Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Newsletter
Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Newsletter
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Newsletter Volume 16 | Issue 5 In This Issue: MARC Information Mental Health Awareness 1 Zeta Chi Omega Chapter 60th Anniversary SPIRIT & INSPIRATION Chairman: Soror Tujuanna Williams Co-Chairmen: Sorors Regina Hawkins and Beverly Anderson 3 FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN PROGRAM 4 MARC INFORMATION 7 BOULE INFORMATION 9 CALENDAR 10 PROGRAMS 13 MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS 15 OFFICER REPORTS 17 COMMITTEE REPORTS 22 PHOTO GALLERY 36 IVY FOUNDATION EVENT INFO The Only Greatness--Unselfish Love Have you done much daydreaming lately? Not about plans for your vacation, But of the years that are behind you? Do you think they met God’s expectation? Stop for a moment, look back on your life, Moments you cherished far and above; Some that fell flat, others that stood out When you did things in a spirit of Love. Memories scan all the measures of life, And leap forward to your supreme blessing of unnoticed kindnesses to others. To you, a small thing—to them, everything. You have been kind, did Love’s beautiful work; And cared enough to never speak of it. Go back to your thoughts, into daydream’s shade; You did it God’s way—rejoice—He does love it. Toni Carter Pearson, Author "Joyfully Enter the Temple: Praise and Meditation Starters " May 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 5 2 Greetings From The Basileus Soror Rhonda Luss Happy Mother’s Day & Happy 60th AKAversary! Sorors there are not enough words in the English language to say how much I love and appreciate each of you. Your dedication to Alpha Kappa Alpha and Zeta Chi Omega is just overwhelming. In addition to all the other things going on in your lives, you continue to make time for our beloved sorority. Sorors, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you do and for the sacrifices you make to brand Zeta Chi Omega Chapter as the welcoming, loving, giving, and great chapter it is. May each of you have a blessed Mother’s Day and a Happy 60 th Chapter AKAversary! CHAPTER Cotillion: The 2016 Cotillion was a beautiful and elegant affair. The Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia (IFNV), our charitable affiliate, presented 14 lovely young ladies to society on Saturday, April 16, 2016 at the Hilton Mark Center Hotel. Miss Lauryn Gant, the daughter of Soror Toni Gant was crowned Miss Cotillion. Tea roses to the IFNV, the Directresses, Hostesses, Subcommittees, and all the sorors who gave of their time and energy to made this year’s Cotillion such an amazing event. Promotion: Congratulations to Soror Toni Gant, who was promoted to the rank of Colonel in the United States Army. Feed My Starving Children: The NorthStar Church Network, in partnership with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) invited our Chapter to participate in the Battle To Fight Hunger, 2016 Food Fight to pack life-giving meals to be sent to children around the world. Feed My Starving Children is a three-day packing event on May 13, 14 & 15, 2016, at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, Virginia. The goal of this community service event is to pack and provide 5 million meals to feed nearly 14,000 hungry children around the world for a year. Zeta Chi Omega has been asked to volunteer for a packing session on Sunday, May 15, 2016, 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Children as young as age five and up through adults can volunteer to hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. Then the meals are shipped to food distribution partners around the world. The event promises to be energetic, fun, and informative. All volunteers sign up for a 2 1/2 hour session, and in groups of 20 people, they will fill and seal bags at workstations. The meals are provided free to clinics, schools, orphanages, and refugee programs around the world. To volunteer please email Soror Rhonda Luss, at mrsluss@gmail.com. 3 REGIONAL CONFERENCE Conference Attendance: The 63rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference was held at the Virginia Beach Conference Center, Virginia Beach, VA, April 20-24, 2016. The Chapter was well represented with 137 sorors registered. Registration and Delegate Strength: A total of 2806 sorors and guests registered for the conference, and 2645 were present. The delegate strength was 593, and the actual delegate strength was 507. Ivy Beyond The Wall Ceremony: The conference began with the formal opening, immediately followed by the Ivy Beyond the Wall Ceremony, where we stood in loving memory of Soror Sandra Parker Mitchell, Soror Sallie Craft, and Soror Florence Elaine Trivers. Proposed Bylaw Amendments: The proposed amendment #1 to the constitution and #2 to the bylaw stating: As a not-for profit organization, all elected and appointed officers of Alpha Kappa Sorority, Incorporated® shall serve as volunteers without compensation…MOTION FAILED. The proposed bylaw amendment #3 stating: In addition to the budgeted expense account, the Supreme Basileus may be provided an annual stipend. Proposals for the amount of the stipend and rationale shall be presented in the budget report and voted on by the delegates at the Boule.....MOTION WAS ADOPTED. Nominating Committee Report: Congratulations to our very own, Soror Joyce Henderson, on being re-elected to the position of Mid-Atlantic Regional Director! Soror Kayla Sharpe, Nu Chi Chapter at the College of William & Mary, was elected to the International Nominating Committee. Finance Committee Report: The Supreme Tamiouchos, Soror Danette Reed, presented the Finance Committee Report. The