ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Chapter Meeting Agenda May 21, 2016 Brentwood Baptist Church 13033 Landmark Houston, TX 77045 MU KAPPA OMEGA’S MISSION: The members of Mu Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. shall cultivate high scholastic achievement; ethical standards and personal development while supporting family unity and implementing effective programs that positively impact the communities we serve. MEETING PURPOSE: To facilitate the business and operations of Mu Kappa Omega Chapter in accordance with the international guidelines of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Call to Order Meditation Minutes Correspondence Welcoming of Sorors May Birthdays Soror M. Nunn Soror K. Cooper-Jones Soror T. Sims Soror V. Southard Soror K. Kearney Soror D. Phills (2 min) (3 min) (3 min) (2 min) (3 min) (2 min) ----------------------------------Sisterly Moments and Networking (10 mins)---------------------------------PLEDGE AND HYMN (5) Finance Table closes REPORTS Executive Committee Tamiouchos Report Soror C. Porter Soror A. Reed (2 min) (5 min) Finance Program Membership ASCEND Target III/Jeans for Teens Target IV/AKA 1908 Playground Target 1 – One Million Backpacks Conference Activities Target I- Think HBCU Target II- Health NAMI Walk Wrap Up Soror A. Reed Soror J. Hill Soror S. Crayton Sorors C. Porter and S. Toussaint Soror T. Brailey Soror Y. Mitchell and R. Brewster Soror A. Andrews and S. Thomas Soror M. Shepherd Soror R. Robinson Soror V. Southard and O. Taylor (5 min) (5 min) (5 min) (3 min) (2 min) (3 min) (2 min) (3 min) (2 min) (2 min) FOR INFORMATION ONLY Target II/Alzheimer Disease NPHCH Archives Committee Soror M. Green Soror C. Joseph-Johnson and S. Mensah Soror K. Clark MKO COMMITTEE REPORTS ACTION ITEMS NEW BUSINESS • Selection of Boule Delegates ANNOUNCEMENTS Soror K. Kearney (5 min) Any and all announcements must be submitted to the Hodegos’ Table by the close of sisterly moments and networking ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INCORPORATED Mu Kappa Omega Chapter April Chapter Meeting Minutes April 16, 2016 Kingdom Builders Center 6011 West Orem Drive Houston, TX 77085 Call to Order: Madame Basileus Madelyn Nunn called the meeting to order at 10:15am. Acceptance of Agenda: Madame Basileus noted the following changes to the agenda: Under Action Items, add Diamond/Golden/Silver Committee and Scholarship, under New Business after Outreach Wrap Up; add Connections under New Business. Soror Jacqueline Caviel properly moved and it was seconded by Soror Jacqueline Watson that the agenda item, Regional Director Candidates and South Central Representative to the International Nominating Committee Candidates be moved to Action Items after Finance to allow the maximum number of sorors to be involved in the voting process. The motion passed without question. Madame Basileus properly moved and it was seconded by Soror Jacqueline Caviel that the agenda be accepted with the noted changes. The motion passed without question. Meditation: Soror Kimberly Cooper-Jones provided the meditation and prayer, Minutes: Soror Tiffany Sims (see written report for details) There were no corrections to the March 2016 Chapter Meeting Minutes. It was properly moved by Soror Tiffany Sims that the March 2016 Chapter Meeting Minutes be adopted as printed. The motion was seconded by Soror Jacqueline Watson. The motion passed without question. Correspondence: Soror Arlette May (see written report for details) Correspondence for March 12, 2016 to April 5, 2016 Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation- Confirmation of $1,000 EAF Contribution Greek Picnic Houston 2016 NPHCH Picnic Co-Chairs Soror Jamila Lloyd & Soror Stephanie Mensah- Invitation to Greek Picnic and to participate in Stroll Off to be held Saturday, May 14th, 2016 at Independence Park, Pearland, TX from 2:00-6:00pm Soror Wanda Walker-Wagner- Invitation for sorors initiated in the Tau Chapter at Indiana University to attend a Reunion at the Intercontinental Buckhead-Atlanta July 8-10, 2016. Mrs. Pat Summers of NAMI Foundation Fort Bend – Thank You Card Soror Kimberly Hardison- Thank You Card Welcoming of Sorors: Soror Kelly Kearney welcomed and introduced the visiting sorors to the chapter. Birthdays Celebration: Soror Dondra Phills recognized sorors with April birthdays. Member at Large Moment: Soror Kim O’Neal reminded sorors to silence their cell phones, during chapter meeting. Any comments/questions/concerns about Mu Kappa Omega can be directed to: Nurturing Our Ivy: Soror Roshanda Johnson challenged sorors to find a soror who went to the same undergraduate universities, take pictures, and post with hashtags #nurturingourivy and #mukappaomega Madame Basileus invited Soror Melba Swafford to give an brief introduction about her new book, “Vital Signs are Stable” by M. Ruth Swafford, MD. It is available on and *************************************************************************************************************** Sisterly Moments and Networking (10:44am-10:54am) Pledge and Hymn ******************************************************************************************************************* Reports Leadership Committee: Soror Candace Robinson and the Leadership Committee presented a skit introducing the theme “Discovering my Best Self…RENEW, RESTORE, REVITALIZE” for this year’s annual chapter leadership retreat to be held on September 16-17, 2016 at the Doubletree Hilton, 6 Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX. Early Bird Registration is $105 and is open through June 30, 2016. From June 30th through August 30th, Regular Registration is $120. The Friday only option is $65/Soror. Room rates at the Doubletree are $99 per night. Self-Parking is $8 per night. Mu Kappa Omega Sorors can register guest sorors via Moolah. If interested in being a vendor at the retreat, please contact Soror Richelle Brewster. Executive Committee (see written report): Soror Theresa Porter stated that there were 189 sorors present at the March chapter meeting. Tamiouchos Report (see written report): Soror Lynette Malone reviewed the beginning and ending balances for the reporting period. Soror Lynette referred the March financial reports to the Audit Committee. MKΩ Committee Reports FINANCE: (see written report) Soror Lynette Malone provided a Finance Refresher on how to access the Payment Center, via Member Clicks to review transactions, RSVPs, and payments made. The Finance Committee is planning to move to a financial software, ie QuickBooks, so if any soror has any experience with this, feel free to join the next Finance meeting at Saltgrass Steakhouse on Southwest Freeway at 6:30pm on April 19, 2016. REGIONAL DIRECTOR CANDIDATES AND SOUTH CENTRAL REPRESENTATIVE TO THE INTERNATIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Regional Director Candidates- During chapter meeting, Mu Kappa Omega sorors were requested to vote on who they want the delegates to vote for at Regional Conference in Little Rock, AR. Madame Basileus shared the list of Regional Director Candidates and then opened up the floor for no more than 3 sorors to give a brief speech on why the chapter should vote in support of or in opposition of each of the candidates. Sorors gave brief comments in the front of the body, as requested. Each Mu Kappa Omega Soror in attendance and in good standing was given a paper ballot and recorded their vote. All the ballots were collected and the following results were announced at the end of chapter meeting under New Business: 1. Soror Katina Semien- 139 votes 2. Soror Brigid Roberson -20 votes 3. Soror Patricia Roberts -10 votes 4. Soror Marian Ann Willard- 2 votes 5. Soror Janice Montague Myles- 1 vote South Central Regional Representative to the International Nominating Committee- Madame Basileus shared the list of candidates for the South Central Regional Representative International Nominating Committee and then opened up the floor for no more than 3 sorors to give a brief speech on why the chapter should vote in support of or in opposition of each of the candidates. Sorors gave brief comments in the front of the body, as requested. Each Mu Kappa Omega Soror in attendance and in good standing was given a paper ballot and recorded their vote. All the ballots were collected and the following results were announced at the end of chapter meeting under New Business: 1. Soror Felicia Layani- 161 votes 2. 