Los Angeles you would have remembered (maybe) -----if not ---anyways when you went to Disneyland, you purchased a booklet of ride tickets to go on rides. The Matterhorn ride was an “E” ticket ride and the Cars on Main Street ride was an “A” ticket ride. Now an “E” ticket ride was a ride that could scare you, shake you up, get your heart racing---but it was set up to be fun. On Thursday January 1, 2015 we are taking over as your Chapter Directors and we relate this to riding the Matterhorn (“E” Ticket Ride). We are a little scared and we might get shaken up and make mistakes. Our Hearts will race when there is an issue that we do not know how to handle, but with your help and support all will be good. We will have fun and hope you will too. So on January 3rd please come to the chapter gathering and have fun, laugh at our mistakes; join us at our socials, team meetings, rides and other chapter events---but again---have fun. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year Larry & Linda Jenkins Chapter Directors Words from our Assistant Chapter Director Tim Butters Wow where did another year go? I guess it is true the older you get the faster the years go by. I really do not know where to start. We had some great rides this year thanks to Dan. All of our socials were fantastic and the turnout as always was great, thank you Janice for setting those up for us. We had a great success with our chapter raffle this year thanks to all that made it possible. Larry was an animal selling raffle tickets and we had some great sponsors donating not one but two sets of tires. How about the Christmas party this year? Yosemite Falls Café decorated the room for us and the staff, as always, provided excellent service. A few of our members had a tough year. Paty Clyborne gave us a scare but I am happy to say she made it through her ordeal and is healthy now. Mike Machado was in a scary accident on his bike and is on a road to recovery. Finally I would like to thank all the officers that served for the last two years. These people give many hours every month to plan and organize all the events we enjoy every month. Steve and Teri our chapter directors, they had some challenges that tested them but did not waiver in their commitment to our chapter and made it a fun two years. Assistant CD’s Joe, Shirley, Larry and Linda, what can I say. They were our ambassadors to many rallies. Larry was everywhere with his camera taking pictures like a madman. Larry also took on the chapter newsletter. Shirley also did double duty as our chapter educator. Shirley does a great job coming up with new topics not only for our newsletter but at our meetings as well. Dan thanks for putting great thought and planning into our rides. I know it is no small task putting these routes together. Dan also is in charge of our ways and means. The SaveMart rewards cards have put extra money into the chapter so we can continue to operate thanks to him. Paty, as our membership enhancement coordinator, has been keeping on top of chapter memberships. Ross handles our 50/50 every month and always does a great job. Janice, thank you for arranging all of our socials as our public relations person. I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to see what Larry and Linda have in store for us in 2015 Tim Butters Assistant Chapter Director CA-2W The Wolf Pack Words from our District Directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh Happy New Year!! The presents have all been exchanged, the boxes and wrapping paper discarded, and the tree packed away for another year. Hopefully, you were on Santa’s “nice” list and got everything you deserved, if not, next year work harder to get on the “naughty” list and guarantee yourself getting everything on your wish list (it worked for Princess). Now it’s time to take a peek at this year’s GWRRA’s activities and looks like another full year of fun! On the 24th of this month, California has its annual Officer’s Conference at the Double Tree hotel in Bakersfield. Most of us