February 2011 Newsletter
February 2011 Newsletter
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated Kappa Nu Sigma Newsletter 2ND QUARTER 2011 San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 2 S O R O R D . F R A N K L I N , E D I T O R KNS is going for the G.O.L.D.: Growing Outstandingly through Leadership Development INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Comedy for Young Scholars 1 Mwanamugimu Essay Contest/ Rhoer Induction 2 Sister Spotlight/ Congrats 3 Philo News 4 Rhoer Club News Join Us For Comedy for Young Scholars 5 Thanksgiving Feed 6 & Rhoyal Distinction Recap Upcoming Events/ Pretty Poodle 7 Pictures Greetings! It is that time once again for Comedy for Young Scholars. This is another event for a worthy cause where we can have a great time filled with fun and much laughter! The proceeds from the comedy show go towards our scholarship fundraiser to support a high school student(s) in need. In addition to the fun, you may purchase dinner and take a chance at winning one of our much talked about raffle prizes. The prizes have been known to include dinner for two at a restaurant in Beverly Hills, limousine ride as well as Laker tickets! Don't miss out on your chance to support a worthy cause, have loads of fun and quite possibly walk off with a Big Ticket Prize! Please contact Sorors Michele Norman, Briana Marshell or Leisel Douglas for more information. PAGE 2 Mwanamugimu Essay Contest As one of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.’s national programs, the Mwanamugimu Essay Contest’s primary goal is to provide an opportunity for students to increase their knowledge of the historical and contemporary development of Africa. Its objectives are to provide the target population with opportunities that (1) allow structured ways to learn about Africa; (2) heighten awareness of African cultural heritage; and (3) improve writing and research skills. The project title, Mwanamugimu, is a proverb from the Republic “From small acorns come mighty oaks.”. of Uganda that means “from small acorns come mighty oaks”. This year, Kappa Nu Sigma Alumnae Chapter, along with Omicron Rho Undergraduate Chapter, has partnered up with Davis Middle School in Compton, CA. So far there have been 23 applications distributed. The due date for application packets to be turned in was February 11, 2011 and the awards reception will be held February 18, 2011. We look forward to see what our young minds have to present in this contest but most importantly what they have learned from participating. It is our hope that by participating in this program these students will brand the theme of this year’s contest into their hearts; even though they come from small, humble beginnings, they can become giants in our society. Kappa Nu Sigma Inducts First Rhoer Club! On Saturday, November 20, 2010, Kappa Nu Sigma inducted six young women into our first Rhoer Club! Following a formal induction facilitated by Rhoer Advisor Soror D Franklin, the Rhoers and their parents along with KNS sorors enjoyed a festive reception where the girls were presented with a multitude of gifts provided by sorors and all indulged in cake and other delicious treats. The six new Rhoers include: Ryan Franklin (daughter of Soror R Franklin and sister of Soror D. Franklin), Danielle Hammond, Jayda Herod (daughter of Philo Shameka Oneal), Olivia Killingsworth (daughter of Philo Francine Marshell and sister of Soror Briana Marshell), Brittany Lowe, and Sari Thomas (cousin of Sorors R and D Franklin). We look forward to the great things ahead with these awesome young ladies. KAPPA NU SIGMA VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 Keeping Up With Kappa Nu Sigma Kappa Nu Sigma is excited to be joining forces with the AKA, DST, and ZPB chapters in the San Fernando Valley for our first of many collaborations! Please come out and support on Friday, February 25th, from 5-9pm at Stevie's Creole Cafe and Bar. See you there! Kappa Nu Sigma has joined the LA-NPHC! We look forward to serving our community along with the other members of the Divine 9! PAGE 4 Affiliate News Philos Collect Blankets for Babies Read on as Philo Marshell relays the Blanket for Babies experience on behalf of the Philos: “The experience was very touching. These are some highlights from the meeting: We met with Amanda Batts, The Volunteer Service Coordinator from L.A. Housing, and she