ivyette the - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
ivyette the - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
THE IVYETTE Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, VA 22313 VOLUME I3 ISSUE 2 Greetings from the Basileus Dear Zeta Chi Omega Sorors, On January 15, 2013, Alpha Kappa Alpha celebrated 105 years of sisterhood and service, and on January 29, 2013 she celebrated 100 years of incorporation. The Chapter will celebrate our Founders at the General Membership meeting with our undergraduate Chapter, Sigma Alpha. Many of us traveled to Baltimore, MD for the National Founders’ Day Celebration (Jan. 11th13th). The theme for the weekend was “Reflections of Remembrance of Timeless Service.” Zeta Chi Omega had 27 sorors in attendance at this historic event. Soror Mattelia B. Grays, 18th Supreme Basileus, presided over a moving rededication ceremony on Sunday. The Ecumenical Service followed the rededication ceremony and Soror Roslyn N. Brock, Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors gave an inspiring sermon. The sermon was entitled “Remember Who You Are,” and she challenged all of us to serve in the areas that God has prepared us for. Registration is now open for the 60th MidAtlantic Regional Conference (MARC) which will be held in Winston-Salem, NC from April 4-7, 2013. Early registration is from January 18, 2013 until February 23, 2013. Late Registration starts on February 24, 2013 and will end on March 2, 2013. There is a $50.00 late fee for all registrations after February 23, 2013. Registration material can be found online. If you do not have Internet access and wish to register for the MARC, contact Soror Rhonda Luss, Mid-Atlantic Technology Committee Chairman. FEBRUARY 2013 All sorors seeking recognition at the Jewels Luncheon for 25 or 50 years of service, please see Soror Darlena Ricks to submit your name and photo. As a reminder, all jewels must submit their fees to the Corporate Office prior to the MARC in order to be recognized at the MARC Jewels Luncheon. If you would like to serve as a MARC workshop facilitator or recorder, forward your name to Soror Vanessa Jackson by February 15, 2013. If you are interested in participating on a MARC committee, (see pages 69-70 in the MARC Registration Booklet for committee listing), forward your name to Soror Vanessa Jackson by February 15, 2013. A very special “thank you” to the Standards Committee and the workshop presenters for an outstanding Leadership Workshop held on January 26, 2013. “Tea Roses” to the workshop presenters, Soror LaFrances Williams, for her presentation entitled Operation Planning for Leaders; Soror Robin Mazyck, for an update on parliamentary procedures; and the ILES Committee for an interactive workshop entitled Servant Leadership. “Thank you” to all workshop participants for taking time to prepare for your leadership role in the Chapter. Sorors, see you at the February Chapter meeting. Sisterly yours in service, Soror Michelle M. Jones February 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 General Membership Meeting— Patrick Henry ES 10:00 AM (Founders’ Day Program—immediately following) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 AKA Legislative Weekend. Richmond, VA. AKA Legislative Weekend. Richmond, VA. 24 25 26 27 28 Sisterly Love Brunch 11:30 AM. Chart House 1 Cameron Street Alexandria, VA Membership Committee Meeting— 7:00 PM—Lee Recreation Center Project StepOut CHC, 4- 5 PM Pgm. Cmte. Mtg.7 – 8:30 PM, NRECA Conf. Ctr.,4301 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA Project StepOut CHC, 4:00 PM5:00 PM ILES Conference Call—8:00 PM Participant Access Code: 889093# Dial-in Number: 559-726-1000 Pink Goes Red for a Day 6:30 PM–8:30 PM Crowne Plaza Hotel 901 N. Fairfax Street, Alex., VA Executive Committee Meeting—7:00 PM — CHS Black History Month AKA Legislative Weekend—Richmond, VA HONOR EACH OTHER Sorors, Let Us Honor Each Other in 2013. Honor begins at home. Let us make a promise that will impact our family, our Chapter, our sorority, and the world in which we live. Let us resolve to make a commitment to the Lord by adopting the following resolution. A New Year’s Resolution for Sorors I do solemnly resolve before God to embrace my current season of life. I will champion God's model for sisterhood and teach it to younger sorors. I will celebrate my God-given uniqueness and the distinctions He placed in others. I will live as a soror answerable to God and be faithfully committed to His Word. I will seek to devote the best of myself to the primary roles God has entrusted to me. I will forgive those who have wronged me, and reconcile with those I have wronged. I will not tolerate evil influences in myself or in my life, but embrace a life of purity. I will pursue justice, love mercy, and extend compassion toward all sorors. I will make today's decisions with tomorrow’s impact in mind and consider my