think of it as an officer’s only meeting because all of the chapters’ officers are supposed to attend, but the meeting is open to all members and, yes, the $25 lunch fee and hotel costs are legitimate expenses that the chapters are expected to pay for if their bank balance permits. The meeting runs all day and then Princess and I will be hosting a party in our suite with food and beverages. Last year we had about 75 people at the party and we are hoping to double that number this year. Please let your Chapter Director know by the 12th of this month so they can get us an accurate headcount for lunch. Last year, Princess and I were able to attend every chapter’s rally, the Officer’s Conference in Bakersfield, Region F’s Convention in Utah, the Horizon’s Certification Training course in Riverside, the “Lead Like You Ride” Certification Course in St. George, the California District Convention in Agoura Hills, and Wing Ding in Madison Wisconsin. Combined with the weekends I teach at Streetmasters and I think we were home for five weekends in all of 2014. Like many of you, we still work full-time and, fortunately, our real estate business has started to pick up. This means that this year we will not be able to attend all of the events so we were left with the dilemma of how to decide which chapter events to attend. Out of fairness, we will be attending the chapters that did not hold a rally last year: chapters CA1-S, CA2-A, CA2-J, CA2-Q, and CA2-S and then we will randomly draw 4 chapters at the Officer’s conference and will commit to attending those events as well. Just a quick reminder to all Chapter Directors and Treasurers that your yearly financial statements are to be submitted at the Officer’s Conference and the receipt for your 990-N needs to be submitted to Princess by the 12th. Until we see you in Bakersfield, ride well and ride often. -Princess and Vincent Puterbaugh Words from our Chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Hi everyone this is going to be my last article for 2014. Joe and I want to thank Steve and Teri for having the spunk to stick with the chapter thru thick and thin. For those of you who have never been in the position they were in it’s not easy to hang in when there is so much unrest. They were real troopers and did what they had to do. For that we commend them! Job well Done. Larry and Lindy Jenkins will be our new chapter directors. We all need to rally around them and give them all our support to continue to make this chapter a great one. That being said we’re on to another year with a lot of rallies and riding to do. We’re looking forward to the New Year !! Passing: Words from our Chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Words from our Chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado That wraps up this year. Remember to Ride Safe and Ride your Ride. Shirley and Joe Machado Rider Educators CA-2W Clovis CA The Wolf Pack Level I: Safe Rider Program Jim Conrad Butch Erlewine Mary Erlewine Ken Gong Lance Haxton Johnnie Johnson Mike Machado Athena Netz Becky Overley Beverly Pruitt Mary Richardson Marge Vigil Level II: Tour Rider Program R R C R R R R R R R C C R = Rider C = Co-Rider B = Both As of: December 1, 2014 Level IV: Master Tour Rider Randy Hopkins Rich Richardson Steve Rippe Teri Rippe Level III: Certified Tour Rider Tim Butters Paty Clyborne Ross Clyborne Bill Dimmer Kris Hall Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Alan Larson Hans Mikkelsen Dan Netz Diane Netz Scott Overley Lonnie Vigil R R R R R R C R R R C R R Senior Master Tour Riders R R R C Joe Machado Shirley Machado R R To learn more about how you can move up to the next ride level, talk to your Chapter Educator, Shirley Machado. It’s easy, fun, and you will learn techniques to ride your bike more safely. Ride safety is what GWRRA is all about! Note: the above lists contain active members only. Safe Mileage: Mileage as a member of Gold Wing Road Riders Association without an accident. Updated 12-01-2014 5,000 Miles Bill Dimmer Ken