gave myself, Philo Fischer and Philo Thomas a Tour of the Housing. Ø The LA Housing helps families transition out of homelessness and poverty through a continuum of housing enriched with supportive services. Ø This facility housed approximately 65 families. Ø We actually had the opportunity to view one bedroom with 4 beds where a family of five lives however this consisted of only four beds. This showed that they learn to survive and make the best of whatever they have. And their happy to have a home. Ø The shelter has great supportive service for these families, Job Training, mental and health programs, legal services, case management and they provide child care. Ø They had an area for teenagers to relax, a play area for little ones and of course a library for the students and parents to have family time. The kitchen was nice and clean and they showed us the storage area for their entire donations. This was a great experience. I think this would be good experience for young as well as the old; it teaches us as a people to be grateful and realize how blessed we are.” KAPPA NU SIGMA VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2 PAGE Rhoer Club Bingo Night Calling all Sorors, Philos, RHOERS, Family, and Friends! Please join the KNS Rhoer Club for their 1st Annual Bingo Night! It will be an event filled with family fun: there will be bingo, raffles, food, music, fellowship, and awesome prizes! We’re asking for a $5 donation that will include 3 bingo cards for FREE! Please see the flyer for location information and be sure to contact Soror D Franklin with any questions. See you there! Each One Teach One: Allensworth with the KNS Rhoers In recognition of Black History Month, the KNS Rhoer Club will be hosting a trip to Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park in Allensworth, CA. Allensworth is a historic town that was founded, financed, and governed by African Americans in 1908. Each Rhoer will be inviting one friend as to share this amazing learning experience with another young person and we’d love for you to join us as well. The trip will take place on Sunday, February 27, 2011. We will be meeting at 7:30am to arrive at the park for the 10:00am opening. If you would like to attend, please contact Soror D Franklin no later than Friday, February 18, 2011, for further information. 5 Thanksgiving Feed Photo Recap Rhoyal Distinction Photo Recap Birthdays Sigmaveraries • Soror Charles: 12/9/07 • Soror Brooks: 11/24 • Soror Davis: 12/9/07 • Soror Charles: 12/26 • Soror R Franklin: 12/11/82 • Soror Baker: 12/1 • Soror Brooks: 1/8/05 • Soror Hines: 2/13 • Soror Baker: 1/17/04 • Soror Perry: 2/16 • Soror Hines: 1/31/98 • Soror Davis: 2/23 • Soror Collins: 3/20/09 • Soror Weaver: 2/27 • Soror Norman: 3/31/95 • Soror Collins: 3/30 Pretty Poodle Pictures As one of the youngest and newest additions to the Western Region, Kappa Nu Sigma—San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was chartered on October 13, 2007 by six women. February 2011 Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc Kappa Nu Sigma Alumnae Chapter Faced with the challenge of meeting the needs of the San Fernando Valley this diverse group of women have pooled their talents and set community service goals that will put Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority at the forefront of Greek-lettered organizations on the local and national levels. P.O. Box 85351 Hollywood, CA 90072 Phone: 818-973-2273 Web: sgrkns1922.com E-mail: sgrkns1922@yahoo.com Kappa Nu Sigma Chapter is dedicated to improving the quality of life of its membership and community. Through sisterhood, spirituality and inner strength, Kappa Nu Sigma is an example of the power of positive womanhood. We are indeed “Living the Legacy Through Sisterhood and Service. “Serving the Community with Klass” We’re on the web! Sgrkns1922.com Home to the 2010-2012 Western Region Syntaktes Basileus Akisha Brooks 1st Anti-Basileus Roschoune Franklin 2nd Anti-Basileus Wendy Flenoury-Reed Anti-Grammateus Briahna Baker Grammateus Tammera McLin Tamiochus Chaplain Ngozi RA Rhoer Advisor/ Newsletter Editor Danielle Franklin Philo Coordinator Alva Perry Mwanamugimu Chair Lamisha Hines Other Klassy Members Korla Collins Michele Norman Leisel Douglass National Programs/ Jessica Howard Community Service Chair Schelle Pugh Oteka Macklin Angela Weaver Sister Share Chair Briana Marshell Kristal Davis