3. Soror Kim Powers McCree – 7 votes Soror Keisha Williams – 2 votes Soror Jessica Hill properly moved that the chapter be allowed to caucus at Regional Conference on the candidates for Regional Director and the South Central Representative to the International Nominating Committee should additional information arise or additional candidates runs from the floor. The motion was seconded by Soror Jacqueline Caviel. The motion passed without question. PROGRAM (see written report) Soror Jessica Hill highlighted recent events and thanked sorors for their participation. April 14th: Connections Political Forum – Thank you to Soror Ivy Levingston and Soror Endria Chachere for their leadership with this event. April 2nd- ASCEND Event- Houston Chronicle did a feature on the ASCEND Program featuring the Anti Bullying Campaign. The news article will be shared with the chapter when it becomes available. April 9th- NAMI Walk Fort Bend- Thank you to Soror Oguna Jones, Soror Delores Giles- Hendrix, and Soror Vanessa Southard. Soror Rita Thompson won a medal for her 2nd place win in her age category. April 2nd- Spring Outreach Event at 6000 Telephone Rd- Thank you to Soror Lynsay Gaines and Soror Tomeka Stewart. We received a nice thank you letter from Debra Davis, the Service Coordinator at the facility. Chapter Program Calendar Amendments: o Add Saturday, June 5th 2016 for Brentwood Baptist Church’s Alzheimer’s Program, The Gathering Place. This aligns with the sorority’s LNDS Alzheimer’s Program goal under Target 2: Health. Soror Jessica Hill properly moved and it was seconded by Soror Sharon Anderson that Mu Kappa Omega amend the Program Calendar to add Saturday, June 5th, 2016 for the Brentwood Baptist Church Alzheimer’s Program. The motion passed without question. Perfect Attendance: There were 91 Sorors with perfect attendance in 1st quarter. The winner of the raffle was Soror Theresa Porter. Soror of the Quarter is Soror Arielle Phillips, who attended 12 out of 22 programs in the 1 st quarter. She received a special gift. SNAP Challenge: Family Strengthening- Soror Stephanie Mensah thanked and recognized all sorors who participated in the SNAP challenge in March, which required sorors to eat off of $6.50 a day. Additional information is coming regarding the letter writing campaign. MEMBERSHIP (see written report): Soror Sharron Crayton New Member Orientation was held on Saturday, March 19th with 44 Sorors in attendance. Thank you to Soror Anne Neal, Soror Karen Grant, and Soror Apryl Neal for facilitating this event. Mentoring Program- Soror Monica Kirkland will be reaching out to sorors to help with this. PinkNic- will be held after chapter meeting at Kitty Hollow Park. Thanks to Soror Monika May, Soror Monique Phillips, and Soror Maudrie Leger for leading this event. 330 tickets were sold for this event. Chapter Retreat House Party will be chaired by Soror Arielle Phillips and will be a Pajama Party. Chapter T-Shirt: If you purchased a shirt by April 7th, t-shirts were available for pickup during chapter meeting. Additional orders will be placed before Boule and before Chapter Retreat. Shirts are $25.00 Membership Committee Meeting is Monday, April 25th at 6:30pm at Judge Clouser’s Courtroom at 303 FM 2234 in Stafford. ASCEND: Soror Stephanie Toussaint o Cycle 2 Graduation will be on May 22, 2016 at the Pinnacle Center from 3-6pm. There will be a speed dating with a career event on that day and volunteers are needed to help with this, both male and female. Please contact Soror Arielle Phillips, if interested. o Community Service- 14 ASCEND Students will participate in the Run to Attack Poverty 5K on Saturday April 23, 2016, The Committee is asking for a few sorors to sponsor students’ entry fee of $35.00 to run in this event. Sorors that wanted to sponsor an ASCEND student were asked to see Soror Stephanie Toussaint, at the end of chapter meeting. o The next ASCEND meeting will be on Tuesday April 19th; Location: TBD. TARGET 1: THINK HBCU: Soror Ruthelen Robinson shared a video highlighting the top 3 HBCUs thus far in the Battle of the Alumni, which were: 1) Texas Southern University 2) Southern University and 3) Prairie View A&M University. The ThinkHBCU committee is continuing their fundraising efforts to send an ASCEND Student, Yenifer Gil, on the Gulf Coast HBCU College Tour. The committee raised over $100 during chapter meeting towards the $700 needed by selling baked goods. AWARDS: Soror Toya Anderson shared the first round of award books has been sent in to the Regional Awards Committee. Most Valuable Pearl- The winner of the Most Valuable Pearl was announced, based on the voting that took place during March chapter meeting. The results were: o o o 1st Place: Soror Jessica Hill 2nd Place: Soror Ruthelen Robinson 3rd Place: Soror Theresa Porter TARGET 1- ONE MILLION BACKPACKS: Soror Abena Andrews gave an overview of the Backpack Challenge and encouraged sorors to be a sponsor and donate via Moolah. Soror Abena recognized those sorors who have donated toward the Backpack Challenge thus far with a special gift, during chapter meeting. Only 7 Sorors have donated via Moolah, thus far. In addition, all sorors attending Regional Conference were instructed that they need to bring 4 backpacks each with them. WAYS AND MEANS: Soror Cassandra DeGraffenreid-King gave an overview of the Annual Pink on the Green Golf Tournament, which will be held on Friday, October 7th 2016 at Quail Valley Country Club. The 2016 fundraiser goal is $100,000. Each soror is required to raise at least $125. This can be satisfied by writing a check, selling raffle tickets, getting a golfer, or soliciting companies to purchase a hole-sign, getting companies to be a sponsor. In-kind donations do not count towards your $125 assessment, which includes items such as gift cards, golf balls, golf tees, etc. If you solicit a company, please provide the company name and contact information to Soror Patricia Arbuckle ( and she will personalize a letter to your contact. Raffle tickets are $5 each and are currently available. Raffle ticket stubs should be turned in to Soror Yvette Comeaux and are due by the September chapter meeting. All forms and guidelines will be sent out via email to sorors. Golfer Registration is currently open and early bird registration ends on August 31st. Early Bird Registration is $125 per golfer/$500 per team. Regular registration is from September 1 st through October 3rd and the cost will be $150 per golfer/$600 per team. Walk-up golfers will pay $175 each. Sorors are needed to volunteer to make phone calls to local businesses as a part of the fundraising efforts. Please contact Soror Patricia Arbuckle for more details. NPHC (see written report): Soror Stephanie Mensah reminded sorors about the NPHC Greek Weekend. There will be a Happy Hour on Friday May 13th at the Mosaic Lounge from 5-9pm and on Saturday May 14th, the Greek Picnic at Independence Park from 2-6pm. Soror Stephanie Mensah asked sorors to sign up to bring items for Mu Kappa Omega tent at the Picnic. FOUNDER’S DAY WRAP UP: Soror Adrienne Gibson shared a video of pictures from the HMAC Founder’s Day Event on January 31, 2016 and provided some highlights about the event: Over 1000 sorors were in attendance including vendors, Mu Kappa Omega recorded the 2nd highest in attendance with 156, and the HMAC profited $17,675 from ticket sales. Next year, ticket sales and seating charts will be on the HMAC website. The community service project was a virtual campaign for 2 $5,000 scholarships for Texas Southern and Prairie View A&M Universities. Fundraising efforts will continue through June 2016 because HMAC has not met the $10,000 goal. As of the date of the Wrap Up report, only $2,360 had been donated. If you have pictures of Mu Kappa Omega sorors from the Founder’s Day event, please send to Soror Adrienne Gibson so they can be added to the HMAC website. Soror Adrienne Gibson gave thanks to Soror Sharron Crayton for making a donation from the Membership Budget to the Founder’s Day Budget for Golden Sorors. Soror Adrienne Gibson properly moved and it was seconded by Soror Karen Gibson that be Founder’s Day Wrap Up Report be accepted as printed. The motion passed without question. OUTREACH WRAP UP: Soror Lynsay Gaines provided a wrap up of the Spring Activity held on April 2, 2016 at 6000 Telephone Road. Dr. Cleve Lewis provided a presentation on Aging Well and Soror Uchenna Emenaha led the residents in Zumba exercises. There were 39 senior residents and 49 Sorors in attendance. The details on the expenses and budget were provided in the report, leaving the Committee with a remaining balance of $1.067.48 that will be used for the December Outreach event. The next event will be on December 3rd, 2016. Soror Lynsay thanked her co-chair Soror Tomeka Stewart and all the volunteers. Soror Lynsay Gaines properly moved and it was seconded by Soror Candace Robinson that the Outreach Wrap Up report be accepted as printed. The motion passed without question. DIAMOND/GOLDEN/SILVER COMMITTEE: Soror Karen Gibson recognized first time Golden Sorors: Soror Beverly McConico and Soror Melba Swafford. First time Silver Stars are: Soror Twana Griffith- Faykus, Soror JoAnn Ardoin, Soror Kelley Austin, Soror Ruby Blackmon-Byrd, Soror Tanya Campbell, Soror Lillian B. Curtis, Soror Keasia Daniels, Soror Pamela Greene, Soror Yolanda Nimmer- Williams, Soror Margaret Patton, Soror Natasha Taylor, Soror Samantha Robinson Taylor, Soror Vonda Kay Thomas, and Soror Quandra Williams. Soror Karen stated the Committee will need additional monies from the Chapter because $1,500 of the $1,800 budget has already been spent by the Committee for the Golden and Silver Soror Ads for Regional Conference ($500) and $1000 will be spent on the Golden and Silver Star gifts from the Chapter. Soror Karen Gibson properly moved and it was seconded by Soror Jessica Hill that the Diamond/Golden/Silver Committee receive $600 from the operating budget contingency line item in order to execute the Salute Reception. The motion passed without question. SCHOLARSHIP (see written report): Soror Karen Gibson stated that the Scholarship Committee met and selected 14 continuing recipients and 10 new scholarship recipients. 