Gong Kris Hall Lance Haxton Johnnie Johnson Mike Machado Athena Netz Becky Overley Beverly Pruitt Marge Vigil 15,000 Miles 50,000 Miles Hans Mikkelsen Diane Netz Jim Conrad 25,000 Miles 75,000 Miles Paty Clyborne Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Alan Larson Dan Netz Rich Richardson Ross Clyborne 100,000 Miles Steve Rippe 10,000 Miles Tim Butters Randy Hopkins To update any of this information, please see your Chapter Educator Shirley Machado. Note: This list contains Active members only. 200,000 miles 30,000 Miles Shirley Machado Teri Rippe 225,000 miles Joe Machado 40,000 Miles Scott Overley 300,000 miles Butch Erlewine High Mileage Club: All the mileage on any motorcycle since becoming a licensed driver of motorcycles. Updated as of December 01, 2014. 50,000 miles Tim Butters Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Hans Mikkelsen Teri Rippe Scott Overley Lonnie Vigil 100,000 miles 250,000 miles Paty Clyborne Ross Clyborne Dan Netz Steve Rippe Joe Machado 300,000 miles Jim Conrad Rich Richardson 150,000 miles 450,000 miles Randy Hopkins Butch Erlewine 200,000 miles 500,000 miles Shirley Machado To update any of this information, please see your Chapter Educator Shirley Machado. Note: this list contains Active members only. Johnie Johnson Lou Allen Words from our Membership Enhancement Coordinator Paty Clyborne HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and/or a Happy Holiday. Wow! 2015 hard to believe another year has come and gone. This month I would like to talk about rentals. With the New Year maybe some of you will want to take a vacation, or find yourself in need of a car. Avis Car Rental - You can save up to 25% off your next car rental while experiencing the comfort and reliability that come with renting from Avis. With 4,800 locations in over 40 countries, there’s always an Avis nearby to help you with your car rental needs. To rent a car, visit Avis or call toll free 1-800-331-1212 and remember to use your GWRRA Avis Discount number B291029 to enjoy these special savings! Budget Car Rental- Make your budget go further by getting a great deal on a great car from Budget. As a GWRRA member, you’ll get an amazing deal every time you rent- up to 25% off Budget’s great rates. To book your car, visit Budget Car Rental or call toll free 1-800527-0700 and mention the GWRRA BCD number R198129 to receive your discount. Make the smart choice, rent Budget and start saving today! This is for those times when for whatever reason, you are not on your bike. P.S. If you missed the Christmas party or the trip to the light show you missed a great time. Thank you again to Dan and Diane Netz (they know why) Hope to see you all at the meetings Thank you, Paty Clyborne Membership Enhancement Coordinator Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café on December 6 Christmas Party on December 13 at Yosemite Falls Cafe Christmas Party on December 13 at Yosemite Falls Cafe Christmas Party on December 13 at Yosemite Falls Cafe January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1New Year Day 2 Sat 3Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Meeting at 9:00 am 4 5 6 7 8Chapter So- 9 10 16Friday 17 cial at 6:30 pm Great Wall Chinese 1785 Herndon Avenue, Clovis 11 12 13 14 15 Night Out 6:30pm 18 19 20Team Meet- 21 22 23 ing at Brooks Ranch dinner at 6:00 pm. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm 25District Staff Meeting in Bakersfield, CA 26 27 24District Staff Meeting in Bakersfield, CA 28 29 30 31 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7Chapter Event CA-1I in West Covina, CA 8 9 10 11 15Hans Mik- 16 17Team Meet- 18 kelsen ing at Brook’s Ranch dinner at 6:00 pm 22 23 24Tim Butters 25 12Chapter 13Mike Ma- 14Chapter Social at 6:30 pm chado Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Meeting at 9:00 am 19 20Ken and 21 Angie Gong 26 27Friday Night Out 6:30pm 28 Upcoming Events for CA-2W: January 2015 Jan. 1 New Year’s Day (Happy New Year) Jan. 3 Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering start time is 9:00 am. Jan. 8 Chapter Social Great Wall Chinese Cuisine 6:30pm 1785 Herndon Avenue, Clovis Jan. 16 Friday Night Out to be announced Jan. 20 Team planning meeting at Brook’s Ranch. Meeting at 7:00pm Dinner at 6:00 pm Jan. 24-25 District Staff Meeting in Bakersfield, CA. All are invited. Lunch is $25.00 per person and Rooms are $89.00 a night. If you would like to attend please see Teri Rippe or Larry Jenkins for details. Must pay in advance by 1/12/15 Next Month’s Chapter Events February 7 Chapter CA-1I in West Covina, CA February 12 Chapter Social to be announced February 14 Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering start time is 9:00 am. February 17 Team Meeting at Brook’s Ranch 6:30 pm February 27 Friday Night Out to be announced Meeting Locations: Point North will be at the Starbucks on Herndon at Golden State. Point South will be at Brook’s Ranch, Chestnut at Hwy 99. Seminars will be at Clawson’s Motorsports 6334 N. Blackstone, Fresno. Upcoming Chapter Events for California Chapters Date Chapter and Place Pre-register cutoff February 7, 2015 CA-1I in West Covina, CA To be announced March 27-29, 2015 CA-1R in Mesquite, NV To be announced April 11, 2015 CA-1A in Lancaster, CA To be announced April 19, 2015 CA-1Q in Buena Park, CA To be announced May 2, 2015 CA-1K in Canoga Park, CA To be announced May 16. 2015 CA-2K in Fairfield, CA To be announced June 6, 2015 CA-1L in San Luis Obispo, Ca To be announced June 14, 2015 CA-1D in Paramount, CA To be announced June 27, 2015 CA-2N in Sonora, CA To be announced July 18, 2015 CA-C in Sacramento, CA To be announced September 19, 2015 CA-2W in Fresno, CA To be announced September 26, 2015 CA-1Z in Rainbow, CA To be announced September 27, 2015 CA-1V in Victorville, CA To be announced October 10, 2015 CA-2R in Redding, CA To be announced October 17, 2015 CA-1M in Redland, CA To be announced October 24, 2105 CA-1F in San Diego, CA To be announced Upcoming events for District, Region, National Date Location Pre-register cutoff May 22-25, 2015 Region “F” in Tuscon, AZ June 17-21, 2015 Reno Rendezvous in Reno, NV September 3-7, 2015 District Convention To be announced To be announced September 3-6, 2015 GWRRA Wing Ding in Huntsville, AL See Wing World Mag. October 2014 issue To be announced See Wing World Mag. October 2014 issue Chapter CA-2W Support Team CA-2W Chapter Directors Larry and Lindy Jenkins 559-718-8665/559-718-8837 lejlkj@sbcglobal.net lindy18@sbcglobal.net CA-2W Assistant Chapter Director Tim Butters tbutters@comcast.net CA-2W Chapter Educator Shirley Machado (559) 471-9190 jsmachado58@sbcglobal.net CA-2W Assistant Chapter Educator Joe Machado (559) 471-9190 jsmachado58@sbcglobal.net CA-2W Treasurer Teri Rippe (559) 240-5966 terih20man@aol.com CA-2W Ride Coordinator Dan Netz (559) 392-1237 netzfamily@sbcglobal.net CA-2W Chapter Store Teri Rippe (559) 240-5966 terih20man@aol.com CA-2W Membership Enhancement Coordinator Paty Clyborne vstarlady@sbcglobal.net CA-2W Public Relations Janice Allen academykid@comcast.net CA-2W Web Master Sean Lewis (559) 347-4278 Sean_lewis@ymail.com CA-2W Ways and Means Dan Netz (559) 392-1237 netzfamily@sbcglobal.net CA-2W 50/50 Chairperson Ross Clyborne vstarlady@sbcglobal.net CA-2W Newsletter Editor Steve Rippe (559)298-2456 1gwrider@att.net CA-2W Individual of the Year Mike Machado CA-2W Sunshine Coordinator Lindy Jenkins (559) 718-8837 lindy18@sbcglobal.net Chapter Web Site www.ca2w-gwrra.org Chapter CA-2W Members Members Last Name First Name Allen Allen Butters Butters Cardoza Clyborne, Clyborne, Conrad Conrad Derfeldt Derfeldt Dimmer, Gong, Hall Haxton Hopkins Jenkins Jenkins Johnson, Larson Larson Lewis Lewis Machado Jr, Machado Machado Mikkelsen, Netz, Netz, Netz, Overley, Overley, Pruett Richardson, Lou Janice Tim Suzanne (Sue) David (DD) Ross Paty Jim Ann Dan Mary Ann William Ken Kris Lance S Randy Larry Lindy Johnnie CC Alan Sandra Ann Sean Diane Joe Shirley Mike Hans Dan Diane Athena Scott Becky Beverly Richard Celebration Dates Birthdate