current choices in light of future generations of Alpha Kappa Alpha women. I will courageously work with the strength God provides me to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory. ________________________________________ Signature _____________________ Date As for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Applicable Scripture: Joshua 24:15 Sorors, this continuation series on forgiveness began with our December 2012 Ivyette on this critical subject. Let us remember throughout 2013 that one of the most important qualities of being Christ-like is learning to forgive others as Christ forgave us. During the coming year, let us resolve that as sorors, sisters and friends, we will forgive those who have mistreated us in any way in the past, remembering that God has asked us not to repay evil with evil. He requires that we not retaliate when people insult, mistreat or hurt us, but rather pay them back with a blessing. That is what He has called us to do, and He will bless us for it. (1 Peter 3:9 NLT). I wish for each of you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013. Blessings, Soror Jeanne Melvin-Martin Member, Spirit and Inspiration Committee 3 Officers’ Reports Anti-Basileus SHOW YOUR LVE FOR AKA! On January 8, 2013, the Program Committee launched its first joint meeting at the NRECA Conference Center to discuss our programs for the year and ways in which we could collaborate and support each other to deliver quality programs for the community, as well as our membership. As you know, programs are the “heart” of Alpha Kappa Alpha, and I invite Soror Kendra Gillespie each of you to learn about our programs and actively serve on one of our Program Committees. Show your love for AKA and sign-up online today. February Service Opportunities Please note the following service opportunities for this month: Pink Goes Red for a Day! It’s been a long tradition of the Alpha Kappa Alpha women to wear the colors pink and green, but on the Third Thursday, February 21, 2013, Zeta Chi Omega will join millions of Americans in the fight against heart disease in women by participating in our health forum, all dressed in RED. The forum will not only serve as a Health Initiative program, but will also serve as a Membership reactivation activity. We invite you to bring an inactive soror to the event. The event will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 901 N. Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA. Topics will include nutrition, fitness, and heart disease awareness. This event is open to the public. A social hour will be held following the program. Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference School Supply donations. Each soror is asked to bring any of the following items to benefit children of incarcerated parents: #2 Pencils Markers Scissors Pocket folders (w/prongs) Spiral notebooks Colored pencils Glue sticks Highlighters Pens (black, blue and red) Three-Ring binders Loose-leaf paper (wide-rule) Rulers Crayons 3x5 Index cards Composition notebooks (black/white) Pencil sharpeners Gift cards up to $25 Items will be presented during the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, to be held April 4-7, 2013 in Winston Salem, NC. Items may be dropped off during the months of February and March at the Service Projects area before and after Chapter meetings. Please contact one of our Service Projects Co-Chairmen, Sorors Mia Barnes (miabarnes87@gmail.com), Brittney Montgomery (brittneycmont@gmail.com), or Devin Pickron (devin_pickron@yahoo.com), if you have questions. > page 5 4 Initiatives < page 4 February Program Spotlight The Connection Committee keeps our Chapter connected to what matters most in our community. January was an extremely busy month as they made preparations to ensure that we are educated and prepared for the AKA Day at the Capitol. For information about Connection and how you can participate, please contact Committee Chairman, Soror VaShawn Veal (vashawnveal@hotmail.com). Soror VaShawn Veal, Chairman Connection Committee Greetings Sorors, The Connection Committee encourages you to attend the 2013 VA AKA Legislative Weekend. January Highlights Congratulations to Soror Eugenia Gardner and the entire Martin Luther King Sunday Supper/Day of Service Committee (including Sigma Alpha) for an outstanding job in hosting this memorable event. A special thanks to Sorors Jennifer Brooks, Leslie Dey, Gretchen Johnson, Shani Provost, Sigma Alpha, supper servers, greeters, and all who participated. Due to collaborative efforts of Economic Security, Global Poverty, EYL and Social Justice, the program agenda was flawlessly executed. This event will be held during President’s Weekend, February 17-18, 2013 in Richmond, VA. This year’s focus areas include: Health Care, Education, Human Trafficking, Bullying and Election/Voter Protection. Registration is now open. Go to www.midatlanticaka.org, then