International Finance Committee is recommending a $35 increase in per capita, making the Graduate Per Capita $125. The last dues increase was 12 years ago. Also, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit resulted in a 3.3 million dollar tax liability, depleting our cash reserves. Special Guest: Thomas Blackshear was a special guest and classmate of the Regional Director. Mr. Blackshear is considered to be one of the world's most talented artists because of his versatility, consummate skill, and extraordinary sense of color, style, and design. He is best known for his emotionally powerful Christian and ebony themes. continued on the next page >> 4 Congratulations: Congratulations to the following sorors on their successful and informative presentations at the Regional Conference: Soror LaFrances Williams, International Nominating Committee; Soror Crystal Lander, International Program Committee; Soror Barbara Bellamy Warren, International Constitution and Bylaws Committee; and Soror Ade’Leake Gore, International Sisterly Relations Committee. Community Service Project: A total of 1526 backpacks and 22,120 healthy snacks were collected and donated to local Tidewater area schools and charities. Certification and Training: The Graduate Advisors’ Institute Level I certified 35 sorors, and the Graduate Advisors’ Institute Level II certified 86 sorors. At the Financial Officer Certification Workshop, 91 sorors were certified. The Parliamentarian Certification Workshop trained 46 sorors. The test results of the Parliamentarian Certification exam will be sent to those sorors who took the exam. The Basilei Training Institute trained 63 sorors. The CPR Class trained 7 sorors. The First Time, New and Reactivated Sorors workshop was attended by 73 sorors. A total of 45 sorors attended the Reinstatement Workshop. Awards: Zeta Chi Omega Chapter did it again by winning several awards and receiving certificates of appreciation and participation. Also, congratulations to the individual award winners: Soror Kendra Gillespie and Soror Martha Coleman. Tea roses and pearls to all the Sorors who submitted award packets! Chapter Awards Won: Wanza Banall Webb Award, Outstanding Service to Children with Special Needs or to Seniors Alma B. Diggs Award, Largest Attendance – Graduate Chapter Hats Off To EAF Chapter Challenge Certificate of Participation Launching New Dimensions of Service, 2015 Achievement Award, Overall LNDS Programming AKA EAF 2016 Platinum Level Chapter Mid-Atlantic Region HBCU Campaign, Certificate of Recognition International Standards Committee, Standing Tall Among Regions, S.T.A.R. Award Individual Awards Won: Soror Kendra Gillespie: Pauline C. Morton Award (Alumni Basileus of the Year) Soror Martha Coleman: Clara M. Hines Award (Humanitarian and Caring Soror) Soror Rhonda Luss: 2016 Platinum Pearl Club Certificate of Appreciation 5 May 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 5 Jewel Status: Congratulations to our sorors who reached Gold (50-years) and Silver Star (25-years) status! GOLDEN SOROR Patricia L. Mobley Wallace Alpha Phi North Carolina A&T State University SILVER STARS Andrea D. Streat Antoinette R. Gant Carol Turner Christine A. Stevenson Donna Marie Cole Grace Maria McBride Harriette Hemby Karen Ford-Jackson Kelly Locker Alexander Lillian Maria Watkins Melissa Anne Finney Michele Yvette Crawley Michelle M. Jones Mildred Lavonne Shingler Nikki D. Bellamy Stephanie Harrison Hubbard Theresa H. Tindall Tiffany Montgomery Mu Delta The George Washington University Zeta Gamma Prairie View A&M University Zeta Chi Omega Mu Delta The George Washington University Zeta Chi Omega Zeta Chi Omega Zeta Chi Omega Zeta Chi Omega Mu Delta The George Washington University Zeta Chi Omega Eta Omicron West Virginia University Zeta Chi Omega Lambda Tau University of Connecticut Delta Alpha Fayetteville State University Zeta Chi Omega Alpha Chi North Carolina Central University Rho Nu Omega Beta Epsilon University of Louisville Stroll Team: Congratulations to the ZXΩ Stroll Team on their outstanding exhibition stroll performance. Tea roses to Soror Marquita Davis on her leadership and creativity. Chapter Social Hour: Fun was had by all at the Chapter Social Hour at Fusions in the Sheraton Hotel. Thirty-six sorors attended the festive event led by the Membership and Sisterly Relations Committee. Tea roses and pearl to Soror Tonya Perkinson and Soror Stephanie Woodland Kelly. 6 64th MARC: The 64th Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) will be held in Raleigh, NC at the Raleigh Convention Center, April 26-30, 2017. Sorority Anniversary: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® will celebrate its 110th Anniversary, January 11-14, 2018 in Washington, DC. INTERNATIONAL Directorate Meeting: The Winter 2016 Directorate Meeting Summary is posted on the Members Only section of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority website (www.aka1908.com). The report can be accessed by clicking on the Resources link from the top navigation bar and then Documents & Forms in the sub-menu. From the Documents & Forms page, type "Directorate Meeting" into the Search box to view a list of Summary Reports. BOULE Registration: Boule late registration runs April 16–May 15, 2016. Graduate late registration is $450 and Golden Soror late registration is $425. Diamond, Gold, & Silver Honorees: Diamond (initiated 1940 & 1941), Golden (initiated 1965 & 1966), and Silver (initiated 1990 & 1991) sorors will be honored at Boule during the Diamond, Golden, & Silver Luncheon. If you have NOT registered for Boule or have NOT submitted your Diamond, Golden, Silver Soror honoree form, please register immediately and send your form to Soror Eva Smith at