7 book stipend requests have been received and will be awarded once confirmation/verification of enrollment is received. The Scholarship Luncheon will be held on May 21, 2016 after chapter meeting. You must be RSVP to attend the luncheon by May 8, 2016. The link is provided in the weekly messages and in the report. FOR INFORMATION ONLY Target 2- Health NEW BUSINESS Connections- Soror Ivy Levingston shared that the final contribution for the Five for Flint campaign was $1,200.00. Madame Basileus announced the chapter voting results for the Office of the Regional Director and South Central Representative to the International Nominating Committee. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mu Kappa Omega received the highest rating of 1, during the recent South Central Region E-Team chapter evaluation. Thanks to the Standards Committee, led by Soror Keasia Daniels. The Missouri City Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Incorporated has invited us to participate in their Bowl-a-Thon on April 28, 2016. 4 more sorors are needed, please Soror Tiffany Brailey if interested. Soror Shirley Rose Gilliam is running for Fort Bend ISD School Board Pos 7 on May 7th. Early Voting April 25th - May 3rd. Please see Soror Sharron Crayton to pick up your chapter T-shirts, if ordered by April 7th. Meeting adjourned at 1:12pm. Sisterly Submitted, Tiffany Sims, Grammateus Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Correspondence Originator 1. Antoria C. Frazier for Undergraduate Member-atLarge 2. Danette Anthony Reed 3. FBISD 4. Rho Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Correspondence Report April 6 , 2016- May 15, 2016 Correspondence Brief Antoria C. Frazier, Chapter: Lambda Kappa, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia in the South Atlantic Region. She is currently serving as Parliamentarian for the Lambda Kappa Chapter as well as a member of Target II:Health Promotion Committee and Founders’ Day Committee. Ms. Frazier is running for the office of Undergraduate Member-atLarge. Candidate for Re-Election Supreme Tamiouchos Dear Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter, Thank you for the time and dedication that you put into making Freedom Night an outstanding event at Holley Elementary. The parents, students, and staff at Holley truly enjoyed every moment of the event. It’s really commendable to see how your team worked together to make Freedom Night a success for our students. Since the event, we’ve heard many positive comments from various students, teachers, and parents. Please know that you are welcomed any time at Holley Elementary and that we are grateful for your work. You made a difference on our campus and we believe that it was a memorable event for all parents, students, and staff. We sincerely appreciate your time and efforts. Sincerely yours, Laureen Sanford, Principal Rho Nu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and The Rho Nu Lambda Scholarship Foundation Presents The Kenn Manous Scholarship Alpha Honors Gala “A Night At The Cotton Club” In the short history of our chapter, the Rho Nu Lambda Chapter has provided scholarships and mentored high school students through our Alpha Scholars Educational Program. We are asking for your support to make a donation in exchange for a full color advertisement in our souvenir booklet. There are also 3 levels of Sponsorship available. All donations are tax deductible. All checks payable to The Rho Nu Lambda Scholarship Foundation Quarter page-$25.00 Half page-$50.00 Full page-$100.00 Cover page-$300.00 Patron List-$15.00 Tickets- $50.00 Admission Date: Saturday, September 17, 2016; Time: 7:06pm Place: University of Texas At Dallas Galaxy Ballroom, 800 W. Campbell Rd. Richardson, TX. 75080 We truly want to thank you for supporting this cause. I remain fraternal, Corey Wilson, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Rho Nu Lambda Chapter President 2014-18 5. Thank You Card from Soror Mary Harris 6. Keniece Gray 7. Brendon Taylor Cokes, Class of 2016 8. Thank You Card from Dr. Beverly McConico 9. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Omicron Tau Omega Chapter Sisterly submitted, Soror Arlette A. May Epistoleus Dear Mu Kappa Omega Sorors I would like to thank those who helped to celebrate the life of my daughter, Karen. She was a very unique young lady who loved life to the fullest! Your phone calls, cards, and blessings were greatly appreciated. Thank you for loving and supporting me throughout the years! Sincerely, Soror Mary C. Harris “Your Adopted Golden” Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter Nominee for Second Supreme Anti-Basileus, Dedicated 100% to Supporting Undergraduate Growth & Development ; Great Lakes Region, Omega Chapter City-Wide, Cleveland Ohio Brendon Taylor Cokes, ASCEND program, will be graduating from L.V.Hightower High School on Saturday, June 4th, at 8:30a.m. at the Toyota Center, Houston, Texas. I want to say Thank You to my Sorors of Mu Kappa Omega Chapter of AKA, Inc. Thank you for your prayers, concerns, and your help after the passing of my sister, and my last sibling, Catherine Alston Johnston. Cat’s passing is especially hard for me because she was my second MOM. Both of my grandmothers had passed before I was six months old. Cat was there through Thick & Thin. I tried to move her to Texas, but she was ready to go home after two days. Enclosed is a copy of the funeral program in order to give you a glimpse of her life. Soror Beverly 5th Annual Southern Comfort Kentucky Derby Party, Saturday May 7th, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. Sam Houston Race Park, 7575 Sam Houston Parkway W. Houston, TX. 77064 Cost $75 (Open to Public) Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Executive Board Meeting Minutes May 2, 2016 Corelli’s Italian Café Sugarland, Texas 77478 Call to Order: Basileus Madelyn Nunn called the meeting to order at 7:12pm. Sorors in attendance: Madelyn Nunn, Sharron Crayton, Jessica Hill, Tiffany Sims, Christina Porter, Lucretia Stanfield, Angela Reed, Margaret Patton, Kimberly Cooper-Jones, Shelley Titus Price, Kimberly Clark, Kim O’Neal, Shanae Ivey, Arlette May, Ivory Harrison, Danielle Bess, Kelly Kearney. Meditation Soror Kimberly Cooper Jones provided the meditation. Executive Notes Basileus Nunn asked for reflections from April chapter meeting. It was shared that other than the unusually long length of the meeting, things ran smoothly. Basilues Nunn revealed that Soror Katina Semien was elected as South Central Regional Director at regional conference this past weekend in Little Rock, Arkansas. Soror Keshia Williams was also elected as International Nominating Committee Representative for South Central Region. These sorors will be installed during Boule in Atlanta this summer. In addition, Mu Kappa Omega Chapter also took home several awards at regional nd conference. Sorors LaTonya Bergeron and Reshonda Tate Billingsley won 2 place in their respective categories. Soror Reshonda Tate Billingsley was also the mistress of ceremony at the public meeting. Mu Kappa Omega also took home several achievement awards for Launching New Dimensions international program targets in ASCEND, Family Strengthening and Health Promotion. Basileus Nunn recognized and thanked those sorors who participated on the scrapbook committee. Sorors are reminded that weekly messages should be 100 words or less and should be submitted to no later than Saturday by midnight. In addition, the deadline for reports is the Sunday before chapter meeting by 7pm to Program Update Soror Jessica Hill thanked program chairs for all their hard work. It felt good to be recognized for all the chapter is doing to execute the Launching New Dimensions international program. It was also shared that moving forward the chapter will concentrate its efforts on Target 4: Environmental Ownership and Target 5: Global Impact. These are the two targets throughout the entire country that could use more attention and focus in execution. Membership Update Soror Sharron Crayton thanked everyone for their efforts and support of the chapter PINKnic. The chairman and cochairmen of the event