select "Upcoming Events". Host Hotel: Marriott Richmond Downtown, 500 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219. Room Block: Alpha Kappa Alpha Mid-Atlantic, $119 per night Single or Double, $129 Triple, $139 Quad. Marriott Reservations: 1-800-228-9290; rooms will be available through January 29, 2013. Breakfast Registration: $35 through January 31st; late fee- $40/February 1-7, 2013. Hats Off to the Internal Leadership Training for External Service (ILES) Committee and Soror Carol Turner for an excellent workshop delivery at the January 26 Leadership Session. For additional information on how you can be part of ILES (Leadership Development), please contact Committee Chairman, Soror Crystal Lander (akacrystallander@yahoo.com). If you are interested in volunteering to serve on any of the 2013 AKA Legislative Weekend committees, please click on the link below: Bring Your Ideas! Remember, our programs are your programs. Therefore, we encourage everyone to contribute ideas, recommendations, etc. The Programs Committee meets bi-monthly to review upcoming programs, special projects, and requests for new programs/projects. Program Committee meetings are open to all Chapter members. The next Programs Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, at the NRECA Conference Center, 4301 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22203. For additional information, please contact Soror Kendra Gillespie (kendra_gillespie@hotmail.com). www.SignUpGenius.com/go/70A0F48AFA72BA31-2013/7312580 . Sorors, this is a great opportunity to have our voices heard. We look forward to seeing you in Richmond. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION Sorors who are interested in working on the 2013 Luncheon Fashion Show Committee, can sign up at the February Chapter meeting and/or contact Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey at saundra.mcculloughcobey@verizon.net, or Soror Lula Hicks at lmhicks@cox.net. The subcommittees will be as follows: 1. Fashion Show Coordinator 2. Tables/ Tickets 3. Door Prizes 4. Program 5. Decorations 6. Vendors 7. Hostess 8. Sponsorship 5 Initiatives rid of all that loose change that seems to find its way to the bottom of our purses. You will bless families and/or villages with your donations. Soror Ester Stubbs Varnado, Chairman Scholarship Committee There will be other opportunities to donate to Heifer International. Once the logistics have been worked out, the Chapter will be apprised. Cooley-Moore 2013 Scholarship Application Package Soror Aja Charity, Chairman Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Committee The Cooley-Moore 2013 Scholarship Application Packages have been sent to high schools in Arlington and Alexandria and the following churches: Alfred Street Baptist Church, Mount Zion Baptist Church, St John’s Baptist Church, and St. Joseph's Catholic Church. The complete application must be returned to the Scholarship Committee Chairman by the March 9, 2013 deadline. Reusable Water Bottles - Healthier for You Americans consume approximately 1,500 bottles of water every second, totaling 50 billion bottles per year. Of these 50 billion bottles, 80% end up in a landfill, even though recycling programs exist. Use of plastic water bottles adds to pollution and can take up to 450 years to decompose.1 Investing in a reusable water bottle will help save the environment and keep you healthy and hydrated. The scholarship is 4-year renewable in the amount of $2,000.00 per year providing requirements are met. If you know a 2013 graduating senior who attends high school in Arlington and Alexandria and is interested in competing for this scholarship, please ask them to contact their school scholarship coordinator for a copy of the application. You may also request a copy by sending an email to Soror Ester A. Stubbs, Scholarship Committee Chairman, at Ester.stubbs@verizon.net. People often cite convenience, health concerns, and safety as reasons to drink bottled water. However, studies suggest that bottled water is no safer or healthier than tap water. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees bottled water, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water. However, they both use similar standards for ensuring safety.2 Here are five reasons why you should not purchase bottled water3 Adria .Tippins-Owens, Chairman 1. Bottled water is not any healthier or cleaner than tap water. 2. One plastic bottle can take hundreds of years to decompose; therefore, loading up our landfills for years at a time. 3. It is expensive & costly compared to drinking tap water or filtered water from a reusable, biodegradable bottle 4. The production of one plastic bottle uses energy, emits toxins into the air, and uses more water to produce than actually put into the bottle for drinking. 