esmith@aka1908.com. If you have registered and have not submitted your form, please send to Soror Smith. Closing Banquet Attire: The attire for the Closing Banquet is “fly” white formal or semi-formal white attire including formal, cocktail, or flowering white dresses, dressy pantssuits or jumpsuits. Undergraduate Luncheon: The Undergraduate Luncheon will recognize some extraordinary young sorors. In addition to recognizing our undergraduates, R&B Recording Artist and Actress, Janelle Monáe will be the special guest speaker at the Undergraduate Luncheon. Meet the Candidates: The complete list of certified undergraduate and graduate candidates as well as those that have been elected at the Central, South Eastern, Mid-Western and South Atlantic Regional Conferences is also included in Meet the Candidates. Meet the Candidate has been posted to the Chapter’s Members Only Section. Housing: Thirteen new hotels, along with the Georgia State University Housing options, have been identified as housing options for the Boule. Concert: The Boule concert that was scheduled for Tuesday evening, July 12, 2016, was canceled. As a result, we will have our Chapter Gathering on Tuesday. The location is to be determined. 7 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MAY 2016 SUN 1 MON 2 TUES 3 WED THURS 4 5 FRI 6 CHAPTER MEETING Executive Committee Meeting 8 9 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY 10 Membership Committee Meeting Project Stepout 11 12 SAT 7 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 13 Protocol 14 ZXΩ 60th Anniversary Celebration Committee Meeting Pearl Drop submission due 15 Ivyette submissions due Feed My Starving Children, Dulles Expo Center 22 16 17 Finance Committee Meeting Standards Committe Meeting 23 24 Project Stepout Meal Service IFNV Meeting* 29 Memorial Day Weekend 30 18 19 20 Bylaws Committee Meeting 25 AKA 1908 Playground Community Impact Day 26 HAPPY 60th ANNIVERSARY ZETA CHI OMEGA CHAPTER! 21 27 28 Memorial Day Weekend 31 Memorial Day Weekend *IFNV event - for informational purposes only 9 MESSAGE FROM THE ANTI-BASILEUS Soror Tamara Rowe Sorors, we are back from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference renewed for "Service to Mankind “ in our local communities. During May, we will participate in the Komen Race for the Cure®, Saturday, May 7th. Thank you Sorors Joyce Brooks and Starr Garrett for taking the lead in this endeavor. Our Chapter has greatly been affected by breast cancer. While we have lost Chapter members and chapter members have lost family and friends to this disease, we have a number of survivors in our midst, which we celebrate!!! We are collaborating with Fashion Centre at Pentagon City in Arlington, VA for their Mother's Day Photo Booth weekend on May 7th-8th. The photo booth is free to shoppers on Saturday, May 7th, 11:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 8th from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pentagon City Mall will make a donation to our chapter in the amount of $1,000, if we provide volunteers each day. Volunteers are still needed. Please contact Soror Jacqueline Guillory to volunteer. Our bi-monthly meal service at the Carpenter's Shelter will be held on Sunday, May 22 nd. Project StepOut is scheduled for May 10th and May 24th. Please refer to the Target III Report for additional details for these events. Tea Roses and Pearls to Soror Sarah Bowers for coordinating the backpack collection for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Service Project. Thank you to all sorors who donated supplies for this worthy endeavor. Tea Roses and Pearls to Sorors Angela Turner and Marquita Davis for coordinating the collection of funds for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference "Think HBCU Campaign" at the April Chapter Meeting. Please refer to the Target I Report for additional details. Tea Roses and Pearls to Sorors DeChane Dorsey and Andrea Sparks-Brown for an outstanding Model UN Simulations Program. Please refer to the Target V Report for additional details. Kudos to all sorors who participated in the April Service Projects! Your Program Chairmen are diligently working behind the scenes to plan and execute our multitude of service projects. The experience of "serving mankind" is rewarding to you and the community we serve. May 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 5 10 International Programs Target I: Educational Enrichment Soror Andrea Mial, Chairman Soror Andrea Sparks-Brown, Co-Chairman (ASCEND Program Chairman) Soror Sarah Bowers, Co-Chairman (One Million Backpacks Lead) Soror Angela Turner, Co-Chairman (Think HBCU Lead) Contact us at: education@aka-zco.org One Million Backpacks℠ Thank you to sorors who donated backpacks, food and school supplies for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Service Project. The MARC donated the received supplies to a Homeless Shelter and Elementary Schools in the Virginia Beach community. Think HBCU℠ Thank you, Zeta Chi Omega sorors. Your generosity enabled us to make a donation in the amount of $1400 to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference "Think HBCU" campaign. Thank you Soror Angela Turner and other sorors for assisting in the "Think HBCU" distribution of pins and tee shirts during the MARC. ASCEND℠ The ASCEND scholars will assist the Environmental Ownership Committee with the 1908 playground project on Saturday, May 21, 2016, 10:00 a.m. at Doctor’s Run Park,1301 S. George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22204. ZXΩ Trivia Before being chartered as ZXΩ, the interest group sponsored a local program which evolved into the annual Debutante Cotillion. What was the program initially called? A: Reine des Mois (Queen of the