Anniversary April 19, March 25, February 24, April 21, July 28, September 19, December 13, August 10, December 19, November 25, September 24, November 13, October 30, May 19, November 18, October 21, September 7, November 25, November 9, September 23, September 18, March 17, February 13, February 15, September 9, August 15, November 28, November 20, August 13, June 22, March 25, June 4, June 4, June 12, June 12, July 28, July 28, May 21, May 21, February 20, May 3, May 3, September 28, September 28, March 28, March 28, June 7, June 7, December 23, October 24, October 24, July 24, July 24, June 19, Year Joining GWRRA April, 2002 April, 2002 June, 2009 December 2014 January, 2014 June, 1987 June, 1987 October, 2000 September, 2012 September, 2008 April, 2009 September, 2008 February ,2012 January, 2009 April, 2005 April, 2005 July, 2007 June, 2011 June, 2011 July, 2014 July, 2014 April, 1994 April, 1994 July, 2013 April, 2010 March, 2009 March, 2009 March, 2009 October, 2009 October, 2009 August, 2013 September, 2005 The above list is of active members only. If you think that there are any errors here, please contact Steve Rippe. Chapter CA-2W Members (cont.) Members Last Name First Name Richardson, Rippe, Rippe, Styles (Netz) Mary Steve Teri Lisa Celebration Dates Birthdate Anniversary December 27, April 8, June 8, June 21, June 19, March 10, March 10, Year Joining GWRRA November, 2009 July, 2006 February, 2007 March, 2009 The above list is of active members only. If you think that there are any errors, please contact Steve Rippe. GWRRA - www.gwrra.org go to Benefits to learn about the following: - Rescue Plus Towing - Gold Book - Financial Services and Insurance - Discounts at hotels - Wireless Discounts - Office Max - Sears - and much more! Call Customer Service for GWRRA – 1-800-843-9460 Email customer Service – CustomerService@GWRRA.org Go Online – www.gwrra.org/members (easiest way to update information) California District Team California District District Directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh (951) 435-6000 (Vincent) (951) 453-9867 (Pamela) vincentputerbaugh@gmail.com pamputerbaugh@gmailcom California District Assistant District Directors John and Linda Boman (951) 440-0657 (John) (951) 259-5277 (Linda) jdboman@yahoo.com iwolter5@yahoo.com California District Treasurer Diana Hibden (310) 638-2830 normanhibden@sbcglobal.net gwrraladyrider@gmail.com California District District Educator Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 mburke24@sbcglobal.net California District Assistant District Educators Nick and Terri Riolo (209) 462-6122 Terri.riolo@yahoo.com sheriff.riolo@gmail.com California District District Photographer Jim Miller 760-275-0314 ctocunret@aol.com California District Membership and Retention Coordinators Garrett (Gary) and Dee Bowers (661) 729-6754 gd.bowers@verizon.net California District Assistant Membership and Retention Coordinators Steve and Alma Sprenkle (619) 585-9112 ss5855@yahoo.com California District Lady Ride Coordinator Special Interest Group (SIG) Diana Hibden (310) 638-2830 gwrraladyrider@gmail.com California District District Store Managers Robert and Tina Gulley rgulley1@msn.com California District Convention Coordinators Bill and Rene Johnson (707) 631-4102 Bill.Johnson. GWRRA@gmail.com California District Vendor Coordinator California District Chapter of the Year OPEN POSITION California District Parking Lot Practice Trainer (PLP) Mike and Elma Maury (858) 485-7216 mmaury@san.rr.com California District Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year Coordinator (COY) (IOY) Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 mburke24@sbcglobal.net California District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Robert and Linda Harmon (661) 810-5154 (Bob) (661) 810-5157 (Linda) Bharmon85@gmail.com Lharmon428@gmail.com California District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Assistants Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 clark8clan@roadrunner.com California