were recognized for a job well done. Currently, the Membership Committee is in the planning stages for upcoming chapter events. The House Party committee for the chapter retreat is being led by Soror Arielle Phillips. There is also a pending sisterly relations activity coming up at the Motown Review on May 28, 2016. The committee is working to get more information on ticket pricing, etc. to share with the chapter. Additionally, the Membership Intake Process (MIP) evaluation summary and feedback is available and will be included in the reports packet for May chapter meeting. Sorors are also reminded that the “Unified Journey in Service and Sisterhood” chapter tshirts are still available for purchase. Financial Update As of 5/2/16, there are 403 members in good standing in the chapter. There are 5 members who are still pending approval from Corporate. It was shared that Soror Lynette Malone will not be in attendance at the May chapter meeting. Anyone needing checks or reimbursement should contact Soror Malone to make arrangements. Grammateus Update There were no updates provided by the Grammateus. Anti-Grammateus Update Soror Christina Porter shared there were 187 members in attendance at the April chapter meeting. Epistoleus Update Soror Arlette May shared the most recent mail items, including a thank you letter from Holley Elementary in Fort Bend ISD for sponsoring Freedom Night. Ivy Leaf Reporter Update Soror Danielle Bess shared both the April Ivy Leaf article and the ad for Boule were submitted. Soror Kimberly Cooper Jones will be available to take pictures during May chapter meeting in Soror Bess’ absence. Hodegos Update There were no updates provided by the Hodegos. Philactor Update There were no updates provided by the Philactors. Chaplain Update Soror Kimberly Cooper Jones shared the prayer team will be in attendance to take prayer requests prior to the start of May chapter meeting. Additional sorors were added to the prayer list, including Soror Kelsey Comeaux for the loss of her grandmother, Soror Kathryn Wallace for the loss of her father, and Soror Mattie Ford. Historian Update Kimberly Clark shared the per the retention guidelines, several files have been purged from storage. This includes financial files that are eight years or older. It was also shared that there is a now a check-in/check-out form available for retrieving items from storage. Parliamentarian Update There were no updates provided by the Parliamentarian. Members at Large Soror Ivory Harrison stated there was a suggestion was given to send two documents when submitting the monthly meeting packet. One with just the agenda and another file with the other reports because some sorors may find it difficult to go back and forth between the electronic document. Following a brief discussion, it was determined the chapter meeting packer would continue to be distributed in one electronic file. Tips on how to navigate the electronic file during chapter meeting can be addressed by the Technology committee at a later date. Suggested topics for the Member at Large topic for May chapter included a reminder to sorors about the purpose of the chapter Members at Large, as well as to address growing size of chapter. Soror Shanae Ivey will serve as the floater, Soror Kim O’Neal will serve as the time keeper and Soror Ivory will be the speaker. Meeting Logistics The May chapter meeting will be held at the Brentwood Baptist Church at 8:45am in order to accommodate the Scholarship Luncheon at 11am. Requests for tables should be submitted to Soror Jessica Hill via email at Soror Jessica Hill shared the discounted cost of the meeting space at KBC has increased to $1750 per month for 2017. The smaller room upstairs is available for $1250 per month. A discussion was held on how to address this concern of meeting space. This information will be shared during May chapter meeting to be decided on by the membership. Committee Reports: Program Membership Finance Awards ASCEND Conference Activities Wrap-up Scholarship Leadership Development Connections Target IV Environmental Ownership Announcements Request for Executive Board are due the Thursday before Executive Board meeting Reminder to send slides to the Technology committee no later than the Wednesday before chapter meeting. Next Executive Board meeting – Tuesday, May 31, 2016. The meeting was adjourned at 8:56pm. Sisterly submitted, Soror Christina Porter Anti-Grammateus FINANCE REFRESHER Need to find copies of past Tamiouchos Reports or the remaining balance in your Committee Budget? Visit the Finance Corner in MemberClicks. SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Program Report May 21, 2016 Sorors, CONGRATULATIONS!! Your efforts and commitment to our community were recognized and rewarded at the 84th South Central Regional Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. Mu Kappa Omega was the overall winner at the Sensational South Central Region for our implementation of Launching New Dimensions of Service Target 1: ASCEND, Target 2: Health and Target 3: Family Strengthening. Your Program Committees will continue to implement effective, creative, and impactful service projects that will need everyone's support and participation. Let's continue on our Unified Journey into Service and Sisterhood. Past Event Summaries (Old Business): Target 1 – Educational Enrichment: ASCEND Coordinator: Soror Christina Porter; Soror Stephanie Toussaint The ACEND students chose to attack childhood hunger on Saturday, April 23,2016 for their Spring community service project with their participation at the "Run to Attack Poverty 5K." All interested ASCEND students were able to participate in the event as a result of soror donations that sponsored their run. We also had ASCEND students participate in the costume contest at the race. Thank you to everyone that helped support this event for our ASCEND students. Target 1 – Educational Enrichment: One Million Backpacks Coordinator: Soror Abena Andrews; Soror Shari Thomas We collected over 85 backpacks and dozens of school supplies at the 84th South Central Regional Conference. If you submitted your backpack after the scheduled chapter drop off, please email Soror Jessica Hill at with the number of backpacks you donated at Regional Conference. Target 3 – Family Strengthening Coordinator: Soror Janet Harry- Taylor; Soror Stephanie Mensah It’s a SNAP! Please do not forget to participate in the Letter Writing Campaign to complete the SNAP Challenge. It is imperative to share our experiences with our state legislators to complete the Challenge. (Please refer to the Family Strengthening Program Report for complete program details.) Upcoming Event Details (New Business): Target 4: Environmental Awareness Coordinator: Soror Yvette Mitchell; Soror Richelle Brewster IMPACT DAY - Saturday, May 21, 2015: AKA Playground Mobilization Day Location: Doris Gardner Ratliff Center for Childhood Development (On the Brentwood Campus) Sorors, Please join us immediately after the Scholarship Luncheon to renew and restore the playground at the Childhood Development Center on the campus of Brentwood Baptist Church. You will need to bring a change of clothes and a smile for this service project. We look forward to seeing you there. Questions contact Soror Richelle Brewster at (Refer to Environmental Awareness Chapter Report for additional updates and details.) Target 3 – Family Strengthening Coordinator: Soror Janet Harry- Taylor; Soror Stephanie Mensah Jeans for Teens -Chairman: Soror Tiffany Brailey Date: Saturday, June 18, 2016; Location: Scrappy Brown's Make plans to participate and volunteer with the Jeans for Teens Committee. This year we are partnering with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Eta Rho Sigma Chapter and Be A Resource for CPS Kids. We are in need of brand new blue jean donations for male and females in adult sizes. There will be a link to collect cash donations if you are not able to bring a pair of jeans. One pair of jeans is valued at $20 via the donation link which can be found in Memberclicks. Questions contact Soror Tiffany Brailey at Target 5: Global Impact Coordinator: Soror Stephanie Boyd-Rogers; Soror Alberta Rencher Soror Stephanie Boyd- Rogers is traveling to Kenya to deliver our handmade dresses to girls in Africa. This is the first round of dresses made by Mu Kappa Omega and the Global Impact Committee that will be donated. Please keep her in your prayers for a safe trip as she serves our global communities. (Refer to Global Impact Chapter Report for additional updates and details.) Target 1 – Educational Enrichment: One Million Backpacks Coordinator: Soror Abena Andrews; Soror Shari Thomas It’s Time for the 2016 RockStar Backpack Challenge. Please refer to the One Million Backpack Program Report for complete details. Target 1 – Educational Enrichment ThinkHBCU Coordinator: Soror Ruthelen Robinson; Soror Mamie Williams Soror donations and participation is needed to sponsor an eager ASCEND Student who has plans to attend Fisk University. Please refer to the Think HBCU Chapter Report for program details and meet the young talented student that needs our help. Target 2 – Health Coordinator: Soror Vanessa Southard; Soror Oguna Taylor Refer to Health Chapter Report for additional updates and details. 