Months) B: Evolution of the Ivy C. Cultivating Our Young Pearls Answer can be found on page 18. Target II: Health Promotion Soror Carol Gibson, Chairman Soror Jacqueline Guillory, Co-Chairman Contact us at: health@aka-zco.org DATE: Monday, May 7, 2016 - Mother's Day Weekend Ceremony: 7:30 a.m. | Race start: 8:00 a.m. http://komendcrace.info-komen.org/goto/Zeta_Chi_Omega Registering to participate is the first step in making an impact in the fight against breast cancer. But, it is the funds raised that will provide life-saving services in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. If you are unable to walk or run with us at the Mall on Race Day, please consider registering to Sleep In for the Cure® or, simply show your support by making a tax-deductible donation on the team page. Since its inception in 1990, funds raised from the Komen Washington, D.C. Race for the Cure have provided more than $35 million for more than 300 community grants to local programs in the National Capital Region, aimed at low-income, minority and uninsured women in areas where breast cancer rates are the highest. The lives of those we love depend on the money we raise together. Reaching our goal depends on every walker, runner, and sleeper to participate. Team Zeta Chi Omega will meet at 7:00 a.m. Saturday, May 7th at the designated Meet & Greet Area near the Start Line on the National Mall marked with extremely tall flags under the letter Z (group photo). Target III: Family Strengthening Soror Sherry Billingsley, Chairman Soror Barbara Bouldin, Co-Chairman Soror Sonya Stephens, Co-Chairman Contact us at: family@aka-zco.org Project StepOut, Zeta Chi Omega Chapter's signature program, is scheduled for Tuesdays, May 10th and May 24th, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm at the Charles Houston Center, 901 Wythe St., Alexandria, VA 22314. 12 May is Mental Health Month Sorors, this month the Health Committee is using this space to provide you with some information about Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder is a medical condition that causes extremes in a person’s mood and behavior. It is not a weakness of character, family or faith, or something the sufferer can resolve on their own. Though it affects people of every race, many African Americans with the problem do not receive help. When bipolar disorder goes unchecked, it can disrupt the lives of those who have it and of the people close to them. But, with help, people with bipolar disorder can get better and thrive. People with bipolar disorder go from periods of feeling very “high,” called mania or manic, to periods of feeling very low or depressed. In between, there are times of level moods and normal behavior. Symptoms of bipolar disorder. Mania: When at the high end or manic, you may experience the following signs for at least a week: feeling unusually high or joyful; a big ego; feeling very selfimportant; fast speech and racing thoughts that are hard for others to follow; irritability; increased energy and restlessness; more risk taking and reckless behavior (example: spending too much money, inappropriate sexual behavior, making foolish business investments); needing little sleep yet having great energy; easily distracted/trouble concentrating; feeling paranoid or having delusions. Depression: When depressed, a person usually shows these signs for two weeks: nervousness, anxiety and worry; feelings of sadness and hopelessness that won’t go away; difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much; loss of appetite or eating too much; loss of energy with little interest in daily activities; pulling away from social activities/occasions; trouble concentrating; thoughts about suicide. Bipolar Disorder affects people of all races and backgrounds. It usually starts between the ages of 15 and 19 but can begin as late as middle age. No one knows for sure what causes bipolar disorder. Causes may include brain chemistry, family history, use of alcohol and drugs, and stressful or disturbing events. The disease can be treated with medication and psychotherapy. Along with treatment, religion and spiritual strength play a significant part toward recovery. Practicing faith and worshipping motivates and help foster strength and hope. Submitted by Soror Gloria Bell Source: http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/conditions/what-bipolar-disorder-guidehope-and-recovery-african-americans 13 Target IV: Environmental Ownership Soror Yolanda B. Gibson, Chairman Soror Aja Charity , Co-Chiarman Soror Joy Page. Co-Chiarman Contact us at: gogreen@aka-zco.org Greetings sorors! We are hosting our annual AKA 1908 Playground Community Impact Day on Saturday, May 21st, in partnership with ASCEND. We will celebrate one year of refreshing, restoring, and renewing the playground from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Doctors Run Park is located at 1301 S. George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA, 22204. During this time we will pick up litter, remove sticks from the sandpit, remove weeds, and distribute literature to children and families regarding the importance of protecting the environment. Sorors, if you are planning on participating in this event, please bring gardening gloves and dress accordingly! In case of inclement weather on Saturday, May 21st, we will conduct this community service project on Saturday, May 28th. If you are willing to assist in this service initiative, please email gogreen@aka-zco.org. FIVE TIPS TO SAVE MONEY & ENERGY: 1. Change Your Thermostat The Department of Energy recommends setting the thermostat at 74 degrees during the summer and 68 during the winter. This will reduce your energy costs and decrease the demand on the energy grid. Also, purchase a programmable thermostat to set your temperature while you are away. http://energy.gov/energysaver/thermostats 2. Use Ceiling Fans Ceiling fans can pull hot air up in the summer if set counter clockwise and blow hot air down during the winter if set clockwise. http://www.residential-landscape-lightingdesign.com/energy_benefits_ceiling_fans.htm 3. Buy Energy Star Appliances The Energy Star label indicates appliances that have been certified as energy efficient by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). http://www.energystar.gov/ 4. Unplug Home Electronics Unplug or use surge suppressors when not in use. This may possibly save up to 400 watts of energy. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/21/save-energy-byunplugging_n_136625.html 5. Change to Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs LED lightbulbs have proven to be more energy efficient and less costly than incandescent lightbulbs. See the chart comparison using the following link. http://www.electricity-usage.com/LED-Light-Bulb-Savings-Comparison.asp https://www.technologyreview.com/s/512346/how-to-choose-an-led-light-bulb/ Target V: Global Impact Soror DeChane Dorsey, Chairman Soror Shandra Herrod, Co-Chairman Soror Shenka Thurman, Co-Chairman Contact us at: global@aka-zco.org Soror DeChane planned and executed the Model UN Simulations held Saturday, April 9th, at the Charles Houston Recreation Center in Alexandria. Ten of our ASCEND scholars were in attendance for discussing Combating Poverty and Racism in China, India and the United States of America. The scholars were separated into two groups. Multiple scholars presented their respective group’s point of view. The scholars stated that this event exceeded their expectations. OFFICER REPORTS Hodegos Report Soror Gayle Jordan Contact us at: hostess@aka-zco.org CONGRATULATIONS • Soror Antoinette “Toni” Gant was promoted to the rank of Colonel and was selected for brigade command. • Soror Breanna Gray was selected for admission at the University of Pennsylvania’s PhD program. She will be leaving in August to attend the University of Pennsylvania full time. Shiitte Michelle Kimberly Musetta "Tia" Kellie Mathelle Bridget Bailey Sheri Doretta Barbara Bellamy Danyale Wilson Evans Fitts Conner Johnson Buck Lee Lipscomb Evans Davis May 1 May 2 May 3 May 5 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 9 May 12 Warren May 13 Dow May 15 Erika Duchess Thomasine Lula Iburia V. Eloise Veronica Patricia Barbara Sherri D. Kathleen R. June Tanya Brown Bouknight Gray Coates Lang-Jeter* Hall-Haynes Hudgins Jackson Fletcher Evans* Jordan Collier Monterio Parham May 17 May 19 May 19 May 19 May 21 May 21 May 22 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 30 May 30 * denotes a Golden Soror MAY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Calling all May birthday celebrants! Please join us for our monthly birthday luncheon. Immediately following our May Chapter meeting, the luncheon will take place at Overwood, located at 220 North Lee St,, Alexandria, VA 22314. All sorors are welcome to join the celebration! PRAYER REQUESTS: • Soror Danyale Dow lost her mother on March 29th. • Soror Brenda Lamberson-Sias lost her brother, Mr. Cedric McRae Chauncey Lamberson, on March 26th. CARDS SENT TO THE CHAPTER: In an effort to help keep our monthly meetings on time, we will no longer read all of the cards that are sent to us. It will be announced who has sent us cards, but the contents will be read less often. ANNOUNCEMENTS TO THE CHAPTER: Announcements for the monthly meeting should be submitted in advance of the Chapter meeting. They will become a part of the monthly report and will need to be submitted by the FRIDAY before Chapter meeting. For example, your announcements for the May 7th meeting will need to be submitted by May 6th. If you have any announcements that need to be communicated to the Chapter, please send them to hostess@aka-zco.org. 16 COMMITTEE REPORTS Sisterly Relations Committee Soror Stephanie Woodland Kelly, Chairman Soror Nekia Freeman, Co-Chairman Contact us at: sisterlyrelations@aka-zco.org Happy Mother’s Day, sorors! The Sisterly Relations Committee hopes that those of you who attended the 63 rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Virginia Beach had a wonderful time and enjoyed the Chapter happy hour among the many activities. Chapter Picnic This year’s Chapter picnic will take place immediately following the June General Body Meeting at the Lee Center. It will be held in the outdoor recreation area at the Lee Center. The picnic will be catered, and the cost will be $15/person and free for children 5 years of age and under. It is open to sorors, their families and friends; however, tickets must be purchased by a Zeta Chi Omega soror. We will be asking each Sister Circle to supplement the drinks provided by the caterer (tea, lemonade) by bringing water, soda and children’s drinks. The dress code for the June meeting is casual. Wear your favorite paraphernalia, bring your lawn chairs and your appetites, and we’ll see you after the General Body Meeting for a few hours of fun, fellowship and food. We really hope you will plan to participate! Sister Circles In an effort to facilitate connectedness in a chapter of more than 350 members, we currently have in place Sister Circles (SC). SCs align smaller groups of sorors based on geographic location providing an opportunity for sisterly bonding on a smaller scale. Please email us at sisterlyrelations@aka-zco.org if you have not been assigned to a sister circle. Also, please ensure your address information is up to date in the Chapter database. That will help us to know if you, perhaps, have moved recently and need to be reassigned to a new SC. Please engage your sister circles and contact your SC Leaders with any ideas for activities. We are incredibly pleased at the response we’ve received to our call for new Sister Circle Leaders (SCL). As a result, please note the following: Sister Circle# 1 – DC and part of Montgomery County: Your new SC Co-Leaders are: Sorors DeChane Dorsey and DeTisha Joy Page!! Sister Circle# 3 – White Plains, Accokeek, Brandywine, Waldorf and Indian Head: Your new SCL is Soror Andrea Streat!!! Sister Circle# 9 – Fort Belvoir & Lorton: Your new SCL is Soror Naomi Fauntleroy!! Sister Circle# 11 – Manassas, Woodbridge & Fredericksburg: Your new SCL is Soror Andrea Sparks-Brown!! 