5. Plastic bottles contain a harmful substance called polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, which is dangerous to human health. Heifer International Greetings Sorors! I am pleased to serve as Chairman of the Global Poverty, Heifer International Program. “Heifer International's mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth.” As one of our International Organization’s partners, our Chapter’s support of Heifer International amplifies our commitment to assisting those in need through empowerment. Therefore, prior to and after Chapter meetings there will be an opportunity to donate your spare change to Heifer International. I am not asking for anything substantial (though if you wish to give more, it will be gladly received), but this would help you get > page 7 6 Initiatives < page 6 Here are five benefits of using a reusable water Soror Crystal Lander, Chairman bottle3 1. It is better for our environment by reducing the amount of fossil fuels and toxins released into the air during production. 2. It is durable, stylish, and can help you decrease your carbon footprint. 3. Tap water is more cost-efficient. Bottled water can cost up to 500 times the cost of tap water. 4. It is better for your health and the health of your family by using a BPA-free, lead-free reusable bottle. 5. It is Convenient. Most public facilities have water fountains to fill up your water bottle. Soror Tia Johnson, Co-Chairman Internal Leadership Training for External Service Initiative Committee The ILES Initiative Committee supports the leadership training at all levels within the Chapter. It will serve as a catalyst for members to reach their fullest potential as skilled leaders in service to Zeta Chi Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha, and other organizations and institutions. Millions of bottles of water are purchased every day. Reusable bottles are better for the environment and better for your health, all while saving you money. We all have the choice to make a change for the environment; we just need to take that step forward and ban the plastic bottle. Did you miss the AKA Governing Documents Quiz at the Chapter retreat? Here is Part 2 of the quiz. How many did you get correct? OUR CONSTITUTION: A TIMELESS TREASURE A Study of Our Governing Documents 6. A chapter that does not send delegates to a Boulé can vote by mail on proposed Bylaw amendments, and the chapter voting by mail is entitled to the same number of votes as their allotted number of delegates. True False (Circle One) 7. Contracts for Regional Conferences are signed in the name .of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated? True False (Circle One) 8. At the end of the year, the Grammateus may compile her official minutes and store them in a three-ring binder or electronically on a DVD, CD or USB drive. True False (Circle One) _____________________ 9. In which documents will you find instructions for disposing of Alpha Kappa Alpha Materials: (Circle All that Apply) a) Alpha Kappa Alpha Constitution & Bylaws b) Alpha Kappa Alpha Manual of Standard Procedure c) Standards Resource Guide d) Protocol Handbook e) All of the above f) None of the above 1. October 15, 2009. The US Consumes 1500 Plastic Water Bottles Every Second, a fact by Watershed. Treehugger.com. http:// www.treehugger.com/clean-water/the-us-consumes-1500-plastic-water -bottles-every-second-a-fact-by-watershed.html 2. Tap water or bottled water: Which is better? Mayoclinic.com. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/tap-water/AN02167 3 May 16, 2012. Think Reusable Bottles, Forget Plastic Bottled Water. Banthebottle.net. http://www.banthebottle.net/articles/thinkreusable-bottles-forget-plastic-bottled-water/ > page 8 7 Officers’ Reports February Birthday Celebrants– continued: Doris Shannon — 11* Ophelia Hawthorne — 15 Shirica Farr—18 VaShawn Veal — 18 Virginia Graves — 18* Annie Doggett Joyner—18 Mildred Shiver — 18 Linda Hall — 20 Brittney Montgomery — 23 Mia Barnes—25 Alyssa Watkins Dove — 26 Malaika Johnson — 27 AdéLeaka Gore — 28 Gaynelle Pearson — 28 Ardelia Hunter — 29 *Denotes Golden Soror < page 7 10. In which Alpha Kappa Alpha document will you find the prohibition against "frogs, bunnies, mice, pink panthers, a raised pinkie gesture, or the term 'skee- wee,' and being the little sisters to members of any fraternal organization?” (Circle One) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Rituals Handbook Constitution & Bylaws Manual of Standard Procedure Undergraduate Membership Intake Manual Anti-Hazing Handbook All of the above None of the above 11. A chapter can use the Sorority Coat of Arms (Crest) to create its own stationery for official use. True False {Circle One) Join the February birthday celebrants for fun, food, and fellowship after the celebration of our Founders at Patrick Henry Elementary School. Answer are on page 12. GET WELL WISHES HODEGOS HELPLINE Soror Mayme Holt was released from rehabilitation and is at home. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she returns to full health. Hodegos Each month, I will post information regarding the Courtesy SOP you may not be aware of in an efSoror Melanie Henderson fort to help clarify or answer questions you may have regarding the Courtesy Committee. I will have a prize for the soror who correctly answers the question at our Chapter meeting. Soror Regina Duncan is in Chevy Chase Manor Care, located at 8700 Jones Mill Road. The telephone number is 301-657-8686. Before visiting, please contact Soror Loretta Duncan at 703-979-8231. CONGRATULATIONS Question: Sorors should receive flowers when there is a death of a family member. Family members are defined as whom? Soror Lisa Wilson has been appointed to the VA State Bar Disciplinary Board. She was one of seven attorneys selected by the Chief Judge of the VA Supreme Court to serve on the Board. Hint: There are five family members. On Saturday, February 2, 2013, Pat Wallace and her honey-do, Alton, will celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SORORS CONDOLENCES February Birthday Celebrants: Ashley Hicks—1 Brenda Lamberson-Sias- 1 Belinda Shaw — 1 Jo Jewel Butler — 5 Sharon K. Gregg — 9 Soror Rochelle A. Brown lost her brother, Mr. Charles Hillord Brown, Jr. Services were held on January 25th. Please lift up Soror Rochelle in prayer. 8 Officers’ Reports Pecunious Grammateus Greetings Sorors All dues and assessments paid after February 1 will be subject to a $15 late fee. Therefore, non-life Soror Darlena Ricks member dues and lifemember dues payment that arrived after the final January mass payment deadline, are now $270 and $180, respectively. Philacter Soror Sherry Billingsley Happy Valentine’s Day Sorors! Sorors, when signing in at Chapter meetings, please ensure that your information printed on the roster is correct. If not, please update it. Or, you may email your current contact or name change information to s.billings1908@gmail.com. Please make check payable to Zeta Chi Omega. If you are referring a soror to Zeta Chi Omega, as a reactivation or transfer, please remember the proper paperwork must accompany her payment. The paperwork can be found on the International Website or contact me at ricksd1@hotmail.com. If you invite a guest soror to a meeting, please inform her to bring proper credentials in order to attend the meeting. The required credentials must be one of the following: A financial card (old or current) A copy of her certificate A faxed verification letter or an email confirmation from the Corporate Office. Please pick up your 2012 Documents (Constitution and Bylaws and Manual of Standard Procedure). The 2013 Financial cards are arriving so check for yours if it was not available at the last chapter meeting. Please don’t forget to turn in your voter’s card at the sign-in table at the conclusion of each General Membership meeting. On September 26, 1976, Zeta Chi Omega Chapter presented an exemplary program to the community at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, VA. The occasion of this presentation titled, "Bicentennial Reflections - Black Heritage," focused on the recognition of the contributions and freedom of Black Americans. al or i c t s i H ings n e p Ha p Historian Black History Month is an ideal time for us to reflect upon and learn about this historical program. A number of sorors active Soror Shirley Taylor in our Chapter today were a part of this production under the leadership of Soror Mary Witten, Chairman, Soror Regina Duncan, Co Chairman, Soror Evelyn Syphax, Coordinator, and Soror Natalie Vaughn, Basileus. Supreme Basileus, Soror Bernice Sumlin was in attendance and gave remarks. There were local bicentennial presenters and officials from Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax County, Virginia. The historical program was divided into three time periods: "Plight to Freedom" — 1700's-1800's National contributors included Crispus Attucks, Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Tubman. - Soror Mayme Holt sang "I Want Jesus To Walk With Me." > page 10 9 Officers’ Reports < page 9 "Strife, Struggle .....Strides" — 1900's Dr. Charles Drew, Dr. Mary Bethune, Paul Robeson, Marian Anderson. Soror Robin Mazyck Parliamentarian "Message To The People" — 1950's Forward Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, Dr.Martin Luther King, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. I Parliamentary Procedure An Ode to Parliamentary Procedure: In Honor of February, the Month of Love. By Robin Mazyck Chapter members participated as slaves, bus riders, members of Zeta Chiettes, hostesses, stage assistants, script writers, musical coordinators and interpretative dancers. I “heart” parliamentary procedure. My love for it is strong. The reasons why are simple, so this won’t take too long. Regional Director, Soror Janet Ballard's congratulatory letter included in the souvenir program booklet, succinctly expresses