District Couple of the Year Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 clark8clan@roadrunner.com Member of CA-1A California District Medic First Aid Coordinators Robert and Linda Harmon (661) 810-5154 (Bob) (661) 810-5157 (Linda) Bharmon85Wgmail.com Lharmon428@gmail.com California District Medic First Aid Assistants Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 clark8clan@roadrunner.com California District Individual of the Year Ken Parmann Member of CA-1L California District District Artist Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 mburke24@sbcglobal.net California District Newsletter Editor Pamela Puterbaugh (951) 453-9867 pamputerbaugh@gmail.com California District Web Master Scott Wienke Coordinator OPEN POSITION scott@iwienkedesign.com CA District Web Site www.gwrra-ca.org Southwest Region F (fun) Team Region F Directors Keith and Teresa Morrison (505) 922-9250 (505) 414-7239 (Keith’s) (505) 414-7238 (Teresa’s) Morrison-GWRRA@comcast.net mrskeithbrianmorrison@comcast.net Region F Assistant Directors Joyce and Rick Elmore (970) 619-8140 (303) 803-3748 (Joyce) (303) 803-5378 (Rick) jelmore16@gmail.com Region F Assistant Directors Cathy and George Diaz (949) 551-4896 (949) 302-8664 (Cathy) (714) 813-6989 (George) geocatdiaz@sbcglobal.net Region F Treasurer Patti O’Neill-Esposito and Sal Esposito (408) 244-7722 (408) 639-0415 cell pattioneill.gwrra@gmail.com Region F Educators Dave and Dee Gormley (520) 749-5653 ddfroggy@aol.com Region F Leadership Trainers Garry Howland (303) 677-0203 scott4life@sprintmail.com Region F Assistant Educator Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 mburke@sbcglobal.net Region F Assistant Educators and Medic First Aid Training Coordinators Joel and Marti Winkler (626) 969-7486 jwinkler7@charter.net martwinkle@yahoo.com Region F Assistant Educators and Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Mike and Barri Critzman (760) 786-3405 itsawingthing@hotmail.com Region F Membership Enhancement Coordinator Kenneth and Cindy Kelly (623) 229-9339 (623) 297-3620 azpurplerider@gmail.com Region F Assistant Trainers Harry and Amy Jenkins (505) 730-6267 Hwjenkins2@comcast.net Region F Region Store Sallie and John Baldwin (480) 983-0823 jsbaldwins@msn.com Region F Public Relations Coordinators Dennis and Karen Long (262) 366-6206 Cactus924@cox.net Region F 2015 Chapter of the Year Colorado Chapter L Lakewood, CO Region F Couple and Individual of the Year Coordinators JoAnn and Jim MacLean (661) 251-5420 ka6vjf@pacbell.net Region F Couple and Individual of the Year Assistant Coordinators Rich Mason (562) 315-5213 rvmason@charter.net Region F Couple of the Year (COY) Bob and Jan Wills wingnjeep2@live.com Region F Individual of the Year (IOY) Brian Lape jblape@comcast.net Region F Convention Vendor Coordinators Donna and Larry Pickens (661) 726-5145 (661) 547-2733 (Donna) (661) 547-3166 (Larry) djpick5@verizon.net Region F Assistant Convention Vendor Coordinators Jan and Ken Pedder (661) 810-7606 (Jan Cell) (661) 943-7014 (home) Region F Newsletter Editors Tom and Vicki Lorenz (714) 968-4393 (714) 801-8664 (cell) webetv@socal.rr.com Region F Assistant Region Educator/ Rider Course Training Coordinator This is an open position at this time. Region F Webmaster Tom and Lisa Evans (575) 652-3144 (732) 809-2184 (cell) evans@att.net Region F Web Site www.gwrra-regionf.org GWRRA National Team GWRRA Nation Team Directors Ray and Sandi Garris (602) 404-6875 director@gwrra.org GWRRA Nation Team Directors of Divisions/Programs Dave and Gwen Carter (815) 477-9893 foxwing1@sbcglobal.net GWRRA Nation Team Director of Finance Jeffrey Liner (423)336-5835 GWRRA Nation Team Member Enhancement Directors Bob and Karla Greer (770) 473-1316 MEPDIR@att.net GWRRA Nation Team Rider Education Directors Tony and Michelle Van Schaick (919) 346-1433 avanschaick@nc.rr.com GWRRA Nation Team Leadership Training Director Paul and Cheryl Brosher (260) 344-1646 pbrosher@sbcglobal.net GWRRA Nation Team Editor in Chief Wing World Magazine