17 Sorors, please join the Sisterly Relations Committee in welcoming the new SCLs and thanking the outgoing SCLs profusely for their time and effort contributed to their respective Sister Circles - Soror Jennifer Brooks (#1); Sorors Yvette Riddick & Charissa Conaway (#3); Soror Caroline Howard (#9) and Soror Nicole Clark (#11). Diamond Golden Silver Committee Soror C. Starr Garrett, Chairman Soror Joyce Myrick Brooks, Co-Chairman Happy Mother’s Day, Sorors! The Diamond Golden Silver Committee has designated May as “Jewels” Month. All of our precious jewels will receive a token of love and appreciation for over 4250 combined years of service to all mankind. CONGRATULATIONS to our newest jewels who were recognized at the MARC in VA Beach; they will be featured in a jewels parade during the May Chapter meeting. All of our Chapter jewels are requested to stand in place as their names scroll across the screen. Feel free to wear your crowns and your choice of jewel status attire. A heartfelt “Thank You” to each of our current “buddy” sorors for your continuous support of the DGS Buddy Soror Program. If you are interested in being a “buddy” soror to a Golden or Sick/Shut-In soror, please contact us: dgs@aka-zco.com. Music Committee/Choir Soror Aretha Cunningham, Chairman Sorors interested in joining the Zeta Chi Omega Music Committee/Choir should contact Soror Aretha Cunningham, Soror Essie Matthews or Soror Veronica Jackson. Rehearsals/meetings are held before each monthly Chapter meeting on stage at the Lee Center from 9:00 a.m.9:45 a.m. Come and let your melodious voices be heard! ZXΩ Trivia Answer In the interim, before the chartering, the interest group continued to be involved in community service. It was during this period that the group sponsored a program called Reine des Mois (Queen of the Months). Through the group’s contact and cooperation with the area Black schools, 16 high school girls were selected and presented to society. The event was held at Hoffman-Boston High School in Arlington, Virginia. From this event evolved the annual Debutante Cotillion which was conceived as a non-fundraising activity. Source: http://www.aka-zco.org 18 History Committee Soror Mathelle K. Lee, Chairman Soror Carolyn Rowe, Co-Chairman In 1954, a group of women of courage and ability met in Northern Virginia to discuss the need for a new chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha for their rapidly expanding area. Soror Evelyn Syphax of Arlington initially organized the group. She and twenty other members met frequently and followed the various rules for chartering a chapter. While awaiting chartering approval, the group continued to be involved in community service. Zeta Chi Omega Charter Members, 1956 Soror Evelyn Syphax, Organizer On May 25, 1956, the community service group was chartered as Zeta Chi Omega Chapter with its location designated as Arlington and Alexandria. In May 2016, Zeta Chi Omega will celebrate 60 years of service to Northern Virginia communities. Soror Joyce Henderson is the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. She has served in a number of leadership roles in the Sorority such as International Standards Chairman; committee member of the sorority’s first Leadership Development Task Force; the Mid-Atlantic Regional Anti-Hazing Task Force; and the Centennial Standards Committee. Soror Henderson is a Silver Star and Life Member of Zeta Chi Omega, Arlington, Virginia where she served as the Chapter’s 23rd Basileus. Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director She is featured in the Sorority’s “ Heritage Series” showcasing African American Females in the Military, and is the past recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award, Far Western Region, the Barbara K. Phillips Leadership Development Award, the Leah K. Frazier Award and the Graduate Leadership Award to name a few. A retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel and Department of the Army civil servant, Soror Henderson spent twenty-three years as military career Human Resource Officer. 20 Soror Henderson received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Education and Master of Arts degree in Management. She is a graduate of Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia. 20 Pan-Hellenic Council Committee Soror Angela Turner Soror Chiquita King Contact us at: phc@aka-zco.org Greetings, Sorors! Check out the table below for upcoming events hosted by the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia (NoVA NPHC) and its affiliate chapters. Events are listed in chronological order. Organization Event Details NoVA NPHC 27th Annual Black Scholars Program Sunday, May 15th George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 3-5PM Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter Blue & White Scholarship Gala Saturday, May 21st Fair Oaks Marriott (11787 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy, Fairfax, VA) 6PM-12AM Cost: $100 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-blue-white-scholarship-galatickets-21123721620 