2016 Adopted Program Calendar (Updates and Recommendations are highlighted in pink) DAY January Sunday Saturday Saturday DATE 10 – Jan 9 – Jan 16-Jan PROGRAM Officers/Committee Training ASCEND Program - Target 1 Chapter Meeting / Nurturing Our Ivy Monday Sunday 18-Jan 31-Jan TBD MLK Day of Service - IMPACT Day - Target 3 HMAC Founders' Day New Dimensions Target 4 Program (No Program Planned) February Saturday 6-Feb ASCEND Program - Target I Friday Saturday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday 5-Feb 6-Feb 20-Feb 23-Feb 25-Feb 27-Feb Pink Goes Red Heart Health Day and Zumba/Dinner - IMPACT Day - Target 2 HMAC Health Symposium - Pink Goes Red - Target 2 Chapter Meeting/ Reactivation Breakfast/ Nurturing Our Ivy Black History Program – Target 5 Think HBCU Educational Enrichment Expo – Target 1 ASCEND - March Session March Friday Sunday Saturday Saturday 4- Mar 6-Mar 19-Mar 26- Mar Youth Aging Out of Foster Care – Depelchin – Target 3 AIDS Walk - Target V Chapter Meeting / New Member Orientation/ Nurturing Our Ivy ASCEND Program – Target 1 April Saturday Saturday Saturday Thursday Saturday Saturday May Saturday Saturday Saturday June Saturday Saturday Monday Saturday Saturday 04/28 - 05/01 2-Apr 2 – Apr 9-Apr 14 – Apr 16-Apr 23-Apr TBD 84rd South Central Regional Conference Outreach Activity - 6000 Telephone – Target 2 & 3 ASCEND Program – Target 1 AKA/NAMI Awareness Day - IMPACT DAY - NAMI Walks Ft. Bend County Connections – Candidate Forum Chapter Meeting/ Chapter Pinknic ASCEND Community Service Project Sisterly Relations - Nurturing Our Ivy 7 – May 21-May 21-May 22- May ASCEND Program Chapter Meeting/ JFT & Chapter Scholarship Luncheon/ Nurturing Our Ivy IMPACT DAY - 1908 Playground Mobilization Day - Target 4 ASCEND Graduation 11-Jun 11-Jun 06/20 18- June 25- June TBD Chapter Meeting / Nurturing Our Ivy Target 4 - Environmental Ownership Paper Shredding Event IMPACT DAY - The Longest Day Alzheimer's Support Activity – Target 2 Jeans for Teens - Target 3 Family Strengthening Brentwood – The Gathering Place – Alzheimer’s Project New Dimensions Program: Target 4/ Target 5 July 7/9 to 7/14 TBD TBD Boule - Atlanta, GA Sisterly Relation Activity IMPACT DAY - Mental Health Awareness Day (Observance to be held at International Conference) August TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 1,000,000 Backpack Drive – Target 1 1,000,000 Backpack Drive - Target 1 Sisterly Relation Activity Think HBCU – Target 1 ASCEND Orientation & Kick Off CPR Training - Target 2 September Mon - Fri. October Saturday Monday Saturday 9/16-9/17 TBD TBD TBD 9/19 - 9/23 Chapter Meeting/ Chapter Retreat / Nurturing Our Ivy UNCF Walk for Education ASCEND Program New Dimension Program – Target 5 Think HBCU Awareness Week 15-Oct 16-Oct 16-Oct 22-Oct 24-Oct 29-Oct TBD TBD TBD TBD Chapter Meeting / Nurturing Our Ivy Sisterly Relations (Chapter Fellowship/ Worship) Childhood Hunger Awareness Day - IMPACT DAY Health Symposium - Target 2 Health United Nations Day Alzheimer's Walk Pink on the Green Fall Think HBCU Event ASCEND Program United Nations Day 19-Nov TBD TBD TBD TBD Chapter Meeting / Nurturing Our Ivy Health Symposium – Target 2 SETX Cluster ASCEND Program New Dimension Program – Target 3 TBD 10-Dec TBD TBD TBD Outreach Activity – Target3 Chapter Meeting / Nurturing Our Ivy ASCEND Program – Target 1 New Dimension Program - Target 3 Sisterly Relations Activity November December Have you joined a Committee? Start your “Unified Journey in Service and Sisterhood”! How Do I Sign Up in Member Clicks? Go to Member Center - Member Profile - My Profile (tab) - My Features (tab) - select E-List 2016 New Dimensions Program Committees and Coordinators Target Coordinator Target I - Educational Enrichment Target I - Educational Enrichment Target II - Health Promotion Target II - Health Promotion Target III - Family Strengthening Target III - Family Strengthening Target IV - Environmental Ownership Target IV - Environmental Ownership Target V - Global Impact Target V - Global Impact Think HBCU Think HBCU AKA One Million Backpacks AKA One Million Backpacks Outreach Coordinator (6000 Telephone Rd.) Outreach Coordinator (6000 Telephone Rd.) Connections Connections Black History Chairman Soror Stephanie Toussaint Soror Christina Porter Soror Vanessa Southard Soror Oguna Taylor Soror Stephanie Mensah Soror Janet Harry- Taylor Soror Yvette Mitchell Soror Richelle Brewster Soror Stephanie Boyd- Rogers Soror Alberta Rencher Soror Ruthelen Robinson Soror Mamie Williams Soror Abena Andrews Soror Shari Thomas Soror Lynsay Gaines Soror Tomeka Stewart Soror Ivy Levingston Soror Endria Chachere Soror Tawanna Cheri SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Membership Committee Report May 21, 2016 The Membership Committee met on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 6:30pm in Judge Clouser’s Courtroom. 33 Sorors were in attendance. The committee shared feedback on how well everyone enjoyed the PINKnic, which was held on Saturday, April 16th. The committee had $800 seed money coupled with ticket sales to fund the event. The following is a wrap-up of costs for tickets sales and vender services: Tickets Sold: Sorors: 153 x $15 = $2,295.00 Adult Guests: 120 x $15 = $1,800.00 Children: 61 x $10.00 = $610.00 Total Ticket Sales: $4,705.00 + $800 (seed money) = $5,505.00 - Food: $2,223.00 - T-Shirts: $2,049.05 - DJ: $225.00 - Moon Walk: $150.00 Vendor Costs: $4,647.05 Balance: $857.95* *A few additional reimbursements are pending for expenses associated with decorations, games, toiletries, etc. A final balance will be presented at the May 23rd Membership Committee Meeting. Great event planning and execution by Sorors Monika May, PINKnic Committee Co-Committee Chairmen, Sorors Maudrie Leger and Monique Phillips. Soror Arielle Phillips thanked Sorors who assisted with the skit and “roll-out” of planning efforts for our pending “House Party”, which will take place during the chapter’s Retreat, scheduled for Friday, September 17th and Saturday, September 18th. Do you like to have fun, dance, "let your hair down"…all while in your PJs? If so, then we could use your creative ideas to help make our Retreat House Party planning a continued success. Please contact our energetic House Party Chairman, Soror Arielle at, if you would like to join this fun-spirited sub-committee. Sorors, let's support our chapter member, Soror Tenechia Beal by joining us on Saturday, May 28th to enjoy the "Thrill on the Hill" Dancin' in the Streets...Motown and More Revue: HBCU and Greek Night! Entry to and viewing of this event (from the hill) is FREE! So, bring your blankets, lawn chairs, coolers, picnic baskets full of goodies and come out and enjoy! Please refer to the link provided in the weekly message to purchase tickets for the VIP Tent Party Pass, Cloud 9 Level Show Ticket (Rows D - O), and a Custom Greek Night/Event T-Shirt. Also, please refer to the separate message sent on May 14th with additional ticket purchases. If you are available to assist with securing seats on the hill, prior to the event start time, please e-mail Soror Tenechia at for additional logistics. Please see the following results from the MIP Evaluations. These comments will be forwarded to the Regional Membership Representative, Soror Emilie Blaine and a copy to the Regional Director. Thanks for your feedback. Membership Committee Meeting: Our next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 23, 2016 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held in Judge Clouser’s Courtroom, located at 303 FM 2234 Rd; Stafford, TX 77477. Submitted with Sisterly Love, Soror Sharron Crayton 2nd Anti-Basileus & Membership Chairman Q1 3.46 Avg Q2 3.54 Q3 3.38 Q5 None None Not in December - Q4.a 3.63 Soror Responses= 57 Q4.b Q4.c 3.64 3.53 Q6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Absolutely Yes Yes - Yes N/A Yes Timely correspondence to members; starting the process earlier in the year if possible; Lots of last minute committee communications. Somewhat Intake - New Sorors did not learn our pledge. Yes Time spent was good for the candidates to bond. It was tough on members. Yes Q4.d 3.75 Q4.e 3.61 Q4.f 3.73 Q4.g 3.74 Q7 N/A The process went very well. Excellent MIP Process Great job by the Membership Chair and Committee. Great program. Utilization of committee; not making decisions in a silo. Good experience. Candidates learn our pledge, Involve chapter members(sponsors) more. Inclusion of Sorors not in the inner circle of friends. Yes No; not really all seemed planned in advance and presented. Membership Chair should be a touch nicer under