Kevin Whipps (623) 581-2500 ext 253 editor@gwrra.org editor@wingworldmag.com GWRRA Nation Team Global Affairs Director Deputy Director Overseas Dan and Rachel Sanderovich 972-542-300-311 Israel dan.sanderovich@gmail.com GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Directors East Region A, B, D and N Bob and Nancy Shrader (352) 668-3164 floridadd@msn.com GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Directors Central Region E and H Bill and Dea Ann Gray (918) 231-9371 bgray455@cox.net GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Director Canada Bob and Carolyn Pinet (905) 336-6166 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Director West Region F and I Anita and JR Alkire 4331 Summit Drive La Mesa, Ca 91941-7842 (619) 741-8893 (home) (858) 922-2251 (cell) (619) 741-8859 (fax) jrakire@cox.net GWRRA Web Site www.gwrra.org Gathering Times Chapter Chapter Director(s) Gathering Location 3rd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:30 Gathering @ 9:00 CAC Bob and Nancy Harris (209) 744-8560 sashadad@softcom.net ELKS Lodge #6 6446 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95822 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:15 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1A Lance and Dee Wilson (661) 992-7701 kardude555@yahoo.com Greenhouse Café 1169 Commerce Center Lancaster, CA 93534 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1C Jim and Karen Miller (760) 275-0314 ctocunret@aol.com Burgers & Beer 72-772 Dinah Shore Dr. Rancho Mirage, CA 4th Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1D Cliff Kennish (323) 582-4398 ckennish@aol.com Paramount Elks Lodge 8108 E. Alondra Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1F Tammy Burmeister (619) 335-3260 cd.ca1f@gmail.com Broken Yolk Café 1851 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1I George and Norma Mocabee (626) 945-5988 Ca1igoldwinger@yahoo.com Denny’s 546 W. Baseline Rd. Glendora, CA Last Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1K Ken Freeland (818) 370-3572 qwrraca1k@aol.com Denny’s Diner 8330 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91304 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1L Bob and Barbara Dowdy (805) 226-9175 mcbob2@att.net IHOP 212 Madonna Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 2nd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1M Barbara Tait Co-CD (909) 910-4640 Bltait1@msn.com Pepper Steak 26589 Highland Avenue Highland, CA 92346 2nd Sunday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1Q Robin and David Black (562) 505-6682 robinwow3@gmail.com Black Bear Dinner 7005 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90602 1st Sunday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1R Michael and Gayle Davis (949) 916-4761 medavis@cox.net Home Town Buffet 1008 E. 17th St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1S Jo Jolitz (805) 216-6661 GL1800JO@yahoo.com Carrow’s 2401 Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA 93003 3rd Sunday Breakfast @ 7:00 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1V Mike and Barri Critzman (760) 245-9218 itsawingthing@hotmail.com Maxwell’s 17772 Wika Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1Z Ginger and Danny Merritt (951) 285-3597 cd@gwrra-ca1z.org Home Town Buffet 40390 Margarita Rd. Temecula, CA 92591 4th Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2A Greg and Kay Boyajian (559) 638-4931 gwboyajian@comcast.net Old Salles Café 2082 N. J Street Tulare, CA 93274 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2J Alex and Marce Ageev (925) 497-4480 goldwingalex@gmail.com Home Town Buffet 2050 Diamond Blvd. Concord, CA 94520 4th Sunday Breakfast @ 8:30 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2K Steve and Karen Palatino (707) 426-4847 STVNKRN@pacbell.net Benicia Grill II 2390 N. Texas St. Fairfield, CA 94533 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2N Kenneth and Linda Stark (209) 450-6742 flyerq68@yahoo.com Pine Tree Restaurant 19601 Hess