the goal that the chapter had in this undertaking. A part of her letter is as follows: "You are to be commended for presenting Bicentennial Reflections-Black Heritage. A great service is being rendered to your community as we are made aware of the contributions Black people have made to these United States. Black citizens have every right to join in the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of this country. We were here making significant contributions when it all began and we have been here making significant contributions to the growth and develop- Parliamentary procedure provides order. You can count on that for sure. It can be used in a group with three people, Or a group of 100 or more. I “heart” parliamentary procedure. I think about it all day. It truly helps my beloved sorority, As we plan and serve and play. To watch parliamentary procedure in action, Is like watching a great broadway play. And, the hero is parliamentary procedure Who swoops in and saves the day! Sorors, if you attended the Founders' Day Celebration in Baltimore, please notify the Anti-Grammateus, Soror Chiquita King, at chiquita.king@gmail.com so that she can update the attendance record. The actors are nervous with excitement, As main motion takes center stage. “I move,” and “I second,” are shouted. Bravo, Bravo! Hip hip hooray! A life without parliamentary procedure, I’m certain would be incomplete. It gives direction to our elected leaders and Keeps all of us on our feet. I “heart” parliamentary procedure. And, eventually you will, too. We’ll all take this journey together, And learn all the fun things it can do. 10 Committee Reports Membership Committee WELCOME SOROR Zeta Chi Omega welcomes Soror Cynthia G. Snyder. Soror Cynthia was initiated into the Alpha Psi Chapter at Tennessee State University (TSU), Nashville, TN, in 1975. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. Soror Tiffany Montgomery, Chairman; Soror Connie Greene, Co-Chairman; Soror Jessica Sims, Co-Chairman; Soror Brittney Montgomery, Chairman, Under 30 Sisterly Love Brunch Soror Cynthia currently serves as Director of the Human Development Strategies Office for the NGA, Springfield, VA where she is responsible for shaping the Agency’s workforce to meet current and future operational needs. Prior to joining NGA, she served 25 years in the United States Air Force, retiring in the grade of Colonel. It's time for our annual Sisterly Love Brunch! February is the month of love. Love for family, friends and love for sorors. This year's brunch will be on Sunday, February 10th at 11:30 AM. It will be at the Chart House located at 1 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Gather up your sisterly love and come out and share it with your sorors! Please RSVP to Soror Tiffany Montgomery at tiffanyemont@hotmail.com by Wednesday, February 6th. Soror Cynthia is an active member of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA, where she attends Bible Study, teaches Sunday School, and is the choreographer for the adult Dance Ministry. Chapter Orientation She enjoys cooking, exercising, reading, and spending time with family. She is married to Colonel (Ret) William T. Snyder, and they reside in Northern Virginia with their two daughters, Ara and Charity. The Chapter Orientation for newly reactivated or transferred sorors will be held on March 2nd following the General Membership meeting. The location is TBD. Information will be presented on Chapter operations and Chapter history as well as on protocol and other great topics. If you are new the Chapter and have not attended an orientation session, please plan to attend. This is also a great opportunity for you to meet other new sorors. A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Soror Connie Greene at bold105@aol.com by Friday, February 22nd. Standards Committee Soror Kathy Collier, Chairman Soror Yolanda Gibson, Co-Chairman Soror Vendella Jordan, Co-Chairman Soror Danyale Wilson, Co-Chairman Badges for Sale We will sell Chapter name badges at the February Chapter meeting. The name badges are $10. Happy Valentine’s Day, Sorors! The Standards Committee would like to thank everyone who attended the 2013 Leadership Conference for Officers, Chairmen, and Co-Chairmen. Also, a special “thankyou,” as well as “tea roses” to our workshop presenters, Soror LaFrances Williams, International Nominating Committee Representative for the Mid-Atlantic Region, Soror Robin Mazyck, Chapter Bylaws Committee Chairman, and Reactivation Incentive We are off to a great start with our reactivations for 2013. In an effort to provide some added encouragement, sorors who successfully reactivate a soror will receive a gift once the new soror pays her dues. > page 12 11 Committee Reports Founders’ Day Committee < page 11 Soror Carol Turner, Member, Internal Leadership Training for External Service Committee. For those members who attended, we appreciate