stress. The 4 Sponsors/Co-Sponsors 4 Sponsors/Co-Sponsors; need to change at the national level. Too many sponsors & co-sponsors - Great experience! Great new Sorors! Amazing MIP Team! The anti-hazing policy needs to be re-reviewed and applied to current Sorors. Find a way to engage the existing Soror more with intakes. Yes Yes Yes - - [For Questions 4a-c - Was not allowed to be involved not sure] 5.NO! Yes N/A Yes No, the MIP Chair did not allow other MIP/Membership committee members to participate in the MIP process. Did not understand why sponsors just sat in a room while candidates were in another room. We were not allowed to participate. Seemed like a time wasted for sponsors. [Q2: Comments - Members were not as involved as I thought we should have been during the MIP process] Q5: More time to interact w/the candidates (all). Lot of down time. Take advantage of the skills of the members of the chapter. Need to try to find a venue sooner. The time commitment for sponsors; a minimum of two sponsors should be sufficient. No - not at all. Yes. Not really. Yes Yes [Q1: Comment - The flow of events were fluid. The candidates were given a great introduction to the sorority and chapter.] [Q3: Comment - The workshops were awesome. Being a newly activated Soror, I was refreshed.] Hold the Final Commitment activity in a large enough room so that all participants can fit comfortably. Yes 3 consecutive weekends were excessive. Shorter duration. Very time consuming - members were not involved - just sat around didn't know what to expect most of the time- not being productive or interactory. Job well done. MIP was conducted efficiently and affectively. Would like to see more involvement of the MIP Chairperson. I was only able to attend the Orientation. This was a good process. I did not sponsor a candidate with that being said, I did not have anything to do during the downtime. There was discussion regarding things to do while were waiting on the candidates. The Membership Chair was awesome! There was a lack of seating at the MIP Luncheon because some seats were being held at tables. That should be rectified for the next MIP. There were many hazing kinds of behavior encounters towards the Sorors. It was a difficult process for Sorors to get through. The Membership Chairman was awful. She was not a benefit to the process. No Have constructive activities for sponsors & co-sponsors while candidates are busy with learning materials. - 3 weekend excessive for Sorors w/families. It was unnecessary to have Sorors attend on Sunday when we did not interact w/the candidates. Not at all! The Membership Chair excluded More input from chapter members not just even the MIP Chairperson. She didn't membership chairperson; more relevant program seem receptive to any advice, input, information. concerns. Process was ran by Membership Chair & MIP MIP Chairman should be included more in the Chair was not utilized to the fullest; actually she process. No was excluded for the most part. Sisterly partnership with the chapter and Based on my observation, the process was membership chair. No handled as a dictatorship. Would have appreciated a more inclusive process. Yes Requiring sponsors to be in attendance the entire time. Yes - Candidate Responses Q1 1 4 The activities that were most helpful were the sisterly relations exercises. The community service project was helpful too. 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 History presentation. The group assignments we did during MIP, the quizzes we took unannounced, the slide shows. Getting the initiates to work together without knowing each other - creating a song for Greek Alphabet, Family Feud, becoming one sisterhood 4 The protocol activity was excellent. Provided very good examples of the do's and don’t's. 6 Avg Q2 The sisterly relation sessions that we had were the most helpful. We were able to not only learn about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. as a whole but we were also able to get to know and ask our sponsors any questions that we had. 7 4 The community service project. sessions with the other candidates. 8 4 Videos, trivia games, knowledge from seasoned Sorors, round table discussions. 9 3 10 3 3.8 Q3 Q4.a Q4.b Q4.c Q4.d Q4.e Q4.f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Everything was presented fine. I have no additional comments. The booklets that are for sale would be helpful if they were already in a packet. Organized and informative. The process was amazing and everything was No additional assistance. so organized. A great experience even having personal challenges to overcome but learning most of all to become one and extend on being a better servant 4 Going over the Alpha Kappa Alpha pledge following the national hymn during sessions. - 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 Q4.g Q5 None. Everything was excellent. The study Community service project, fun games/trivia, & various workshop sessions such as time management and protocol. Presentations, member involvement during reviews, initiate study sessions. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.9 4 4 1 2.6 3 3.9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Q6 - I loved every aspect of my process and Ms. (Soror) Sharron Crayton made this long I would have like for Sorors who held awaiting experience for me one that I will office to wear their position on them cherish for the rest of my life. I wouldn't to help us learn it quicker. change a thing. The MIP was wonderful! Everything was strategically planned and the chapter did a N/A good job! The process was even better than I anticipated. I learned so much about myself None. I enjoyed everything about & about this amazing organization. Each my process. challenge had an applicable purpose. Not applicable. Everything was perfect. N/A SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Target 1: Educational Enrichment ASCEND℠ Signature Program Committee Report May 21, 2016 May ASCEND Activity Follow-Up The May ASCEND activity was held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Willowridge High School. Students discussed summer school and internship opportunities, and also participated in a workshop on Branding Yourself – How to Prepare to Rock and Get the Second Interview. In preparation for their upcoming STEM presentations, students worked in groups to use the scientific process to complete their projects. Upcoming MKΩ ASCEND℠ 2016 Calendar of Events May 22, 2016 (Graduation) Field Trip Activities End of Year Celebration – Sky Zone June 2016 The next ASCEND Committee meeting will be held during the month of June to begin planning for Cycle 3 of the program and the kickoff. The meeting location will be announced via weekly messages and the E-list signup through Memberclicks. Current committee members, sub-committee chairs, and those interested in serving on the committee for next school year are encouraged to attend. Community Service Follow-Up Thanks to the generosity of Mu Kappa Omega members, all of the students who wanted to run in the Attack Poverty 5K held on Saturday, April 23, 2016 were able to participate! In addition, over $80 was donated to Attack for Poverty on behalf of ASCEND and Mu Kappa Omega Chapter. The students were grateful for your generous support and would like to express their sincere thanks to those who donated. June ASCEND Activity and Cycle 2 Graduation The June ASCEND Activity and Graduation for Cycle 2 will be held on Sunday, May 22, 2016 at the Pinnacle Senior Center from 3pm-6pm. Students will participate in a “Speed Date with Your Career Interest” activity, as well as present their final STEM projects to a panel of judges from the Houston Professionals of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). The attire for the event is business. Volunteers are still needed to represent the field of pediatrics, veterinary medicine and anesthesiology to participate in the speed dating activity with ASCEND students. If you are available to help or know someone who is, please contact Soror Arielle Phillips at In addition, volunteers are also needed to help with setup and break down of the event. Mu Kappa Omega members are invited to attend the June Activity and Graduation Celebration. For more information on the ASCEND program, please visit the chapter webpage at or email us at Sisterly submitted, Soror Christina Porter and Soror Stephanie Toussaint ASCEND Program Coordinators SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter TARGET III – Family Strengthening May 21, 2016 The Mu Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in partnership with the Eta Rho Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., will host the 2nd Annual “Jeans for Teens” drive to support B.E.A.R. (BE A Resource) for CPS Kids. BEAR is a 501 (c) (3) public/private partnership that offers hope and help to abused and neglected children and the caseworkers who protect them. Event Name: Jeans for