Ave. Sonora, CA 95370 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2Q Don and Beth Kuellmer (925) 487-5750 (925) 487-1931 dkuellmer@gmail.com Black Bear Diner 5100 Hopyard Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 2rd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2R Dave Wilson (530) 275-5521 davewilson@redding.net Vittles Restaurant 2685 North Street Anderson, CA 96007 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:45 CA2S Charlie and Deborah Porzio (408) 710-6227 chabragoldwing@gmail.com Home Town Buffet 212 Ranch Drive Milpitas, CA 85035 Law Tigers -- Nationwide Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Law Tigers is a professional association of motorcycle injury lawyers who help riders every day. Our association consists of a skilled group of personal injury lawyers whose mission is to support and promote the well being of motorcyclists. Dedicated to rider safety, awareness, and education, we are committed to the riding community. Benefits to Card Holders Toll-Free, 24-Hour Accident Hotline No Recovery, No Fee For Personal Injury Claims $10,000 Hit-and-Run Reward $10,000 Bike Theft Recovery Free Legal Advice for All Motorcycle Matters Free Representation for Motorcycle Damage Claims Free Online Registration of Emergency Medical Information Benefit Card As both riders and attorneys who have represented thousands of injured motorcyclists, we understand what is important. For this reason, we developed the Law Tigers Free Rider Benefit Card. This card represents a unique program that affords motorcyclists unparalleled peace of mind. Sign up for your free Rider Benefit Card today! Here's what you've been waiting for: The Streetmasters Precision Cornering Motorcycle Workshop is a one day workshop designed specifically for touring, sport-touring, cruiser, and sport bike riders. Personalized motorcycle training to take your skills to the next level. You'll be smoother, more confident, relaxed — ready to take on the curves and have fun doing it. No racing, just proven techniques from expert motorcycle instructors on your own personal highway. Your wait is over. Enroll today! Read about Nancy and Walt's Great Alaskan Adventure as they explore our 49th state and at the same time help raise money to help eradicate breast and ovarian cancer. Two Weeks On Two Wheels In Alaska STREETMASTERS MOTORCYCLE WORKSHOPS P. O. Box 1252 Corona, California 92878-1252 Words from your Newsletter Editor Steve Rippe I guess most of you know me so there’s no point in introducing myself. You wouldn’t believe me anyway. I agreed to take over as newsletter editor because I thought it was only fair that if Larry was taking over my job I should take over his. Even though I’m listed on this thing as the editor, it’s not my newsletter. It is yours. With that in mind I want to remind everyone that if you have something to say this is the perfect venue for your words and ideas. I’m supposed to edit it, not write it. So pitch in and write something! It doesn’t have to be long. Even just a paragraph or two would be nice and only takes a couple of minutes. I won’t always have anything to say, and it certainly won’t always be constructive or even useful. So you guys are going to have to help out. A husband and his wife were sound asleep when suddenly the phone rang. The husband picked up the phone and said, "Hello? How the heck do I know? What do I look like, a weatherman?" He then slammed the phone down and settled into bed. "Who was that?" asked his wife. "I don't know. It was some guy who wanted to know if the coast was clear." January 2015 First Class Mail GWRRA Chapter CA-2W Steve Rippe Newsletter Editor 3225 Keats Ave. Clovis, CA 93619 For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack Rudyard Kipling This newsletter is published monthly for the enjoyment of it’s members and friends of the Clovis chapter of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association for good riding and comradeship.
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