you for filling out your on-line training evaluation. The Standards Committee would like to offer some operations suggestions. This month covers the subject of teleconferencing. Below are tips, which were researched from the Chapter SOP, Protocol Manual, and other materials. I hope the information is helpful. Soror Yvette Darnaby, Chairman Greetings Sorors, The Founders’ Day Committee, in partnership with the Golden Sorors of Zeta Chi Omega Chapter, invite you to attend “Her Legacy is Her History.” This program pays tribute to the Founders of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. TELECONFERENCING TIPS Inform committee members 7 days in advance of your teleconference meeting. Take attendance before and after the teleconference. Consider using an abbreviated form of Robert’s Rules of Order for teleconferencing to set the tone for business. Remember to send your attendance sheet after each meeting to Soror Chiquita King, the Chapter AntiGrammateus. Keep in mind teleconferencing is a great tool, is convenient, and efficient, but the “human element” is missing when it is used too much. So, in order to replace the face-to-face element, try to create an overall compassionate culture on your committee if you choose to use teleconferencing to communicate more than 60% of the time. The Golden Sorors of Zeta Chi Omega Chapter will bring to life the principles that shaped our beloved sisterhood via a special presentation. This Founders’ Day program will be held immediately following the February General Membership meeting. The attire for the event is pink and/or green (no pants or hats, please). Please make plans to attend the Founders’ Day program and join the Golden Sorors for a reception following the program. The Founders’ Day post-beautification project includes a visit to the gravesite of Soror Nellie Mae Quander, First Supreme Basileus, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. In early spring, a small group of sorors will meet at Soror Quander’s gravesite in Suitland, Maryland to lay a wreath and offer a prayer of eternal rest and memory. More information regarding this visit will be provided at the April General Membership meeting. Continued from page 7 and 8. . . Answers to “Our Constitution: A Timeless Treasure, A Study of Our Governing Documents” 6. 7. 8. 9. True-See Bylaws Art. XIII, Sec. 1{d) (pp. 56-57}. False-See MoSP, p. 8; contracts are negotiated in the name of the hostess chapters. False -See MoSP, p. 21; minutes must be “bound by a printing company for storage." C -See “Standards Resource Guide,” October 2010, Section Four: Appendices and D-See the “Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol,” 2010, p. 11. 10. None of the above. The prohibition is found in “The Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol” - in the section on Protocol for Alpha Kappa Alpha Communications. 11. False-See, Bylaws Art. XII, Sec. 10-11., p. 55; MoSP, p. 63. 12 Committee Reports DGS Committee Meet Soror Darhyl Jasper, Zeta Chi Omega’s Newest Golden Soror. Other Special Notes: AKA Life Member, National Urban League Life Member, Northern Virginia Urban League Guild (NOVAULG) Charter Member, President NOVAULG (4 years), Vice President NOVAULG (two years), National Council of Urban League Guilds (NCULG) Regional Coordinator (4 years), and Vice President NCULG (5 years). She also served as Co-Chairman for two years for the Black Women United for Action Youth Programs, and she is a Member of Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Soror Darhyl B. Jasper was initiated December 14, 1962 as a sophomore in Beta Upsilon Chapter, Dillard University, New Orleans, Louisiana. Earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in 1964, she matriculated to The Catholic University of America in Washington, District of Columbia where she received her Master of Science degree in Public Health Nursing. A busy lady, Soror Jasper finds time to read and particularly enjoys reading historical religious fiction and stories about the lives of people from different cultures. She is elegant, graceful and on the move! Over forty years ago (in 1972), Soror Darhyl joined Zeta Chi Omega Chapter. Since then, this Life Member served as Chapter Hodegos, Chairman of the Health, Standards, Nominating and Tellers Committees, along with working on numerous others committees. She is also one of the original members of the Chapter’s Project StepOut Program. She is married, the mother of one daughter, and the proud grandmother of twins. This dynamic sister is currently an adjunct professor at George Mason University, where she provides instructions to senior nurses on nursing care, i.e. clinical practices, teaching, consulting and patient care management. In 1969, Soror Darhyl began her nursing career in Alexandria, Virginia as an Assistant Head Nurse for the Pediatric Unit at Jefferson Memorial Hospital. From there, she ventured out into the