Teens Event Location: Scrappy Brown's, 4830 Almeda Rd, Houston, TX 77004 Event Date: Saturday, June 18, 2016 Chairs: Tiffany Brailey & Cassandra DeGraffenreid-King BUDGET: VENUE ENTERTAINMENT (DJ) ADVERTISEMENT/ PUBLICITY DECORATIONS/SUPPLIES TOTAL: Free $400 $100 $100 $600 SORORS, we need your help in making this a successful event! You can assist us by doing the following: Donating BRAND NEW pair(s) of jeans for teenage boys and girls You can donate by bringing pairs of jeans to June’s chapter meeting or purchasing via Moolah Signing up to volunteer (link will be in the Weekly Messages through Sign-up Genie) Advertise Advertise Advertise! Utilize official hashtags #J4THouston #Jeans4TeensHouston #MuKappaOmega Come out and Support! If you have any questions, please contact The Jeans for Teens Committee at Sisterly, Tiffany Brailey and Cassandra DeGraffenreid-King Jeans for Teens Chairs SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Target IV: Environmental Ownership May 21, 2016 Committee Coordinators: Sorors Richelle Brewster and Yvette Mitchell Committee Members: Jessica Hill, Sharron Crayton, Kellen Patterson, Jacqueline Watson, Kimberly Cooper Jones, Kimberly Sills, Monica Green, Chrishton Stewart, Yasmin Brown, Melanie Little, Toya Anderson, Carolyn Miller, Julia King, Lauren Thomas Here are the updates on our most recent initiatives for Target IV: AKA 1908 Playgrounds ProjectSM Did you hear the news - today is the day we get in formation! Saturday, May 21 is designated as International 1908 Playgrounds Mobilization Day. Chapters around the world will partake in activities that will enhance green spaces around the globe. Where: When: What: What We Need From You: Doris Gardner Ratliff Childhood Development Center (Brentwood Campus) At the conclusion of the Scholarship Luncheon (estimated 1:30pm) Sanitizing Playground Equipment, Painting, Planting Greenery Your attendance in comfy clothing to get to work – we will supply the rest! We look forward to beautifying the Brentwood Campus, and assessing the facility for a Part II activity. Upcoming Activities: On June 11, we will participate in the Missouri City Green Paper Shredding Event. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity to shred our documents in a responsible way. Acts of GreenSM NEW: Terracycle Recycling – Personal Care and Beauty Products We are now able to collect all personal care and beauty product packaging to be recycled, along with our oral care products. More opportunities for recycling and raising funds for a worthy cause – Julia F. Thompson Click Here For The Accepted List Of Items This Month’s Acts of Green Education Topic Is: What’s My Carbon Footprint? We would like to introduce The Nature Conservancy’s carbon footprint calculator. It will measure your impact on our climate. This tool estimates how many tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases your household creates each year. Our goal should be to reduce our carbon emissions to the environment. Click Here For The Carbon Footprint Quiz The Environmental Ownership Committee meets every second Monday of the month at 7:30pm via conference call. Please join us on this Green journey! Sisterly Submitted, Sorors Richelle Brewster and Yvette Mitchell Target 4 Coordinators SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Target 1: One Million Backpacks Report May 21, 2016 Chair: Abena Andrews Co-Chair: Shari Thomas In 2015, as Mu Kappa Omega launched into new dimensions of service, we were able to collect and donate over 500 backpacks. As we move into 2016, our goal is to TRIPLE that amount. Your active participation will allow us to meet and exceed this goal. In April, Mu Kappa Omega travelled to Little Rock, Arkansas for the South Central Regionals with backpack donations ready. A very special THANK YOU to all the sorors who attended regionals and donated 4 backpacks. With Boule fast-approaching and the Southeast Texas Cluster later this year, there are still more opportunities for Mu Kappa Omega to shine as RockStars with our backpack donations! Let's continue to make 2016 a year to remember! Upcoming conferences: 67th Boule Moment of Service #1 – AKA 1 Million Backpacks. Sorors attending, please bring one backpack with school supplies, winter accessories and used eyewear to be donated to local students and families in need. Backpacks will be collected throughout Boule week. Upcoming community partnerships: Operation Backpack Drop. The Fellowship of Love Church in Richmond, TX has requested 250 backpacks donation to support their event on August 13, 2016 from 11-2pm. The Operation Backpack Drop event will have workshops, games, entertainment, music, backpack and gift card giveaways, and be providing haircuts for the kids. Windsor Village Back to School Drive 2016 – August 2016 Fort Bend Church School Supply Drive- August 2016 Willowridge POWER program- October 2016 We are currently on board to give to over 5 organizations in 2016 and the demand for backpacks and supplies are growing. As we launch into New Dimensions, we are doing it in a BIG way! 2016 Backpack Status In April, we gained 3 RockStar Sponsors, 2 Gold Sponsors and 5 Silver Sponsors. As of April 2016 we have $847.50 to purchase backpacks and supplies. Our current dollar amount allows us to purchase 288 backpacks…LET HIT OUR GOAL OF 1500! Become a 2016 Backpack RockStar Sponsor RockStar Sponsor $75.00 - Full case of 24 backpacks Gold Sponsor $37.50 - 1/2 case 12 backpacks Silver Sponsor $15.00 - 3 backpacks w/ supplies BE A ROCKSTAR AND DONATE TODAY VIA MOOLAH! PARLIAMENTARY ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Conference Activities Committee: Regional Activities Wrap-up and Boule Activities Report May 21, 2016 Regional Activities: Wrap-up I would like to thank my wonderful Conference Activities Committee for helping to plan successful activities for Mu Kappa Omega. Below is the budget for Regional Conference Activities: 84th SCRC Actual Regional Activities Income $2706.00 Regional Activities $(1970.33) Expenses Difference $735.67*** ***Recommended MOTION: To transfer the remaining balance of $735.67 from the Regional Activities budget to the Boule Activities budget to be used for the Boule conference Activities. Boule Activities I. If you are attending the Boule in Atlanta, GA, please complete the Official Mu Kappa Omega Attendance Roster using the following link. 2016 Boule-Atlanta, GA Mu Kappa Omega Roster II. The Southern Sweet Tea Social – Mu Kappa Omega’s Chapter Gathering When: Monday, July 11, 2016 Time: 6:30-10:30pm Where: The Loft at Castleberry Hill Cost: $25 per MKΩ Sorors $40 for one (1) invited guest per soror Payment: Payments can be made a chapter meeting or via Moolah in Memberclicks for chapter members and guest NO LATER THAN June 18, 2016. Rationale: Currently, the Conference Activities budget is based on 120 sorors and does not accommodate the increasing number of sorors in the chapter. ***Recommended MOTION: To transfer $1500 from the Operating Budget Contingency to the Conference Activities Boule Budget to accommodate the additional sorors for the chapter gathering in Atlanta. Sisterly Submitted, Soror Monique Shepherd Conference Activities Chairman SOROR ACTION REQUIRED Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Target I - ThinkHBCU Report May 21, 2016 AKA $2M 1908 CAMPAIGN Little by little, a little becomes a LOT. - Contribute via Mu Kappa Omega's HBCU Race for 2016 - Contribute via AKA 1908 - Purchase tickets to support an HBCU fundraiser - Donate directly to an HBCU - Support ThinkHBCU Program fundraisers HBCUs are part of 'HERstory', help keep them strong. We have: donated $5,159 supporting HBCUs $1,100 supporting ThinkHBCU fundraisers A total of $6,259 has been raised thus far. That’s 54% of our calculated target of $11,550. Remember to provide confirmation of your donations to Soror Ruthelen Robinson. HBCU College Tour Fundraising (Wrap-up) Never under estimate the power of a good cookie! The ThinkHBCU Committee sold cookies in an effort to raise funds to send an ASCEND student on the Gulf Coast HBCU College Tour. Through sales and monetary donations, we’ve raised the funds needed to send Yenifer on the Gulf Coast HBCU College Tour this summer. Gil Thank you to those who purchased cookies. Special thanks also go out to those who made monetary donations: Soror Cheryl Lugo Soror Jaqueline J. Watson Soror Lynn Crear Soror Madelyn Nunn Soror Mamie L. Williams Soror Ruthelen D. Robinson Soror Tamara Davidson Soror Theresa Wesley Soror Tonya Bergeron Soror Vikki Berry and all others Mu Kappa Omega ThinkHBCU T-shirt Mu Kappa Omega ThinkHBCU t-shirts will be available for pick-up on Saturday. Please see either Soror Ruthelen Robinson or Soror Mamie Williams. Upcoming Events EVENT T3 – ThinkHBCU Think Tank DATE August LOCATION TBD TIME TBD MKΩ HBCU Pep Rally September 16 Chapter Meeting 7:00 pm HBCU Awareness Week September 19-23 Virtual Virtual E3 – STEAM Fest October 