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter Que Connection All-White Affair Saturday, May 21st Crystal City Hilton (2399 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Arlington, VA) Speed Dating: 7-9PM Party: 9PM-2AM Cost: $30 https://queconnection.eventbrite.com NoVA NPHC Annual NoVA Greek Cookout Sunday, June 26th Ft. Belvoir, VA 2-7PM General Body Chapter Meeting 22 New Members Orientation April 2, 2016 April Birthday Lunch April 9, 2016 24 25 26 27 28 22 29 23 Basileus of the Year Award Recipient Soror Kendra Gillespie 30 31 25 32 Riding the Waves in the 33 27 28 “We Slay, All Day” 35 ® 59th Debutante Cotillion Fourteen young ladies were presented to society at the 59th Debutante Cotillion, held on April 16, 2016. It was a lovely evening with over 400 guests in attendance. Congratulations to the parents and sponsors of the 2016 Cotillion Court: Miss Cotillion 2016 - Lauryn Olivia Gant (Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gant) Miss Cotillion 1st Attendant - Chelsea Nicole Miller (Daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Leon Miller) Miss Cotillion 2nd Attendant - Briana Joelle Edmonds (Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Edmonds) Miss Congeniality - Jelani Amalyah-Elizabeth Brooks (Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur E. Brooks IV) Mr. Debonair 2016 - Ernest Quintana (Escort of Miss Amari Byrd) The Welcome to Society was given by former Debutante, Soror Alicia C. Edwards. The Official Charge to the Debutantes was given by Soror Amirah Salaam. The guests were treated to musical selections by violinist, Soror Veronica Jackson. The Cotillion Committee thanks all sorors who worked on sub-committees, supported the Cotillion financially, and helped in any way. Please mark your calendars for the closeout meeting on Monday, June 6, 2016, 7:00 p.m, St. John's Baptist Church, Arlington, VA. Luncheon Fashion Show Save the Date! The 58th Annual Cooley-Moore Luncheon Fashion Show (LFS) is on Sunday November 13, 2016 at the Hilton McLean Tysons Corner. Tickets will be available for purchase at the June Chapter meeting. There will be a LFS committee meeting at the Lee Center on May 10th at 7:00 p.m. 36 May 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 5 Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia 2016 Cotillion Congratulations to the 2016 Cotillion Committee – Yes, “another one bites the dust, and another stellar performance by all. Hard work, dedication and commitment pays off. We received many compliments about the performance and the Cotillion program. On behalf of the Board of Directors of IFNV, a heartfelt thank you to the Cotillion Chairman, Soror Sharon Gregg and her CoChairmen, Soror Martha Coleman and Soror Undra Graves-Guyton (although we know you worked as a team and a unit). We appreciate the tone you set for each meeting and the precision in which you kept the sub-committee chairmen, debs, parents and sponsors apprised of upcoming events. All of the moms who spoke to me said that the ZXΩ members were extremely gracious and have left them with an extremely positive attitude about the work of this great Sorority that we serve – and the contributions we make to both the debs and the escorts -- they were truly impressed. We thank you for serving the IFNV, the Chapter and your community. Soror Sharon, thank you for listening to my midnight phone calls, making sure all of our invoices were paid, and advocating for the debs and your sub-committee chairmen when necessary. Soror Undra thank you for keeping track of the debs and making sure all of the messages were prepared and delivered to the debs, parents, sponsors, etc. in a timely fashion. We appreciate you. Soror Martha we thank you for the detailed minutes that you provided us after each meeting, keeping track of the debs and soror attendance at the rehearsals and other events, and everything else you did without us knowing. It is obvious – you all worked as a TEAM! Directress sub-committee --- Soror Alyssa Watkins Dove, Soror Michele Crawley, and Soror Valerie Flournoy – you were potters, and you certainly changed the raw clay you were given into a work of art. I was amazed with the performance. They did an outstanding job. The performance was the result of your dedication and commitment to make sure the dances were performed to the best of the abilities of the participants. We heard comments that it was the best performance they have seen in a long time; it was upscale and sophisticated. Contract sub-committee – Soror Gerrie Lewis and Soror Katrina Anwar – words simply cannot express our gratitude for your hard work during this cotillion season. There were many challenges, and they were resolved with the outcome of a productive ending for each situation. Soror Gerrie thank you for always making lemonade out of lemons and for getting Hotel Monaco to repay us over $500. We certainly cannot pay you with a mere thanks, but please know it is from the heart. continued on the next page >> 37 Program sub-committee – Soror Valerie Flournoy and Soror JoAnn Hall and others, thank you for the beautiful program you coordinated for the Ball. Your guests were outstanding, Soror Alicia Edwards, and Soror Amirah Salam were simply the best. Soror Veronica Jackson’s violin selections were “icing on the cake.” A heartfelt thanks to all of the program participants. Thank you again for coordinating this effort- a job extremely well done!!!!!!!!!!!!! Decorations sub-committee – Soror Martha, thank you for the beautiful decoration More importantly, with your expert negotiations skills, you were able to have the florist to give us the table decorations, for half the price they quoted. What a fete!! It worked out perfectly. Ticket sub-committee – Soror Karyn and Soror Adria – a heartily thank you, for ensuring everyone had a seat. Thank you for working with Soror Gerrie in getting everyone seated. This was a very challenging year, and you all were pros in making the assignments of seat and for indulging some of us. Your hard work was not in vain. We so appreciate all of the hard work. Finance sub-committee – Thank you, Soror Belinda Shaw and your Co-Chairman Soror Sherry Billingsley, and others who worked with you in collecting all of the monies for the various events and keeping track of the names, amount and purposes. We appreciate how much time you devoted to ensure that we kept up to date records. Not only during the time when you collected the monies, but time spent behind the scenes. Tea roses to you for taking on the mammoth job. Also, thank you Soror Doris Shannon for making sure all of our bills were paid. Thank you Soror Chan for collecting and documenting the incoming revenue and resolving all of our financial issues. Souvenir Journal Subcomittee – Soror Demaris Thompson and your Co-chairman Soror Carolyn Rowe – I think one of the guests at my table after reviewing the souvenir journal sums up what we believe and know is true – he said “you can tell a lot of hard work went into the process to make it so beautiful.” Each year, we think that you cannot surpass the year before, and you do. I personally, know what you had to work with, and I am indeed amazed to see the results. We know that you spent many long hours at night getting this done – and the work speaks for itself. Thank you so much. Hostess sub-committee – Thank you Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey for making sure everyone was seated, for assisting the photography committee, and wherever you were needed. We thank you and your committee for being there to assist with the decorations in the ballroom and supporting us in other areas. We so appreciate your support. Hospitality sub-committee – Soror Toni Gant – I still do not know how you did it all and with such grace and finesse. You had a whole lot going on at the same time, and every rehearsal you were there and made sure that the debs and others had a repast. Your performance was outstanding and we appreciate your commitment, as well as your daughter’s – Miss Cotillion, 2016 – Debutante Lauryn Gant supporting you with the repast setups. continued on the next page >> 38 Mother/Daughter Tea sub-committee – Thank you Soror Robin McCoy and Soror Starr Garrett and your committee for a beautiful experience for the attendees. The atmosphere was priceless. In the debs’ letters, many of them indicated that this was indeed one of the highlights of the Cotillion season and how they plan to incorporate “having a cup a tea” in their routine in years to come. Thank you for inspiring them to extend themselves in other areas. We never know how a simple deed can impact the lives of others. Retreat sub-committee—Soror Kendra Gillespie and your committee – I read all of the debs’ comments, and many, if not all of them, mentioned the Retreat as one of the most useful and beneficial activities they attended. They talked about what they learned from this experience, including just having an opportunity to review the artifacts in the museum. It was a perfect location, and the retreat agenda, including subject areas was “spot on.” They received information that they were able to take away that will be useful to them for the rest of their lives. The sub-committee indeed assisted in polishing, refining, and preparing our debs and the escorts. Public Relations sub-committee – Thank you, Soror Gloria Bell. We really appreciate the time you spent coordinating with the Afro to make sure they were in attendance. They were there and Soror Yvette Darnaby was working along side the reporter. You certainly made this effort appear to be seamless, but we know it took a lot of back and forth to make sure all of the needs of the Cotillion and the Afro were met. You did an incredible job. We so much appreciate your time and effort. Photography sub-committee – Thank you, Soror Connie Greene for working with our photographer to make sure that all of the pictures were taken on time, and for making sure that the parents received the appropriate information regarding the photographer’s schedule. Please know we are also eternally grateful for the orientation, cultural activites, ads and patron workshop, church service and brunch and all of the other sub-committee chairmen. Thanks for a job extremely well done. Sisterly, Soror Hazel M. Cameron May 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 5 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 http://www.aka-zco.org EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN OFFICERS Basileus Rhonda Luss Anti-Basileus Tamara Rowe Grammateus Patricia Edwards Anti-Grammateus Connection LaFrances Williams Scholarship Diann Burns Aja Charity Membership Tonya Perkinson Tamiouchos Robin McCoy Technology Leslie Dey Pecunious Grammateus Crystal Lander Protocol Bonnie Jones-Moon Awards Barbara Bellamy Warren Standards Jennifer Hansborough Contracts Irma Bogan Nominating Bonnie Jones-Moon Anti-Pecunious Grammateus Ingrid Alexander Epistoleus Steronica Mattocks Parliamentarian Kendra Riley Ivy Leaf Reporter Gloria Bell Hodegos Gayle Jordan Graduate Advisor VaShawn Guice Veal Philacter Yvette G. Darnaby Archivist Monique Robinson Immed. Past Basileus Kendra Gillespie Members: EDITOR PRODUCTION STAFF Steronica Mattocks Sherry Billingsley Carol Gibson Linda Hall Patrice Longshaw Brittney Montgomery Inez “Chris” PierceGray Darlena Ricks Judy Vaughn 40 Nicole Clark C. Starr Garrett Eloise Hudgins Stephanie Woodland Kelly
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