Alexandria City School System (19711973), where she served as an elementary and high school nurse at Cora Kelly Elementary and TC Williams High Schools, respectively. From 1980-2007, this soror worked in various positions at the Alexandria Health Department as a Public Health Nursing Supervisor, Child Health Clinic Coordinator, and a Public Health Staff Nurse. This golden pearl is by no means retired and she gives working and giving back to the community a new meaning. Her motto, “ The work of yesterday, prepared the foundation of today, which leads to the successes of tomorrow.” Meet our newest Golden Gem, Soror Darhyl B. Jasper. Affectionately submitted by her Buddy Soror, Barbara R. Bellamy. Soror C. Starr Garrett, Co-Chairman Soror Cassandra Borden, Co-Chairman DGS Committee 13 Committee Reports Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.—Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter -- Blue and White Spring Formal -- May 18, 2013 -- Fort Belvoir Officers’ Club. POC: Frater Kenyatte Booker (kenyatte.booker1914@yahoo.com_. Volunteers are also needed for several upcoming events. Contact Frater Kenyatte Booker. Special Olympics Basketball Tournaments— February 10, 2013 -- The tournaments will be held at several high schools in the Northern Virginia area. Volunteers are needed to referee. POC: Soror Angela Turner for volunteer form. Earth Day Events in conjunction with National Volunteer Week —Alexandria Earth Day 2013-- Saturday, April 20, 2013 -- 10:00 AM2:00 PM -- Ben Brenman Park, 4800 Brenman Park Drive. Volunteers are needed for set-up, meet and greet, event recycling, traffic flow and/or event breakdown. The Fifth Annual Earth Day -- Loudoun Family Festival -- Sunday, April 28, 2013 -11:00 AM-4:00 PM -- 42920 Broadlands Blvd, Broadlands, VA 20148. Volunteers are needed to assist with set up at 8:00 AM and breakdown at 4:00 PM. Volunteers can work in 2-hour shifts. Deadline for sign up is Monday, March 25, 2013. The National Pan-Hellenic Council, Northern VA meets on the first Tuesday of every month (unless stated otherwise) at the Lee Center in Alexandria, Virginia. Soror Angela Turner, Chairman NPHC—NoVA Committee The National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia is gearing up for another busy year. The following events are scheduled: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.-- Nu Xi Zeta Chapter -- Annual Spring Event -- Saturday, April 27, 2013. POC: Denise Boamah. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.—Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter -- Annual Golf Tournament -- March 6, 2013; Impact event -- March 9, 2013; Red Shoe Brunch celebrating 20 years of service -- March 18, 2013. POC: Kia Davis. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.—Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter -- Trailblazers in Science Program -- May 4, 2013 at 7:00 PM -- Sheraton Pentagon City. Special Guest is Lalah Hathaway -- Tickets are $165.00. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.—Lambda Kappa Omega Chapter -- Annual Book Signing -- Saturday, April 20, 2013. Author Judy Smith (“Scandal” based on her life) will be the featured author. POC: Soror Denise Winston. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.—Theta Tau Sigma Chapter -- 5th Annual Education Symposium -- March 23, 2013 -- 8:00 AM-1:00 PM -- George Mason University -- free. The event is geared towards Junior and Senior High School Students interested in the math and sciences. POC: Frater Eugene Cox. Contact Soror Angela Turner (adt63@aol.com) to request additional information regarding any of these events. 14 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 Email address: zetachiomega@gmail.com Website: www.aka-zco.org EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Basileus, Michelle M. Jones Scholarship Committee, Ester Stubbs-Varnado Anti-Basileus, Kendra Gillespie Connection Committee, VaShawn Guice Veal Grammateus, Vanessa Jackson Membership Committee Tiffany Montgomery Anti-Grammateus, Chiquita King Standards Committee, Kathleen Collier Tamiouchos, Robin McCoy Awards Committee, Carla Haynes Harper Pecunious Grammateus, Darlena Ricks Contracts Committee, Irma Bogan Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Katrina Moss Protocol Committee, Barbara Bellamy Epistoleus, Gloria Bell Technology Committee, Gloria Bell Parliamentarian, Robin Mazyck Archivist, Monique Robinson Ivy Leaf Reporter, Yvette Darnaby Nominating Committee: Joyce Brooks, Martha Coleman, Geraldine Howell, Erica Jeffries, Whitney Joyner Majette, Brenda Kelley-Nelum, Monique Robinson, Patricia Harris Thomas Hodegos, Melanie Henderson Graduate Advisor, AdéLeaka Gore Philacter, Sherry Billingsley The Ivyette Editor: Production Staff: Gloria Bell (contactgloria@verizon.net) C. Starr Garrett Jessica Kennedy Jeanette Martin Patricia Wallace
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