29 Willowridge HS TBD Respectfully submitted, Ruthelen D. Robinson Mamie L. Williams Ruthelen D. Robinson ThinkHBCU Chairperson Mamie L. Williams ThinkHBCU Co-Chairperson WRAP UP REPORT Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Target 2-Health Promotion May 21, 2016 The Target 2-Health Promotion Committee met on May 12, 2016 to finalize the wrap-up report for the “NAMI -Fort Bend Walk/Run to Overcome” that took place on April 9 th 2016 at the Sugar Land Memorial Park. There was 42 Sorors in attendance, serving as volunteers while others participated in the walk/run. Overall, it was felt that the 1st annual “NAMI - Fort Bend Walk/Run to Overcome” was a success and the chapter exceeded our goal of a $1,000.00 donation for the cause! The steering committee of NAMI Fort Bend was extremely excited and appreciative of our support. Comments/feedback regarding event: Good location/time Food vendors were good Registration process could be improved Start the children’s walk/run first Increase chapter’s visibility on T-shirt with Chapter’s logo and correct spelling. Budget: Total: $250.00 - Budgeted for Walk Sponsorship $1,022.65 - Funds Raised-Walk Registrations/Donations $1,272.65 (Includes funds raised and sponsorship contribution) Thank you Sorors for your donations and showing up for this event!!!! Sisterly submitted, Sorors Vanessa Southard and Oguna Taylor FOR INFORMATION ONLY Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Target 2-Health Promotion Committee May 21, 2016 The Health Committee met on May 9th, 2016 to review upcoming Health Events. Our next Impact Day will be June 20th,2016 which is The Longest Day-in association with the Alzheimer’s Association. “The Longest Day” honors the strength, heart, and endurance of those facing Alzheimer’s disease. It is held annually on the summer solstice, and the duration of this sunrise to sunset event symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with the disease and their caregivers. Chairs for this event are Sorors Monica Green and Tamoka Bellard, and we need sorors to sign up for the longest day activities which you can do between the hours of 5am-9pm, and can be of your own choosing. Examples of activities can be reading/sharing Alzheimer’s information with others. Sign up sheets will be available at chapter meeting. Also, we are asking Sorors to please join the Mu Kappa Omega team fundraising team for the Longest Day. Flyers for the website will also be at the May chapter meeting. Please stay tuned for more information on the Longest Day activities via the weekly announcements! The monthly Gathering Place at Brentwood Church will be May 28th, 2016 from 9am-2pm, and we need sorors to please come out and assist with activities for those attending the respite program. Soror Vivian Grant will be hosting the June Gathering Place activities, and we need our Rockstar/Sorors to come out and support! Sisterly Submitted, Sorors Vanessa Southard and Oguna Taylor “The Longest Day” honors the strength, heart and endurance of those facing Alzheimer’s disease. It is held annually on the summer solstice and the duration of this sunrise to sunset event symbolizes the challenging journey of those living with the disease and their caregivers. Teams are encouraged to create their own experience as they fundraise and participate in an activity they love to honor someone facing the disease. What can you do to help the cause? 1. Join the Mu Kappa Omega Team and Donate to the cause by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser: 2. Perform your activity between the hours of 5am to 9pm on Monday, June 20, 2016 3. Update your Facebook page the following: a. Picture of you completing the activity + hashtag #ENDALZ #THELONGESTDAY or b. Sharing the written information using the picture below regarding your activity + hashtag #ENDALZ #THELONGESTDAY For more information contact Monica Green or Tamoka Bellard FOR INFORMATION ONLY Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter National Pan-Hellenic Council of Houston (NPHCH) Chapter Report May 21, 2016 The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Houston met on Monday, May 9, 2016 at Trinity United Methodist Church, 2600 Holman Street, Houston TX. I. Meeting called to order: 6:32p.m. II. Reports of Officers: Reports of each Committee Chairs are due the Thursday before each NPHCH Meeting. III. Report of Committees: NPHCH Weekend & Picnic Committee Report for May 2016 Friday, May 13, 2016 (Happy Hour) Happy Hour: Location: Mosaic Bar and Lounge | 5927 Almeda Road | Houston, TX 77004 Thank you sorors for coming out and supporting this event. Saturday, May 13, 2016 Community Service & Picnic MORNING – Community Service Community Service: Bread of Life- The St. John Church | 1703 Gray Street | Houston, TX 77003 Mu Kappa Omega your giving is greatly appreciated and from the heart. Mu Kappa Omega donated: 41 Women Packets 47 Male Packets Total: 88 Packets of Toiletries Not only did we give with toiletries, but we gave with our time via “service to all mankind.” Thank you Sorors! AFTERNOON – Picnic Picnic: Independence Park- Pearland | 3919 Liberty Drive | Pearland, TX 77581 Mu Kappa Omega showed up and showed out at the annual picnic. We had approximately 30 sorors and their families in attendance. Thank you to all who attended and donated. It would not have been such a wonderful success without you. st A huge congratulations to the Mu Kappa Omega Stoll Off Team! The team came in 1 Place winning $300! IV. New Business N/A V. Unfinished Business: *****Future Request to Mu Kappa Omega (Special Interest): Tickets for the 2016 NPHCH Annual Meeting to be made available soon. Meeting to take place on Monday, June 13, 2016. Location: One Delta Plaza, 3333 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, TX 77021. VI. Meeting adjourned: 7:42p.m. Report respectfully submitted by: Sorors Cassandra Joseph-Johnson and Stephanie W. Mensah National Pan-Hellenic Council of Houston Delegates FOR INFORMATION ONLY Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Kappa Omega Chapter Archives Committee Report May 21, 2016 Committee Members: Kimberly Clark, Chairman O. Jean Anderson, Co-Chairman Vivian L. Grant Myrtle Taylor-Williams Verstene Traylor February Archives Committee Meeting The Archives Committee met February 15, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Soror Ora Jean Anderson. All members of the committee, except Soror Traylor, were in attendance. The primary purpose of the meeting was for members of the 2015-2016 Archives Committee to establish guidelines and procedures for Keeping Our Heritage R.E.E.L (Retrieve, Examine, Encode to Last) as specified in the Launching New Dimensions of Service International Archives Handbook. I. The first order of business was to adopt a Mission Statement. The following statement was adopted: The purpose of Mu Kappa Omega’s Archives Committee is to identify, collect, preserve and make the chapter’s records and personal papers available to sorors, scholars, and researchers and to preserve Mu Kappa Omega’s history and legacy with special emphasis on its leadership. The role of Mu Kappa Omega’s Archives Committee is to serve as advisor to the Basileus and the chapter as to what should be collected and preserved and in what manner; to ensure that Mu Kappa Omega is in compliance with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated’s retention schedule (as outlined in Appendix B of the Launching New Dimensions of Service: KEEPING OUR HERITAGE R.E.E.L International Archives Handbook); to develop the guidelines and to facilitate the collection, storage, codifying, maintenance and access and use of holdings. II. In addition, we determined that it was imperative to conduct a thorough inventory of the MKΩ storage facility and create a checkout list to better track our historical documents and records: The Storage Facility Inventories were conducted on March 5, 2016 and April 30, 2016. All members of the committee were in attendance during both inventory trips. Several documents were purged per the aforementioned retention schedule and a checkout list was created. III. Future planned activities include: Hosting a Shred Day Event to properly dispose of the purged documents. We plan to possibly partner with another committee (Membership or Environmental Ownership) and open the shredding event up to all chapter sorors. Further details will be provided at a later date. Conduct oral history interviews with the following noteworthy sorors: Golder Sorors, Active Charter Members, the soror with the longest continuous service record in: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and/or Mu Kappa Omega and other sorors, who have achieved notable accomplishments. Transfer information about Chapter milestones to the National Repository. Stay tuned for more information on how you can help the Archives Committee Keep it R,E.E.L in 2016. Sisterly Submitted, Soror Kimberly Clark